Pimples on pepper seedlings. Why pepper leaves become covered with white pimples. Pepper seedlings have small pimples.

Back in February, the hardworking summer resident is preparing for the summer season. With love, he buys the best soil for seedlings, takes out his seeds from the bins or buys elite varieties, plants the seeds and rejoices at the appearance of shoots and the first leaves. And when the peppers that have sprouted together have grown a little and begin to hurt, this greatly upsets the summer resident, who has invested love and the best expectations from a rich harvest. Having encountered a seedling disease for the first time, he begins to look for clues on the Internet, posting photographs and describing the problem.

Pimples on peppers can appear for various reasons.

There are often cries for help regarding pimples on young pepper leaves. If pimples appear on the leaves of your pepper seedlings, there may be different reasons, we will try to help you and consider different options. To avoid or minimize seedling diseases, preventive measures are necessary. All nightshade peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants are susceptible to the same diseases. Agronomists recommend not to neglect crop rotation, not to plant nightshades in the same place for up to 3 years, taking breaks.

Preparing soil and seeds - healthy seedlings

Before you start growing healthy and strong seedlings, you need to carefully prepare the ground for planting seeds. If you take your own land, take it not after the nightshades, but it is advisable that onions or garlic or carrots grow on it before that. And after harvesting, ideally, green manures (mustard, rye, rapeseed, etc.) were also sown, which enrich the soil with nitrogen and improve its quality. But even in this case, it is better to prepare the soil for planting by adding compost or rotted manure, sand for looseness, whatever the specific crop requires.

Pepper loves the addition of peat and wood ash. It is necessary to disinfect the land from diseases.

If the soil was bought in the best stores and it is beautifully written there how it is saturated with microelements and useful substances, taken from the best points on planet Earth from under the most melted glaciers and so on, you can believe it, but it is better to steam and disinfect this valuable soil. Often it is packaged when changing soil in greenhouses and the soil, in addition to added fertilizers, is full of a bunch of diseases. How to steam the soil correctly?

There are several methods; in country conditions you can steam it in a water bath for half an hour; at home, it is recommended to heat it in an oven no higher than 70 degrees for half an hour. You can use freezing in winter by exposing the soil to low temperatures, or pour the soil for seedlings well with a hot solution of potassium permanganate until it evaporates completely.

Store-bought soil should be steamed in a water bath.

Seed preparation

Seedling diseases do not come from nowhere. Their suppliers are contaminated soil and seeds. If you want to avoid the questions “what are those pimples on the leaves of my pepper?” - take preventive measures. This will significantly reduce the risk of disease and bring the desired harvest closer. Seeds, either your own or purchased, must be disinfected, or, as experienced gardeners say, “etched.” How to do it? To disinfect seeds, it is recommended to immerse them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 30-40 minutes.

You can disinfect with ready-made, low-toxic means: “Baktofit”, “Albit” or a solution of ash in the ratio of 1 liter of water to 2 tablespoons of wood ash. Place the seeds in the solution for 5 hours in a gauze bag. If you follow these simple manipulations, the risk of getting pepper seedling diseases will be minimal. But if the disease already exists and the information is late, we will look into it.

Baktofit effectively destroys fungi and bacteria

Pimples on peppers

What are these pimples on the leaves of tender pepper seedlings? Let's consider the options. The most harmless of the options is that you overwater your seedlings and there is not enough light for them. In such a situation, swelling of the leaves occurs, Oedema. This problem is more common in greenhouses; you need to reduce watering and reduce humidity by ventilation. At home, it is enough to change the conditions, reduce watering and change the place to a sunnier one, and the problem will disappear.

Another cause with similar symptoms of the disease is spider mites. First, “pimples” appear on the pepper leaves, similar to white bubbles, then the spread intensifies, and cobwebs appear. The mite is destructive to seedlings. One of the methods to combat it is to create conditions of high humidity in which the tick dies. Water the plant generously and cover with polyethylene for 3 days. Make sure that the pepper itself is not damaged or burned in this shake from the high temperatures of the “greenhouse”.

Of the ready-made chemical preparations suitable for tick control:

  • Fitoverm;
  • Akarin;
  • Vermitek;
  • Sunmite.

When moisturizing spraying, carry out the procedure in the morning or evening, otherwise droplets of water can burn the pepper leaves with the help of the sun and you will puzzle over the cause of new, burnt spots.

Spider mites on pepper leaves

Aphids, scale insects, and false scale insects can cause tubercles or pimples on the foliage of young peppers. These pests can move from indoor plants even if you have prepared the soil and seeds. Aphids and scale insects are characterized by the appearance of honeydew secreted by them - a sticky liquid on the leaf. The false scale insect does not secrete such a secretion, and it can only be distinguished by easily separating it from the shell. How to protect a plant from these pests? A soap-ammonia solution works effectively. Add 20 grams of liquid soap and ammonia to 2 liters of water and treat the plant.

Of the ready-made chemical preparations, the following are effective:

  • Karbafos;
  • Fury;
  • Confidor;
  • Aktara.

The scale insect itself must be cleaned off manually, using a toothbrush or a cloth moistened with an alcohol (soap) solution. After removing the pest, it is necessary to treat it with Aktelik and Fosbecid solutions. The use of neem oil is recommended, promising a good effect against pests.

Hardening of seedlings

It is not necessary to harden off pepper seedlings until the leaves become dense, as they are extremely sensitive to strong drops in temperature. It is enough for the temperature to drop to + 12, and the young leaves will instantly wither and eventually die. It should be remembered that any seedlings will grow slower in the cold. You can only take the plant out into a closed balcony and in sunny weather. To prevent the soil from drying out, it is necessary to ensure regular watering and spraying.

You can only harden off strong and well-formed pepper seedlings.

Important points when growing

  • it is necessary to start sowing pepper as early as possible;
  • be sure to maintain distances between plants;
  • pick up sprouted seedlings in a timely manner, trying not to damage the root system;
  • carry out frequent spraying;
  • water abundantly with warm water;
  • observe the temperature regime;
  • selection of high-quality soil for sowing seeds;
  • timely loosening of the soil;
  • during the fertilization period, observe the dosage of drugs;
  • It is necessary to plant the plant in areas where there is no shade. The more sun, the better for peppers;
  • If necessary, tie up the plant.

You can’t be protected from all diseases, but forewarned means forearmed. For a gardener, you need to know preventative measures, methods of control and get a good harvest of pepper through labor.

Avoid epidemics in your garden, and if this happens, try to provide the necessary assistance to your plants in a timely manner.

The post Diseases of pepper seedlings: leaves with pimples appeared first by SeloMoe.

Kira Stoletova

The appearance of the leaves is the main indicator of the health of the plant, instantly indicating the presence of infections, pests or errors in care. Pimples on pepper leaves occur quite often. They can be caused by various reasons, from completely harmless to those leading to death.

  • Causes of formation and symptoms

    Lumps on leaf blades occur due to one of the following problems:

    • oedema (leaf swelling);
    • scale insect or aphid;
    • thrips;
    • spider mite

    To correctly determine the source of the formation of tubercles, it is necessary to carefully examine the affected leaf blade using a magnifying glass. Moving pimples indicate the presence of aphids, stationary brown (less often green or cream) indicate scale insects. White or greenish bumps that look like warts are a symptom of swollen foliage. White blisters and cobwebs are formed when infected with spider mites, and lightened spots on stems and leaf blades are formed when infected with thrips.

    In addition to the color characteristics of the tubercles, each type of leaf lesion has a number of other symptoms. From them you can understand what the problems are related to.


    The cause of physiological edema is a failure at the cellular level, due to which the liquid does not have time to be absorbed by the leaves and stagnates in the form of tubercles. This process can be triggered by the following factors:

    • excess moisture in the soil;
    • hypothermia of the root system;
    • lack of sunlight or additional light;
    • high air humidity;
    • stress due to sudden changes in temperature and light conditions;
    • The sprouts are planted too closely to each other.

    With oedema, green or white bumps look like watery capsules that are firm to the touch. If too many of these pimples form on the leaf blades, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

    Scale insects and aphids

    The main sign of damage by these pests is the presence of a sticky substance (honeydew) on the foliage, produced during the life of insects. Seedlings can become infected from the soil or due to proximity to already diseased crops.

    Symptoms of pepper infestation by aphids or scale insects:

    • growth arrest under proper care conditions;
    • curling and yellowing of leaf plates;
    • slower growth of sprouts;
    • presence of honeydew;
    • a large number of larvae and adult insects on the inside of the leaf.


    The main external sign of damage to pepper by these insects is lightened spots, which over time begin to merge into one. Over the course of a year, several generations of pests are formed at once. Seedlings infected with thrips quickly weaken and die without proper care.

    Thrips are camouflaged on the leaf, located on its back side. Without a special examination, it is extremely difficult to notice damage by these insects at an early stage, but the larger the population becomes, the easier it will be to determine the infection by the yellow color and openwork network of leaf plates.

    Spider mite

    Spider mites mainly live on the lower part of leaf blades, occupying the entire plant as they become infected. Adult individuals (10-20 days from the moment of laying eggs) migrate very quickly from one bush to another, capturing the entire planting area.

    When infected with spider mites, the tubercles are located on the underside of the leaves, and a thin web entwines parts of the bush. At the extreme stage of damage, the plant may be completely covered with cobwebs. It must be taken into account that these pests are carriers of a large number of serious viral infections and fungal diseases that are dangerous to plant life.

    Fighting methods

    Pimples on pepper seedlings can be a harbinger of serious problems and even the death of the plant. It is all the more important to intervene in a timely manner and carry out a set of measures aimed at improving the health of culture.

    The choice of effective control methods depends entirely on the causes of pimples. It is also important to consider the general condition of the plant. Sometimes pests have to be removed manually.

    Actions for swelling of leaves

    Swelling of the leaves is not a disease, and therefore does not require treatment, but to alleviate the condition of the seedlings, the following measures should be taken:

    • limit the number of waterings;
    • maintain optimal air temperature (about 20°C);
    • arrange drainage holes in containers with seedlings to remove excess moisture;
    • lengthen daylight hours by connecting fluorescent light bulbs;
    • temporarily cancel the application of fertilizers;
    • control soil acidity;
    • distribute the seedlings in such a way that there is sufficient air circulation and all sprouts have access to light.

    The complex of these actions helps to avoid the formation of pimples in the future if they are caused by unfavorable environmental conditions.

    Actions in case of pest infestation

    If pimples on the leaves of pepper seedlings appear due to harmful insects, it is necessary to promptly carry out a set of measures to combat them:

    • Chemical measures - treating the plant with synthetic insecticides (preparations for killing insect pests). This is the most effective method, but it is potentially dangerous to human health and requires additional safety measures.
    • Physical measures - washing with soapy water or an alcohol solution or killing insects manually.
    • Biological measures - the use of biological enemies (insects and birds) against pests or the use of microbiological preparations.
    • Natural insecticides - folk recipes, tinctures and decoctions (based on garlic, onion, pepper, tobacco, laundry soap, ash, wormwood, ground red pepper, kerosene, ammonia, etc.).

    When treating a plant, you should take into account the individual characteristics of each insect species. For example, Trix are extremely resistant to any control measures and require a minimum of 2 treatments during one season (using several drugs simultaneously). It is much easier to get rid of spider mites: just water the seedling generously and put a plastic bag on it for a couple of days, because these insects do not tolerate humidity very well.

    A decrease in the population of insect pests is also facilitated by changes in external conditions: the introduction of moderate watering, frequent ventilation, isolation of infected plants. The success of the fight depends not only on the use of the right means, but also on when it was started to be used.

    Preventing the formation of pimples

    Problems associated with the formation of tubercles during the cultivation of pepper seedlings can be avoided by methodically carrying out a set of preventive measures. We include:

    • disinfection of seed (potassium permanganate solution, ash, Baktofit or Albit);
    • thorough loosening and mulching of the soil;
    • preventive use of insecticides or folk remedies (twice a season);
    • development and use of an optimal watering and humidification system;
    • regulation of plant access to light, use of additional lighting sources;
    • Growing peppers. Why pepper leaves and flowers fall off. Spider mites and root rot. Video

      Peppers (part 12), treated for pests 04/27/2015


      Lumps on the leaves are a common sign of unhealthy seedlings. The appearance of pimples can be caused by damage to the plant by pests or violation of growing conditions. Timely measures taken can save pepper seedlings and contribute to the formation and ripening of a rich harvest.

      Beginning vegetable growers often face these problems. By following the care recommendations, they can be avoided.

    On gardening and gardening forums, participants often send photos of theirs and complain that pimples have appeared on the leaves. There is no need to worry that this disease will destroy all grown ones. This is the so-called oedema - a deviation from the norm of their development, but not as dangerous as most diseases.

    Description and signs of the disease

    The disease is often popularly called “dropsy,” although in essence it is not a disease at all. It appears in the form of corky growths, small swollen tubercles on the underside of the leaf closer to the petiole, and sometimes on the petioles of plants. In the latter case, the disease looks like white mold.
    Covers the stem with dotted or continuous spots, which sometimes causes the stem to curl.

    The growths look watery, but when touched they turn out to be quite dense, similar to warts. At the same time, the color of the plant itself does not change and remains natural.

    It is believed that this problem is typical for plants living in, since it is difficult to regulate the desired humidity conditions there. But if the disease occurs in home seedlings, they return to normal in the greenhouse.

    Did you know? Oedema translated from Latin means “edema”, that is, the accumulation of fluid in the tissues, cavities, and intercellular space of the body.

    Pimples usually appear on one to three leaves. The pepper seedlings themselves continue to grow and look healthy, which is what distinguishes this deviation in plant development from other leaf diseases.

    Reasons for appearance

    The cause of this deviation is not bacteria, infections or fungi. The problem is the lack of sufficient lighting and severe waterlogging.

    Under such conditions, some of the roots of the plant die off, and accordingly, the nutrition of the ground part is disrupted. The tubercles appear precisely in those places that were supplied with nutrients from the dead root.

    Therefore, sweet pepper leaves affected by edema will not recover. But if the necessary conditions for seedling growth are restored, new ones will grow absolutely healthy.

    Important! Most often, the disease occurs in seedlings that are under lighting and stand close to each other in a limited space.

    Since the cause of pimples is waterlogging, the problem may be hidden not only in excessive air temperature, but also in air humidity.
    Unstable spring weather contributes to the occurrence of the disease. For example, on a sunny day, the seedlings were well watered, and then a sudden cold snap set in, and the wet soil cooled down greatly, and there was less sun. These are ideal conditions for oedema to appear. Therefore, you should not be surprised if, after such changes over time, seemingly healthy lower leaves of the seedlings disappear.

    How to protect sweet peppers from oedema: methods of control and prevention

    There are no special means or methods to combat oedema. It is enough to even out the regularity and volume of watering, give the seedlings more light, loosen the soil after watering if it is too dense - and over time, new formations will not appear.

    It is also recommended to arrange the seedlings so that there is more space between the pots so that they receive more light. Ventilate the room carefully.

    Do oedema need to be treated?

    Oedema of sweet pepper leaves is characterized by the fact that the affected areas of the leaves do not recover because their nutrition is not restored. We must take it for granted that over time they will disappear. Although if the lesion is not critical, they may continue to grow.
    There is no need to treat this disease. It is not contagious, does not affect productivity and stops when the necessary living conditions for the seedlings are restored. But if you really want to help the plant, you can remove the affected leaves and deepen the stem itself to the level of healthy leaves. Of course, if the pepper is still low. You just have to put up with pimples on adult seedlings.

    Pepper is a crop that many gardeners love to grow. How much trouble and labor it takes to grow beautiful, healthy and tasty peppers. When cultivating a vegetable, sudden problems may arise, from seedlings to adult plants. Numerous diseases and pests often attack your favorite crop at different stages of cultivation. We’ll help you figure out how to cure pepper in your area and prevent new diseases.

    Growing peppers is not a very easy task. The culture is demanding in terms of soil composition, lighting, and moisture. And pests and diseases lie in wait for the vegetable throughout its development. Take a close look at the growing pepper and get a closer look at the plant.

    Changes in the color and shape of leaves, falling flowers and ovaries, the appearance of holes and heterogeneity of the leaf plate - all this indicates unfavorable development of the plant. The appearance of pepper signals that they should pay attention to it and provide proper assistance.

    Pepper leaves falling off are often a source of confusion. It seems that a healthy green plant, planted through seedlings, took root perfectly and began to grow. And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, the lower leaves began to turn yellow and fall off. There are several reasons for this phenomenon.

    Overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers often leads to leaf drop.

    Malnutrition also causes yellowing and dropping of leaves.

    Pepper is very demanding when it comes to watering. At poor watering and severe drying of the soil, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off.

    Yellowing and falling leaves can also be caused by low temperature air. If the night temperature drops below 14°, then the likelihood of leaves turning yellow and dying increases sharply, since pepper is a heat-loving crop.

    Verticillium wilt Peppers are often affected. The disease begins with apical yellowing of leaves and falling off after some time. The disease is caused by a microscopic fungus of the genus Verticillium, which lives in the soil for a long time. When planting seedlings, injury to the root system can occur, through which the plant can become infected. more susceptible to verticillium, so disinfection of greenhouse soil will help protect seedlings from infection.

    Why leaves curl with photo reasons

    Sometimes you can observe curling of pepper leaves, which starts from the apical leaves. Deformation of the leaf blade leads to reduced plant growth, susceptibility to diseases, inability to set fruit, and subsequently lead to the death of pepper. The following causes of this disease can be identified.

    Shortage necessary macro- and microelements leads to depletion of plants, twisting and deformation of leaf plates. Fertilizing with complex fertilizer formulations often eliminates this problem. Potassium deficiency - one of the main causes of leaf curling. Watering plants with an ash solution will help compensate for potassium deficiency.

    A glass of ash is sifted into a bucket and filled with water. After stirring, leave for 2-3 hours. Then water the pepper in a liter jar under each bush. You can also use ready-made potassium nitrate, which is dissolved according to the instructions. A half-liter jar of diluted potassium nitrate is added to each plant.

    Leaf damage by pests- another reason leading to leaf deformation. Aphid And spider mite- the most common diseases of pepper.

    Aphid- small organisms that feed on the juice of young shoots and leaves.

    If plants are severely infested with aphids, then deformation and yellowing of the leaves and subsequent death of the plant are possible soon if measures are not taken.

    Infection spider mite can be identified by the appearance of small cobwebs. If you look closely, you can see small pests smaller than 1 ml on the leaves.

    Why pimples appeared on pepper leaves, reasons with photos

    The appearance of bumps on pepper leaves in the form of pimples may indicate:

    • severe waterlogging of the soil;
    • insufficient light;
    • the appearance of small pests on the plant: spider mites, scale insects or aphids. In the initial stage of the lesion, these organisms form protrusions on the leaf plate in the form of pimples.

    There is an opinion that pepper seedlings need good watering, so many people fill the pepper with water. And if this is combined with a cold window sill and a lack of light, then the plant reacts by the appearance of compacted tubercles on the lower part of the leaves. This condition is called oedema or dropsy of pepper. Excess moisture clogs the conducting vessels of the leaf plate and excess liquid accumulates in pimply growths.

    Eodemus should not be feared; it is not a disease. All you need to do is change the conditions under which the affected plants are kept and dropsy will not appear on new leaves. Although leaves with oedema will remain with tubercles. This will not affect the development of the plant in the future.

    If the pimples are associated with the appearance of aphids or spider mites, then the pepper should be treated against harmful organisms as soon as possible. Methods for controlling aphids and other pests are described in the article below.

    Eodema on pepper, video:

    Why do the lower leaves of pepper seedlings turn yellow, reasons with photos

    Sometimes, with proper care and watering, the pepper stops in its development, the lower leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. Let's consider the reasons for this phenomenon.

    Lack of micro- and macroelements may cause yellowing of the lower leaves of seedlings.

    "Uncomfortable" conditions for keeping seedlings. Dry soil, poor lighting, excess moisture, bright sun, dry air, temperature changes - all this can cause “dissatisfaction” of pepper seedlings. So plants react to unfavorable factors by yellowing the lower foliage.

    In order for seedlings to grow well, you need to water them with warm water and not keep them on a cold windowsill. If yellowness of the lower leaves begins to appear, you should feed the seedlings with any complex fertilizer.

    Fusarium or wilt is a fungal disease that affects plants. The fungus disrupts the nutritional exchange between the root system and leaves. In a short time, the lower leaves begin to turn yellow, which quickly fall off and the plants wither. Intensive watering does not help in this situation. It is better to remove the diseased plant immediately so that the fungus does not spread to its neighbors.

    Why pepper leaves turn white, reasons with photos

    The most common reason for changes in leaf color in peppers is improper cultivation practices or a lack of certain microelements. Plants let us know about their distress by changing the color of their leaves.

    Chlorosis- disruption of photosynthesis and chlorophyll formation in leaf blades. Leaf discoloration may be due to poor soil composition, when the soil lacks iron, magnesium, nitrogen or other elements.

    Often the whitening of plant leaves is associated with sunburn. This happens in bright sunny days after watering the pepper. Droplets of water, like a lens, attract the sun's rays, causing burns to tender young leaves.

    Why spots appeared on pepper leaves, reasons with photos

    Pepper reacts to a lack of calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, nitrogen and other minerals in the soil by changing the color of the leaf blade. The appearance of spots of various colors: from whitish to dark brown. Complete complex fertilizers for garden crops will help replenish mineral deficiency. But the appearance of spots can also be associated with many diseases that affect peppers.

    Septoria or white spot causes a pathogenic fungus. Unstable weather, rain followed by intense heat, is the best time for spores to spread and infect plants. At the beginning of the disease, white spots with a dark halo appear on the leaves. They are then covered with small black spores. Then the spores infect the stem and fruits.

    Sclerotinia or marsupial fungus infection found in many vegetable crops, as well as peppers. The spores penetrate the leaf blade, forming white spots with a dark core. Without treatment, the plant quickly weakens, soon becomes completely covered by the disease and dies.

    Late blight or brown rot- the most common fungal disease among garden crops. It doesn't bypass pepper either. The disease quickly covers the entire plant and can destroy all plantings in 2-3 days. First, brownish spots appear on the lower leaves, which gradually merge into one whole.

    The developing mycelium of the fungus forms a whitish coating that grows on the upper surface of the leaves. The fungus affects shoots, flowers and even developing fruits. The leaves wither and dry out. Necrosis of the entire plant gradually occurs.

    Infection with late blight is possible from nightshade plants (tomatoes, eggplants) planted next to peppers. Unstable weather with sudden changes in temperature, heat with high humidity, prolonged rains - all this favors the spread of fungal spores and rapid infection.

    Bacterial spot appears on leaves in hot weather after rains. The microorganism lives in the soil and quickly spreads to plants under favorable conditions. Initially, yellow-brown spots appear on the leaves, gradually they grow, absorbing more and more of the surface of the leaf plate. As a result, the leaves dry out, become red-brown in color and fall off.

    Mosaic spot mainly affects plants in greenhouses. The virus quickly covers the plant and infects nearby plants. Light spots appear on the leaf blade in the form of mosaic patterns. The disease is very dangerous. It is better to immediately remove the diseased plant and not expose other plants to the risk of infection.

    Alternaria blight or dry spotting caused by Alternaria fungus. The spores cause irregular dark brown concentric circles on the underside of the leaf blade. Gradually they consume the stem and even ripening fruits. The plant dries out and dies

    Why do the top leaves of peppers curl, reasons with photos

    Uneven increase in leaf blade in young plants. This phenomenon should not be feared. The process is physiologically justified: for some reasons, active growth of the central leaf vein is observed. As a result, the outer edges of the sheet acquire some disproportion with deformation, which goes away on its own over time.

    Lack of light (plants grow in the shade) often causes leaves to curl.

    Cool summers are one of the main reasons for uneven development and curling of the upper leaves on peppers.

    Potassium nitrate helps with initial deformation and leaf curling. A spoonful of fertilizer is stirred in 5 liters of water. After watering the peppers, pour the resulting solution under the root.

    Why pepper leaves are small, reasons with photos

    The small leaves of pepper are most often associated with insufficient agricultural technology: poor watering and poor nutrition lead to stunting and small, inconspicuous leaves. In addition, lack of water causes peppers to have weakened immunity to various diseases. Experienced gardeners compare pepper cultivation to rice - good watering ensures strong growth of the plant with large leaves.

    Why is there a white coating on pepper leaves, reasons with photos

    Powdery mildew on pepper leaves it looks like a white flour coating. Fungal conidiospores of the pathogen thrive in greenhouse conditions. If the greenhouse is not ventilated, warm and humid air will encourage the spread of spores. In a very short time, the leaves become covered with a white coating. The disease spreads quickly and can affect a large area of ​​plants in a short time.

    Why do pepper leaves turn pale?

    If pepper seedlings are planted in the ground without prior hardening, the tender leaves may turn white under the sharp influence of new growing conditions (open sunlight, wind, sudden changes in temperature). When planted in a permanent place of growth, young plants experience severe stress. Therefore, you should gradually accustom the plants to their new place of residence: 7-10 days before planting, take the plants out into the fresh air for a while.

    Who eats pepper leaves, reasons and examples with photos

    Damaged pepper leaves, holes, and gnawed surface of the leaf blade are the result of the work of pests that willingly eat the succulent foliage of young plants.

    Colorado beetle and its larvae mainly feast on the leaves of nightshades: eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes. If pepper grows next to these crops, the aggressive beetle can spread to it.

    Slugs, garden snails and woodlice They love to eat the juicy leaves of plants, and if peppers come across them on their way, damage to the leaves can be expected.

    Pests choose plants that grow in the shade, where it is warm and humid.

    Green weevil- a big fan of green spaces. Indiscriminately eats the leaves of garden and vegetable crops. If you look closely, you can see a small emerald-colored bug destroying green leaves.

    Holes on pepper leaves, reasons with photos

    Hollowed leaves on peppers are often a concern for gardeners. And this is justified. You should carefully examine the damaged sheet plates, find out the reason for the appearance of holes and take the necessary measures.

    If holes appear on the leaves without a colored border, and the leaf seems to be eaten unevenly from different sides, most likely uninvited guests have come to your garden bed - those who like to feast on greenery. By moving the leaves aside, you can see small bugs, slugs, snails, etc.

    Holes with protrusions, tubercles, colored borders and colored halos can result from aphids, spider mites, or are associated with fungal diseases.

    In any case, you should help the plant get rid of uninvited guests. Collecting leaf beetles, caterpillars, snails, slugs by hand, using chemical or biological means of protection, folk recipes for pest control is the choice of every gardener.

    Methods for treating diseases and pests of pepper leaves, folk methods and treatment with chemicals

    During the period of pepper growth, plantings should be regularly inspected for diseases and pests. The easiest way to cope with problems that arise is in the initial stage of the disease, and even better - to carry out competent agricultural cultivation techniques and preventive procedures throughout the cultivation of peppers.

    Traditional recipes for treating pepper

    Onion peel in the infusion will not only protect plants from various pests, but will also effectively cope with and cure pepper in the early stages of diseases. Half a bucket of onion peels is poured with water and allowed to brew for several days. Then the filtered solution is used to treat the pepper against aphids, mites and other pests. Foliar and root feeding with husk infusion will strengthen and increase the plant’s immunity.

    Ash solution- not only enriches plants with potassium, but also good prevention against many diseases. First, sift the wood ash, then mix two handfuls in a bucket of water. The solution can be used for watering at the roots after watering peppers and as foliar feeding on the leaves. Dry wood ash can be used to sprinkle the soil under pepper bushes. This procedure will repel many pests.

    Potassium permanganate solution light crimson color will help get rid of aphids on the leaves, and when watering, disinfect the soil.

    Laundry soap or tar soap, diluted in water, is an excellent assistant in removing leaf aphids. To prepare a soap solution, the soap is first ground on a grater and stirred in warm water in a proportion of 5 g of soap per liter jar of water.

    Ammonia solution or ammonia They will not only save the pepper from aphids, but also feed the plant with nitrogen contained in the ammonia solution. Place two tablespoons of ammonia in a bucket of water and add a little liquid soap or washing powder for better adhesion to the leaves. Plants are sprayed with a solution or the leaves are washed on both sides by hand.

    Dalmatian chamomile, Chernobrivtsy, marigold, basil, planted along the edge of the bed where peppers grow, will help repel aphids, spider mites, whiteflies and other harmful insects.

    Garlic treatment- an effective and safe method against various diseases and pests. 3-4 heads of garlic are crushed through a press and placed in a 5 liter pan with water. Stir and leave for 30 minutes. Then the fresh, strained solution is used to treat the pepper foliage on both sides. Garlic solution has antimicrobial and fungicidal effects. The pungent garlic smell also repels many pests.

    We should not forget about the natural saviors in our gardens: birds, ladybugs, hover flies, ichneumon flies, lacewings and other natural protectors of our plantations.

    Chemical protection for pepper

    1%-0.5% solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture- old and proven remedies for pepper diseases. Chemical copper-containing products are also foliar fertilizers for plants planted in sandy or acidic soil with a lack of copper.

    Colloidal sulfur- one of the most ancient antifungal agents used by humans. The powder is diluted according to the attached instructions and the specified dosage of the drug is used.

    Antiseptic fungicides are used for preventive and therapeutic purposes for diseases:

    • different types of spotting (septoria, sclerotinia, gray mold, etc.);
    • powdery mildew;
    • Alternaria blight, etc.

    Chemicals (pesticides and insecticides) are used to protect crops from numerous diseases and insect pests. The disadvantage of using chemicals is the rapid adaptation of pathogens to chemical reagents, as well as the accumulation of harmful substances in soil, water and fruits. Highly toxic chemicals often kill bees and many other beneficial insects. The most common chemical agents in the fight against pepper diseases:

    • Karbofos
    • Aktellik
    • Fufanon
    • Inta-vir
    • BI-58 new
    • Calypso
    • Aktara
    • Fitoverm
    • Confidor

    Chemicals work well against aphids, spider mites, thrips, scale insects, whiteflies and other pests that attack peppers.

    Chemical fungicides against fungal infections of pepper:

    • Abiga Peak
    • Euparen Multi
    • Oksikhom
    • Tiovit Jet
    • Cumulus DF

    You should follow the instructions for using chemical poisons and use protective equipment when working.

    Biological products and biostimulants

    The best alternative in the fight against pepper diseases is the use of biological agents. They do not accumulate in fruits or soil, are harmless to people, animals, insects and cope well with diseases and pests in the garden. Biological preparations also stimulate plant growth and develop immunity to many diseases.

    Biological fungicides most often used for the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases of pepper:

    • Trichoflor
    • Trichodermin
    • Fitosporin-M
    • Albite
    • Corbion

    To ensure that young pepper seedlings grow well and are not subject to stress during transplantation into open soil, many gardeners use biogrowth stimulants and phytohormones:

    • Etamon
    • Energen
    • Athlete
    • Mival-Agro
    • Zircon
    • Energia-M
    • Immunocytophyte
    • Epin-Extra

    souvenir knots: how to grow healthy and tasty peppers

    • The pepper culture really loves to “drink” water. Necessarily water the pepper regularly, and the next day loosen the soil or cover with mulch.
    • Fertilizing from diluted green slurry, bird droppings or mullein will prevent yellowing and falling leaves. Feeding with mineral complexes in chelate form: Kemira, Agrovit, Crystal- will provide plants with good nutrition. Pepper will gain strength, durability and resistance to many diseases. Foliar spraying with humates also has a beneficial effect on the plant.
    • Preventive protective measures plants against fungal and microbial diseases are important from the moment of growing seedlings. Treatment of young bushes with biological fungicides: Gamair, Fitosporin-M, Alirin-B will prevent fungal diseases such as powdery mildew, septoria, late blight, and root rot.

    What do peppers suffer from and how to protect plants from pests, video

    - a fairly common occurrence. On forums dedicated to plants, you can find questions from puzzled plant growers. It can be very difficult to understand what the reason is. However, inaction can lead to the death of the plant. Let's try to figure it out together.


    The cause of the disease may be hidden in constant soil moisture, as well as a lack of sunlight. These conditions together cause leaf swelling, or Oedema, in plants. You can fix the problem by rearranging or transplanting the seedlings to a sunnier place and reducing the amount of watering.

    The second possible reason is spider mites. Initially, their appearance appears as white bubbles on the surface of the leaf. After some time, the mite begins to spread over all the leaves, then cobwebs form. The mite is very harmful to seedlings. It is a carrier of diseases that are destructive to a large number of plants. Here is one of the effective ways to combat this pest. The pepper should be watered generously and covered with plastic wrap for three days. High humidity forms under the bag, which kills the ticks. You need to carefully monitor the plant, as the leaves can burn due to high temperatures. Among the chemicals that can be used: “Fitoverm” (biological insectoacaricide), “Vermitek”, “Sunmite”.

    The third suspected cause is aphids or scale insects. Examine the plant for their presence. To do this, touch the leaf. Both scale insects and aphids secrete honeydew, a sweet liquid. If there is stickiness around the bumps, then be sure that it is them. This type of scale insect as a false scale insect is defined differently, since it does not secrete a sticky sweet secretion, and its shield does not grow together with the pest itself. To make sure that it is a false scale insect, pick out the shell; the insect itself should remain on the leaf. Everyone knows the enormous damage these insects cause to plants, so you need to get rid of them as soon as possible.

    Ways to control insect pests

    It is possible to get rid of aphids using a solution with soap and ammonia. To 2 liters of water you need to add 20 grams of liquid soap and 20 grams of ammonia. After mixing the ingredients, treat the plant. You can also use chemical preparations - “Karbafos”, “Fury” (contact agents), “Confidor” (intestinal agents), “Aktara” (systemic drugs).

    The fight against scale insects is not so simple - they are protected from the outside by a shield. The pest must be cleaned with a toothbrush or a rag soaked in an alcohol or soap solution, and then apply chemicals such as Actellik or Phosbecid.

    And in conclusion, let’s look at a few general recommendations for preventing plant diseases and preventing pests. To ensure that the pepper fruits form the correct shape, shake the plant slightly from time to time during the flowering period. Protect the pepper from wind and heat. Loosen the soil under the pepper carefully, since pepper has a root system located in the top layer of the soil. Spray the pepper leaves with water often, this will prevent the appearance of spider mites. To prevent the appearance of scale insects, keep the seedlings separate from other indoor flowers; it is also possible to use Neem oil.