Use of mumiyo: detailed recipes. Mumiyo: beneficial properties and contraindications

What is mumiyo? Our article will help you understand the composition and origin of this natural healer. We will talk in detail about its beneficial properties and situations where it is better than any pill: for allergies, colds, acne, etc.

Nature created us, and we should entrust our own health to it. One of the most popular and miraculous natural remedies is mumiyo. What is this? Why does it have healing properties, and what exactly? The answers to these questions are given not only by doctors who have been studying the composition and nature of the substance for a long time, but also by those who have been using it for a long time and see amazing results.

What is mumiyo

The origin of this natural medicine has long been known to the people. His healing properties known to mankind for more than 4 thousand years. In nature, mumiyo looks like a scum or crust on a massif of high-mountain rocks. In its composition, mumiyo contains the remains of plants, animal bones and sometimes even rocks of the area where it was formed. Some believe that it is a product of geological rock, and some scientists prefer the theory of the organic origin of mumiyo. Those who mine the substance in the mountains call it “tears of the mountains.” And, most likely, this substance is of mixed organic and inorganic origin.

After extraction, the mummy is thoroughly cleaned. When finished, it looks like a shiny, homogeneous mass of black or dark Brown. Over time, the mass begins to thicken, this is due to loss of moisture. This medicinal substance does not have an expiration date, and it can be stored under any conditions.

It is difficult to say exactly what mumiyo consists of

Scientists have found that the formation of this useful natural product requires a number of certain conditions:

    rocky terrain with a height of 200 – 3500 m;

    warm temperatures;

    a concentration of animals and birds such as pikas, bats, hay mice, argali, squirrels, wild pigeons; and medicinal plants (rcha, rose hips, juniper, rhubarb, lichens, wheatgrass, mint, thyme, valerian, wormwood);

    the presence of voids in rocks such as granites and limestones for the accumulation of mumiyo.

How to distinguish a real mummy from a fake

Today, prototypes of natural remedies for many diseases are very common. This is especially true when pharmacists try to pass off tablets containing mumiyo as a genuine product. Having purchased such a product, clients complain that they did not get the true effect. This is all the result of many impurities and additives that interfere with the mumiyo during production medicines. These supplements do not produce a negative effect, but positive dynamics are also observed very rarely or more slowly.

A real mummy is a sticky black mass. It has a bitter taste and a balsamic smell. A true mummy can be clearly identified by the following facts:

    when heated, the lump begins to soften;

    Shilajit quickly dissolves in water, turning the water brownish.

What does mumiyo contain?

Due to the many constituent elements and the variability of their concentrations, the true composition of mumiyo has not yet been determined. It is known that it contains many macro- and microelements. The main and most easily determined are organic substances: metal oxides, amino acids, vitamins, essential oils, resins and resin-like substances. Also during the study, components such as bee venom and various results of the decomposition of organic residues were discovered. In the scientific community they are called humic bases.

If we talk about organic and inorganic components, then there is 2-4 times more inorganic in mumiyo than organic. And it is this fact that plays to the benefit of a person like nothing else.

Beneficial organic microelements include carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. They are found in mumiyo not in pure form, but in the composition of resins, proteins and acids. The inorganic elements here are mainly aluminum, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and calcium. Plus, many useful rare earth elements were found in the mummy: chromium, barium, strontium, cesium, rubidium, etc. Some of them are presented in very small concentrations. But even this concentration is enough for a beneficial and restorative effect on the human body.

What properties does mumiyo have?

Unlike the composition medicinal properties mumiyos have been studied for a long time. Due to the presence of active biological components, it has the following properties:






    wound healing;






Shilajit cures many diseases

This substance is actively used in cancer diseases. It does not stimulate the growth of cancer cells. Shilajit prevents the negative effect after chemotherapy procedures. This is ensured due to the action of mumiyo at the cellular level. Shilajit effectively restores blood cells and tissues, bone marrow and others internal organs. In general, listing all the diseases that mumiyo helps fight is an endless list. Shilajit helps fight any ailment from the digestive system, diseases of internal organs, to fractures and skin problems. But the main thing to remember is that it is better not to take the drug without proper consultation with a doctor.

Contraindications for taking mumiyo

Taking mumiyo stimulates the immune system, the functioning of the heart muscle and the functioning of the entire body as a whole. There were no contraindications for taking mumiyo, and the researchers did not find any allergic reactions. But, nevertheless, there are several situations when the intake of mumiyo should be reduced or limited. Also, if you exceed the norm by a day, that is, the body is oversaturated with mumiyo, an eating disorder may occur. To eliminate this discomfort, it is enough to stop taking the medicine for a few days. But when should you be careful when taking mumiyo?

    The first is the very long duration of taking the drug. The fact is that it is addictive and after stopping the drug, some health problems may appear.

    Shilajit does not affect the course of pregnancy and the development of the embryo, but being in this position, a woman should be careful with any drugs that she uses or applies to the skin. IN modern world There is a risk of buying a fake mumiyo, so you should always consult a doctor before taking it.

    In the presence of tumors or bleeding, with high blood pressure. Although in small doses this drug will not harm and will not lead to any abnormalities. But, again, only after consulting a doctor.

There are also substances that absolutely cannot be taken with mumiyo. These include alcohol. If you are being treated with this drug, then there should not be even a drop of alcohol in your body.

Use of mumiyo in folk medicine

There are a lot of recipes for medicines containing mumiyo, since this remedy can overcome many diseases. Let's take a closer look at a few healthy recipes to improve immunity, fight colds, allergies and cosmetic problems.

Shilajit for immunity

The course of immunity enhancement lasts 20 days, then a break of 10 days is taken.

Take 8 grams of mumiyo and a few drops of water to form a paste. Add 500g of honey to this mixture. You need to take this remedy 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. Or another option for immunity - you can mix 100g of aloe with 5g of mumiyo and the juice of 3 lemons. Infuse this mixture for a day and drink 1 spoon 3 times a day.

With the help of mumiyo you can strengthen your immune system

Allergy remedy

The mummy itself does not cause any allergic reactions. Therefore, it is completely safe for allergy sufferers. With regular use of this drug internally or externally, positive dynamics are observed: itching disappears, the number of rashes decreases, and the runny nose stops. To prepare a medicine for allergies, which includes mumiyo, you should take 8g of mumiyo and half a liter of water. Turn the mixture into a homogeneous mass. Take a tablespoon (tablespoon) internally in the morning after waking up and in the evening before bed. If there are rashes, the mixture can serve as an excellent ointment. But for lubrication it is worth taking less water so that the concentration of mumiyo is greater. It is worth paying attention to the fact that mumiyo can become a diuretic for your body.

We treat sore throat and bronchitis

We have already talked about the pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties of mumiyo. In the fight against sore throat and bronchitis, it has a softening effect on the throat, relieves pain, and relieves inflammation of the lymph nodes. Shilajit will also help overcome painful fatigue and impotence.

To treat these diseases, you need to take 3 g of mumiyo and dissolve it 2 times a day, like a cough lozenge. If you are unable to tolerate the bitterness of mumiyo, then it is quite acceptable to add these 3g to honey or chocolate paste. There is also an option to make a solution: 4g mummy and 250g cooled boiled water. This solution should be taken 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon until complete recovery.

Helping the head

This natural remedy is ready to help not only the external manifestations of allergies or reduce sore throat due to sore throat. Mumiyo can cope with dizziness and migraines. This is where the anti-pain property of mumiyo comes into play. To stop the pain, you should drink a mixture of honey, milk and mumiyo. The ratio is half a gram of mumiyo, milk and honey in a ratio of 1/15. There is a course here, it lasts 25 days, then a break of 10 days is required and the treatment can be extended.

Mumiyo in cosmetology

In addition to the fact that mumiyo has become an indispensable drug for traditional medicine, cosmetologists have also noticed it. In this area it is used for:

    problems with hair and scalp;

    problematic skin;

    stretch marks on the skin;

  • cellulite.

The importance of mumiyo for cosmetology is difficult to overestimate

Fighting acne

Shilajit affects the activity of the whole body, and actively fights acne and pimples. When using this remedy for acne, it acts almost instantly (you can notice the effect on your face already in the morning after a night with mumiyo). There are several methods for using mumiyo for rashes.

    You can add mumiyo to your daily cream (15g mumiyo per standard tube of cream) and apply it to your face at night after the mixture has been infused for a day. No special rubbing is required. It is enough to apply the cream with massage movements and that’s it. In the morning you will be able to see how the pimples have dried out and the inflammation around them has gone away. The skin becomes clean and fresh. If you increase the concentration of mumiyo, the cream-based mask can also be used every day for 20 minutes.

    You can make a mask from mumiyo: dissolve a small amount of mumiyo in water to form a mass that will not run down your face. Apply this mask for 15 minutes and wash off with warm water. The mask is useful even if you do not have skin problems. It nourishes and saturates the skin with useful substances.

    Another option for a mask for cleansing the skin is to mix a teaspoon of honey and a small circle of mumiyo (like a pea) in a water bath. The inflamed areas of the skin are then treated with this mixture. This mask is washed off 20 minutes after application.

    When fighting acne, mumiyo helps to tone the skin, cleans it and gives it a well-groomed appearance. To prepare a miraculous remedy, you need to dissolve several pieces of mumiyo in cooled boiled water and freeze this mixture in ice cube trays. It is enough to wipe the skin with one piece of the solution in the morning, and the skin will become renewed, smooth and clean.

For acne, you can make a cream from mumiyo, which you can use to lubricate the affected areas as often as possible. For preparation you need 3g mummy and 100g chilled boiled water.

Masks or creams based on mumiyo should be stored in the refrigerator.

Fighting excess fat, stretch marks and cellulite

There are many legends about the usefulness of mumijo for weight loss. Yes, it improves metabolism and reduces appetite when taken regularly. But you shouldn’t expect that you will eat fried and fatty foods, lie on the couch, and the kilograms will melt from mumiyo. It only speeds up the process of losing weight if you follow the regime and lead a healthy lifestyle. It prevents the negative effects of diets: it enriches the body with calories that are not enough for normal functioning, without affecting overall weight.

The recipe for this remedy: suck 1 g of mumiyo in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. Enrichment of the body is carried out in a course of 20 days, then a break of 5 days.

For stretch marks and cellulite, special creams are made based on mumiyo: dissolve 2 g of mumiyo in 1 tablespoon of water, mix this mixture with 1 tube of baby cream and rub it into problem areas daily.

Shilajit for hair

Shilajit gives hair shine, vitality, accelerates growth and increases density. Masks, balms, rinses can be used with the addition of mumiyo. Their regular use will strengthen your hair and make thin hair thicker. Shilajit can be added to shampoo to achieve results faster. Only regular use of the product gives the desired result.

Shilajit hair mask: 2 teaspoons of honey and 8g mummy. The result is a liquid product that can be applied to the hair with a spray bottle, capturing the skin and hair roots. After 30 minutes, this product is washed off with running water.

These are just a few options for masks, creams and mixtures to treat your body. Remember, consulting a doctor is still necessary, and to achieve results, use must be regular.

Today we will talk about such a healing remedy as mumiyo, its beneficial properties and use.

So, let's begin!

The use of mumiyo dates back thousands of years; Aristotle himself first mentioned its healing properties in his treatises. So? What is mumiyo and what is its mysterious composition?

People have long called it “the blood of the mountain.” Mumiyo is a mountain resin. It is formed in various voids in rocks - in cracks, niches in the form of growths. In Russia it is mined in the Altai and Caucasus.

The exact composition of mumiyo is still completely unknown, but one thing is clear: it is a mixture of plant or animal origin, which has a huge number of healing properties.

It is known that mumiyo consists of a large amount of minerals, metal oxides, chemical elements, vitamins and amino acids. It also contains bee venom, resins and essential oils.

Mumiyo contains substances such as silicon, cobalt, magnesium, aluminum, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and many others, so the benefits of mumiyo are enormous.

Which mummy is better?

There are four types of mumiyo:

  • "golden" - red,
  • “silver” - white,
  • “copper” - blue,
  • “dark” - brown-black.

The most common are “copper” and “dark” mumiyo, but the highest quality mumiyo is considered to be black, shiny, and soft. It has a special specific smell.

To determine the quality of the mumiyo, they crush it with their hands - if the mumiyo is good, it softens, and the bad one remains hard.

How to be treated with mumiyo.

The medicine mumiyo treats many diseases, including serious ones. It has a general strengthening effect on the body, improves immunity, and slows down the aging process.

Its effect on cardio is especially good - vascular system body.

Very useful for various bites and insects, relieves swelling, promotes healing. Shilajit is also good in case of poisoning - it removes toxic substances and cleanses the body.

The medicine mumiyo regenerates damaged organs, promotes healing and renewal of body cells.

The high beneficial properties of mumiyo make it possible to treat even diseases such as tuberculosis, epilepsy, eczema, thrombophlebitis, and stomach ulcers.

Indications for the use of mumiyo also include burns, various abscesses, acne, caries, and periodontal disease.

The use of mumiyo knows no bounds:

  • Shilajit relieves allergies,
  • has diuretic properties,
  • restores sexual function in men,
  • fights infertility and bleeding.

Since mumiyo is a very concentrated product, it can be used only once or maximum twice a day. It is advisable to do this in the morning on an empty stomach.

If you use a pharmaceutical drug, then how to use mumiyo should be consulted with your doctor.

If, for the purpose of prevention and general strengthening of the body, one tablet per day is enough, taking into account that one tablet is 0.2 g.

The course lasts 10–12 days, then you need to take a break of the same duration and repeat the course again.

In general, the course needs to be repeated about two to three times, however, only the attending physician can give exact instructions for use, depending on the disease and the characteristics of its course.

The effect of using mumiyo, like any other medicine, will be if it is used regularly.

How to use mumiyo.

Besides the pills, Shilajit drug used as lotions.

It is diluted with water (0.2 - 0.5 g) per 10 g. water and apply to the site of a bruise, sprain or fracture. The healing rate after such procedures is almost 90%.

Thanks to the microelements that mumiyo is rich in, the redox process is restored in damaged cells, which helps accelerate healing.

Mumiyo also exists in capsules, ointments, and solutions.

However, the most useful thing is natural mumiyo, which is sold in small bags and from it you can independently prepare what you need.

In this case, mummy should be taken the size of a wheat grain or a match head, rolled and consumed.

When using mumiyo, it is very important to follow a diet and not drink alcohol.

Mumiyo is also useful for children. Special studies that were carried out in kindergartens during epidemics of influenza and acute respiratory infections showed that the incidence rate in kindergartens where children were given mumiyo during this period was significantly lower.

Of course, children should consume mumiyo in smaller quantities and in accordance with the child’s age. Up to a year - this is 0.01 g, up to ten years - 0.05 g, and then you can increase the dose to 0.1 g.

But adding mummy capsules to the cream or using special creams with mummy for stretch marks is very welcome - in literally two to three weeks the stretch marks will become almost invisible.

One of folk remedies with mumiyo is a homemade stretch mark cream. For such a cream you will need 3 - 5 g. mummy, which needs to be mixed with one tablespoon of warm water and baby fat cream. Mix all this well and leave for about 15 minutes. It is advisable to apply such a mask, massaging it, onto steamed skin, and do not rinse it off.

Widely used. It is used for healthy hair, and for problematic facial skin and. Follow the link for details.

Benefits of mumiyo known, is there any harm?

Of course, in large quantities this drug can cause allergies and intestinal disorders, but in general mumiyo is harmless, the main thing is to follow the recommended dose and take breaks from its use.

Mumiyo is a healing mountain wax, which is a mixture of plant and animal components. It has been familiar to folk medicine for several centuries, famous as a remedy for thousands of diseases. The most valuable types are considered to be Altai and Oriental. To get the maximum effect from this natural medicine, you need to study mumiyo - the beneficial properties and contraindications of the substance.

Product Feature

Its features

According to experts, mumiyo is the result high-quality processing biomass in mountain climates. It includes:

  • animal waste products,
  • plant remains,
  • fragments of bee venom.

Shilajit has a bitter taste and has a specific smell, similar to oil. Interestingly, it dissolves almost completely in water, leaving only a small sediment. But it is absolutely insoluble in alcohol.

Chemical composition/h3>

This natural substance consists of:

  • amino acids,
  • metal oxides,
  • essential oils,
  • resins,
  • vitamins,
  • bee venom,
  • humic bases.

Its composition is variable, depending on the variety and conditions of formation.

The organic part of the product is represented by:

  • hydrogen,
  • oxygen,
  • carbon,
  • nitrogen.

The inorganic part consists of minerals (magnesium, aluminum, sodium, calcium, potassium) and rare earth elements (tin, strontium, cesium, rubidium, chromium, barium, antimony, etc.). Some rare earth elements are present as traces, but they are very important for the body.

Impact on the body

Healing qualities

The main beneficial properties of mumiyo are manifested in a positive effect on regeneration and metabolism in the body. This product is involved in synthesis at the cellular level. It works most effectively:

  • on the liver and stomach,
  • for inflammation,
  • as an immunostimulant,
  • in the treatment of bronchial asthma, tuberculosis,
  • as a disinfectant (due to the presence of a fungus similar in properties to penicillin),
  • to restore the structure of nerve cells, blood, tissues,
  • as a cardiac stimulant.

The substance is not characterized by toxicity and allergenicity. It also helps in cases of:

  • exhaustion of the body, including after surgery,
  • migraines,
  • stuttering,
  • diabetes mellitus

The product optimizes brain activity, improves general state. This is expressed in improved appetite and sleep, and rapid restoration of the functioning of damaged systems and organs. The drug also improves the condition of the skin, which is widely used in cosmetology.

Who should abstain

It is better to refuse mumiyo if you are able to:

  • pregnancy,
  • breastfeeding,
  • bleeding,
  • high blood pressure (consumption is permissible in minimal quantities after advice from a doctor),
  • oncological diseases.

Elderly people should also take the substance with caution due to its high biological activity (especially in the presence of cancer). It is believed that with moderate intake of mumiyo there are no contraindications.

Practice of use

Criteria for choosing mumiyo

There are several types of substance:

  1. "Golden" is red in color.
  2. "Silver" - white.
  3. "Copper" - blue.
  4. "Dark" - brown-black.

The most popular types are “dark” and “copper” mumiyo. The high quality product has a black color, soft and shiny consistency. It may harden over time when exposed to air.

Reception tactics

The substance has a high concentration, so it should be consumed on an empty stomach once a day (preferably in the morning). The dosage can vary from 0.15 to 0.2 g. A tablet of a purified pharmaceutical product weighs 0.2 g. It can be mixed with plain water, honey, tea, juice, any drink can serve as a base. The exception is alcohol, which is strictly prohibited during treatment.

The duration of treatment is 10 days, then a break is taken for 5-10 days. Then the course is repeated. The total duration of treatment includes 3 to 4 repetitions of the course. Experts do not recommend using pharmaceutical tablets due to the presence of synthetic additives in them. It is more useful to purchase mumiyo in the form of natural powder.

This natural resin successfully strengthens the children's body. But it must be used in smaller doses and depending on the age of the child:

  • 0.01 g - up to one year,
  • 0.05 g - up to 10 years,
  • then increase the dose to 0.1 g.

Proper use of the product can halve the incidence of colds in children's institutions. If you take into account the beneficial properties and contraindications of mumiyo during use, you can have no doubt about its effective healing power.

Use in folk medicine

In addition to internal use, mumiyo is used externally for the following purposes:

  • instillation,
  • lubrication,
  • preparation of balms and ointments,
  • receiving tinctures and lotions.

The ointment based on the product should be used before bedtime. Softened wax may stick to your hands and spread unevenly over the skin area. To avoid this, you need to lubricate your hands vegetable oil.

The substance is very useful for external use in cases of various insect bites. It effectively relieves swelling. Good results are obtained in cases of poisoning. The product removes toxic substances, cleansing the body.

To make a lotion from mumiyo, you should dilute it with water. Proportions: 0.2-0.5 g of substance per 10 g of water. The napkin is moistened with the resulting solution and applied to the site of the fracture, sprain or bruise. Such procedures provide 90% healing.

For external beauty

This product is very widely used in cosmetology. It is present in products for improving skin condition, strengthening hair, and getting rid of cellulite. It’s easy to make a cream that works against stretch marks at home. You will need 3-5 g of mumiyo.

You need to add to it warm water(1 tbsp) and rich baby cream. Mix all ingredients well and leave to steep for 15 minutes. Apply the resulting mask to hot skin in a problem area. Make massaging movements and do not rinse. After a month, the elasticity of the skin increases, and after a few months the stretch marks disappear.

To restore the hair structure, you will need mummy in the form of a 10% solution. It is placed in a spray bottle from which it is distributed over the entire scalp. The composition is washed off after at least an hour. If the hair is too weak, this procedure should be performed for up to one month.

Another recipe for a nourishing hair product that stimulates hair growth. Mix a little shampoo, honey (1 tbsp) and mummy (2 g). Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp. Wash off after half an hour with simple shampoo.

To rejuvenate the skin, combine face cream (1 tbsp) with mumiyo (14 g). Mix carefully. Apply the mask in the evening. Leave on skin for about 15 minutes. Use warm water to rinse off.

The unique composition of mumiyo can compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals, including rare earth elements. Complete knowledge There is no information about the composition of the substance yet, so it is not included in the list by official medicine medicines. But the demand for it is constantly increasing as many people have received obvious benefits from it.

Mumiyo is a natural substance that is mined in the mountains. This remedy is also called mountain balm, golden or mountain mumiyo. Some geologists consider it a special rock.
Mumiyo is a dark-colored solid mass with a bitter taste and a characteristic odor similar to the smell of oil. Shilajit is used in almost all branches of medicine.

Mountain mumiyo is formed from minerals, biomass of plant and animal origin with the participation of microbes and their metabolic products. In the highlands there are necessary climatic conditions for the emergence of this substance. In the pharmacy, the product is sold in the form of tablets and capsules under the name “Golden Mumiyo”, as well as in the form of an ointment.

Composition and beneficial properties

The composition of mountain mumiyo includes a huge amount of organic acids, amino acids and trace elements, as well as biologically active compounds. Thanks to them, this product has wide application. It has immunomodulatory, reparative, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effects.

Indications for use of mumiyo

This natural substance is effective for many different diseases of almost all body systems.
Therefore, mumiyo has unusually numerous indications for use:

  • injuries and pathologies of bones and joints (fractures, arthritis, arthrosis);
  • skin diseases and burn disease;
  • ulcerative lesions of the duodenum, stomach and esophagus;
  • diseases of the liver, bile ducts and gall bladder;
  • pathologies of the nervous system (neuritis, neuropathy);
  • diseases associated with the pathology of the immune system (allergy, bronchial asthma, autoimmune diseases - rheumatism, scleroderma, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.);
  • diseases of the female genital organs;
  • immunodeficiencies of various origins;
  • heart and vascular diseases (angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, hypertension);
  • kidney diseases;
  • blood diseases (anemia, etc.);
  • recovery in the postoperative period;
  • general loss of strength, depression, stress;
  • poisoning by various animal and plant poisons.

And this is an incomplete list of those conditions when it is possible to use mumiyo for treatment.

Important: before use, you should consult your doctor. If any undesirable effects occur during use, you should stop taking the drug and seek help.


Medicinal mummy has few contraindications. These include individual intolerance, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. Of course, there may be other relative contraindications, so consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Recipes for using mumiyo

As a dietary supplement, mumiyo should be taken with meals twice a day. Usually the dosage is indicated in the instructions for the tablet or capsule form of the substance.
For diseases, mummy is used according to the following recipes.

Diseases of the respiratory system and ENT organs

  1. Bronchial asthma: a 7% solution of the drug is taken according to the following scheme: 10 days - a teaspoon, then a 10-day break. Then again for 10 days, a teaspoon. Wash down better milk in a warm form. The course of treatment is very long, considering that a teaspoon contains 0.35 g, you only need to drink 50 g of this substance per course.
  2. Tuberculosis: 2 grams of the substance must be diluted in 150 ml of boiled clean water (boiled). Take a tablespoon for 15 days in a row with milk or tea after dinner. Repeat the course with breaks of 5 days.
  3. Sore throat or pharyngitis: you need to gargle with a 2.5% mummy solution. At first 3 times a day, and when the pain subsides - once or twice.
  4. Sinusitis, runny nose: mix the powder with camphor oil in a weight ratio of 1:5, instill three drops into the nose three times a day.
  5. Acute otitis: dilute 2 g of mumiyo in 100 ml of boiled water, moisten a cotton swab and insert it into the ear for 15 minutes. Repeat five times a day.

Digestive diseases

  1. Peptic ulcer: 10 g diluted with 500 ml of water. Drink according to this scheme: ten days, one and a half tablespoons before meals, 10 - one spoon before meals, 10 - again one and a half tablespoons, but after meals. When used in treatment, mumiyo has a good anti-ulcer effect, as it accelerates the healing of ulcers and increases the resistance of the gastrointestinal mucosa to irritants.
  2. Intestinal atony with constipation: prepare the solution as for a peptic ulcer, but take it on an empty stomach in the morning for one month, wash it down with cold water.
  3. Hepatitis: course of treatment – ​​21 days. Take a 3% solution of the product. The first week - 30 drops three times a day, adding 5 drops to each dose every day. In the second week - a teaspoon three times, in the third - first a teaspoon three times a day, reducing the dose to the original 30 drops. You should take the medicine with still mineral water or juice.
  4. For heartburn: the method of using mumiyo is as follows - drink 0.2-0.4 g of the product twice for 21 days. Break – 1 week.
  5. Gallbladder stones: take 1 g of mumiyo per liter of water. Drink 200 ml three times a day half an hour before the main meal for 10 days. The break is five days, and 10 days of admission. 12 g of the substance are allotted per course.

Eye diseases

Barley: instill 1-2 drops of a 1% mummy solution into the sore eye 3 times a day.

Diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems

Golden mumiyo is used for urological and gynecological diseases.

  1. Infertility (male or female): take 0.2 g of mumiyo orally, wash down with carrot, blueberry or sea buckthorn juices. After 25 days, take a break for five days. For a full course you need to take 25 g of the substance.
  2. Cystitis: take 30 drops of a 1% solution three times a day for a week, then a teaspoon for a week and 1.5 teaspoons for a week.
  3. Erosion of the uterine cervix: dilute 2.5 g of the product in 100 ml of water, wet a cotton swab and gauze and place it in the vagina overnight. Carry out the procedure 6-10 nights in a row.

Shilajit is also used for stomatitis, gingivitis, for rinsing, for anemia, radiation sickness, various tumors, as a general tonic, etc.

Ointment for the treatment of joint pain

Attention: mumiyo is given to children in a much smaller dosage than to adults. There are no special age restrictions, but before taking it you should consult your pediatrician. In some conditions, taking this drug is undesirable.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

What diseases does mumiyo treat and how to take it correctly. Mumiyo is a solid mass of dark brown or black color with a shiny surface, with a bitter taste. Shilajit is used to treat a number of diseases. Moreover, the effect of treatment often exceeds the effect of using traditional drugs. The list of diseases for which mumiyo is recommended in traditional medicine is so wide that miraculous properties are attributed to this drug. What diseases does mumiyo treat? Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Rheumatism. Fractures, bruises, dislocations and sprains. Joint pain. Bone tuberculous processes. Diseases of the nervous system. Radiculitis, plexitis, neuralgia, neurodermatitis. Headaches, migraines, epilepsy, facial paralysis. Stuttering. Skin diseases. Purulently infected wounds, boils. Eczema. Burns, boils. Diseases of cardio-vascular system. Hypertonic disease, heart failure. Post-infarction state. Thrombophlebitis. Respiratory diseases. Pneumonia. Bronchitis. Bronchial asthma. Pleurisy. Tuberculosis. Pulmonary hemorrhage. ENT diseases. Sore throat, laryngitis and pharyngitis Sinusitis (sinusitis), runny nose. Acute otitis media. Nose bleed. Diseases of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Intestinal atony. Hepatitis. Zero acidity. Gastritis, duodenitis. Heartburn, nausea and vomiting. Haemorrhoids. Cholelithiasis. Colitis. Constipation. Diabetes, pancreatitis. Eye diseases. Barley. Glaucoma. Diseases of the genitourinary area. Urolithiasis (kidney stones). Cystitis. Ulcerative diseases of the bladder. Male and female infertility. Erosion of the female genital organs. Cervical erosion. Inflammation of the mammary gland. Periodontal disease, stomatitis. Anemia, radiation sickness and other diseases of the blood system. Prevention/treatment of influenza and other viral infections. Decreased immunity and vitality. And other diseases. How to drink mumiyo correctly. Mumiyo can be taken early in the morning, immediately after waking up from sleep, and at night, 3 hours after dinner. As an external remedy (as an ointment or compress from a weak solution), mumiyo is used immediately before bed. To prevent the ointment prepared from mumiyo from sticking to your hands, you should lubricate your hands with boiled vegetable oil before rubbing it in. During treatment using mumiyo, alcohol consumption is contraindicated. General recommendations. Take diluted mumiyo on an empty stomach 1-2 times a day, morning and evening. One course of treatment – ​​25-28 days. At an advanced stage of the disease, repeat the course after 10 days. In most recipes, the recommended dose is 0.2 grams. With clean hands separate 0.2 grams of mumiyo, rolling into a ball with a diameter of about 6 mm, the size of a black peppercorn. It is advisable to dilute it in milk in a ratio of 1:20 (2-3 tablespoons). You can also dilute it in water, adding honey to taste. It is useful to alternate dilution of mumiyo with juices (grape, cucumber). During the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, it is necessary to follow a diet. In case of severe and chronic diseases, it is necessary to take mumiyo with medicinal herbs, recommended for a specific disease, dosing it depending on the person’s weight. Source: Encyclopedia of Useful Knowledge © How does mumiyo in tablets differ from mumiyo - raw? Tableted mumiyo is not a real mumiyo! These are tablets based on mumiyo extract. When tableting, mumiyo is exposed to chemical and thermal influences, after which mumiyo loses its main medicinal properties. Also, during the tableting process, various components are added to it, thanks to which the raw material acquires the necessary physical and mechanical properties. And these substances are not only not useful, but sometimes even harmful to health. Real mumiyo is whole, it is a resinous, viscous black or brown mass with a bitter taste and a specific odor. Advantages of the natural mumiyo paste offered by us: The healing properties of mumiyo are preserved as much as possible. 100% guarantee of supply of natural mumiyo paste. Our original packaging allows you to protect the product from direct contact with sun rays and simplifying the packaging of mumiyo by the consumer, provided that the lock on the bag is closed after each use. Packaging, storage. It is most convenient to dose and apply mumiyo when it is in an elastic state. Our packaging is made of metallized material. The advantages of bags with a zip-lock fastener allows you to repeatedly close and open the bag without losing the seal, which allows you to keep the mumiyo elastic for an unlimited period. The story of how the indigenous tribes of the Himalayas discovered mumiyo and why they decided to consume it varies depending on who is telling it. Over time, this substance has become widely used medicinally throughout Asia and is a common ingredient in Ayurvedic preparations. Mumiyo, in fact, consists of fresh and processed humus residues - the organic component of soils. This thick, black resin is formed from more than 6,500 species of ancient plants that decay and compact under the weight of the mountains. Beneficial features mumiyo Scientific research has shown that mumiyo is one of the most nutrients in the world, containing at least 85 minerals in ionic form, as well as triterpenes, humic and fulvic acids. It is a powerful source of vitamins and microelements, a powerful adaptogen that protects the body from all types of mental and physical stress and contributes to the normalization of the body. Naturally occurring humic and fulvic acids are two of the most powerful and rare detoxifiers heavy metals and other pollutants that disrupt the natural functions of the body. Shilajit is also rich in ellagic acid, fatty acids and plant sterols. As a result, it has a harmonizing effect on the endocrine system and slows down the aging process as a whole, increasing the overall tone of the body. Here are some of the most powerful beneficial properties of mumiyo: 1. Anti-aging. Mumiyo slows down the aging process because it rejuvenates every cell, saturating it with oxygen and nutrients, serves as a natural antioxidant, supports the functioning of the body as a whole, and helps get rid of free radicals. This substance also strengthens the immune system, bones (due to the accumulation of calcium) and improves memory. 2. Anti-inflammatory properties. Mumiyo is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that can eliminate tissue damage and thereby accelerate the healing process. 3. Anti-disease. Thanks to its rich supply of nutrients, mumiyo is useful for those who suffer from the following diseases and painful conditions: diabetes, stress, arthritis, obesity, Alzheimer's disease, genitourinary diseases, jaundice, indigestion, epilepsy, nervous disorders, anemia, bronchitis, hemorrhoids , kidney stones, edema, asthma, thyroid dysfunction. 4. Strengthens physical performance. Another name for mumiyo is “destroyer of weakness.” This substance accelerates the body’s recovery after training, increases endurance and improves brain function, has positive influence on strength and muscle mass, and also helps with joint pain and arthritis. 5. Aphrodisiac. Shilajit is also known as the "Indian Viagra" - it works wonders in improving male sexual function and has been used for centuries to increase libido and sexual performance naturally. In addition, mumiyo is the main ingredient in Ayurvedic preparations to increase libido and sexual performance in general.