Beneficial properties of milk thistle for the body. Milk thistle - medicinal properties of the herb

Many summer residents have more than once seen this grass growing along with weeds on their plots. It is quite difficult to pull it out, because powerful long roots tenaciously hold the plant in the ground. It is impossible to touch it without gardening canvas gloves, since the hard, spotted leaves are covered with many sharp, prickly thorns. As it grows, it begins to bloom with small pink flowers.

This plant is one of the subspecies of thistle and is found almost everywhere as weed: along roadsides, in fields, vacant lots and landfills, in gardens and orchards. It is completely unpretentious to soils, climatic conditions growth and precipitation. All the more surprising is the fact that this rather aggressive weed, which gardeners spend a lot of effort fighting, is a valuable medicinal plant.

What is milk thistle?

This is what milk thistle looks like, photo

Many people know this herb as marin, milk thistle, or variegated thistle, and its scientific name is spotted milk thistle. This fairly tall plant reaches a height of 1 to 1.5 meters, belongs to the Asteraceae family and can be grown as an annual or biennial. The homeland of milk thistle is considered to be the Mediterranean coast, from where herbaceous plant and spread almost throughout the world.

The large, oblong leaves have a wavy shape and patterned edges, and their glossy green surface is covered with intricate white patterns. It is this “marbled” pattern on the leaves that distinguishes milk thistle from other types of thistle. It blooms from mid-summer to autumn, and although the flowers are not very decorative, the spectacular leaves of this plant, covered with long sharp spines, can serve as a decoration for any garden.

In addition to its decorative qualities, milk thistle also has a number of medicinal properties, which are due to the presence of biologically rare species in the plant. active substances and healing components, in particular silymarin. It is beneficial for the liver because it protects it from intoxication, the destructive effects of alcohol, heavy metals and other aggressive substances, helps restore liver cells and strengthens cell membranes.

Historical documents contain references to the use of milk thistle as a medicine. Healers different countries successfully used medicinal properties milk thistle for the treatment of diseases not only of the liver, but also of other organs. In the second half of the last century, interest in the plant was renewed after scientific research its healing qualities.

The healing properties of milk thistle - why is it useful?

The main active ingredients contained in this plant are unique natural compounds: flavonolignans, which protect the liver from toxins, and flavonoids, which have antioxidant and antibacterial effects. They prevent the penetration of toxins into liver cells, weaken and suppress the effect of toxic substances and begin to decompose them before they can exert their harmful effects.

In addition to them, milk thistle contains macro- and microelements (zinc, copper, selenium), proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E and K, alkaloids, saponins, amino acids, fatty oils, tyramine, histamine and other biologically active substances. Ripe milk thistle seeds are used as the most effective medicine, but all parts of the plant have medicinal properties.

Preparations made from milk thistle help protect the liver and strengthen cell membranes, improve the function of this organ, normalize digestion, neutralize the effects of harmful compounds on the body, stimulate the formation and excretion of bile, and improve metabolism.

The beneficial properties of milk thistle are widely used to treat diseases of the liver and gallbladder: acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and toxic liver damage, colic, and bile duct diseases. In addition, the product has proven itself in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, skin, respiratory tract, hemorrhoids and a number of gynecological diseases.

Use of milk thistle in medicine

In addition to people with diseases of the liver, thyroid gland and spleen, milk thistle is recommended for use by people who have undergone chemotherapy or radiation, as well as to eliminate the consequences of intoxication in the body in the presence of alcohol and drug addiction, food and other poisoning.

As a preventative measure, milk thistle preparations are indicated for people living in unfavorable environmental conditions and polluted areas, working with toxic materials in hazardous industries. All parts of this amazing plant are used for medicinal and preventive purposes. From them various medicines:

  1. Milk thistle seeds. They are the most valuable part of the plant, since they contain silymarin. The seeds, ground into powder, are used to prepare medicinal infusions and decoctions.
  2. Milk thistle meal. It is a cake remaining after extracting oil from seeds. It is a powerful antioxidant that has virtually no contraindications. Modern medicine recommends the use of milk thistle meal for the following indications: as maintenance therapy for hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, for the treatment of cholecystitis, dyspepsia, disorders of the stomach, intestines and gall bladder.
  3. Milk thistle oil. Produced from seeds by cold pressing or extraction. It is characterized by a high content of valuable polyunsaturated acids, fat-soluble vitamins and silymarin. It has hepatoprotective, tonic, choleretic, laxative, wound healing, antiulcer, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Effective for healing wounds and burns, as a preventative against frostbite and chapping of the skin. As part of facial skin care products, milk thistle oil has a rejuvenating effect, improves skin condition, elasticity and complexion.
  4. Alcohol and water extracts. Used to enhance the formation and excretion of bile, relieve spasms of smooth muscles, treat functional liver pathologies and mild digestive disorders.
  5. The pharmaceutical industry produces many drugs from milk thistle for the liver: “Bonjigar”, “Gepabene”, “Silibor”, “Karsil”, “Legalon”, “Zdravushka”, “Gepasil”. You can buy any of these medications at a pharmacy and take them as prescribed by your doctor in the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. These drugs normalize the amount of bile produced, facilitate its flow through the bile ducts, protect liver cells from toxins and promote their restoration, and normalize liver function in various pathological conditions.
  6. Herbal tea based on fruits. Used to prevent liver diseases and gastrointestinal tract, as a general tonic, giving strength and increasing vitality. Herbal tea can also be prepared from the leaves of the plant, brewing them with boiling water and infusing for 10-20 minutes.
  7. Milk thistle syrup. It is used as one of the means of complex therapy in the treatment of diseases of the liver, stomach (gastritis), and cardiovascular diseases.
  8. Root decoction. It is taken as a gargle for toothache, and internally to treat diarrhea and inflammation of the gastric mucosa, and also as a diuretic.

To make a root decoction, take 1 tablespoon of dried and crushed plant roots, place them in an enamel bowl, pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes in a water bath. Then the broth must be strained, topped up with boiling water to a volume of 200 ml and drunk 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon 20 minutes before meals.

Take milk thistle powder (meal), flour or seeds ground in a coffee grinder for the liver, one teaspoon three times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals, washed down big amount warm water. This remedy is used for a course of 40 days. If necessary, the course is repeated after 2-3 weeks.

For preventive purposes, ground seeds, flour or meal are consumed once a day, in the morning on an empty stomach, one teaspoon, washed down with plenty of water. Milk thistle powder can also be used in for cosmetic purposes, adding to face masks, peeling or ubtan.

As a general strengthening agent, to increase immunity and body resistance to colds and infectious diseases Traditional medicine recommends drinking tea from milk thistle meal.

To prepare it, pour one teaspoon of the product into a glass or ceramic bowl of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 10-15 minutes, strain. You should drink 1/3 cup of this tea three times a day. The course of taking this prophylactic drug is 1 week.

To prepare the decoction, you need to take 30 grams of milk thistle seeds, grind them in a coffee grinder, pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook in a water bath until the volume of liquid is reduced by half. Then the broth should be filtered and taken 1 tablespoon every hour during the day, from 8-00 to 20-00.

This remedy is recommended for toxic liver damage, cirrhosis, hepatitis, during radiation and chemotherapy. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, then you need to take a two-week break and repeat the course of treatment.

Contraindications and precautions

Those who hear about the medicinal properties of milk thistle for the first time will probably be interested not only in its beneficial features, but also contraindications. Like any medicine used in folk medicine, milk thistle must be consumed taking precautions. Although this drug has virtually no contraindications, uncontrolled use will not give the expected results.

Before starting use, you should consult a doctor, and during treatment you must follow the dosage specified by the manufacturer. It is not recommended to take milk thistle during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or give it to children without a pediatrician's prescription.

You should not use medications from this plant if there is blockage of the bile ducts, the presence of stones in the gall bladder, or if you are individually intolerant to the product.

As a rule, taking milk thistle is well tolerated by the body. However, if your health worsens or pain occurs, you should stop using it.

If you decide to grow this herbaceous plant on your personal plot, rest assured that its cultivation will not require any effort or time from you. This grass will grow almost like a weed, decorating your site with picturesque patterned rosettes of its large spotted leaves.

Milk thistle is very unpretentious to weather, climatic conditions and soil composition. The only thing it doesn't like is heavy, marshy soils. It is better to select a dry one for planting sunny plot. This large plant requires quite a lot of space, so do not plant seeds or seedlings too densely. The distance between rows should be at least 0.5 m, and between plants in a row - 0.4 m.

Milk thistle begins to bloom in July, and already in August you can start collecting seeds. All parts of the plant have beneficial properties, but it is the seeds of milk thistle that contain the miraculous silymarin. The capsules with fully ripened seeds are carefully cut off and dried.

  • The roots and leaves of the plant are harvested in late autumn, after the end of the flowering period.

Name in Latin: Silbyum marianum

Synonyms: milk thistle, variegated thistle, spicy-variegated, Maryin Tatarnik, holy thistle, St. Mary's thistle, Maryina thorns, Maryino motley-spicy, ostropester, thorny, silver tartar, sow thistle white, gift of the Virgin Mary, frog, black elecampane, lump, Maryina thorns, trampling , Tatar


Milk thistle is a herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. Milk thistle reaches a height of one and a half meters. The plant is a biennial. The main distinguishing feature of milk thistle is the spines with which its leaves are covered. The leaves are elongated, shiny, their color is green with white spots with a pearlescent tint. In mid-summer, milk thistle begins to bloom with pink (less often white) flowers, which are collected in spherical baskets. Sometimes milk thistle is grown as an ornamental plant (its name is well-known, sharp-variegated), but more often gardeners perceive it as a weed, since this prickly plant spreads very quickly throughout the area. Milk thistle is also popularly called Thistle, frogwort and Maryin Tatarnik.

Milk thistle is widespread throughout the world, it grows in Mediterranean countries, Great Britain, Africa, the Americas, and Asia. In Russia, it is found both in European regions and in the Caucasus mountains, as well as in Siberia. Milk thistle prefers fertile soils, well-lit, sunny places. It quickly fills vacant lots, fields, and roadsides. In some countries, entire plantations are planted with milk thistle to obtain medicinal raw materials.

Preparation and storage

Milk thistle roots and seeds are used for treatment. The roots are dug up in the fall. And the time to collect seeds is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn; for this, the entire above-ground part of the plant is cut off, which is then dried and threshed. Final drying occurs in the fresh air or in special dryers at temperatures up to 50 degrees. An important step is the purification of raw materials from foreign impurities. Storage requires a room with good ventilation; raw materials are placed in fabric bags. Their healing properties Milk thistle lasts for 12 months.

Usage history

Legends call milk thistle a gift from the Virgin Mary, this explains some of the popular names of the plant - Maryin thistle, Maryin thorns, etc. It was Our Lady who informed people about the healing power of milk thistle. The white spots on the variegated foliage of milk thistle are a symbol of the milk of the Virgin Mary.

IN Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome A decoction of milk thistle was used for treatment. In the books of the famous physician and botanist Dioscorides, milk thistle is described as an effective remedy for a variety of diseases, including liver disorders.

Milk thistle has long been used in oriental medicine; its healing properties are described by Indian doctors and homeopaths. Russian herbalists and reference books also repeatedly mention the various medicinal effects of Milk milk. Beekeepers have noticed that honey, which bees collect from milk thistle flowers, also has medicinal properties and has a beneficial effect on the liver, kidneys, and all digestive organs, and promotes the outflow of bile.

In addition to its medicinal properties, milk thistle was valued among the people as an edible plant. Milk thistle seeds served as a seasoning for food, the roots were consumed both fresh and after heat treatment, and fresh shoots and leaves of milk thistle served as a component of salads and side dishes. Dried milk thistle flowers can be used as a spice. Milk thistle is still used in dietary nutrition; milk thistle seed paste - urbech - is especially popular among supporters of a vegetarian diet.

Scientific research has revealed the content of silymarin in milk thistle, a valuable natural substance that has therapeutic effect, as well as other important biologically active components. These works gave impetus to the active use of milk thistle in pharmaceuticals - and today several medicines based on milk thistle seeds, most of them are intended for the treatment of various diseases of the liver, as well as the gall bladder. There are also homeopathic medicines made from milk thistle. Milk thistle powder (meal) is used both in pure form and as an additive to various dishes, and is also brewed as a tea drink.

Chemical composition

The main value in milk thistle is flavonoids, the most important of which is silymarin.

Silymarin has a proven hepatoprotective effect, exhibits antioxidant properties, stimulates regeneration processes in the liver, and also fights inflammation and resists the penetration of toxins and poisons. The effectiveness of silymarin in the treatment of hepatitis, cirrhosis and other liver diseases has been clinically proven.

In total, milk thistle contains more than two hundred different components that have an active effect on the human body. Among them are Vitamins A, groups B, D, E, K and F, many minerals - potassium, calcium, manganese and selenium, zinc, iodine, boron, chromium.

In dermatological practice, milk thistle is used as a remedy for dermatosis, acne, and lichen. Milk thistle seed oil is similar in its medicinal properties to sea buckthorn oil, and also promotes skin regeneration. Milk thistle helps cope with premature baldness, reduces the manifestations of vitiligo, and also improves the condition of allergic skin diseases - this is due to the fact that milk thistle has the property of reducing the production of histamines.

Biologically active substances in milk thistle have an antioxidant effect and help fight free radicals. Silymarin promotes regeneration cell membranes and enhances cell protection from negative external influences.

WITH medicinal purposes Milk thistle extracts in alcohol and water, milk thistle seed oil, syrup and meal containing up to 5% of healing silymarin are used.

In traditional folk medicine, such a remedy as a decoction of milk thistle roots is well known. Doctors prescribe it for convulsions, to stop diarrhea, as a diuretic, as an anti-radiculitis drug, and also for rinsing the mouth for toothache. Juice is squeezed out of milk thistle leaves, which has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa, heals inflammatory processes in the intestines and helps cope with constipation. The seeds, ground to flour, are used to cleanse the blood, get rid of toxins, and lower sugar levels.

The active ingredients of milk thistle have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, strengthening their walls. In gynecological practice, milk thistle is recommended to be used to treat erosion and inflammatory diseases such as vaginitis.

Milk thistle is also known as an effective weight loss remedy. Due to the fact that this medicinal plant has a positive effect on the digestive system, metabolism is normalized, bile flow is improved, and harmful substances are removed from the body. Milk thistle is a good remedy for the prevention of liver diseases and metabolic disorders. It is believed that consuming milk thistle helps preserve youth longer and protects against premature aging.

The herbaceous plant milk thistle, or as it is also called - marin thistle, is found almost throughout the entire territory of the CIS countries. Its beneficial properties have long been known among traditional medicine healers, and it is officially recognized by traditional medicine as a unique remedy for the treatment of liver and gall bladder diseases.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of milk thistle is truly unique. Especially, it is necessary to highlight the presence of flavolignans in its seeds. These substances are hepatoprotectors that can improve metabolic processes in the liver, protect against irritating factors and promote rapid recovery functions in case of damage, including after diseases of various etiologies.

Silybin is isolated from the flavolignans present in milk thistle. It is the one that has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It helps the rapid processing of protein in the liver, prevents cell destruction and removes heavy metals and radionuclides.

Another isolated flavolignan is silymarin. It is extremely rare in nature. Research has proven its effectiveness against the occurrence and spread of cancer cells. It is capable of inhibiting and even eliminating the penetration of heavy poisons into cells.

The seed oil of this plant contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These include oleic, linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic. After squeezing milk thistle oil, what remains is cake, or in other words, meal, which is very important for the production of medicines, as it contains vitamins B, E, K and carotenoids. Contains macro and micro elements, including almost the entire periodic table, and flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, resins, histamine, thiamine, fiber, essential oils and resins.

The use of milk thistle in various forms is recommended by specialists in both traditional and alternative medicine, since the components contained in the plant have a beneficial effect on the body and help with serious diseases.

Milk thistle oil is used for mechanical and allergic damage to the skin. It is prescribed for severe external purulent infections and bedsores. It is recommended to take it for problems with the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

In composition, milk thistle oil is close to chemical composition sunflower oil. It is used to produce creams and other cosmetics with a moisturizing, healing and regenerative effect.

The plant meal contains a huge amount of fiber. It is used as a cleanser for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for problems with cardiovascular system, since it is the high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids that affects lipid metabolism. Meal removes toxins and “bad” cholesterol. Has a beneficial effect on all metabolic processes.

Milk thistle in any dosage form used is capable of:

  • Improve metabolism;
  • Help in the restoration and regeneration of liver cells;
  • Normalize the functioning of the gallbladder, facilitates the outflow of bile;
  • Improve the digestive system and eliminate gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Strengthen the walls of blood vessels and;
  • Remove radionuclides and heavy metals;
  • Prevent the development and spread of cancer;
  • Improve digestion and help in the fight against excess weight;
  • Normalize sugar levels and other manifestations of diabetes;
  • and strengthen blood vessels;
  • Eliminate skin diseases.

Traditional medicine has recognized milk thistle as effective medicinal plant in 1970 Extensive research has been carried out, which has led to the creation of several preparations based on milk thistle. Basically, official drugs are aimed at treating pathologies of the liver, gallbladder and gastrointestinal tract. Popular drugs include: “Legalon”, “Leprotek”, “Geparsil”, “Silibor”, “Siliverin”, “Silimarol” and others - they are used for diseases, both chronic and infectious. They are included in complex therapy in the treatment of alcohol and drug addictions.

In 2002, WHO included milk thistle meal in the list of official hepatoprotective drugs.

Due to its choleretic effect, milk thistle remedies are recommended for cholecystitis, gallstones and inflammation in the spleen. Also used for problems of the genitourinary system - eliminates inflammation, infections, removes stones and sand from the kidneys.

Milk thistle preparation in the form of injections it is used as an antidote. It is capable of destroying deadly poisons and neutralizing the toxic effects or consequences of poisoning. Based on these properties, the plant is recommended to be taken by patients with cancer problems and, in particular, those who have undergone chemotherapy to eliminate its negative effects.

Dermatologists prescribe ointments and creams based on milk thistle, for dermatoses of various etiologies, acne and lichen. Reduces the manifestations of vitiligo and helps with allergic rashes. Eliminates inflammation, itching, softens and promotes skin regeneration.

Milk thistle comes in different forms. In the form of tablets and capsules, phyto-collection, powder (meal), tea, tincture, syrup, injections. May be included in other medications. Seeds are sold separately.

ethnoscience uses this plant much more widely. Decoctions, infusions and alcohol tinctures, teas, etc. are made from it. All parts of the plant are used, including leaves and roots.

The plant is used for such ailments as:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and salt deposition;
  • Diseases of the hematopoietic system (for example, anemia);
  • Gastrointestinal problems;
  • Problems of the liver, gall bladder and spleen;
  • Convulsions;
  • Infections and inflammations of the genitourinary system;
  • Diabetes;
  • Fractures and injuries (as a quickly healing and regenerative agent);
  • Varicose veins;
  • Diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, etc.);
  • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, etc.

Milk thistle meal is a yellow-brown husk remaining after processing the seeds and cake when extracting the oil by extraction. That is, high temperatures and organic solvents are used to process the remaining cake, after which the cake remains. It contains a huge amount of fiber, flavolignans, oil residues (up to 3%), macro and microelements.

The release form is a bag of powder, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is used in the treatment of diseases as a dietary supplement, as well as in cooking as a food additive, and in cosmetology as a peeling.


Milk thistle oil is extracted by cold pressing and the resulting products are used for the production of encapsulated drugs, and by extraction during the secondary processing of cake. The oil obtained in this way is already sent to pharmacies and stores in the form we are familiar with.

As already mentioned, milk thistle oil has a strengthening and regenerating effect on liver cells. Eliminates toxic elements and substances entering the body. Activates metabolic processes, helps in the fight against excess weight, has a positive effect on reproductive function, etc.

The oil has the following properties:

  • Hemostatic;
  • Hepatoprotective;
  • Antitoxic;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antiseptic.


Medicines are made from dry extract of milk thistle. It is obtained from the fruits of the plant, extracted with 80% ethyl alcohol. Then evaporate to a thick mass, remove fatty oils using chemical solution carbon tetrachloride, evaporate to a dry residue and obtain an extract. At home, it can be consumed in the form of tea, decoction, juice, tincture and powder.

To prepare milk thistle tea, you need 1 tsp. seeds, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 5-10 minutes. Tea can be mixed with any other medicinal herbs.

For alcohol tincture You will need a freshly harvested plant. It should be crushed and filled with vodka in a ratio of 1:5. Infuse and store in a cool, dark place, covered. For each specific disease, prescriptions usually indicate the number of days for the medicine to infuse. It can vary from several days to several months. After the medicine has infused, it is filtered.

To obtain juice, take fresh leaves of the plant and put it through a juicer. If this is not possible, then grind it through a meat grinder or grind it with a blender and squeeze it through several layers of gauze. The juice should be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Some recipes recommend adding 25 ml of alcohol per 500 ml of juice.

Decoctions prepared from seeds and rhizomes. To make a decoction of seeds, grind 30 grams of seeds into powder and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. In a water bath, evaporate the water by half and strain.

For a decoction of rhizomes, take 1 tbsp. raw materials and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Evaporate half the water in a water bath and filter. Then add water to the initial volume.

Powder obtained by grinding the seeds of the plant in a blender or any other way. Also, they are consumed without processing. Usually no more than 2 tbsp. in a day.

Milk thistle recipes

Milk thistle is not only used to treat diseases, but is also applicable in other areas. It is used in cooking, flour is made from it and meal is used to prepare various dishes. They also make very tasty honey from milk thistle. In cosmetology, various cosmetics are produced on its basis and used in aromatherapy.

There are a huge number of recipes for using milk thistle, but, of course, they are all associated with its unique medicinal properties. The list of diseases for which the plant is used in various forms is incredibly large. Can be used both externally and internally. There are several interesting and simple recipes that everyone can use:

  • If you are going to a party where you will drink alcohol, then before going out you can drink 1 tbsp. milk thistle meal, which will eliminate the negative effects of alcohol;
  • To improve metabolism, take 1 tsp of meal half an hour before breakfast;
  • To improve liver function and cleanse the blood, take 1 tsp of meal before bed;
  • You can eat salads with the addition of fresh milk thistle leaves, previously treated to remove thorns. This salad will improve the gastrointestinal tract and the functioning of the pancreas;
  • Baths with the addition of a decoction of the plant improve the quality of the skin, relieve inflammation and vitaminize the dermis.

In case of intoxication

Milk thistle helps well with intoxications of various etiologies. It is prescribed in complex therapy for alcohol and drug addiction, poisoning with medicines or food. Acts as an antidote even for severe poisoning, for example, toadstool. With caution, the doctor may prescribe it to a pregnant woman with severe toxicosis. As a preventive measure, milk thistle is drunk by people involved in chemical and radioactive production, as well as those living in environmentally contaminated areas.

For preventive cleansing the body of toxins use the following recipe: for 0.5 tbsp. kefir dissolve 1 tbsp. meal and drink in the morning every day half an hour before meals. The course is 1 month.

For mushroom poisoning you need to take powder from crushed seeds in a coffee grinder or meal, 1 tsp. 5 times a day until full recovery. If the poisoning is severe, then you should take 1 des.l. 7-8 times.

For liver diseases

Today, milk thistle is the most effective natural preparation for cleansing and restoring liver function. Moreover, it is used for serious severe diseases such as cirrhosis, hepatitis of any degree, as well as chronic pathologies.

Recipe for liver restoration simple: you need to take milk thistle powder from crushed seeds, 1 tsp. half an hour before meals 3 p. in a day. The fourth dose should be taken between 1 and 3 am and washed down with burdock decoction, since at this time the liver works most actively. The result will be noticeable within a few days.

You can refer to a recipe made from milk thistle and pumpkin seed oils: for this you need to mix 200 ml of plant oil, 100 ml of pumpkin seed oil and 5 drops of essential peppermint oil. Drink 3 times a day, 1 dessert spoon 30 minutes before meals. The course lasts 1 month.

For diabetes

Milk thistle contains some trace elements that can regulate the production of the hormone insulin by the pancreas, which is involved in the breakdown and regulation of blood sugar. Studies have proven that this plant affects not only the functioning of the pancreas, but also the liver, helping with diabetes in the early stages.

The fact is that the liver produces leukogen - the substance is converted into glucose, and milk thistle regulates the balance between the work of insulin, the production of leukogen and the energy exchange of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The oil of this plant is used for diabetes as a natural sweetener. When consumed, blood sugar levels drop significantly. Of course, milk thistle is not a panacea for diabetes, but it can significantly make life easier for patients or prevent this disease.

For the prevention of diabetes mellitus you will need: 2 tbsp. Grind the seeds of the plant into flour and take 1 des.l. four times a day half an hour before meals. The course is 1 month. After completing it, a break of two weeks is required and then another course follows.

For skin diseases

Externally, milk thistle is used for a number of skin diseases, including allergic rashes, acne, burns and frostbite, wounds and other damage to the dermis. Moreover, the plant perfectly fights infections and eliminates inflammatory processes, including purulent ones.

For burns and purulent wounds Compresses are usually used. To do this, treat the area of ​​skin damage with an antiseptic drug and then apply a gauze compress soaked in milk thistle oil. Keep the compress under a bandage for 1-2 days. Carry out treatment until complete healing.

For mild mechanical damage to the skin Use fresh leaves of the plant. To do this, you need to cut off the thorns from the leaves, grind them into pulp, roll them into a gauze compress and apply them to the wound. Usually, wounds heal on the second or third day.

For allergic rash The following milk thistle medicine helps:

  • 3 tbsp. l. crushed plant seeds;
  • 3 glasses hot water;
  • Pour in and cook until the water boils by 50%;
  • Strain and drink 1 tbsp. l. each hour.

For weight loss

Excess weight problems arise for many reasons. Among them are accumulated toxins in the liver, diabetes, unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle, which leads to metabolic disorders, etc.

Milk thistle is used as a multi-purpose weight loss remedy. Its advantages are that it acts as an enterosorbent, cleansing the body of toxins, improves and accelerates metabolism, does not cause allergic reactions, and regulates the gastrointestinal tract.

In an integrated approach to the fight against excess weight, milk thistle meal and oil are consumed. Meal, cleansing the kidneys and liver of radionuclides and heavy metals and having a diuretic and laxative effect, is an excellent way to get rid of extra pounds. The result can be observed both after two weeks of taking the meal and after several months. It all depends on body weight and individual characteristics of the absorption of this product. Usually take 1 tsp. powder 3 times a day.

Milk thistle oil removes cholesterol plaques, stimulates fat metabolism, which has a positive effect on weight loss. Take 1 tbsp. 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals and wash down with 150 ml of warm water. You can replace oil in salads with it, which is also effective.

You can also turn to milk thistle tea. For this you need 1 tsp. seeds pour 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for half an hour and strain. Drink hot in small sips of half a glass twice a day. You can add mint or linden to this tea.

Application in cosmetology

Milk thistle is widely used in cosmetology. Based on its oil extract, skin and hair care products are made, as it contains a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Such funds can act as follows:

  • Relieve inflammation;
  • Accelerate the wound healing process;
  • Moisturize the skin and smooth out wrinkles;
  • Improve complexion and get rid of age spots;
  • Reduce exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Milk thistle products for cosmetic purposes are suitable for any skin type and do not have allergic reactions, with the exception of individual intolerance.

Milk thistle oil is rich in “beauty vitamins” E, A, D, F, K:

  • A - improves the quality of the skin, giving it firmness and elasticity;
  • E - moisturizes the skin;
  • F - promotes cell regeneration and tightens pores;
  • D - accelerates the absorption of calcium and magnesium, improves complexion;
  • K - normalizes blood circulation and acts as an anti-inflammatory.

Nowadays, many cosmetic products based on milk thistle are produced, and it is quite affordable. But, you can use the oil extract yourself at home, either in its pure form or by mixing it with any other oils. It is used to make homemade cosmetics, creams, tonics, lotions, masks and applications.

To prepare face mask you should mix 2 tbsp. milk thistle oil and 1 tbsp. black cumin oil extract. Moisten a gauze pad and apply it to your face for half an hour. This mask eliminates inflammation, irritation and rashes. Helps well with acne. Can be used twice a day.

Milk thistle to get rid of age spots used like this: follow 4 tbsp. milk thistle oil extract mixed with 1 tsp. tea tree oil. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas 2 times a day. The result will be visible in two weeks. During this period, it is not advisable to be in the sun.

Milk thistle oil extract is very effective for hair, as it moisturizes, nourishes and gives a healthy shine. Strengthens hair follicles and prevents premature hair loss.

The oil can be purchased at any pharmacy and used in its pure form or prepared from it universal firming mask. For this you need 3 tbsp. mix base oil with 0.5 tsp. tea tree oil extract. Heat in a water bath and apply for half an hour along the entire length of the hair, including the scalp. Wash off with shampoo.

Contraindications and harm

Milk thistle, like any medicinal plant and all medicinal forms obtained from it, have their contraindications. In any case, you should always consult your doctor.

Contraindications include:

  • Availability mental illness and disorders associated with the nervous system;
  • For chronic exacerbations of any disease;
  • The presence of increased concentrations of phosphorus and calcium;
  • Perinatal period and lactation period;
  • Children under 3 years old.

The medicinal properties of milk thistle have long been used to heal the liver, gallbladder, eliminate inflammation of the bile ducts, relieve constipation and hemorrhoids. Currently, milk thistle is cultivated for the needs of the pharmaceutical industry due to its many beneficial properties.

Milk thistle

Another name for the plant is “Maryin thistle”, it is the closest relative of asters. The weed is widespread in the Caucasus, in Central Asia, in the south of Western Siberia.

The leaves, framed by spines, are covered with white spots and streaks. Therefore, the plant is also called “sharp-variegated”.

Yellow shiny seeds with a tuft and dark longitudinal spots ripen from flower baskets.

Composition and beneficial properties of milk thistle

The seeds contain over 200 components necessary to maintain health. Milk thistle contains all B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, D, F, E, K.

It contains essential amino acids tyramine, tryptophan, histamine, and flavonoids.

Milk thistle contains chlorophyll, which has a beneficial property of providing a rejuvenating effect and promoting recovery processes. The carotenoids included in the composition slow down aging.

Preparations from seeds are used to treat and restore skin.

The healing properties of milk thistle normalize liver function. If you have a headache in the morning, digestion is disturbed, and your periods are accompanied by thick, dark-colored discharge, these symptoms indicate that your liver is overloaded.

Application useful plant restores tissue damaged by alcohol abuse, hepatitis, and harmful substances. After treatment, the liver is less susceptible to infections and poisoning.

The beneficial properties of milk thistle heal the gallbladder, stimulate the production and outflow of bile - it becomes more liquid.

Milk thistle treatment is indicated for acute and chronic liver diseases, inflammation of the bile ducts, cholelithiasis, hemorrhoids, inflammation.

Milk thistle for liver treatment

The plant is useful for its ability to restore the liver, protect intact cells from infections and harmful factors.

Medicinal compositions from milk thistle activate the function of the gallbladder, the formation of bile, its removal from the body, and stimulate digestion processes.

Milk thistle is useful for acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, inflammation of the gallbladder and ducts. The plant is included in medications for removing stones from the liver and gall bladder, and in liver protection products.

Infusions, alcohol tinctures, and milk thistle seed powder are taken internally. It is convenient to use a coffee grinder to prepare the powder.

Recipe 1. Pain in the liver:

  • Brew 20g of seeds with two glasses of boiling water, cover with a lid, leave for 10 minutes, strain.

Take the infusion throughout the day. Treat for three weeks. The most effective treatment- during the first year. Then a break for 2-4 weeks.

Recipe 2. The medicinal properties of milk thistle seeds are useful for cleansing the liver and gallbladder:

  1. Mix in equal parts milk thistle, mint - all ingredients or those that are available.
  2. Brew 1 liter of boiling water 2 tbsp. mixture, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, leave in a sealed container for 40 minutes, strain.

Take half a glass half an hour before meals for 2-3 months.

Recipe 3. Treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis:

  1. Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water and 30 g of crushed seeds, simmer over low heat until the volume of water is reduced by half.
  2. Leave in a sealed container for 10-15 minutes, strain.

Take 1 tbsp. each hour. Treat for a month.

Another way:

  • Take 1 tsp. seed powder 4-5 times a day, washed down with water.

Medicinal uses of milk thistle

Thyroid treatment:

  • Brew 500 ml of boiling water and 30 g of seed powder. Boil over low heat until half the water has evaporated, strain.

Take 1 tbsp every hour. The course of treatment is a month. Milk thistle seed remedy is useful for any diseases of the thyroid gland, if there is no individual intolerance.


  • Take 1 tbsp. crushed seeds every two hours, wash down with a small amount of water.

Vitiligo(skin pigmentation disorder).

  • Grind 2 tbsp in a coffee grinder. milk thistle seeds, brew two glasses of hot infusion of the fruit, simmer over low heat until the volume is reduced by half, strain.

Take 1 tbsp. 10 minutes before breakfast and dinner. The course of treatment is a month.

Recipe 2. Lubricate areas of skin with impaired pigmentation 6-7 times a day with infusion:

  • Brew 1 tsp in 50 ml of rosehip infusion. black tea.


  • Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. seeds, leave for 20 minutes, strain.

Take orally throughout the day. An infusion of milk thistle seeds is useful for applying externally in the form of compresses.


  • Use milk thistle infusion according to the recipe above to treat hemorrhoids (sitz baths at room temperature infusion for 10-15 minutes).

The course of treatment is 10-15 sessions, which can be repeated after 10 days.

Constipation, gastritis, chronic inflammation of the colon mucosa (colitis):

  • Get milk thistle juice from 4-5 large fresh leaves, add juice and 3 tbsp. alcohol 70% in 1 liter of milk.

Take 30 drops 15 minutes before meals.

Weight loss.

  • Infuse 50g of seeds in 0.5l of vodka for a week, shake periodically.

Take 25 drops half an hour before meals with water.

Treatment with milk thistle oil

The oil contains fully saturated fatty acids Omega-6 and Omega-9, which neutralize free radicals in the body, promote tissue regeneration processes, and are beneficial for the gallbladder, pancreas, and liver.

The silibinin contained in the oil restores liver cells and protects against harmful substances.

Milk thistle oil is obtained from the seeds by cold pressing; it retains a lot of beneficial properties. The product tastes good and is easily digestible. You cannot fry it, only add it to prepared dishes or salads. Ask at the pharmacy.

Improvement of the liver, normalization of cholesterol levels, getting rid of harmful substances, weight loss:

  • Replace the usual olive or sunflower with a glass of boiling water for one to two months.

Diseases of the liver, gall bladder:

  • Take 1 tsp. milk thistle oil during meals - its medicinal properties activate the functioning of these organs.

Treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers. The oil stimulates regeneration processes, tightens ulcers:

  • Take 1 tbsp. oil two hours (or later) after dinner.

The course is two weeks. Milk thistle oil is also useful in the treatment of flatulence.

Healing of cuts, ulcers, cracked nipples, for skin care of small children. Due to its mild and gentle action, the useful product is used externally:

  • Apply a cloth soaked in milk thistle oil to the affected area for a few minutes.

In case of dry sensitive skin, leave the napkin for 15-20 minutes. A milk thistle oil mask is useful for smoothing out fine wrinkles and restoring skin elasticity.

The oil is used to soften dry sensitive skin after shaving, during massage, and in the treatment of oral diseases.


Milk thistle oil should not be used by children under 12 years of age.

The plant stimulates the flow of bile. Therefore, it is contraindicated for stones in the gall bladder or kidneys, acute damage to the bile ducts.

During liver cleansing, milk thistle can trigger premature labor.

At breastfeeding Milk thistle improves lactation. But harmful substances penetrate into the blood and pass into the baby’s milk. If discomfort occurs, reduce dose or stop treatment.

Modified: 06/26/2019

Milk thistle is an unpretentious plant that is known to every person. Tall, spiny stems, with massive leaves at the rhizome, and at the top lilac flowers. Many people destroy it because they consider it an ordinary weed. Unfortunately, not everyone knows about its medicinal properties. The plant has long been used in folk medicine to eliminate various ailments. Milk thistle, what beneficial properties and contraindications it has, the answer to this question will be given in the article.

Milk thistle is one of the names of the plant, as it is called differently in certain areas. It also has other names, for example, milk thistle, milk thistle, thorn, Maryin tartar or silver tartar. It has fairly tall stems, about 1.5 m, with spines and leaves evenly distributed on it. The surface of each leaf is quite dense and rough. They are deep green in color, with white spots, and their surface is shiny. Root system Well developed, which allows you to firmly hold the massive stem.

Milk thistle begins to bloom in July and lasts until the end of August. At the top of the stem are purple flowers, collected in spiny single baskets. Upon completion of flowering, seeds are formed. They have a dark brown tint, and there is a clear line in the middle. Thanks to these seeds, the plant reproduces.

The beneficial composition of milk thistle is simply amazing. Scientists count about 200 beneficial substances in this plant. One of the main ones is silymarin; it effectively restores damaged liver cells. The components are located throughout the plant, from the roots to the flowers. Thistle contains the following chemicals:

  • macroelements (calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium);
  • various vitamins (group B, D, E, K);
  • trace elements (boron, copper, manganese, iodine, phosphorus, aluminum, zinc and others);
  • essential oils;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • biogenic amines (tyramine, histamine);
  • fat-soluble vitamins (quercetin, flavolignan);
  • carotonoid;
  • silymarin.

Due to its rich composition, thistle is widely used in traditional and folk medicine. Nutrients effectively normalize the functioning of many organs and systems, restoring health to a person.

What are the benefits of grass for the body?

Thistle is a unique plant; it contains a huge number of useful components. Due to this, thorn is recommended for many diseases. It has the following properties for the body:

  • eliminates the inflammatory process;
  • a high-quality hepatoprotector, so it is recommended for any liver diseases;
  • effectively heals any wounds and ulcers;
  • reduces the synthesis of histamines, thereby reducing signs of an allergic reaction and headaches;
  • provokes antioxidant and epithelial effects;
  • provides prevention of malignant neoplasms;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • protects the body from toxic substances, preventing various poisonings and infections;
  • acts as a choleretic agent;
  • is a diuretic and laxative;
  • accelerates the formation of estrogen hormones;
  • qualitatively strengthens the body.

All these beneficial properties are found throughout the plant. However, based on each raw material, it is possible to prepare a specific medicine, which is recommended for the treatment of various ailments.

A healing decoction and alcohol tinctures are prepared based on the roots. This raw material is widely used in pharmacology; tablets and capsules are prepared from it. Traditional medicines and medications are recommended for use for diseases of the stomach and liver. They are excellent for helping with poor urine flow, swelling of the limbs, cramps and radiculitis.

Effective effect of seeds on the body

Thistle seeds are a unique raw material; flour, oil and powder are prepared from it. The drug in any form is effective for dysfunction of the digestive organs, ailments of the spleen and liver. Active components prevent the accumulation of salts and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Milk thistle oil - beneficial properties

The substance is obtained by cold pressing, so it retains a lot of useful components necessary for the body. At the pharmacy it can be purchased in capsules or in a bottle, depending on the purpose. It contains the entire biochemical composition of the plant (described above).

What are the benefits of oil? Medicines based on it are used in folk and traditional medicine, for problems with the liver, stomach and gallbladder. It has wound healing, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties. It perfectly helps with a variety of allergic rashes. It is recommended by gynecologists to restore women's health. The oil is taken orally for stomach diseases and myopia. It is prescribed for cardiovascular problems, as well as to improve the immune system and general tone.

Beneficial properties for women allow the oil to find wide application in cosmetology:

  • eliminates skin scarring due to its softening effect;
  • improves hair, so a variety of masks are made based on the oil. They stimulate hair growth, prevent hair loss and strengthen the hair follicle. In addition, medicated masks eliminate dandruff and bacterial skin diseases;
  • the herb is effective for weight loss;
  • face masks have a rejuvenating effect;
  • Capsules with oil effectively strengthen nails.

Milk thistle meal - beneficial properties

This unique substance is obtained after squeezing the seeds of the plant. They are ground into powder or flour. It retains a lot of fiber and other useful components. The raw materials are used to treat the liver and digestive organs. Active components strengthen vascular walls and eliminate varicose veins. Thanks to its beneficial properties, the powder effectively reduces excess body weight and normalizes blood sugar levels.

Milk thistle leaves - benefits for humans

Juice is prepared from the leaves, which has a diuretic, choleretic and laxative effect on the body. Young leaves are widely used in cooking for preparing salads and delicious side dishes.

Important! Regardless of the choice of raw materials, they all retain beneficial properties for the liver. The herb contains silymarin, which effectively restores damaged organ cells.

Medicinal preparations based on thistle

Due to its beneficial substances, milk thistle herb is widely used in pharmacology. Many drugs are made based on medicinal herbs and are sold in pharmacies. As a rule, these are natural medications that fight many diseases:

  • herbal tea – normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, restores liver tissue, tones the body;
  • syrup - prescribed for dysfunction of the biliary tract, liver and spleen, as well as for gastritis, heart pathologies and ENT diseases;
  • milk thistle in capsules (extract) is a complete storehouse of flavonoids, so it is prescribed to protect the liver from toxic effects;
  • tablets – effectively restores liver function;
  • milk thistle powder – recommended for psoriasis, atherosclerosis and liver disease;
  • essential oil - prescribed for diseases of the heart, liver, digestive organs and allergic rashes;
  • meal - restores the functioning of the heart, liver, spleen and respiratory organs. It is prescribed for hemorrhoids and colitis.

Before using any drug, you should consult your doctor. The specialist will select an individual dosage that will effectively eliminate the disease that has arisen. By following the specialist’s recommendations, the treatment will be of better quality.

Collection, preparation and storage

The entire thistle has healing properties: roots, trunk, leaves, flowers and seeds. However, all these parts have certain nuances in assembly, storage and preparation. It is important to take them into account so that the raw materials retain maximum health benefits.

  1. Milk thistle seeds. The seeds should be collected between August and October. This important rule, since flowering is long, so the seeds do not fully ripen evenly. The signal that the raw materials are completely ready is indicated by the white guns. Harvesting must be done using pruning shears; the baskets themselves must be cut off. They are evenly laid out in one layer on a sieve; clean paper or oilcloth must be placed under it. Drying must be done under a canopy in the open air or in a room that is ventilated, but so that there are no drafts. Upon completion of drying, the spines are carefully cut off and the seeds are shaken out of the baskets. They need to be dried on paper. You need to store raw materials in a bag made of natural fabric, in a dark place. If all rules are followed, the shelf life of the seeds is 3 years.
  2. Rhizomes of the plant. Harvesting should be done in the fall, after flowering has completed. During this period, all useful components are collected in the roots. The roots need to be dug up, thoroughly washed from the soil and finely chopped. The raw materials must be dried in an oven at a temperature of 50°C. The medicinal drug must be stored in glassware, which is tightly closed with a lid. Shelf life: 1 year.
  3. Thistle leaves. Collection should be carried out in the fall, the leaves are cut with a knife and, if necessary, crushed. The raw materials are laid out in a thin layer on paper so that it dries well. It is important to stir the leaves regularly so that they do not start to rot. They should be stored in glass jars for no more than 1 year.
  4. Medicinal thorn juice. The healing liquid needs to be prepared during the period when the plant’s arrow appears and the inflorescences begin to open. To get the juice you need to cut off several large and juicy leaves. They are washed, passed through a meat grinder and the juice is squeezed out. How to store? In order for raw materials to be well preserved, they must be properly preserved. For 1 liter of freshly squeezed juice you will need 50 ml of alcohol. All components are combined and mixed. Store the medicine in the refrigerator.

Silver tartar is beneficial if you follow all the rules during the collection, preparation and storage of raw materials. Simple recommendations will help you get effective medicine for many diseases!

Important! Milk thistle honey – the beneficial properties of this beekeeping product retains all its beneficial properties. Its active components stimulate the functioning of the stomach, liver, intestines, kidneys, and also improve the excretion of bile.

Contraindications for use and harm

Despite all the positive properties of the active substances of milk thistle, medicines based on it are prohibited for some people. This group includes:

  • a person with severe heart and vascular disease;
  • psychological disorders;
  • dyspnea;
  • individual intolerance;
  • children under 12 years old.

Sometimes, especially if the prescribed dosage is not followed, a person may experience some side effects. General malaise is accompanied by diarrhea, pain in the liver and allergic rashes. At the first unpleasant symptoms, you must stop taking thistle-based medications and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Thistle, thorn, silver tartar - all these names belong to milk thistle. The plant is quite common, it grows everywhere: near water bodies, in plantings, in vegetable gardens and in urban areas...

Milk thistle – annual plant of the aster family, which has many medicinal properties. Therefore, it is actively used in folk medicine. It is also called milk thistle. Represents...

The milk thistle plant is characterized by a unique composition that increases its value for the human body. Recycled raw materials are used for medical purposes. During this processing of the plant, meal remains...

Milk thistle (another name is thistle) is a herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae family, which is used in folk medicine. It is worth considering the beneficial properties and contraindications of milk thistle oil,...

Milk thistle (another name is thistle) – weed, which, despite belonging to this group, has many medicinal properties. Therefore, it is actively used in non-traditional...