The concept of the consumer basket and methods of its formation. "Magnit" revealed the cost of the food basket in its stores in Russia Contents of the consumer basket

The cost of the consumer basket in Moscow, in stores of different price categories. The price index is based on calculating the cost of the minimum consumer basket.

Product selection

Products were selected based on the store’s price category, ease of selection, etc. This means that in Pyaterochka we will not choose the most expensive oil, and in Auchan we will look for a certain product, provided that a similar one is easier to get from the shelf. We take the products that are on the shelf! If one sugar goes missing, we take the one that is closer in price.

Composition of the consumer basket

Products and required annual volumes are selected in accordance with the “law on the consumer basket” of 2012. The volume of the consumer basket for the working population on average per year:

  • Bread, pasta, cereals in terms of flour – 126,5 kg
  • Potato - 100,4 kg
  • Melon vegetables - 114,6 kg
  • Fresh fruits - 60 kg
  • Sugar and confectionery in terms of sugar - 23,8 kg
  • Meat products - 58,6 kg
  • Fish products - 18,5 kg
  • Milk and dairy products in terms of milk - 290 kg (but we take liters)
  • Eggs - 210 PC
  • Vegetable oil, margarine and fats - 11,0 kg
  • Other products (salt, tea, spices) - 4,9 kg

total cost consumer baskets (products + goods + services) according to the law is double the cost grocery consumer basket.

Prices in Pyaterochka We take on the cheapest products.
Prices in Perekrestok, ABC of taste And The Seventh Continent- for products of medium and high price categories.
Prices in Auchan- for products that are well-known and easy to find.

We do not compare prices in different stores, we calculate the cost of a grocery basket and, to complete the picture, we calculate it for different products in different stores.

The organization of nutrition in the volume of the consumer basket can be carried out according to the approximate diet developed by the State Duma Committee on Health Protection. However, the rate of consumption of fresh fruit is puzzling. It completely does not correspond to the recommendations of nutritionists and is clearly underestimated. But egg consumption is significantly higher than the recommended norm: . This corresponds to 150-160 pcs. per year, but not 210.

Consumer basket– a minimum set of food products, non-food products and services necessary to maintain human health and ensure his life. The legislation establishes a certain relationship between such indicators as monthly wages, minimum wages, the cost of living and the consumer basket:

The size and composition of the consumer basket are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation at least once every 5 years and are established by law. This is much less common than in Western countries. In the UK, for example, renewal occurs annually

The consumer basket consists of three baskets: food, non-food and services.

Food basket- this is a set of food products for one person per month, calculated on the basis of the minimum standards for food consumption that meet the physical needs of a person, calorie content, content of essential nutrients and ensure compliance with traditional nutrition skills.

The minimum food consumption standards adopted for calculations are recommended by the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences Russian Federation. They include food products of 11 groups: bread and bakery products, potatoes, vegetables and melons, fruits and berries, meat and meat products, fish and fish products, milk and dairy products, eggs, sugar and confectionery, vegetable oil and margarine, other products ( salt, pepper, etc.). 1

Consumption standards are differentiated by eight territorial zones. The basis zoning territory of the Russian Federation for the formation of a minimum set of food products the following factors are based:

− natural, climatic and economic conditions;

− features of food production;

− national traditions and local characteristics in the nutrition of the population;

− the current nutritional structure, taking into account the actual consumption of food in low-income families;

− the need to meet the nutritional needs of the main socio-demographic groups of the population, based on chemical composition and energy value of food;

− higher energy value of minimum food sets for the main socio-demographic groups of the population living in the Northern regions.

The norms are also differentiated by socio-demographic groups of the population:

For the working population, based on the physiological characteristics of the body of men and women who are not engaged in heavy physical labor;

For pensioners, taking into account the age-related decrease in the need for energy value of food;

For children, taking into account the need to provide them with adequate nutrition for the development of a healthy body (aged 0–6 years), as well as additional nutrition for active social and physical development (aged 7–15 years).

The cost of the food basket for each population group is calculated by multiplying the minimum food consumption rate by the average purchase price.

The basic principles for the formation of a minimum set of food products are:

Satisfying the needs of the main socio-demographic groups of the population for nutrients, based on the chemical composition and energy value of food;

The existing nutritional structure, taking into account the actual consumption of food in low-income families;

Selection of products that allow you to organize a healthy diet at minimal cost;

When forming a minimum set of food products, the norms of physiological needs for nutrients in force in the Russian Federation for various groups of the population and WHO (World Health Organization) recommendations are used;

Calculation of the chemical composition and energy value of the minimum set of food products is carried out taking into account their losses during culinary processing. 1

The minimum set of food products is based on established standards for the chemical composition and energy value of products (Table 2.2.1).

Table 2.2.1 – Chemical composition and energy value of the minimum set of food products for the main socio-demographic groups of the population, in the Russian Federation as a whole

The cost of minimum consumption of non-food goods and services is determined based on materials from budget surveys of family incomes, the level of food consumption in which corresponds to the minimum.

Expenditures on non-food goods and services were previously clarified using a normative method based on the standards of supply and service life of durable goods developed by the Central Research Institute under the Ministry of Economy of Russia. The calculation was made for three groups of goods: 1 - wardrobe items (outerwear, shoes, hats, etc.); 2 - sanitary, hygiene, medicine items; 3 - durable goods (furniture, dishes, electrical appliances, household items, etc.). 1

Among the principles for forming a minimum set of services, the main ones are:

Satisfying the needs of the main socio-demographic groups of the population for housing, organization of everyday life, and movement;

The current level of use of transport services;

Paid nature of the provision of services.

The minimum set of services also includes housing and communal services, transport and other types of services.

Housing and utility costs are determined based on standards, prices and tariffs in the region. Family costs for taxes and fees are also taken into account. 1

A consumer basket is an approximate set of products, a number of goods that characterize the typical level and structure of monthly (annual) consumption of a person or family. This set is used to calculate the minimum consumer budget (living wage), the origin of the cost of the consumer basket in current prices. The consumer basket also forms the basis for comparison of regulation and real consumption levels, and also the basis for determining the purchasing power of currencies.

The consumer basket is a minimum set of food products, non-products and services necessary to maintain human health and ensure his activities.

In Russia, the consumer basket is calculated in accordance with the law “On the Consumer Basket as a whole for the Russian Federation,” adopted on January 1, 2013. The Russian consumer basket includes three main parts:

1) Food products, such as flour products, grains, vegetable crops, meat, fish and dairy products;

2) Non-food products, which include things, medicines, various equipment;

3) Payments for housing, heat, water, electricity, in addition, expenses for transport, cultural events, etc.

The cost of the consumer basket in Russia - official data

Table: consumer basket 2018 in Russia

What does the consumer basket look like in 2018 (composition and price per month) in the Russian Federation? On the official website of Rosstat there is a form that shows the cost of a conditional (minimum) set of food products. For comparison, let’s take data for Russia as a whole, Moscow and St. Petersburg:

It looks implausible, especially considering that according to such calculations a person can spend only 132 rubles on food per day.

Now let’s see what the complete consumer basket in Russia is for 2018 (official Rosstat data on the cost of a fixed set of consumer goods and services):

Let us remind you that the minimum wage from May 1 is set at 11,163 rubles per month. At the same time, the daily consumer basket of a Russian in rubles (2018, for May) is 502.37 rubles. This includes fees for treatment, food, travel, housing and communal services, etc.

The cost of the consumer basket directly affects the cost of living, and from 2018, the minimum wage. The mechanism is as follows: quarterly, Rosstat calculates the price of the consumer basket, on the basis of which the cost of living is determined. Let us remind you that from May 1, 2018, the minimum wage is 100% of the minimum wage.

We'll tell you how much the consumer basket costs in 2018. The composition and price for a month of the minimum set of food, non-food goods and services that are necessary for survival in the Russian Federation will be presented below.

Consumption table per year

Name Unit For working citizens (volume per year) For pensioners (volume per year) For children (volume per year)
Bread products kg 126,5 98,2 77,6
Potato kg 100,4 80,0 88,1
Vegetables kg 114,6 98,0 112,5
Fruits kg 60,0 45,0 118,1
Sugar and confectionery products calculated as sugar kg 23,8 21,2 21,8
Meat and meat products kg 58,6 54,0 44,0
Seafood and fish kg 18,5 16,0 18,6
Milk and dairy products expressed as milk kg 290,0 257,8 360,7
Eggs things 210 200 201
Vegetable oil, margarine and other fats kg 11,0 10,0 5,0
Other products (salt, tea, spices) kg 4,9 4,2 3,5

The food basket, which includes a minimum set of food products of 33 items, increased in price by 1.1% in September 2017 compared to the beginning of 2017, Izvestia writes. Its cost was 3729.1 rubles. In August, the food basket rose in price by 4.1% compared to January 2017.

What's in the cart?

The grocery basket contains a minimum set of food products. The list approved by the federal law “On the Consumer Basket” dated December 3, 2012, contains 33 items. It is designed for the consumption of a certain amount of food per year by an able-bodied adult. The food basket includes meat products (beef, lamb, pork, chicken), fish products, potatoes, eggs, vegetable oil, margarine, milk and dairy products, bread and pasta in terms of flour, legumes, flour, cereals, vegetables and melons, fresh fruits, tea, sugar and confectionery products in terms of sugar, salt, spices.

For example, according to the basket, a working person needs 100.4 kg of potatoes, 58.6 kg of meat, 18.5 kg of fish, and so on per year.

When calculating the cost of the basket, Rosstat uses conditional consumption volumes and average retail prices.



Volume of consumption (average per person per year)




Cereal products (bread and

pasta in

in terms of flour, flour,

cereals, legumes)


Vegetables and melons

Fresh fruits

Sugar and confectionery products calculated as sugar

Meat products

Fish products

Milk and dairy products expressed as milk

Vegetable oil, margarine and other fats

Other products (salt, tea, spices)

Why did the basket become cheaper?

According to Rosstat, in September the decline in prices for food products, and accordingly the food basket, was influenced by good harvest seasonal and greenhouse vegetables and fruits and seasonal reduction in the cost of these products. From mid-October, prices for vegetables and fruits will begin to rise. Also, the decrease in the cost of the food basket was affected by the increase in production of domestic livestock products.

Each person, of course, prefers to calculate their expenses based on their own earnings. Although, of course, the state sets a living wage based on the state budget and the basic needs of the population, without which it is impossible to survive. That is, the living wage and, as a consequence, the consumer basket in 2017 is compiled only on the basis of, what a person needs to live, and not to live a full life.

So what will the consumer basket be in 2017 in Russia, what will be included in it, and also how will the consumer basket differ for certain regions?

Cost of the consumer basket in 2017

There are three types of consumer baskets (PC): for able-bodied citizens (persons over 16 years old), for minor children and for non-working citizens who have reached retirement age. The fact is that for each resident of the Russian Federation, depending on the group, the contents of the PC are made up of various necessary products.

Consumer basket last news and the changes in Russia survived quite steadfastly, and even more: the cost of the consumer basket for an adult increased by approximately 200 rubles (as a percentage, this number is about 3.2%), for a child - by 250 rubles (3.9%, respectively), and for pensioners - by 411 rubles (10% approximately).

The cost of the required minimum for adults is 6,300 rubles per month, for minor children - 6,400 rubles, and for old pensioners, oddly enough, only 5,400 rubles.

The cost of the consumer basket plays an important role in calculating the minimum wage for labor, social benefits, and determining the ability of the masses as buyers.

The consumer basket exists not only in the CIS countries, but throughout the world. Unfortunately, for the EU countries and America, the minimum consists of a much larger list of products: in England the number of goods and services is 350, in Germany – as many as 475. Even in America, the list includes almost twice as much as in Russia – 300 goods and services . In Russia, the list includes 156 items.

Once every three to four years, depending on changes in prices and wages, the cost of the basket is recalculated, and even less often its composition changes, depending on changes in the needs of the masses.

The composition of the PC differs in different regions. And if in the largest regions - Moscow and Leningrad - it is practically no different. The largest number of products in the PC is in the Murmansk region, for example, residents of Murmansk require 26 kg more bread products than residents of Moscow, and 5 kg more fruits.

According to preliminary information, minimum cost New Year's table in 2017 will be 5800 rubles. In addition to commonly consumed products, the basket for the New Year holidays will include smoked meats, both fish and meat, sausage, red caviar, cheese, fruit, something sweet - for example, candy or cake, and, of course, champagne.

Composition of the consumer basket for 2017

The consumer basket includes a small amount of clothing, shoes, household appliances and medicines. Based on the calculation, an adult will receive two jackets, with and without fur lining, and a coat or raincoat for 7.6 years. For old people, the same set of outerwear is calculated for 8.7 years. For children, due to the active stage of growth, such a set of clothes will only last for 2.6 years.

From the minimum set of outerwear, adults for 4 years will receive a suit, three shirts, trousers and jeans for men and two dresses for women, two sweaters and a suit for sports. This set will last more than a year for older people, and 2 years less for children.

Five pairs of panties, three T-shirts for men and a slightly larger list for women, namely two nightgowns, two bras and two combinations - this, according to the state, is what the Russian population needs for 2.4 years.

It is planned that 7 pairs of socks will be enough for a man for 1.5 years, and 5 pairs of tights for a woman.

Shoes for all age groups are purchased on a “two pairs per year” basis.

The list also includes hats, scarves, gloves, notebooks and pens.

The consumer basket also includes housing and communal services: for example, per person the state expects 18 square meters living space, 285 liters of water, 10 m3 of gas and 50 kW of energy. It is also enough for 618 trips on public transport per year.

A person should have enough money per year for 5 cultural events per year.

The main part of PC, of ​​course, is food.

The Government of the Russian Federation estimates that each person needs approximately 1 ton of potatoes, 115 kg of vegetables, 60 kg of fruit, 130 kg of bread and flour products, 60 kg of meat and 20 kg of fish, 20 kg of sugar, 180 eggs, 13 kg of butter and 220 kg milk. Thus, a person will have to consume only 300 g of bread, 280 g of potatoes, 80 g of milk, 50 g of fish and 180 g of meat per day. As you can see, the number of products is scanty and absolutely does not correspond to modern realities.

Unfortunately, looking at the numbers, it is easy to see that the true figures are much higher than those compiled by the state, and are absolutely not comparable with modern real spending. That is why ordinary people are very concerned about the question of how much the composition of the consumer basket will change for 2017, and whether life will become easier for the people.