SPP sentences with subordinate clauses examples. Complex sentences with subordinate clauses

The concept of complex sentences of dismembered structure

Undifferentiated SPPs with conditional dependence are contrasted with SPPs dismembered, in which the dependence is of a sentence type. The subordinate part of such a clause contains an indication of a certain circumstance under which what is said in the main one occurs or can occur (time, condition, cause, effect, etc.). Such subordinate clauses extend the entire main part, less often the composition of one of its predicates or a separate phrase in the main part and are attached by semantic conjunctions. The only exceptions are subordinate clauses, the connection of which with main part carried out using correlative words. However, in this case, the correlative word does not refer to a separate word in the main part, forming a phrase with it, but usually to the entire main part or to the composition of its predicate: It would seem that there is no place for fun where shells are digging the ground(Ovechkin) (adverbial part of place); Masha was just about to go to the door when Shmelev stopped her(Simonov) (subordinate clause); How good can river water be if you drink it at noon in large sips from a helmet?(Surkov) (subordinate part of the condition).

The main part of the SPP of a dissected structure usually does not require expansion at all, expresses a relatively complete thought, can exist without a subordinate clause, and also freely attaches other types of subordinate clauses. Wed: The doctor did not like our economy, although he found it quite tolerable; The doctor did not like our economy, which he did not hide at all. This “freedom” in joining subordinate parts indicates their loose connection with the main one. Thus, the syntactic connection in unsegmented sentences is predictable, but in dissected sentences it is unpredictable.

SPP with subordinate clauses

Subordinate clauses contain an indication of the place or space where what is said in the main part occurs (with a correlative elephant there), in the direction of action of the main part, direct (with a correlative bishop there) and the reverse (with a correlative word from there): Alexey crawled to where the plane went(Field); He rode out from where the horses were riding into the yard(A.N. Tolstoy).

Subordinate clauses are added to the main clause by allied words where, where, where. They can extend the main part of the sentence, reveal the content of adverbs there, there, from there, everywhere, everywhere and have a clarifying character. Subordinate places can occupy any position in relation to the main part.

Relative clauses

· there... somewhere contain an indication of the place where the action of the main part takes place: Where the winds licked the snow, the earth bursts loudly at night(Shol.);

· where contain an indication of the direction of movement: Nastasya looked forward, to where the line of the first mating season had been pre-marked...(G. Nick . );

· from there... where indicate the starting point of movement: From where the river was there was a damp air;

· everywhere... wherever limit the meaning of the pronominal adverb of the main part of the sentence: Everywhere is dear to me, where only the wind blows and the sea rustles(L.).

· there... where indicates the direction of movement: Where a horse goes with its hoof, there goes a crayfish with its claw(last);

· there... where the place where the action of the main part takes place is indicated: Wherever this stream hit, the leaves turned pale, shriveled and withered(Garsh.);

· from there... to indicates the starting point of movement: Smoke poured out from where he pointed his finger.

Lesson topic: “Complex sentences with subordinate clauses of time and place”

Lesson type : lesson in learning new material

The purpose of the lesson:

Give theoretical information about the features of a complex sentence with subordinate clauses of time and place.

Lesson objectives:

To develop in students the ability to recognize subordinate clauses and tenses, to distinguish them from other types of subordinate clauses;

Find out which conjunctions and allied words serve as a means of communication between parts;

Use correct punctuation marks in the specified types of sentences;

To develop skills in analyzing the structure of such sentences,

- test the ability to determine the grammatical basis, the ability to place punctuation marks in a complex sentence in order to prepare for the State Examination.

Develop oral and written speech students,

Cultivate interest in the Russian language and literature,

To foster a harmonious and comprehensively developed personality of students as a whole.

During the classes.

    Org. moment.

- I'm very glad to see you all. Today we again have to expand our knowledge about complex sentences and get acquainted with its new varieties of subordinate clauses. The topic is quite complex and will require your attention, concentration, responsible approach, and of course the desire to work. And we will start, as usual, with repetition.

Let's open the notebooks and sign the number, great job.

2. Repetition of what has been learned.

Working at the board:

1. ___-card (write down words with an alternating vowel in the root) task of group A5

3.________ – card (make sentence diagrams and determine the type of subordinate clause)

1. A person who cannot break a bad habit is worthless. (Adverbial attribute).

2.I read that souls are immortal. (Adverbial explanatory clause).

3. The house in which I live is located near a river. (Adverbial attribute).

4. My heart had a presentiment that something bad would happen. (Adverbial explanatory clause).

5. It is not the place that makes the person, but the person the place. (Compound sentence).

And the rest work according to the spelling “Spelling of prefixes pre- and pre-“. Group A6 task

Write the words in two columns, the first with the prefix pri-, and the second with the prefix pre -. (at the blackboard __________)

Roadside, beautiful, sit down, stationside, interrupt, attach, suburb, exaggerate, pretend, block.

Let's check.

Nastya, list the cases when the prefix pri- is written (denotes joining, approaching, incomplete action, location nearby)

We check the tasks on the board.

List all the roots with an alternating vowel that you have come across.

When do vowels represent two sounds?

What sentence diagrams did you draw?


    Repetition of a complex sentence.

Task 1. Fill out the diagram:

- Talk about complex sentences using a diagram.




In previous lessons, we studied attributive clauses and explanatory clauses. What do you think will be discussed in class today?(we'll talk about adverbial adverbial clauses)- Absolutely right!Today we will continue to study a wide group of complex sentences with adverbial clauses, but I won’t say which clauses we will get acquainted with yet...

Leave one line to record the topic of the lesson. Divide the page in half.

    Learning new material.

We write down the sentence in the first column in the second line.

    It was already getting dark when we arrived home.(We work according to the algorithm that is on your desks).

    Ever since I can remember I also remember Natalya Savishna.

    In a minute you will forget yourself and sleep until until they wake you up.

? (for a while)

What question does it answer? (when? how long? since when? until when?)

How is the subordinate clause attached to the main clause? (unions when, while, since then, until then), in addition, in the main part there may be uk.s. At that time, to the extent that, since then, until then)


- What is this subordinate clause called? (Time)

We write down the sentences in the second column:
1 . The reddish stripe there was a little lighter, where the sun set.

2. The purple, dark and gentle sky beckoned there, where it touched the edges of the dark green meadows.

3. Where does the wind blow from? from there the clouds float.

What does the subordinate clause indicate? ? (place)

What question does it answer? ( Where? Where? Where?)

How is the subordinate clause attached to the main clause?( Conjunctive words - where, where, from), in addition, in the main part there may be uk.s. there, from there, everywhere, there.

- What does it refer to? (to all subordinate clauses)

Where could it be? (before, after, inside the main one)

- What is this subordinate clause called? ( Places)

- What subordinate clauses did you meet?

Write down the topic “Complex sentences with clauses of time and place”

What questions did we answer? (what does it point to? what questions does it answer? How is the subordinate clause attached to the main one? What does it refer to? Where can it be located?)

4. Completing practical tasks on the topic of the lesson.

And now to new material Better filled out, let's do a series of exercises.

In front of each of you is a training card with suggestions.

Exercise 1: Copy the sentences into your notebook. Put questions to subordinate clauses and determine their type.

1. As soon as dad left , I quickly dressed in a student's frock coat and came.

2. Here and now(when? – clause of time) , when I entered the room , Karl Ivanovich looked at me from under his brows and got down to business again.

3. They turned aside and walked along a mown meadow,until we hit the road (until when? – subordinate clause) .

4. Go on the free road, where your free mind takes you.( subordinate clause)

5. There, where the thicket ended , the birches were whitening.( subordinate clause)

6. I began to remember where did you go during the day? ( subordinate clause)

Which of these sentences is constructed according to the following scheme: [... (...) ...]? (second, fifth).

Task 2

. (16)

1. (for now...), […].

2. […], (where…).

3. […], (until…).

4. [... (barely...)...].

Task 4. Test

A B C D E.

A B C D E.

A B C D E.

A B C D E.

A B C D E.

5. Lesson summary.

1. What types of subordinate clauses have we met today?
2. How to distinguish them?

Content reflection educational material

1. I know about SPP with subordinate clauses of place and time;

2. I can find them in the text;

3. I can independently construct these sentences

4. I can draw sentence diagrams,

5. I was interested in the lesson;

6. I answered orally in class

6. Assessing student work

Teacher's conclusion: So, today we are once again convinced that complex sentences are a huge and still little-studied country, so we will devote another lesson to studying this topic.

7. D.Z. 1. fill out the tables.

2. p. 63, 65 exercises 135 (write out subordinate clauses), 143 (as assigned)

Write down the words with an alternating vowel in the root.

P...bed, vomit, s..room, s..smear, sm..dry, s...erased, s..shit, s..with, s..smear, s..rya, s..pour , st..klo, remove..paradise, b..rnaya.

Card. Create sentence diagrams and determine the type of subordinate clause.

1. A person who cannot break a bad habit is worthless.
2.I read that souls are immortal.
3. The house in which I live is located near a river.
4. My heart had a presentiment that something bad would happen.
5. It is not the place that makes the person, but the person the place.

Card . Count the number of letters and sounds.

Blizzard, ad, anchor, salty, furniture, sun.

Task 1. Fill out the diagram:

Task 2. Subordinate clauses are:




Exercise 1: Copy the sentences into your notebook. Put questions to subordinate clauses and determine their type.

1. As soon as dad left, I quickly dressed in a student’s frock coat and came.

2. Now, when I entered the room, Karl Ivanovich looked at me from under his brows and got down to business again.

3. They turned to the side and walked along the mown meadow until they came out onto the road.

4. Go on the free road,where your free mind takes you.

5. Where the thicket ended, the birch trees turned white.

6. I began to remember where I went during the day.

Task 2 . Among sentences 14-23, find a complex sentence with a subordinate clause. Write the number of this offer.
14) If you meet with friends, it will bring you joy. (15) But hours spent in a shopping center will not give such an effect. (16) When buying a stylish suit or a new cell phone, a person initially experiences some excitement, but the pleasant feeling passes as soon as he begins to passionately desire something else. (17) Similar reactions with a salary increase: soon you begin to take the extra money for granted and you again have a feeling of dissatisfaction. (18) This effect is called the hedonic pipeline.
(19) After long hours spent at work, many people want to rush home and lie down in front of the TV screen. (20) But research shows that active recreation brings much more joy to a person, for example, skiing, skating, gym. (21) As a free addition to this pleasure, you will also get a good figure and improved health. (22) And health is one of the components of happiness. (23) And this is also confirmed by scientific data

Task 3. Compose complex sentences with subordinate clauses.

1. (for now...), […].

2. […], (where…).

3. […], (until…).

4. [... (barely...)...].

Task 4. Test

Read the sentences and answer the questions (circle the numbers of the sentences chosen to answer).

A. Wherever I turn my gaze, the gloomy forest is blue all around.B. Golitsyno, where we spent the summer, greeted us with a diverse children's choir.Q. I don’t know where the line is between a comrade and a friend.G. Solokha thought for a long time about where she should hide her guest.D. In the place where the sun set, the sky still glowed with crimson stripes.

1. Find sentences that contain errors in punctuation.

A B C D E.

2. Find SPPs in which the subordinate clause is in the middle of the main clause.

A B C D E.

3. Indicate the IPP with a subordinate clause.

A B C D E.

4. Indicate the IPP with an explanatory clause.

A B C D E.

5. Find the IPP with the attributive clause.

A B C D E.

Last name, first name _____________________________________________

1. I know about NGN with clauses of place and time__________

2. I can find them in the text____________________

3. I can independently construct these sentences_____________

4. I can draw sentence diagrams______________________________

5. I was interested in __________________ during the lesson

6. I answered orally in class___________________________

Algorithm for knowledge of the studied material.

1.We can reproduce the definition.

2. We can find the necessary sentences in the text.

3.We can explain punctuation marks.

4. We can see means of communication (conjunctions or allied words).

5. We can determine the type of offer.

Algorithm for determining the type of complex sentence.

1. Find the main and subordinate parts.

2. Determine and mark what (which words in the main sentence) the subordinate clause refers to.

3. Ask the question from the main part to the subordinate clause.

4. Find, identify and define communication tools.

5. Determine the type of complex sentence.

Russian language lesson in 9th grade.

Lesson topic. Complex sentences with subordinate clauses of place and time.

Lesson type. A lesson in learning new knowledge.

Type of lesson. Student-centered lesson

Lesson objectives:

deepen students' knowledge about SPP;

– learn to recognize subordinate clauses of place and time, distinguish them from other subordinate clauses;

– determine the place of subordinate clauses of place and time in a complex sentence;

– improve the skills of constructing and using complex sentences in speech with adverbial adverbs of place and time;

– improve the skill of setting punctuation marks in NGN;

– contribute to the development of horizons, interest and love for Crimea.

Equipment. Russian language. Textbook for 9th grade general education educational institutions with Russian language of instruction / V. Goloborodko et al., 2006; poster “Lesson Objectives”; photographs of the Livadia Palace; handout (appendix)

During the classes

I. Organizational stage

II. Mobilizing stage

Reading by the teacher an excerpt from a poem by V.V. Mayakovsky "Heavenly Attic":

Let's hit the road,
in the heat
where is the horizon line,
where are the teeth
from heaven's mouth,
In the end,
to the heavens in the attic,
on -

Think about what sentence the author used? How might this be related to the topic of today's lesson? What new should we learn?

III. Students’ understanding of the lesson topic

- So, the topic of our lesson: “Complex sentences with subordinate clauses of place and time.”

(Write on the board and in your notebook)

– Look again at the topic of the lesson. What do you already know? What new things should you learn?

At this stage, students remember what a sentence is, what kind of sentence is called a complex sentence, what a main and subordinate clause is, and types of subordinate clauses.

IV. Independent formulation of lesson goals

Knowing the topic of today's lesson, let's try to determine what goals we should set for ourselves in order to master this topic.

You can use a poster with the following text:

Lesson objectives:

learn to find...;

find out ways to communicate...;

strengthen the skills of placing...;

learn to use correctly...

– And besides this, we will see today that such sentences were often used by various writers and poets when speaking about Crimea. I think this will help you learn even more about your native land, and perhaps love it even more, because it was so loved and appreciated by creative people, people with a sensitive soul.

It is no coincidence that at the beginning of our lesson a quatrain about Bryusov was heard, because this year marks the 140th anniversary of the birth of this wonderful Russian poet (data as of December 13, 2013), which you will talk about in detail in 11th grade. He visited us in Crimea, so we started our lesson by mentioning him.

V. Learning new material

– And I suggest you start studying new material from the words of the famous 19th century writer Evgeniy Markov:

“When you are transported to the southern coast of Crimea, you feel captive in some world that is new to you. That is why you look at everything as if in a dream, a seductive and incredible dream. For a long time you seem to not believe the magical scenery unfolding around you. The gaze involuntarily rushes to where the blue sea merges with the sky. Villages - toys as if someone dropped them there, where the chaos of cliffs and greenery triumphs. But when you leave the South Coast, your soul yearns for it as if it were a lost paradise. People who have lived in Crimea and experienced the pleasures that Crimea alone gives, never forget it."

(Text for each student as a handout)

Assignments to the text

  1. Choose a title.
  2. Determine the style of this text and prove it.
  3. Find the spellings in the text that seem most difficult to you and explain the spelling of words with these spellings.
  4. Find punctuation marks that are difficult for you in the text, explain the placement of punctuation marks.
  5. Find complex sentences. Ask questions to the subordinate clauses. Try to identify their type. Can you always do this?

Teacher's word.

Today we met a new type of subordinate clause for you: place and time, we learned some questions that they answer and some conjunctions and allied words that can attach them to the main sentence. We will learn complete information about these subordinate clauses with the help of a textbook (or with the help of theoretical material on pieces of paper):

(Handouts on everyone’s desk)

Work in pairs according to the instructions:

– carefully read the theoretical material on the topic of the lesson;

– think about how best to present the material to your partner;

– explain the new material to your neighbor so that he understands;

– ask him 1-2 questions to check what he has learned;

– listen to your partner, ask questions if something is unclear.

VI. Subjectivization when comprehending new material

Conversation on questions:

– What did you know about what you heard today and what did you not know?

– What did you hear that remained unclear?

– Why do you think?

VII. Generalization, systematization and control of students’ knowledge and skills

1. Differentiated task

1 . Using the new material, compose several test tasks with multiple-choice answers (12 points).

2 . Make a plan for “New material for today’s lesson” (8 points).

3. Make a plan for “New material for today’s lesson”, select your own examples for each point (10 points).

2. Assignment based on options. Digital dictation.

The 1st option writes down the numbers of complex sentences with subordinate clauses, and the 2nd – with clauses of place.

All sentences are taken from poems by different poets about Crimea.

1. Where the garden approaches the sea,

I know a secluded grotto (V.Ya. Bryusov).

2. When I leave, let me leave the meadows of Russia
My warm greetings are flying here (E. Gromova “Old Crimea”).

3. Dear friend, my angel! let's hide there
Where the gentle waves wash Taurida. (K. Batyushkov “Tavrida”)

4. Everywhere you look, there are gardens around. (N. Dorizo ​​“Bonfires”)

5. As soon as I stepped under your familiar roof,
The inscriptions of enemies catch my eye (A.K. Tolstoy “I greet you”).

6. And there, to the seashore,
The whole city is pouring out (D.D. Minaev “At the end of summer in Yalta”).

7. And I confess, when we are there
They crawled like flies over the rocks,
I was a little scared:
Falling down is a bad joke! (A.K.Tolstoy “The Almighty Will of Allah”).

8. Where was Diana's treasured forest?
The sounds of an ax are heard there (A.K. Tolstoy “The Bright Key”)

9. ...And doom impulses
Involuntarily I rushed towards you,
When under the laurels and olives
He bowed the alarming chapter (V.G. Benediktov “In the country where there are clear rays”).

10. Only then does the city become a hero,
When did a soldier become a hero? (M.S. Lisyansky “The Black Sea Sun is Burning”)


Option 1 – 2, 5, 7, 9, 10

Option 2 – 1, 3, 4, 6, 8

3. Connect main and subordinate clauses. Make diagrams.

(this task is performed at the board)

1. 200 million years ago the huge Tethys Ocean roared there

2. Karsting of Ai-Petri continues today

3. Rock lizards are especially beautiful in the sunshine

1. Shining with multi-colored scales, they gracefully crawl along the slopes of Ai-Petri.

2. from where the Black Sea is now visible for 135 kilometers.

3. they gracefully crawl along the slopes of Ai-Petri.


200 million years ago, the huge Tethys Ocean roared where the Black Sea is now visible 135 kilometers away.

The karsting of Ai-Petri continues now, when rain and melt water seeps through cracks and dissolves the limestone.

Rock lizards are especially beautiful in the light of the sun, when, shining with multi-colored scales, they gracefully crawl along the slopes of Ai-Petri.

The composed sentences are taken from the lyrical guide by Vladlen Avinda. The real name of the Yalta writer Vladlen Petrovich Goncharov is a laureate of the State Prize of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the author of wonderful books about Crimea.

4. Continue complex sentences. Specify the type of subordinate clause.

When the last lesson ended...

As soon as we arrived in Sevastopol,…

We returned there...

5. Creative task.

Teacher's word (photos shown).

How many of you have been to the Livadia Palace? How much do you know about him? Look at the photos, remember this amazing place. Let our next task help you not only repeat new material, but also once again remember one of the Crimean attractions.

Exercise. Write a short story on the topic “Livadia Palace” using complex sentences. Indicate the type of subordinate clauses..

Samples you can use:

Numerous excursions go to where…

Since the luxurious white stone palace was built in Livadia, ...

..., where the residence of the imperial family was located.

..., from where you can go to one of the best parks on the southern coast of Crimea.

VIII. Reflective stage of the lesson

2-3 people present a short essay on the topic “What we learned today, what was interesting in the lesson.”

2-3 people express an opinion about what worked and did not work out for them, what and why remains unclear.

IX. Homework.

1) Learn theoretical material (pages 80 and 81).

2) Exercise 104


Write a short story on the topic “Crimea in my life” using the SPP.



Complex sentences with clauses of time

The subordinate tense refers to the entire main part, indicates the time of the action in the main part, and answers questionsWhen? how long? since when? How long? and joins the main part with the help of subordinates unions when, how, while, barely, only, before, while, until, since, suddenly and etc.:

Since we visited the sea, I have constantly thought about it

If there is a word with the meaning of time in the main part, including an indicative word Then , subordinate clause is added conjunction word when , stands after this word in the main part and refers specifically to it:

Today, when I opened the window, my room was filled with the smell of flowers.- the subordinate clause refers to the adverb now and is joined by the conjunctive word when, which is a circumstance.

In the absence of an indicative word, the subordinate part in the dictionary of time can be in any position in relation to the main part.

Complex sentences with subordinate clauses

Subordinate clauses indicate the place or direction of movement, answer questionsWhere? Where? where?They do not refer to the entire main part, but to one word in it - the adverb of place, expressed by a pronominal adverb (there, there, from there, nowhere, everywhere, everywhere). The means of communication in NGN with subordinate clauses are allied words where, where, where, acting in the syntactic function of circumstances:

And where the sun was shining yesterday, autumn fog reigned.

In colloquial speech, the correlative adverb in the main part may be omitted, and this part becomes incomplete, the subordinate part refers to this omitted adverb, for example:

He went wherever he wanted, - in the main part the word there is missing.

Usually subordinate clauses come after the demonstrative word in the main part. The location of the subordinate clause before the main clause is presented only in colloquial speech, mainly in proverbs and sayings:

Where it's thin, that's where it breaks.

Subordinate clauses in Russian are dependent parts of the main clause in a complex sentence. That is, they play the role of secondary members of the sentence. Therefore, the types of subordinate clauses are divided taking into account the role played in the sentence. You can ask one question for the entire secondary sentence, just as you do with the members of the sentence.

Main types of subordinate clauses

Four types of them are considered: attributive, adverbial, explanatory and connective. We can give examples that represent all types of subordinate clauses:

  1. The flowerbed, which was laid out in the courtyard on the left side of the porch, resembled a smaller copy of the town - a sort of Flower Town from Nosov’s fairy tale about Dunno. (Definitive).
  2. And it seemed to me that restless and funny little people really lived there. (Expository).
  3. And we don’t see them because they are hiding from us underground. (Adverbial).
  4. But as soon as we leave somewhere, the little ones come out of their hiding places and begin to vigorously enjoy life. (Connection).

Determinative clauses

These subordinate clauses in Russian define the attribute of one noun or sometimes a phrase consisting of a noun and a demonstrative word. They serve as answers to questions Which? whose? which? These secondary sentences are joined to the main part by allied words whose, which, who, what, which, from where, where, when. Usually in the main part complex sentence there are indicator words such as such, everyone, everyone, any or That in various forms of childbirth. The following proposals can be taken as examples:

  • Living beings, ( which?) who live on the planet next to people, feel a kind human attitude towards them.
  • Reach out your hand with food, open your palm, freeze, and some bird, ( which?) whose voice is heard in the bushes of your garden in the morning, will sit on your hand with trust.
  • Every person ( Which?) who considers himself the pinnacle of the Almighty's creation, must correspond to this title.
  • Whether it’s a garden, a forest or an ordinary yard, (Which?)where everything is familiar and familiar, can open the door to a person amazing world nature.

Subordinate clauses

Interesting types of subordinate clauses that relate not to a single word or phrase, but to the entire main part. They are called connecting. Often these parts of a complex sentence contain the meaning of the consequence, supplementing or explaining the content of the main part. Secondary sentences of this type are joined using allied words where, how, when, why, where, what. Examples:

  • And only next to his mother does any baby feel protected, what is provided by nature itself.
  • Caring for cubs, tenderness for one’s offspring, self-sacrifice are embedded in a creature at the level of instinct, how every creature has an inherent need to breathe, sleep, eat and drink.

Explanatory clauses

If the author of the text wants to clarify, specify one word of the main part, which has the meaning of thought, perception, feeling or speech. Often these clauses refer to verbs, such as say, answer, think, feel, be proud, hear. But they can also specify adjectives, for example, satisfied or glad. It is often observed when these types of subordinate clauses act as explanations of adverbs ( clear, necessary, necessary, known, sorry) or nouns ( message, thought, statement, rumor, thought, feeling). Explanatory clauses are added using:

Unions (so that, what, when, as if, how and others);

Any allied words;

Particles (of the union).

Examples include the following compound sentences:

  • Have you ever watched, ( What?) how amazingly the sunlight plays, reflected in dew drops, insect wings, snowflake tiles?
  • One day, a person will surely be incredibly happy about this beauty, ( what?) that I discovered a unique world of beauty.
  • And it immediately becomes clear, ( What?) that everything around was created for a reason, that everything is interconnected.
  • Consciousness will be filled with indescribable feelings of joy, (which?) as if you yourself are a part of this amazing and unique world.

Clauses of manner and degree

Adverbial clauses are divided into several subtypes. A group of dependent parts of compound sentences that relate to the attribute or action named in its main part, and denote its degree or measure, as well as image, are classified as subordinate clauses of manner of action and degree. They usually answer next questions: how? how much? How? in what degree? The design of the connection between the subordinate and the main part looks something like this: full adjective + noun + such; full adjective + such; verb + so. The joining of these subordinate clauses is ensured by conjunctions so that, what, as if or allied words how much, how much and some others. Examples:

  • The girl laughed so contagiously, so spontaneously, that it was difficult for everyone else not to smile.
  • The ringing sounds of her laughter broke the tense silence of the room, as if multi-colored peas from a bag suddenly scattered.
  • And the baby’s face itself changed so much, as far as this was possible in this case: the girl, exhausted by the disease, could easily be called a lovely and absolutely healthy child.

Adverbial clauses

These dependent clauses indicate the place of origin of the action, which is named in the main part of the complex sentence. Referring to the entire main sentence, they answer the following questions: where? Where? Where? and are joined by allied words where, where, where. Often there are demonstrative words in the main clause there, everywhere, there, everywhere, from everywhere and some others. The following examples of such proposals can be given:

  1. It is quite easy to determine the cardinal directions in the forest thicket, where there is moss on the trees.
  2. The ants were dragging on their backs construction material for their anthills and food supplies from everywhere, wherever these hardworking creatures could get.
  3. I am always drawn there, to magical lands, where we went with him last summer.

Adverbial clauses of time

Indicating the time of action, these subordinate clauses refer both to the entire main sentence and specifically to one predicate. You can ask the following questions about this type of subordinate clause: how long? How long? When? since when? Often there are demonstrative words in the main part of the sentence, for example: sometimes, once, always, now, then. For example: Animals will then be friendly with each other, (When?) when they grow up next to each other since childhood.

Adverbial clauses, causes, goals, consequences

  1. If the dependent parts of complex sentences answer questions in what case? or under what condition? and relate either to the predicate of the main part or to the whole of it, joining with the help of conditional conjunctions once, if, if, if, when And How(meaning “if”), then they can be classified as subordinate conditions. Example: And even the most inveterate scoundrel turns into a serious and well-mannered gentleman, ( in which case?)when he becomes a parent, be it a human, a monkey or a penguin.
  2. For questions because of which? Why? for what reason? from what? adjunct reasons answer. They are joined using causal conjunctions because, because, since. Example: For a child in early childhood, the authority of the parent is unshakable, ( Why?) because his well-being depends on this creature.
  3. Dependent clauses indicating the purpose of the action named in the main part and answering questions For what? for what purpose? For what?, are called subordinate clauses. Their connection to the main part is ensured by target unions in order to, then in order to (in order to). Example: But even then you should accompany your requirements with explanations ( for what purpose?) then, so that the baby grows into a thinking person, and not a weak-willed robot performer.
  4. Dependent parts of a sentence that indicate a conclusion or result, indicate a consequence arising from the above in the main part of the sentence, are called subordinate clauses of the consequence and relate to the entire main sentence. They are usually joined by consequence unions That's why or So, for example: Education is a complex and regular process, ( what follows from this?) therefore, parents should always be in shape and not relax even for a minute.

Adverbial clause comparisons

These types of dependent clauses in complex constructions relate either to the predicate or to the entire main part and answer the question like what?, joining comparative unions as if, than (that), as if, exactly. Subordinate clauses differ from comparative phrases in that they have a grammatical basis. For example: The polar bear cub so funny fell on his side and lifted his paws up, it looks like a naughty boy playing happily in the sandbox with his friends.

Circumstantial clauses

Dependent clauses in a complex construction, denoting circumstances in spite of which the action indicated in the main part has been or can be committed, are called subordinate clauses of concession. You can ask them questions: contrary to what? no matter what? and join to the main thing with the help of concessionary unions at least (even though), let (even though), that, for nothing, despite and some others. Conjunctive combinations are often used: no matter how much, whatever, whenever, whoever, no matter how and the like. Example: Even though the panda cubs were playing happily, their dark spots around their eyes gave the impression of sad thoughtfulness.

A literate person should always remember: when writing, sentences that are part of a complex sentence are separated by commas.

Development of a lesson on the topic “Complex sentences with adverbial adverbials. Icons with adverbial clauses”, the purpose of which is: to show the features of IAS with adverbial clauses; improve spelling and punctuation skills.



Complex sentences with adverbial clauses. SPP with subordinate clauses

The purpose of the lesson: show the features of the dictionary with subordinate clauses; improve spelling and punctuation skills.


Be able to find SPPs with subordinate clauses and depict them schematically;

Develop attention, the ability to develop coherent speech;

Fostering a positive attitude towards learning the Russian language.

During the classes

I. Linguistic warm-up

Place stress on the words written on the board:agreement, carpenter, assume, more beautiful, began, began, parterre, alphabet, rust, call, ease.

(Contract, carpenter, suppose, more beautiful, began, began, parterre, alphabet, rust, call, ease.)

Words that are used to being pronounced incorrectly should be included in the working dictionary in the “Speak correctly” section.

II. Checking homework

1. Questions to consolidate the theory:

What questions do subordinate degrees answer? Give examples.

(How? To what extent? How much?)

What questions do clauses of manner of action answer? Give examples.

(How? How?)

How to distinguish between single-valued and polysemous subordinate clauses and modes of action?(Single-valued ones are joined by conjunctions like, how much, how much; polysemantic ones are joined by conjunctions that, so that, as if, exactly, as if, etc.)

In what style of speech and for what purpose are SPPs with subordinate clauses, which have an additional meaning of comparison, most often used?(In an artistic style to create vivid images.)

2. Spot check exercise 124.

In class, we can discuss, say, three questions regarding the difficulties of the exercise (students must choose the most difficult questions, in their opinion), after which the notebooks are collected for checking by the teacher. In this way, the ability to rank material by degree of difficulty is achieved.

III. Studying SPPs with subordinate clauses

1. The teacher's word.

Defining this type of subordinate clauses usually does not cause difficulties. Subordinate clauses answer the questions where? Where? where? It can be difficult to determine the type of subordinate clauses that have the same means of attachment to the main clause.

2. Analysis of proposals.

Determine the type of subordinate clause, make a diagram:

1) And there is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth.(L.N. Tolstoy)

The subordinate clause reveals the content of the adverbial “there” in the main sentence. […where…).

2) One early spring, my father took us to the arable land, where he was going to sow the already plowed tithe with wheat.

The attributive clause refers to the noun in the main clause. , (Where…).

3) You should never go back to where you were happy.(D. Granin)

The subordinate clause reveals the content of “there” in the main clause. […where…).

4) The tree is felled where it is bent.(Proverb).

The subordinate clause reveals the content of the adverbial “there” in the main sentence. [...there], (where...).

5) The shady garden, from where the coolness came, attracted townspeople tired of the heat.

The attributive clause refers to the noun in the main clause. [.., (where…),..].

6) Headlong, he rushed to where the cry for help was coming from.

The subordinate clause reveals the content of the adverbial “there” in the main sentence. [...there], (from where...).

3. Working with the textbook.

Let's do exercise 126 orally.

4. Creative task: miniature essay.

Describe using NGN with subordinate clauses geographical position of your city.

VI. Homework

§14, ex. 129.