Origin and character of the name Ainur. Ainur (male name) How the name Ainur is translated

Synonyms for the name Ainur. Ainura, Ainuria, Einura, Nurai.
Origin of the name Ainur. The name Ainur is Tatar, Muslim, Kazakh.

The name Ainur is formed by two Tatar words “moon” (Ay) and “ray” (Nur), therefore the name Ainur is translated as “moon-faced”. For a girl, it is sometimes interpreted as meaning “soft, beautiful.” There is also male name Ainur, which can also be pronounced phonetically as Einur, and the feminine version is sometimes pronounced as Ainura (Einura) and Ainuriya.

Widespread in the Turkic language female names with the semantic part of the name “ai”. These are such names as Aigul, Aibike, Aigerim, Aizhan, Aisun, Aisylu, Ayaru, Aizada and many, many others. And in meaning the name is close to the names Luna, Indira, Aidara, Aileen, Lunara, Selena.

It would not be much of an exaggeration to say that courage is the main trait of the Ainur. Everything that Ainur does while still a child already shows her future character. On the playground, Ainur acts as a real leader and ringleader, not at all afraid to gather around him not only girls, but also boys. Ainur can get a little skittish if she gets too carried away. Having an adviser or a particularly devoted friend who will have his own opinion will be very useful for her, since with such support, Ainur is able to move mountains and achieve incredible success in life.

Ainur usually has a very cheerful disposition, which, combined with her innate courage, makes her get into all sorts of unusual and funny stories. Usually Ainur has excellent self-control, she always uses her strengths. Living up to her name, Ainur is beautiful, but her beauty is not flashy. Ainur is very vulnerable, does not like criticism and can react painfully to comments.

In some situations, especially when there is a "conflict of interest", Ainur can become angry. It happens that this has serious meaning for her, and Ainur should work on herself in order to overcome this quality in herself.

This is not always visible from the outside, but Ainur needs support and security - if she is criticized all the time, she can lose faith in herself and even become withdrawn. Ainur is never deceived by appearances, but tries to get to the heart of the matter. She is moderately self-confident, prefers not to sit idly by, but to act. When she gets carried away, she is capable of taking stupid risks.

Ainur often gets married late. Even after getting married, Ainur can indulge in adventures “on the side,” however, without getting too carried away with it and very much afraid of exposure. Ainur does not have a simple life; something is constantly happening to her. Her cheerfulness and recklessness scares off many, because they don’t even imagine that this is just a mask behind which hides a very subtle soul that wants warmth and comfort. Ainur is very economical, her house is always in perfect order. She is most often hospitable. Ainur loves children very much, there are usually a lot of them in her house.

Ainur is a creative person. She is talented in art and sports. A girl can become an outstanding poetess; Ainur often chooses a career as an artist or actress. If desired, Ainur can become a biologist or politician, but for this she will need hard work.

Name day Ainur

Ainur does not celebrate his name day.

Famous people named Ainur

  • Ainura Salakhidinova (Kyrgyz singer)
  • Ainura Kerimbetova (Russian singer)

Turkic languages ​​are currently spoken by about 170 million people. Many modern names of people inhabiting our country, as well as the names of household items, have Altai roots of origin. Their current distribution area is in Siberia, from and further to the southeast, right up to the eastern shores of the Mediterranean.

Interest in the name Ainur that has arisen recently

It should be noted right away that international interest in what the name Ainur means arose due to the extraordinary popularity of the works of the English professor J. R. R. Tolkien, author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. His story “The Music of the Ainur,” like all of his work, leads fans into a state of mental shock, spurring them to study everything that can be connected with this imperishable heritage. Although Ainur himself, the meaning of his name in translation from Turkic sounds unusually beautiful - “moonlight” - also deserves some attention. If only for this reason, the romantic interpretation is more suitable for a woman. After all, the light of the moon implies kindness and sensitivity, generosity and peacefulness. And as a female name, it is quite common in Muslim countries. An excellent example is the “golden voice” of Turkey - singer Ainur Dogan. The fashion for this name has come to our country. Girls named after him are found more and more often on the Internet (a platform for modern communication).

Character of a man named Ainur

What else interesting, based on the conclusions of various studies, can surprise Ainur? A man's name can be explained using numerology, a science developed by Pythagoras. He argued that absolutely everything can be interpreted by numbers, placing any concept in the simplest series from 1 to 9. Names were proposed to be considered as the relationship of the serial numbers of letters in the alphabet. As a result of calculations, the number of the name Ainur is determined to be 3, which attributes to the bearer a sense of humor and guarantees popularity, and also indicates a readiness for mutual assistance.

Special Features

Great importance is given to the harmony between the numbers of name, destiny and soul. If we consider a person named Ainur from this perspective, the meaning of the name will confirm his leadership. Absolutely all numbers are comparable, and the numbers of the soul and name coincide (3), which also gives an excellent result - such a person is simply doomed to fame! The letter-by-letter decoding complements this captivating image. This is an excellent worker (the patron insect, the ant, speaks about his ability to work), with a scientific approach to even the most tedious process, a smart organizer and a talented scientist. “...Well, what else do you need?..” With such indicators, it is not surprising that the nickname Ainur (the meaning of the name promises only a brilliant future) is becoming more and more in demand.

Name harmony

All his amulets also evoke sympathy. These include: elements (Earth and Water), mineral (onyx), zodiac sign (Aquarius), plant (cypress). The appropriate color is honey-yellow, that is, warmth, peace, joy, confidence in the coming day. But the mystery and beauty lies in the fact that Ainur, the meaning of whose name is deciphered as “moonlight” (we remember this), and in male version Underneath enviable external data, it assumes the presence of a sensitive, vulnerable and defenseless soul. Hence the incredibly painful sensitivity to criticism of one’s actions. You should not offend him unless absolutely necessary.

In general, this case is quite rare. Usually there are a lot of contradictions in the decoding of names. Ainur is the personification of harmony. Everything here complements each other, everything corresponds. Generous, empathetic, philanthropist (charity, caring for people in need is in his blood) and a realist, standing firmly on his feet. None of the male symbolic names - Victor, Vladimir, Alexander - can boast of such a lack of disharmony.

The name Ainur is of Turkic, Tatar origin. The meaning of the name Ainur in translation from these languages ​​has one meaning - moonlight. The Tatar common name is in the top ten names, and has never fallen into the category of rare ones. It can occur as Ainuria, Ainura, both male and female.

Ainur does not celebrate his name day, since his name is not mentioned in the calendar.

Meaning of the name Ainur in astrology:

    Planets of the name – Saturn.

    Talisman Ainur - onyx, magnetite.

    Plant – caraway, cypress, pine, mandrake, ivy, belladonna, blackthorn.

    Animal – donkey, camel, turtle, ant, mole.

    A lucky day is Saturday.

    The number of the name Leo is 3,4 and 8

    Zodiac sign – Capricorn, Aquarius.

    Color – black, lead, olive gray, dark.


The main innate character traits that determine the meaning of the name Ainur are: courage, self-confidence, spirituality, peacefulness. Little Ainur is a brave child. Everything he does as a child shows his character. Ainur is a real leader, a ringleader. Loves to be around his peers, boys and girls.

What the name Ainur means for an adult man is that he is able to move mountains in order to achieve success in life by any means. Ainur has good self-control and sets his priorities correctly. Ainur does not like criticism, may react inadequately to comments, and is easily vulnerable.

Ainur can show anger. He should overcome this quality in himself by working hard on himself. What does the name Ainur mean depending on what time of year he was born? Ainur, born in winter, is self-confident, hardworking and does not sit idle. Loves to act. Sometimes he is capable of a stupid, reckless act.

Ainur, born in spring, is a very economical person, a person with a subtle soul. Behind his cheerfulness and recklessness, hides a person who wants warmth and comfort. “Summer” Ainur is hospitable and loves to play with children.

In the family it represents an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. “Autumn” Ainur is a creative person. He is successful in art and sports. Ainur chooses a career as an artist or actor.

Study, career and hobbies

The secret of the name Ainur endowed him with the ability to intellectually and creative activity. Ainur can achieve some success in literature, music, art, and politics. The hobbies of representatives of the name Ainur are quite varied. He loves to travel, read books, sing, dance, and write poetry. He likes to spend time with children and loves to play with them.


Thanks to the secret of the name Ainur, he enjoys good health. But he needs to pay attention to the pancreas and kidneys, and also take care of the spine (daily outings to Fresh air) and about the intestines (proper balanced nutrition).

When raising little Ainur, teach him to love himself and people. When parenting, combine severity with kindness. Teach to be responsible for your actions.


Ainur Sofieva – international grandmaster, chess player; Ainura Salakhidinova, Ainura Kerimbetova, Ainur Eshmanova - singer; Ainur Niyazova - actress of the Near Abroad; Ainur Dogan - Turkish singer; Ainur Kurbanov - Kazakh politician; Ainur Usmanova, Ainur Polonizaeva, Ainur Shayakhmetov – artists; Ainur Sibgatullin, Ainur Khusnitdinov are poets, Ainur Askarov is a director.

Probably, the big names of elite fashion houses exist also to expand your vocabulary. You should always look “comme il faut”, this is your evidence of belonging to a certain circle, confirmation of your weight and status. This is the only way you feel “at ease”, and then you can show good nature, friendliness, and easily make any contact.

Compatibility of the name Ainur, manifestation in love

Ainur, the logical conclusion of a romantic relationship for you is marriage, creating a family. Therefore, you and people like you have been and remain the target of matrimonial aspirations of at least half of the adult representatives of the opposite sex. You are serious, reliable and honest; reticence, uncertainty, and precariousness of the situation are unacceptable to you. You are determined to take care of your loved one, regardless of the circumstances. And although your sensual manifestations are often devoid of sentimentality, external shine and ostentatious “beauty,” there will always be someone who will appreciate them.


The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain a stable position and existing status. And use every opportunity that presents itself to strengthen your position in life. If you have to work hard for this, well, you are ready for it.

The “ideal” structure of the world appears to you in the form of a heavily armed fortress, capable of withstanding any siege due to the fact that the storerooms are full and the arsenal is maintained in exemplary order. All “military actions” are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, and you are ready to protect yourself and your family from any external attacks.

But what is an “unshakable stronghold” for you can become a prison for others. By imposing your views on life on your loved ones, you limit their freedom of choice, offering to use their own ready-made solution.

Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell because someone inside wanted to go outside and opened the gates. You should always remember that your choice must be consistent with those for whose sake it is, in essence, being made.

Dear readers, in this article you will learn all the details, characteristics and meaning of the female name Ainur. When choosing a name, a child needs to approach this issue responsibly, consider several options, find out how they can affect the fate of a person as a whole, and only then draw a conclusion.

The female name Ainur comes from the Tatar, and has the meaning “moon-faced”. It can also be interpreted as “soft”, “beautiful”. It is very popular in Muslim countries and among the Tatar people.

Those with the name Ainur are quite brave. This character trait may be inherent in them due to the fact that there is the same male name. As a child, she is often the leader of a group and can organize games with friends. Not only girls, but also boys communicate with her.

A faithful friend who can become her mentor and ally in many matters will play a great role in her life. The need to have a loved one nearby will remain with her throughout her life.

Ainura has a fairly optimistic attitude towards life and loves to have fun. Interesting, funny incidents may happen to her, which she will remember with inspiration and joy. Despite this, she knows how to control her words and actions, attaches importance to her character strengths and is able to develop them in the right direction.

If you pay attention to the fact that the name Ainur means “beautiful,” then this woman really is. At the same time, oh she is quite sweet and gentle, she takes care of and takes care of her appearance, which attracts even more public attention.

Her weakness is her vulnerability.. She takes any criticism in her direction very hard and reacts painfully to it. Even the slightest word can unsettle her and drive her into depression. At such moments she loses faith in herself. Despite this, she is used to making balanced, deliberate decisions and often trusts only her intuition or verified facts.

The girl loves to work on herself, study and learn new things. If these qualities are channeled in the right direction, she will be able to adhere to liberal views towards the opinions of others. A girl is capable of realistically assessing any views on things and knows how to calculate her abilities, but if she is too passionate about a task, she can take unjustified risks.

Despite the strengths of his character, Ainura needs constant support. And here a faithful friend who will maintain friendship with her since childhood will come in very handy.

On English language written Aynur, in Turkish - Ainur, it can also be used as Ainura.


The name Ainur will give its owner quite strong health. The condition of an adult woman can be affected by overexertion or depression. It is recommended to take up your favorite sport to strengthen your immune system.

Did you know? Famous singers were Ainura Salakhidinova from Kyrgyzstan and Russian A. Kerimbetova.

Marriage and family

Ainura can outshine her friends with her beauty, so she has a lot of fans, which other girls can envy. But she is not capable of having fleeting affairs, but will pay attention to a truly interesting person who can show her the proper attention and care she needs.

Her cheerful and, at first glance, naive behavior can attract men of weaker character to her. But in her soul lives a serious, demanding personality, who will eventually open up to her soul mate.

In marriage, she is prone to cheating, but, in any case, her family will remain more valuable to her. She carefully hides her trips to the side and is afraid of being exposed.

In general, a woman who bears the name Ainur is a good mother and wife. She loves order in the house and comfort, she is also always hospitable and ready to have fun with an interesting company.

Career and hobbies

Ainura Salakhidinova (Kyrgyz singer).

Ainura needs support in life, so professionally, she will show herself better as a performer than as a leader. She has many creative talents and can become a poet, actress, or find herself in art. She has a passion for sports, so achieving success in this area will not be difficult for her.

He approaches the choice of profession responsibly and will focus on what he is truly interested in. And although self-realization is important to her, she will happily devote her life to her family.

Did you know? The name Ainur does not celebrate his name day, because it is not on the list of Orthodox and Catholic names.

Other options

Here we have considered full description Andmeaning of the name Ainur. If you are still looking for a suitable name for your baby, offer other options on our website. And now I will leave for you some female names, which also endow their owners with quite interesting qualities. I also want to draw your attention to the fact that a person’s fate is influenced by his date of birth, patronymic and upbringing.

  • — — has impeccable qualities. She is successful in many things, has a gentle nature, but at the same time, the girl does not do rash actions. In marriage, she shows love and care for the family, is hospitable and can maintain an interesting conversation. Any disagreements are tried to be resolved peacefully. Of no small importance for her will be appearance, which she will monitor closely.
  • A little temperamental, but quite sociable. He has strong leadership qualities and loves to be the center of attention, so he professional activity can achieve great success, especially on stage. Happily married, a good housewife and caring mother.
  • She is a reliable friend and faithful wife. She always thinks about any actions and accepts right decisions. These qualities are noticeable from childhood, and only grow stronger with age.

Dear readers, I hope this article was useful to you, and you found a lot of new and interesting things in it. Tell me, which character traits of a person are more acceptable to you, and which of them do you want to see in your child? Share this information with me in the comments and be sure to let me know about your choice. I wish you success and good health.