Planting blackberries in spring - tips from summer residents. Transplanting blackberries to a new place in spring summer autumn Spring replanting blackberries

Many people prefer blackberries to raspberries, although comparing these berries is simply pointless. Both are equally tasty and healthy, which means they deserve to be neighbors in the Russian garden. Planting blackberry seedlings is not so difficult, which means it is within the capabilities of novice gardeners. Following the nuances presented below in our article, you can easily plant this crop in your garden. Don’t hesitate, and soon the blackberries will delight you with a select harvest.

Which blackberries are most often preferred to be planted?

In fact, there are a sufficient number of varieties of this berry, and our nursery presents the most popular of them. But it is worth noting that most often when mentioning blackberries, experts use words such as “bramberry” and “dewberry”. In fact, these are varieties of this crop and they differ in appearance and size of the berries:

  • bramble has an erect shoot;
  • The dewberry has creeping vines and vines.

Do not confuse dewberry with lush thickets of intertwined wild blackberries. The dewberry climbs in a cultivated manner, its vines wrap around the trellises, also giving the area a decorative appearance.

As for other differences between these varieties, they are as follows:

  • yield - dewberry yields 20 kg per bush, bramble yields one kg per shoot;
  • berry weight – 12 grams of dewberry, 4 grams of bramble;
  • winter hardiness is weak in the first, good in the second.

Remontant and thornless blackberry varieties

Remontant varieties of this berry are especially popular among Russians.

Such varieties are capable of producing several harvests per season.

Moreover, the highlight of remontant varieties is that they are able to bear fruit the next year without requiring replanting. True, such varieties require additional care. Bushes that bear fruit must be carefully protected from frost for the winter. You can cut them, but in this case the harvest next year will come later.

For the winter, blackberry bushes must be wrapped in film.

Who said there are no non-thorny blackberries? Today, breeders have developed varieties with smooth branches and no thorns. The berries of these varieties amaze with their size and taste. You can buy thornless varieties, as well as seedlings of deciduous trees in our nursery.

Blackberry planting time

Before planting, it is necessary to understand the weather factors of the growing region. They play a dominant role, because weather conditions for planting bushes in our country can vary in different regions for up to six months.

Zoned selection of blackberry varieties

The varieties of this berry must also be selected based on the climatic conditions of the growing region. Of course, the south of the country remains advantageous in the diversity of planting different varieties. It is appropriate to plant any varieties here, even those with low winter hardiness. The varieties recommended for planting in the south are “Thornfree” and “Natchez”.

For the northern regions of Russia, early varieties of this crop are suitable - “Karaka Black” and others.

Moreover, even residents of Siberia cannot deny themselves the pleasure of growing and eating blackberries in their garden. The varieties “Izobilnaya” and “Black Satin” are intended especially for these regions, as well as remote cities of the Urals.

Remontant variety Thornfree

Planting blackberries with seedlings in spring - technology and nuances of preparatory work.

Despite the vitality of this crop and the ability to reproduce in various ways, blackberries also have enemies. The main ones are excess moisture and frost. Even in southern regions with moderate winters, bush shoots must be covered for the winter. Only with proper care and watering will this fruit bush please its owners with a generous harvest of healthy and vitamin-rich berries.

We choose the place wisely.

Blackberries are a sun-loving crop, and therefore feel comfortable in areas exposed to sunlight. Ideally, these are slopes with deep groundwater, since the bush does not like stagnant water. Don’t forget about space; you need to leave room for placing trellises, because the shoots of this crop under the bunches of berries can easily break.

There is also a requirement for the soil, ideally it is loam; under no circumstances should you plant bushes in carbonate soil.

A good place for planting would be the south or southwest side of the site, at a distance of 1 meter from buildings and fences. It can also be planted near fruit and deciduous trees.

Large varieties of remontant blackberries

When choosing a place for a future “blackberry meadow”, it is also worth considering the planting method - bush or strip.

  • The first involves transplanting several cuttings into one planting hole.
  • The second is intended for planting vigorous bushes with a huge number of shoots.

How to plant blackberry seedlings in spring - step-by-step instructions

The technology for planting this crop is sequential. Initially, preparatory work is carried out, which consists of the following:

  • the planting site is cleared of weeds - wheatgrass, bindweed, woodlice and other plants are removed with their roots;
  • soil fertility increases - in the fall, fertilizers are applied - humus, potassium and superphosphate, followed by digging up the soil with half a shovel;
  • The planting area is sketched; for bush planting, the dimensions are observed - 1.8 * 1.8 m; for strip planting, 2.5 m in a row. The row spacing is 2 meters.

Planting blackberries schematically

Preparing the planting hole

When digging a hole for planting, you must adhere to the dimensions of 50 cm. The excavated soil is mixed with fertilizers, humus + potassium + superphosphate. Planting holes must be fenced with slate; this is necessary in order to prevent blackberries from spreading into neighboring areas.

The planting site is filled 2/3 with excavated soil mixed with fertilizers.

After the hole is ready, they begin to plant the bushes.

How to properly plant blackberry seedlings in spring

Many novice gardeners, when replanting blackberries, however, this also applies to other crops - fruit tree seedlings, make an important mistake.

Take note. Under no circumstances should you cover the root system in one fell swoop.

When planting, carefully shake the blackberry cuttings

The correct landing is as follows:

  1. The root system of the cuttings is carefully straightened around the perimeter of the hole.
  2. The soil is gradually filled up.
  3. The cuttings are shaken periodically to fill the voids with soil.
  4. The root collar is buried in the ground no more than 3 centimeters (if brambles are planted), but if we are talking about planting dewberries, then it should be above ground level.
  5. After falling asleep, the soil becomes compacted.
  6. A furrow for irrigation is formed around the hole.
  7. Watering is carried out - 5 liters of water per 1 shoot.
  8. Mulch the soil with straw, peat and humus.
  9. Ground cutting cuttings to 35 cm.

After planting blackberries, be sure to mulch the soil.

Proper care after landing

Caring for this fruit bush is easy. Proper care consists of observing the following rules:

  • mandatory weeding;
  • timely watering;
  • after two years of growth, fertilize with humus;
  • every year and a half, application of nitrophosphates;
  • We renew the mulch every spring.

In Russia, as a rule, gardeners give preference to more traditional berries, raspberries, currants, strawberries, etc. A relatively small percentage of summer residents are engaged in growing blackberries. This is primarily due to the fact that the berry is very prickly. Despite this fact, the plant is commercially profitable, the yield of blackberries is several times higher than that of its relative - raspberries, it is more unpretentious, capable of developing well and bearing fruit in shade and partial shade.

Autumn planting of blackberries

Despite the fact that most gardeners recommend planting blackberries in the spring, planting seedlings in the fall is also possible, and it has its advantages.

  1. In autumn, the earth is warm enough; warm soil for rooting is important for blackberries.
  2. Gentle sun. In spring, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation is higher, and there is a risk of burns.
  3. The plant takes root better
  4. The next season, blackberries do not waste energy on rooting; plant development begins much earlier.

It must be taken into account that autumn planting is not advisable in the northern regions, in northern Siberia, Transbaikalia, etc.

Soil preparation

When planting, it is worth considering that the plant is moisture-loving. Since in dry weather you will have to water, sometimes three times a week, choose a place near a water source or take care of the water supply in advance. Drainage is also necessary.

The berry prefers soil with a high acidity content. Perform a soil acidity test (for details, see Here ), if the soil is not acidic enough, then special substances are added, for example, potassium sulfate, which can be replaced with fresh manure. When decomposed, manure oxidizes the soil and, in addition, enriches it with nitrogen. Consider the structure of the soil. Blackberries need clay, heavy soil, one that retains moisture for a long time.

Although the plant has the ability to develop and bear fruit well both in partial shade and in the shade, however, in the sun, the berry will be born sweeter and larger. Based on this, it makes sense, if possible, to plant blackberries in a sunny place.

Landing technology

As noted above, autumn planting of blackberries is justified only in temperate climates, in the southern and central regions of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Southern Kazakhstan, etc. Planting date is the last ten days of September. Considering the tendency for the bush to grow strongly, the distance between plants should be at least a couple of meters. This is also due to the convenience of picking berries, since the plant, as a rule, has sharp, abundant thorns. You can avoid this inconvenience by choosing thornless and remontant varieties for planting (the rules for planting and caring for such varieties differ from traditional types).

Dig the planting hole based on the size of the seedling; the roots of the plant should be located freely in the hole, the root collar should be buried at least five centimeters. Typically the volume of the pit is 40 cm 3 . The fertile layer (top), set aside and mix it in equal parts with loam and humus, one hundred grams of superphosphate, 30 grams of potassium sulfate. Place fresh manure or compost (not rotted) at the bottom of the planting hole.

Place a mound of earth in the center of the hole, place the seedling on it with the central part of the root, straighten the roots, cover with earthen mixture, compacting it tightly so that the soil adheres as tightly as possible to the roots. The plant should be positioned strictly vertically. After planting blackberries in the fall, water with mullein, compost slurry, and add a ten-centimeter layer of mulch. Before the first frost, water generously one more time. Cover the plant for the winter to prevent weathering and freezing.

Planting time: spring or autumn?

Amateur gardeners are big fans of chatting about plants - the yield of a particular variety of fruit bush, tree, methods of propagation, fertilizer, etc. But one of the most controversial issues is the timing of planting young plants. Everyone has their own view on this, and of course, their own compelling arguments. Let's consider both planting options, but we should immediately note that both seasons are good for planting, although they also have disadvantages.

Planting blackberries in spring

Need to know! Placing a seedling in a permanent place in the spring stimulates its rapid growth and development of the root system. In spring it is easier to control the condition of young bushes. However, the plant is more likely to be damaged by harmful insects, diseases, drought, of course, with improper care.

Blackberries are an unpretentious plant, but they still require attention if the gardener wants to get the maximum benefit from the bush.

Proper spring planting of blackberries begins with choosing a location. The plant needs good lighting, with possible protection from the winds. Blackberries are “indifferent” to soils; they grow in almost any soil, as long as they are not waterlogged. Where blackberry bushes are planted, the groundwater horizon should not be closer to the soil surface than one to one and a half meters.

What should a seedling be like?

The decisive factor for successful planting is the choice of planting material. Buying a blackberry seedling at a regular market is like buying a pig in a poke. It is better to visit a special fruit plant nursery, store or exhibition, and order a variety that interests you, a new one, from the online store.

When purchasing, you need to carefully examine the root of the young plant; it must have at least three ten-centimeter shoots and a basal bud. The seedling should have 2-3 stems with fresh green leaves.

Need to know! A seedling with rotten areas on the roots and mechanical damage to the stem will most likely not take root, and even if it grows, it will take a long time to wait for a harvest from it. Various types of defects directly indicate that the planting material has long been removed from the soil.

The seedling is checked for survival by carefully cutting the bark. If the stem is green under the bark, the plant is viable. Brown color indicates that the blackberry is unsuitable for planting.

Blackberry Neighbors

When setting up a berry garden, it is advisable to avoid areas where vegetables previously grew. After them, a disease that is bad for shrubs may remain in the soil - late blight, which is very fond of young plants.

It’s good when there are trellises with raspberries nearby. Gardeners often practice growing these two crops in the same garden. Caring for raspberries and blackberries, growing and propagating techniques are very similar.

Landing distances

In the case when the blackberries are not tied to the trellis, the distance to neighboring shrubs and trees should be at least one and a half to two meters. At such a distance, the blackberry has room to grow, and the neighboring tree will not experience discomfort from branches climbing over it.

When grown on a trellis, the distance between seedlings should be within one meter, and between the rows - two and a half.

Pit, planting depth, fertilizers

To plant a seedling, prepare a hole measuring 40 x 40 cm and 40 cm deep. The hole is filled to half the depth with a mixture of fertilizers, which includes:

  • The main ingredient is manure, 5-6 kg,
  • Potassium fertilizer – 50-60 g,
  • Phosphate fertilizer – 100-150 g.

When seedlings with an open root system are prepared for the berry garden, planting should be done as soon as possible, with the onset of warm weather. If the seedling is grown in a plastic cup or cut-off PET bottle, you can take your time with rooting.

The landing process looks like this:

  • If the roots are opened, they are inspected, if necessary, damaged shoots are cut off, and the cut sites are disinfected. When the seedling is placed in the hole, the roots are straightened, carefully covered with soil removed from the hole,
  • A seedling from a pot is simply placed in a hole and covered with soil. In this case, the plant is removed from the pot along with the planting soil, without shaking it off from the roots.

After any planting method, the soil near the seedling is mulched with the available material - sawdust, shavings, pine needles.

Need to know! For blackberry seedlings, after planting, it is necessary to regularly destroy weeds and loosen the soil around the trunks. Thus, the soil is saturated with oxygen, and moisture penetrates faster to the roots.

Planting blackberries in autumn

Gardeners who are just starting to grow blackberries are afraid to root the plants in place before winter. On the contrary, people with experience try to renew their berry garden at this time. In principle, both the first and second are right - each season has its own merits, and the period of spring or autumn is determined by objective reasons.

What is good about autumn planting?

Choosing the most effective time to plant blackberries does not differ in any special techniques from other garden plants. The benefits are as follows:

  • Wide range of planting material. By autumn, nurseries are preparing large batches of seedlings of various varieties,
  • Autumn rains saturate the soil well, and after planting, the blackberry seedling does not experience moisture deficiency and does not need watering,
  • In winter, the roots of the seedling, although slowly, develop, and by spring they become strong, and with the onset of warm days, the bush actively grows, ahead of the spring-planted seedlings,
  • There is no need to worry about winter storage of planting material.

Need to know! When planting blackberries in the fall, you need to take into account the climate. If in the southern regions planting can last until December 15, then in the middle zone - from mid-October to mid-November.

For blackberries, one of the main factors for successful establishment is well-warmed soil. Autumn is more favorable in this aspect; in spring it is quite possible to miss the moment when the heat comes.

Site preparation for spring-planted blackberry seedlings can be done in the fall or early winter. For autumn planting, the site is prepared 2-3 weeks before the start of work.

All other aspects - the choice of seedling, planting location, the distances between plants are the same as for planting in the spring.

Blackberries planted in autumn must be reliably protected from winter cold.


I would like to note that even experienced summer residents and blackberry lovers are not immune from annoying mistakes; the most common ones are:

  • Mistakes when choosing a seedling,
  • Buying planting material from a dubious place and trusting unscrupulous sellers,
  • Generous feeding of plants can cause their death.

What to do if this still happened and the seedlings were not accepted? Do not despair if a disaster affects you in the fall; prepare your own material for autumn planting. If trouble happens in the fall, you need to prepare for spring planting. Nothing terrible happened, and the gardener gains a wealth of experience and will not allow such incidents to happen again.

Planting in autumn: all the pros and cons

Gardeners have not come to a consensus when it is better to plant blackberries in spring or autumn. Some say that it must be in the spring, while others argue that the season does not matter for planting.

Any opinion has its place, so let’s consider all the pros and cons regarding this issue. Let's start with the very first thing that people pay attention to when planting seedlings of this plant. The earth must be warmed up and properly prepared.

And everyone advises preparing the land, that is, clearing it of weeds and applying fertilizers, in the fall. Regarding the soil temperature, it is natural that in the autumn it is better warmed up than in the spring.

On the other hand, we can say that if seedlings planted in autumn tolerate winter cold well, they will certainly be more resistant to weather conditions next year and less susceptible to diseases. Frost-resistant varieties will not be harmed by frost in principle.

But on the other hand, the scorching summer sun can destroy them. If the summer is very hot, then the plants can simply “burn out”. In autumn, the sun is gentle, so the plants feel comfortable and death from the sun can definitely be avoided.

Selection of seedlings

Experienced gardeners advise buying blackberry seedlings from special nurseries that breed blackberries. There is a variety of varieties of both ordinary garden and remanent species.

The latter is now becoming increasingly popular due to the fact that it bears fruit longer and is more resistant to both weather conditions and diseases. There are planting materials with high and low levels of shoot formation.
This also needs to be taken into account when choosing based on the amount of space allocated for planting. You should choose annual plants with several branches more than half a centimeter in diameter.

Choosing and preparing a place

Before planting blackberries in the fall, you need to decide on a planting site and prepare it.

In order for the plant to feel good, it needs a sunny place. You also need to remember that blackberries produce a lot of shoots, so a distance of about 1.5 m should be maintained from the place where they are planted to buildings and fences.
The crop gives a good harvest if the soil is well moistened and fertile. Therefore, before planting blackberries in the fall, it is recommended to fertilize them. Due to the fact that the roots of the plant lie deeper than those of raspberries, the soil is loosened to a depth of 0.5 m.

About 5 kg of manure or compost, up to 150 g of superphosphate and three times less potash fertilizers are added to the pit.

It is important to mix fertilizers well with the soil so that plant roots do not come into contact with them. Gardeners say that after such fertilization the soil is fertile for about 4 years.

Planting scheme

The planting scheme for garden blackberries directly depends on whether the plant will produce many or few shoots. If the formation of low-level shoots, the so-called bush method is used. Several seedlings are placed in one hole, the distance between them should be slightly more than 1.5 m.

The tape planting method assumes a high level of shoot formation. Each seedling is planted in a separate hole in a row, the distance between which is about a meter. The width between rows is from 2 to 2.5 m.

When planting, the roots of the plant are well straightened, sprinkled with soil and watered. It is important that no air pockets form and that the bud is at least 3 cm above the ground.

The time to plant blackberries in the fall is from the end of summer until the first serious cold weather. September is best for this. It is warm enough and the plant will have time to take root before the cold weather.

Shelter for the winter

Blackberries need pruning in the fall. This is both a stage of preparation for wintering and preparation for greater yield next year. Only shoots that bear fruit this year need to be pruned. If there were no fruits, like seedlings, then the plant is simply cut off by 10-20 cm.

For the winter, the bushes are insulated to protect them from frost. The lashes are laid, a little peat or sawdust is poured under the root and they and the shoots are covered with agrofibre, spruce branches or roofing felt with a layer of up to 15 cm. You can first cover them with corn leaves and then cover them with film. The plant usually does not wither under cover.

Features of caring for blackberries in autumn

If you decide to plant blackberries in the fall, then the seedlings periodically need to be watered and the soil loosened. You can also treat them against diseases and pests. The easiest way to do this is to prepare a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide per liter of water and spray the shoots.

This solution can be used to water the soil after planting up to twice a month. This will neutralize the soil from pests, fertilize the roots and give them additional oxygen.

The plant should not be planted next to raspberries. Since it multiplies faster, the raspberries will simply disappear. Blackberries are a fairly unpretentious plant with a much higher yield than raspberries. She feels great in our climatic conditions.

It can be planted both in spring and summer, while following a few mandatory recommendations. Blackberries do not bear fruit the first year after planting, so with proper care, expect an excellent harvest next year.

Types of blackberries

Without exception, all blackberry varieties can be divided into three main types: bramble (distinguished by upright growing stems), dewberry (with weaving branches) and semi-creeping intermediate species.

Kumanika is a plant with upright growing stems, which is characterized by reproduction by root sprouts. It is this group that includes the majority of varieties that easily survive the winter, even if they are not covered. For example, one of the most resistant varieties is Flint, which can tolerate temperatures down to -40 degrees.

Dewberries are characterized by creeping shoots with large and juicy berries. These varieties can be propagated by cuttings or by rooting the tops. Garden blackberries of these varieties are more productive, but withstand winter more difficult; they must be protected from frost.

If we talk about intermediate forms, more than enough of them have appeared recently. They vary slightly in terms of fruiting, fruit shape, and degree of resistance to pests and diseases.

And recently something new has appeared: thornless blackberries are now available to gardeners. The berries on such plants are absolutely not inferior in taste and commercial quality to their prickly counterparts, but the harvesting process is greatly simplified.

Preparing for landing

If you are planning to plant blackberries in the fall, pay special attention to the development of the root system: the roots of the seedling should be well developed. It is also important to find out the characteristics of a particular variety in order to plant the crop correctly, observing the terms and conditions.

Of course, planting blackberry bushes in the fall requires exclusively frost-resistant varieties - after all, the young plant will have to survive a cold winter.

You can plant bushes by choosing the right place: it should be well protected from the winds, have a sufficient level of lighting all winter and warm up well. Blackberries are a moisture-loving crop; this is also important to take into account before planting the bush in the chosen location.

Another important stage in preparing for planting berries in the fall is the condition of the soil, because it is better not to replant the bush. The selected area must be completely free of weeds, you need to properly loosen it - carefully dig up the place where you plan to plant it, to a depth of up to half a meter.

Material selection

The further preservation and development of the shrub depends on what you plant. Therefore, when choosing planting material, it is important to follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Decide in advance on the variety you want to purchase.
  2. It is better to buy seedlings at agricultural fairs, gardening centers, from trusted distributors, and in nurseries. Don't buy from random sellers standing on the road.
  3. If you decide to come to the nursery to pick up a bush, you must be provided with a certificate confirming the variety of blackberry.
  4. It is better to buy seedlings in special containers. In this case, there is no risk of a weak and diseased root system. Also, keeping the sprout this way will provide you with convenience during planting.
  5. Make sure that the seedling is healthy, there are no broken branches or dry leaves, indicating plant diseases.
  6. For autumn planting in open ground, you should not choose seedlings with an open root system. They are better suited for spring, when the roots have time to grow and gain strength. In the fall, such shoots may die.
  7. When purchasing, ask the seller about all the characteristics of the variety in order to comply with the correct planting dates.

By following these rules, you will purchase high-quality planting material that can withstand harsh winters and begin growth on time in the spring.

Landing conditions

Where to plant on the site? Of course, the main condition for autumn planting is the right location.

  1. Watering should be organized near the future place of growth of the bush, that is, it is better to place the planting site near an artificial reservoir so that after wintering regular watering is convenient.
  2. The place must be cleared of weeds and dug up in advance.
  3. Remember that garden blackberries do not tolerate excessive constant humidity, so it is better to avoid a place where there is accumulation of water or arrange drainage in the hole.
  4. The earth should be well warmed up, so it is better to plant the seedling in sunny autumn weather.
  5. It is better to plant on loamy, clayey soil, with the addition of black soil, so that in the future dry summer the earth ball retains moisture.
  6. The selected area must be protected from winds on all sides.

In cases where several rooted shoots have been acquired, do not waste space, as blackberries produce shoots up to 5-7 m in length. Do not overcrowd your blackberry plantings (you can read how to properly prune in the fall here). The distance between bushes and rows must be planned in advance. The planting scheme is as follows: between bushes up to three meters, between rows up to two meters. This arrangement will provide convenience when harvesting.

Important! Make sure that the distance from the blackberry bed to the fence or outbuilding is at least 1.5 m. You should also take into account that blackberries cannot be planted in the garden area where vegetables were the predecessor.

In the first year, blackberries do not bear fruit, only side shoots develop, and the bush gains strength for growth. Fruiting begins in the second year, so this should be taken into account when establishing support. It is better to make it in two rows on both sides of the bush. One-year shoots are placed on one side, which will subsequently be covered for the winter; on the other side, second-year shoots are cut out in the fall. This aspect should be taken into account in advance, during autumn planting.

Rules for choosing a variety

This point should also be taken into account in the article.

  1. When choosing a blackberry variety for autumn planting, remember that it will have to survive a harsh winter, so give preference to winter-hardy varieties.
  2. Consider future propagation of the variety. After the blackberries begin to bear fruit in full, you will want to propagate the bush. Some varieties are reluctant to produce root shoots, so they are planted only with rooted cuttings.
  3. Thornless blackberries will surprise you, as harvesting will become much easier.
  4. Consider the timing of berry ripening.

Today, many varieties have been developed: blackberries without and with thorns, sweet and sour, round and elongated (examples of varieties: Thornfree, Agawam, Black Satin, etc.). Therefore, when choosing a variety, you need to study all the characteristics in advance in order to get the maximum yield and be satisfied with the berries.

Benefits of autumn planting

Gardeners often debate when to plant blackberries in the fall or spring. There is no consensus. There are some benefits to fall planting.

  1. During planting, the soil should be well warmed up. This usually happens in the fall.
  2. Autumn seedlings take root better than in spring, since the spring sun is hotter and there is a possibility of burns, which can cause the seedling to die.
  3. If you plant bushes early in the fall, they will have more time to take root than just planted ones.
  4. Autumn cuttings and seedlings become stronger the next year and can withstand any vicissitudes of the weather.

Therefore, if you decide to grow blackberries on your plot, take the listed tips into account and wait for a beneficial harvest.

Today, blackberries are increasingly grown in garden plots. Thanks to modern selection, it has become non-thorny, which is why it is becoming one of the favorite berries. Our information on how to properly plant and care for a young seedling can serve as instructions for a novice gardener.

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What is the difference between a berry and a fruit?

Scientists do not use the term “fruit”, replacing it with the word “fruit”. This definition is used to describe the edible part of vegetation formed as a result of pollination of a flower or ovary. Vegetables do not belong to this variety.

Fruits include:

  • apple,
  • pear,
  • plum,
  • peach,
  • cherry,
  • Pennsylvanian waxwort,
  • cherry plum

Experts classify as berries all fruits that develop from a single ovary and have juicy pulp and many small seeds. The ovary, in the process of ripening the berry, is transformed into a pericarp, suitable for consumption. The fruits in question may have up to several carpels with a thin shell. This category also includes foods that are familiar to everyone, such as gooseberries, watermelon or banana. Wikipedia confirms the described theory.

The seeds in the berries are embedded in the pulp, with the exception of peppers. Its seeds are located in the inner hollow part of the fruit.

Examples of real berries:

  • banana,
  • avocado,
  • cranberry,
  • Rowan,
  • gooseberry,
  • currant.
Why don't all berries have seeds in the center? Experts distinguish the concept of false berries or multi-nuts. These include fruits that have seeds on the surface or just under the shell, for example, strawberries or raspberries.

False berries also develop on the lower ovary. Their peculiarity is that flower tissues located outside the ovary develop in the structure of the berry.

Example of false berries:

  • strawberries,
  • raspberries,
  • blackberry.

In everyday life, berries are usually called all fruits that have a sweet and sour taste and are small in size. There should be no large seeds inside; edible seeds are not taken into account.

Citrus fruits are considered modified berries with thick skin and juicy pulp. Experts gave these fruits the name orange. Fruits with even thicker skins, such as squash or zucchini, are berries, but have a special name - pumpkins.

How to distinguish a berry from a fruit

In botany there is no concept - “Fruit”. Everything that develops from the ovary is considered a fruit. Berries belong to this category, only they have a narrower name “multi-seeded fruit”. We can summarize - everything that has juicy pulp and many small seeds inside are berries, and everything else is fruit.

Popularly, all small-sized fruits with a pleasant, sweet and sour taste and bright skin color are usually called berries, regardless of the category to which botanists classify these products. All fruits that cannot be picked up with two fingers are usually called fruits.

Berries are usually consumed one at a time or in whole handfuls. You can’t do this with fruit; it’s too big and requires biting off pieces.

Plant products are distinguished by the type of growth. Everything that grows on herbaceous plants or shrubs is berries, and only fruits grow on trees. But it should be noted that there are inconsistencies in this theory, since rowan is a berry, despite the fact that it grows on a tree.

Some fruits that grow on cultivated plants are considered fruits. And the berries can be either cultivated or wild. Small fruits can be edible or poisonous. Fruits do not have such a division.

How to explain to a child

In order for a child to have a correct understanding of the world from childhood, he needs to be told about the difference between a berry and a fruit and a vegetable.

For children, information becomes most accessible if it is presented with a clear example.

To explain what a berry is, the child should be shown a cross-section of the product so that he can clearly see that the fruit in question has fleshy pulp and many seeds inside. It is most convenient to do this using the example of gooseberries, since they have a clear structure.

In order for a child to understand the differences between a berry and a fruit, you should invite him to compare an apple and a grape. The first has a dense structure, large sizes and dense seeds separated from the pulp by a dense partition; the structure of the grapes is significantly different; like most berries, it is soft and juicy, and the seeds are located in direct contact with the tissues of the fruit.

Of course, the berry is also useful during pregnancy; children love it. Therefore, I recommend that everyone find out in detail what is so special about watermelon? Below in the photo you can see what it looks like, the method of growing watermelon in a greenhouse.

To learn more about the berry and its benefits for the body, read our articles below, and also see photos of what the berry looks like.

Eating blackberries can normalize blood pressure and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The benefits for women are invaluable! Thanks to the berry, the skin rejuvenates, becomes firm and elastic.

Below you can see a photo of what blackberries look like and what varieties there are. And also read interesting articles to learn a lot of new things!

Blueberries help normalize blood pressure, improve vision and restore intestinal microflora.

You can read more about the beneficial and medicinal properties of the berry in our articles in this section. And also see photos of what blueberries look like, how they grow and how to pick them.

Useful properties of roots

In addition to the juicy fruits, which are the most popular part of the rose hip for preparing medicines, the rhizome of the plant is used in folk medicine. It consists of the following useful components:

  • flavonoids,
  • Kakhetians,
  • triterpenoids,
  • tannins.
Its roots have pronounced anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. Decoctions, infusions and tinctures from the underground part of the plant are used to treat digestive disorders and inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.

Medicines containing rosehip rhizome normalize hormonal levels and accelerate metabolic processes in the body. They are used for gout, muscle pain and pain in the joints, for cramps in the limbs.
Important! After a stroke, it is recommended to take baths with the addition of a decoction of the plant’s root.
Remedies in various dosage forms, which are prepared based on the rhizome, have a positive effect on the liver, kidneys, and gall bladder. They are able to remove stones and sand from these organs.

Despite the beneficial properties of the underground part of the rose hip, medications using the rhizome should be taken with caution. They slow down the process of bile formation, which can cause constipation. Also, rosehip root is contraindicated for people who are prone to blood clots.

Rosehip flowers

The flowers of this plant have also found use in folk medicine due to their unique composition:

  • essential and fatty oils,
  • acids,
  • glycosides,
  • flavonoids,
  • tannins and other elements.
Medicines containing flowers have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. A decoction from this part of the plant is used in the treatment of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and stomatitis. Use internally helps strengthen the heart muscle.

Rosehip oil

An oily extract is made from this plant, which has many properties. It contains fatty acids (linolenic, stearic, oleic, palmitic), vitamins A, E, C, F and other useful components.

Due to its unique composition, rosehip oil is used as a choleretic agent. It can be used as a medicine to treat hepatitis and cholecystitis. An additional effect that can be obtained by consuming the oily extract is improved digestion. Also, this medicine significantly lowers cholesterol in the blood, which will be useful in the presence of atherosclerosis.

Rosehip oil can be used as a general tonic to saturate the body with useful substances during the period of spring vitamin deficiency. It increases metabolism and even promotes weight loss.

This medicinal substance is also used as an external agent:

  • for nursing mothers who have cracked nipples,
  • to improve skin condition. It becomes more elastic, moisturized, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, irritation is eliminated,
  • for healing wounds, scratches, abrasions,
  • with stomatitis,
  • eliminates age spots.
Important! Rosehip oil can be instilled into the nose for rhinitis, runny nose, and pharyngitis. Also use on the face for wrinkles.

Medicinal properties of fruits

The juicy fruits of the bush contain a large number of useful substances that have the healing properties of rose hips:

  • plant fibers and various acids,
  • tannins,
  • vitamins – C, PP, K, E, B6,
  • minerals – molybdenum, calcium, magnesium, potassium and others,
  • essential substances.
Important! Rose hips contain phytoncides, carotene, organic acids, and tannins.
Teas and decoctions from the fruit are used as a general tonic for children, during pregnancy and for women who are breastfeeding. These medications can be safely used in the presence of fever, muscle pain, cough, runny nose, when most medications are contraindicated. They can also be used to prevent colds.

Rosehip has a positive effect on the circulatory system and metabolic processes in the body. It is used in the treatment of scurvy, anemia, inflammation of the bladder, and kidneys.

Products containing the fruits of the plant have choleretic properties and remove excess fluid from the body, which can accumulate in tissues. Regular consumption of teas with rose hips normalizes blood pressure, improves the functioning of the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, and intestines. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Read! How to brew rosehip and drink it to treat various diseases can be found in our article.

Rosehip infusion

It is used to improve well-being during colds and flu, stimulates the digestive system, cleanses the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, and saturates the body with useful substances.
Important! Rosehip infusion can be used to rinse the mouth for bleeding gums and stomatitis. If you want to brew dried rose hips, read our article on how to do it.
To prepare the medicine, use two or three handfuls of dry fruits of the bush, which need to be placed in a thermos and pour 930 ml of boiling water. Infuse the healing liquid for 24 hours, after which it can be used internally.

Drink three cups of rosehip infusion per day. During treatment, do not drink more than a liter of liquid per day. To improve the taste, add a spoonful of natural honey or sugar to the prepared medicine.

Product for men

Hawthorn in combination with rose hips has a positive effect on the sexual function of men.

Recipe for preparing a healing remedy:

  1. Use 1 tbsp. l. hawthorn, which needs to be filled with 230 ml of hot rosehip infusion.
  2. Place this liquid in a small container in a water bath. Keep on low heat for 18 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and leave in an airtight container for 50 minutes.
  4. Strain the prepared infusion and take warm.
An hour before your main meals, drink the product, dividing it into small portions.

Contraindications for use

Rosehip infusion is very beneficial for the human body, but it should be taken with caution when:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum,
  • with gastritis, which is accompanied by high acidity,
  • with thrombophlebitis.
Prepared medications contain a large amount of acids, so after using them you must rinse your mouth with plain water. Also, you should not take products containing rose hips for a long time. It is best to undergo short courses of treatment of 7-10 days each with short breaks.

How to choose and prepare a place for blackberries

The site for planting blackberries must be correctly selected and prepared. The best place for the culture is a sunny area of ​​the garden protected from the wind. Blackberries have a hard time taking root in dry areas, but stagnation of water is even more destructive for them - the roots rot and the bush dies. The depth of groundwater should not be higher than 1.5 m. A site along the fence, located on the south or southwest side of the site, is suitable.

The berry bush feels great on fertile loams. The conditions for good bush growth and high yields are prepared in advance - the soil is dug up to 0.5 m and fertilizers are applied:

  • 5 kg. rotted manure or compost,
  • 150 g superphosphate,
  • 50 g potassium salts*.

* Proportions are based on 1 planting hole

The applied fertilizer is mixed well with the soil. The presented dose of fertilizer is enough for 3-4 years of growing season.

How to choose seedlings for autumn planting

The accumulated many years of experience in planting blackberry bushes for the winter shows that frost-resistant varieties take root well with almost a 100% guarantee - they should be preferred by gardeners in the Central region and Siberia.

Criteria for successful selection of planting material:

  1. for planting, you should purchase only zoned varieties of berry bushes,
  2. when choosing from those zoned, it should be taken into account that erect (or semi-glazed) varieties of blackberries tolerate cold winters much better,
  3. For more convenient planting and subsequent care, it is better to choose varieties without thorns. It is important to remember that thornless varieties should be propagated from stem cuttings. When using root cuttings, the resulting plant may have thorns,
  4. When choosing between regular and remontant varieties, it should be taken into account that the formation of berries on 1-year-old shoots requires careful care and adherence to the feeding regimen of the bushes. On the other hand, remontant plants get sick less, hybrids have a high natural level of immunity,
  5. Depending on their own preferences, when purchasing seedlings of a new variety, gardeners take into account the tendency to shoot shoots, high or low.

Main selection criterion: A 1-year-old seedling with a developed root system must have several shoots at least 0.5 cm thick. Preference should be given to seedlings with a closed root system (in a planting container) - such plants take root with a survival rate close to 100%.

Industrial plantations with intensive agricultural technology

  • in a row: 0.7 - 1.0 m.,
  • between rows: 1.7 - 2.0 m.,

* Data are provided subject to cultivation on private farms and manual processing of plantings.

High plant density (40-45 bushes per 1 sq.m.) is possible only with intensive agricultural technology - drip irrigation, intensive fertilizing, etc.

Krasnodar region

Risk factors: lack of moisture, dry winds,

Ways to solve the problem: late planting (until mid-December) with high-quality watering and mandatory mulching.

North-West region

Risk factors: wetland,

Ways to solve the problem: planting at the end of October - beginning of November (rainy period). Mulching is intended to protect the seedling from frost.

Risk factors: severe frosts and winds,

Ways to solve the problem: It is necessary to take care of wind protection - place the planting correctly. All operations in the garden must be completed before the first frost. Be sure to mulch the beds and install snow retention shields.

It would not be amiss to remind you once again that all varieties must be zoned. For example, southern large-fruited early varieties accustomed to drought will die in the high humidity conditions of the North-West.

Correctly (and at the optimal time) planting guarantees good survival of seedlings and a quick start of growth processes in spring.

Features of autumn planting blackberries

Like most berry bushes, blackberry seedlings are best planted early or late in the growing season when the plants are dormant. The autumn planting method has some advantages:

  • for successful rooting, blackberry bushes need warm soil, and in the fall the soil has not yet cooled down after summer,
  • prolonged autumn rains allow you not to worry about watering young plants, since there is enough moisture,
  • immediately after planting, the plant spends all its energy on high-quality rooting, trying to develop the root system to the maximum, and in the spring it immediately begins to grow,
  • Next year you can expect the first harvest.

It is better to plant blackberries in the fall, when the plant goes into a dormant state.

A significant disadvantage of autumn planting of blackberry seedlings is the possibility of freezing in winter.

There are no blackberries on my plot. Although a couple of years ago in the spring I tried to plant a bush. The seedling has taken root well and has sprouted several new shoots. But it did not survive the winter, although the variety was quite frost-resistant and zoned for the Siberian climate. Believing the seller, I did not cover the plant for the winter.

Landing dates

The exact time for planting blackberry bushes greatly depends on the local climate. The main thing is to place the plant in the ground 20–30 days before the onset of real cold weather. The seedling must have time to take root well in its new location.

Blackberry seedlings must have time to take root before the start of winter.

In northern regions with harsh climatic conditions, planting is carried out from the end of September until the first days of October. The mild, warm climate of the southern regions makes it possible to postpone this period until November and even mid-December.

A blackberry bush planted in autumn develops its root system until frost, when the soil temperature drops to -4 °C.

Selection and preparation of a site for blackberries

Blackberries are in dire need of sun and warmth. For it, you need to select the sunniest area, which is protected from cold gusty winds from all sides. This berry bush feels very poorly and does not take root well in dry places; it requires constant light moisture. But excess moisture, swampiness and close groundwater levels (above 1.5 m) are destructive for the crop.

Blackberry bushes grow best on moisture-intensive, fertile, rather heavy clay and loamy soils. Even on hot summer days, the soil should hold water well and not dry out. It will not be possible to obtain a good harvest on sandy and rocky soils that do not retain moisture well.

Heavy clay carbonate soils rich in magnesium and calcium salts are not suitable for blackberries.

The area for blackberries needs to be dug up well

About 2–3 weeks before planting, the area intended for blackberries must be weeded and dug to a depth of at least 0.45–0.5 m, simultaneously selecting the roots of perennial weeds. Then planting holes are prepared with a diameter of about 0.5–0.55 m and a depth of up to 0.5 m. The extracted fertile soil is mixed with:

  • humus or rotted compost - 9–10 kg,
  • superphosphate - 45–50 g,
  • potassium sulfate - 25–50 g,
  • wood ash - 100–150 g.

The resulting soil mixture fills the hole to 2/3 of its volume.

The planting pit is filled with mineral and organic fertilizers

You can add any autumn phosphorus-potassium mineral complexes with a minimum nitrogen content.

Step-by-step instructions for planting blackberries in the fall

Direct planting work is carried out as follows:

At least 3 m is left between individual specimens, rows are placed at a distance of about 2 m from each other. When planting blackberries along a fence or wall of a building, you must retreat at least 1.5 m, since the bushes grow very much.

Video: features of autumn planting blackberries

Breeders have developed many varieties of winter-hardy and even thornless blackberries, so you should not be afraid to plant this crop in your summer cottages. If you follow the rules of agricultural technology and appropriate care, you will be able to enjoy the taste of these wonderful berries even in the northern regions.

Watch the video: Answers to 21 questions about garden strawberries Tatyana. Secrets of good harvests. (November 2019).

Transplanting blackberries to a new location in the spring should be done before the buds open. In May, intense sap flow begins, and any movement will damage the bush. Autumn replanting is desirable in the period from September 20 to October 10, that is, before the onset of frost, so that the plant has time to strengthen. Let us tell you more about the transplant and its nuances.

Why do you need to replant blackberries?

Blackberries need to be transplanted to a new place to renew and rejuvenate the bush, because after 5-10 years in one place it grows old and the yield decreases. With periodic replanting, the crop will bear fruit and develop better. In addition, the soil also becomes poorer - from time to time you need to change the place so that the soil can rest. Gardeners recommend dividing and replanting overgrown bushes.

When can you replant blackberries to another place?

Transplantation can begin in early spring before sap flow or in autumn, when the fruits have already been harvested. Most gardeners recommend doing this in the fall. The fact is that in early spring the soil is most often frozen, and replanting is simply technically difficult. But autumn transplantation is ideal for central and southern Russia, where there are no early frosts and frosts in winter are moderate.

Is it possible to replant blackberries in the spring?

In the spring, mostly thornless varieties of blackberries are replanted - they have “indications” for this. Or in regions where early spring is warm and the soil is ready for replanting.

Is it possible to replant blackberries in summer?

There are disputes between specialists regarding the summer transplant. It is believed that any plant can be replanted all year round. But if the variety is beloved and rare, then it’s better not to risk it. If you want to try, you need to follow the recommendations:

  1. The transplant should be carried out early in the morning or after sunset, when there is no longer sun. Or in cloudy weather.
  2. Seedlings should not be left in the sun - they will quickly wither. It is necessary to dig up and plant immediately.
  3. After transplanting, you need to create artificial shade for the blackberries (pull an awning, for example).
  4. The first week will require abundant watering.

Transplanting blackberries in autumn

In the fall, it is worth replanting blackberries to a new place in those regions where there is a warm, long autumn and light frosts. In the fall, you can transplant not only adult bushes, but also young shoots - offspring from the mother bush. The task is simplified by the fact that over the summer a lot of such shoots will grow, they will get stronger and by the fall they will be ready for planting. This is also why autumn is considered the ideal time for replanting.

Cuttings are prepared from lignified shoots, cutting them off during autumn pruning.

Important! You can plant young shoots in the summer, in July. But at this time they are small, about 10 cm in height, and do not take root so well.

Autumn shoots are much stronger and easier to adapt.

How to replant blackberries

The method of transplanting to a new location depends on the variety:

  • creeping blackberry planted in several ways: dividing the mother bush, growing seedlings from offshoots (this variety has practically no root shoots);
  • upright blackberry varieties planted by dividing the mother bush, cuttings or “growing up” shoots from the roots.

It is important to form a blackberry bush correctly and divide the shoots; this is what determines the quality of its fruiting and growth.

Selecting a landing site

The place for transplanting blackberries must meet 2 criteria:

  • the earth should warm up, but be protected from the wind;
  • the land must be well drained, avoiding stagnation of water.

If water stagnates under the blackberries in the spring, the roots will rot. Therefore, the soil also needs to be loosened.

Important! You cannot plant blackberries in a place where groundwater flows high.

An ideal site would be along a fence or hedge on a hill facing southwest or south. The elevation will protect against stagnation of water, and the fence will protect from the wind.

Land preparation

Blackberries grow best on acidic soils - loam or sandy loam with the addition of humus and peat. Such land will be quite loose and fertile. It’s good if legumes or grain crops grew in the new place before the blackberries.

Half of the work is to properly prepare the seedlings. There are 4 techniques in total that can be used to obtain new cuttings for planting:

How to transplant correctly

Transplant rules:

Transplant stages:

  1. Dig a furrow/hole 50 cm deep.
  2. Add humus/compost - 1 bucket, mineral fertilizer - 100 g per bush and mix with soil.
  3. They dig up a bush; to do this, you need to loosen the soil around it and dig up the roots little by little from four sides. Remove carefully, without shaking the roots from the ground. If the main root is very long, and it is not possible to dig out some part, then you can simply chop it off.
  4. The bushes with soil are laid out horizontally in a new place - in a trench or hole.
  5. The top is covered with soil up to 8 cm thick and mulched with sawdust and hay.

Important! It is required to maintain a distance of 2 cm between the main kidney and the ground.

Experience of transplanting thornless blackberries:

Care after transplant

Features of caring for seedlings after transplanting blackberries to a new place:

  1. Watering 2 times a week if there is no rain. After rooting - less often.
  2. The bushes are tied up, and the rows are covered with sawdust or other mulch.
  3. In hot weather, spray with water - this way the shoots will get stronger for winter, “acclimatize”, and harden.
  4. If there is a gall mite on the site, then the bush should be sprayed with garlic infusion in the fall, and the diseased branches should simply be cut off.
  5. In the spring, feed with potassium fertilizers (before budding).

Blackberries are not afraid of drought - they have powerful roots. But she doesn’t like the cold; even frost-resistant varieties need to be covered for the winter. Simple blackberries will die at -10°C, and frost-resistant ones - at -20°C and below.

Therefore, before frost, the shoots must be removed from the supports, spread on the ground and covered. If the variety is upright, then you need to pour a mound around the base of the stem and cover it on top. This will prevent the stem from breaking and protect it from the cold. Blackberries are usually covered first with a thick layer of mulch, and on top with roofing felt or opaque polyethylene.


Transplanting blackberries to a new location in the spring is done either by growing shoots from the roots, or by dividing an adult bush. And in the fall it is possible to replant with shoots - apical and horizontal, as well as by separation from the mother bush. The best time is autumn, especially if it is long and warm. In the spring, you can transplant to a new place in regions where warmth comes early and the soil warms up before May.

The transplant follows a pattern of approximately 1.5 by 2.5 m, the distance depends on the type of berry. Creeping species require greater distance between bushes. The place should be sunny, without swamps and sheltered from the winds. After replanting, you need to water the bushes 2 times a week, mulch them, and cover them with sawdust and roofing felt for the winter.

Blackberries are predominantly wild berries. Gardeners prefer to grow raspberries or strawberries, while blackberries remain in the shade due to their thorny and uncontrollable structure. But unlike other fruit crops, blackberries do not require special care or specific preparation for planting seedlings. However, before starting planting work, you should refresh your knowledge of rooting young cuttings.

Blackberries are planted in the spring if the shrub is not planted in the fall. To do this, you should choose the optimal time, focusing on weather conditions. If you bury the selected seedling at an earlier date, the root system may freeze when return frosts occur in the spring months.

It is recommended to plant in mid-spring, at a time when the air temperature remains at +10-15 degrees and the soil warms up to a depth of 10-12 cm. Such air temperatures have a beneficial effect on the development of the root system of a young seedling; it grows faster.

Attention! Favorable times for planting blackberries are mid-March and April. At this time, most regions are already feeling the breath of spring, and the soil has begun to warm up.

It is best to focus not on a specific date, but on weather conditions and return frosts. If March turns out to be cold and cloudy, then it is better to postpone the rooting of the shrub until the onset of warm and sunny April days.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

This can help you choose the optimal date for planting seedlings. Moon calendar.

So favorable days for spring planting blackberries in 2019 according to the Lunar calendar are:

  • in April - 11-17, 21-26.

Yes, this is not a mistake; according to the Lunar calendar, seedlings of fruit and berry crops are recommended to be planted only in April.

Of course, it is not always possible to get to the dacha on favorable days, so the main thing is not to land on unfavorable days.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar for 2019 The dates for planting blackberry seedlings in the spring are as follows:

  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17.

According to the lunar calendar from the magazine “1000 tips for a summer resident.”

Advantages and disadvantages of planting in spring

Blackberries are planted in the spring as needed. Carrying out planting work has its advantages and disadvantages. Almost equal numbers of both are detected. Therefore, the farmer will have to decide when it is better to plant a young seedling or cuttings.

Advantages of spring planting:

  1. Planting in the spring allows the plant to quickly grow new roots, take root normally, without worrying that cold weather may suddenly set in.
  2. Planting is carried out in the warm season, so you can immediately see whether the plant is viable or not, as the blossoming buds begin to grow.
  3. It is possible to control the rooting of the plant - moisten it in a timely manner, apply mineral and organic fertilizers.

The disadvantages of planting are warm weather, which does not allow moisture to remain in the soil for a long period. Therefore, if watering is not carried out on time, the bush will quickly dry out under the scorching rays of the sun.

Important! The shrub, in addition to the root system, develops a ground part. If the blackberry does not have enough strength to stretch both the developing roots and the growing foliage, it may die without taking root.

In the spring, seedlings or cuttings that were not sold in the autumn are sold. It is better to choose from trusted suppliers or those who provide guarantees for quality products. Otherwise, there is a possibility of restoring a seedling that was destroyed in the fall.

Therefore, before carrying out work on planting blackberry seedlings, you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons, so that later you do not regret about lost time and a lost seedling.

When to plant blackberries - in spring or autumn

Each period is good for planting in its own way. It is impossible to say with certainty that planting blackberries in the fall is the optimal time. At the same time, spring also has its disadvantages for rooting seedlings.

In addition, planting before winter hardens and stimulates the production of immunity. But if you incorrectly calculate the optimal planting time, the seedling will not have time to prepare for winter and will freeze at the first drop in air temperatures.

Important! Spring planting in a new place of residence stimulates the plant to develop faster, produce young roots and tender leaves. At this time, it is easier to control the condition of the plantings. But with improper care, there is a chance of losing the seedling due to drought or invasion of diseases and pests.

How to plant in spring: features and step-by-step instructions

Blackberries cannot be called a demanding plant. It is recommended to plant it with certain requirements for a certain rooting depth. You should take into account your closest neighbors, because not everyone can get along with the bush. Otherwise, it will be crushed by larger plants.

What should a seedling be like?

When choosing a blackberry cutting to plant, you should consider it carefully. Don't buy second hand from mass markets. This culture should be purchased in specialized stores or trusted nurseries.

When purchasing, it is recommended to pay attention to the root system of the seedling; it should be sufficiently developed - 3-4 roots no less than 10 cm in length, as well as a basal bud. The above-ground part of the plant should be 2 stems with green leaves.

Attention! If the rhizomes are open, then their structure should be healthy, without rotten parts. There should be no mechanical damage or wrinkled areas of bark on the stem, which indicate that the seedling has long been dug out of the ground.

Before purchasing, it is recommended to test the seedling - carefully pry off the bark on the trunk. If the cut is green, then the cutting will take root well; if it is brown, your money and time will be wasted. In the latter option, the seedling cannot be revived.

If you want propagate blackberries yourself, then you can read more about this!

Landing location

To board you must select sunny plot. Blackberries can grow in the shade, but their shoots will become very elongated and bear little fruit. The main factor for good growth is absence of areas with prolonged stagnation of accumulated moisture after watering or rain.

Attention! Strong wind can cause mechanical damage to the plant, so it is more advisable to place the bush under a fence or on the south side of the building.

What you can’t plant with

Blackberries are not recommended to be planted in places where vegetables were previously grown. The roots of these plants may contain a disease that is dangerous for the shrub - late blight (or phytoflora). It remains in the ground and, if possible, moves to an unprotected young plant.

Raspberries are a good neighbor to blackberries., because caring for crops and their requirements for growing conditions are very similar.

At what distance

Blackberries are planted from other fruit crops at a distance of 1.5-2 meters. This distance is enough for the bush to spread its lashes and grow. In this case, neither the blackberry nor the neighboring plant will interfere with each other.

Important! It is of great importance that fruit trees do not block the sunny side of the berry plant. Otherwise, the blackberry harvest will be sour and small.

Also, if you place blackberries close to other trees, they will spread to their neighbors and begin to choke them, entwining them with their shoots. This can cause the death of fruit plants, as well as the appearance of bacteria and pests in the area.

What kind of soil is needed

The best option for the growth and development of blackberry seedlings will be light, fertile loamy soil. It is surprising to note that the plant prefers acidic soil. The best option for it would be to keep the bush on soil with a pH level of 6-6.7.

For planting, a hole in the ground is first prepared. It should be dug to the level 40x40x40 cm. This depth is necessary in order to add mineral and organic fertilizers to the middle of the hole, and then place an earthen ball with the grown cuttings.

The distance between seedlings should not be less than 1.5 meters. A 2.5 m gap should be maintained between rows. Such an area will allow, if necessary, to install supports and move freely between overgrown bushes.

How and what to fertilize before planting

A hole prepared in advance for a blackberry seedling should contain not only garden soil, but also fertilizing. The latter has a positive effect on the development of cuttings or seedlings after they have been placed in a new place of residence.

The following additives are additionally added to the soil:

  1. rotted manure – up to 6 kg;
  2. potassium – up to 60 g;
  3. phosphate – up to 150 g.

All ingredients are mixed with garden soil. The amount of soil to be filled should not exceed half of the recess. The preparation of the pit should be done long before the planned planting work, so that the additives have time to be absorbed into the soil.

Note! The minimum period from soil preparation to planting is 1.5 months.

Planting methods

If the plant is purchased with bare roots, then planting work should be completed in a short time. If the seedling is pre-planted in the ground and is in a flowerpot, then rooting can wait until warm weather.

The following planting methods are distinguished depending on the external condition of the plant:

  1. Open root system– the rhizomes are examined, if necessary, damaged or diseased areas are removed, the sections are sprinkled with ash or activated carbon. When installing a seedling in a hole, all roots must be carefully straightened. They are sprinkled with earth; as you deepen, you should shake the seedling slightly so that the soil fills all the hollow spaces near the roots.
  2. The seedling is in the ground– the plant should not be removed from the soil, the soil should not be shaken off from the roots. Before transplanting, water generously so that the lump of earth can easily jump out of the flowerpot. Afterwards, the seedling is placed in the middle of the dug hole and covered with earth. The surface should be lightly compacted.

Thus, planting blackberries is carried out in 2 ways. There is no need to apply additional mineral fertilizers for 2-3 years. The plant has enough nutrients that were provided at the time of planting.

Video: how to plant blackberries in open ground in spring

Care after landing

Cultivation care involves periodic watering as needed and during dry summer periods. Excessive irrigation should not be carried out due to the fact that the shrub does not tolerate marshy soils, which leads to the death of the root system.

Important! A mandatory procedure is loosening and removing weeds. In addition, during loosening the soil is saturated with necessary oxygen. The procedure also has a beneficial effect on the rapid penetration of moisture deep into the roots.

It is also recommended to carry out mulching. It contributes to less evaporation of nutrient moisture from under the bush. In addition, mulch blocks the germination of weeds and prevents branches from laying on the ground during fruiting. The latter provokes rotting of the fruits and the acquisition of pathogenic bacteria. A must-do in the fall.

Features of planting in different regions

Blackberries are a southern plant and are mainly planted in warm climates. Therefore, its cultivation in the central zone and in the northern regions did not always have positive results.

So, in outskirts of Moscow It is recommended to plant blackberries immediately after warm days arrive. Be sure to cover it for the winter and fertilize it in every possible way. Planting of young cuttings is carried out mainly in late March - mid-April.

In the zone of risky farming - in the Volga region, in order to achieve ripe and large berries, you will have to try. The landing is delayed until it is warm. To carry out rooting, you should focus on weather conditions.

Siberia and the Urals for a long period of time they were not a place for growing southern berries. All attempts ended in failure. This continued until new selective varieties with increased frost resistance were developed. Only after this did it become possible to grow blackberries in these regions. But planting in these regions in the spring is usually not carried out due to the fact that the event takes place in early June, and the ripening of the berries occurs at the moment when frost occurs. Therefore, the bulk of the harvest is lost.

Possible mistakes when planting blackberries in spring

Even experienced gardeners, without thinking, can make mistakes when rooting cuttings and seedlings. The most common mistakes when planting blackberries are:

  • wrong seedling– non-viable will not be able to germinate;
  • buying second hand and trusting on your word of honor– in order not to end up with an unknown variety, you should purchase it in specialized stores or at the breeding site (in a nursery);
  • close placement– free space between plantings and air circulation are required. The latter is necessary for the complete ripening of fruits and the absence of pathogenic bacteria;
  • increased amount of fertilizer applied– it is better to apply less fertilizing than to feed the plant, causing its death.

Important! In order to avoid making such mistakes, it is recommended that before planting you familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of burying seedlings in the ground in the spring.

Thus, in the spring, blackberries should be planted as prepared seedlings in optimal soil, having previously fertilized it. After planting, you should not leave the plant to its fate; without proper care, it may die.

Video: description, planting and caring for blackberries

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Good afternoon, dear readers and blog guests!

Garden blackberries are a fantastic, extraordinary and magnificent crop! My love for everything beautiful requires turning you into a fan of blackberries, because there is no tastier, larger, more abundant and gorgeous berry. Today’s article will discuss the rules for planting and caring for shrubs.

You don't have to have a lot of bushes to reap a rich harvest. With the right approach and proper care, you can get from 10 to 20 kilograms of harvest from a bush. It is easy to understand that having a whole plantation is not necessary to be happy.

Blackberries have a wonderful “character”, but their winter hardiness is not very good. This circumstance must be taken into account when choosing a landing site. You should not have any problems removing the blackberries from the trellis and wrapping them in film or black agrofibre.

I won’t reveal all the secrets at once, let’s talk about everything in order.

Blackberry bushes have a fairly powerful root system that penetrates deeply into the soil. Therefore, holes for seedlings are made 40-50 cm deep and wide. If there is groundwater nearby, the deep hole is additionally filled with expanded clay and dry soil.

It is recommended to deepen the root collar by 2 centimeters, and place the bushes vertically. If the soil is light and easily washed away, then it is better to deepen the root by 4 centimeters. When planting a plant, straighten its roots, making sure that they do not bend.

Fill the hole with soil mixed with fertilizers and water immediately. Moreover, at least 6 liters of water are used per seedling. At the end of planting, the soil around the bush is compacted.

To retain moisture longer after rain or watering, a three-centimeter depression is made on the surface of the hole.

Five rules, following which you can get a good harvest:

  1. Suitable for growing region.

Frost-resistant specimens are suitable for the climatic zones of the Russian Federation. For example, some hybrid species (remontant variety Gigant) are resistant to temperatures down to -30 degrees. But winter-hardy shrubs Darroy or Agawam can withstand 40 degree frosts. More heat-loving varieties will have to be covered for the winter, since they have a frost resistance threshold of -18 degrees.

  1. Compliance with transplantation dates and soil selection.

The timing of planting blackberry seedlings in open ground is greatly influenced by winter hardiness. For planting in spring, you can choose any variety of shrub, since during the summer the plant has time to take root and form buds. But it is better not to plant blackberries in the fall, especially species with a low threshold of frost resistance - the plant will die.

Moist, drained, slightly acidic soil (soil with a pH of 5.7 - 6.5) is what is necessary for the active growth of blackberries. If the soil is not fertile enough, organic fertilizers are added to it:

  • superphosphate (15 g/m²)
  • potassium sulfate (20g/m²)
  1. Setting up support beams.

To ensure the safety of planting material and to save time on subsequent gartering of bushes, support beams are installed.

This is done before planting the bushes in the holes.

The garter is usually made on two sides:

  • for last year's shoots;
  • for new growth
  1. Fertilizer application.

Low yields and small berries may indicate that the soil is not nutritious enough and the plant does not have enough sunlight. Therefore, usually the next year after transplantation, they begin to apply fertilizers.

Calculation of the dosage of fertilizing depends on the fertility and filling of the soil.

On average, a blackberry bush grows at least 10 centimeters per day. If the plant does not reach these indicators, then it is necessary to apply nitrogen fertilizers. To stimulate the formation of flower buds, the bushes are watered with a solution of superphosphates and potassium sulfate 2–3 times with an interval of 14 days.

  1. Shrub trimming.

Blackberry bushes need timely pruning of dead branches, which stimulates the active growth of new shoots. This is also necessary to prevent putrefactive processes that can destroy the plant.

Trimmings can be used for rooting for the purpose of subsequent propagation of the plant.

Blackberries are pruned in the fall. Two-year-old shoots are completely cut off, leaving only one-year-old young shoots in the amount of 5 to 8 branches.

Blackberries are characterized by drying out of the side shoots, which are cut off as they appear. There are two reasons for the flowering node to dry out. The first is too wet soil, the second is root fungus. In the second case, the diseased plant needs to be transplanted from the rest.

Blackberry varieties description

Varieties of garden blackberries can be divided into two large groups:

  • Kumanika (erect)
  • Dewberry (creeping)

In the second group, about 40 hybrid shrubs without thorns were bred. Most cultivated species are characterized by resistance to low temperatures during long winters, unpretentiousness, and high yield levels. There are also early ripening, dwarf and enlarged varieties.

Characteristics of thornless varieties popular in the Russian Federation (in the middle zone, Siberia) and beyond:

Also included in this group are Natchez and Chester Thornless blackberries. Both plants belong to the semi-creeping group of fruit bushes, which are famous for their high yield (up to 20 kilograms of berries per season).

The main difference between the Netchez variety is its early ripening period (mid-June) and long fruiting period (1.5 months). The fruits are large - the weight of the berries ranges from 14 to 16 grams. The only drawback is low frost resistance (-15 degrees). But the Chester Thornless blackberry easily tolerates frosts down to -30 degrees, which makes the variety popular for growing.

In summer cottages in the Moscow region and Leningrad region there are various types of blackberry bushes. All varieties are united by high yield and frost tolerance. Although, with proper care, even capricious species produce good harvests in these areas.

Gardeners usually plant several shrubs at once - early-ripening and late-ripening varieties. You should also take into account when choosing a variety for your site that the soils in the Moscow region are not rich in nutrients. Therefore, choose blackberries that are hardy and resistant to adverse conditions.

In the Moscow and Leningrad regions it is recommended to grow the following varieties:

Also pay attention to such blackberry varieties as Apache, Arapahoe, Buckingham Tayberry, and branched Doyle.

  1. Store purchased plants buried in the ground or wrap them in a plastic bag with wet sawdust inside.
  2. Before planting, inspect the roots for rot. Remove rotten areas.
  3. Make a small cut on the bark - on a good, not dried out seedling it will be moist and greenish in color.
  4. 24 hours before planting, place the seedlings in water mixed with clay and mullein. The film that will cover the roots will prevent their subsequent drying out.

Garden blackberries: garter and pruning

It is simply necessary to trim shoots regularly. Firstly, it prevents the plant from growing and turning into a wild shrub. Secondly, this care measure affects the berries - they become more fragrant and larger in size.

When and how to prune shrubs:

  1. To stimulate the active development of the underground part of the plant, inflorescences must be removed in the first year.
  2. In the second year, the stems are shortened to 1.5 meters, making an incision above the unopened bud!
  3. At the end of the winter season, the frozen sections of branches above the living buds are cut off.
  4. The bushes are thinned out at the very beginning of the summer season, leaving 5-7 of the strongest stems. And from young shoots they cut off the tops by 5–8 centimeters.
  5. It is also advisable to remove 2-year-old shoots, stimulating the development of new growths.

Blackberries are a sun-loving crop that requires good lighting for abundant fruiting. This is achieved by tying up bushes. Also, this measure of plant care is associated with increased fragility of flexible shoots. It is also much more convenient to harvest from tied thorny bushes.

The garter is carried out 2 times a year:

  • in the spring (when the frosts finally go away)
  • in the fall (after the plant stops bearing fruit)

Activities for gartering bushes:

First of all, install a trellis with three or four rows of tied wire at a distance of half a meter between them.

  1. The stems of creeping species of the first year are tied in a “fan” to the lower rows. Annuals, straightening the stem - towards the top row of support. Before the first frost arrives, young stems are removed and covered.
  2. For upright varieties, the stems are slightly inclined in any direction. When young shoots begin to grow, they are tied to the opposite edge.

When the blackberry begins to bear fruit, it must be protected from the scorching direct rays of the sun. To do this, special shading nets are stretched. They do this for absolutely all varieties of berry bushes.

Blackberries garden benefits and harm to health

Blackberries are a tasty, juicy and incredibly healthy berry. The small fruits are rich in pectin, anthocyanins, vitamin C, various minerals and fatty acids, and are also a storehouse of antioxidants that absorb free radicals. Blackberries are low-calorie foods that help in the fight against excess weight.

The main advantages of regular use:

  1. Cleanses the body, improving the condition of the skin, and having a positive effect on blood vessels and heart function.
  2. Helps maintain the water balance of the human body.
  3. High iron content helps fight anemia.
  4. Has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.
  1. High consumption of the anthocyanin-rich berry reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease.
  2. Regulates blood sugar levels.
  3. Green blackberries with honey are used as a folk remedy for coughs.
  4. Cleans and strengthens teeth and gums.

There are no strict contraindications to eating blackberries. However, if you suffer from hypertension or gastrointestinal diseases, it is recommended to consult a doctor or nutritionist regarding the consumption of this berry. Also be careful if you have an individual intolerance to certain foods.

Have scientists revealed all the secrets of the delicious berry? I think not all! Blackberries have a beneficial effect on every cell of the body; anthocyanins are one of the most powerful antioxidants.

Therefore, get your fill, stock up on blackberries for the winter - recover and rejuvenate! Summer is a special time. Nature itself plans for a person to gain strength during the summer season.