Passage of game Wolfenstein: The New Order. Walkthrough Wolfenstein The New Order Laboratory wolfenstein the new order walkthrough

Chapter 1: Skull Fortress
Baltic Sea
Off the coast of Germany

The outcome of World War II is practically a foregone conclusion: Nazi Germany, thanks to a technological leap, is confidently moving towards victory. William "BJ" Blaskowitz, a special agent of the secret operations department, as part of a resistance squadron, participates in a desperate attempt to storm the Nazi fortress, which houses the infamous general and brilliant scientist in one person, Wilhelm Strasse, nicknamed "The Skull". His ideas brought Germany to a fundamentally new stage of development.

Partner Fergus Reid asks to replace him at the helm, but no such luck. Another anti-aircraft volley leads to a breakdown of the pipeline of the sixth engine. We pass into the technical department and, turning left, we get pliers and wire from the locker. We get to a small opening in the far right corner, crawl to the engine and block the pipeline. From the loss of power, the aircraft began to decline. We leave for the cargo compartment, go down and cut the white-yellow slings from the cargo with a knife. Returning to the cockpit, we use the turret in the nose of the aircraft and sequentially destroy numerous fighters. We monitor the state of the aircraft on the indicator in the lower central part of the screen.

William "BJ" Blaskowitz.

Face-to-face with one of the fighters, we lose consciousness for a while. Waking up, we select the first-aid kit and, after observing the landing aircraft, we pull the upper lever. The plane is knocked out, and it begins to rapidly decline. The pilot, Private Wyatt, begins to panic, but timely advice from Fergus saves the day. We open the cockpit door and, following the partner, we jump onto the wing of the aircraft with a run. After talking with the soldier, we go to the cockpit and bring Wyatt to life. The fortress is right on the course: we make an emergency landing in the waters near the coast.

Mechanized Panzerhunds roam the shore like predators. Having miraculously escaped from one of these in the cockpit, we answer the call of Fergus and discuss further actions. We break the box in the aisle with a knife, run up and, by pressing the squat button, we slip under the rubble. On the left is a first aid kit - we select it and restore health. We boldly dive into the water, swim to the other end of the cargo compartment and get out through the hole on the left side. The supply of oxygen should be enough to swim to the next plane. We do not linger for a long time in one place and, in general, we try to swim at an accelerated pace. We swim into the plane, climb the stairs and sit down behind the turret. Having shot two panzerhunds, we leave the transport and get to the allies.

Having received a walkie-talkie and a submachine gun, we rush straight through the center without looking back. Further, we go down, we pass to the machine-gun nest and replenish the supply of grenades. We throw a projectile into an automatic turret. We jump down through the formed hole next to it. We pick up armor, cartridges and first aid kit from the racks. Standing in front of the door, we lie down on the floor and through the slot we shoot the enemy's leg. As soon as the door opens, we immediately finish off the Nazi. We move forward, killing enemies and competently using shelters. Do not forget to collect the remaining ammunition, armor and first aid kits. The map is supplemented as the location is explored, however, if you find a ready-made map, then the entire area will become available to us. We get to the very last machine gun nest and take the card from the box behind the turret.

Going outside, turn left and move along the trench. We shoot the Kampfhund that appeared on the way as soon as possible. If the dog jumps on us, then quickly and often press the shot button to strike with a knife. We get to the next machine-gun nest, squat down and sneak up on the officer. With the help of a knife, we make a silent kill. We select the fallen pistol, which can be equipped with a silencer and deal with enemies already from a distance. For performing any of the same type of actions (for example, silently killing five officers), an appropriate perk is given that opens up additional opportunities (displaying officers on the map). We leave from the other side and kill another soldier.

Officers can turn on the alarm and call for help an unlimited number of times, which is why we always designate them as a priority target. The presence of officers will be notified by a signal in the upper right corner. Judging by the map, there are two ways to get into the bunker - quiet (by shooting shells in the room (or throwing a grenade at them) and making your way into the sewer through the gap formed) and noisy (by blowing up the gate with explosives, which is in the room on the left side). We use the second option - through the sewer system. Moving along the narrow passage, we pick up ammunition from the hatch cover on the right side. Having entered the bunker through a small grate, crouching, we go to the left and leave the room. Let's hide behind the box and wait for the officer to come down. With a well-aimed shot from a pistol with a silencer, we neutralize him and the soldier on the left side. After silently killing an officer, trophies, letters and Enigma codes will be marked on the map with question marks. Having reached the gate, we go into the room on the left and select a fragment of the Enigma code from the box. Returning to the stairs, let's look into the small room on the left and take the map from the rack. We pass to the end along the rails and behind the boxes we find an open ventilation hatch. We make our way through it to the morgue, where we select the Gold Medal trophy from the table.

Fergus Reed.

Rising higher and higher, we clean the floors from enemies. The allies, meanwhile, almost crept up to the fortress. We get to the anti-aircraft gun and kill the shooter. If desired, a huge stomp on the right side can be destroyed from the gun. Returning inside, we go to the right and go into the first room. There are three levers on the wall - we activate them in the following order: left - right - center. We take a fragment of the Enigma code from the table of the secret room. Going to the left side, we go up one staircase, then along the second one and, going into the room, we pick up Oscar's letter from the bed. Having made our way to the second anti-aircraft gun, we deal with the shooter and shoot at the barrier on the left side. Returning inside, we go into the room on the right. The Golden Cup trophy is hidden under a tarpaulin - we crouch to notice it. We go outside, deal with opponents and get to the next checkpoint. Opening the door, a panzerhund will attack us. We shoot him until Private Wyatt comes to the rescue. We are not in a hurry to give a hand, first we will take the next Enigma code from the room from which the mechanical beast escaped.

Together with a couple of comrades-in-arms, we climb the wall, simultaneously killing the Nazis looking out of the windows. Most of the allies will stay below and cover us with fire. Having penetrated the fortress, we go down the stairs and pull the lever to open the gate. We cling to any of the chains and go down even lower. Crouching, we alternately overtake two opponents and neutralize them. We also eliminate the dog lying in front of the passage, and the officer in a small room, from where we select the Golden Cup trophy from the chest of drawers. We get to the failure around the corner, which is blocked by boards. After neutralizing the enemy, we jump down and with the boxes we select a fragment of the Enigma code. We get out through a small gap in the wall, immediately go to the boxes opposite and from one of them we select a card. Having risen to the next floor, we interact with the statue to the left of the portrait painting of the Skull. We pick up the Golden Sword trophy from the statue on the right wall. We make our way into the office through a secret passage, kill the officer and take the fragment of the Enigma code from the table. We go back and climb the spiral staircase. The last officer loitering around the dining table area.

We go outside through the open window and shoot the enemies on our and lower floors. We move to the neighboring building, climb the stairs and kill the dog. Having bypassed the barrier, we break the box and take out the Golden Floorball Prize trophy from it. Having got out into the courtyard, we use the turret to clear the territory from the Nazis on the lower and upper levels. Having finished, we go to the right and get a fragment of the Enigma code through a small gap in the wall. We pass inside the plane and meet with the allies. We pry the beam with the part received from Wyatt. Following the others, we make a running jump. The already flimsy floor finally collapses under the weight of five strong guys who once again find themselves in prison.

The disfigured bodies of the victims of the experiments are transferred here - to the crematorium. Inadvertently, Wyatt fires up a four-phase burner system. Time is running out, so we act as quickly as possible. Behind the opened door, a flat surface with a keyhole is found. In the drawer of the far right tabletop is a fragment of the Enigma code, in the drawer of the far left tabletop is the key. In the rest you can find a first aid kit and armor. Having unlocked the passage, we quickly select Blondie and take him out of the crematorium. The surprises did not end there: a super-soldier breaks out of the floor capsule and literally crushes the head of the blond Prendergast. Keeping a distance, we destroy the tubes on the shoulders of the enemy, and then continue to shoot at the respirator on his face to the bitter end. Near Blondie lies a bag with endless ammunition - we use it if necessary. The Skull appears in the crematorium and squeezes us into four walls.

The long-awaited meeting with the main enemy did not go exactly as planned: Skull puts us in front of a difficult choice - to use Wyatt or Fergus for our research. Depending on the decision made, we will respectively have the “Shortcut” or “Hacking” skill, which will allow us to further penetrate into unique and inaccessible places for another skill with ammunition, weapons and other useful things. In addition, along with trophies and fragments of Enigma codes, health or armor upgrades will be hidden in locations that increase the maximum value of the corresponding indicator by 10 units.

Wilhelm "Skull" Strasse.

Before leaving, the Skull activated the burner system and left one of the super soldiers to watch over us. With deft movements, Fergus (or Wyatt) distracts the super-soldier and throws a piece of pipe at us - we pick it up and neutralize the enemy. We jump onto the tables and damage the nozzles located above them, from which fire oozes. Then we approach a friend near the window and with his help we get rid of the handcuffs. We break open the metal box to the left of the window or its lock with the "Short" or "Hack" skill. Mini-games are essentially no different. In the first case, we close two bare wires and hold them in this position until all three lights come on, in the second, by rotating the right master key, we connect the green arrow to a series of holes and hold for several seconds. Jumping out of the window, a piece of shrapnel pierces our head. After some time, kind people find us alive in the vastness of the waters and take us to the hospital, where the doctor, after an x-ray examination of the skull, will find that very piece of metal in the brain. Being in a state of deep coma, with a disappointing prognosis, we are transferred to a mental hospital.

Chapter 2: The Asylum

The Polish psychiatric hospital was run by a small family, consisting of father Krzysztof Olive, a psychiatrist, mother, a pharmacist, and beautiful daughter Anya, a head nurse, who looked after us with special trepidation. The only worry was the occasional visitation by the Nazis, led by Sturmbannführer Keller, who each time took with them several patients for the Reich's experiments.

One fine day, everything collapsed in an instant: the Nazis came to close the institution, killing all the patients in the process. We turn our heads to the left and observe the unceremonious actions of the guests. The soldier kills Anya's father and the nurse. Anya herself gets off with only a blow to the head, after which she will be taken to Keller. Then the enemy will deal with the patients. We select a knife and, having waited for our turn, quickly strike. Having acquired a pistol, we attach a silencer to it and leave the ward.

We select a knife and silently kill the enemy. There is a map hanging on the wall on the left - we pick it up. Immediately two officers move along the corridors. We track them on the map and neutralize them. Having dealt with the rest, we go to the stairs "B", go upstairs and select a fragment of the Enigma code. Also on the second floor in the corner room there is a locker with a lock - we break it open and take away the armor upgrade (Wyatt line). We get down to the first floor, we clean it and go to the stairs "A". Several steps were damaged in the lower half. Crouching, through the fault you can see a small door - we shoot through its lock. We pass under the stairs and pick up Isabella's letter. There is a wall safe in the control room - we break it open and get the health improvement (Fergus line). We press the button on the table, thereby opening the doors, and destroy the enemies that have appeared. We go outside and face even more Nazis. Periodically, drones will appear, which are especially dangerous at close range. Near the truck on the right side is a bag with endless pistol ammo. Under the front of the convertible lies the Golden Bonnet Decoration trophy. We transfer Anya to the car and leave the territory of the hospital. On the way, Anya wakes up and takes us to the house of her grandfather Roman and grandmother Olenka Targonsky, who live near the German border.

Chapter 3: New World

Outside the 1960s. Germany won the war and now alone rules the world. America raised the white flag twelve years ago after the Nazis dropped an atomic bomb on its territory. The resistance has been broken, all its members have been captured and no one knows where they are being held. We go down to the basement to Keller, whom we previously found in the trunk of a car. To the right of him, from a small stand, we select the Golden Watch trophy. From the cabinet in the corner we get an apron and an increase in health or armor, and from the drawer of the table - glasses and Roman's letter. Picking up a chainsaw, Keller will rush at us with a knife. Quickly and often click on the shot button to calm the prisoner. Under threat of death, he confesses that resistance fighters are being held in Berlin's Eisenwald prison.

Friedrich Keller.

Roman and Olenka kindly agreed to take us to the German capital. Arriving in the eastern sector, we go down into the pit on the left side and go through the pipe into the sewer. In the corner, between the door and the next pipe, there is a fragment of the Enigma code - we select it. Moving through the corridor, we pick up a pistol from a stool and get out, having dealt with the enemy in the aisle. Having turned around, we go up the stairs and, after guarding the officer, we neutralize him. Having reached a small shed on the left side, we remove a fragment of the Enigma code from one side wall, and from the other, from the slot in the lower left corner we take out the Golden Egg golden trophy. Having made our way into the barracks building, we rise to the second floor and take the map from the wall. We select a fragment of the Enigma code from the device on the table, neutralize the second officer and clean the entire sector from the remaining enemies. We return to the car and reach the platform blocking the path under the bridge.

We go into the left tower, destroy the Nazis and in the room on the right from the cable drum we select a fragment of the Enigma code.

For the Wyatt line, a short way to the -1st floor is provided. Having cracked the door, we go down the stairs and deal with the enemies. We penetrate into the through ventilation shaft opposite the stairs and take away the increase in armor from there. After crossing the bridge, we break open the second door.

Fergus line. We activate the elevator on the left side of the tower, we go up on it to the 2nd floor and we select the increase in health, located between the wall and the cable drum. Looking under your feet, we move along the bridge to the right tower, go down to the 0th floor, and then through the hatch (“F” on the map) to the -1st.

After neutralizing two opponents, we go down the stairs and, after passing under it, we go to the left. The safe path will lead us straight to the officer. We deal with the rest and go to the wall cells. In the ajar cell 43 lies a fragment of the Enigma code. Another fragment can be found in the car on the floor of the passenger seat in the room with the platform. We go up, using a lift or ladder, and activate the gearshift platform lever. We leave the tower through the opened door on the left side, destroying the enemies along the way.

Having moved to the western sector, we go to the right building and neutralize the enemy there. We deal with the enemies by the road and get to the very last building on the left side. Having eliminated the dog at the entrance, we will observe the officer through the window. As soon as he turns away, we go inside and carry out neutralization. We pass to the end of the room and from the table on the left side we select a fragment of the Enigma code. Returning to the previous building, we remove the turret from the machine and, going down, we shoot from it a metal hatch hidden behind a box, between the stairs. We go inside, take the Golden Medallion trophy from the cabinet and at the same time replenish the supply of electric grenades. Back at the car and about to leave the area, two large security robots suddenly appear. We paralyze them with electric grenades and quickly shoot them from stationary turrets. Enemies release electric spheres that detonate after a few seconds, knocking out turrets for a short time. Therefore, when the grenades run out, we remove the turret from the machine and use it as a portable weapon. Having won, we climb into the trunk and, having reached the station, under cover we are placed on a train going to Berlin.

During a night out for coffee, we will be stopped by Obersturmbannführer Engel in the company of his charming companion Bubi. We put the tray on their table and sit down opposite. Engel came up with her own test to identify the purity of Aryan blood. We choose any cards, after which we pick up the tray and go to the compartment car. From the ajar cabinet on the left side we get the Golden Door Handle trophy. We return to our compartment with Anya, going to the end of the car.

Chapter 4: Eisenwald Prison

Irene Engel.

Prisoners are regularly brought to prison, where they are tortured in every possible way, “breaking” both physically and mentally. Prison transport is the only way to get into Eisenwald. We go out onto the balcony and, moving along the eaves, we get to the next room. We take Erdmann's letter from the coffee table. Having passed to the end along the cornice, we go down the drainpipe and penetrate inside through the hatch. In the room, we remove the battery from the generator and insert it into the laser workbench lying on the table. We rise to the second floor, charge the cutter through the charging station on the wall and cut out a closed figure (for example, a circle) on the metal grid without releasing the shot button. Thus, having cut two fences, we get out into the room and cut the compartment fences to the right of the window. Jump over the box and pick up the Golden Frame trophy. On the ground floor, in a compartment near the stairs, there is a Golden Dish trophy. We open the window, run up and jump over to the Gestapo building.

We penetrate inside through the window on the right side, catch up with the guard and neutralize him. Carefully looking into the room, we observe the movements of enemies and kill them, waiting for the right moment. We take the map from the board, and the folder from the filing cabinet on the right side. We place the folder in the file cabinet drawer on the opposite wall (between the aisles), go down to the secret room and select the Enigma code fragment from the table. We deal with the guards in another corridor and the kampfhund in the operating room. We get to the office, neutralize the officer and select a fragment of the Enigma code from the table. Having got out through the window, we follow the prisoners along the ledge to the left side to the prison transport.

We get off the parked transport, climb higher and go all the way to the left. We climb the stairs, go to the right and, turning around the corner, we climb even higher along the next stairs. After moving to the other side, we neutralize the guard. From the conversation of the guards, it becomes clear that the captives from the resistance are being prepared to be sent to Block B-2. We charge the cutter through the charging station on the wall and cut the chain on the door, concentrating the laser on one point for several seconds. We go down the stairs and jump down. We are afraid of the turrets, if necessary, quickly running past them, or cut the fences. The guards are slow and not that dangerous due to their lack of firearms. If we were noticed, then in close combat we try to parry the very first blow by pressing the knife strike button.

Having penetrated the building, we turn around and run away from the panzerhund. We roll under the pipes and quickly cut the chain of the floor grate, concentrating the laser on one of its points. Crouching, we get out into the corridor and cut the metal mesh on the left side. We go down, pick up a fragment of the Enigma code and go back. We neutralize the only guard in the corridor, climb the stairs and go all the way forward. We climb into the toilet through a small grate and silently eliminate the enemy who relieves himself. At the fork in the corridor, we turn right and silently deal with sleeping opponents on a chair and on the upper bunk of the bed. We take the key from the metal box on the wall, and the card from the table. Returning to the corridor, turn right and kill the dog. We get to the observation room, neutralize the officer and select a fragment of the Enigma code from the table. We unlock the door at the end of the corridor and go to the coal warehouse.

We get down lower, we pass along the left bridge and remove the battery from the generator. A new improvement adds a shooting mode to the cutter. We go down and carefully examine the pile of coal, which contains the trophy "Golden Nugget". We climb back to the upper central bridge, cross to the other side and get out to the already familiar place, where the panzerhund is still located. We quickly run along the right side and cut the chains of the fence. Nearby there is a charging station - we charge the cutter if necessary.

Probst Wyatt.

Having reached the prison block B-2, we kill two guards in the central room and use the local elevator. Having risen upward, we open the cell door and neutralize the enemy. We cut the chains of prisoners and communicate with Fergus (or Wyatt). Meanwhile, a group of armed Nazis is heading towards us. While the allies hold the door, we cut the hatch chain above the door and climb into the ventilation shaft. Having reached the observation room, we kill the officer and take away his weapon. We collect first-aid kits, armor and ammunition. We pull the lever to the right of the door, shoot the enemies in the back and help Fergus (or Wyatt).

Fergus line. In the observation room, we simultaneously press two buttons, thereby opening all the cameras in the block. Crouching, we pass through the half-open door and begin to break through to the lower level, using the fences as cover. We destroy automatic turrets from conventional weapons. The Panzerhund, trying to climb the stairs, will fall down and block the passage. We pull the switch to turn off the electricity supply, and run after our partner.

Wyatt line. We go down the elevator to the right of the observation room and quickly rush after our partner so as not to fall into the mouth of a mechanical beast.

While the partner opens the gate, we must cover him. We use the few shelters between the grids and shoot the enemies approaching from the flanks. We also quickly destroy the turrets and comb the area for ammunition, first-aid kits, armor and grenades. Having moved to the opposite building, in the central room fenced with bars from the table we select a fragment of the Enigma code. We rise to the second floor, go into the second room on the right and take the Golden Helmet trophy from the locker. We pass to the end along the corridor, climb the stairs and select from the table a fragment of the Enigma code. Having got out, we break through to the car and on it we pass through the building. After an unsuccessful landing, we quickly cut the hatch chain and go down into the sewer system. Going forward, we go upstairs and hide from persecution in a car prepared in advance by Anya.

Chapter 5: New Home

The headquarters of Kreisau is a hideout for members of the resistance, located right under the noses of the Nazis. We jump from the bridge into the fountain, swim to the hatch and use the cutter to saw the chain of the lattice. We open the hatch, swim inside and get to the very shelter.

In the corner room, use the workbench and pick up the increase in armor. At the request of Caroline, we go to Klaus for a folder with the Whisper project. We rise to the second floor, go into the first room and communicate with Klaus. According to him, he left the folder in a desk drawer in Caroline's office. The next room belongs to Max, in which the coveted folder with the Whisper project is located in the wall cache. There are two ways to get the folder, the most obvious of which is to take the tire iron from the workshop on the third floor and use it to open the cache, which will cause Max concern.

The third room belongs to us: after taking a nap on the bed, we select an increase in health from the bedside table. In the next room, we select the plate from the floor. We go back down to the first floor and wait for Caroline to leave her office. After going inside, we select a card from the box in the corner and remove the poster from the wall, thereby gaining access to the secret room. We climb through the upper grate on the left side, get to our room and from the floor near the small passage we select the Golden Vase trophy. We extract the folder from the wall cache (if we haven’t done it before), jump over the boxes and return to Caroline.

Chapter 6: London Nautica
London, England

Bobby Bram.

The Shepot project, developed over many years, is a unique prototype - invisible to radar and silent in flight. Three prototypes are located in a scientific center called Nautica London. Bobby Bram, with fake ID, agreed to take us to our destination. After dropping us off near the entrance, Bobby drives into the building in a car loaded with explosives. After passing along the right wall, we will get out to the illuminated area, where next to the officer's body lies a fragment of the Enigma code. Returning back, we jump from the wreckage on the crushed car to the pedestal of the collapsed statue and pick up the Golden Plate from the Statue trophy. Moving along the path, starting from the illuminated area a little to the left of the pedestal, we run up and make a slide under the rubble. Having cut the metal mesh with a cutter, we go forward a little, and then quickly move back. After the appearance of the panzerhund, turn around and go left. At the next fork, we turn left, pass through the car and on the run we roll under the rubble on the right side. Continuing to run, we make the last tackle and finally get rid of the mechanized beast. Moving forward, silently neutralize the wounded officer. Next, we deal with the soldier, pick up the machine gun and collect ammunition for it. Faced with a robot guard, we shoot his luminous eye. If necessary, we paralyze the enemy with electric grenades scattered across the territory. Near the wall in the northeast (on the map), surrounded by debris, lies a fragment of the Enigma code.

Entering the building, we throw a couple of grenades to the opened gate on the other side. In the room on the left in the safe is an increase in health. There, on the chair, is a fragment of the Enigma code. We rise to the second floor and hold the defense in the corridor on the right side. Having dealt with everyone, we move to the other side and penetrate the ventilation shaft through the ceiling hatch in the utility room in the southwest (on the map). After going to the grate, we select the Golden Knife trophy. Turn around, turn left at the fork and jump down. We go down the central staircase and pick up the Golden Decanter trophy from the wall display opposite. In the room to the left of the gate, we break open the locker and get an increase in armor from it.

We open the gate, holding the handle, and rise to the control room above the lunar dome, simultaneously destroying annoying drones and soldiers. From the control panel we select a fragment of the Enigma code and pull the lever. Having descended lower, we move along the fence to the satellite from the outside and with the help of a cutter we cut the chain on which it rests. We use the satellite as a crossing, we pass behind the wall and move forward, cracking down on opponents. Having reached the grate, cut the hatch chain on the wall on the left side with a cutter. Having penetrated the elevator shaft, we wait for the second cabin to collapse and jump onto it with a run. Grabbing the rope, we destroy a couple of drones and a soldier and go upstairs. We open the hatch and, without leaving the counterweight, we shoot four safety brakes located at the corners of the elevator car. Having moved up, we pass to the next hatch and go down to the laboratory.

Scientists were engaged in deciphering the artifact "Daat Ihud". We transfer the data of the manuscript to Anya and collect five parts of the artifact from two tables. Also on one of the tables is a fragment of the Enigma code. There is a map hanging on the wall opposite another table. We jump on some object and cut with a cutter two chains on which the partition inside the chamber is held. Click on the button to start the test. We penetrate the chamber and take away the laserkraftwerk, capable of cutting through thin metal hatches and boxes. We cut out the hatch in the wall, get out into the elevator shaft and climb the stairs on the left side. Turning around, we cut out the hatch, go through the ventilation shaft to the end and pick up the Golden Flask trophy. Returning back, we shoot the brakes of the elevator car and move to the hatch through the pipes on the left side.

Anna Oliva.

Having made our way into the hangar, crouching, we go to the right and neutralize the soldier. In the room behind him, you can find ammunition for a pistol. With a well-aimed shot from a pistol with a silencer, we eliminate the officer standing on the central platform. Continuing to move along the wall, we get as close as possible to the second officer, so that it is easier to aim and fire a shot. In the room behind the officer's back is an upgrade for the lasercraft that allows you to shoot in automatic mode, and a fragment of the Enigma code. One way or another, having entered into battle with the robots, the alarm will go off and reinforcements will arrive in the hangar. The last opponent will be a heavy robot, which differs from the security robot in stronger armor and powerful weapons, but all with the same weak point- head. In open spaces, we will have practically no chance, since the enemy's superlaser cannon inflicts serious damage. We use stationary machine guns in helicopters in combination with electric grenades, first stunning the robot with them. If you run out of ammunition for a weapon, then a laserkraftwerk will be an excellent replacement - we charge it through charging stations on the side walls of the central platform. Having won, we take a fragment of the Enigma code from the box under the southwestern (on the map) helipad.

We climb the stairs inside the compartment from which the heavy robot escaped, go through the ventilation shaft and get out into the control room, cutting out the hatch with a lasercrafter. We open the gates of the hangar, select a fragment of the Enigma code from the table in the middle of the room and go down already on the elevator. We get to Caroline on the helipad, transfer her to the cockpit of the nearest helicopter and return to the headquarters.

Chapter 7: Mystery

Anya managed to decipher the manuscripts we got from the laboratory, which describe the creation of "super concrete", which is the main building material of Nazi structures. Of interest is also the ciphered list of Polish members of "Daat Ihud" of the war years, which must be compared with the official German lists. Our tasks are to get a piece of "super concrete" and look for German lists in the archives. From under the pillow on the bed we get Bobby's letter. We pass into the corner room, use the workbench and pick up the increase in armor. Trying to open the archive door. Tekla will tell you that Fergus (or Wyatt) may have the key. We rise to the second floor, go to our room and, after sleeping on the bed, we select an increase in health from the bedside table. Let's visit Fergus's (or Wyatt's) room on the same floor, pick up the key and, going back downstairs, unlock the archive door. Going inside, we pick up the German lists from the table.

We leave the building, get out into the hangar and get to the farthest helicopter. Next to it there is a section of concrete affected by mold. To saw off a piece, you need a circular saw, which lies in the corner on the left side. Trying to extract it from the boards, we fall into the sewer. We pass to a dead end, destroy the turret and go around the grate on the right side. On the wall, to the right of the doorway, there is a charging station - we charge the laserkraftwerk. Having got out into the room, we pick up the plate from the bottom shelf of the rack. We pass through the gap in the wall, turn right and, having reached a dead end, we select an improvement for the lasercraft. Now shots that hit surfaces will be reflected and continue to fly, albeit with a weaker force. We turn around and go in the opposite direction. We destroy the next turret, saw the chain on the door and take the double-barreled shotgun and ammunition from the rack. We get to the drain hole, simultaneously cracking down on drones. We stand in front of a broken section of the fence, accelerate and make a jump. After landing on the pipe, we go forward, climb the stairs and pick up the Golden Ashtray trophy from the barrel. Returning back the other way, go up the stairs a little further from the pit and get out into the hangar. We saw off a piece of concrete with a circular saw, we return to the headquarters and go up to Max's room. Having studied the drawing on the wall, we will have additional task- find Max's toys. The first is marked on the map and is located in the hangar, the second is on the bookshelf in the archive, the third is on the table in Caroline's office, the fourth is on the floor in a secret room behind the wall of Caroline's office. We return to Anya with the finds.

Chapter 8: Belica Camp

The disadvantages of "super concrete" are the loss of strength over time and the formation of mold. Seth Roth, a member of Daath Yihud, has "finished" the composition of the concrete by adding limestone, which is currently being mined by inmates at the Belica concentration camp in northern Croatia. In 1947, Seth was arrested and later sent to the same concentration camp, where he may be to this day. Of course, we will have to infiltrate the camp and find a member of Daat Ihud.

The Belitsa concentration camp is dominated by Engel and Bubi, whom I have already met on the train. Bubi almost recognized our physiognomy, but, fortunately, did not remember it that way. Nevertheless, we, as the most well-coordinated, will be separated from the main stream. We place our hand on the device and get a tattoo in the form of numbers and a patch "B6". We get to the next room, where four more prisoners are working under the strict guidance of the guards. Standing behind a concrete mixer, we communicate with Bombato. We ask him about Seth Roth and find out that he is being held in block "B4", and you can get there only with the appropriate stripe. Milo has one, and he will gladly agree to swap uniforms if you tell him that his wife is in our block. First you need to distract the guards by causing the concrete mixer to break down. We pull the right lever, rotate the left handle and press the button in the middle. We hit the button again, after which we squat and pick up the part that has flown away. We throw it into the concrete mixer, pull the right lever, rotate the left handle and press the button. After the breakdown, we agree with Milo and exchange robes with him.

Due to the lack of repairmen, our work for today is completed. We leave the factory, get to the barracks and go inside. We interact with the prisoner lying on the first bed in the left row, which requires medicine. On the last bed in the same row, there is another prisoner being cared for by Seth Roth. He agreed to reveal the secrets of "Daat Ihud" if we help arrange a diversion, thereby freeing all the prisoners. Seth designed a remote control for a robot that would not work without a detron battery. The missing part can be found in the workshop of the commandant's office, which is located in the sixth block. To get there, you will have to turn off the automatic turret from the guard barracks. To the right of the main entrance to the barracks there is a hatch - we go to it. Let's chat with the prisoner standing near the tree. She will ask you to kill the "Knife" - a guard who cracks down on his victims in a particularly cruel way. Open the hatch, go inside and go all the way forward. From the container we select a fragment of the Enigma code. In the next room, we will be attacked by the Knife. After several stabs, we will lose consciousness and find ourselves among the corpses. We quickly remove the knife and get out of the oven.

Silently neutralize the dog and the guard. We go to the left, we deal with another enemy and, turning left again, we take the card from the wall. In the next room there will be another guard - we neutralize it and go back. We pass to the stairs, go upstairs and cross the bridge, simultaneously dealing with the guard. We get out into the corridor, turn right and go into the medical room. We pick up medicines from the table, and from the bottom shelf of the cart - a fragment of the Enigma code. Continuing to follow the corridor, we get to the "Knife" and silently kill him. From the top shelf we take a fragment of the Enigma code. We leave for the control room, neutralize the guard, take out the fragment of the Enigma code from the box and turn off the automatic turrets. After leaving the barracks, we take away the award in the form of a Golden Dagger trophy from a black prisoner. We also look into the barracks and find that the prisoner has died. We turn to his wife and receive a letter from Christa. We leave for Seth Roth, located near the entrance to the factory.

Let's move on to the second part of the plan. Having penetrated the factory, we move through it to the sixth block. We climb the scaffolding to the uppermost floor of the commandant's office and get inside through the balcony door. Although the guards are unarmed, we try to act silently. From the box in the left room we get a fragment of the Enigma code. On the right is Engel's office, we take the sheet with the code from the desk drawer, remove the picture from the wall and, opening the safe, we take out the Golden Gun trophy and a couple of knives from it. We go down to the second floor and, moving in a squatting position, we eliminate enemies without much noise. In the corner at the other end of the room is a locker, from which we pick up a fragment of the Enigma code. We get down to the first floor and clean it from the guards. From the cart leaning against the stairs, we select a fragment of the Enigma code. On the bedside table, behind the table, is the Golden Bust trophy - we pick it up. Through a small room we go down to the workshop, deal with two guards and from the open locker, obliquely from the electrical panel, we get a fragment of the Enigma code. Interaction with the electrical panel will result in electric shock.

The noise fled the Nazis, led by Frau Engel. By her order, all the prisoners of the fourth block, including us, were handed over to be torn to pieces by cars. We give the battery to Set and watch how the robot deals with those to whom it was supposed to obey. Having taken possession of the colossus, we return to the camp, scattering everyone in our path, using the built-in machine gun and rocket launcher for this. Having reached the destination, we land Seth on the roof and continue to suppress the enemies with fire while the prisoners make an escape. Having finished, we disembark from the car and pass into the building. From the desk drawer in the room on the left side we get the Golden Mask trophy. We get into the truck and leave the camp.

Chapter 9: New Tactics

"Daat Yihud" is an ancient secret society, united by hundreds of shelters around the world, in which they were engaged in the invention of technologies of all stripes, from the simply unusual to the truly magical, ahead of modern progress for centuries to come. The Nazis discovered one of these shelters, gained access to unique developments and, accordingly, thanks to them, won the war. Seth Roth said that there is a large shelter in the depths of the Atlantic and to get to it, you will have to take possession of a submarine.

Seth will repair the tunnel glider, but for this he will need a welding machine. From the locker located between the beds we get Charlotte's letter. We go into the corner room, use the machine and pick up the increase in armor. We leave for the archive and communicate with Anna, sitting on the floor outside the door. She has lost her ring and can't find it. We rise to the second floor, go into our room and, after sleeping on the bed, we select an increase in health from the bedside table. We rise to the third floor and take out the lost ring from the toilet bowl of the toilet cubicle in front of the workshop. By returning it to Anna, we get the Golden Vase trophy. We leave for the hangar, go to the distant helicopter and learn from Fergus (or Wyatt) that the welding machine landed in the water. We return to the headquarters room and ask the bombbat sitting on the chair to provide access to the door.

Going down, we cut the hatch with a lasercraft and jump even lower. Having picked up the welding machine, we swim to the end of the pipe and float to the surface. We go up the stairs on the right side, charge the lasercraft if necessary and, having run up, jump over to the next platform. Going to the edge, turn around and look up. The ladder is held on a chain - we shoot it with a lasercraft. Climbing up, turn right and pick up an improvement for the prototype. We get to the hangar, cut the chains on which the containers are suspended, and be sure to look around in search of first-aid kits and armor. By pulling the lever, two robots will appear. We keep our distance from them and actively hide behind the containers, at the same time recharging the laserkraftwerk through the stations inside them. After passing through the opened gate, we turn left and, having climbed two stairs, we select a plate from the floor. Getting to closed door, we saw the hatch on the right side with a lasercraft and make our way inside. Behind the bars on the left side is visible chain - cut it and return to the door. Having got out into the archive, we carry the welding machine to Set. We take the note and give it to Anya.

Chapter 10: Berlin Catacombs

Caroline Baker.

Beneath the sewers, in the Berlin catacombs, lies the vast complex of the Nazis' central arsenal. The path to it lies through flooded tunnels, which can only be overcome on a glider designed specifically for repair work at depths. Using the device, we plunge into the water and swim through the first tunnel. Having reached the gate, we get off the glider and cut the chain with a lasercraft. Returning to the glider, we swim through the gate on it and, without changing the depth of immersion, we swim up to the rock on the left side. We get off the device again and pay attention to the air bubbles coming out of the pipe. There is a passage that will lead to the cave. On the cable drum near the left mattress is the Golden Book trophy, on the floor near the right mattress is Ingrid's letter. A little further on the table we find a fragment of the Enigma code. We jump into the water, sit in the glider and swim to the next gate. The chain holds them on the other side, so we leave the glider and swim to the other side through a small passage at the bottom. After cutting the chain, we return to the glider and on it we swim through the tunnel above, eventually reaching the surface.

After swimming through the next tunnel, we go up the stairs. We switch the handle and, after waiting for the section of the water wheel with the missing blade to be at the bottom, release it. Having sailed through both wheels, we select the Golden Cove trophy from a small unflooded area on the right side. We pass through the pipe between the wheels, plunge into the water and at the bottom, approximately on the right side, we will find a safe - we break it open and get an increase in health. We return to land, climb the stairs and get to the control room. We select a card from the barrel, switch the handle and wait for the tank to fill. Opposite the stairs, now flooded, there is an entrance to a room where a fragment of the Enigma code lies on a box. On the glider we swim through the second wheel and pipe. From the room on the left side we take the Golden Lantern trophy. Inside the pipe, which is in the corner, we will find the Golden Snake trophy.

Focusing on the map, we get to the platform. We jump down and dive into the water. We saw the chain on which the mine rests and wait for it to float to the surface, hit a wooden barrier and explode. Another mine is located near the wall on the right side. We also cut the chain and swim into the tunnel after the mine. We get out of the water onto land on the left side. We select a fragment of the Enigma code from the box, break open the utility room door and take the armor increase from the rack. After leaving this tunnel, we swim into the next one. We leave the water on land on the left side and take the Enigma code fragment from the rack. We cut the chain on the door, jump down through the gap in the large round floor grate and, having reached the stairs, we go up. We pick up a fragment of the Enigma code from the rack, go into the next room and pick up the Golden Moon trophy from the floor. We jump over the boxes over the bars and use the elevator to go up to the armory.

Between the crates lies lasercrafter upgrades. We cut the metal mesh, get out to the railway tracks and get to the platform. Where it starts, under the stairs is a fragment of the Enigma code - we select it. Slowly we eliminate two soldiers, an officer and a camphound. The second officer moves along the tracks. We track down and neutralize him, as well as the remaining opponents. Inside, on the first floor of the central block, on the walls of which the numbers 1, 2 are indicated, on the shelf is a fragment of the Enigma code. Where the dog was lying, there is a handle - we switch it and open the gate. Having dealt with the super-soldier, we comb the territory and collect all the useful items that we can find. We re-open the gate and get to the control room of the central unit. We select a fragment of the Enigma code from the panel, press the button in the corner on the left side and prepare for the Nazi offensive. We are not in a hurry to go down, as it is much more difficult to fight in open space. Having dealt with everyone, we steal the train and deliver it to the allies. After unloading a number of boxes of weapons, we will be hidden inside the torpedo and sent straight to the submarine.

Chapter 11: Submarine

Klaus Kreutz.

Having got out of the torpedo, we neutralize two enemies on the first floor and three on the upper bridge, including the officer. We leave the torpedo compartment and take the map from the wall in the corridor. Going to the living compartment, turn left and break open one of the doors. First, of course, we clean the compartment from enemies. There is a hatch on the common wall of the rooms, which is cut with a lasercrafter. In the right room, on the bunk is a fragment of the Enigma code, and on the table is the Golden Letter Knife trophy. In the left room there is an upgrade for the laserkraftwerk - an automatic sight that allows you to hit several enemies at once or one, but at the same time on different parts of the body. In this case, the charge of the laserkraftwerk will be consumed much faster. We leave for the cabins: in three of the six we will find two fragments of the Enigma code and the Golden Tray trophy.

Submarine captain Anton Krieger is aware of our presence and offers to surrender. We go down the stairs, open the door and quickly run to the left side. Immediately, two fighters of the fire squad at the ready with shotguns loaded with ricocheting shrapnel will try to stop us. Shrapnel reflects well off surfaces, making it very effective against enemies hiding around corners. There is a charging station on the wall, so using the sight, we deal with opponents from the lasercraft. Having destroyed the arrived reinforcements, we go up the stairs, go through the pipes to the end and, having cut the metal hatch, we go down.

All the forces of the submarine are sent to stop us. For the first time, you can hide in the room on the left side and, crouching, control both passages. Then you still have to get out, as you will need ammunition and other useful items. We rise to the top floor and hold the defense, destroying the enemies as they arrive. On the control panel, to the left of the chair, there is a fragment of the Enigma code - we select it. We leave for the wheelhouse, go into the room on the left side and take another fragment of the Enigma code from the rack. We cut the chains of four buoys and contact Caroline by radio.

The Eva's Hammer submarine is equipped with a nuclear weapon. The captain took the encryption keys with him to the grave, so the only way to get them will be to visit the lunar station, where the keys are stored on a physical medium. The team at headquarters is already actively developing a plan to infiltrate the space object.

Together with Seth, we plunge into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean and find a passage to the Daat Ihud shelter. Once inside the huge capsule, press the button. We move to the other side and take the elevator to the main hall of the shelter. After fiddling with the console, Seth will raise the bridge. The electromagnetic field has ceased to function, so in order to get to the upper platform, you will have to manually charge the coils. We approach Seth and build a special prism into the laserkraftwerk. Having moved to the center, turn left 90 degrees, swim over to the pillar and pick up the Golden Skull trophy. Returning to the center, we shoot at the hexagonal coils (starting from the bottom) and at the same time climb the resulting steps. Do not hesitate, as the steps will disappear after a while. We try not to miss a single coil, otherwise you can fall down at the most inopportune moment. Charging of the laserkraftwerk is also carried out from these coils. Having reached the platform, press the button to lower it. Press the button again when the comrades move to us.

Once in the vault, we collect the Golden Night Pot trophies (on a triangular shelf), Golden Toy Robot (under the triangular shelf opposite), Golden Crown (on a gear, slightly to the right of one of the wall columns). We also select an item located on the part a little to the left of one of the columns. On the wall there is a pyramid of details corresponding to the details in the recesses of the wall columns. We activate by starting with the detail at the top of the pyramid and ending with the details at its base, moving down from left to right. After each correct activation, the recesses will be filled with bright light. Next, open the recess in the sixth column and pick up the improvement for the laserkraftwerk that appeared on the right side, which will constantly charge the prototype. We insert the previously found item into the device near Fergus (or Wyatt).

A scientist involved in the Skull's program to create super soldiers is preparing to be sent to the lunar station. At the moment, he is in a military high-speed train, the route of which lies through the Gibraltar Bridge. If we intercept the train, kill the scientist and steal his documents, then we will have a great chance to go to space.

Chapter 12: Gibraltar Bridge

Armed with the technology of "Daat Ihud", we go to the bridge and drop the "spindle of rotation" from the helicopter. Before disembarking from the helicopter, we select the map from the seat. We pass to the other end of the car, go inside and shoot two opponents. We collect a bunch of useful items, including an upgrade for the assault rifle - a rocket launcher. In the next car there is a rocket man - we deal with him from a rocket launcher. We also destroy the automatic turret, which is fixed on the roof of the wagon that has been tumbled to the side. Having got out of the car, we immediately turn right and pass along the metal beam. The body of a soldier is half sticking out of the window, a suitcase is attached to his arm. We cut the chain and pick up a fragment of the Enigma code. Returning back, we climb the next car and penetrate it through the side door. We go outside on the other side and go down to the lower car. Having run up, we jump over to the bridge and pass to the tower on the left side. We rise to the very top, select a fragment of the Enigma code from the floor and jump down with a run. We return to the car, from which we jumped to the other side of the bridge, and we penetrate inside. A little before reaching the exit, crouching, we shift to the left and go in the opposite direction. We select a fragment of the Enigma code and leave the car.

We go around the car on the right side and near the support we will find a fragment of the Enigma code. We pass from one car to another and from the floor near the broken side wall we select a fragment of the Enigma code. We rise to the roof and take away the sniper rifle from there. We destroy the automatic turret and the enemies located in the car opposite. Then we pass through this same car and pick up the Golden Soldier trophy from the ground. Returning to the car, we rise to the second floor and through the hatch we get out onto the roof. We pass along the beam to the neighboring car, cut the metal mesh and, climbing onto the topmost box, jump onto the grate at an angle on the left side. We select the Golden Compass trophy from the box, leave this car and enter the next one, which is in a hanging position. We jump lower and lower, simultaneously cutting metal grids. Outside we'll face large quantity enemies. First of all, we deal with the super-soldier, in order to then take possession of his weapon and shoot weaker opponents. From the chamber of the car, from where the super-soldier escaped, we pick up the Golden Rabbit trophy. Having cleared the territory, we rise to the surviving section obliquely from the car and from there we jump onto the car itself with a run. We get along the beams to another surviving area, where we find a fragment of the Enigma code. Returning back, we go into the checkpoint building, climb the stairs and deal with the remaining enemies. We break open the door with master keys and take away the improvement of armor from the control panel. We go down a little lower, saw the floor hatch and get inside.

First of all, without getting off the ventilation pipe, we hit the super-soldier with a powerful aimed shot and, if necessary, quickly finish him off. We kill two more soldiers and, having gone down, we collect a large number of useful items, including those in the boxes. Inside the first box, on a shelf to the left of the gate, there is a fragment of the Enigma code. We go down to the intermediate landing, turn left and go down from the ventilation pipe. Having dealt with the enemies, we go outside and, turning right with a running start, we jump over the gap. The partner will arrive just in time to help and save us from the super soldier. Again, we scatter and jump into the helicopter. The pilot will take us closer to the car with the scientist.

Using the turret, we shoot the approaching enemies. After landing from the helicopter, we go into the room on the right side. On the safe is a fragment of the Enigma code - we select it. We also break open the safe and get an increase in health from it. We get to the failure, go down through the car and destroy the rocket man. We penetrate into the car, which is in a hanging position, carefully jump from one seat to another and pick up the documents of the dead scientist.

Chapter 13: Lunar Station

The shuttle that took off from the London Nautica brought us safely to the lunar station. After leaving the shuttle cabin, we move along the terminal and go through the standard x-ray procedure. We make our way into the luggage compartment on the belt conveyor. On the tape, on the other side of the X-ray scanner, lies the Golden Cane trophy. We pick up equipment from the suitcase and, having contacted Caroline and Anya, we receive instructions on further actions. Continuing to move along the conveyor belt, we will eventually stumble upon a box - we cut it with a lasercrafter and get an increase in armor. Returning to the compartment, we cut the metal wall under the glass and go into a small room. We press the button on the table and pick up the gun. Having dealt with two space marines and an attack aircraft, we select their weapons or, to be more precise, an improvement for a sniper rifle. Modified weapons are charged through the same charging stations as the laserkraftwerk. Also, ammunition can be obtained in the old fashioned way - from the bodies of dead enemies.

After passing through the tunnel, we move forward clockwise, silently neutralizing the paratroopers and officers from a pistol with a silencer. At the northern stairs there is a turret, to the right of which there is a card on the rack - we pick it up. Having cleared the territory from enemies, we leave through the eastern gate and go down the stairs. Continuing to act without attracting attention, we deal with the paratrooper in the corridor and two sleeping officers in the rooms. On the toilet in the toilet, opposite the bed in the left room, is a fragment of the Enigma code. Lastly, we destroy the super-soldier and leave the living compartment through the ventilation system.

Having made our way into the laboratory building, we deal with the paratroopers and pick up a fragment of the Enigma code from the bottom shelf of the table in the second room. Next, we go through the disinfection procedure, kill the enemy on the first floor and select the Golden Face Mask trophy from the bedside table in the center. We climb the stairs and, moving clockwise, we silently neutralize the enemies one by one, including the officer. Inside the premises is the second officer - we kill him and from the table, to the left of the common passage of the second and third rooms, we take Dieter's letter. On the ventilation shaft in the last room we go down to the lower floor.

From the table in the corner of the adjacent room we select a fragment of the Enigma code, go through the red tunnel and go down even lower through the next ventilation shaft. We put on a spacesuit, go to the gateway and press the button on the right side. Moving along the path, we will soon encounter three drones. After destroying them, we select the Golden Fragment of the Meteorite trophy lying near the boulder under the slope. We go down the next slope, jump over to the island on the right side, and then onto the platform. Having made our way into the command module, we go to the right and select a scalpel from the table, with which we get rid of the mark on the hand stuffed in the Belitsa camp.

We pass through the room on the left side and get out into the corridor, along the way taking a fragment of the Enigma code from the table. To the right of the gate there is an entrance to the ventilation system, which will lead us to the living room. We move from it to the other side, climb the stairs and sequentially eliminate two officers from a pistol with a silencer. In the absence of ammunition, we act more prudently, since the attack aircraft cannot be quietly eliminated. We deal with the rest of the enemies and use the elevator, which is located at the other end. Destroying the enemies, we rise to the topmost ring. Focusing on the map, we get to the area between the eastern and southeastern connections and from the white stand we select a fragment of the Enigma code. We leave the territory through the gate in the north and go through the tunnel to the cleaning block. We go to the server room, print out the codes for launching nuclear missiles and destroy the reinforcements that have arrived.

We take a fragment of the Enigma code from the large round table. To the left of the door is a safe - we break it open and get an increase in health. We go down into the ventilation system through the floor hatch in front of the door and, having made our way through it, we kill two paratroopers. We cut a thin metal wall, go down and deal with several enemies. Having made our way through the ventilation shaft, we go down the escalator to the platform. We select the Golden Flask trophy, located behind the red bag, and move to the hangar by train.

Thanks to the efforts of the security robot, we failed to reach the end point of the route. We get out of the car through the floor hatch and on our own two get to the station, and then to the terminal. We go down to the hangar, after a while two super-soldiers will come out of the shuttle. There are charging stations on the walls, which will allow you to unlimitedly use the power of the Lazekraftwerk when shooting in aim mode. We step aboard the shuttle and go into the cockpit.

Chapter 14: Return to London Nautica

After an unsuccessful landing, crouching, we sit out behind cover. When the shuttle is about to collapse from the bridge, we get out of it with a running start. Having burst into the building on a cable, we will neutralize the officer as soon as possible, who will rush away from the bar on the right side. Slowly but surely, an attack aircraft will approach us, so we won’t be able to stay in one place for a long time. If necessary, we run to the bar, where there is a charging station on the wall. To the right of the window through which we burst inside, there is a box on the bench - we take out a fragment of the Enigma code from it. We get out through the gap in the wall on the other side. We cut the chain on one of the sides of the flooring, go down and get to a similar flooring, held on chains. We go to the concrete area on the right side, select the Golden Bracelet trophy lying directly under the drainpipe, and cut the nearest flooring chain. With a run, we jump lower and make our way into the building.

Climbing the stairs, we charge the sniper rifle and deal with the enemies. In the room to the right of the table we select a fragment of the Enigma code. We interact with the picture hanging on the wall and from the top shelf in the secret room we get the Golden Soccer Ball trophy. Depending on the line, we break open the door at the end of the corridor or the control panel in the room on the left. In the first option: we get out into the elevator shaft, jump onto the lower cabin and penetrate it, cutting out the hatch with a lasercraft. In the second option: we call the platform, along which we pass to the right, we get to the room and, after clearing it of enemies, we go down the stairs.

Having shot down the helicopter, we select a card from the kitchen counter. Among the debris in the corner, to the left of the collapsed floor, lies a fragment of the Enigma code. We go down to the second floor, deal with opponents and pick up a fragment of the Enigma code from the floor to the right of the blue tarpaulin near the southern (on the map) wall. We jump down the debris, reach the first floor and clear it of enemies. From the drawer of the filing cabinet by the south wall we get a fragment of the Enigma code. We get out and through the scaffolding we get to the platform on which we go down to the construction site.

From the giant London monitor, which is ten times larger than us, we actively hide in the sewers, where we also replenish the charge of the lasercraft and sniper rifles. Preparing to hit us with a laser, the enemy's eye will open - we quickly shoot at him. Then the London monitor will launch rocket launchers (three guns in each hand) - we immediately destroy one of them. Further, having finished with rocket launchers, we begin to act more aggressively. Being as close as possible to the enemy, once again we shoot at the eye and, as soon as possible, running under the robot, we shoot the engine point-blank. Do not forget about the turrets - we destroy them or hide behind the numerous pipes on the site. Having won, together with Klaus we go to Berlin.

Chapter 15: Roundup

Nazi soldiers, led by the miraculously surviving Frau Engel, discovered the shelter and captured almost all of our friends. Having unsuccessfully flown into a drained fountain by car, the enemy shoots Klaus and we could be the next in line, but Max who appeared in time saves us from this fate. Gathering ammunition, fighting off a couple of soldiers and drones. When Max opens the hatch, we run inside and get to the headquarters. We silently neutralize the officer and two soldiers. Having dealt with the attack aircraft on the second floor, we go into Max's room and pick up Max's letter from the floor. In Klaus's room on the table is the Golden Shoe Spoon trophy - we pick it up. We rise to the third floor, destroy another attack aircraft and, after passing through the workshop, we cut the chain of the ventilation shaft grille.

Moving along the mine, we will meet Tekla, who resigned herself to her fate and bravely killed a couple more fascists before being shot. Having got out into the sewer, we collect useful items scattered along the fence. First of all, we destroy two super-soldiers as soon as possible, and only then the fighters who have come running. We go up the stairs and through the ventilation shaft we get to the hangar. Caroline, thanks to power armor, literally found a second life. After getting rid of the security robots, she will take care of the return of the helicopter. We collect armor, kill two soldiers and a panzerhund, against which only the grenade launcher of the machine gun and the laser craft are effective. The enemy is fast and strong in close combat, so we run less in open spaces. Having won, we get into the helicopter and leave the shelter.

Chapter 16: Return to Skull Fortress

The operation to free friends is urgent. The plan is simple: get close to the fortress on a submarine, smash the wall with a cannon and get inside. We pass through the gateway, interact with the control system and, having surfaced, we shoot at the complex with a “spindle of rotation”. The proven technology did the job perfectly. Swimming to the shore on our own, we dive into the water and pick up the Golden Spatula trophy, which lies to the left of the stairs. Having risen to the shore, we go inside and collect useful items. Having reached the exit, namely the broken wall, we take the Golden Armor trophy from the corner chamber.

We pass to the end along the corridor, we go into the room and from the drawer of the filing cabinet we get a fragment of the Enigma code. There is a card on one of the tables - we select it. Having cleaned the hall, we go down to the courtyard and deal with numerous enemies. We try to take a place behind the turret as soon as possible in order to make our task easier. We press the button, which is located in the center on the concrete block. Almost reaching the opened door, from the container on wheels near the column we get the Golden Teapot trophy. Going inside, we continue to exterminate the Nazis. From the farthest bench in the center of the hall, we select a fragment of the Enigma code. We go down the stairs, open the gate, holding the lever for a while, and get to the laboratory. From the table by the left wall we take away a fragment of the Enigma code. Climbing the stairs in the next room, we are attacked by Bubi. Having overcome the effect of synthetic titanospasmin, we bite through the neck of the offender when he leans towards us. We kill Booby or leave him alive.

We go up the stairs, get to the elevator and go down to the cells on it. We go to the right and find friends. Together with them, we again use the elevator and, stuck between floors, help Bombato, Seth and Anya to go upstairs. The elevator will start working at the most inopportune moment, taking us straight to the Skull. For many years, the general kept the brains of his subjects in capsules. He embeds the capsule with the contents belonging to Wyatt (or Fergus) into a prototype robot, which he gives the only installation - to destroy us. We quickly press the button and go outside.

Max Hass.

We destroy the wooden boxes, take out the electric grenades from them and quickly move to the armored glass at the other end of the territory. Having hit the enemy with a grenade, he will be immobilized for a couple of seconds - during this time we must have time to run up to him in front and remove the capsule with the brain. Having eased the suffering of Wyatt (or Fergus), we hide behind the glass and cut out the metal mesh behind our backs. If you deal enough damage to the enemy, he will stop attacking us and start restoring his electrical shield. Taking advantage of these pauses, the first thing we do is go through the grid and pick up equipment from the weapon cabinets, including armor and first-aid kits, and rush to one of the sides. We quickly move along the metal grid, collecting useful items, reach the stairs and, having risen higher, we continue to run forward. Having reached the anti-aircraft gun, we direct it into the sky and fire at the airship. Similarly, we get to another anti-aircraft gun and with it we destroy the second airship. We shoot the enemy until lightning strikes him. Returning to the site, we get to the building from where we left, and saw the boxes on the right side of the entrance. One of them contains the Golden Pot trophy.

From the center we go down and continue the fight with the Skull. In conditions of limited space, we try to stay away from the enemy and collect all sorts of useful items. We expose ourselves as little as possible to the fire of the Skull, using cover wisely, and shoot ourselves as much as possible. There are plenty of charging stations here to charge the laserkraftwerk and use it to hit the enemy with powerful aimed shots. Having weakened the furs, we approach him, remove the Skull from the cabin and strike with a knife. After waiting for the allies to leave the fortress by helicopter, Blaskowitz will give the signal for a nuclear attack.

The passage of Wolfenstein: The New Order actually does not raise questions among fans of shooters, however, some moments in the gameplay burden it, make it take a long time to look for a way out of this situation. We will help you complete the game without difficulties, but try to resort to such guides only in cases of emergency.

Let us consider in more detail the passage of each chapter without deep penetration into the plot of the game.

Chapter 1

Together with the pilot Fergus and the soldiers of the American army, we fly to the castle to kill General Totenkopf. The plane is shot down, and the hero is sent to fix the problem. We take the tools in the locker and repair the fuel line, then we cut six ropes to get rid of the ballast.

There is armor in the hatch under the stairs.

Upon returning to Fergus, we climb into the hatch between the seats and take up the machine gun to reduce the number of enemy aircraft. After the weapon is out of action, we activate the lever at the seat located on the right.

A plane full of soldiers is flying nearby, but ours is about to fall. We open the door on the right side of the ship and after Fergus we jump over to the neighboring plane. There we talk with one of the soldiers, and the second we bring to ourselves. While the pilot puts the equipment on the water, we collect first-aid kits. They will come in handy later.

This will be followed by an attack by a robot, from which you need to escape through the lower hatch into the water. Under water along the cable we get to the next crashed plane, we grab a machine gun and destroy all the robots.

After talking with a partner under the cover of comrades, we get to another broken aircraft. Then we fall into the trench and alternately go through all the bunkers, leaving no one and nothing behind.

We blow up the door to the large bunker and climb inside. With a fight we rise to the very top, where with the help of anti-aircraft guns we turn a huge combat vehicle into scrap metal. Together with the allies, we storm the castle, which will result in falling into a trap - a failure in the crematorium. If you quickly find the key in the lockers, we will be free. Here we break the hoses of the robot that appeared from under the floor with bullets and meet with the Skull itself. It starts the process of moving the walls.

We wake up in captivity, and the boss will offer to choose a partner who will be executed.

Depending on the choice, we get a bonus to health or armor and the ability to break locks using various methods.

We break the robot with a pipe, which we get from a surviving comrade, we destroy the fire nozzles with it, break open the lock and jump outside with a wounded friend.

Chapter 2

The agent was found by the fishermen, he gets to the doctors, they discover a brain injury and close the protagonist in a mental hospital in Poland, where the pretty nurse Anya nurses him. The next visit of the officer became fatal for the guests of the hospital: it is closed, the sick are shot, as well as the family of doctors for resistance. Their daughter, Anya, is taken away with them.

We take a knife and go in search of a girl who will help find the rebels. With the help of a knife, we silently kill all the officers until we get a shotgun in the central corridor.

Near the central doors there is a glazed room. We activate the button in it to open the door and repel attacks from all sides. We clean the yard and save Anya. Together with her we leave the scene of the crime. The girl will take Blazkowitz to her grandparents.

Chapter 3

The old people said that now is 1960, the Nazis won the Second World War and reign supreme on the planet. The resistance is crushed, its leaders, who were not executed, are in camps and prisons.

We take out the officer from the trunk and start his interrogation in the basement, find out where the bulk of the resistance is contained and keep our way to the Berlin prison.

Anya's grandfather hides a new acquaintance and granddaughter in the trunk and hits the road. At one of the checkpoints, you will have to go outside and clear the sector from the enemy.

Everywhere try to solve the officer first of all. Without command, the soldiers will be in turmoil and stop coming. Otherwise, they will appear endlessly.

In a narrow tunnel we find a silent pistol, at its end there will be a ladder. We rise along it and on the second floor we eliminate the officer. We clean the sector, look for all the secrets (Enigma codes, golden eggs), collect first-aid kits, armor and ammunition - and back to the car.

At the next checkpoint, we also kill everyone, head to the tower, through the tunnels we get into the basement of the neighboring tower, from there - to the garage. We climb up the stairs, cross the bridge and activate the lift, return to the car.

Ahead of us are several structures with fascists that need to be cleared. Then we destroy the robots with a machine gun and hide back in the trunk. Now we board the train, where we will meet with the obersturmbannfuehrer, who will offer to pass the test for belonging to the Aryans.

Chapter 4

We'll wake up at the hotel. Task: get into the prison and save all the members of the resistance.

While Anya fills the tanks for the patrol, we leave the hotel along the ledge and the pipe. In the workshop, we charge the battery of the cutter and take the tool itself. With it, we cut the grate and move forward - we move to the neighboring building. With the help of a knife and a cutter, we get to the car with the prisoners. We climb onto the roof of the car through the cornice.

While the prisoners are being unloaded and taken away, we use a cutter to cut the bars and locks in order to climb to a higher platform. From there we get into the yard, then into the sewer. We follow the corridors until we find a map of the prison and a new battery for the cutter, which will make it possible to shoot.

Upstairs we find a cell with prisoners and free them. Now we have five assistants with whom we need to get to the car, simultaneously shooting everything that moves.

Chapter 5

As they drive over the bridge, everyone jumps off the car and dives into the water. With the help of a cutter, we melt the chains of locks and find ourselves at the base of resistance, where Caroline Becker dominates.

We help Caroline to find papers gathering dust on the base. We do a favor, study the structure, get acquainted with the Whisper project - silent helicopters - and bring the folder to the lady.

Chapter 6

There was a need to get into the London Science Center and steal one of the three prototypes of such helicopters. We reach London without obstacles. The driver blows up the wheelbarrow right at the entrance to the building. We go through the ruins, hiding from the robot between the floor slabs. We send everything on the way to the forefathers, including the robot: we send a couple of grenades and finish off with shots in the red eye.

Fighting our way into the moon dome, after it we overcome the repair compartment, it is inconvenient to fight here, therefore it is better to shoot while moving towards the enemy. In the control room, we activate the lever, go through the hatch and climb up, shooting off the brake pads.

We take in the hangar everything you like and with the help of a modernized cutter we make our way into the mine, cutting the sheet metal. We get to the hangar by the stairs and cut the way inside. We solve the officers, without whom the reinforcements will not come. We clean the territory, improve the lasercraft, move the roof and, together with the allies, leave the hangar in helicopters.

Chapter 7

We fly on prototypes to the base. From the documents received, we learn about one of the sources of Nazi technology. They destroyed the Daath Ihud organization and obtained its knowledge, for example, about heavy-duty concrete, which is easily destroyed by mold. Such a piece of concrete must be found in the sewers, which will not do without adventure. Using a circular saw, we saw off a sample and give it to Anya.

On the level, look for a figurine of a permanent increase in health and a couch near the armory, which teleports toWolfenstein 3D.

Chapter 8

By surrendering to the Nazis, Blaskowitz visits a prisoner camp, where he meets a representative of the destroyed Daat Ihud organization named Seth Roth. The head of the camp is Irene, who arranged the test on the train.

The target is in Block 4, and to get there, you need to change clothes with one of the prisoners from there. To arrange an inconspicuous exchange, we break the concrete mixer, and while the guards find out the cause of the problem, we are doing our plan. Once in the target block and agree with the old man: his cooperation in exchange for the freedom of all prisoners.

With long efforts, you must turn off the security system and return to old Seth. He will send for the battery for the remote control of the robots. As soon as we get it, we will lose consciousness from an electric discharge. Wake up with a new ally tied to the pillars for execution. The mouth with the help of the remote control will destroy the Nazis, then we climb into the control cabin and crumble everything around, including the walls.

We cover the old man, and when he unlocks the garage lock, we all get into the car and leave, seeing old Irene alive.

Chapter 9

The Nazis gained access to one of the hundreds of caches, and not the largest. Seth Roth has access to a larger secret located at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

We return to the shelter, get acquainted with its new guests and help them with little things.

Chapter 10

We sit down in the repaired glider and go along the directed corridors to the catacombs. Soon you will have to leave the transport and enter the depot, where there will be several skirmishes, including with super-soldiers. When everyone falls, we overtake the train to the depot of the allies. They'll hide Blazkowitz in one of the torpedoes so he can hit the submarine.

Chapter 11

We get out of the torpedo and start the extravaganza until the interception of control of the boat. We raise it, pick up our comrades and go to Atlantic Ocean for secret knowledge and artifacts.

Only Seth will dissolve the doors of the airlock, we pass into the hall, from where we go up on a tricky elevator. We clear the storage of good and leave it.

Chapter 12

Nuclear weapons were found on the boat, but there is no access to them. In addition to the murdered captain of the ship, the information is stored at the Nazi military base on the moon.

The ticket there will be the murder of one of the participants in the next expedition and the receipt of his documents. Intelligence reported that he would soon be crossing the Strait of Gibraltar on a train guarded by a mass of Nazis.

We catch up with the train by helicopter and stop it with a secret weapon, destroying the bridge with this. We land and check the cars. Here Blazkowitz expects powerful resistance and a lot of problems on the way to the cherished goal - the sixth car. In it we find the necessary papers and prepare for the flight to the moon.

Chapter 13

Once on the moon, we pass the face control successfully, and start looking for our suitcase with guns, going down the conveyor. There is a metal wall in the security room, we cut a passage in it, take a gun and start having fun. Once in the airlock, we take a spacesuit and leave the building in the direction of the Nazi station.

We pass a series of well-guarded premises to the storage of nuclear supplies, we make a copy of the access codes and get out into the waiting room for the ventilation system. On the way, we constantly meet soldiers raised on alarm, as a result of which we are forced to capture the space shuttle in the hangar and get to Earth on our own.

Chapter 14

We get to our home planet with problems: the ship barely landed near the destroyed London Science Center. We collect an arsenal and fight, quickly moving around the room. Halfway we learn that the Skull has reached the resistance base, so we accelerate. We shoot down a helicopter, then we fight with a robot with a red eye and return home.

Chapter 15

By the time Klaus gets to Berlin, the shelter is already burning down. We clean the floors from the officers and robots of the enemy, we move into the hangar. There we destroy everyone and fly by helicopter to the submarine.

Chapter 16

The boat will take everyone to Skull Castle. Before its destruction it is necessary to free the prisoners. We punch a hole in the wall and swim to the castle. We will shoot a lot along the corridors.

Having reached the laboratory, we become a victim of a fatal injection of Bubi, but the brain does not react to it in any way. Bubi says goodbye to life. We get to the prisoners, save everyone, but get stuck in the elevator. People slowly leave him, and Blazkowitz heads towards the Skull.

After killing all the robots and taking possession of the flask with the brain of a surviving partner, the Skull has no choice but to enter into the last battle for one of them. He hid behind a shield, and he needs to be turned off. Then we lure the robot into a fiery trap and finish it off with a rocket launcher. Taking the general out of the cockpit, the protagonist dooms both to death, but first sends the signal to the resistance to activate the nuclear charge.

9. New tactics.
10. Berlin catacombs.
11. Submarine.
12. Gibraltar bridge.
13. Lunar station.
14. Return to Nautica.
15. Raid.
16. Return to the fortress.

  • Deciphering Enigma Codes .
  • Cheat codes . Questions - answers .
  • general information

    Developer: Machine Games. Publisher: Bethesda Softworks.


    The events of the game begin in 1946 in an alternate history.

    Cowardly Americans sit on their own continent and do not enter the Second world war. Nazi Germany at this time is building up its combat power, destroying the European states.

    We play as an American officer of Polish origin named William Joseph BJ Blaskowitz. As part of an assault group, we are flying over the Baltic Sea, trying to break through to the German fortress of General Wilhelm Strasse, nicknamed the Skull. The general is a brilliant scientist and designer, thanks to which fascist Germany began to win in an alternative World War II.

    System requirements
    Wolfenstein: The New Order. Passage of the game on PC

    Characteristic Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
    CPU Intel Core i7
    Intel Core i7
    AMD with Catalyst 14.4 driver
    video card 1 GB Video RAM, DirectX 11
    (Nvidia GeForce GTX 460)
    (AMD Radeon HD 6850)
    1 GB Video RAM, DirectX 11
    (Nvidia GeForce GTX 460)
    (AMD Radeon HD 6850)
    50 GB 50 GB
    Operating system Windows 7 (SP1)
    Windows 8 (64bit)
    Windows 7 (SP1)
    Windows 8 (64bit)

    Chapter 1

    In the sky
    Wolfenstein: The New Order. Walkthrough

    We wake up in the cockpit. Our plane has just been hit. Co-pilot Fergus Reid sends us to fix the problem.

    Task: Troubleshoot

    We leave the cockpit. Open the cabinet on the left and take instruments. We climb into the hatch, with tools we pinch the left fuel line.

    Objective: Drop the load

    We enter the cargo compartment, cut with a knife six lines.

    Secret. After completing the task, you can climb into the hatch under the stairs, there we will find a bulletproof vest (armor +50).

    Objective: Get up to the turret in the cockpit

    We return to the cockpit. We climb into the hatch between the seats, we get into the cockpit with a stationary machine gun. We begin to shoot a lot of enemy fighters.

    Enemies disable our machine gun. We regain consciousness in the cockpit, Fargus brings us back to life. There is a lever above the right seat. While Fargus is talking, we look at this lever without looking up. Another plane will fly over our plane, we must see it. (Important!!! By pulling the lever, we check whether the first sketch has appeared in our diary. If there is a game error and there is no sketch, then we cannot collect the full collection of items, we start the game from the very beginning. Replaying a separate chapter will not help).

    Objective: Open the cabin door

    The pilot was killed in a neighboring plane. Our plane is already empty, without equipment, and a whole platoon of soldiers is flying in a neighboring plane, so you need to jump onto it and take the helm there. We open the door on the right. Fergus Reid jumps first.

    Objective: Take a running jump on the "Condor-9"

    We need to follow up. First, run up (Shift key), and then jump (Spacebar). We must immediately jump to the open door, otherwise we will fly off the wing and fall.

    Objective: Return to Fergus

    We climb into a neighboring plane. Here we speak with the nearest soldier. We go forward, look around, collect a few first-aid kits. In the cockpit, we bring to life a lying soldier.

    We watch how Fergus lands a plane on the water off the coast.

    Landing at Baker Beach
    Wolfenstein: The New Order. Walkthrough

    The hero swims out of the water. On the surface, a large robot in the form of a dog, the Panzerhund, attacks. As a result of the robot's attack, we find ourselves inside a crashed plane.

    Task: Answer a call on a walkie-talkie

    In the cockpit we communicate by phone with Fergus, we get the task to get to the machine gun in the next plane.

    Objective: Swim to the turret in an airplane

    In the doorway we destroy the box with a knife blow. Ahead we see a robot making its way through the skin of the aircraft. We make a tackle (Shift + Ctrl, which is not very convenient) to slip into the hatch from below.

    We dive into the water. We swim underwater along the cable at the bottom. If we surface, the Germans will start shooting at us. We swim to the next broken plane.

    Objective: Kill the mechanical creatures

    We sit down at the machine gun and shoot two small robots. Nearby we see a large walking robot, but it passes by.

    Objective: Get to your

    We run up to the allies who got out of the plane. We speak with Fergus.

    Objective: Get into enemy trenches

    We get a firearm submachine gun (for selection - the key "4"). While the allies are covering us, we need to run along the moat in the center of the beach. We run into the body of the broken aircraft.

    Under the ground we fall into a trench. Here, through the bars, we kill the first two enemies from below. We go into the door on the left, we fall into the bunker. We take grenades (to select - the "2" key) and throw them into the automatic machine gun installation.

    From the explosion on the floor of the bunker, a breach is formed, we jump down there. Below we collect ammunition, first-aid kits, armor. The door ahead is closed, to go through, we lay down on the floor (keys "Alt" + "S"). Through the gap in the door we see the legs of the enemy, we shoot at them. After that, the enemy will open the door, we finish him off.

    We go forward along the trench, kill all the enemies on the way. You can shoot while looking out of cover (hold down "Alt" and click in the direction you want to look).

    We go north along the trenches. Here we are attacked by two German Shepherds, hung with armor.

    We reach the third bunker. Through the window we see a German officer. We select the knife (the "1" key), sit down (the "Ctrl" key), quietly approach the officer and silently hit him from behind (press the mouse wheel). For this we get perk "Scout I". Silently killing an officer on the map reveals the location of secret items (but as long as they are not visible, they are in the next location). We also kill the neighboring soldier silently.

    We move forward along the trench. Ahead is a group of three soldiers and another officer. They can't see us, so they can all be silently killed with a knife. For 5 silent kills we get perk "Knife Throwing". On the right we examine the bunker, we see large high-explosive shells in it.

    There is another group of enemies near the next bunker. An officer can be killed by throwing a knife, but ordinary soldiers cannot be killed quietly, because they look at each other.

    We reach a dead end, we enter the doors, we take in the warehouse explosives and other ammunition. We install explosives on the large gate in front. After the explosion, we can go inside a huge bunker.

    Bunker BE.332
    Wolfenstein: The new order. Walkthrough

    Objective: Suppress anti-aircraft guns

    Once you enter the bunker, you can't go back.

    If we entered the bunker through the main gate, then we will have to fight enemies, one of which is standing at the machine gun mount. To kill the machine gunner, we shoot him in the legs, from above he is covered with machine gun armor.

    If we entered the bunker through an underground passage, then we can approach the enemies from behind, silently kill the officer and finish off the rest of the soldiers.

    We go up the stairs to the fourth floor. Upstairs, we kill the enemies, go out onto the balcony and silently kill the anti-aircraft gunner. We can sit down at the anti-aircraft gun and destroy the giant trampling robot (for this we shoot at it to attract attention, then we shoot at its luminous part when it starts to accumulate a charge).

    From the site we go to the left door, we pass through the wide hall, we shoot the enemies.

    We approach the second anti-aircraft installation, we also eliminate its gunner.

    Objective: Get to the castle walls

    We sit down in the anti-aircraft gun, shoot to the left to remove the remnants of the aircraft from the path. After that, we shoot at the soldiers who have come running.

    We walk along the road to the castle. Here the Panzerhund attacks us and bites us on the leg, but the allies blow it up in time.

    On the street we grab the hand of an ally and climb up.

    Skull Castle
    Wolfenstein (2014). Walkthrough

    Objective: Get to the control post

    Together with a team of surviving soldiers, we begin the assault on the castle. We climb up the steep wall with the help of a rope, shoot enemies from the windows. At the top we press lever arm to open the castle gate.

    Objective: Meet the others

    Counterweights dropped to the left and right of the lever. We jump into any passage. We go along a narrow corridor. Here ahead we will see enemies. It's better to kill everyone with a silenced pistol. At the second turn turn right. Silently killing ahead war dog and then an officer.

    We go down the transition "C" (we are guided by the map), below we find the second officer. Next to it there is a plan of the interior of the castle.

    We enter a large hall with a spiral staircase in the center.

    We pass along the top floor of the building. In the hall we kill another officer. We go out to the balcony, go outside along the path along the walls of the castle. They will start shooting at us from the lower floor.

    Objective: Get out into the yard

    Fergus gets in touch and calls us to the yard where we need help. We go to another part of the castle. We pass through the room with boxes.

    We go out onto the balcony, we see a round courtyard with many floors. Our allies stand and wait on the middle floor. We sit down at a distant machine gun, start shooting at enemies on the upper and lower floors.

    Objective: Meet at the crash site

    We go to the right, we pass through the plane stuck in the walls of the castle. Here we meet allies. We select the thrown scrap, we move the beam, we climb up on it. Following the soldiers, we jump over the abyss, but as a result, everyone falls down.

    Objective: Escape from the crematorium

    We are in the crematorium. The enemies turn on the furnace to burn us. You need to find the key to the door. We quickly search all the lockers near the doors. The key is in the left locker against the left wall.

    We open the door, pick up a lame soldier and run out of the crematorium.

    In the next room, a fully armored Super Soldier bursts out of a pod in the floor. To kill the super soldier, shoot the hoses to the left and right of his head, and then shoot the head itself.

    After the victory, we see through the window in the door of the Skull itself. The general starts the mechanism, and the walls in our room begin to move. There is almost no free space, but we are not crushed to the end.

    We regain consciousness already in captivity at the Skull inside the crematorium. All soldiers are captured and pinned to the floor. The skull invites us to make a choice - who to use for experiments, and who to leave alive: the blue-eyed soldier Wyatt or the pilot Fergus. From this choice, the whole further game will change a little.

    Wyatt survived. 1) we get the ability to open locks with master keys, 2) special secrets increase maximum armor, 3) a member of the resistance of the future - guitarist Jay.

    Fergus survived. 1) we get the ability to open electric locks, 2) special secrets increase maximum health, 3) a member of the resistance of the future - the mathematician Tekla.

    We choose any option. After that, the Skull kills the selected soldier, leaves the room, leaves one super-soldier with us, and turns on the crematorium furnaces.

    The surviving ally throws us a piece of pipe, use it to silently kill the super soldier from behind. After that, we jump onto the tables, with blows of the pipe we damage all the fire nozzles. The fire is stopped, but the gas continues to flow into the room. We remove the handcuffs, break open the lock on the window, take the wounded and jump out.

    During the jump, an explosion occurs. One of the fragments seriously damages the head of the protagonist. The hero falls into the water, but, despite being wounded, survives.

    Chapter 2

    In the water near the walls of the castle, one of the fishermen found a wounded hero. The hero was first sent to the hospital, where they discovered a traumatic brain injury, and then they were handed over to a psychiatric hospital somewhere in Poland. Blaskowitz spent many years in the hospital.

    During the next visit, the German officer Sturmbannführer Keller announces the closure of the mental hospital. The soldiers begin to kill all the patients, as well as the family of doctors, for their resistance. Only their daughter Anya survives, her soldiers take her away with them.

    The protagonist at this time comes to consciousness.

    2nd floor
    Walkthrough Wolfenstein: The New Order

    Task: Find Anya

    We attack the soldier with a hidden knife.

    We leave the room, silently kill the soldier in the corridor. On the left on the wall we find hospital map. We are in the upper left corner of the second floor, and we need to go down to the street.

    We pass along the corridor to the end, turn right, eliminate the officer so that he does not call for reinforcements. Further along the corridor we crawl under the closet, turn left (southeast corner room on the map), inspect the shower room.

    Another officer is in the central corridor of the floor. After a complete cleaning of the floor, we go to the stairs in the southern part of the floor. Near the stairs to the first floor lies a new weapon - shotgun.

    1st floor
    Secrets of Wolfenstein: The New Order

    There are no officers on the lower floor, but a lot of soldiers. You can kill them one by one with throwing knives to get the next perk for silence.

    Objective: Open the front door

    The front doors of the hospital are closed. To open them, we go into the glazed room opposite the doors. Press the button in the room. Immediately after that, German soldiers burst into the building. They will appear at once in many points of the building, so expect attacks from all sides.

    Hospital yard
    Detailed walkthrough Wolfenstein

    We go outside, shoot the remaining soldiers. To the left of the entrance on the table is a pair of electric grenades.

    Armored vehicles enter the yard, several more soldiers are unloaded from it, and three drones with machine guns fly out.

    After the victory, we select Anya, load it into the car, and leave from here.

    Chapter 3

    During the trip, Anya gets behind the wheel. She brings the main character to the house of her relatives. We learn that it is already 1960, the Nazis won the Second World War, they captured the whole world, all resistance was suppressed.

    In the trunk of the car we find the one-eyed German officer Keller. In the basement of the house, we begin the interrogation of the officer.

    Basement of the house
    Wolfenstine: The New Order. Walkthrough

    We go down the stairs. In the table on the right, open the right drawer, take protective glasses. In the right corner, open the wooden door, take apron.

    We take a chainsaw. At this time, the officer attacks from behind with a screwdriver. We hit him with our fists. After that, we begin the interrogation.

    We learn that the remaining members of the resistance are kept in a prison in Berlin. We're heading there. Grandfather hides Blaskowitz and Anya in the trunk and takes us to Berlin.

    At one of the checkpoints, the Germans check the trunk. We'll have to go out and destroy all the fascist guards on the way.

    Checkpoint "Oderbrücke". Eastern sector
    wolfenstein. Passing 100%

    Objective: Clear the eastern sector

    We take a bulletproof vest from the wall on the left, we go down into the pit. We pass through the pipe into the sewer. On the left there is a door leading to the southern barracks.

    We go through a narrow tunnel, we find silenced pistol.

    We go to the surface, silently kill a German soldier. We go up the stairs to the second floor, go west, around the corner of the building we kill the officer.

    (Wyatt Line). On the second floor there is a door that can be opened with a master key, break it open. Inside we find a lot of ammunition. We climb the stairs to the tower, we find sniper rifle. From here you can easily shoot all the enemies with a sniper, but we still need to silently eliminate the second officer so that there are no reinforcements. On the tower we find a rope, along it we move down to the roof of the northern barracks.

    We collect weapons on the roof. Through a small window we kill the officer.

    We clean the territory from the soldiers left without superiors.

    Objective: Return to the car

    We sit down. By car, we drive up to the central building of the checkpoint under the bridge over the Oder.

    Checkpoint "Oderbrücke". Central building
    Walkthrough Wolfenstein: The New Order

    Task: Raise the checkpoint platform

    We see that the platform is lowered ahead, and without it we cannot go further. At this moment, the Nazis run out of the left tower. We shoot them, and then we go inside.

    In the tower we turn to the right, break open the door with a master key.

    We go down. There are soldiers here too, but they have not yet been alerted, they can be killed silently. We pass through the ventilation on the right, from there we shoot from a pistol with a silencer. We go along the tunnel with pipes to the basement of the right tower. We clean another room.

    Ahead is the garage in which the officer is located. We can climb into the ventilation at the right wall, crawl to the end without making any noise. So we'll be right behind the officer. We silently eliminate him, and then ordinary soldiers. There are a couple of soldiers on the top floor. On the table in front of the truck diagram, you can read a message about Paris.

    At the northern wall of the garage, we sit down in the elevator or climb the stairs. We pass along the suspension path, we press lever arm, this will turn on the lift.

    Objective: Leave the tower

    From the lever we go to the left along the path, so we will go outside through the right tower. You can walk on the upper floors of the tower, but there is nothing interesting there. We approach the car.

    Checkpoint "Oderbrücke". Western sector
    Wolfenstein: The New Order game

    Objective: Clear the western sector

    There are more military buildings ahead. An officer is sitting in the far left building, you need to destroy him first. We go along the right rocks, we go to the security post, silently kill one soldier. We go further, we pass behind the barrier, we make our way along the northern wall of the barracks. Around the corner we kill another soldier. We climb the stairs to the roof of the barracks, there we jump into the hatch, and immediately shoot at the officer.

    At the exit from the barracks, we silently kill the dog. After that, we finish off two more soldiers, and the territory is cleared.

    This is a good place to get perk "Quick regeneration". We quickly run through two security posts, collect all the first-aid kits on the boxes and inside the boxes to gain 200 health.

    Objective: Return to the car

    We get in the car. At this moment, a combat robot comes out of the back of the truck. Another robot appears ahead.

    Objective: Destroy the robots

    We quickly run to one of the stationary machine guns, and shoot the robots. We aim for their heads.

    Objective: Get into the trunk

    Night Train
    Wolfenstein: The New Order. Walkthrough

    Objective: Return to Ana

    We will cover the rest of the journey by train. Blaskowitz comes to the dining car, where he meets Obersturmbannführer Irene Engel with Bubi's companion. The woman does not let us leave quietly, but invites us to the table and offers to pass the test for a true Aryan. You need to choose 1 of 2 cards, this does not affect anything. At the end there will be an important choice: 1) Grab a weapon - they will kill us. 2) Do nothing - they will let us go. After that, we pick up a tray with tea and exit the car.

    We reach our compartment, where Anya is already waiting for us.

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    An FPS (First Person Shooter) computer game developed by a company called MachineGames and published by Bethesda Softworks. It is part of the seminal series of this genre. Wolfenstein invites the player to plunge into an alternative universe in which Germany was able to win the Second World War with the help of a serious breakthrough in development, which was made possible thanks to unknown technologies. The main character of the series is the US Army Ranger - William Joseph Blaskowitz. It is he, under your leadership, who must turn the tide of the war and bring a new order to the world.

    Chapter 1

    1946, Baltic Sea. The combined forces of England and the United States arrange an attack on the fortress of General Wilhelm Strasse (nicknamed Skull, this character is a key in Germany's technological breakthrough). The action of the game begins with the fact that the main character (William Joseph BJ Blaskowitz) is awakened in the cockpit by his colleague Fergus Reid, you are a direct participant in the military operation, the purpose of which is to eliminate General Skull (Fergus is an old friend of Blaskowitz, colleagues met before the beginning of the war and worked together in the port, and then joined the army).

    The air defense of the fortress opens fire on the Allied Squadron, as a result, Blaskowitz's plane is shot down (namely, the fuel pipeline fails). Need to troubleshoot.

    First, leave the cockpit and turn left. We take out the necessary tools from the cabinet and head to the place of the fuel leak. As soon as you get close to the fuel line, an explosion will occur, but you should not be afraid of it. We move to the marker and pinch the fuel supply hose. Next, you must head to the cargo hold of the aircraft and dump excess cargo (using a knife, we cut the ties). If you look at the load, then you will have a small hole behind your back, at the end of which there is a bulletproof vest.

    We return to the cabin. Fergus, seeing that the allied fighters are not doing their job (fighters usually shoot down enemy fighters, which in turn are sent to eliminate the bombers), asks the protagonist to sit down at the stationary machine gun in the cockpit and eliminate the threat. After several downed enemy planes, one of the pilots goes to ram, the main character faints, but is revived by Fergus.

    Further, we observe a picture of how one of the allied aircraft is shot down. It turns out that the pilots were killed, but one of the soldiers (White) under the leadership of Fergus still manages to manage and save the day. Blaskowitz and Fergus board the salvaged plane and continue on to General Skull's fortress.

    As a result of a hard landing, the main character finds himself in the water and is attacked by the Panzerhund (a robot that looks like huge dog), Blaskowitz is locked in the cockpit. His colleague gets in touch with him, who asks to eliminate the robots with the help of a stationary aircraft machine gun.

    We dive under the water and head towards the target marker (it's better not to emerge, as the Germans are firing machine guns to suppress). We sit down at the machine gun and open fire on the robots.

    Your allies are on the loose. We join them and together we go to storm the enemy's trenches (at this moment you will be given a firearm). Blaskowitz's teammates return suppressive fire, giving you an opportunity to break through the line of fire.

    We run forward to the hull of the broken aircraft and fall into a trench, in which we destroy an automated machine-gun nest with a grenade.

    Through the gap below, we shoot the legs of a soldier, who, after being wounded, will open the door. We turn left and engage in battle with the first group of soldiers.

    We move to the end of the trench and get into the bunker, in which there is a map of the area on one of the boxes.

    We go further through the trenches, from around the corner a German shepherd attacks the main character, from which we will have to fight off with a knife.

    We move further through the enemy trenches and find another bunker, inside of which there will be an officer (you have the opportunity to learn how to quickly kill).

    Next, the player enters the courtyard of enemy fortifications. The enemy does not yet know about your presence, as a result of which, you can suddenly attack the enemy, or act covertly without raising an alarm (basically, there is always the opportunity to eliminate everyone without making a fuss). First of all, we destroy the German officer. Information about his location can be obtained thanks to the signal emitted by the transmitter (in turn, used to call for reinforcements). This passage is based on the "silent" elimination of the enemy.

    After cleaning the area, we throw a grenade into the room with huge shells and punch a hole in the floor (if you go further, you can also enter through the main entrance, using explosives).

    We go down into the sewer and move along a small tunnel (in it we also find a pistol with a silencer).

    Fergus gives you an order - to eliminate anti-aircraft installations that shoot down allied planes. Through a small hole, the main character finds himself in a bunker on level A.

    We go down to the railway and eliminate the officer. To the right of his location, there is an iron door with the words Forbidden (Verboten, see map). We go around the room and behind the boxes we find a hole through which we get into a locked room. Inside it you will find a gold medal. If you walk forward a little from this door, then the player will fall into a small arsenal (which contains a detailed map of the bunker).

    We go down the railroad, to the left of the huge iron door in the room we find the first part of the Enigma Code.

    We return back and begin to rise to the first anti-aircraft gun. We suppress the resistance of the enemy and eliminate the shooter. We sit down at the gun and destroy the treadmill (or walker). To destroy him, you need to hit him in the charge, just before the shot (for this you need to draw his attention to yourself and wait until he starts aiming at you).

    We go to the opened door. To the right of the stairs is a room with three levers. We pull them in the following sequence (see diagram) and get into the secret room (it contains another part of the Enigma code).

    Continue climbing to the next gun. Along the way, we search the barracks of the soldiers and find a letter from one of the soldiers. This time, the anti-aircraft gun is guarded by a stationary machine gun (a grenade or an accurate shot will solve the problem).

    We eliminate one more shooter and with the help of the gun we clear a further passage for ourselves. Now your task is to get to the walls of the general's castle.

    We move to the end of the trench and open the door. At this moment, the Panzerhund attacks the protagonist and bites his leg. We open fire on the robot, when you still manage to escape from it, Private White appears, who destroys the dog with a grenade. We go to the bunker from which you were attacked, and select another part of the Enigma code.

    Further, the main character connects with his battle group, and under the leadership of Fergus, the assault on the castle begins. Using the lift, we climb inside and open the gate to our allies.

    To the left of the gate mechanism is a small hole in the floor. We jump into it and move deeper into the castle. Immediately outside the door you will meet the first officer (there is also a map of the castle).

    We rise to the level above and find another hole in the floor (see map), with the help of which we get into a small old corridor (in which there is another part of the Enigma code). We leave this part of the castle through the hole and move on (in the room at the end of the location there is another trophy - a golden goblet).

    We go into a large hall with a twisted staircase (on the way you will come across a sentry and a German shepherd, which can also be eliminated without noise if you get close from behind). In the hall we take away the golden sword as a trophy. Next, we activate the lever (sword statue, which is located to the left of the portrait of the Skull) and enters a secret passage that leads us to a room with another officer (in this passage, you can push a few stones and then you will have an excellent shooting position). On the table we pick up the next part of the code.

    We leave the room and turn left. There will be another officer in the large hall. We leave the level of the castle through the window. Next, Fergus gets in touch with you, who asks for help in the yard.

    We move to the target marker, stand behind the machine gun and suppress the resistance of the enemy in the sector (on the way in one of the boxes you can find a golden trophy).

    After you rejoin your fireteam, by unfortunate coincidence, the soldiers fall right into the Skull Crematorium.

    White tries to open the door and activates the furnace. Fergus asks to urgently find the keys to the exit, which is located in one of the boxes (search all the boxes, one of them contains the last part of the code). We pick up the wounded soldier and leave the furnace.

    In the new room, a very unusual German soldier will attack you (to kill him, you need to shoot at the pipes near the shoulders, and then aim at the head).

    At this moment, General Skull comes to the crematorium, who starts the mechanism, the walls squeeze the survivors, but no one dies, but only loses the creation. Next comes the video. The so-called scientist makes the protagonist make a choice between your colleagues (further passage is based on the fact that the choice was made in favor of Private White).

    Skull leaves and leaves one of his soldiers behind, starting the furnace. The surviving White attracts his attention and manages to pass you a piece of pipe, with which we kill the enemy.

    Next, you need to damage the furnace mechanisms, break the lock on the window and leave the fortress. During the fall, the protagonist receives a serious head wound and loses consciousness.

    The article is part of the Complete walkthrough of Wolfenstein: The New Order

    Keywords: wolfenstein, the new order, chapter 1, skull fortress, blaskowitz, fergus reed, white, castle, walker, treadmill, beach, trenches

    General information:

    Achievement difficulty: 4/10

    Offline: 50/50 (1000 )

    Online: 0/50 (0 )

    Estimated time to get 1000: 18-26 hours

    Minimum number of passes: 1 (Select Chapters)

    Missable Achievements: Not

    Does difficulty affect achievements: Yes (See guide)

    Unbeatable/Glitchy Achievements: No

    Optional equipment: Not required

    Campaign - Difficulty Uber

    Since there is only a single player campaign in this game, it will take you all the time to play it. I recommend starting the game right away on "U" difficulty. BER "Although this is the highest difficulty level in the game, it shouldn't cause too much trouble due to the frequent ammo surpluses and dull AI. As you progress through the campaign, you will automatically get achievements Gunner/ Shooter”, Vive la resistance! / Vive La Resistance! , powertothelaser/ Ray of hope", Hiddeninthedeep/ Hidden in the depths”, “ London uprising / London uprising and Deliverance/ The rescue"after completing certain tasks in chapters. In addition to the story achievements, you will also earn achievements for completing the campaign on various difficulties: "Liberation", “Super hero / Real fighter” and “Uber hero / Uber fighter”.

    Also remember that when you reach the end of the first chapter, you will have to make a decision and save one of your soldiers. Choosing Fergus will unlock the achievement. Fergussaved/ Fergus rescued, if you choose Wyatt, you will get the achievement Wyatt saved / Wyatt saved . Since you can only choose one of your comrades, you can get the second achievement simply by replaying 1 chapter later.

    Collectibles and Perks

    During your playthrough on U difficulty BER Be sure to carefully research the levels for collectibles. In total, you must find 72 Enigma Elements, as well as 10 letters and 50 gold items. While most of the items are in plain sight, some are well hidden in hidden passages and rooms. After you find all 10 letters, you will unlock the achievement “”. The same goes for gold items. When you find half you will get the achievement “Allthatglitters/ All that glitters ”, and after finding all the golden items, you will receive “”. Unfortunately, simply finding all the Enigma elements will not earn you the achievement. Instead, you will need to go to the Advanced section of the Main Menu and decipher the 4 Enigma Codes and you will get all 4 achievements.”Secrets revealed / Secret becomes clear ”.

    In addition to collectibles, there are 32 perk-related achievements in the game. Perks are divided into 4 classes: Stealth, Tactical, Combat and Explosives. The Stealth perk tree involves performing silent kills and throwing knives, while the Tactical tree requires getting kills from behind cover and headshots with a variety of weapons. Next up is the combat perk tree, which requires dual wielding and turrets for kills, and the Explosives tree, and as the name implies, you need to use grenades and grenade launchers for kills. In general, each perk has its own achievement, and you can proceed to get them at any time during the campaign. Don't forget to change your play style and go to the Perks menu to track your progress and view the requirements to complete them.


    At this point, if you missed any of the perk or collectible achievements, it's time to head over to the Chapter Selector and tackle them. Your perk progress will be saved while using Chapter Selector and even if you die. Remember that it won't take long to get the missing perks.

    The same goes for collecting. Items are saved immediately after you pick them up, so you can safely exit the mission right away. Don't worry about different time slots in the game. None of the items are unmissable as they are independent of the choice made in the first chapter (Fergus or Wyatt).

    Also remember that when choosing a chapter, you can lower the difficulty, and this will not reset statistics on perks and collectibles. Just never press the button new game or you will lose all your progress.

    Gunner / Shooter


    Rescue Allied aircraft.

    At the very beginning of Chapter 1 "Skull Fortress", you will receive an order to stop the fire in the engine compartment and drop all cargo from the plane. Once you're done, return to the cockpit and sit behind the turret at the request of the pilot. Once you land, you will need to destroy about 3 enemy planes before they shoot down even one of the allied planes. The achievement will open after the last downed aircraft and gratitude from the allies.

    Remember that technically this achievement can be missed if you slow down and don't shoot down the planes quickly.

    Fergus saved / Fergus saved


    Save Fergus.

    Cm. " Wyattsaved/ Wyatt saved”.

    Wyatt saved / Wyatt saved


    Save Wyatt.

    At the end of Chapter 1, Skull Fortress, you will have to answer the Skull and choose who to save - Wyatt or Fergus. Remember that whoever you "choose" will be the one who gets killed. So if you choose Wyatt, you will save Fergus, and vice versa.

    You can always unlock the second achievement by simply replaying 1 chapter later.

    Vive la resistance! / Vive La Resistance!


    Find resistance.

    During chapter 4 “Anseinwald Prison” you will sooner or later end up in a cell B 2 in jail. Once you open the cell door, kill the lone guard in the room and use laser cutter to free 5 resistance fighters from captivity. The achievement will unlock once they've all been released.

    Power to the laser / Ray of Hope


    Find "Laserkraftwerk".

    Story achievement, not to be missed.

    During Chapter 6 of London Nautica, you will enter a small laboratory in the house Lasercraftwerk(LKV). After the cutscene in this lab, go up the stairs to the left of the LKV test chamber and then jump onto the roof of the chamber. Use laser cutter to cut 2 small chains holding a thick metal wall.

    After the wall falls, we go down and run LKW using the yellow button in front of the test chamber. Now that you have opened the way inside the chamber, then go and pick up a new energy weapon. The achievement will unlock.

    Hidden in the deep / Hidden in the depths


    Find an underwater cache.

    Story achievement, not to be missed.

    During Chapter 11, Submarine, you will enter an underwater cave with Seth Roth and Wyatt/Fergus. After you open the stairs with the LKW and use the elevator, you will go up to a small treasure room. Once the elevator stops, the achievement will unlock. Remember that by solving the puzzle in this room, you will receive the LKW Portable Reactor Upgrade.

    London uprising


    Defeat the London Monitor.

    Story achievement, not to be missed.

    At the end of Chapter 14, Return to London Nautica, you will reach a large parking lot where you will be tasked with destroying the London Monitor. To do this, you will have to rely on your LKV and the recharging stations located in the underground parking tunnels. First, when the London Monitor opens its eye, be sure to aim and shoot at that red eye. He will then start charging up his arms to fire missiles at you. When he opens 3 missile bays on each arm and prepares to fire, then quickly fire at them with LKV. Repeat this process until all 3 compartments on each arm have been destroyed. Finally, we move on to the final stage of the battle with the London Monitor, where you will need to shoot him a couple of times in the engine compartment located below. When he opens his eye, shoot him to stun him. Then run under it to the center and shoot the glowing hole below it. You only need to do this a couple of times for the London Monitor to light up and fall. You will then receive an achievement.

    Deliverance / Rescue


    Release a friend.

    Story achievement, not to be missed.

    During the final part of Chapter 16 "Return to Skull Fortress", you will see a cutscene featuring Blazkowicz, Skull, and an old friend. At the end of the cutscene, run up to the door and destroy the console to take the fight outside. Once outside with a single knife, you'll need to break through the wooden crates that are scattered all over the place and collect adze grenades. Use grenades and throw them at enemies, and once they are stunned by the explosion, then run up to them and click onto interact with them. This will be followed by a short cut-scene, after which the achievement will unlock.

    Liberation / Liberation


    Complete the game on any difficulty.

    Cm . “ Uber / Uber- fighter”.

    Super hero / Real fighter


    Complete the game on "I AM DEATH INcarnate" difficulty! (or U BER).

    Cm . “ Uber / Uber- fighter”.

    Uber hero / Uber fighter


    Complete the game on U difficulty BER.

    UBER complexity is the hardest difficulty in the game, but due to the dumb AI, super powerful weapons and excess ammo in each level, you will find that playing on this difficulty is equivalent to the average difficulty in most shooters.

    In total, in the game you have to go through 16 chapters to complete the campaign. In each chapter, two play styles can be used: forward or stealthy. You will notice that most of the chapters will be easier to complete with a stealthy approach. Thus, with the help of a silenced pistol, silent kills and throwing knives, you can easily clear a room with opponents. If you want to go ahead with a loud machine gun at the ready and calling out everything in your path, then no one can stop you from doing this.

    Whichever style of play you choose, just remember a few tips:

    • Throwing knives can be taken back after being thrown.
    • Silently killing officers prevents the call for reinforcements.
    • Since the AI ​​in the game is stupid as a cork, they will rarely notice you, even if the guard is a couple of feet away from you, looking in your direction, or if you are standing next to his dead comrade.
    • Dual wielding increases damage but reduces accuracy.
    • Lean sideways to shoot enemies from behind cover.

    You can watch the video guide for the final boss fight.

    Generally completing the campaign on U difficulty BER shouldn't cause any problems. Obviously, from time to time you will need to change your play style. Remember that you are not limited to one style of play, so be more careful with this question in each chapter. Some boss fights can be overwhelming, but with a little persistence, the final chapter will be just around the corner. After completing chapter 16, the achievement will unlock.

    Note:There is a glitch in the game that allows you to get all 3 achievements on a lower difficulty. First, you will need to complete several chapters on U difficulty. BER starting from the very beginning of the game. Somewhere in the middle of the game, change the difficulty to " Can I Play, Daddy" (EASY ) and end the game. After completing the game and the credits, all three difficulty achievements should unlock.

    Note 2:If you started the game on a difficulty lower than U ber , which is another useful glitch. Just play through the entire game on low difficulty (ie. e. Can I Play, Daddy ?) and then switch to U ber when you get to chapter 16. Now all you have to do is complete the final chapter on U difficulty. ber and watch the credits, and all 3 achievements for passing will open.

    All that glitters


    Find 25 gold items.

    Cm . “Heart of gold / Rich son of a bitch”.

    Heart of gold / Rich son of a bitch


    Find all golden items.

    In total, during the game you can find 50 gold items. Starting from busts and knives to other small but very valuable trinkets.

    Like any collectible, almost all gold items will be hidden in well-hidden rooms or passages that will not always be on the way to the main objective of the task. Be sure to explore every corner of the chapter and carefully look at the map so that there is not a single black spot left unexplored on it.

    Video guides for all collectibles you cansee .

    The lives of others


    Find all letters.

    In total, during the game you can find 10 letters. These collectibles will help you learn more about the fascist world in The New Order. The letters are well hidden in the hidden areas of each chapter, so keep your eyes peeled and explore the levels very carefully.

    Remember that you can view the progress of each chapter by clicking onand going to the collectibles tab. Also remember that the game immediately saves the collectible, so you can immediately exit the chapter if you collect missed items using the Chapter Select menu.

    Secrets revealed I


    Decipher the first Enigma code.

    Cm . “Secrets Revealed IV / secretbecomesexplicit IV ”.

    Secrets Revealed II


    Decipher the second Enigma code.

    Cm . “Secrets Revealed IV / secretbecomesexplicit IV ”.

    Secrets Revealed III


    Decipher the third Enigma code.

    Cm . “Secrets Revealed IV / secretbecomesexplicit IV ”.

    Secrets Revealed IV


    Decipher the fourth Enigma code.

    There are a total of 72 Enigma codes scattered throughout the game. These elements are small pieces of paper with two numbers, which together form 4 large Enigma codes. Each Enigma code consists of 18 pairs of digits.

    Video guides for all collectibles you can watch. When you have collected all 72 code elements, return to the Main Menu and enter "Enigma Codes" in the Advanced section. Here you can enter the following codes:

    Code 1:

    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09

    08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 09

    Code 2:

    02 04 06 08 01 03 05 07 09

    07 05 03 01 08 06 04 02 09

    Code 3:

    03 06 09 03 06 09 03 06 09

    06 03 09 06 03 09 06 03 09

    Code 4:

    04 08 03 07 02 06 01 05 09

    05 01 06 02 07 03 08 04 09

    Remember that you can view the progress of each chapter by clicking onand going to the collectibles tab. Also remember that the game immediately saves the collectible, so you can immediately exit the chapter if you collect missed items using the Chapter Select menu.

    After cracking all 4 codes, you will unlock access to 4 new game modes:

    Code 1 - Mode “999”

    • 999% more action.
    • You start the game with 999 health points.
    • Endless ammo.
    • Difficulty of UBER.

    Code 2 - Walk in the Park mode

    • All interface elements are disabled, except for interactive tips.
    • Rely on feelings to survive.
    • Difficulty I AM DEATH INcarnate!”

    Code 3 - Hardcore mode

    • All medkits and armor have been removed from the game.
    • Complexity UBER.

    Code 4 -Ironmanmode

    • Only 1 life.
    • Game over if you die.
    • Complexity UBER.

    All of these modes are quite interesting, and they can offer an additional gaming experience for players after completing everything else. It is not yet clear if these additional modes disable achievements in the game.

    Scout I / Scout I


    Get stealth perk 1.

    The first stealth perk in the game Scout I. This perk adds key objects to the current map when killing an officer silently.

    • Silently kill an officer.

    Advice:You will get this perk naturally in the first mission. As you advance through enemy trenches, the game will notify you on how to perform silent kills. In the next room you enter, you will see an officer leaning over a table. Sneak up from behind and click onto get a silent kill, get the perk and the achievement.

    Knife throwing


    Get stealth perk 2.

    The second stealth perk in the game knife throwing. This perk will allow you to throw knives.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Get 5 silent kills.

    Advice:Once you've unlocked your first stealth perk, then go ahead and keep up the good work, as the enemies will usually be in favor of silent kills. Get a total of 5 silent kills. If you stumbled somewhere and were noticed, then just reload the checkpoint and try again.

    Knife sheath +


    Get stealth perk 3.

    The third stealth perk in the game Knife bandage +. This perk allows you to carry another knife.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Get 5 silent kills with knife throwing.

    Advice:You can reload chapter 1 and work on the requirement for this perk in the trenches, but as you progress through the game, you'll see more than once the right moment to get the perk.

    Knife sheath ++


    Get stealth perk 4.

    The fourth stealth perk in the game Knife bandage ++. This perk allows you to carry one more knife on top of that.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Get 20 silent kills with knife throwing.

    Advice:Use a stealth playstyle to complete the conditions for this perk. In fact, you can complete it very quickly at the beginning of Chapter 2. After you leave the room in the shelter, you will automatically pick up one knife. Going further, you will find the second knife on the ground next to the nurse's corpse. On this floor you will meet 3 regular soldiers and 2 officers. All of them can be taken out in one minute. Then reload the checkpoint and repeat until you get the perk. Remember that you can collect knives after being thrown.

    Silent shot


    Get stealth perk 5.

    The fifth stealth perk in the game Silent shooting. This perk increases damage when firing a silenced pistol.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    Get 10 silent kills with a silenced pistol.

    Advice:During Chapter 1, try to find the canteen by climbing down the metal chain. In the dining room, you can find a silencer, which lies on a large wooden table. With the pistol equipped, simply click onto install the muffler. Now you just need to stealthily kill 10 enemies with a silenced pistol.

    Vampire / Vampire


    Get stealth perk 6.

    The sixth stealth perk in the game A vampire. This perk allows you to gain health from silent kills.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Get 10 silent kills while over-health.

    Advice:In the first chapter, when storming the Skull Fortress, you will climb a rope through the fortress window and then you will need to pull the lever to move the two concrete blocks blocking the path further. As soon as the blocks go down, go down and you will see a first aid kit on the floor. Take it to increase your health and move down the narrow hall. Along the way, you will meet one guard who will stand with his back to you. Silently kill him, then reload the checkpoint and repeat until you get the perk and achievement.

    Scout II / Scout II


    Get stealth perk 7.

    The seventh stealth perk in the game Scout II. This perk shows officers on the map.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Silently kill 5 officers.

    Advice:After silently killing your first officer, you will receive a perk that adds a small radar to the interface. It shows how far or close you are from the next officer when you are in the same area. When you see that the radar starts to react, crawl very slowly and look for the officer. This ability will help a lot in getting this perk.

    Assassin / Assassin


    Get stealth perk 8.

    Last stealth perk in the game Assassin. This perk makes running quieter and increases movement speed while crouching.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Perform a silent kill on 50 enemy soldiers, either with melee or throwing weapons.
    • Perform a silent kill on 5 camphounds, either with melee or throwing weapons.

    Advice:You will most likely get this perk naturally as you progress through the game. Kampfhunds are enemy watchdogs. In Chapter 4, you can kill a few of them by sneaking up on them while they are sleeping. Killing 50 soldiers should not cause much difficulty.

    Deadeye / Sniper


    Get tactical perk 1.

    First tactical perk in the game Sniper. This perk increases the damage of scoped headshots.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Kill 3 enemies with an Assault Rifle with an Aimed Headshot.
    • Kill 1 enemy with a Pistol with an Aimed Headshot.

    Advice:Once you get this weapon, be sure to perform the required number of headshots while aiming. You will get this perk before the end of the first chapter.

    Quick draw / Quick reaction


    Get tactical perk 2.

    The second tactical perk in the game Fast reaction. This perk increases the speed at which you draw and retract weapons.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Perform 40 headshot kills with any weapon.

    Advice:Everything is clear here. Just aim for the head of your enemies. Sniper Rifle and Pistol are by far the best choices for getting this perk. The assault rifle has a lot of spread, and the shotgun just isn't good for headshots.

    Quick regeneration / Quick regeneration


    Get tactical perk 3.

    The third tactical perk in the game Fast regeneration. This perk speeds up health regeneration.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Reach over 200 health overkill.

    Advice:As long as you search enemy corpses and explore rooms for loot, you can get this perk without much effort. However, if you have problems with this perk, the easiest way to get it is in the laboratory. Lasercraftwerk during Chapter 6, as there you will find more than 5 first aid kits that will increase your health to 300+ points.

    Gun magazine +


    Get tactical perk 4.

    Fourth tactical perk in the game Pistol magazine +. This perk increases the pistol's magazine capacity.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Get 15 pistol kills while sitting behind cover.

    Advice:Here, too, everything is clear. Leaning out from behind cover, kill the required number of opponents with a pistol.

    Shotgun magazine + / Shotgun magazine +


    Get tactical perk 5.

    Fifth tactical perk in the game Shotgun magazine +. This perk increases the magazine capacity of the shotgun.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Get 10 ricochet kills with shotgun shrapnel mode.

    Advice:After you get the shotgun upgrades at the very beginning of chapter 11, you can go for this perk right after exiting the torpedo. In fact, when you exit the torpedo, you will already have a shotgun in your hands in shrapnel mode. Shrapnel bounces off walls and the ground, so aim close to enemies to kill it with a ricochet. At the starting location, you can get 3 to 4 kills and then reload the checkpoint and repeat.

    AR magazine + / Vending machine shop +


    Get tactical perk 6.

    The sixth tactical perk in the game Machine Shop +. This perk increases the machine's magazine capacity.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Get 80 kills from cover with an Assault Rifle (Normal Fire).

    Advice:Here, too, everything is clear. Leaning out from behind cover, kill the required number of opponents from the machine gun.

    Marksman magazine + / Sniper Rifle Shop +


    Get tactical perk 7.

    Seventh tactical perk in the game Sniper Rifle Shop +. This perk increases the magazine capacity of the sniper rifle.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Get 3 kills with a sniper rifle without leaving aim mode.

    Advice:The easiest to get is during Chapter 3, when you first encounter the sniper rifle on the rooftop of the first area. Just go to the first building on your left, pick the lock to get inside, and climb up to the roof. Here you will find a rifle. Now switch to aiming mode and kill three enemies on another building without leaving it.

    Quick reload / Quick reload


    Get tactical perk 8.

    The final tactical perk in the game Fast reload. This perk speeds up weapon reloading.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Get 100 kills with a machine gun.
    • Get 50 pistol kills.
    • Get 25 kills with a sniper rifle.

    Advice:This is a cumulative perk and counts all kills during the campaign (including checkpoint reload and chapter select). Just switch between different weapons instead of using just one. You will get this perk in the last chapters of the game.

    Double reload / Double reload


    Get combat perk 1.

    First combat perk in the game Double recharge. This perk speeds up reloading when using two barrels.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Get 10 kills with two guns.

    Advice:The ability to use two barrels is available from the very beginning of the game. To do this, you need to click onafter you have a second weapon in your inventory. Get 10 kills and you'll get the achievement and the perk.

    Endurance I / Endurance I


    Get combat perk 2.

    The second combat perk in the game Endurance I. This perk increases the speed of running with a weapon in each hand.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Get 3 kills while sliding (single or dual wield).

    Advice:In order to make a tackle, you need to click onwhile running. Using any weapon, although the shotgun and assault rifle are the best, just use the slide and fill the enemy with bullets at that moment. This can be done early in the game.

    Scavenger / Seeker


    Get combat perk 3.

    The third combat perk in the game Seeker. This perk increases the amount of ammo on enemies destroyed when attacking with both hands.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Perform a consecutive kill of 3 opponents with dual machine guns without releasing the trigger.

    Advice:You can work on this perk during the early stages of Chapter 1. In front of the bunker, where you are first offered to silently kill an officer, move slowly until a group of guards begins to advance in your direction. Hide behind boxes or barrels and try to mow them down with two machine guns without releasing the trigger.

    Bullet feeder


    Get combat perk 4.

    The fourth combat perk in the game Feeder. This perk increases the ammo capacity of all mounted weapons.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Get 20 kills with a weapon on a workbench.

    Advice:Heavy machine guns will be encountered more than once per game. The best place to get the perk is in the first chapter, namely inside the Skull Fortress. At this location, you will need to kill no more than 8-10 opponents, and then reload the checkpoint and repeat. If you don't reload the checkpoint in time and decide to kill everyone in that location, the game will create a new checkpoint and you won't be able to get extra kills in that location to get the perk.

    Endurance II / Endurance II


    Get combat perk 5.

    Fifth combat perk in the game Endurance II. This perk increases movement speed with mounted weapons.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Get 5 kills in 10 seconds with a machine gun removed from the machine gun.

    Advice:Can be done in the same place in chapter 1 as the previous perk. Just detach the machine gun and get 5 kills with it in 10 seconds.

    Autopanzer / Autopanzer


    Get combat perk 6.

    The sixth combat perk in the game Autopanzer. This perk adds armor when taking out multiple enemies quickly.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Use up a full supply of LKW without missing.

    Advice:Remember that you will receive LKV only in the middle of Chapter 6. Don't forget to fully charge your weapons at special stations. At the end of the chapter, you will meet 2 robots. Just aim and load a full shot, then pull the trigger. Hitting a robot will give you a perk.

    LKW battery +


    Get combat perk 7.

    The seventh combat perk in the game Battery "Laserkraftwerk" +. This perk increases the battery capacity of all energy weapons.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Get 5 ricochet kills with an upgraded LKW.

    Advice:Once you've obtained the LKV Ricochet Upgrade, you can start earning the perk at any point in the game. Just shoot at walls and floors so that the beam ricochets and hits opponents. Do this 5 times and the perk will unlock.

    Dual-wield expert / Ambidextrous


    Get combat perk 8.

    Final combat perk in the game Ambidextrous. This perk increases the maximum ammo for all standard weapons, as well as the chance of dismembering opponents when attacking with both hands.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Get 100 with two hands
    • Get 25 kills with the LKW

    Advice:Keep in mind that you won't get the LKV until chapter 6, but you'll likely be able to complete the perk requirements before chapter 7. Also remember that this weapon has 2 firing modes: Laser Cutting and Energy Blast. Use Energy Blast to kill opponents. As for the other requirement, any weapon (pistols, shotguns, assault rifles) will do for this requirement!



    Get explosives perk 1.

    The first explosives perk in the game Reverse Throw. This perk allows you to pick up an enemy grenade and throw it back.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Kill 2 enemies with 1 grenade.

    Advice:This can be done early in the game once you have grenades. In fact, the first chapter is just perfect, as groups of enemies are often crowded into the narrow passages of the trenches. Just throw a grenade at a group of enemies and you will get this perk without any problems.

    Grenade pouch + / Bag of grenades +


    Get explosives perk 2.

    The second explosives perk in the game Bag of grenades +. This perk allows you to carry another grenade with you.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Kill 10 enemies with grenades.

    Advice:The requirement of this perk is cumulative, so everything is very simple here. Just use grenades in narrow corridors and small rooms.

    Grenade pouch++


    Get explosives perk 3.

    The third explosives perk in the game Grenade Bag++. This perk allows you to carry one more grenade on top of that.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Kill an officer with a grenade.

    Advice:After silently killing an officer in the first chapter, simply reload the checkpoint and throw a grenade at him. This is the easiest and earliest way to get this perk.

    Bullseye / Bullseye


    Get explosives perk 4.

    The fourth explosives perk in the game Exactly. This perk causes grenades to explode on contact with a target.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Kill 5 mechanical enemies with grenades.

    Advice:At the end of the second chapter, where you open the front door of the psychiatric hospital and go out into the courtyard, clear out the first wave of opponents. After that, the assault on the courtyard will begin and the opponents will release a flying bot. You will need to use grenades against the bot, which are on a wooden table on the veranda. After killing the first bot, reload the checkpoint and repeat until you get the perk.

    Rocket magazine + / Rockets +


    Get explosives perk 5.

    The fifth explosives perk in the game Rockets +. This perk increases the maximum ammo capacity of the Assault Rifle.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Get 5 double-handed kills with grenade launchers.

    Advice:You don't get the grenade launcher until the very beginning of chapter 12, so I highly recommend that after getting it, return to the second chapter of the game to make it easier to obtain. At the end of the second chapter, when you go out into the courtyard of the psychiatric hospital, then switch to two machine guns and switch the firing mode to an underbarrel grenade launcher using the corresponding button on the crosspiece. Now just kill five enemies with grenade launchers as quickly as possible to get the perk.

    Vaporize / Super Explosive


    Get explosives perk 6.

    The sixth explosives perk in the game super explosive. This perk increases the range of the grenade.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Kill 5 enemies with grenades that they themselves dropped.

    Advice:The easiest way to get it is in the first chapter. After destroying the large metal door and going inside, you will eventually be ambushed by a large number of enemies. One of the opponents will sit on the balcony (near the tower) and periodically throw grenades at you. Before throwing, he usually warns about it. As soon as he is about to do this, then shoot him, but do not kill him so that he drops the grenade. The explosion will kill him and possibly a guard nearby. Reload the checkpoint and repeat until you get the perk.

    Sentinel / Sentinel


    Get explosives perk 7.

    The seventh explosives perk in the game Guardian. This perk reduces the damage you take from your explosives.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Kill 5 enemies by throwing their grenade back at them.

    Advice:This can be done early in the game, such as in the trenches or the bunker in Chapter 1. Instead of waiting for an enemy to throw a grenade at you, just throw your grenade at your feet, then pick it up and throw it at the nearest enemy. This method is much easier than waiting for grenades from opponents.



    Get explosives perk 8.

    The final explosives perk in the game burly. This perk reduces the damage you take from enemy explosives.

    To unlock this perk, you will need to complete the following requirement at any stage of the campaign:

    • Get 50 kills with grenades or rockets.

    Advice:Keep in mind that you won't get the Underbarrel Grenade Launcher for the Assault Rifle until the beginning of Chapter 12, so until then you'll only have to rely on grenades and kill them from time to time, especially large clusters of enemies in tight spaces. After getting the underbarrel grenade launcher, as well as improving the explosion radius and damage dealt, it will not be difficult to fulfill the condition and get the perk.