Prepare a pea dish. Miracle pea

Young green and sweet grains of green peas are released from the pods of vegetable brain peas. The most useful young peas are in pods, and in order to always have them on the table, you need to grow peas of different ripening periods - early, middle and late. Brain peas are the most delicious; their grains have a slightly wrinkled surface; they are good both fresh and canned in jars. Therefore, we advise you to pay attention to the labeling when purchasing peas. The more brain varieties in canned peas, the tastier it is. Such peas contain more sugars and vitamins, they are especially useful because they contain provitamin A, which is necessary for. It is tasty, delicately sweet in taste, and contains less starch than other varieties. Young peas in tender, immature pods are recommended for children and adults.

Fresh green peas have a very short shelf life; shelled ones can remain fresh for only 2-3 hours, in pods up to 10 hours. At a temperature of about 0 degrees and high humidity, peas are stored a little longer. Harvested peas quickly ripen and the sugar contained in them is converted into starch. The peas become tough and not sweet. Due to their short shelf life, canned peas are more often used for cooking. Peas in any form are used to make soups, salads and sauces. It is used as an independent dish and as a side dish for meat and fish dishes; it is served with sausages and scrambled eggs.

Green peas are delicious cooked in oil. Boil fresh peas in water for 15 minutes, drain the water and add butter, heat for 5 minutes so that the oil soaks the peas, and serve hot.

Place the canned peas from the jar in a colander to drain the filling and rinse with cold water. Place in a saucepan and add butter or heavy cream and heat for 3 minutes.

Frozen green peas do not require thawing before cooking. Place it in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes, drain the water and season with oil, add a little sugar.

Before cooking, dried peas should be soaked for 30 minutes, then boiled for 15 minutes, add cream and heat for 2-3 minutes, add a little sugar and a spoonful of lemon juice to improve the taste.

Green peas can be served as an independent dish, or as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, and potatoes.

Pea salad. Boil the peas and drain the canned peas from the filling. Hard boil the eggs, chop, add finely chopped dill, add peas and season with mayonnaise. Place in a salad bowl and garnish with dill sprigs and peas.

Pea salad with cucumbers. Take a can of green peas and drain the filling. Cut the pickled spicy cucumber into slices, finely chop the green onions and dill. Place peas, cucumbers and herbs in a salad bowl, season with mayonnaise.

Green pea soup with tomato. Prepare meat or chicken broth. Fry carrots, onions, garlic and 2 tablespoons of tomato puree in oil. Place peas from a jar into the broth and boil, season with fried vegetables and tomatoes. Serve with parsley and garlic croutons.

Peas with rice and meat. Cut the pork into portions, beat and fry in fat, add salt and pepper, fry until done. Boil the rice. Fry onions. Wash the canned green peas and add to the onion, heat for 2-3 minutes. Combine the rice with the peas and place on a plate, put a piece of fried meat on top, pouring the fat in which the meat and chopped garlic were fried.

Omelet with green peas. You can whip up a delicious omelet with peas. Place 3 tablespoons of green peas in a bowl, add 3 eggs, add a spoonful of mayonnaise or two tablespoons of milk, and salt. Beat well with a fork and place in a preheated frying pan, cover with a lid and cook for 2-3 minutes.

Pea and tomato salad. For 5 ripe tomatoes, take 2 cups of fresh boiled or canned green peas. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, add chopped dill and basil, add peas. Season the salad with oil or mayonnaise and mix carefully.

Pork with green peas. Take portioned pieces of pork as for chops, beat, salt and pepper. Fry the meat on both sides until cooked. Place on a plate. Add chopped garlic clove to the frying oil and sprinkle with a spoonful of flour, stir. Pour half a glass of cream into the pan and add boiled or canned green peas and heat through. Place the prepared green pea sauce on the fried pork chops.

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Quite often in foreign films you can see how characters put dishes with green peas on plates. Sometimes just loose peas, and sometimes something similar to the main course.

It may be a mistake to assume that canned peas are served from a jar. The same one added to Olivier salad. This is a completely wrong opinion.

In Europe and North America, peas are added to dishes fresh and, through heat treatment, become similar to canned ones.

In our supermarkets, green peas can be seen in the frozen section, but if you decide to buy them, then you will definitely need green pea recipes. What to cook from green peas, read on.

Green peas - what to cook? / Green pea dishes

Many different dishes are prepared from green peas. Mainly soups, side dishes and salads. Both fresh and frozen peas are suitable for preparing green pea dishes.

Frozen peas do not need to be defrosted first; just rinse them under cold running water and start cooking immediately.

My small selection of recipes will tell you what to cook from green peas.

Green pea garnish

To prepare a side dish of green peas, you don’t need anything fancy or complicated. The peas need to be sorted, washed and filled with cold water. Put on fire and wait until it boils. Then reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and cook the peas until they change color and become soft. The readiness of green peas is determined solely by eye.

  • Do not add salt to the water in which green peas are boiled, it will only become harder.
  • It is recommended to salt green peas already prepared.
  • Garnish green peas with butter or vegetable oil.
  • As an experiment, the pea side dish can be seasoned with olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice and zest, garlic, and fried bacon.
  • You can make a pate from boiled green peas and serve it with chips.
  • Season boiled green peas with butter and milk. and then rub through a sieve. You will get a delicious puree side dish.
  • If you dilute the pea puree with liquid, you get a delicious puree soup. The liquid used is vegetable or meat broth, milk or cream.
  • Pea puree seasoned with eggs and flour easily becomes the basis for pea cutlets and pancakes.

Green peas in white wine


  • 350 gr. green peas
  • 3 pcs. onions
  • 1 bunch of lettuce
  • 50 g butter
  • 5 tbsp. l. water
  • 5 tbsp. l. dry white wine
  • sugar on the tip of a knife

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the peas and simmer in butter until half cooked.
  2. Add onion half rings and lettuce strips. Simmer covered for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Pour in water, wine and sugar. Close the lid, reduce heat and simmer for another 15 minutes.
  4. Before serving, add salt to taste.

Frittata with green peas


  • 100 gr. boiled green peas
  • 100 gr. boiled pasta
  • 1 bunch of lettuce
  • 100 gr. grated cheese
  • 3-4 eggs
  • vegetable oil

Cooking method:

  1. Fry the peas and lettuce in pieces in vegetable oil. Add pasta and stir.
  2. Beat eggs with cheese and salt, pour this mixture over pasta and vegetables.
  3. Place the frying pan in a hot oven for 5-7 minutes. Serve for breakfast.

Green peas taste great in vegetable soup or stew. It is added along with other vegetables and cooked in a common pan. Soup with green peas is very filling, but less caloric than with potatoes.

You shouldn’t give any recipes for making soups or stews with green peas, it’s a matter of taste. Either add it or not.

Try green peas in a new way, cook original dishes and gain vitamins!

Now I'm waiting for your reviews and recipes.

Good luck and health to you!

Always yours Alena Tereshina.

Peas are a herbaceous annual plant, a member of the legume family. Very elegant and beautiful, with thin leaves, tendrils and flowers characteristic of legumes. It blooms often white, sometimes pink. Some varieties bloom purple and fuchsia. It is one of the first crops to be mastered by man.

Regular use of this product helps to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, relieves heartburn, and normalizes intestinal function.

These are perhaps the main reasons why peas are very popular among many housewives. But we will tell you how to prepare it in this article.

Contents of the article:

How to cook peas in a slow cooker?

I would like to immediately note that cooking peas in a slow cooker will take you about 20 - 30% more time than in a regular saucepan. But at the end you can get a perfect product.

Recipe No. 1 . Pea porridge . Let's look at one of the simplest recipes for making porridge in a slow cooker.


  • Split peas (2 cups);
  • Water (4 glasses);
  • Salt;

1). First of all, we need to carefully sort out the peas and discard all the garbage. Next, we wash the grains, changing the water until it remains clear. Pour the washed cereal into a multicooker and fill it with water, after which we turn on the “stew” mode and cook for 2 hours.

2). Thanks to the slow action and long wait, you can get really cooked and very tasty peas. After the multicooker turns off, take out the porridge and stir thoroughly.

Salt can be added both before and after cooking.

The advantage of a slow cooker is that there is no need to soak the peas before cooking.

How to make pea puree?

Recipe No. 1. Classic pea puree recipe . Let's look at a recipe for one of the most budget-friendly options for making pea porridge.


  • Peas (1 cup (split ones cook faster));
  • Water (2-3 glasses);
  • Salt;

1) . We clean the peas from debris, rinse with water and soak in cold water for several hours. Ideally, leave it on all night.

2) . Next, drain the old water, rinse again and fill with boiled water. First turn the heat on the stove to maximum so that the water boils quickly, then turn it down to medium and open the lid. Cook for 1.5 – 2 hours. I would like to note that, according to very sensitive people, it is necessary to remove the foam that forms during boiling. But in my opinion, it is not at all necessary to do this, since the peas are already almost sterile after soaking and washing. It's up to you.

3) . If all the water has boiled away, but the beans are not cooked yet, add a little (about half a glass) of boiled water, stir over medium heat and let it boil too. As soon as the peas are cooked, remove from the stove, cover the pan with a lid and let simmer a little.

If you want to get a more delicate consistency, you will need to do this with a blender. If the puree turns out to be dry, you can add a little boiled water. You can also add a little milk.

Recipe No. 2. Spicy pea puree . This recipe can be an excellent solution for those who want to diversify their usual dish.


  • Peas (1 cup);
  • Water (2-3 glasses);
  • Carrots (1 piece, medium size);
  • Parsley, dill, basil, or other greens that you prefer;
  • Garlic (1 clove);
  • Vegetable oil (3 tablespoons);
  • Salt;

1) . The first three stages, as in the case of the previous recipe: soak, cook, crush, that is, prepare ordinary pea puree.

2) . Peel the carrots and herbs and dry. Grind all ingredients (garlic, carrots, herbs) in a blender (you can also use a meat grinder). Add the resulting pulp to the puree, add salt, add oil and mix everything thoroughly. For spiciness, you can also add ground black pepper to the dish to taste.

How to cook peas with meat?

Recipe No. 1 . Pea porridge with stew . An economical, practical and very tasty recipe for cooking peas. I would also like to note that you can use meat instead of stew.


  • Dry split peas (1.5 cups);
  • Water (5 glasses);
  • Beef stew (300 grams);
  • Onion (1 piece);
  • Salt (2 teaspoons);
  • Ground black pepper (half a teaspoon);
  • Sunflower oil (2 tablespoons);

1) . We wash the peas, soak them in cold water, and leave them for about 5 - 7 hours.

2) . Open the stew and place it in a deep plate, separating the fat and all the liquid.

3) . Peel the onion and cut into half rings.

4) . Next, put the peas in a medium saucepan, pour in 3 cups of boiled water, cook for about 30 minutes, then pour in half the required salt and boil for some more time. Next, make puree from the cooked peas.

5) . Pour two tablespoons of sunflower oil into a frying pan, heat it over low heat, add the onion and fry for about 5 - 7 minutes.

7) . Pour in the spices (in my case ground black pepper), the remaining salt, stir, cover the top of the pan with a lid, reduce the gas and simmer in this position for about 5-7 minutes.

8) . Mix the prepared stew with onions with the prepared pea porridge and keep on fire for about 5 minutes.

How to cook peas with chicken?

Recipe No. 1. Pea soup with chicken . Despite the huge variety of dishes among all the cuisines of the world, a dish such as pea soup is quite popular.


  • Split peas (1 cup);
  • Chicken (300 gr);
  • Potatoes (2 pcs);
  • Carrots (1 piece);
  • Onion (1 piece);
  • Spices (salt, pepper, seasonings);
  • Vegetable (2 tbsp);

1) . Wash the peas and leave in water (about 2-4 hours). Then we put a pan of water on the stove and throw in the peas along with the chicken. As soon as the water boils, we need to reduce the heat and remove the foam, after which we leave to cook for about 45 - 50 minutes.

2) . While the broth is cooking, prepare the vegetables. Pass the carrots through a grater with large divisions, finely chop the onion and cut the potatoes into medium-sized cubes.

3) . Pour oil into a frying pan and fry the onions and carrots until golden brown.

4) . After the broth is ready, take the meat out of the pan and add the potatoes, which we cook for about 10 minutes.

5) . Next, add the finished roast here, but about 5 minutes after that, throw the meat back in, not forgetting to cut it into small pieces. At this stage, we also add spices here, which in your opinion will make the soup more tasty.

6) . Cook the soup for another 10 - 15 minutes, then turn off the stove and let it simmer for about 10 minutes.

Pea soup with chicken is ready!

How to cook green peas?

Recipe No. 1. Green pea sauce.


  • Chopped onion (¾ cup);
  • Water (1 glass);
  • Green peas (2 cups);
  • Butter (2 tbsp);
  • Flour (1 tbsp);
  • Heavy cream (½ cup);
  • Salt, pepper, nutmeg;

1) . Add 1 tsp into the water. salt, onion and boil. Add peas and cook for 5 minutes. Drain the water, leaving about ¾ cup, which will be needed for later use.

2) . Melt the butter, add flour, spices and heat until golden brown, remembering to stir so that nothing burns.

3) . Add cream and water from cooking vegetables, stir and cook over low heat until thickened.

4) . Add vegetables and bring to a boil.

Recipe No. 2. Spicy pea sauce .


  • Green peas (250 g);
  • Natural yogurt or sour cream (2 tbsp);
  • Chili pepper (1 pc);
  • Garlic (1-2 cloves);
  • Olive oil (2 tsp);
  • Lemon (1 piece);
  • Fresh mint (1 tbsp);

1) . Boil green peas, cool and grind in a blender. Squeeze the garlic through a press and chop the chili pepper.

2). Mix all ingredients in a blender, add lemon juice and chopped mint.

Recipe No. 3. Baked soup


  • Tomatoes (6 pcs);
  • Onion (1 piece);
  • Garlic (2 cloves);
  • Vegetable broth (300 ml);
  • Green peas (400 g);
  • Tomato paste (2 tbsp);

1) . Place whole tomatoes, chopped onion and garlic on a baking sheet and place in a hot oven for about 30 minutes. The vegetables should become soft and have a light crust.

2) . Boil the peas and place in a sieve. In a blender, grind half the peas with the broth until smooth and rub through a sieve.

3) . Place all ingredients in a saucepan, add salt, and bring to a boil.

4) . Add greens and serve.

How to cook peas for a side dish?

Recipe No. 1. Pea side dish . Quite a tasty and satisfying dish.


  • Curry (to taste);
  • Onion (1 pc);
  • Vegetable oil (150 g);
  • Peas (500 gr);
  • Salt (to taste);
  • Tomato paste (150 g);
  • Carrots (1 piece);

1) . Wash the peas;

2) . Pour water into a clean saucepan and put it on fire.

3) . As soon as the water boils, add the peas. Boil for 1.5 hours.

4) . After boiling the peas until half cooked, add a little curry and stir.

6) . Place a frying pan on the fire, pour in vegetable oil and fry the onions and carrots. The vegetables should become golden.

7) . Add tomato paste to vegetables and mix.

8) . Place the boiled peas in a colander to drain excess juice.

9) . Place the peas on a serving plate and the sautéed vegetables on top.

10) . That's all, the delicious pea side dish is ready.

How to cook pilaf with chickpeas?

Recipe No. 1. Pilaf with chickpeas . Chickpeas have taken their rightful place in the recipe for pilaf with peas, and you can prepare such pilaf as follows.


  • Short rice (2 cups);
  • Beef (300 g);
  • Dry chickpeas (0.5 cup);
  • Sunflower oil (3 tablespoons);
  • Carrots (150 g);
  • Onions (150 g);
  • Garlic (3 heads);
  • Seasoning for pilaf (1 packet);
  • Zira (1 tsp);
  • Barberry;
  • Salt (2 tsp);

1) . Soak half a glass of chickpeas in regular boiled water overnight. During this time, it will swell and almost double in size.

2) . Prepare the beef, cut it into medium-sized cubes. Prepare vegetable oil.

3) . We wash the carrots, then peel both them and the onions.

4) . Cut the carrots into large pieces.

5) . Cut the onion into large strips.

7) . Wash the rice thoroughly in hot water and pour boiling water over it. Let it stand and swell.

8) . Prepare a glass of soaked chickpeas, seasonings and garlic. As for seasonings, we will use only cumin and barberry. But you can also use ready-made rice seasoning instead.

9) . Pour vegetable oil into a deep frying pan or cauldron and heat it over high heat, then reduce the heat and begin to fry the carrots and onions. Don't forget to stir so nothing burns. As a result, (after about 15 - 20 minutes) you should get golden onions and carrots.

10) . Next we start frying the meat. We move the zirvak and put the meat in the cauldron. This will take you about 10 minutes. It should release its juice and fry slightly. After this, mix the zirvak and simmer for about 5 minutes.

11) . Now we need to add 2 cups of boiling water, seasonings, cumin and salt to the cauldron. Stir and continue to simmer the zirvak over low heat for about 15 minutes.

12) . Add soaked chickpeas to the cauldron.

13) . Carefully place the rice and three heads of garlic into the cauldron, then level the rice and add a little boiling water. The rice should be completely covered with water. Cook the pilaf over low heat, while not forgetting to control the situation. Remember, the water should not boil away quickly, and if this happens, you can add it.

14) . After all the water has boiled away and the rice is still a little hard, remove from the heat, otherwise you will end up with rice porridge. The pilaf is covered with a lid, where it arrives on its own in about 15 minutes.

Fragrant pilaf with chickpeas is ready!

How to cook peas without soaking?

Recipe No. 1. Smoked pea porridge without soaking . It is better to use crushed peas, as they cook faster.


  • Peas (500 grams);
  • Water (1 liter);
  • Onions (1 piece);
  • Carrots (1 piece);
  • Tomato paste (2 tablespoons);
  • Salt, spices;
  • Bay leaf (2 pcs);
  • Vegetable little (60 ml);
  • Butter (40 g);
  • Green;

1) . We wash the peas with running water, then pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes.

3) . While the peas are cooking, you can prepare the vegetables. Grate the carrots and cut the onion into half rings or cubes.

4) . Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, then fry the carrots and onions. Add tomato paste and do not forget to stir so that nothing burns. If you want to give the dish a smoked flavor, you can use smoked lard instead of vegetable oil.

5) . Checking the peas. Add salt, spices, bay leaf to taste. Cook at this heat and with the lid closed for another hour. Don't forget to stir periodically.

6) . Add fried vegetables to the finished porridge. Stir, cover and cook for 10 minutes.

Delicious pea porridge is ready!

How to make pea salad?

Recipe No. 1. Salad with green peas and egg . A simple and inexpensive green pea salad.


  • Canned peas (100 g);
  • Parsley;
  • Boiled rice (150 g);
  • Boiled egg (3 pcs);
  • Bell pepper (1 piece);
  • Vegetable oil (100 g);
  • Salt (to taste);

1) . Cut off the base of the pepper, remove the seeds and cut into rings or strips.

2) . Wash the rice thoroughly in cold water, then add water and salt. Cook over low heat until fully cooked.

3) . Mix the cooked rice with chopped sweet pepper.

4) . Boil the eggs for about 10 minutes, after which we peel them and finely chop them to obtain the egg mass.

5) . Pass the green peas through a colander.

6) . Add peas and eggs to the mixed rice and pepper.

7) . Add vegetable oil, salt to taste and mix everything thoroughly.

8) . Decorate with parsley sprigs and serve.

Recipe No. 2. Green peas with smoked chicken .


  • Smoked chicken (500 g);
  • Green peas (500 g);
  • Egg white (from 3 eggs);
  • Onions (1 head);
  • Vegetable oil (20 g);
  • Table vinegar (20 g);
  • Mayonnaise (20 g);
  • Korean carrots (150 gr);

1) . Cut the chicken meat into cubes and lay out the first layer.

2) . Place a second layer of green peas and coat with mayonnaise.

3) . Cut the egg whites into cubes (if desired, you can also add the yolk here), spread with mayonnaise.

4) . Fry the onion, cut into half rings, in vegetable oil until golden brown, then drain the oil and mix the onion with vinegar and mayonnaise.

5) . Place a layer of Korean carrots on top of the fried onions. We do not grease the last layer with mayonnaise.

6) . Leave for a few minutes so that all layers are soaked and the salad can be served.

To prepare a less fatty salad, the amount of mayonnaise added can be reduced.

How to cook peas for pies?

Recipe No. 1. Pea filling . Pea filling is extremely good for making homemade pies


  • Dry shelled peas (1 cup);
  • Onions (2 heads);
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt, ground black pepper;

1) . We thoroughly clean and wash the peas.

2) . Fill the washed peas with water and place on the stove. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam, reduce heat and cover with a lid. In this position, cook the peas until they are completely boiled (about 1.5 - 2 hours), not forgetting to stir periodically.

3) . Cooked peas are practically a finished puree with individual inclusions of peas that have retained their shape. If desired, the pea mass can be rubbed until smooth, but you can also leave it, since peas that have retained their shape are chewed quite easily.

5) . Add the onion to the pea puree, salt and pepper to taste and mix.

Fresh green peas appear on our tables most often as part of light vegetable soups, but their possibilities are much wider. The sweetish, tender pulp goes well with most seasonings and can diversify the taste of a wide variety of dishes - from salads to desserts.

Panzanella salad with peas

Use this as a base to which you can add any other ingredients, such as capers, olives or crushed anchovies. Of course, tomatoes, peppers and any green vegetables would also be appropriate.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
400 g fresh peas
150 g dill
4 sprigs green onions
1 cucumber
120 g of white bread - ciabatta, pita bread, etc. - "bread with crust"
1 clove of garlic
6 tbsp. l. olive oil
2 tbsp. l. red wine vinegar

Cook, but do not overcook, the peas until tender in boiling salted water - about 5 minutes. Immediately rinse it under running cold water and transfer it to a salad bowl. Chop the dill and onion. Peel and finely chop the cucumber. Mix all the vegetables. Cut the ciabatta in half, fry in olive oil until golden brown and crunchy, then break into small pieces and place in a salad bowl.

Mix peeled and crushed garlic with salt, black pepper, oil and vinegar and sprinkle a couple of drops on the bread in a salad bowl. Place the pea mixture on top of the bread slices and cover with the remaining mixture. Garnish with any greenery - the more, the better.

This is interesting

There are the most recipes for fresh peas in German cuisine - it includes salads, soups, main courses, marinades, desserts and even pea... sausage.

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Summer chaos

The delicate taste of peas does not overpower the original, and the textures of these two products also complement each other wonderfully.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
400 g wild mushrooms
300 g peas
2-3 tbsp. l. white wine type "Rkatsiteli"
3 tbsp. l. sour cream
1 tbsp. l. chopped parsley
salt and pepper to taste

Wash and clean the mushrooms - russula, chanterelles, porcini or a mixture of them. Fry them in butter for 3-5 minutes. Fry fresh peas in a separate pan. Place the mushrooms and peas in a saucepan, pour in the wine and simmer for 10 minutes. Add sour cream, salt, pepper and leave on low heat for another 5 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

This is interesting

While the peas are young, and the peas themselves have not fully grown, all parts of them are edible and are eaten together with the skin. In this form, in the summer, peas are added to salads, stewed or served as a side dish.

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Lobster's Pea Breakfast

Legend has it that Omar Sharif, the famous actor and handsome man, preferred to start his day with a similar breakfast. Whether this is true or not is unknown for sure, but many will certainly enjoy this hearty and healthy dish.

Ingredients for 3 servings:

250 g fresh peas
3 eggs
4 cloves garlic
1 tbsp. l. olive oil
4 slices jamon ham
2 tbsp. l. dry sherry, for example Amontillado
100 ml chicken broth
5-6 fresh mint leaves

Bring a large saucepan of salted water to a boil and add the peas and cook for 5 minutes. In another, smaller saucepan, boil the eggs until puffy. Rinse the finished eggs immediately with cold water so that they do not continue to “cook” in their own shell.
In a large frying pan, heat the olive oil and fry the chopped garlic. After a minute, add the jamon cut into strips and fry quickly, not allowing the garlic to darken. Pour in the sherry, leave the pan on the heat, stirring the contents, for another minute, then add the broth, fresh mint, seasonings and drained peas. Cook for a minute and set aside on the edge of the stove

Peel the warm eggs and cut them in half, place on top of the peas and serve directly from the pan.

This is interesting

According to the same legend, sherry should be flambéed - that is, set on fire directly in a frying pan. Omar himself was not always successful in this culinary trick, so mere mortals can get by with a simple stew, the main thing is not to forget about the sherry.

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Spicy peas Kerala

This dish is the perfect accompaniment to something hearty, but can also be a side dish. In any case, it can take you on a culinary journey through the tastes of Kerala - the most idealistic state of India and a place where relaxation is always with you.

Ingredients for 6 servings:

2 tbsp. l. ghee
2 tsp. cumin seeds
1 tsp. mustard seeds
1/2 tsp. coriander
1/2 tsp. ground cardamom
1 green chili

1 onion
450 g peas
2-3 cm fresh ginger root
3-4 cloves of garlic

salt and pepper to taste
juice of one lemon
3-4 sprigs of cilantro

In a large skillet, heat the ghee over medium heat. When the ghee is hot, add the cumin and mustard seeds and stir for 1-2 minutes until the seeds start to pop. Place the chopped coriander, chilli and onion in the pan and cook until the onion is translucent, about 5 minutes. Add peas, chopped ginger, garlic, cardamom, salt and pepper to taste.

Fry and stir over high heat for 3 minutes. Add lemon juice, sprinkle with cilantro and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Where can you buy ghee

You can buy everything on the Internet, but if you don’t want to buy a “pig in a poke,” organic food stores will help you. Ready-made oil costs from 4 USD. for 100 g.

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Summer pea ribollita

The dense Tuscany native is traditionally served in the winter, but it also has a summer variation that replaces the obligatory beans or kidney beans with fresh peas. Instead of black cabbage, you need Savoy cabbage, and the only permanent ingredient is olive oil.

Ingredients for 6 servings:

1 ciabatta or ½ pita bread
225 g fresh peas
450 g tomatoes

200 g savoy cabbage leaves

3-4 sprigs of parsley or marjoram

2 cloves garlic

1 celery root

1 medium carrot

2 medium red onions

1-2 cm red chili

3-4 pink peppercorns

3 tbsp. l. olive oil

Peel all vegetables. Finely chop the garlic and onion, dice the carrots and celery, coarsely chop the cabbage, and separate the parsley into leaves. Chop the chili, break the ciabatta into pieces of arbitrary shape and let dry slightly.

Place the peas in the pan and add enough water to cover them, followed by half the amount of water already in the pan. Bring the liquid to a boil and reduce heat. Place the finished peas on the edge of the stove directly in the liquid.
Pour a little oil into a thick-walled saucepan or large saucepan and fry the garlic, celery, carrots, onions and chili over medium heat for about 5 minutes, and then leave, stirring occasionally, on low.
While the vegetables are cooking, puree the chopped tomatoes using a blender. When the vegetables are soft, add the parsley leaves and fry for another 5 minutes, then add the tomato puree and stir everything. Continue cooking for another 20 minutes on low heat. The vegetable mixture should be allowed to thicken and then the peas should be added to it along with the liquid in which they were boiled. Cook everything together for at least 15 minutes, and then add cabbage leaves. Stir and... place pieces of dried ciabatta on top. Drizzle the bread with the remaining olive oil, remove the pan from the heat and let the soup sit for 10 minutes. Then mix everything, season with salt and pepper and you can serve real pea ribollita on the table.

This is interesting

The most unconventional use of fresh peas was invented by culinary specialists in England; in some restaurants with a “family menu” you can see... green pea ice cream.

Dishes made from green peas include salads, soups, a side dish or sauce; almost anything can be prepared from it. Green peas of some varieties do not need to be blanched, and they can be added fresh to salads, first and second courses. Did you miss a moment and the peas hardened? No problem - put the peas in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then quickly plunge them into cold water (you can even put ice in the water) and the peas will become tender. If your harvest of green peas is too large to eat fresh, freeze them for winter joy. Dishes made from green peas are very diverse.

¾ stack. chopped onion,
1 ½ cups water,
2 stacks of peas,
2 tbsp. butter,
1 tbsp. flour,
½ cup heavy cream,
salt, pepper, nutmeg.

Put 1 tsp in water. salt, onion and boil. Add peas and cook for 5 minutes. Drain and reserve about ¾ cup. for later use. Melt the butter, add flour and spices and heat until golden brown, stirring so as not to burn. Add cream and water from cooking vegetables, stir and simmer over low heat until thickened. Add vegetables and bring to a boil.

250 g peas,
2 tbsp. natural yogurt or sour cream,
1 chili pepper,
1-2 cloves of garlic,
2 tsp olive oil,
1 lemon,
1 tbsp. fresh mint.

Boil green peas, cool and grind in a blender. Squeeze the garlic through a press and chop the chili pepper. Mix all ingredients in a blender, add lemon juice and chopped mint.

Dishes made from green peas are very simple to prepare, and soups made with them are hearty and light at the same time. An ideal option for those who are sensitive to their figure.

6 large tomatoes,
1 onion,
2 cloves of garlic,
300 ml vegetable broth,
400 g peas,
2 tbsp. tomato paste,
2 tbsp. greenery,
salt, pepper

Place whole tomatoes, halved onion and garlic on a baking sheet and place in a hot oven for 30 minutes until the vegetables are soft and lightly crusted. Boil the peas and place in a sieve. In a blender, grind half the peas along with the broth until smooth and rub through a sieve. Place all the ingredients in a saucepan, add salt and pepper, bring to a boil and serve, sprinkled with herbs.

1 stack green peas,
300 g fresh cucumbers,
2 boiled eggs,
100 g sour cream,
2 tbsp. dill greens,
1.3 liters of water,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Boil the peas in water, pour into a pot, add chopped eggs, cover with a lid and place in the oven over medium heat for 20 minutes. When serving, cut the cucumbers into slices into the soup, add herbs and sour cream.

750 ml broth,
100 g pasta,
500 g green peas,
100 g ham or smoked meat,
50 g butter,
1 onion,
3 tbsp. grated cheese
salt, pepper - to taste.

In half the amount of oil, fry the chopped onion and meat products cut into small cubes. Pour in the broth, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Add small pasta and cook until done. A couple of minutes before cooking, add the remaining butter, cheese, salt and pepper. When serving, sprinkle with cheese and herbs.

1 leek,
500 g peas,
1 tbsp. butter,
2 ½ cups vegetable broth,
¼ cup chopped mint,
1 tsp lemon juice,
sour cream, salt, ground black pepper.

Melt the butter, add chopped leeks, salt, pepper and simmer, stirring, for 3 minutes. Add broth and bring to a boil. Then add the peas and bring to a boil again, reduce the heat and simmer until the peas are soft. Remove from heat, add mint and leave covered for 10 minutes. Puree the soup using a blender and serve with lemon juice and herbs. Place 1 tbsp on each plate. sour cream.

1 kg peas,
4 stacks water,
1 head of lettuce,
¼ tsp. ground white pepper,
2 tbsp. soft cream cheese,
3 tbsp. butter,
a pinch of lemon zest,

Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the chopped lettuce and heat for 5 minutes. Add the peas and simmer, stirring, for 15 minutes. Pour in water, reduce heat to medium and simmer for 25 minutes. Cool slightly and puree in a blender, then heat it to a boil, adding salt and pepper. Serve topped with cream cheese.

1 carrot,
1 parsley root,
¼ celery root,
¼ head of white or cauliflower,
200 g green peas,
½ tbsp. butter,
salt, herbs.

Cut the vegetables and roots into thin strips, add salt and simmer over medium heat with butter. Then add broth and cook until done. Boil the cabbage separately and place in a sieve. Combine all ingredients, let it boil and serve, sprinkled with herbs.

Add green peas to side dishes and main courses, and they will sparkle in a new way!

150-200 g bacon,
1 onion,
300 g rice,
2-3 tbsp. white wine,
1 liter vegetable or chicken broth,
250 g peas,
1 tbsp. sour cream, yogurt or creme fraiche,
1 tbsp. grated cheese
butter for frying, salt.

Fry finely chopped bacon with chopped onion in butter. Add risotto rice, wine, stir and gradually pour in the broth. Add the peas and cook over medium heat until the peas are soft. Season to taste and add yoghurt and cheese. Stir, let stand for 3 minutes and serve.

350 g peas,
3 shallots,
bunch of lettuce,
50 g butter,
2 tbsp. water,
3-5 tbsp. white wine,
a pinch of sugar, salt.

Melt the butter in a frying pan, add the peas, chopped onion and shredded lettuce, stir and simmer for a little while. Pour in water and wine, sprinkle with sugar and salt, cover with a lid and simmer for 10-15 minutes.

200 g peas,
1 onion,
1-2 cloves of garlic,
1 young zucchini,
a handful of asparagus,
1 bunch of spinach,
150 ml cream,
100 g grated cheese,
boiled pasta,
vegetable oil for frying.

Fry the finely chopped onion with garlic in vegetable oil for 2 minutes, add peas, zucchini, cut into pieces, blanched asparagus and spinach. Simmer until soft, add cream, bring to a boil and simmer for 3-4 minutes. Place the cheese and pour the whole mixture over the pasta, previously boiled in salted water.

450 fresh mushrooms,
300 g peas,
2-3 tbsp. white wine,
3 tbsp. creme fraiche or natural yogurt,
1 tbsp. greenery,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Fry the mushrooms and peas in butter for 3 minutes, add wine and creme fraiche (it can be replaced with sour cream), season to taste and simmer over medium heat under the lid. When serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

300 g meat,
2-3 potatoes,
1 onion,
1 carrot,
300 g peas,
1 tbsp. tomato paste.

Cut the meat into cubes and boil. Strain the broth. Chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil, add meat, diced carrots and potatoes, peas, and tomato paste. Stir, add broth, salt and pepper and cook over medium heat until tender.

(breakfast idea)

200-300 g boiled pasta,
200 g peas,
200 g broccoli,
grated cheese,
5-7 eggs.

Fry vegetables and pasta in olive oil (you can use leftovers from the evening), add salt and pepper. Scramble the eggs with a fork, you can add a little cream or sour cream, pour in the mixture of pasta and vegetables and place in a hot oven. A few minutes before cooking, sprinkle the frittata with cheese.

300 g meat,
1 onion,
1 carrot,
1 sweet pepper,
7-8 potatoes,
400 g peas,
salt, pepper, saffron, herbs.

Place the diced meat in a pan, add water and let it cook. From the moment it boils, reduce the heat and cook the meat for 20 minutes. Fry onions, carrots and bell peppers in a frying pan and add to the meat. Meanwhile, cut the potatoes into cubes and add to the pan with the meat. When it is almost cooked, add the peas, salt and pepper and cook for 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, add a little saffron and cover the pan with a towel and let it simmer. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Rice and peas side dish

500 g peas,
2 stacks rice,
1 tbsp. butter,
4 stacks water,
salt, nutmeg - to taste.

Boil the peas until tender and place in a sieve. Fry the rice in oil, stirring, add boiling water, add salt and cook over low heat until tender. Mix the finished rice with peas and season with nutmeg.

1 kg peas,
200 g ham,
500 g onions,
1 ½ cups water,
6-7 tbsp. olive oil,
pepper, salt, dill - to taste.

Fry the onion in olive oil, add the peas and diced ham. Salt, pepper, add dill and pour in water. Bring to a boil, cover and reduce heat. Leave to simmer for about 50 minutes. Serve with bread or thick pita bread. You can serve rice as a side dish.

Green peas with rice in the microwave

2 stacks long grain rice,
2 stacks peas,
2 sweet green peppers,
2 cm ginger root,
4 tbsp. butter,
4 onions,
2 cm cinnamon sticks,
4 ½ cups water,

Place the butter in a deep bowl and microwave for 30 seconds (maximum power). Chop the onion, grate the ginger root, chop the cinnamon finely and add everything to the oil. Set the timer for 3 minutes on high power - the onions should become translucent. Add rice, add water, salt and cook for 12 minutes at full power until the rice is cooked but not mushy. Microwave for a couple of minutes, then separate the rice grains with a fork.

400 g spaghetti,
200 g ham,
1 tbsp. olive oil,
1 stack peas,
¾ stack. basilica,
¼ cup grated parmesan cheese,
2 cloves of garlic,
5 tbsp. olive oil,
¼ cup chopped walnuts,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Boil the spaghetti in salted water, drain and rinse. Fry diced ham in olive oil until brown. Boil the peas in salted water and place in a sieve. Using a blender, puree peas, basil, grated cheese, pressed garlic, walnuts and olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in sautéed ham. Serve the spaghetti with pea pesto and plenty of grated cheese.

1 cup carrots, thinly sliced
400 g peas,
3 tbsp. butter,
⅓ stack. brown sugar,
1 tbsp. lemon juice,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Combine butter, carrots, sugar and lemon juice in a saucepan, place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Add the peas and cook, stirring, until the peas are soft. Season with salt and pepper.

Pea and tomato salad

2 finger tomatoes
½ cup peas,
1 tbsp. grated cheese
1 tbsp. red wine vinegar,
1 tbsp. olive oil,
1 ½ cups chopped lettuce,
1 clove of garlic,
1 tsp Sahara,
⅛ tsp salt,
⅛ tsp ground pepper.

Blanch the peas for 3 minutes in boiling water, then plunge them into ice water. Place on a sieve and dry. Cut the tomatoes into thin strips. In a jar with a tight-fitting lid, mix oil, vinegar, pressed garlic, sugar, salt, dried basil and shake well to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Combine tomatoes, peas and lettuce, pour over the resulting dressing and sprinkle with cheese.

15 pieces of small new potatoes,
1 ½ cups peas,
100-150 g soft cream cheese with herbs,
¼ cup milk,
salt, pepper

Boil the potatoes in boiling water, drain and dry. Boil the peas in boiling water for 10-15 minutes and drain on a sieve. Mix cheese with milk, add salt and heat over low heat until boiling. Mix potatoes and peas and pour sauce over them.

Have fun preparing dishes from green peas and serving them to your family. Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina