Congratulations to the teacher on the day of the last bell. Congratulations to the first teacher on the last bell

Scenario "Last Call - 2015".

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, our dear teachers and students, dear parents, guests. The last call is a sad and at the same time cheerful holiday! How long have we all waited for this day! We dreamed of growing up faster, and finally this dream came true! One small step separates us from passing school exams.

Presenter 2: For our graduates, the school is a symbol of the tenderness and purity of childhood. And we would like this holiday to bring us all even closer together, so that it leaves in the hearts of each of those who come here the most joyful, bright and happy memories of these minutes

Fanfare sounds, then a school march, to which graduates leave the school doors and pass through the main entrance. They walk around the hall, line up in two lines, all this is accompanied by applause from those present.


Presenter 1: Final exams are ahead, followed by graduation. And then a completely different one will begin, new life. Let the unknown not scare us! There are only new beginnings and new victories ahead! The floor is given to the director of our school, Tatyana Aleksandrovna Dyatlova.

(The director speaks with parting words.)

Presenter 2: The floor for reading the order on admission to state exams is given to the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs...

(The order is read...)

Response from graduates: 5 people - 5 bouquets.

Thanks to our administration:

1:♦ for school repairs, for heat, electricity;

2:♦ for books, manuals in the required quantity;

3:♦ for holidays, competitions, Olympiads;

4:♦ for your generous gifts and rewards;

5:♦ for this beautiful sparkling hall;

for everything that each of you helped.

(Bouquets are presented, graduates return to their place)

(The students go out the door.)


Presenter1: We want to congratulate our technical staff who helped us in many ways.

Students come out the back door, read poetry, and give gifts.

1: Languishing with spiritual thirst
The caretaker opened the doors to the school
And then the technicians appeared
They let us into scientific ideas.
2: The dining room doors opened again,
Cool guys came in there
And they heard the shaking of the chairs,
And schoolchildren move mightily,
And their lazy chewing.
3: The electrician touched the wire,
Hearing our sinful language,
Accidentally the lights went out
And our school day was shortened.
4:Nurses' lips again
They said: “We should donate blood,”
And fear cut our chests with a sword,
From meeting with an experienced doctor!
And my trembling heart howled,
Today congratulating you,
So that you don't get bored living here,
And your life was great!

We give gifts (6 people), stand in place, first-graders arrive, listen to congratulations, leave for the main entrance.

Presenter 1: Today is a holiday not only for you. We still have heroes of the occasion who have completed their first academic year. Let's invite them.

(Music sounds, first-graders enter)

Presenter 2: Our first graders also prepared a surprise. Let's give them the floor.

(Speech by first-graders).

Presenter 2: Thank you so much for such wonderful words! The day has come when we leave our post. The most important thing for us now is to put it in good hands. We are confident that you, our young friends, will not let us and your home school down. Appreciate, love and respect our wonderful teachers! We wish you to be persistent and responsible, to study here, bringing a lot of sunny mood and bright novelty into school life, and to maintain that warm, friendly atmosphere that greeted you at the door of the school.


Presenter 1: Before we talk about our future, let's take a short excursion into history to remember all your school years.

Presenter 2: But, really, it would be nice to go back 11 long years ago and see what our students were like.

Slides with photos of students in the first grade - in the background, some of Guzel Minibaevna’s students climb onto the stage from the back entrance, several graduates read poetry, we give a gift:

1: My first teacher,
My foundation and my support,
I will never forget your speeches
I will be as proud of you as ever!

2: She who raised us,
The one that led to the goal
And even though she often scolded,
And the one who took care of us.
The one who strived for unity,
The one who loved our laughter!
Accept thanksgiving
Today from all of us!

3: First teacher,
Keeper of all knowledge!
We will always remember you,
The kindness of beautiful eyes,
The knowledge you gave us
Throughout our lives we replenished
Thank you for everything,
We want to wish you happiness

We go to the back entrance.


Presenter 1: And according to the old one, good tradition- school waltz...

Five couples dance the school waltz.

They leave.


Presenter 1: Throughout our school years, we were accompanied, supported and protected by our second mothers - class teachers.

Students leave the main entrance with bouquets and pots.

Presenter 2: Secondary school is the main stage in the life of a graduate, and we are grateful to those who were with us at this time: Tatyana Mikhailovna Suldina and Anna Mikhailovna Mutyakova.

We clap our hands, two people give gifts

Presenter 1: The one who was support and support, the one who raised us and united us, the one who became a second mother - the class teacher. May you not forget them today, as you part with your charges, and may we remember you for a long, long time, our dear Almira Ildusovna.

The students continue to rejoice and clap their hands even louder. Congratulations to Almira Ildusovna. (one person gives a gift)

The floor is given to the class teacher.


Presenter 1: Our dear teachers! Let me express my gratitude to you from the bottom of my heart and sincere heart for the great and responsible work that you performed every day.Thank you for your hard work.

1 Russian language:

In Russian and literature
We are joining the culture.
We know how to write correctly,
Seriously and thoughtfully read
And think figuratively at the same time.
We know the works of poets
And we remember the classics of the word,
Thank you for all this!

2 Mathematics:

We take a break for a break
We are always in a hurry from variables,
From complex formulas, theorems,
But we all need your item.
Seriously think, study,
Don’t be afraid of difficult tasks,
We were taught by you and you
Our entire class appreciates this.

3 History, society:

Without leaving your desk,
We are ancient Carthage and Sparta
We can see how it is now
We are interested in listening to you.
And about kings and heroes,
And about the sacred ark of Noah,
We will learn about this from you,
And we are waiting for all your lessons!

4 Geography:

On maps we find countries
Continents and oceans,
Gorges and mountain peaks,
Expanding your horizons.
About minerals,
Where is how much oil, iron ores,
And where is there a body of water -
We learn this from you.

5: Biology

Mysteries of fauna and flora
We'll be able to figure it out soon.
Find out the structure of a flower
Grasshopper and moth,
See the birds take flight
And descend into the underwater world,
Thank you for everything
We learn from you in class

6 Chemistry:

Acids, alkalis and salts,
Molecular weight and moles -
You were able to explain everything to us,
And we became interested in chemistry.
I started dreaming at night
We need the periodic table!
For knowledge on substances
Thank you very much!

7 Physics:

You are a serious, strict teacher,
And right down to nanotechnology
You explain everything easily
Intelligible and deep.
We are interested in everything and anything new -
After all, physics is the basis of science
Knowledge of laws and schemes
We will all need it in our lives!

8 English:

The language of Shakespeare, the Internet,
We studied together with you.
We thank you for this
Quite English words.

We are happy to congratulate everyone today
You in English, no question!
The best reward for you is:
« Mydearteacher!», yesofcourse!

9 Phys.:

Life is easier for us two days a week:
Those who were in the gym learned a lot;
And many times the benefit will respond to us
Your activities, important and simple.
But the fast hardy tribe
Today for some reason I’m in no hurry:
We want to congratulate you not for a while,
Not for credit, but simply from the heart!

10 Obzh

We know how to use a gas mask
Put it on in about five seconds
We have an idea
How to shoot a rifle.

Definitely healthy
Let's be more careful now
We are immensely grateful to you,
Saved us from losses.

11 Computer Science:

About information and bytes
Search engines and websites,
We will learn about everything from you,
Entering our computer class.
It is very important for us to learn
How to make a document, table
And understand the program language.
Thank you very much!

Presenter 2: And also, we want to congratulate the teachers who taught in our high school: Chuvychko Irina Mikhailovna, Zaripova Aigul Farvazovna, Kirillova Liliya Vasilievna, Matkurbanova Bella Nailievna.

Teacher! What a wonderful word.
It is our life and the light and foundation.
Shining as a guiding star for us
And he leads you into the world of new knowledge.

Teacher! What a lofty word!
We repeat it again and again.
Our senior comrade, our sincere friend.
He is the key that opens the treasure trove of sciences!

You can learn everything in life,
Implement many new ideas
But a teacher must be born,
To live on earth for children.

We give gifts, wait for others near the stage and rise beautifully.

Presenter 2: And now we want to give you a musical gift.

We line up on stage. Song TROFIMA.

We go out the back door to get gifts for our parents.


Presenter 1: Well, how can we not remember today those

Who shared with us joy, sorrow, laughter

Who collected for school every day

And sometimes he burned with shame for us...

Parents! We are nowhere without you!

Any trouble with you is not a problem!

And joy - so full to have fun

After all, you still have a long time to study with us...

Presenter 2 : Our dear mothers and fathers! Admire it! Your kids have grown up! What you see in front of you is the result of your daily work!

In the background are slides with photographs of the parents.

We leave the main passage WITH GIFTS.

We begin to sing a song to Parents.

We give gifts, NORMALLY coming down from the stage.


Presenter2: Thank you dear tenth graders! Today we say goodbye to school. You, its present and future remain in it. Therefore, we pass on all school traditions to you. Let the happiness of knowledge, the joy of communication, the atmosphere of love and creativity, constant search, and the unity of student and teacher always live in our school. We promise that throughout our lives we will carry with us the sound of school bells, the uniqueness of the first school lesson, the bright sadness of the prom, the spirit of school camaraderie, heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to our teachers.


Presenter1: The most solemn moment of our holiday is coming.

Song by Lera Kozlova.

Presenter 1. The bell rings for you for the last time.
A call of hope and a call of farewell.
And the moments of parting are approaching.
And ahead - confusion of roads.

Presenter 2. And the sun shines in the sky as before,
But childhood has its time in life.
And then the bell rings for the last time,
A call of farewell and a call of hope.

Presenter 1. The right to give last call is provided to a student of 11 “A” class and a student of 1 “A” class.
(The bell rings.)

Presenter 2: The right to give “The last call is granted to a student of grade 11 ________ and a student of grade 1 ________

(Last call)

Presenter1: Dear graduates, teachers and our guests, we ask you to contact schoolyard, where a little surprise awaits you.

We go outside, dance, release balloons.


You taught us from the very beginning,
When they first brought us to school.
We knew practically nothing:
Neither two and two, nor the ABCs.

Thank you for this invaluable work,
For tons of nerves, they can’t be returned,
For the education of new generations
And instructions on the bright path.

The first teacher is like the first love:
He remains in my soul and heart forever.
We will remember you again and again,
At least we won’t go back to first grade, of course.

You taught us to write letters,
Love nature and count examples,
Take care of friends and respect elders
And they made premieres for us at the blackboard.

We remember this day clearly,
How we burst into school without looking back,
They gave you a tender lilac,
And in return you give us copybooks.

The years have rushed quickly to nowhere,
And now we are adults.
But know that we will remember you forever
And how we sat at the first desk.

Thank you, our first teacher,
For work and affection, kindness, care.
And now we’re going to the senior class,
But you will always remain in high esteem.

Let the ringing laughter of the last bell
Will give inspiration for new starts,
And in September the kids will come to you,
So that, like us, you can sit down at your desk for the first time!

Today we say goodbye to school and want to express special gratitude to our first teacher. You taught us to write, read, be friends, respect. You put so much effort and labor into each of us, you spent so much nerves that it is simply impossible to calculate. Your soul is full of goodness and love. You are a true teacher who is dedicated to your work. We want to wish only grateful and diligent students. Low bow to you. We will always be grateful for everything we received from you!

The first teacher is warm-hearted and strict,
The road to school begins with you,
Wise, cheerful, warmth in his eyes,
In the heart there is love and also kindness!

Let this lesson never end
Thank you for your work and skill,
For your understanding and patience!

May success come easy to you,
You fly high in your thoughts,
May you be loved and appreciated beyond measure,
You will be respected and trusted!

Just recently,
We walked into first class
And you greeted me with a smile,
And they taught us everything.

Together we read,
And they wrote as best they could,
They became a second mother for us,
You taught us friendship!

Time flew by quickly
And the bell rings for us,
Unfortunately, he's the last one
That's it, the lesson ends...

We sincerely wish you,
A sea of ​​happiness and flowers,
Be beautiful every day
Smart students to you!

You are our childhood, our memory,
You are our first lesson in life.
We want to glorify you in poetry,
After all, you are our first teacher!

Loving, able, knowing a lot,
You taught us everything
Answering kindly and patiently
To our “How?” and why?".

The last bell is ringing for us.
Today it rings in honor of you!
Please accept my tribute
And congratulations from us!

We recently went to first grade,
And you waited for us with love.
Taught to grow up as friends
And don’t keep count of the grievances.

Have you noticed all the worries
And they helped us along the way
Granite science to study,
Learn the basics of teachings.

And now we have grown up
The door is open to all roads.
Thank you we say
We thank you for everything.

You and I have begun our journey
To the land of magical school knowledge,
You opened up a new world to us,
Giving a start to our endeavors.

Good luck to you, teacher first,
Give kindness to children, light.
Exemplary students in everything,
Creative victories in your work!

Saying goodbye to school today
And we all thank you,
Thank you, our first teacher,
We value you very much.

Taught to write patiently
And read the letters syllable by syllable,
You taught us to live beautifully,
Don't betray your friends.

We will remember your science,
We will bring it through the years,
We will not forget you, teacher,
Believe me, we won't let you down.

First teacher, last call
Bright contrast is the basis of life,
You are our very first lesson,
The first number and the first word,
We were completely ignorant:
Freckle dots, cowlicks and braids,
Your care was enough for all of us,
You gave everyone a piece of your heart.
First, beloved dear teacher,
You will remain in our memory forever,
Congratulate us on spring graduation,
We love you all so much!

So many years at the same desk with us
You walked this path with us.
And you can’t just say it in words,
Only confusion in thoughts and sadness.

We say thank you today,
Our achievements are your contribution.
We wish you new achievements
And recognition, prosperity, awards!

You are a teacher with a huge T,
We will never forget you.
You are our first and our best,
This is how it is now and how it will always be!

The years spent at school gradually open up the world to the child. After spending 9 or 11 years at a desk, a student already becomes an individual, ready for a new, adult life. If in primary school first teachers are increasingly conducting classes with children in game form, then later, gradually, schoolchildren are drawn into a serious, deep educational process. Already in the fifth grade, children have subject teachers and favorite teachers. By the end of their studies at school, boys and girls, accepting congratulations on the Last Bell from their parents and class teacher, fully realize how long their path to the future was, how grateful they are to the teachers for the gigantic work, knowledge given to them, and patience. Of course, the Last Bell takes place in a solemn atmosphere, however, some of the formality of the holiday is “diluted” by performances by graduates with remade songs, touching poems, and skits about school life.

Touching congratulations from parents on Last Call 2017

When preparing congratulations to graduates on the Last Bell, the teacher can discuss and choose a holiday scenario together with the parents of the students. If desired, students can also join in the preparation of festive events. Each student can offer their own version of performances - dance, song, skit. Graduating classes can present small concerts to teachers and moms and dads who came to the celebration. During the ceremonial part of the event, parents read out congratulations in poetry and prose to students who have graduated from school.

Examples of congratulations on Last Call from parents

The last bell rings in Russian schools at the end of May. At this time, school is already ending, but exams await graduates. Dressed in school dresses and aprons, schoolgirls stand next to their classmates in strict, “adult” costumes. They accept congratulations from parents who came to the holiday to support their sons and daughters entering adulthood.

Our dear children,
Today you are already graduates,
We wish you that the stars were brighter
On your life's journey.

So that you do not doubt your abilities,
To try to achieve goals,
To live in a perfect, bright world,
So that you don’t encounter troubles at all.

We also wish you, dear ones, patience,
Good luck, happiness, to find your destiny.
Throw away your regrets
And believe in your bright dreams!

Thanks to all the teachers who put so much effort into ensuring that our children graduated from school with such excellent results! Only we, parents, can understand how difficult it was for you with our children. God bless you and thank you again!

How quickly you grew up
Our dear children,
We didn’t have time to look back,
And you already have “graduation”
Roads are opening
Adult life in front of you,
There are many paths ahead,
Make your choice yourself!
Just remember, we are close
And we will help you, as before,
In a word, in deed, with a warm look,
After all, our love is boundless!

Original congratulations to subject teachers on Last Bell 2017

A teacher is the most multifaceted of professions. In Russian schools, there are brilliant subject teachers who explain to schoolchildren the basics of physics, chemistry, biology, patiently tell them the rules of spelling, teach the children algebra, geometry... Of course, each of the graduates had and still has their own favorite subject. Schoolchildren saying goodbye to their families dedicate their congratulations to teachers who bring real knowledge to children.

Examples of congratulations for the last call for subject teachers

Every teacher who patiently explains his subject to schoolchildren strives to convey to the child the deepest possible knowledge about the science he teaches. Very often, teachers help lagging students “catch up” with the class by staying with them after class, doing this absolutely selflessly. It is to such wonderful subject students that graduates dedicate their congratulations on the Last Bell. These can be poems, songs, prose, small scenes.

Poems for an English teacher

We read Byron in the original, And watch the interview with the Queen, After all, we know English flawlessly, Without leaving our homeland.

Our teacher, you are a teacher from God, We wish you happiness and love, And may the road be strong for you, And only good luck awaits you ahead.

Congratulations to the biology teacher

Biology is the science of living things and the world where we live. All living things in the world are akin to us: We are not alone in the world.

Isn't this a discovery for us? Thank you, congratulations! We will treasure this knowledge, May we live in peace!

Thanks to geography

A long time ago, the ancestors believed: The Earth stands on three pillars. All because our ancestors rarely traveled to foreign lands!

They didn’t want to open the textbook, They didn’t go on the Internet, They didn’t look on the map of the country, It’s as if they weren’t even there!

Now we have before us an atlas of the world. We have worn it down to holes, And thanks to geography, For opening up a whole world to us.

Congratulations to the graduating children from the class teacher on the solemn Last Bell

The class teacher is a person who sometimes knows more about the lives of his students than their parents. It is these teachers who have leadership abilities; they are able to unite the children and organize any event with them. Congratulating their class teacher on the Last Bell, schoolchildren thank him not only for the knowledge he imparted on his subject, but also for the responsibility he took at one time for every girl and boy. In turn, the teacher gives parting words to the almost grown-up children setting out for a new life.

Examples of congratulations on the Last Bell - Poems for graduates from the class teacher

Congratulating graduates on the Last Bell, the class teacher can dedicate poems to them written to the whole class or wish them a good journey along the Road of Life. You will find examples of such original congratulations to former schoolchildren here.

This is the last time I stand before you,
There is so much I want to say.
I've grown to love you over the years
And I really don’t want to lose.
You and I have walked a difficult path -
Resentment, tears and success,
But we always remained friends
And I love you all for that.
Maybe I didn't have time to do much,
I couldn’t explain it to you clearly,
But believe me, I really wanted
Teach you to think and love.
The stars will go out at dawn,
Dew will sparkle in the thick grass,
I am no longer responsible for you,
But why does the tear run?
But why does my chest hurt so much?
And so your head is spinning?
Or maybe that's enough, that's enough?
Is it time to change profession?
But the voice of a cute first-grader
Made me forget everything.
But what would it be like without this Cheburashka?
At least live one day?
And forgive me for everything
I was harsh sometimes
But you love our school,
How we have always loved you.
I want your dreams to come true.
I want to see you happy.
I want you to smile now.
Goodbye eleventh grade!

How I remember that day today
How you and I first met.
You were so little
And they stood near the mothers.

The years have flown by very quickly,
You have become completely different -
A series of problems awaits you
And a different life, because we have matured.

Over the years, everything between us has been:
Resentments, pain, victories, defeats.
I remember every happy moment
After all, I loved you like my own family.

I wish you all your plans for implementation,
May all your wishes come true!
And remember: no matter where you go,
Try to make a decision with conscience.

Don't give in to a difficult life,
You always look forward proudly.
Remain yourself forever
How you will remain young for me.

My class graduation
Dear for me,
This graduation.
Tears on eyes,
They will hide my glasses
I'll see you off
Guys, girls.
I want from the bottom of my heart
Wish you happiness
Kindness, love,
Get on your feet.
Don't be afraid to live,
Conquer dreams
How can I live without you?
Eh, graduates...

A remade song to congratulate your beloved teacher on the Last Bell

Often graduates congratulate teachers on the Last Bell with a cheerful, remade song. As a rule, the melody of such congratulations remains unchanged, and the poems are dedicated to teachers, funny incidents that happen during lessons and breaks, and extracurricular life. Sometimes, when preparing the script for a school farewell celebration, event organizers use ready-made song lyrics. You will find some of them here.

Examples of remade songs for Last Call - Congratulations to the teacher

When preparing congratulations to teachers, schoolchildren can prepare a cool, reworked song for each of the teachers in the subjects for the Last Bell. Separate musical scenes can be dedicated to the “main” subjects - “physics”, “mathematics”, “writer”, “biologist”. The guys can write the lyrics themselves or find them here.

(to the tune of the song “Chunga-Changa”)

How we live together and have fun,
We learn notes and sing songs.
Our school is our home,
And we cannot live without school.

Our school is a miracle
It's so fun for all the people,
It's so great for all the people,
Let it be so?
(Repeat chorus twice.)

Every student knows for sure
That without school the world becomes dim in an instant.
Our kids love school.
School, school is the best time.

Let the teacher be very strict with us,
I'll try to learn my lesson.
I will not be silent at the board,
Let him give me a “five” rating!

Once upon a time there lived a teacher
To the melody of the song “A Million Scarlet Roses.”

Once upon a time there lived a teacher who knew a lot in life,
But he had a pointer and chalk.
He sowed warmth in children, gave knowledge of the world
He may have had nothing, but he loved his work.

A million, a million, a million red roses
You give it to him at least once.
And at least once, and at least once you will not regret
For him, for him kind words love.
Even if he was strict sometimes: he could instruct twos,
Anyone who was late for class might not be allowed to enter the door.
I could call the parents if the child was a greyhound,
But he solved all problems cheerfully, as if jokingly.

For me there is no one more beautiful than you
To the melody of the song “You are no more beautiful” by Yu. Antonov.

For me there is no one more beautiful than you,
But I catch your gaze in vain:
Like a vision, elusive
You pass by between the desks.

And I repeat again and again:
“You, not physics... You, not physics...
you are only my love!
I'm just a green kid for you.
And not in you, but in the object in love.
And in my eyes everything is foggy,
I adore you, Mary Ivana.

But I believe that the day will come
And in your eyes the ice will melt.
I will receive a certificate or certificate,
And love will get better.

Congratulations to parents at the line in honor of the Last Bell in 11th grade

Anticipating the day of the Last Bell, the most active parents of schoolchildren prepare congratulations to teachers and graduates. For every teacher, the end of the academic year becomes a kind of self-assessment of their own work done. Seeing the support and gratitude of the children’s fathers and mothers, teachers understand that their work was not in vain. A new generation of boys and girls has grown up, perhaps future great scientists, mathematicians, and doctors.

Examples of congratulations on the Last Bell in 11th grade for parents

As a rule, in each of the 11 classes, the preparation of congratulations to teachers and graduates on the Last Bell is carried out by the parent committee, as well as mothers and fathers who wish to take part in the event. The most creative parents can prepare a fun flash mob for the whole school or even dance in front of all the classes gathered for assembly. You can watch a video of original congratulations on the occasion of graduation here.

Both dads and moms, thank you very much
We're telling you everything now
For your help, support, for your participation,
For your work, it is invaluable.

You helped us by solving problems,
They wrote notes not to go to school.
We accompanied you with love and patience
On that long school journey.

We hope in a big, unknown life
Give us advice again,
After all, even though the last bell has already sounded,
We are only learning to fly.

Let there be considerable reason for pride
For all the achievements later.
Today just accept from the children
A big thank you.

Our dear parents,
Today we want to tell you
What is dearer and closer to you
We can't find it in the whole world.

You always helped us in everything
And there were no sleepless nights.
We were taught, raised, treated,
They surrounded you with their care.

On this day, you are also with us
Our feelings are ready to be shared.
We are spending our school years
We will never forget about them!

9 and 11 years of schooling flew by quickly, and now new graduates accept congratulations on the Last Bell and congratulate their teachers on the end of the difficult path they have traveled together. You can congratulate the subject teachers and the class teacher in both poetry and prose, a funny skit, or a remade song. Fathers and mothers who want to sincerely thank teachers for their noble work can prepare skits, dances for classes, or organize a modern flash mob.

A wonderful idea for congratulating teachers, invented by graduates, full of cheerful and kind humor and love for their school and teachers. Original congratulations teachers at graduation or last bell“Live Roulette” gives teachers the opportunity to show their talents, give them prepared gifts and express gratitude in a light and unusual way. Similar with the award of the nomination you can watch b in the script "Golden Bell"

The congratulations are organized in such a way that the presenters call the teachers one by one and offer to “start” the roulette. Next, the teacher is seated on a chair, the tape measure stops in the desired position, and the “sector” (graduate), who happens to be opposite the teacher, hands him an envelope with the text of the assignment in his teeth. After reading his text, the teacher is awarded a valuable gift (a box with the “hearts” of all students in the class) and is taken to his place by the presenters.
In total, there are 8 texts for “playing” teachers, one “musical break” (short dance) and one ZERO - a prize, which is the text of a “complaint” (read by the head teacher).

Presenters - 2 people;
"Live" roulette - 10 people with envelopes in their teeth;
"Roulette launch lever" - 1 person;
Cheerleaders and awards team - everyone else.

Congratulation script "Live Roulette":

Sector 1 (to the director) "Repentance"

Dear children! At this solemn moment, I want to tell you one terrible truth: I was not always right!
Today I publicly ask for forgiveness from all those who suffered, fell under my hot hand, were offended, humiliated, trampled, crucified and turned to dust.
It's time to admit that I assigned inhuman tasks, constantly frightened and terrorized children with bad grades.
I assure you that all this was out of good intentions and for your own good. But what can you do if I didn’t always balance my demands with your unprepared, weakened heads.
Forgive me, good people!
Yours sincerely.... (Name Patronymic name).

Sector 2 (to the writer) “Declaration of love”

I love you, what more?
You have now broken free...
Why now words, sobs,
And the pain of the moment of parting.
Let's just smile
We believe that we will return here.
I love you... So what in the end? -
Spacious roads await you.
And may love shine on you along the way,
I wish you happiness, children!

Sector 3 (historian) "Statement"

I, (Full Name), I responsibly declare my disagreement regarding the departure... of the class from the walls........ of School N... I demand that the decision of the teachers' council on universal admission of students of this class to the final exams be reconsidered. Attached is a list of arguments.
1. At the moment, no worthy replacement for the above-mentioned class has been found.
2. The absence of... class will disrupt the general biorhythm of school life.
3. As a result of the departure of... the class, the cultural and intellectual level of the school will sharply decline.
4. We will all be terribly bored and sad, and we will all cry...
(Wipe away a stingy tear!)

Sector ZERO (head teacher) "Complaint"

Collective from... class of graduation... g.

We, the undersigned students... of the class, protest against the intention of the administration... of school N... to “push” us out of the walls of our native school, thereby completely depriving us of our childhood.
We demand that you keep us for a second year and provide the traditionally warm atmosphere, kind attitude and great love.
We hope that our complaint will be resolved. We tearfully ask, we beg, we believe, we love, we kiss...
Always yours, students... of the class.

Sector 4 (to the chemist) "Oath"

(read solemnly)
I, (last name, first name, patronymic), in front of my colleagues, solemnly swear that I will never forget either you or the lessons held in your class, after which my hair stood on end. I will forever remember your incomparable written works, inimitable oral answers, unique (no matter how hard you try) experiments.
I promise that all the canons of my science, so carefully crammed into your heads, will not change in the next 10 years and will not let you down in difficult times.
I swear that I conducted my lessons sincerely, selflessly, putting all my soul, heart and other organs into them.

Sector 5 (for foreigners) "A little ditty"

(read sweetly)
Hello, dear friend.
Today I will tell you a little fairy tale. Once upon a time there was a school. And then one day little stupid kids came into it. Why small and stupid? Because they came to school! Well, once they arrived, they began to study. They studied, studied, and completed their studies to the point that they became big and smart.
And everything would be fine, but suddenly, out of nowhere, it was time for them to leave this school. But they just didn’t want to leave. Because smart kids understand that school is good.
Well, that's the end of my little fairy tale. Don't rush out of school, kid.

Sector "Musical break"(concert number - )

Sector 7 (physical education teachers) "Instructions"

(read in duet)
Instructions for use... class.
Clause 1: Exploitation of... the class is prohibited.
Point 2: If you really want to exploit... a class, see point 1.
Clause 3: In an emergency situation, the operation of... the class should not exceed the norm specified in clause 1.
Clause 4: In peacetime, operation of... the class is permitted in accordance with clause 1 of these instructions.
Point 5: Look at point 1 again and wish... the class a bon voyage!

Sector 8 (to the biologist) "Report on the experiment"

(read businesslike)
As a result of a survey carried out in the period from... to... it was established that there was an organic form of life in... the school in the form of... a class.
A series of experiments conducted by school teachers showed the high viability and adaptability of the mentioned community of organisms. Positive reflexes and reactions to external stimuli suggest that this species is suitable for existence in external environment and could be released within the next month.
Head laboratory (last name, first name, patronymic).

At the end of the performance, students take turns giving flowers to their teachers to the music of “The Little Prince.”

Thank you, dear teachers,
For the time that was given to us.
For all our successes, achievements,
For your hard work and for your patience!

Low bow to you, to the ground
For the days that we all spent together.
Will always remain in my soul and memory
Teachers and school years.

Wherever the road takes us,
And no matter how we zigzag along it,
We will remember you more than once, dear and strict,
Teachers who taught us with their souls,

There are not enough words to say thank you,
When the last bell rings
In a deserted classroom she froze beautifully,
Raising a pointer, a hand in the air,

You have invested everything you have in us,
You gave us both wisdom and warmth,
And know, in our school all the children
We were very lucky with the teachers!

Our dear teachers, thank you for your patience and hearts of gold! We experienced a lot together during our years of study; we learned from you not only history, literature and physics, but also life. We have learned to think, communicate, feel confident in this world thanks to your experience, love for people, and sometimes a sense of humor! Good health and good students to you!

We wish you patience,
Wisdom, warmth.
Happiness, strength and inspiration,
Joy, goodness.

So that everyone respects you
And victories in everything.
And for what you gave us -
Low bow to you!

“The sound is not for the student,
And for teachers, -
You loved to repeat to us,
But everything is different now.

The last bell rang
Today just for us
And you take us on our way
And back to class again.

Thank you, teachers,
For knowledge and wisdom,
Patience, humor, optimism,
For faith in us and sensitivity.

We wish you to see
Giving back in your work,
Let your students love you
And your item to boot.

May the new day make you happy
Great mood
Recognition of your merits,
Everyone's respect.

We've been through a lot with you -
A lot of different things happened
But your love always
You, teachers, gave.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts
For the word, numbers, drawings,
For your wise origins
And very valuable lessons.

For your kind eyes,
Sometimes the right words.
You taught us everything.
Thank you for your warmth.

We wish you good luck,
Solve all new problems
Health, profit and laughter
And career success.

Happiness and kindest words,
Pupils who are diligent in class,
The best for the long term.
Today is our last call.

How many heartfelt words were spoken,
And we will repeat them more than once:
Congratulations to the teachers,
And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts
For the fact that we were raised and taught,
Educated, sowed goodness,
Skills and knowledge invested,
They gave understanding and warmth.
We wish you success and good luck,
Health and strength for many years to come,
Students who are diligent and obedient.
And we will never forget you!

For us you have become closer and dearer,
We may not always want to listen to you,
We spent many great days here:
We studied, argued, made friends and grew up.

We took a lot and succeeded a little,
They shook their nerves and did what they wanted.
And now, when the last bell rings,
We want to take off our hats and kneel.

Thank you for your loyalty and patience,
May fate please you more often,
Let the new younger generation
It will turn out to be truly brilliant!

Thank you. Even if it's a simple word
Will not express all the feelings of these years.
Thank you for putting up with us so much
And we have endured so many troubles.

Today we are leaving - a relief.
But we see tears in your eyes.
For so many years, following our lives,
You still loved us so much.

Taking us from the hands of mothers, grandmothers and aunts,
You raised, bringing knowledge.
They gave eternal, reasonable, and also
They gave each of us themselves.

Let me hug you, second mothers.
Those who showed the path of life.
Today we must say goodbye to you,
But we promise: we will visit.

It’s not easy to teach us - we know
We say thank you!
And we also congratulate you
With another call.

For some it is the last
So let him bring it
Light, goodness, hope, faith,
Joyful life is dawning.

We wish you patience
Dreams come true
In a great mood
To learn and read!

Thank you, teachers,
For being with us,
Always supported us
And they gave me so much knowledge!

Let your life be like spring
It will be full of fun
Movement, joy, warmth,
Events, moods!

Good health, love,
We wish you happiness, light,
May all your days be sunny
And summer lives in the heart!