Program for determining the artist. How to find a song without knowing its name

Hello friends! Imagine that you came to a club, great music was playing there all evening, but no one could tell you the names of the compositions. Or you heard a great song in a YouTube video. Or a friend sent an amazing melody, about which it is only known that it is “Unknown Artist – Track 3”.

So as not to make you cry, today I will tell you about searching for music by sound, both on a computer and without it.

So, how to find a song by sound online? Recognizing a song by sound online is now as easy as shelling pears - just launch the online service and let it “listen” to the composition. This approach has a lot of advantages: you don’t need to install anything, because you already have a browser, processing and recognition do not take up device resources, and the database itself can be replenished by users. Well, except that you will have to endure advertising inserts on websites.

1.1. Midomi


Works on a smartphone;
simple interface;

Minuses– you need an internet connection to work

Used similarly to Shazam. The recognition quality is decent, which is not surprising - after all, this program is supported by the Midomi resource.

2.3. Magic MP3 Tagger

This program doesn't just find the title and artist name - it allows you to automate the parsing of unrecognized files into folders at the same time as putting the correct tags for the songs. True, only in the paid version: free use imposes restrictions on batch data processing. Large services freedb and MusicBrainz are used to identify songs.


Automatic completion of tags, including album information, year of release, etc.;
knows how to sort files and put them into folders according to a given directory structure;
you can set rules for renaming;
finds duplicate songs in the collection;
can work without an Internet connection, which greatly increases speed;
if not found in the local database, uses large online disk identification services;
simple interface;
there is a free version.


IN free version batch processing is limited;
palpable old-fashionedness.

How to use:

1. Install the program and a local database for it.
2. Indicate which files need to be adjusted with tags and renamed/sorted into folders.
3. Start processing and watch how the collection is brought into order.

You won't be able to use a program to recognize a song by sound; this is not its profile.

2.4. Sound Search for Google Play

Android versions 4 and above have a built-in song search widget. You can drag it to your desktop for easy calling. The widget allows you to recognize a song online; without an Internet connection, nothing will work.


Not needed additional programs;
recognizes with high accuracy (it's Google!);


There is no OS in older versions;
available exclusively for Android;
may confuse the original track and its remixes.

Using the widget is easy:

1. Launch the widget.
2. Let your smartphone listen to the song.
3. Wait for the determination result.

Only a “snapshot” of the song is taken directly on the phone, and the recognition itself takes place on powerful Google servers. The result is shown in a couple of seconds, sometimes you need to wait a little longer. The identified track can be purchased immediately.

2.5. Tunatic

In 2005, Tunatic could have been a breakthrough. Now he can only be content with being next to more successful projects.


Works with microphone and line input;


Modest base, little classical music;
Russian-speaking performers are mainly those who can be found on foreign sites;
the program is not developing, it is hopelessly stuck in beta status.

The principle of operation is similar to other programs: they turned it on, let them listen to the track, and if successful, they received its name and artist.

Thanks to these services, applications and widgets, you can easily determine what song is currently playing, even from a short snippet of sound. Write in the comments which of the described options you like best and why. See you in the next articles!

A situation may arise in our life when we accidentally heard some musical composition, and now we passionately desire to find it. We don’t know the title or the artist of the track, and sometimes all we have is a looped motif in our head, or a couple of words from the verses sung by the vocalist. I will reassure the reader - this may be quite enough, because there are a number of online resources on the Internet that make it easy to find music online. In this material I will tell you how to perform online music recognition, what network resources will help us with this, and how to work with them.

The best online music recognition services

Let's move on to a description of network services that allow you to find a song online. The vast majority of them have their own database of tracks, comparing the track received from the user (recorded through a microphone or received as an audio file) with the songs available in the database.

When a match is found, the service informs the user about the result found, including the name of the song, its artist, a link to a video of this composition on YouTube, lyrics and other relevant information.

Please note that the higher the quality of the sound source, the higher the level of recognition of the song you need.

Midomi - quickly identify the song

  1. To work with the Midomi service, follow the link above.
  2. Click on the big “Click and Sing or Hum” button, give the service access to your microphone, and play (or sing) a segment of the desired composition for its subsequent identification.

Click on the “Click and Sing or Hum” button to start the music recognition procedure

Then click on this button again to stop the identification procedure, the system will look for matches in its database, and then give you the result.

AudioTag - simple music search by passage

WatZatSong - excellent ID service

If previous services have not advanced you in any way towards identifying the composition you need, then the English-language resource “WatZatSong” will allow you to identify music online using the “human factor”. You simply upload the piece of music you need to the resource, and the user community there tries to identify your track by ear.

  1. To work with the service, go to it, click on the “Post a sample” button.
  2. The system will prompt you to complete the registration procedure.
  3. After confirming your registration by email, click on “Post a sample” again, in the menu that appears, select the option to provide a track (record - via microphone, upload - upload to a resource).
  4. Decide on the genre (genre) and language (language), if necessary, write a comment for the track in the very bottom line, and then click on “Confirm”. You will be notified by email of the responses received.

Working window"WatZatSong" service

Moomash service

The Moomash service will allow you to find out the music online, which is available in a video on YouTube. Just go to this service, copy the link from the YouTube video into the appropriate window, and then click on the “Start” button.

The identification process may take some time, after which you will get the desired result.

Paste the link to the YouTube video into the window and click on the “Start” button

Shazam program

If we talk about the most effective tool for recognizing music from a passage, then such a tool is the Shazam program for Android and iOS. It demonstrates the highest results in the process of music recognition, so those readers who are not yet familiar with its functionality can try it out, enjoying its practicality and ease of use.

To activate Shazam, just touch the screen of your smartphone


In this article, I described services that allow you to perform track recognition online. Working with these sites is quite simple and will not cause any problems for users. If you want to have the most effective tools, then take a closer look at the mobile applications “Shazam” and “SoundHound” - they demonstrate the best results in online audio recognition.

Today I want to tell you how you can find an unknown song by excerpt.

There are many articles on the Internet about this, but they are not complete. I've already checked this.

The operating principle of all these programs is quite simple. By scanning the sound, the application sends data to the server and compares it with tracks already stored on the server.

Magic Mp3 Tag r by MusicBrainz— I still advise you to read more about this product at off. website. I’ll say one thing - it’s brilliant!

Besides all this, I really like For example, you recorded an excerpt of a song on a tape recorder from some store. If none of the above programs helped you, you can use this resource. With your mind, recognize the famous words from this passage and enter it into the search on Lyreach. The program instantly finds lyrics containing the entered words and displays the results. You just need to enter phrases, otherwise it will either give you a lot of results that are not interesting to you, or will give you nothing.

Each of us has found ourselves in a situation when a song starts playing in a supermarket or shopping center, the name of which you would like to know right on the spot. But here’s the problem: there’s no one to ask. Or, for example, you liked a song from a video on a social network and you wanted to add it to yourself, but no one wants to answer in the comments what kind of track is playing in the fifth minute. This is where the following services will come to your aid to identify melodies and help you find a song by sound online.

Find a song by sound online or using a mobile app

Recognition by humming or by downloading a file

1.1. Midomi

Midomi will help you identify songs by your humming. Just go to the website, click on the microphone and sing. You don't have to hit all the notes, because the program can easily pick up the motive and offer you several song options. To search, she uses the most successful entries from other portal users.

An excellent and modern midomi portal, the main task is to help applicants find their favorite compositions online. To upload a fragment of a composition to the service, you need to have a microphone:

  • Turn on sound reception on the computer;
  • We play an excerpt of the song in advance or sing it in compliance with the words and rhythm;
  • We bring it to the recording device;
  • Press the button on midomi.

Hold for at least 10 seconds for better recognition. Having no hearing, I sang one of Freddie Mercury's songs and immediately got the result in the form of a found song:

1.2. AudioTag

Working with this site assumes that you have a link to a song or its recording without a title, for example: “track -5” or “artist unknown.”

pros Minuses
recognizes by file you can't hum (but you can upload a recording of your humming attempts)
recognizes by link, which can be copied in the search bar you have to go through a captcha every time
there is a Russian version recognizes slowly and does not always cope
supports different file formats you cannot add a track to the service database
can work with different recording durations and quality there are a lot of advertisements on the page

How to use the service:

After a short check, the service gave the exact name of the song, the band, and also indicated the year of release and the name of the album on which this song was. This is how the service helps you find out the name of a song if you have an audio file with an unknown name on your computer.

Hint portals

How to find a song by sound online without programs on your phone? If you enter a line from a verse of a Russian song into the search bar, then the chance of finding this song will be very high. But if you want to search for a song on English language, then you can use the following hint portals, where there are people who can tell you the name of the track:

  • A popular site in America is Namemytune. Its main advantages are the friendliness and responsiveness of other users. When writing an application, it is recommended to indicate everything you know about the track: approximate lyrics and the date when you heard the track. There is also an opportunity to hum a melody. Each response on the site will be accompanied by an email for you.
  • An excellent alternative would be “WatZatSong”. The service resembles a forum. You post a melody, approximately indicating the genre and language of performance, and receive the name of the composition in response. The downside is that it can take a long time because it is not the site that is helping you, but the people visiting the site.

2. Music recognition programs for mobile devices

Carry a compact device with the ability to identify compositions by various artists. Isn't this what everyone dreamed of?

For your attention here is a list of the most popular ones and in order to find a song by sound online.

2.1. Shazam

The most famous application for identifying compositions. Works on different platforms - there are applications for Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

pros Minuses
easy to use, nothing superfluous in the absence of an Internet connection will only be able to record a sample for further analysis
recognizes Russian songs slightly smaller library than SoundHound
available for free
recognizes well even with third-party interference
user friendly
supports smart watches
tracks found during the program can be immediately purchased through Shazam partners

2.2. SoundHound

An application similar to Shazam, but ahead of its competitor in several respects. For example, unlike Shazam, it has the ability to determine the melody by your humming.

2.3. Sound Search for Google Play

This is a very convenient widget for searching songs, available to all owners of Android systems. It allows you to identify songs online.

2.4 Musixmatch

This is a functional software, its functions include recognition of songs from numerous databases, a library of lyrics for songs and translations, allows you to create playlists and your own song libraries. Russified.

Searches songs perfectly, very quickly and in good quality.

Ways to find a song by sound online via a computer

1. Musipedia

The musipedia service has a large user base because it works online without the need to download to a computer. Can find an unfamiliar song on the following fronts:

  • Via a microphone, for example in headphones
  • When playing on a computer
  • After entering the rhythm of the melody using the virtual keys
  • By entering melodies from the keyboard
  • According to the rhythm that is introduced.

All possibilities are at top panel, study them and you'll quickly figure out what each function does.

The Musipedia resource will allow you to recognize and find music tracks online.

In order to use the program, you need to go to the website, click on the “Music Search” button and select one of the proposed methods for performing “entering” a composition. There will be a piano there, you can also enter it with the mouse or using a microphone. This type of finding melodies is more suitable for musicians or people who are familiar with music theory or play an instrument.

2. Аudiggle software in Russian

Unfortunately, the Audiggle program in Russian will only work with Windows versions 7. It will not work on versions 8, 10, it simply will not even start and registration will not be allowed.

The downside is that the database is clearly outdated, because the service is only able to find tracks up to 2015. The microphone sees only the one built into the laptop. Like all of the above programs, it is useless without an Internet connection.

3. Jaikoz will be able to respond to voice

The biggest plus in jaikoz– this is that there is no registration, and the definition threshold is slightly higher. Of the minuses, what defines songs before 2016, unfortunately, does not see new compositions, but can recognize old ones by your humming. At first the interface looks intimidating, but after a couple of minutes of use everything falls into place. When connecting to the Internet, traffic is minimal, due to dedicated private servers.

4. Shazam on PC

U Shazam There is a version for PC, but it’s a pity that it’s quite outdated. Although the company is developing in different directions, it is clear that it pays more attention to mobile devices. Although the utility has an outdated appearance, it nevertheless searches through a relatively updated database. Internet connection, minimal traffic.

5. Magic MP3 Tagger

The program was created for local and global search and song definitions. Even if the program fails and cannot find the song itself, it will turn to the MusicBrainz databases. Finding a song by sound online is not difficult. In the paid version, the program will not only find the name of your song, but also use it to rename songs. As a result, your audio recording will be correctly named. Network connection is required.

pros Minuses
automatically fills in tags: album information, year of release, etc. free version is limited in batch processing
has a function for sorting files, putting them into folders according to a predetermined directory structure old interface style
function for setting rules for renaming songs
has the advantageous ability to work without an Internet connection
if he cannot find the file in the local database, he will turn to large online disk identification services
simple interface
there is a free version

Extension without registration for browsers AHA Music - Music Identifier

This is a free extension for , which will work without registration. This utility program is not downloaded to your computer separately; it connects to your browser. After installation, the application will recognize music playing online.

By installing these programs on your computer, you may not get the speed and accuracy that is present in mobile applications, but nevertheless you will have them among your tools.

How to make money listening to music

Not so long ago, in 2016, an excellent service appeared on the Russian-language Internet that allows you to earn money by listening to music. This site is called Audio Planet or Audio-Planet.

At first, this service could not boast big amount functions, but it has been developing rapidly all this time, and now you can make money in it by listening to music, viewing photos, and even making money on the Bitcoin course.

Registration in Audioplanet It won’t be difficult for you, as it’s done in just a couple of clicks, simply by confirming your account in one of the popular social networks - Vkontakte, MoiMir, Odnoklassniki and others. Therefore, I will immediately move on to describing the features of this resource.

The internal currency here is bits. 1 bit equals 1 ruble. Initially, each registered user is provided with 25 music listens per day. For one audition they pay 0.01 bits or 1 kopeck. The money is clearly small)). However, you can earn more money, since the service has a system of categories.

In total, the site offers 10 categories from A to J. By purchasing category A, you can already earn 2.25 bits for listening to one track. True, you will have to pay 1750 bits for this. But, according to the developers of the service, each category is purchased for lifelong use and the cost of the category is recouped after a month of regular listening, and in the future it will generate constant income.

The maximum status in project J costs 675,000 bits, but for each listen to the track you will be awarded 771.85 bits.

The minimum for withdrawal from Audioplanet is 1 bit (1 ruble) and will be made to the Payeer electronic wallet.

This service regularly holds various promotions and gives out gifts to active participants, so I advise you to familiarize yourself with it more carefully. You can register for the project Here.

Bottom line

The list of resources and programs above can help you identify ones you don't know or like. musical compositions using your computer. If you couldn’t find a song by sound online, try using programs for smartphones like Shazam and SoundHound, because they show the best results in recognizing melodies unfamiliar to the user.

You can identify music by sound online and the melody you like without special effort recognize, and today there are many opportunities for this. Special programs will determine, no matter what direction the melody is, instrumental or belongs to a series of compositions that are directly related to vocals. There are many programs for this, most of which are free and work on Windows 7, XP, Mas OS X, Windows 8.

Modern gadgets also have such applications.

How to identify music online

The easiest way is to use the service. We go to the site

Click on the field indicated by the arrow. A picture pops up.

Click the “Allow” button and then hum the song for at least 10 seconds. After 10 seconds of humming, click on the same field (I hummed the song Yesterday). A window with the results opens.

So the song was found, and two buttons appeared at the bottom: on the left you can again sing the melody, and on the right you can try to find a song by author, album, song title.

That's all!

Identifying music from a computer

In the past, the MVs simply sang into the microphone. What if we want to find out the music already recorded on our computer? Easily. Let's set up your computer so that the midomi service listens not to the microphone, but to everything that is played on the computer.

Right-click on the speaker icon in operating system windows
. A window will appear.

Select "Recording Devices". A window opens.

The next steps are to click on an empty space in the list of recording devices and read “Show disabled devices” in the pop-up menu.

Tick. A window will appear.

Among the suggestions that appear, you must select the Stereo mixer and use it as the default.

Now the Midomi service will hear everything that is played on the computer.

We launch Midomi, start the music, after 10 seconds we turn off Midomi and everything is found.

Music recognition on Android and iPhone

We travel on a bus or train and hear good music, and then we turn on our smartphone and find out everything about this music. The only condition that is needed is music playback. No matter how much I hummed into my smartphone (I tried to sing something), nothing was determined, but as soon as I brought the smartphone to the sound source, the definition of music took off!

TrackID app

Go to Google Play and look for TrackID.

Next, bring your phone to the source of the song and press the pink button.

And without your participation, a picture automatically pops up.

Here you can see the name of the melody, and the play button, and at the bottom there are also buttons “Search on YouTube” or “Download”. This is the kind of music played on the relaxation radio.

Other applications

A fairly common program is Shazam. It is completely free and can be downloaded from app stores.
A competitor in music recognition is the Soundhound program, which can be downloaded completely free of charge from app stores. Music will be recognized by bringing the phone close to the sound source.
Android applications also recognize melody and sound of any direction without any problems. The Nexus program is always at everyone's service. Just bring the device to the sound source and press the “what’s playing” button. This way of working with the program is the simplest and will be appreciated by many users. The main thing is to download the program and use it in the right direction.