Application for increasing likes and subscriptions on Instagram. Case: getting likes and subscriptions through an application for Android and iOS

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

Applications are convenient because your phone is always at hand and “promotion” actions can be performed at any convenient time. Efficiency is growing, the account is becoming more popular. You can connect referral programs and earn additional bonuses to attract followers.

Mobile software offers

Applications can “wind up” subscribers different ways. The most common one is attracting bots, a non-living audience. The social network actively blocks such pages, and as a result, the number of your followers may decrease. Such promotion does not reach the target audience and threatens to ban your account.

In some programs, recruiting followers is free. You collect points for subscriptions and likes, and then spend them on “promotion”. The downside is that a database of unnecessary subscriptions accumulates, which you cannot get rid of right away. The system sets a period, for example, 1 month, and during this time you will have to follow the person. Otherwise, a fine will appear, and you will not be able to use the platform until it is repaid.

  1. Be sure to focus on the rating in Google Play or AppStore, so as not to give your password and login to scammers. Read the comments under the rating, look for reviews on the Internet. Check who wrote them: people with high ratings or newbies with one single statement. Precautionary measures will allow you to save your account and not lose data from it.
  2. Check your email and phone number attached. Are they available to you? In case of suspicious activity, Instagram will reset your password, and you will need any of the resources to recover your personal data.
  3. Follow the limits to avoid being banned or blocked. In mass following you can follow up to 60 people per hour. This number includes both subscriptions and unsubscribes.

Referral offers

Often in programs for recruiting followers you can find a referral system. The algorithm is simple: you distribute a special link, new users register using it, and you can receive bonuses. Or there may be a code instead of a link. There are examples in the comments under some programs, when users suggest specifying a certain combination when registering.

Increase followers on Instagram: applications for Android

Type “increase followers on Instagram” into the Google Play search bar, and you will be offered several options. Examples:

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

Promotion on Instagram is becoming more difficult: it’s not enough just to publish content on a schedule and communicate with the audience. You need to declare yourself so that as many people as possible know about the existence of your account. Subscriber boosting services come to the rescue. They can either simply increase your audience or bring in potential buyers. We will talk about types of cheating, safety rules, applications for promotion and put together the best services in a table.

Types of cheating

Programs and services for increasing followers on Instagram are divided into two types:

  • Free. The algorithm is based on liking photos and mass subscriptions, for which points are awarded. Received bonuses can be exchanged for hearts and followers for your account. Points and more subscribers are available for an additional fee. The disadvantages of such programs: you get a non-target audience who may soon unsubscribe. The method is only suitable for increasing quantity, but not quality.
  • Paid. This includes services for mass following and mass liking. What does the user pay money for? The tariffs include target audience settings for various filters, protection against account bans, and you can set your own restrictions on likes and subscriptions. Available in some different types unsubscribes: from everyone or only from non-reciprocal ones. The advantages of using this type of program: you get quality along with quantity. It is possible that some of the new people will become your regular customer.

When choosing a promotion method, focus on the objectives: quickly increase the number or slowly but efficiently.

  1. Choose programs or services that have detailed analytics. You will be able to track all changes, their effectiveness, and adjust your promotion strategy.
  2. Make sure your plan includes a proxy. Instagram actively fights against all types of automation of actions, so it is the easiest to get blocked or banned.
  3. Before buying programs to increase followers on Instagram, read reviews on the Internet. The site may make a tempting offer, but only ordinary users actually understand how deceptive it is. Read not only positive, but also negative reviews. See which comments are popular with users and who left them in the first place. A simple precaution will protect your wallet and account.
  4. The program or service must have settings for action restrictions.
  5. Check the filters for selecting your target audience if your goal is not just to increase the number. Some paid services do not provide choice, and you pay for random users who subscribe to you. In the end, they will leave and you will not achieve the stated number of subscribers. It is advisable to have settings for collecting an audience from hashtags, from competitors’ accounts, from geolocation, from VK public pages, etc.
  6. You can use mailings via Direct. Now this is a new way to promote and increase audience loyalty.

What to do to avoid getting banned

  1. You cannot use manual and automated mass following at the same time. If you entrusted this to a program, then only it should work with subscriptions, otherwise you risk getting blocked or banned.
  2. Do not promote multiple accounts from one IP address.
  3. Do not log into your account from other devices while using mass following services. Instagram notices any suspicious activity, and instead of promoting it, it will have to be restored again.
  4. Observe activity restrictions. Set up the mass following process as naturally as possible, as if a person were doing it: it is unlikely that in real life you can make 29 subscriptions and 100 likes in a few seconds. Use intervals for actions. In addition, users who see several actions within a second of each other will not believe that their page is interested in and will not follow in response.
  5. Do not use young pages to promote through mass following and mass liking. To begin with, these should only be careful manual actions, and then only after a few months you can buy and download a program for increasing followers on Instagram. A sharp increase in activity can lead to a ban.

Try to do everything gradually and little by little to ensure the security of your account. A sudden change in subscriptions or followers looks suspicious not only in the eyes of the system, but also of users who regularly check your page.

Programs for getting subscribers

There are now few high-quality programs for cheating; basically everyone is switching to services so as not to depend on computer resources. You can often come across a nice offer on the Internet, try a trial period, and then not get any results after paying. There are no reports, no money, no subscribers came. Use only proven and well-known tools. And below is a program for cheating that has proven itself well.

Services for increasing followers on Instagram

A cloud solution is more efficient than apps: all your data is not stored on a physical device and is more difficult to lose. For convenient service selection, we collected everything in one table. Now you can focus on choosing tools without being distracted by unimportant information.

Name Website Rates Functions
1 Pamagram When paying for 2 months or more, 72 days are free. 600 rubles per month. For an invited friend +30 days free
  • fast technical support;
  • compensation for lost days due to service downtime;
  • flexible mass following settings;
  • only live subscribers, no bots;
  • safe actions;
  • adaptation for all platforms;
  • search photos by geolocation
2 Instaplus

1 account:

399 rubles for 30 days.

5 accounts:

399 rubles for 7 days.

5 days free

  • selection of unique comments for posts;
  • promotion according to the like+subscribe plan;
  • target audience only;
  • automatic setting of bases for following
3 1,000 rubles per month
4 Mlnlks 3 days free. 600 rubles for 30 days
  • filters for flexible audience coverage;
  • compliance with limits;
  • fast technical support
5 Freelikes For free
  • The promotion is based on tasks: you subscribe, like, get points;
  • You can get more subscribers for bonuses;
  • You cannot unsubscribe after completing a task: the system imposes a fine and a temporary block on using the site
6 Instaturbo 3 days free. 890 rubles per month.
  • mass liking, mass following;
  • flexible promotion statistics;
  • 24/7 technical support;
  • setting up automatic unsubscribe;
  • filters for target audience search;
  • recognition of bots and commercial stores;
  • connecting any number of accounts simultaneously
7 Smmconvert

100 subscribers - 60 rubles.

1,000 likes - 135 rub.

10,000 - 580 rub.

Lottery rates:

299 rubles - from 1,500 to 29,999 followers.

  • promotion through mass following and mass liking;
  • no filter by gender or location
8 Instaps Test period - 3 days. Promotion + deferred posting: 790 rubles for 1 profile per month. For Direct - 990 rub.
  • reaches the target audience;
  • supports the Direct mailing option;
  • setting up automatic replies to received messages;
  • independent regulation of limits;
  • saving important subscriptions
9 Tooligram Two tariffs costing 499 and 1,199 rubles per month
  • promotion by mass liking and mass following;
  • collects and filters the target audience according to numerous criteria;
  • educational materials;
  • promotion analytics;
  • gathers an audience from VK groups;
  • only real people, not bots;
  • automatic unsubscribe
10 Jetinsta

For 1 account:

5 days - 330 rub. 1 month - 1,400 rub.

  • detailed analytics: best time for publications, subscriber growth;
  • adjustable filters;
  • tips for using effective tags;
  • stop words to exclude unnecessary audiences;
  • attraction by liking posts made near you
11 Zengram Free for the first 7 days. 3 days cost 99 rubles, 30 - 699 rubles.
  • feed likes to increase subscriber engagement;
  • setting the target audience;
  • attracting real people, not bots;
  • unsubscribe from non-reciprocal users;

It is quite natural to want as many people as possible to follow you on Instagram - after all, this motivates you to further develop your microblog and post photos more often.

The purpose of this article is to answer the popular question “how to get followers on Instagram?” More precisely, “wind up” is not quite the right word: it would be more correct to say “attract”.

If you are not ready to spend time promoting your account, but want to immediately get subscribers, the easiest way is to buy them. You can purchase both bots to create the appearance of account popularity, and real users who will like and comment on your photos.

Are special applications needed?

It is quite possible to gain followers on Instagram using completely honest means - the more effectively you develop your account, the more followers it will receive. Yes, there are many applications that allow you to cheat.

True, most often the mechanism of their actions is the same: the bot program “likes” a lot of photos and adds and removes popular accounts from the list of followers, which attracts more attention to your photo feed. This is hardly the best way...

A little about tricks

What applications do automatically, you can do manually. If you often follow and unsubscribe from popular pages on Instagram, a link to you will be visible in the “recent followers” ​​section, which will attract attention.

Also search hashtags like #followme, #like4like or #tagsforlikes. This way you will find people who are also striving to increase the number of subscribers, and you can join forces.

But these are all “relatively honest methods”, and what more natural ways are there?

Decide who you are looking for

First of all, it is important to decide - who is the target audience for your Instagram account? People love blogs that have a specific concept. Photos of pets? Selfie? Travel photos?

Many people will follow you if they know exactly what photos they will see in your feed. And such people will help find you...


They are the most effective way, and the more actively and correctly you use them, the better.

Look through popular accounts with a similar concept to yours, and pay attention to what hashtags their authors use. Also view lists of the most popular tags , and don’t hesitate to add more tags to each of your photos, because they are the most effective way to increase followers on Instagram.

And geotags too

Don't forget to tag your photos where they were taken. Although there is still no convenient search using geotags on Instagram, many people look for photos that interest them by clicking on the active link where the geotag is placed.

Location tags in popular places can bring in tons of new followers!

In the “Options” - “For Subscriptions” menu, you will find the “Instagram Recommendations” item. As you might guess, the service offers you users whose photo blogs may be of interest to you - it is very likely that they will also want to follow you!

Invite friends from other social networks

In the same section of the menu, you can work with the lists of your friends on other social networks - if, say, you have a well-promoted Facebook account, then many subscribers will not mind viewing your Instagram feed.

Be an active user

This doesn't just apply to how often you update your own Instagram blog. The more likes and comments you leave on other people’s posts, especially if they are posts from people from your potential target audience, the more subscribers you yourself will have.

It is this principle that Instagram “cheater” programs automate, but it is much more correct if you yourself look at the pictures that interest you and express your reaction. After all, this is what Instagram was designed for!

The most important thing is to remember that increasing the number of subscribers should not be an end in itself. It's more important to have fun using Instagram.


A good program for increasing followers on Instagram is an integral part of promoting your account. What criteria should a service for cheating meet and how to use it correctly? This is exactly what we will tell you about today!

What Instagram promotion services are there?

Carrying out a conditional gradation, we can divide them into 2 types:

  1. Free. These include all kinds of Vtope, Bosslike and others. Which offer to complete tasks manually or automatically, earn points (or buy them) and exchange them for subscribers, likes, etc. At first glance, everything seems very positive and attractive. However, in reality, you are getting subscriptions from “junk” bot accounts. The subscriber count on Instagram will grow inexorably, but without ordering the next task, you will not receive likes and comments on your posts. This kind of thing is often done when growing accounts for sale, which is prohibited by Instagram rules.
  2. Paid or shareware services. They provide a much wider range of options for working with an Instagram account. This can include automatic subscription to target accounts based on certain criteria, leaving likes and comments, posting posts, viewing statistics, mass unsubscribing and much more. These are the services that are most popular.

Why is the second type of service preferable?

It's simple, you can work with your target audience on Instagram in a targeted manner! You get real people as subscribers to your profile who will like you, leave comments and buy your products if you are in sales. By receiving detailed information and statistics on your account, you can quickly manage the criteria for selecting subscribers and get the maximum effect!

What should be the ideal promotion service on Instagram?

In our subjective opinion, it must meet several simple criteria:

  1. Have an account statistics functional block. This will allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of your promotion strategy and adjust it if necessary;
  2. Fine-tuning delays, action limits, and the ability to work through Proxy should be implemented. In one of the latest updates, Instagram significantly tightened control over the automation of actions. Getting banned for cheating has become much easier;
  3. The posting form must have the ability to upload videos and apply filters;
  4. Setting up a mailing list in Direct and the ability to communicate directly with subscribers. Direct has recently become another way to promote, especially after the ability to send your Stories became available;
  5. The ability to analyze and collect statistics from third-party accounts is also an integral part of any advanced promotion service.

This is not a complete list of functions necessary for high-quality promotion. However, these tools will allow you to carry out high-quality promotion of any account on Instagram.

Safety rules when using promotion services

When starting to use any service, be it mass following or direct mailing, you must understand one thing: simple thing, Instagram is trying its best to eliminate the “automation” of user communication processes. In other words, at the slightest suspicion, the system will block your account and if the temporary blocking is repeated several times, there will be a complete loss of control over your profile.

In order to avoid such disastrous consequences, you need to adhere to the following simple rules:

The most important thing when starting automatic Instagram promotion is not to try to get results as quickly as possible, spend time studying the rules of the network and configure the system as correctly as possible. Here, more than ever, the principle “if you drive slower, you’ll keep going!” works here more than ever!

The best services for Instagram promotion

No one here will give you an exact answer. We can only name our TOP 5 services:


All of them meet the stated requirements. Only the cost of services and the interface differ.

Hello, friends. In this article I want to show you How to gain followers on Instagram without cheating.

In fact, my experiment was not the most successful, but I was personally to blame for this, and to be more precise, I did not devote enough time to the experiment. Read on and you will understand everything.

As you already know, almost a month ago I decided to try to help my friend promote her Instagram account. I talked about this.

Just a month ago I didn’t have an Instagram account at all, so I didn’t know anything about this social network. So, I didn’t have the slightest idea how to promote Instagram.

In principle, even without studying this topic, one could guess that to start promoting any project, you need to recruit potential clients, that is, subscribers. But how to do this? This is what we will talk about now.

There are many ways to recruit followers on Instagram, both paid and free. I couldn't take advantage paid methods, since my friend did not allocate a budget for me. Therefore, I had to look exclusively for free ways to recruit subscribers.

There are two free ways to recruit subscribers:

  1. Independent, handmade, organic, that is, without cheating.
  2. Automated, using special programs and services.

In this article I will share my experience of how I gained subscribers on my own, and in the next article I will tell you how I gained a large number of subscribers using special programs and services. So subscribe and don't miss out.

Independent recruitment of live subscribers on Instagram without cheating

In order to gain live followers on Instagram on your own and for free, you will have to sacrifice your time. What do you need to do for this? Here's what:

  • First of all, you need to find relatively well-promoted communities or accounts similar to your topic.
  • Secondly, analyze the subscribers of this community.
  • Thirdly, subscribe and like subscribers who are potential clients.
  • Hoping that these subscribers will visit your account (even just for fun) and subscribe to you.

Let me give you an example from my own experience of how I gained subscribers on Instagram without cheating.

My friend (Natasha) has an account on the topic “Individual tailoring and repair of clothes.”

Log in to your account and in the search, write “Custom tailoring and clothing repair.” I added the word “Moscow” to this key sentence, since Natasha offers her services exclusively in Moscow. Therefore, it is desirable that subscribers and future clients live in the capital.

As you can see, first on the list is a certain Moscow atelier. If it is in first place, then most likely the account is promoted and has a good rating. So, we go into it and see this:

Selecting a promoted account on Instagram

As we can see, this community has 6326 subscribers. In my opinion, this is a good number. What now? Now we need to look at the list of these subscribers. Click and see this:

List of subscribers in the community

And now we need to stupidly go to visit everyone and determine whether he is a potential client.

Now I'll show you on by example, how I identified a potential client.

Here's an example not potential client:

Example of a non-potential client on Instagram

Pay attention to the number of subscribers - 20400. Also pay attention to the name of the account - stolica_shop. Based on these indicators, I can say with confidence that we are talking about a certain store, and not a personal person. Such a large number of subscribers is most likely fake. But even if it’s not fake, then...what’s the chance that the editors and authors of this community will pay attention to Natasha’s modest and unpopular account? In my opinion, there is no chance!

We need to look for unpromoted accounts of ordinary people. In my case, it is desirable that these people be female, since it is unlikely that men are interested in sewing and repairing clothes. Although, anything can happen...

So, we continue to look for a potential client. And here is an example of such a client:

Potential client

Why did I think this was a potential client?

So, I follow this lady and make sure to give her photos a few likes.

Results of recruiting live subscribers without cheating

And now I will share the results of such actions.

Over the course of a week, I independently signed up for different accounts of potential (in my opinion) clients. In a week I managed to subscribe to 100 people. I know that 100 people a week is very little. If you allocate 2 hours a day to this matter, then in a week you can subscribe to 700 people, but... I had absolutely no time, because .

As a result, no more than 10 people subscribed to me, that is, 10%.

The result, of course, is not impressive, and then I thought about why not everyone subscribes to Natasha? This is what her account looked like:

Pay attention to the main photo. It features some girls without heads. Also, you can't see it, but her last post was a month ago.

I read several recommendations for improving my Instagram account and decided that Natasha urgently needs to change her main photo. I strongly advised her to change the photo of her aunts to her personal photo. In this case (in my opinion), seeing a photograph of a real, living and attractive person, people will begin to trust Natasha more. In addition, I advised her to publish posts and photos as often as possible so that the account looked active and alive.

Natasha listened to me and did everything I asked her to do.

The result did not take long to wait. The next week I continued in the same spirit and signed up an additional 100 people. In response to Natasha, 60 people signed up, that’s already 60%.

Let me summarize, or how to improve your Instagram account

If you decide to gain followers on Instagram for free and without cheating, then be sure to improve your account.

  • Until you are recognizable and unpopular, put your personal photo on the main page. Subscribers trust living and ordinary people much more than companies, stores, etc.
  • Be sure to update your posts frequently. Even if there are no new photos related to the provision of services and products, publish personal photos. Subscribers must understand that you are not only interested in promoting your business, but also simply to attract attention.
  • You must not forget your subscribers and occasionally visit them, like, comment, etc.

That's all. As a result, 70 people signed up for Natasha in two weeks. But I repeat that I worked very little. If I allocated a couple of hours a day for these actions, then according to my statistics at least 600 people would sign up.

The main thing is that all these subscribers are potential clients, and not bots or fake accounts. I wrote this now for a reason. You will understand my hint after you read my next article, which will be published in about a week.

Now I’ll try to intrigue you and say that in the next article I’ll tell you how in a couple of days I gained 800 subscribers, spending 30 minutes of my own time on it.

I hope that now you know how to gain followers on Instagram without cheating.

That's all. I look forward to your comments. Bye bye.

Best regards, Igor Chernomorets.

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