Public speaking on the topic of self-education. All school essays on literature

What is self-education? It represents a conscious attitude towards one’s life, thoughts, plans and actions, as well as perseverance and the desire to achieve the intended goal.

Let us verify this using an example from the text of Boris Nikolaevich Polevoy, in which main character, unfortunately, he was left without legs and could not fly. (Sentences 1-3) But by training daily, he believed that he could fly again. No one in the ward believed in the main character, but he, having set himself a new life goal, began to achieve it and he succeeded! (Sentences 2, 20, 22) The main role in this was played by self-education and his thirst for life.

In general, I believe that self-education occupies the most important place in our life, it is an integral part of it. I’ll give an example to prove my words: I know one guy who literally three years ago was a hooligan, a poor student, and I didn’t want to communicate with him at all. At one point, a friend of mine realized his behavior and decided to change. Now he is finishing the eleventh grade with honors and is going to enter a very respectable institute.

He achieved such success only thanks to self-education.

So, we come to the conclusion that self-education is educational work on oneself.

Updated: 2017-05-08

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In my understanding, self-education is the formation of a person’s personality with the help of his will and desire. To achieve your cherished goal, you need to work a lot on yourself. On the path to self-education, you may encounter many difficulties, but sooner or later this path will lead to the fulfillment of your dreams.

In the text by V.A. Kaverin we see a story about a hero who is seriously interested in aviation. The narrator understands that getting into a flight school is not at all easy; for this you need to train long and hard. The boy hid his intention from others, and every day he “did gymnastics according to the Anokhin system and cold rubbing according to the Muller system” (sentence 34). I think that the hero will definitely achieve what he wants, because he cultivates in himself all the qualities necessary for a pilot: determination, willpower, perseverance.

I would also like to give an example from my own life. My friend Nikolai was never interested in reading, so he always got bad grades in literature. But everything changed when he learned that in order to enter college he would have to pass an exam in this particular unloved subject. Nikolai began to read an hour a day and literally within a month he was already well versed in literature. Now Nikolai can easily handle even complex exam tasks. This became possible only thanks to self-education.

From all this we can conclude that self-education is a process without which the normal development of a person’s personality is impossible. Without self-education, you cannot cope with difficulties and achieve success in life.

Read along with the article “Essay on the topic “Self-education”:

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Valentina Danilovna Chernyak: “In complex sentence reflects the relationship that the speaker perceives between two or more situations.”

“A complex sentence reflects the relationships that the speaker perceives between two or more situations,” wrote V. D. Chernyak. And this is indeed true. After all, if the author did not see the need to somehow emphasize these relationships, he would have used two simple sentences, and would not have connected them into one complex one.
Relations between parts of a complex can be expressed using a union or without a union. In the second case, the connection is expressed using a punctuation mark. M. Gorky uses both allied and non-union connections. For example, in the first sentence the writer uses the conjunction “so that”, placing subordinate clause inside the main one. This conjunction usually attaches subordinate clauses. So it is in this case: the author points to the goal that forces the boy to work hard - this is melancholy.
In the second sentence, M. Gorky uses several punctuation marks, which express the relationship between the parts of a long non-union sentence. There is a comma, a colon, and a dash. They express different semantic connections. Let's say the relations of consequence. The boy went to rinse his clothes, so the washerwomen ridiculed him.
A complex sentence usually contains more meaning than two simple ones, because the writer communicates not just two “information”, but also indicates the connection between them.

15.2 Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the last sentences of the text: “Now that I was able to compare her with what I knew from books, she seemed to me even more poor and ugly. I don’t want to live such a life... It’s clear to me - I don’t want to.”

Reading took the hero of the work into another, unknown life, giving him an idea of ​​people and events that were not similar to those that surrounded the boy in reality. This is stated in sentence 24. The boy involuntarily compares fiction with the reality around him, and he wants some events, something interesting to happen around him. Therefore, he listens with enthusiasm to the gossip that the washerwomen retell on the stream. The hero is bored, he dreams of a life filled with events and feelings.
But what surrounds the boy is not at all like a fascinating novel: “I saw that the people around me are not capable of exploits and crimes, they live somewhere away from everything that books are written about...” From this sentence it is clear that the hero of Gorky’s trilogy doesn’t even care what happens near him: a feat or a crime. All the same, it will be more of a life than the sleepy existence that its owners lead.
In addition, the boy felt that the book contained a special truth about a person, a truth that he had never encountered in life. This is stated in sentences 17 and 18. It was this kind of life - understandable, bright, rich - that the hero liked, so he decided that he would not live the way the people around him lived.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word SELF-EDUCATION? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic: “What is self-education?”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis.

Self-education is a person’s ability to independently make himself better, learn something or improve his cultural level.
The above passage talks about how an orphan who lived “among people” became interested in reading and this greatly influenced his character and his views.
The author tells how Alyosha was struck by the first book he read. The boy was shocked that he was worried about the heroes, forgetting “that all this unexpectedly revealed life is completely paper.” These people seemed to him more alive and real than those who surrounded him. This happened because the characters in the book had feelings and passions, these characters did something, tried to change their fate. But in reality, the boy was surrounded by some kind of sleepy kingdom, where people even argue out of boredom, and do everything out of boredom, and nothing in their existence changes for many years. The boy’s owners didn’t even have any feelings, and their interests did not extend beyond dinner, sleep and the traditional trip to church.
Reading became the method of self-education that the boy began to use. He began to read a lot to get an idea of ​​another world and other people who have a meaningful purpose in life, have feelings and energy. Soon the boy himself found some kind of goal for himself: “I don’t want to live such a life...” And if a person has a goal, then he finds within himself the strength to change something.

  1. (49 words) In the work of A.S. Pushkin Evgeny Onegin paid great attention reading books, also making notes in them. We can say that partly thanks to educational literature he formed his personality and cultivated certain qualities in himself: “He scolded Homer and Theocritus, but he read Adam Smith and was a deep economist...” This is self-education.
  2. (51 words) In Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor,” Mrs. Prostakova spends a lot of money on her son’s education, but Mitrofanushka remains a poorly educated and ignorant young man. The reason is that the hero himself did not educate himself, unlike the virtuous Sophia, who exercised her mind and maintained spiritual purity. Her example serves as an answer to the question posed.
  3. (51 words) In Bulgakov’s story “ dog's heart“The professor understood the importance of self-education when he decided to stop the main experiment in his life - to turn Sharikov back into a dog. He realized that a creature becomes human only when it educates itself and strives for the best. His creation only echoed the will of others and did not think about personal growth.
  4. (44 words) In Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man,” Andrei Sokolov brought up a real hero in himself. Both at the front and in captivity, he did not become bitter and did not betray his fatherland, but retained the best human traits in himself thanks to discipline, fortitude and integrity. All these traits are the result of self-education.
  5. (45 words) In Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” the hero did not have time to go through the school of life, but was already under threat of death. He educated himself under bullets and in the trenches. An ordinary boy developed valor, courage, patriotism and selflessness. Such heroic work on oneself can be safely called “self-education.”
  6. (47 words) In Ilyina’s book “The Fourth Height,” the heroine conquered heights all her life thanks to the fact that she was able to cultivate courage, determination and willpower. As a nurse at the front, she achieved the ultimate heights: she sacrificed herself, but saved dozens of soldiers. This feat became possible because Gulya prepared herself for this.
  7. (61 words) In Bykov’s story “Sotnikov,” the main character during the war learned to overcome difficulties and faithfully serve the fatherland. He cultivated an iron will in his thin and weak body, therefore, being sick, he volunteered to go get provisions for the detachment. Because of such regular training, his character really stood the test of strength: Sotnikov, unlike Rybak, did not betray his homeland, but went to martyrdom for its sake.
  8. (58 words) In the play by A.P. Chekhov " The Cherry Orchard“Lopakhin’s father was a serf to Ranevskaya’s father. According to the hero’s recollections, he drank a lot and did not teach his son anything. But even without support, Lopakhin managed to break out among the people and become a symbol of the new generation thanks to self-education. He saved money, studied the merchant business, denied himself many things, while the landowners went bankrupt, living on everything they had.
  9. (54 words) In Griboyedov’s play “Woe from Wit,” Chatsky cultivated his character in an original way and away from Famus society. He studied diligently, sparing no effort to obtain a foreign education. As a result, his advanced ideas were ahead of their time and were not accepted, but he was firm in his convictions and defended them to the end. His strength of thought and will is the result of self-education.
  10. (51 words) Bazarov from the novel by I.S. Turgenev’s “Fathers and Sons” says: “Every person must educate himself.” By this statement he means that the individual must develop his own ideals and values ​​and strive for them. Bazarov became a nihilist, but we have no right to condemn him, because self-education through the choice of worldview is everyone’s personal matter.
  11. Examples from life, cinema, media

    1. (51 words) Self-education is the ability not to give up. The main character of the film Whiplash by Damien Chazelle had a dream to become a great musician. On his way he came across a cruel maestro, whose goal was to reveal the talent of his students through psychological stress, to give them a chance to achieve true greatness. Despite all the difficulties, the hero does not give up, performing an impromptu solo and winning public recognition.
    2. (59 words) Self-education is confidence in a goal, dedication and effort expended to realize a dream. The famous figure skater Alina Zagitova had to go to Moscow without her parents when she was just a child to build sports career. She admits that living alone is very difficult, but she sets herself up only for victories, believing that this will benefit not only her, but also her family.
    3. (57 words) The ability to say “no” to laziness is one of the main conditions for self-education. Waking up at six in the morning to go for a run, which is obviously healthy, is quite difficult. Every day I wake up, imagining the final result, and I understand that it can only be achieved through work. It makes me jump out of bed, grab my sneakers and run to the park.
    4. (54 words) The hero from the parable about the hunter and Buddha understood that killing innocent animals is wrong. In order to correct himself, he went to the Buddha, who forced the hunter to give him three vows. He agreed. No matter how much he wanted to break his oath to Buddha, the man managed to survive. Self-education is the ability to get rid of your vice.
    5. (49 words) The hero of John Avildsen’s film “Rocky” of the same name, having received a chance to become a world boxing champion, was not afraid of responsibility, but began intensive training. For the sake of the goal, every day he set himself up for victory and made incredible efforts. Despite the fact that he lost the final battle, this did not stop him from continuing to do what he loved.
    6. (47 words) All films of the Marvel and DC television companies about superheroes tell the story of their formation. For example, Batman overcame his childhood fear (his parents died at the hands of a criminal) and began the fight against crime. All his exploits are the consequences of daily self-education. He trained and studied every day to fight crime on his own.
    7. (45 words) Famous public figure Nick Vulich was born without vital limbs. In his youth, he even wanted to commit suicide because he did not see a future for himself. However, having rethought his fate, Nick cultivated fortitude and indomitable optimism. Now he successful man and a happy family man.
    8. (46 words) Canadian snowboarder Mark McMorris has been seriously injured several times in his life. However, he returned to the slopes again and again, saying that snowboarding is something he must continue to do, it is his habit and his future. Thus, self-education is the key that helps to overcome life's difficulties.
    9. (66 words) I believe that self-education is the main triumph of life. Victory over yourself. It’s not for nothing that the 33rd President of the United States, Harry Truman, said that with victory over oneself, all other victories will come. Behind every success there is a tremendous amount of work. For example, inventor and billionaire Elon Musk was abused at school as a child, but he persevered and developed the willpower, thanks to which he became one of the most progressive people in the world.
    10. (41 words) In H. Jackman’s film “The Greatest Showman,” the main character was poor, but persistent and smart. Thanks to self-education, from a poor boy he became a rich and famous man who achieved everything on his own. This story is based on true events and serves good example for motivation.
    11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Self-education is a person’s work on himself. It happens that we do not like some traits of our character; they interfere with us in life or in work. Self-education is the formation by a person of his personality in accordance with consciously chosen goals, ideals and beliefs.

Self-education is a person’s work on himself. It happens that we do not like some traits of our character; they interfere with us in life or in work.

We want to get rid of them, and we come to the understanding that to do this we will have to work on ourselves. Having understood ourselves, we set goals for ourselves and look for ways to achieve them. The goal of self-education is born from the motives that encourage one to work on oneself, and a person’s desires to become better. Without a goal, no business can be started, including self-education. While we are looking for ways to achieve our goals, it is at this time that we begin to work on ourselves. And over time, we will get the result in the form of an ideal self. Of course, ideal, in our opinion, in accordance with our ideals and beliefs.

The most important key to the emergence of motivation for self-education and self-improvement is a person’s awareness of his lifestyle, his behavior or activities that require changes. A person must understand that he needs to change. And most importantly, he must want it.

The next important element of this process is mastering the skills independent work. A person must know for himself which direction he should move in order to change, and what actions he should take to achieve this. This requires mastering some knowledge in the field of activity in which you plan, or at least want, to achieve success.

And of course, the most important thing in the process of self-education is action. It is not enough to just want and know, you need to take action. It is not necessary to immediately try to cover some large volume. It is much more important to start small, with small steps. Step by step, the long road will be overcome, and the goal will be achieved.

In the process of self-education, there is no need to be distracted by all sorts of temptations. You need to show your determination, try to make reasonable decisions and not deviate from fulfilling your plans.

For example, laziness often interferes with our many plans. Surely, you have at least once met people who go on a diet every Monday, or go to the gym, or start teaching English language. Someone promises himself to start reading some useful book, start eating right, give up tea or coffee. But every time, they find themselves at the starting point from which they started. And the reason for it all is laziness. Yes, it is difficult to overcome it. But you need to compromise with yourself. You need to make sure that laziness disappears on its own, and your obligations turn into desire. To create motivation for action. And then everything will work out.

From my point of view, the most pleasant forms of self-education are self-persuasion and self-hypnosis. This is comfortable on a psychological level, which means it is not perceived with hostility by the conscious and unconscious.

Less pleasant methods of self-education are self-criticism, self-obligation, and a not always successfully implemented attempt at emotional and mental transference to the position of another person. Agree, self-criticism is not very pleasant, even if you criticize yourself. It may even be associated with criticism from other people that you have ever heard addressed to you before. And it is even possible that unpleasant memories remain.

Self-commitment is also not the best option. Especially for those who don't particularly like commitment.

You need to engage in self-education so as not to get lost in this life, to find your place. Self-realization is sometimes of great importance in the life of an individual. You need to discover your abilities, experience all your possibilities in order to become an interesting and unique person, first of all for yourself. And then, your perception of yourself will be projected onto the people around you, and they will also find you an interesting person.

Self-education and self-improvement is difficult and lengthy work that takes a lot of time, sometimes your whole life. But the result obtained is undoubtedly worth it.