The procedure for installing water supply to a private house. What documents are needed to register water in a private home?

Installing plumbing in a private home is a complex and responsible job, but doable. By choosing the right materials and wiring diagram, you can carry out all the plumbing work yourself, without involving hired workers. But for beginners who do not have relevant experience, it is advisable to enlist the help of a professional.

Where to start installing a water supply system?

The installation of any water supply system is based on the selected wiring diagram. Only after it has been compiled can you begin selecting materials and proceed directly to installation. Also at the planning stage it is decided how many water points (or users) there will be in the house. This will determine which system to prefer - manifold or tee.

Which circuit is better - collector or tee?

The tee layout of water pipes implies their serial connection to a common riser. So, one pipe is connected to the cold and hot water pipes. With the help of tees, additional pipes are diverted to individual users, and the pipe itself ends with the connection of the last water collection point.

The advantages of this solution:

  • ease of installation - no special knowledge is required when connecting additional elements;
  • low cost - half as many pipes are used;
  • compactness - tees are connected directly near water points.

But there are also disadvantages - when all users turn on at the same time, the pressure in the system drops significantly, and connecting a new point is quite problematic (you will have to install another tee).

The collector water supply system is characterized by a parallel connection of users, when a special splitter - a collector - is connected to the pipes for discharging cold and hot water from the riser. And each water supply point is connected to this collector.

Advantages of the collector system:

  • convenience - all connection points are collected in one place;
  • reliability – one pipe goes to each user, which minimizes the risk of leaks;
  • pressure stability - the same pressure is supplied to each point in the manifold, so even turning on all the taps at the same time will not lead to a loss of pressure.

The disadvantages include high cost due to increased consumption of materials and the need to allocate space for connecting collectors.

The right scheme is the key to success

To avoid having to redo half of the water supply system because several key elements were forgotten during installation, it is very important to draw up the wiring diagram correctly. It must include all water points, passages and valves. The diagram shows the diameters of the pipes, the location of the water heater and pump (if the water comes from a well or borehole).

By resolving all controversial issues at the planning stage, you can avoid annoying mistakes in the future. This will also allow you to calculate in advance the required length of pipes and the number of all fittings and tees.

Moreover, it works effectively even when connected to a centralized water supply. For example, if the water is turned off, there will still be 200 liters of water left in the storage tank, which is enough for domestic needs. And even if there is a power outage, the tank located 4 m above the water consumers will provide a pressure of 0.4 atm, which is quite enough for water to flow from the mixers by gravity.

The scheme is quite simple:

  1. A storage tank is connected to the main water pipe. If water comes from central water supply pipes with variable pressure, an additional pump will have to be installed at the inlet, which will provide constant water pressure.
  2. To protect the pump from burnout in the absence of water, a dry running sensor is installed that turns off the power.
  3. If water comes from a well, only a pumping station is installed after the tank to ensure constant pressure at the water collection points. It is advisable to choose stations with already installed burnout protection. Otherwise, it is also necessary to install a dry running sensor - to turn off the station when the water in the tank runs out.
  4. It is important to provide protection against overflow in the storage tank - for example, a float switch.
  5. The routing of pipes from the tank is often tee, since this option is chosen for houses with a maximum of 5 users (shower, washbasin, toilet, washing machine and kitchen sink).

Selection of pipes - their size and material

For water supply pipes are used from:

  • copper is an ideal choice, but quite expensive;
  • reinforced polypropylene (PP) – installation requires a special welding machine (it can even be rented daily);
  • steel - corrosion and the need for threading make such pipes unpopular;
  • metal-plastic - has an excellent price-quality ratio, but can withstand temperatures only up to 95 degrees (this must be taken into account when choosing a water heater and what output temperature it gives).

Copper pipes will “outlast” even the foundation of a house, but if the budget is limited, you can choose PP or metal-plastic. At the same time, only reinforced polypropylene is used for hot water - the central reinforcing layer is visible on the cut.

This is much more reliable than compression fittings, which will have to be tightened annually, and still they will soon begin to leak.

For laying street water supply, you can use both PP pipes and HDPE. The former are used if underground connection of pipe parts is necessary, while the latter are laid in a continuous piece.

The pipe itself must have a marking (size, GOST) - pipes without markings indicate their low quality.

  • incoming water pipe – 32 mm;
  • riser pipe – 25 mm;
  • branch pipes from the riser – 20 mm;
  • branch pipes to devices – 16 mm.

But at the same time, you need to take into account the diameter of the connection of the devices. So, often boilers have an inch pipe outlet (25 mm), this must be taken into account at the stage of purchasing the boiler and components. In addition, instantaneous water heaters are sensitive to pressure in the system, so it is advisable to connect 20 mm pipes to them.

Pump or pumping station?

If there is no central water supply and water has to be taken from a well or well, each owner faces the question of choosing a pump. The pumping station can lift water to a height of no more than 9 m (the horizontal length of the pipes does not matter). Therefore, it is suitable for most wells or shallow wells. Its advantages are the presence of a hydraulic accumulator and a protective mechanism against burnout.

If the depth of the aquifer is below 9 meters, there is only one way out - a submersible pump. It provides stable and strong water pressure, but you will have to independently install an automatic system that protects against burnout and a storage tank. The latter is optional, but increases the life of the pump.

Installation of water supply

The installation of the water supply system itself is not particularly difficult:

  1. Markings are made for laying the future water supply system - on the walls, in the screed or under the ceiling.
  2. Holes are made in the walls or pipes are laid in the floor screed. In the latter case, the pipes should be no further than 15 cm from the wall and no closer than 20 cm from the future furniture.
  3. It is much easier to carry out external wiring, where the pipes are attached to the wall with special clips. It is important to remember that polypropylene pipes cannot be fixed rigidly - they must be provided with the ability to expand during temperature changes.
  4. The clips are placed at a distance of 1-2 m from each other. If you need to fix a pipe of large diameter or weight, clamps are used for reliability.
  5. When laying externally, pipes through walls and ceilings must pass in sleeves - covers made of non-flammable material, filled with a sealant (for example, mineral wool). This is done to reduce noise when water passes through. The sleeve can be cut to the level of the walls and ceiling, but it must protrude 3 cm above the finished floor.
  6. Special strips (sockets) for mixers are attached to the wall. Without extensive construction experience, it will not be possible to “sink” them into the wall so that the outlet pipes are flush with the wall. Therefore, they can be left protruding - the decorative caps of the mixer will cover them.
  7. The assembly of the pipeline can take place both “in weight” and on the table, when the assembled parts are simply placed into the holes made. As practice shows, the latter is only possible with a very well-designed wiring diagram. Otherwise, you will still have to adjust the parts “in place”.
  8. Cutting pipes must be carried out with a special pipe cutter - you cannot saw them, the connection will be unreliable. In this case, polypropylene and metal-plastic pipes are cut with different tools.
  9. If you need to lay a curved “route”, metal-plastic pipes can only be bent with a radius that is at least 5 outer diameters of the pipe. Otherwise, the service life of the pipe cannot be predicted. Fittings are used for corner connections.

The principle of working with polypropylene pipes, their soldering and installation are shown in detail in the video:

Anyone, even an old village house, can significantly increase its level of comfort by installing water supply in it. The water supply system will ensure the normal operation of the sewage system and allow the heating to function effectively. But here the question arises - how to install water supply in a private house with your own hands?

In principle, such work is not too difficult. You can easily cope with all the difficulties even without great skills. And in more detail about how to supply water to a private house from a central water supply system will be discussed in this article.

What stages do you have to go through?

To create a water supply system in a private house, the very first issue that needs to be resolved is choosing a water source. Here you can use different options. Some pump water from a well, others use boreholes. But if there is a normally functioning central water supply in the village, then it is better to connect to it.

What are the advantages of using such a water source:

But connecting a private house to the central water supply system itself will require some effort on your part. The process of supplying water to the house occurs in several stages:

  • The first step is to contact the owner or service company of the central water supply. You need to get permission from them to tie in. As a rule, they are not against it, because they have a new client. But if the pressure is low, they may refuse;
  • Next, find out if there are any other underground communications on the way from the water supply to your site. If this is the case, then you must obtain permission from their owner;
  • The water utility must draw up a connection project. Also, its specialists make an insert. It is prohibited to carry out this work independently;
  • After this, you can start digging a trench from your private home to the point of insertion into the central water supply;
  • Next, all pipes are connected and laid

The biggest difficulties may arise when completing all bureaucratic procedures. Officials love to show their importance. But lately this has become easier. Today there is always the opportunity (through various online receptions) to file a complaint about the delay that has arisen.

Material selection

After receiving all permits, you can select and purchase the necessary material. In addition to the pipes themselves, you will need insulation, a meter, faucets and other shut-off valves.

The most important element of the future water supply system of a private house can be considered pipes. The selection of such products is quite large. Can be purchased pipes made of the following materials:

When choosing pipes for the water supply of a private house, one should not forget about such characteristics as diameter. The pressure in your system will depend on this parameter. A lot will depend here on operating pressure and pipe cross-section in the central water supply. In this regard, it is better to get advice from water utility specialists.

Exterior works

After preparing all the documentation and purchasing the necessary material, you can begin creating a water supply system in a private house. The first stage includes external work. First of all, decide on the point of insertion into the central system. This data can be obtained from project documentation, which is issued by the water utility.

A trench is dug to the connection point. Its depth should be below the soil freezing level. Otherwise, in winter the pipes will freeze, and when it warms up you will have to start all the work again.

You can dig trenches with your own hands, provided that the distance to the central communications is not too great. Otherwise, you will have to hire special equipment. If the soil is simple (no clay or stones), then you can do without a continuous trench. It is enough to dig a few holes and use a hose through which water is supplied under pressure. The jet will wash the soil and do pipe laying passage. This method significantly speeds up and reduces the cost of creating a water supply system in a private home.

Some owners of private houses do not dig such deep trenches. This happens either because the soil is heavy or because the depth is too great. In this case, thermal insulation materials can help. Today on the market you can find modern insulation materials that are placed on the pipe in the form of a “shell.” This material can reliably protect your water supply from winter cold. But all the same, the pipes will have to be deepened at least a meter into the ground.

When insulating the water supply system, special attention should be paid to the entry points of the system into the house. If you have a basement, then there should be no problems. In this case, the pipes will be in the ground and will not freeze. It’s another matter if there is no basement, and when approaching the house, communications rise to the surface. It is at this point that pipes most often freeze. Therefore here communications are insulated especially carefully.

Before laying pipes in the trench, it is necessary to make a cushion. For this, crushed stone and sand are used. Such additional protection will help drain groundwater away from your communications, and thereby prevent them from freezing.

It is advisable to install a well at the point of insertion into the central water supply. In this case, you will have the opportunity to block communications for repairs. In addition, the water utility will definitely force you to install a meter (today this rule applies everywhere). Moreover, the device should be located as close as possible to the connection to the central water supply.

Interior work

Before starting interior work, you should think over a plan. It indicates all installation points of plumbing fixtures and water intake locations. After this, it will be easier for you to outline the locations of the internal pipe routing.

Inside the house, plumbing is done mainly using pipes made of polymer materials. Plastic, metal-plastic and other types of similar products are perfect for these purposes.

If your heating boiler has one circuit(for heating only), then do not forget to install a water heater. It will provide your home with warm water.

Some experts recommend installing a water container in the attic. This device will allow you to use the water supply system even when the central water supply is not working. In addition, the water reservoir will allow you to maintain pressure if it drops in the general system (it is necessary for the washing machine or some other household appliances to work). But it is worth remembering that such a container must be carefully maintained, because ideal conditions for the growth of bacteria are created here.


Plumbing in a private home is one of the components of comfort. Therefore, its arrangement is one of the first things that owners think about. Many people choose as a source of water central water supply settlement, of course, if there is one. This method solves many problems. Firstly, it reduces the cost of all work. Secondly, the supplied water is of the required quality.

When connecting to a central water supply, you must go through some bureaucratic procedures. It is required to obtain permission from the water utility and make a project. After this you can start working. There shouldn't be any big difficulties. All work can be done independently. With a little effort, water will come to your private home, which means its comfort will increase.

If there is a main water supply pipe near your house, then the issue of providing water disappears by itself. You don’t have to dig a well, drill a well or do other complex work; you just need to join the water supply network. Connecting a private house to a central water supply has a number of nuances that you should definitely be aware of, which is what we will consider in this review.

The main advantages of connecting to a water supply system

Let's consider how the use of centralized supply differs from individual water supply and what are the main advantages of the option under consideration:

Reasonable budget The cost of connecting a water supply to a private home is much lower than the services of digging a well or digging a well. This allows you to save significant money, which can be used to purchase equipment and components of higher quality, which has a beneficial effect on the reliability and durability of the system
Small amounts of work In order to conduct water, it is necessary to dig a trench from the distribution well to the house, and then fill it up. This can be done with your own hands, without the involvement of earth-moving and drilling equipment. Although it is worth recognizing that the work is quite difficult and will require a significant investment of effort and time
Stable water supply Unlike other options, the water supply ensures constant maintenance of a certain pressure, which has a positive effect on the operation of the system. In addition, if malfunctions occur, they will be eliminated by water utility workers, you will not have to look for the malfunction and fix it yourself
Simplicity of design The system will consist only of the supply pipe and shut-off valves. In some cases, a pump is installed to improve flow and increase pressure, but most often there is simply no need for this equipment

How to organize work

All activities aimed at connecting a house to a centralized water supply can be divided into two stages: preparation of all necessary documents and permits and the installation itself. It is worth noting that the first stage usually takes much longer, so be prepared to go through the authorities.


This process includes a number of actions that must be performed in a certain order.

The sequence is:

  • The first thing you must have on hand is a site plan, on which all engineering structures and laid communications must be marked. The project can be obtained from the cadastral authority, sometimes they are issued directly from the water utility, of course, for a fee.

  • You must contact the water utility with the project and documents confirming ownership of the land plot. There you should write an application for connection to a centralized water supply; all documents are accepted for consideration. The deadline for issuing a conclusion is 1 month from the date of submission.
  • Within a month, you will be given technical specifications, which must specify all the necessary parameters: location of connection to communications, pipe diameter, etc.
  • All documents must be submitted to the SES department, where an application is written to issue an opinion on the possibility of connecting to the water supply.
  • It is also necessary to contact any licensed organization to develop design and estimate documentation. That is, they will make you a separate project for connecting water; it is important that it is drawn up in accordance with the requirements, otherwise the water utility may reject the documentation.
  • After agreement with the water utility, the project is registered with the SES department.
  • Next, you should contact the utility services and coordinate the excavation work. They will check to see if there is a risk of damage to other systems, and if everything is fine, you will be given a permit.

  • With the permit in hand, you can enter into an agreement with the organization performing the work. The company must have the appropriate permit, since the laying of pipelines, insertion into the central highway and connection of the water supply can only be carried out by a licensed organization.

Advice! Usually the water utility has a list of organizations that have the right to carry out such activities, so it is better to familiarize yourself with it in advance and choose a specific organization.

  • Self-tapping is classified as an illegal connection to the water supply of a private house, and entails quite large fines, so doing the work yourself is strictly prohibited.
  • After inserting into the system, laying the pipe and connecting it to internal communications, you can call representatives of the water utility. They must draw up an act of putting the devices into operation, from this moment the work can be considered completely completed.
  • Lastly, a water supply contract is concluded, according to which payment for the water used will be made.

Important! In order to save money, you can perform unlicensed types of work on your own, these include digging trenches, laying a gravel bed and backfilling trenches.

Laying work

If you have a diagram for connecting the water supply in a private house, you can begin organizing the work.

As noted above, the work is carried out by a licensed organization, the procedure for laying communications is as follows:

  • Even before connecting the water supply to a private home, you need to decide what type of pipe will be used. The ideal option is HDPE products; they are not subject to oxidation and corrosion, do not release any harmful substances into the water and can be used for drinking water supply systems. In addition, they are such that they greatly simplify installation, while their weight is several times less than that of metal.

  • First of all, a trench is dug, and its depth should be below the freezing level of the soil. Typically, a depth of approximately 1.4-1.6 meters is required; in northern regions and in areas with difficult terrain and slopes, trenches should be even deeper. The price of work varies widely and can differ significantly depending on the region.
  • If it is impossible to lay a pipeline at the required depth for some reason, then it is necessary to protect it from freezing by laying a heating cable or putting a special insulation on the pipes. The second option is more common due to the simplicity and low cost of thermal insulation elements.

  • You should stock up on everything you need in advance - pipes, connecting parts, taps and other fittings. Many installation organizations take care of purchasing everything necessary and include the cost of all elements in the overall invoice; in this case, you need to control the cost of products according to the estimate so as not to overpay for materials.
  • The bottom of the trench must be leveled and filled with crushed stone or gravel. This is necessary so that the pipes are subject to less deformation during operation.
  • The connection can be made in different ways; the specific option is chosen by the organization that carries out the installation. Most often, a special clamping coupling is used, with which it is very easy to make an insertion, and this operation does not take much time.

  • At the entrance to the house, either a special inspection well is made, or the pipe is placed under the foundation and discharged into the boiler room or any other room. Pay special attention to how the input is insulated, since according to statistics, this part of the structure is most susceptible to freezing in winter.
  • If the pressure in the water main is insufficient, it is recommended to additionally include a special pressure pump in the system. It is better to choose products from trusted manufacturers, and it is important that there are instructions in Russian - this will greatly simplify the work.


To connect to a centralized water supply, you will have to spend a lot of time coordinating the necessary documentation, after which a certified organization will lay and connect the pipes.

The video in this article will tell you some important details regarding this topic.

Today we’ll talk about how to install plumbing in a private home. I have considerable experience in this matter, I am ready to tell you how to draw up a project, select materials and install the system quickly and efficiently without outside help. With this knowledge, almost any master will cope with the task!

Workflow Description

We divide the work into 3 parts:

  1. Calculations and purchase of materials;
  2. Laying the outer part of the system;
  3. Laying the internal part of the system.

Calculations, design and procurement of materials

Water can be supplied in three ways:

  • Taking water from a well. Most often this option is found in rural areas. In this case, a pumping station is installed in the house, which pumps water into the house. A diagram of such a system indicating all components is shown below;

  • Water intake from a well. The pump pumps water directly from the water source, so there is no extraneous noise in the house, and the system itself consists of simple components that are available in every plumbing store;

  • Connection to the central water supply. This is the most preferable option, but not every locality has running water, especially if we are talking about rural areas. If you are lucky and can connect to the central system, then your circuit will look something like the figure below.

Now let’s look at the features of drawing up a water supply diagram for a private house with our own hands. There is no universal option; you must decide in advance where the water consumers will be located and, based on this, draw up a rough sketch.

Necessary materials:

Illustration Description
Pump. Necessary if water is drawn from a borehole or well. Its configuration depends on the system and is selected separately in each specific case.

HDPE pipe (low pressure polyethylene). Used for laying the external part of communications.
  • If the distance to a well, borehole or central water supply is more than 30 meters, then you need an option with a diameter of 32 mm;
  • If the length of the pipeline is less than 30 meters, then a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm will suffice.

Fittings for HDPE pipes. The exact quantity and configuration of components are determined according to the project. As an example, use the diagrams presented above; they show in detail where certain fittings are used.

Polypropylene pipe. Use the reinforced version (the photo shows how to identify it by eye), it is suitable for communications with cold and hot water.

The optimal diameter is 20 mm, it is enough even with a large volume of water consumption. The quantity is calculated based on the length of all pipelines in the house.

Distribution manifold. Necessary to maintain equal pressure in all lines of the system. Serial connection without a comb (also called a collector) is allowed in small houses where no more than 3 people permanently live.

Fittings for polypropylene pipes. Calculated according to the system design. Every turn, branch and connection is made by a fitting, so the assortment and quantity differ in each house.

Fasteners To fix the pipes, special clips are used, which can be connected to each other if several lines need to be installed.

The elements are fastened to the wall using dowels or self-tapping screws, it all depends on the type of surface.

Now let's look at the tools that are necessary when doing the work yourself:

  • Machine for welding polypropylene pipes. In common parlance it is called a soldering iron. This is the main tool with which the installation of water supply in the house is carried out; the price of the simplest options is about 1,500 rubles;

  • Pipe shears. A special device that allows you to cut plastic pipes at a perfectly right angle. With its help you can cut elements with a diameter of up to 63 mm;

  • Sharp knife. Sometimes there are burrs at the ends. To cut them, keep any knife handy.
  • Composition for degreasing pipes. Alcohol-based solutions are sold, with which the ends of the elements are treated before joining. You can also find special wet wipes for these purposes on sale.

Laying the outer part of the system

This part of the work consists of the following stages:

Illustration Description of the stage

Digging a trench. It can go to a well, borehole or centralized water supply pipe.

The depth should be below the freezing point of the soil in your region. If it is impossible to dig to the required depth, then you will need to lay the pipe in a special one.

If you have a well, the pipe is connected to the pump. This is done simply and quickly using a special fitting.

The power cable is attached to the pipe using plastic clamps.

If you have a well, then install an intake pipe. It is attached through the elbow, and a mesh filter is placed at the end to protect the system from sand and other impurities.

Insertion into the central water supply is made using a coupling. It is put on the pipe, after which a hole is drilled and the tap is screwed in. No welding is needed.

The pipe is laid in the trench. Everything is simple here - the main thing is to carefully lay out the communications and bring them to the house. Make sure there is enough length.

The pipe is led into the house. Before placing it under the foundation, I advise you to insulate the part of the structure that goes up, since it is the water supply to the house that freezes at low temperatures.
The entrance to the house is being installed. A rotary coupling is installed, and a tap is attached behind it. Next comes a mesh filter with a sump and a water meter (if you have a centralized option), behind which there is a splitter for hot and cold water.

If the water supply is from a well or well, then a meter and a splitter are not needed; a pressure gauge is located in their place.

Laying the system in the house

Do-it-yourself plumbing in a private house is done as follows:

Illustration Description of the stage

Preparing the soldering iron. To do this, first place attachments of the size you need on the tool, after which it is placed on a flat surface or secured to the tabletop if the design provides a clamp.

The kit always comes with instructions; be sure to read it to know the heating time and other rules for operating the equipment.

The pipe is cut into pieces of the required size. First, measurements are taken, after which the pipes are marked.

You need to cut carefully, holding the tool strictly perpendicular.

After cutting, check the ends; if there are burrs, carefully cut them off with a knife.

The ends of pipes and fittings are degreased. To do this, use a rag soaked in a special composition or a damp alcohol wipe. It is important to carefully process the areas to be joined.

Welding depth marks are made on the parts to be joined.. Marks are placed at a distance of 16 mm from the edge. Before making them, wait for the surface to dry after degreasing.

Do not miss this nuance; to make reliable water supply in the house you need to carefully follow the technology.

The elements are put on the nozzles and heated. This must be done on a fully heated soldering iron (when the red light goes out).

As for the heating time, if there is no indicator on the tool, the parts should be held for 7-8 seconds and immediately removed.

Elements connect. The pipe is inserted into the fitting, compressed tightly and held in this position for several seconds.

Do not rotate the pipe under any circumstances, as this will reduce the reliability of the connection.

When assembling the water supply with your own hands, look at the connections; they should form polypropylene rollers as in the photo, this is a sign of high-quality soldering.

Each branch is made separately. The water supply system is assembled strictly according to the diagram.

It is important to carefully connect each joint to ensure the reliability of the plumbing.

Clips are attached. The pipe is carefully moved to the side, after which fasteners are installed along the line of its location.

You can install fastenings in advance. Often the water supply communications in a private house are hidden in, in this case the grooves are made in advance.

Do-it-yourself water installation in the house takes 2-3 days. The work is simple and you save huge amounts of money, because installation most often costs almost the same as the materials.


Using the article as instructions, you can draw up a project, purchase materials and install plumbing in the house. The video in this article will help you understand the topic even better, and if you don’t understand something, ask your questions in the comments.

Do you want to provide water supply to your country house on your own? Agree that doing this work with your own hands is a completely feasible task if you know the nuances of constructing a water supply system.

We will help you understand the intricacies and basic rules - in this article we will talk about how to install a water supply system in a private house with your own hands. Where to start and how to carry out all the work correctly.

For a better understanding of the process, we have selected visual photos and plumbing diagrams. The article is also supplemented with useful video recommendations on the rules for installing water supply and tips on installing system input nodes in a country house.

Regardless of whether the water supply is installed in an existing building or installed during the construction of a new one, its design and installation must be approached very responsibly.

First of all, you need to decide on a source for water supply. You need to know that according to the standards, the water supply system must provide water to each person living in the house based on the calculation of 30-50 liters per day per person.

When arranging a bathroom and sewerage system, the calculated figure increases three times. For watering the garden and green spaces, a water consumption of at least 5 liters per square meter is assumed. meter.

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It turns out that the volumes of water consumption of a country house are quite large. Therefore, the choice of water source must be approached as responsibly as possible.

The owner can choose between decentralized and centralized water supply. In the first option, the source of water supply will be, etc. In the second there is a water supply network that supplies its settlement.

Collector diagram for water supply distribution

The main difference from parallel wiring is the presence of a special distribution unit - a collector, from which a separate pipeline is laid to each consumer. This makes it possible to supply water to all water points with the same pressure.

Depending on the length of the system, it may include several collectors. The main disadvantage of such a system is the high consumption of pipes.

A typical water supply diagram looks something like this. It starts either from the point of insertion into the centralized main line, or from the area where the system is connected to a well or other source of water supply.

In the latter case, a pump or pumping station must be installed here to supply water to the system. It also assumes the presence of a hydraulic accumulator and a shut-off valve, which is used in the event of a leak or scheduled repairs.

If necessary, divide the water flow, use a tee. It will generate two streams: one will be used for technical needs, such as watering the garden, swimming pool, shower, etc., and the second will be sent to the house.

The pipe that carries water into the house must be equipped with a filtration system to clean the liquid from all kinds of impurities.

At this stage, coarse filters will be quite sufficient.

The collector is a distribution node in which the total flow is divided into several branches

Next, you will need to install another tee on the pipe entering the house. This is done only if it is planned to organize hot water supply. The flow will be divided into cold water and water sent for heating.

The cold water supply pipe is connected to the corresponding collector, from which distribution is carried out further throughout the building. The hot pipeline is first connected to the water heater, then to the corresponding collector, and then in the same way as the first option.

When designing wiring, experts strongly recommend reducing the length of pipelines as much as possible and keeping the number of joints and bends to a minimum. After all, they are the potential causes of leaks.

In addition, it is highly undesirable to turn pipes at right angles. This significantly reduces the pressure in the main line.

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The water supply can be laid in a hidden or open way. The first is the most aesthetic. He assumes that the pipes will be laid in grooves laid inside the walls or covered with decorative boxes.

In this case, it is important that the material from which the parts are made is not susceptible to corrosion, since it will be extremely difficult to notice a leak in time. Open-mounted pipes are laid on top of the walls.

Stages of plumbing installation

When installing water pipes in a private home yourself, experts recommend following several rules and adhering to a specific plan of action. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Stage #1. Preparing for work

First of all, it is better to start laying the pipeline from the water consumer, and not vice versa. It will be easier. First, using an adapter for a threaded type connection, we attach the water pipe to the consumer.

It is advisable to install a shut-off ball valve between the adapter and the device. It will make it possible, if necessary, to quickly shut off the water supply or repair a broken device without any problems. The pipe is led from the water consumer to the collector.

Also, when doing wiring you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. The pipes should be placed at a distance of about 20 mm from the wall, this will make them easier to repair.
  2. It is highly undesirable to lay pipes so that they pass through partitions or walls. If this is still necessary, the parts are placed in a special glass.
  3. Clips are used for fastening to walls. They must be present every one and a half to two meters and at all corner joints.
  4. If drain taps are to be installed, the pipe is laid with a slight slope towards it.
  5. When going around an internal corner, the part is placed at a distance of 30-40 mm from the wall, when going around an external corner - 15 mm.

Before connecting to the collector, it is strongly recommended to install shut-off valves on the pipe going to the consumer. This will allow you to quickly disconnect the branch from the system in the event of an emergency, as well as repair it without unnecessary problems.

Water pipes can be laid in a hidden way inside grooves made in the wall of the building. The hidden installation method is most often used to implement collector wiring

Stage #2. Pipe selection

The parts from which the plumbing system is assembled must be inert to chemical and temperature influences, durable, wear-resistant and as light as possible.

That is why polyethylene, polypropylene or polyvinyl chloride pipes are most often chosen to install a system in a country house. When choosing, you need to take into account the operating temperature of plastics; not all can interact with hot water.

Modern plastic parts are equipped with a large number of components, which allows you to assemble a structure of any degree of complexity.

Alternatively you can use . There are many arguments in favor of assembling a water supply system from plastic elements. First of all, the design is lightweight, but at the same time durable.

Installation of the system is so simple that even a beginner can handle it. Soldering is used to fasten parts together, resulting in very strong, almost monolithic joints.

Another plus is the ability to bend elements, which can significantly reduce the number of dangerous areas in an emergency sense. Where it is necessary to connect metal and plastic elements, special combined type fittings with special metal inserts are used.

Plastic parts have high torsional rigidity. This is very important for cases where the pump develops high torque.

If necessary, the plastic pipeline can be modernized, which is also important. In addition to plastic and metal-plastic, you can use traditional options. These include parts or.

The main disadvantage of the first option is the susceptibility to corrosion. Copper pipes have many advantages, but their cost is very high.

An important point is the choice of the diameter of the parts. It is carried out based on the length of a specific pipeline section.

For lines longer than 30 m, parts with a diameter of 32 mm are selected; pipelines shorter than 10 m are assembled from elements with a cross-section of 20 mm. Medium-length lines are mounted from pipes with a diameter of 25 mm.

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Stage #3. Connecting the pumping station

Another important issue that must be considered when installing water supply in a country house is.

It was already mentioned above that a pumping station or pressure tank can be used to provide the building with a sufficient amount of water. Using the second option is quite troublesome. As practice shows, most homeowners choose a pumping station.

The device pumps water from a well, or less often from a well. This equipment is sensitive to low temperatures, so it is placed in the basement, basement or heated technical room.

True, in this case, the noise from the operating pump may disturb residents. In some cases, the equipment is placed in a specially equipped caisson that covers.

A pumping station is a set of equipment that ensures complete pumping of water from a well or a well.

Work on connecting the pumping station is generally carried out as follows. A pipe is connected from the source to the equipment, onto which a brass fitting equipped with an adapter with a diameter of 32 mm is put on.

A tee equipped with a drain valve is connected to it. This will make it possible to turn off the water supply if necessary. A check valve is connected to the tee. The device will not allow water to return to the well.

It may be necessary to turn the line to direct the pipe to the pumping station. If this is the case, a special corner is used. All subsequent elements are connected using the so-called “American”.

First, a shut-off ball valve is connected, turning off the water supply if necessary. Then a coarse filter is installed, which will protect the device from impurities.

The pumping station can be installed in an insulated caisson above the well head, or can be installed in a house, in any heated room

After this, the pumping station is connected. There is a nuance here. The equipment involves the installation of a damper tank and. If the pump is located in the well and all other equipment is located in the house, then the pressure switch is installed on top of the pipe.

A damper tank is mounted below. After this, the dry running sensor is connected. It will not allow the pump to work without water and will protect it from damage.

The last connection element is an adapter for a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm. After all the parts have been installed, it is recommended to check the quality of the work performed. To do this, start the pump and let it run for a while.

If the equipment pumps water properly, then everything is fine and work can continue. If not, you need to find the cause and eliminate it.

Stage #4. Installing a hydraulic accumulator

Stage #5. Installation of water purification equipment

Water treatment is also not a mandatory element of the water supply system. However, practice shows that most homeowners install such equipment. It is especially necessary for those who use a borehole or well as a source of water.

The quality of such water is usually far from ideal. The liquid coming from the well is in most cases contaminated with mechanical impurities.

Therefore, at a minimum, it is worth installing coarse filters. To fully protect the water supply system and the household appliances connected to it, you should accurately determine the nature of the impurities and the chemical composition of the water coming from the well.

To do this, the samples are taken to the laboratory and obtained, which will show which filters are needed for this system.

Water treatment equipment is installed after the hydraulic accumulator. It is a set of filters selected based on the results of an analysis of the water entering the house.

Combination devices can be installed here, which include several filters at once.

However, there is no point in installing fine filters and reverse osmosis here. Such equipment is installed only in the kitchen to purify a small amount of water that will be used for drinking and cooking.

Plumbing in a private building, be it a summer house or a full-fledged residential building, is necessary. Moreover, you can design and assemble the system yourself. At the same time, it is important to listen to the advice of specialists and not to deviate from the instructions.

If this seems too complicated, you can entrust the work to a construction company. Professionals will quickly and efficiently carry out all the necessary work, and the owner will only have to accept the finished structure into operation.

If your experience in arranging home plumbing differs from the installation rules outlined here, please leave your comments under the article.