The rules of the game of backgammon briefly. Rules for playing short and long backgammon

Backgammon is a fun type of board game using checkers. It has established itself as a tool for the development of memory, logic and mindfulness. Novice players are instantly drawn into the interesting process of the game and do not want to change it to another type of entertainment in the future. Backgammon was invented in the East more than five thousand years ago. Ancient as the world, the game has become a favorite way of free time. This entertainment has different names depending on the country. In England, this is Backgammon, and in Europe, Backgammon. However, the essence of the game does not change from this, the basic rules remain and have not been modified for centuries. Learning the rules of backgammon is very easy. The only snag for beginners can be all sorts of exceptions and nuances depending on the type of game. The largest number of backgammon variations is observed in Asia and Russia. Those who wish to master the rules of the game should first understand the types of backgammon.

Backgammon is different

In general, backgammon is divided into two types of game - "long" and "short". The division is accepted all over the world, the rules have already been established for both options. The most ancient and in a simple way execution moves are "long" backgammon. This method will be suitable for beginners. It is easy to learn and does not contain a large number of exceptions. Another type of performance is "short" backgammon. It is better to start them, already owning the basic skills of the process. By and large, the "short" type differs from the "long" version by the ability to knock down the opponent's checkers. In "long" backgammon, this rule is excluded. Based on the prescriptions of these types of backgammon, there are a huge number of subtypes of the game. For example, a game without dice. The variant discards one of the main elements of "long" backgammon - zara (dice). The players themselves name the numbers based on the situation on the field. Other variants of backgammon may imply a different initial arrangement of the checkers or the houses themselves. However, all these subspecies do not change the essence of the game. Various variations of backgammon are observed only at the initial stage of the game or differ in the composition of the inventory. Beginning players are advised, first of all, to master "long" backgammon.

Inventory of "long" backgammon

Any classic type of backgammon consists of the following inventory: boards, dice (dice) and checkers. First of all, deal with the backgammon board, study it carefully. It consists of two parts and has various divisions. They look, as a rule, in the form of triangles with the top up. Sometimes divisions may be missing depending on the design of the board. However, recesses for checkers will always be marked on it. These recesses are assigned numbers ranging from one to twenty-four. Unfortunately, very often these numbers are not written on the board. For convenience, you can sign them yourself. Number one - zero is put instead of one - will be in the upper right corner, then the numbering goes counterclockwise. Thus, under zero will be number 23 - the lower right corner of the board. Seeing the numbered cells will make it easier to navigate during the game. The starting position or "head" of white checkers is cell 0, for black checkers it is cell 12. Many people number the board from 1 to 24. However, the ancient numbering of the board implies zero as the beginning of the order. Therefore, be careful with the designations of the points. Checkers are lined up in a row of fifteen pieces each.

The essence of the game

The goal of the game is to transfer your checkers to the house and then throw them off the board. The translation of the figures is carried out from right to left in a circle. Moves are determined by the number of zara rolled. The one who quickly throws his checkers out of the house will be the winner. Cells 18-23 will be home for white checkers, cells 6 to 11 for black checkers.


Zara help to determine who owns the first move. Each player rolls the dice, the highest number gives the first move. Then the moves are distributed in turn order. Players roll the dice and move the figures based on the rolled numbers. In "long" backgammon, preference is always
given to more. For example, numbers 1-4 fell out. Four will be the first digit of the movement of the checker. In the initial stage of the game, only one figure can be removed from the “head”. An exception may be a unique number. For example, the numbers of the zara that have fallen are 3/3, 4/4 and 6/6. These numbers give the right to withdraw two checkers from the "head" instead of one. If during the game, your checker hits the opponent's piece, then it cannot be blocked. Blocking the opponent's moves is also not recommended. If you see that it is impossible to make a move, then it is skipped. But this rarely happens. Also, you should always give the opponent the opportunity to transfer at least one checker to his home. As you can see, the game is not that difficult. Much will depend on luck, because the moves are determined by the dice.

There are many nuances of playing both "long" and "short" backgammon. Since beginners are invited to initially master the first option, it is worth mentioning one of important nuances this game. It refers to the very casting of the dawn. They should not touch the sides of the board, checkers or stand edge-on. If this happens, the roll is considered invalid. Be careful not to throw the dice with all your might. Try to throw them carefully and on your half of the board. The game is considered fair if a special cup for money is used. It interferes and bones are thrown out of it. Thus, seasoned players will not have a chance for fraud.

Benefits of playing backgammon

Playing backgammon will perfectly develop the ability to count in the mind, help you learn how to develop a strategy and tactics. You also have to think a little logically. Backgammon is considered the second most left-brained game after chess. Master backgammon and shine with developed logic and thinking as a result. After mastering "long" backgammon, it is recommended to complicate the level of the game and switch to "short" backgammon. They will not seem too complicated, since you already know the basic rules of the game.


Backgammon has been known since ancient times, but even today this game is very popular. The progenitors are unknown. There are various assumptions - Greeks, Indians, Persians, Egyptians. However, we know for sure that backgammon has been played for many thousands of years, since the oldest board found dates back to 5,000 BC. Boards are found everywhere - from the Anatolian Peninsula (Asia Minor) to the Nile Delta.

There is a beautiful legend about the ancient Persians and Indians, where this intellectual game is mentioned. Wishing to believe the ingenuity of the Persians, the Indians sent chess so that they themselves guessed how to move the pieces on the board. The Persians easily coped with the task and sent their game - today known as backgammon. The fable says that the inhabitants of India could not unravel and understand the rules long backgammon over ten years!

Game board and accessories

The board consists of twenty-four cells (points, fields, triangles), which are collected in separate groups of six. Each player is given fifteen checkers (stones). That is, a total of thirty checkers - fifteen black and white (red) each. There are two cubes (bones), which are correctly called "zarami".

The meaning of the game is quite simple: to bring the stones into the "house" as quickly as possible and remove them from the board. The first one to do this is the one who won.

Long backgammon rules

First, the dice are thrown onto the board in turn. The player whose dice showed more points per roll - and takes the first step.

Initially, the checkers are placed in one line at the corner point. This position is called the "head".

The rules of the game of long backgammon state that only one stone is removed from the “head” per step. During the first move, an exception applies, if a double occurs, an identical number of points falls out. For example, 4-4 or 1-1. In this case, two checkers are removed from the “head”.

In long backgammon, all checkers move strictly counterclockwise.

Rules for playing long backgammon with examples point by point

When throwing dice, checkers move according to the points rolled, according to the following rules:

    it is allowed to move any number of stones;

    if there is an opponent's checker in the cell, then you cannot put your own checker in the same cell;

    absolutely any number of stones can be placed in one point;

    it is necessary to walk on the number of points that the bones showed (the dropped points must be used even to the detriment of yourself);

    the “full move” rule applies - if there are two options for moves (using one die and two), then the player must move using two dice;

    a step is skipped when there are no valid moves;

    it is not allowed to sum points on dice;

    an impenetrable "fence" cannot be made if there are not one's own stones in front of this barrier.

Throwing stones from the game board. Backgammon rules classic long

At the final stage of the game, when all the stones are already located in the "house", they proceed to the removal of stones from the board. This is done in this way:

    a checker is removed from the cell indicated by the rolled dice points;

    provided that there are no such checkers, moves from senior positions;

    in the absence of senior positions, the player proceeds to the removal of stones from junior positions;

    there is no need to remove the checkers after each move, you can limit yourself to moving the checkers in the "house".

Rules long backgammon mars

If the player did not have time to remove a single checker from the board, and the opponent has removed all the stones by this time, this situation is called “mars”. The bet with such a victory is multiplied by two. Unlike short backgammon, "coke" does not exist here.

Backgammon is long, the rules of the game for beginners. Tactical tricks

1. We start the party. You need to try to seize advantageous positions. It is known that in one move it is allowed to remove one checker from the “head” (with the exception of the first move with a double point on the stones), then for this you need to use each step as profitably as possible. It is for these reasons that, most often, on the first moves, a checker is necessarily removed from the “head”.

2. winning positions. It is impossible to knock down the opponent's checkers, so the player tries to take the most advantageous positions on the board - cells.

3. "Fences". A player's stones lined up are called a "fence". If there are six checkers in such a "fence", then it cannot be bypassed.

4. Lack of moves. The player has a different number of moves available - from 1 to 6 on the faces of the cube. However, there are interesting cases (for example, during the first move), when with a double 6-6, the player has two moves, and not four. There is a loss of steps. Successful use of such a situation is considered a sign of good player experience and skill.

5. Throwing stones. In the fourth quarter, you need to correctly capture positions, correctly introduce stones into the ejection zone and, accordingly, carry out the ejection itself.


A draw is not possible when playing long backgammon. Does the player roll all the stones? The opponent is considered a loser, despite the fact that the next move also turns out to throw all the checkers. At this point, the game is considered to be over.

Backgammon (tavla, backgammon) is perhaps the oldest board game in human history. Games with boards and dice, according to archaeological excavations, were known to the Sumerians and the ancient Egyptians. A board game with very similar rules was already known in ancient rome. In its current form, the game appeared in medieval Persia. Backgammon has been played in Western Europe since the 12th century.

In this article we will tell you about the rules of backgammon for beginners (step by step).

General information

The game is played on a special board with checkers. Two opponents play with two sets of checkers (white and black). The goal of the game is to move all your checkers around the board as soon as possible, and also to make it difficult for the opponent's checkers to advance. The winner is the one who first managed to remove the checkers from the field. The number of moves depends on the roll of the dice: thus, when playing backgammon, luck plays a big role. At the same time, in order to successfully complete the game, the player must work with his head and correctly apply the strategy.

There are two types of the game with different rules: long and short backgammon. Long backgammon is a classic version of the game, known in the East and in Russia. Short backgammon is a European, reformed version of the game, created by the Englishman Edmond Hoyle in the 18th century. Recently, short backgammon has become widespread in our country, but has not supplanted long backgammon.

We will describe the rules of the game in both versions.

Dice, board and checkers

The inventory is simple: a board with twenty-four holes, two dice and thirty checkers (fifteen white and the same black).

The playing field is the inside of the board (as opposed to chess and checkers). The board is divided into two halves (this division is called a "bar").

In short backgammon, the arrangement before the game is as follows. Opponents sit opposite each other on different sides of the board. Each player lines up checkers of his color in the upper right hole. game board. In fact, your checkers will be lined up on the right side of the board, the opponent's checkers - opposite. The initial location of the checkers is called the "head".

The color of the checkers does not determine the order of the move (this issue is decided by throwing the dice)

During the game, you will need to pass your checkers through the holes (fields) on the upper and lower edges of the board. The upper right hole at the start is already occupied by your checkers, the lower left hole is occupied by the opponent's checkers. Opponents lead their checkers around the board counterclockwise. Your task is to lead them first through the holes of the far edge of the board, and then through the holes of its near edge to the right near quarter, which is called your "home". After that, you can start withdrawing from the board of your checkers. Your opponent performs the same task - his "home" is (from your point of view) on the far left edge of the field.

Backgammon: game rules for beginners with pictures:

The winner is the one who was the first to remove all his checkers from the game.

Third required element inventory - these are two dice (dice). In backgammon, they have a special name - zara. Before each move, the player rolls both dice. The amount of possible points determines what actions the player can perform.

Rules for playing long (simple, classic) backgammon

At the beginning of the game, all the checkers of the opponents are placed in the manner described in the previous section, in the "head". Then, by rolling the dice, the players determine who owns the first turn.

Before making a move, the player again rolls two dice to determine how many steps he can move the checker forward. For example, the rolled numbers 3 and 2 allow him to remove the checker "from the head" and advance it three holes and two more holes forward. The next move is made by the opponent, then the players continue to walk in turn.

When removing checkers “from the head”, players can move only one checker per turn. But there is an exception: the backgammon rules provide for a double. If at the first throw of the dice a double falls out: 3 and 3, 4 and 4, 6 and 6, you can move with two checkers (for example, when throwing 3 and 3, move both of them forward by three cells).

  • move with one checker twice in one move (for example, if 2 fell on one die and 3 on the other, move three steps with one checker and immediately two)
  • move with two checkers (when throwing dice 2 and 3, move one checker 2 steps, the other 3 steps).

This is a very important point: the player can choose which option is more appropriate and act according to the circumstances.

If your own checker is already in the hole, you can put your own checkers there (in any quantity).

If there is already an opponent's checker in the hole, you cannot put your own checker there.

You can't walk any number of steps.

You can't go back.

It is impossible to skip a move if there is any opportunity to go. According to the rules, you must make a move in your turn, even if this action worsens your position. You can skip a move only if the rules do not allow you to move at all.

Backgammon game, photo:

If a double fell out (the same roll of two dice), then total number steps are doubled. For example, when throwing 4:4, the player moves not 8 holes forward, but immediately 16 (one checker for 16 hole-fields or two checkers for 8).

During the game, it is desirable not only to bring all the checkers to your "home" as soon as possible, but also to put spokes in the opponent's wheels. By placing six cells of your color in a row, you create an "impassable barrier" through which the enemy cannot break through. We remember that it is impossible to go to a hole occupied by an opponent’s checker, and, say, when throwing dice by 5 and 4, it is impossible to immediately go nine points forward, but only 4, and then immediately 5 steps (or first 5 , and then to 4). Thus, it will not work to jump over the "bridge" of the opponent's six checkers.

There is a limitation regarding the construction of "bridges". You can build a bridge only if there is at least one enemy checker in front of this barrier.

When all the checkers are already in the "house", the player will begin to remove them from the board in order to complete the game as soon as possible. As long as at least one checker remains on the board, your game is not over. This is also done by rolling dice. So, when throwing 1 and 3, one checker is removed from those that are in the first and third holes on the right. If all the checkers have already been removed from this field, the checker from the senior position is removed. At the same time, checkers can not only be removed, but also moved in the “house”.

It is believed that there are no draws in backgammon. However, one exception has emerged in recent years. If one of the opponents has already removed all the checkers from the field, it is necessary to give the other one move. If during this move he also manages to remove all the checkers, it is considered that a draw has come.

The end of one game is not the end of the match. Opponents can play several games for points. It is important that in long backgammon there are two types of wins. A more complete victory is called “mars” (one opponent has already completed the game, and the other has not yet had time to put all his checkers into the “house”). The losing mars loses double points.

Long backgammon rules: video

Rules for playing short backgammon

There are many similarities between the two games. Same board, same number of checkers. Therefore, we will only talk about specific features short backgammon.

The rules of the game in short (fast) backgammon are such that the opponent's checkers move towards each other (White's house and Black's house are opposite each other). Therefore, the game is more of a battle than a race.

The rules allow and prescribe to knock down an opponent's checker from the board. As we remember, in long (classic) backgammon you cannot put your checker in the hole if someone else's checker is already there. In short backgammon, the rules are different - if there is only one checker in the hole (this is called a “blot”), the opponent can throw it away, putting his own in this place. But if there are more than two checkers in one hole, it is impossible to take them or stop on this field. Captured checkers are stacked on the "bar" (a line that divides the field in half). The opponent of the stasis is in a disadvantageous position: on the next move, he is ordered to return his checker to the game. It has to be put into action in the "house" of the enemy, that is, at the maximum distance from the target - one's own "home". In which hole to put it, determines the roll of the dice. So, if the bones show 3 and 5, then you can choose to put a checker in the third or fifth hole. If it is technically impossible to make such moves (the holes are occupied by two or more enemy checkers), you will have to skip the move and try your luck next time.

To "beat" the opponent's checkers means to slow down his advance to the finish line and, consequently, increase his own chances of winning. For this reason, occupying a consolidated field (hole) with only one chip is quite dangerous.

You can win in short backgammon in different ways. A more complete victory is called "mars" (if the loser has not yet managed to remove a single checker from the field). An even more complete victory is called “coke” (if the loser did not manage to remove a single checker and, in addition, at least one of his checkers remained on the bar or in the opponent’s “house”). "Mars" gives double points, "coke" gives triple points.

Rules of the game of short backgammon: video tutorial

Backgammon is a game in which 2 people participate. For it, you must have a special board, divided into two parts, checkers and cubes (dice). The goal of the game is to move the checkers around the board. To do this, dice are thrown, on which points fall out, and, depending on the points dropped out, checkers are moved around the playing field.

People have been playing backgammon for about 5,000 years. This game came to us from the East a long time ago, and at different times the popularity of this type of leisure activity has constantly changed, experiencing ups and downs. Backgammon was very popular and was called backgammon. The rules for playing backgammon (long) remained practically unchanged, but Edmond Hoyle established the rules for playing backgammon in 1743. Today they are very popular among Russians and residents love this game in Iran, Syria, Turkey and Israel. All sorts of tournaments and competitions are regularly held between fans of this game.

The rules for playing backgammon are defined by the following items:

  • rectangular board with 24 points, 12 on each side. A point is a triangle with a base on the side;
  • home are 6 points in a row, located in one of the corners of the board;
  • the board is divided in half by a vertical line called a bar;
  • each player owns 15 checkers of the same color;
  • in the game they use one pair (zarov).

Backgammon rules (long and short):

  • each player moves in turn;
  • checkers move in a circle, and each player has his own direction of their movement;
  • First, the right of the first move is played with the help of a roll of the dice. The one with the highest rolled number starts. If the score is equal, the dice are thrown;
  • each turn begins with a roll of the dice on one free side of the bar. If the bones fell outside the bar or on the checker, or stood unevenly, it is necessary to make a second throw;
  • one checker can make from one to four moves;
  • if the points dropped on the dice do not allow you to make a move to your checker or an empty cell, the move disappears;
  • if it is impossible to use the number of points of both dice, it is mandatory to use more points of one bone;
  • when all the checkers are in the "house", then in the next moves they are taken out of the "house".

The rules of backgammon are determined by the initial position of the checkers on the board. The one who first brought the checkers out of the “house” becomes the winner. The "draw" option in backgammon is completely excluded. The winner is always determined in the final. The winner can get up to 4 points for winning.

The rules for playing long backgammon mainly consist of the above points. In addition, you can not put your checker on the checker of another player; you can move any number of checkers; points on the bones are not cumulative; if there are no valid moves on the bones, then the move is skipped, since it is not allowed to build an impenetrable barrier. In addition, the rules of the game of long backgammon are that the players must move the checkers in the same direction one after the other counterclockwise. The game takes place at a previously determined rate, which is given for the points won. The situation when a player does not have time to remove his checkers, while the second player has already done so, is called "mars". In this case, the bet is doubled.

The rules for playing short backgammon have the following differences:

  • checkers move towards each other;
  • in short backgammon, you can knock out the checkers of another player;
  • the position from which the game starts is more difficult;
  • The "house" of the player is occupied by 6 and 1 positions and the "yard" of the player - 12 and 7, and his opponent - 19 and 24, 13 and 18.

The rules of the game of backgammon also lie in the fact that the checkers are arranged in this way: the player has 2 checkers in paragraph 24, 5 - in paragraph 13, 3 - in the 8th and 5 checkers in paragraph number 6. The opponent's checkers are arranged the other way around . Perhaps you will like this exciting entertainment, especially since the rules of backgammon are simple.

Board games are a great way to spend time with friends. An example of "exercises for the brain" is backgammon. This is one of the oldest games in the world.

Who invented backgammon?

It is believed to have been played for over five thousand years. According to archaeologists, the first backgammon board was discovered in Iran, and something similar to this game was found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. In the third millennium BC in Persia, backgammon was considered extremely symbolic and carried a mystical character. With their help, fate was predicted. It was in this country that backgammon was born by the sage Vuzurg-Mihr. In each country, the name of the game was different, but the essence did not change.

AT medieval Europe, at the end of the crusades, this entertainment also became known and popular. It was called "backgammon" and was the privilege of only the highest aristocracy. How to play backgammon, already according to the rules of the modern version, was established by the Englishman Edmond Hoyle in 1743. The new type of entertainment is called "short backgammon" (by the way, the former type, invented in the East, is considered "long").

Nowadays, the game has become very popular in all countries. Backgammon championships are held. The most famous held in Azerbaijan is the "Golden Dawn", in which the prize is dice made of gold.

What do you need for entertainment?

How to play backgammon without equipment? Here, the following items will be required:

  • board;
  • checkers;
  • bones.

A rectangular board with 24 points marked on it, which are figures in the form of an isosceles elongated triangle. Each item has its own number. In the corner of the board, six such triangles are collected in a row - this is the "player's house". In the middle there is a vertical strip called a "bar". The number of checkers is basically equal to 15 pieces, and dice (zar) - two. Sometimes there is a set of five bones with a glass. In this case, each player has his own charge, and one is a substitute.

Types of backgammon

Backgammon "short" and "long" are common. They are united by the fact that the game begins with throwing the dice. Chips are rearranged depending on the number drawn. The "long backgammon" game ends, as well as the "short backgammon" game, when the winner transfers all the chips from the board. The difference between the two types is in the rules and duration.

General norms of behavior

To answer the question "How to play backgammon?" Let's write down the rules that are the same for everyone:

  1. The order of the participants.
  2. Circular and counterclockwise movement of checkers.
  3. Dice are rolled to determine who goes into battle first. Whoever has the higher number, he starts.
  4. Dawns are thrown only in their own half.
  5. Moving a chip must be done even if it is not profitable. Except when traffic is prohibited.
  6. If the points of bones are not used, they burn out.
  7. Checkers can be taken off the board if they hit the house, or the number of points at dawn matches the number of the point where the chip is located.
  8. How to arrange the checkers is determined by the type of backgammon.
  9. "Draw" does not exist.
  10. The scoring rules correspond to the type of entertainment. For a victory, a participant usually receives from one to three points.

How to play "short" backgammon?

First, let's talk about common titles in this game:

  1. "House" of the enemy - 24-19 points.
  2. "Yard" of the enemy - 18-13 points.
  3. "Yard" own - 12-7 points.
  4. "Home" own - 6-1 points.

What are the "short" backgammon rules? It all starts with determining the championship among the participants. He moves the checkers in accordance with the dropped numbers on the bones. Chips move in one direction - from points with higher numbers to smaller ones. White checkers move clockwise and black checkers move counterclockwise. The chip moves only to an open point that is not occupied by the enemy. The player has the right to use the sum of the dropped numbers or can move each checker separately. That is, if the numbers 2 and 3 fell out, then the participant will either go with one chip for five moves or two, two and three moves, respectively. If two identical numbers fall out, then it is necessary to beat the move as many times as the dice show. For example, it came out 3 and 3, which means that you need to move three times three points.

If there is one checker on the point, then it is called a “blot”. If the opponent's move ends exactly on the "blot", he is considered beaten and goes to the "bar". What you can't do is kill or hide an opponent's token. And you can cover your other checker or beat and hide on a free point. It is also allowed to beat and discard a chip. When all the checkers are in the "house", the participant can take them out. To do this, you need to use the numbers on the bones. Here the rule is observed: if the dice showed the number of an empty point, but there are checkers with a point value higher, then you can move them inside the “house”. In the case when the opponent manages to beat the chip in the process of withdrawal, then, before continuing the withdrawal, the player must bring his lost piece back to the “home”.

The emergence of disputes

We list the ways to resolve possible disputable situations:

  1. The dice are rerolled if they fell on two halves of the board, touched a checker, and if they did not lie horizontally.
  2. The move is considered irrevocable in those cases when the opponent threw the dice or announced "dave" (doubling the stakes).
  3. Throwing a charge is void if the opponent hasn't finished their turn yet.

Another kind of backgammon

"Long" backgammon rules are almost the same as in the first form of the game. But there are some nuances. For example, the game begins with the placement of 15 checkers to your left. The chips located in the initial position are called the "head". The first move of the participant is “taking from the head”. You can remove only one checker, except for the cases of a double falling out of 3, 4, 6, then two go away. You can not put a chip on a point occupied by an opponent, close his checkers, and also move by the number of points that one bone showed.

The difference from the "short" backgammon is that there are no downed checkers here, the chips can be locked. If it is impossible to make a move, all points are burned. Also, one move is skipped if there is an opportunity to make a move according to the number dropped on one die, but not on the other. The loss of a single bet is set when the participant manages to remove one checker at the end of the game. If the opponent cannot withdraw a single chip or transfer them to the "house", then the loss corresponds to a double bet - "mars". Triple the bet, "home mars", appears when the player has all the chips in the "house", but none of them are removed from the board.


There is no concept of "Russian backgammon" itself, but there is evidence of a similar game in which our ancestors competed. A lot of talk about the belonging of entertainment to a particular type board games. But here is what can be emphasized:

  1. Checkers for playing tavlei were found during excavations of the Vyatichi land in the region of Staraya Ryazan. They were not faceless, but in the form of figures.
  2. Several ancient sources have survived that described the gameplay.
  3. Each player had his own set of pieces, which were laid out on the board.

How to play this kind of backgammon? It's hard to say exactly. The basis of the rules lies on legends and epics. According to the same sources, the country of origin of the tavlei is also judged. So, the name of backgammon in Turkish - "tavla" speaks in favor of Turkey. Ancient Russia is supported by the finds, which reveal the description of the game, as well as the discovery of boards and flat identical figures in the excavations. Some scholars believe that tavlei is Russian chess, since each player has his own set of positions. There is also an opinion that the game was brought to Russia by the Normans, who loved to have fun in it. In favor of this opinion is the translation from the Latin "tavl" - a board.