Now I want to eat fried dog. The dog had a fatty lunch, what should you do? Bread, pasta and potatoes

On one of the forums I came across some unpleasant photos of how food is prepared from dogs. I warn you right away - it’s better not to watch it for the faint of heart, even though they went through censorship. I also want to clarify. “Food dogs”, like mongrels, are not companion animals, they have no nicknames, have no attraction to humans, do not know commands, and have no communication.

In Western culture, it is considered that eating dogs is cruel, wild and disgusting (although in most Western countries it is not prohibited by law), which naturally does not interfere with eating chickens, geese, cows, sheep and other livestock. But in many Asian countries, dog meat is considered a delicacy. Dogs are also eaten in some African countries and Pacific island nations. Dogs are actively eaten in countries such as China, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Congo, and Ghana. Western eaters, having once tasted dog, certainly agree that dog meat is tasty and rich in easily digestible proteins. Having grown up in a region heavily populated by Koreans, I myself have eaten many dog ​​dishes on numerous occasions.
Tasty. Nourishing. In the Russian Far East, you can simply eat dog in every ethnic Korean or Chinese cafe or restaurant.

Eating domestic dogs (for example, those performing security work) in extreme cases, during periods of crop failure or livestock loss, was apparently not uncommon in the past. However, now in Asian countries they mainly eat dogs specially bred for food. Moreover, the breeds usually differ from those used as pets.

“Food dogs” are not companion animals, they are farmed like pigs or cows and do not have names. They are usually slaughtered between the ages of 6 and 12 months, focusing on optimal size and food quality, slaughtering methods are the same as for other food animals (usually cutting the throat). By the way, many would probably become vegetarians if they had to slaughter animals for food themselves. Most modern "civilized" people cannot cut off the head of a chicken.

By the way, dog meat is quite expensive and Asians do not eat it every day, although many consider it very tasty. Many also believe that it has healing properties.

Typically, I couldn’t find recipes for dog dishes in RuNet. To the delight of the homeless, I translate several found on the English-language Internet:

Filipino Stewed Dog (wedding dish)
3 kg dog meat, 1.5 cups vinegar, 60 black pepper kernels (grind), 6 tablespoons salt, 12 heads garlic (crush), half a cup vegetable oil, 6 cups chopped onion, 3 cups tomato sauce, 10 cups water, 6 cups green peppers (sliced), 6 bay leaves, 1 teaspoon hot pepper spice, 1.5 cups liver pate, 1 whole fresh pineapple, cut into 1 cm thick slices

1. First you need to kill a medium-sized dog, tar it (burn its fur).
2. Carefully remove the skin while it is still hot after oiling.
3. Cut the meat into cubes approximately 2.5 cm thick. Marinate the meat in a mixture of vinegar, pepper, salt and garlic for 2 hours.
4. Fry the meat in oil in a large pot over high open heat, then add the onion and pineapple and cook until soft.
5. Add tomato sauce and water, add green pepper, bay leaf and hot sauce...
6. Close the lid and bury the cauldron in the coals, simmer until the meat is ready. Add liver pate and cook for another 5-7 minutes.

You can replace the dog in this recipe with lamb, but the taste will be worse.

Dog soup (Bosintang) A Korean dish, other names are Gaejang, Gajangkuk, or Gujang, Gujangaeng, Guyoukgeng (depending on the province).

Ingredients per serving:

100g boiled dog meat
500g broth (obtained by boiling dog meat)
20g green onions
10g leeks
10g perilla leaves (I have no idea what it’s called in Russian, something related to mint)
100g taro stems

8g salt, 2g crushed garlic, 3g of perilla, 2g ground red pepper, 2g crushed ginger, a little black pepper.


Place taro stems into the prepared broth with meat and cook for a while, then add the rest of the ingredients and cook until done. Before eating, sprinkle with pepper and serve. Colocasia stems must be soaked for 2 days in cold water, otherwise they will give the dish an unpleasant taste and smell.

Boiled Dog with Spices and Vegetables (Jeongol)

200g boiled dog meat
150g broth
50g green onions
50g leeks
40g meadowsweet (dropwort)
20g perilla

3g salt, 5g perilla, 10g crushed garlic, 2g red pepper, a little black pepper.


Place everything in a frying pan, boil over high heat, reduce heat to low, and start eating directly on the fire. If you overdo it, the vegetables will change color and spoil the taste of the dish.

Boiled dog meat (Suyuk)
Ingredients (per serving):

200g boiled dog meat, 50g broth, 1g salt, 1g garlic, a little pepper, leek, perilla leaves
Sauce: Sev sauce is recommended.


Place all the ingredients in a frying pan, simmer over low heat, pour over the sauce, and eat.
Before preparing almost any dog ​​dish, the meat of some breeds is soaked in warm water with a small amount of vinegar. After an hour, the water is drained. This procedure is sometimes repeated several times. This helps remove specific odors.

Sweet and sour dog meat

# 450 g dog meat, cut into thin strips 5 cm long
#1 yellow or red pepper, seeded and cut into pieces
#4 onions, diced
# 1 tbsp. spoon of ketchup
# 2 teaspoons vinegar
# 3 tbsp. spoons of red wine
# 1 tbsp. spoon of corn flour
# 3 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil Salt, pepper
#4 tbsp. spoons of sugar
# 1 tbsp. spoon of soy sauce
# 4 glasses of water
# Oil for frying


#2 beaten egg yolks
#2 tbsp. spoons of flour
#2 tbsp. spoons of water

Drizzle half the red wine over the meat, sprinkle with a pinch of salt and pepper, then add ketchup, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, remaining wine, cornmeal and 1 teaspoon of salt.

Make a dough from eggs, flour and water. Heat the deep-frying oil in a wok or regular frying pan to 175°C, dip the meat in the batter and fry until crispy. Remove meat from pan and keep warm. Clean the frying pan and heat it vegetable oil, put peppers and onions there and fry for 1-2 minutes, then add the previously prepared mixture and, stirring, let it thicken. Dip the meat into the resulting sauce. Serve hot with rice.

The negative attitude of most Euro-Americans towards eating dogs is understandable. Dogs are the heroes of many literary works, films and television programs, including books by Jack London, the films "Rin-Tin-Tin", "Lassie" and "Benji", Disney's immortal "101 Dalmatians", numerous descriptions of the heroic work of the US Army K-9 units and touching stories about St. Bernards with with a barrel of life-saving grog around their necks, searching for climbers and tourists lost in the Alps and buried under avalanches.

Among other things, the dog - originally, it is believed, an Asian wolf domesticated in the Neolithic era - has proven its usefulness to humans through centuries of faithful service thanks to its agility, excellent hearing and scent, innate hunting instincts and ability to protect herds.

On the other hand, for a long time and in various regions of the planet, dog meat was perceived - and in some places it is still perceived today - as a desirable food. In China, information about the use of dogs for food dates back to the time of Confucius and is contained, in particular, in the treatise on ancient rituals “Liji” (approximately 500 BC), translated in 1885 and containing recipes for delicious dishes for ceremonial ceremonies .

One such dish consisted of fried rice and crisp-fried wolf brisket. The dish was served with dog liver, which was fried over coals and doused with dog fat. During the same period, the emperor, who needed a large number of warriors, encouraged fertility by presenting as a gift to every woman who gave birth to a son what in the literature of that era was called a “juicy puppy.”

The Chinese (and other Asians) perceived dog meat as more than just a dish. It was considered very useful for the yang - the masculine, hot, extroverted component of human nature - as opposed to the feminine, cold, introverted yin. It was believed that this meat warms the blood, and therefore it was most actively consumed during the winter months.

Back in the 4th century BC, the Chinese philosopher Mengzi extolled the pharmaceutical virtues of dog meat, advising its use for liver diseases, malaria and jaundice. It was believed that, along with many other products, dog meat increases male potency. The Chinese also used a kind of “dog wine” as a remedy for fatigue.

Later, the Manchu Qin dynasty, which ruled China since the 17th century, banned the consumption of dog meat, declaring the custom barbaric. In South China, however, they continued to eat it, and the Kuomintang members who opposed Sun Yat-sen began their meetings with the preparation of dog meat, perceiving this act as a symbol of the anti-Manchurian revolution. The code name for this ceremony - “Meat three sixes” - is based on a play on words and is consonant with the word “dog”. Even today in Hong Kong, where killing dogs and eating dog meat has been prohibited since 1950, butchers and buyers use the allegorical phrase “Meat three sixes” when communicating with each other about dog meat.

Since the Hong Kong Chinese are the same residents of southern China, where dog meat is considered a staple food, law enforcement agencies turn a blind eye to breaking the law, sanctions against violators (up to six months in prison and a fine of $125) are rarely applied, and therefore Few people pay attention to the law, especially in the winter months, when the demand for this meat is especially high.

It is well known that the ancestral home of the American Indians is present-day Mongolia; it is believed that they crossed the Bering Sea, taking dogs with them, after which they settled in the vastness of North America. When European explorers and settlers arrived in New World, they counted seventeen varieties of dogs, many of which were raised specifically for slaughter.

However, it is also true that the custom of eating dog meat was not typical for all Indian tribes. Among those who had it were the Iroquois and some Algonquin tribes in the central and eastern forested regions of the continent, as well as the Ute Indians in Utah, who cooked and ate dog meat before performing sacred ritual dances.

As for the Arapaho Indians, the very name of this tribe translates as “dog eaters.” David Comfort, in his First World History of Pets, writes that puppies were most often eaten because their meat was softer: “Puppies were fed on a specially prepared mixture of pemmican and dried fruit. After killing and skinning the animal with a tomahawk, the Indians hung the carcass upside down on a branch and rubbed it with buffalo fat, after which they skewered it.”

During the time of Christopher Columbus, the only domestic animals in what is now Mexico were turkeys and dogs; according to a 16th-century chronicle, both types of meat were served on the table in one plate. Meriwether Lewis, leader of the Lewis and Clark expedition that discovered the American Northwest, wrote in his diary in 1804: “Having been accustomed for a long time to eating dog meat, many of us have become really addicted to it, and the initial disgust has been overcome by the recognition that “Having started eating this food, we became fatter, stronger - in a word, we felt better than ever after we left the country of the bison.”

In the relatively recent year of 1928, Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen ate his sled dogs while trying to reach the North Pole, although, as we know, he did this not out of his own free will, but in order to survive.

The tradition of eating dog meat existed not only in Asia and North America. For at least a thousand years, Polynesians fattened so-called poi dogs, which were kept on a plant-based diet, primarily poi, the boiled taro root. Dogs were one of the "meat" animals (along with pigs) brought on primitive sailing ships to the islands known today as Hawaii from Tahiti and the Marquesas Islands.

IN early XIX centuries in Hawaii, on major holidays with the participation of local monarchs and often sailors from England and the United States, from 200 to 400 dogs were slaughtered for just one meal. In 1870, a cookbook was published in France containing recipes for dozens of dog meat dishes. However, on the other side of the English Channel, as a rule, everything that the French had a weakness for was rejected.

Today, dog meat remains popular in southern China, Hong Kong, parts of Japan, Korea, much of Southeast Asia, and to a lesser extent in Mexico, Central and South America. Sometimes this creates problems. For a number of years, the organizers of the world's most famous dog show, held in England, willingly accepted sponsorship from the Korean electronics industry giant, Samsung.

This continued until the International Foundation for the Humane Treatment of Animals protested in 1995 on the grounds that up to two million dogs were destroyed annually for the Korean food industry.

You should eat dog meat with caution. If a dog has not been fed properly, its meat may turn out to be stringy and even harmful. Today, in some Asian countries, measures are being taken not only to regulate the volume of slaughter and tighten sanitary supervision, but also to identify places where dog meat dishes are offered, since sometimes, instead of dog meat, customers are served something completely different.

In Korea in 2003, between four and six thousand restaurants offered their customers dishes made from dog meat: soups with richness (priced at about $10 for a medium-sized plate), potted meat ($16 per serving), and steamed meat with rice ( $25). In principle, as in other places, it is illegal to sell cooked dog meat here, and restaurateurs did so at the risk of being left without a license.

Meanwhile, in 1997, an appeals court in Seoul acquitted a dog meat wholesaler, qualifying the consumption of dog meat as a socially acceptable act. The situation is the same in Hanoi, where in Nhat Tan Garden, on the northern outskirts of the city, near the Red River, most of the restaurants are “dog” restaurants, and the village of Cao Ha, located 40 kilometers to the south, lives by supplying them with dog meat.

These restaurants have at least a dozen specialty dishes on their menus, including steamed meat, seasoned minced meat, leaf-wrapped meat, and fried intestines, ribs, and legs. Using wine, a unique sour dog curry is prepared and served with noodles.

The most expensive dish on offer is dog meat soup with bamboo shoots. It is customary to eat it only in the second half of the lunar month: it is believed that during this period, it promotes health, tones the body, including strengthening male potency, and in addition, wards off misfortune.

There is almost no waste from dogs. Everything goes into food. From leather to dog dicks.
Dog meat is not just an ordinary culinary dish for residents of China and Korea. And not just tradition or passion. Only thanks to the consumption of dog meat, during the period of rampant tuberculosis, thousands and thousands of people inhabiting these regions survived. The fact is that dog fat contains substances that successfully relieve and treat lung diseases. And the process of cooking dog is very different from cooking other meat. The skin is not torn off from the dog's carcass, only the hair is cleaned off using a special tool. The dish is cooked for a long time over low heat in a special cauldron along with tofu (soy products) and vegetables...
Dog meat can be prepared for future use by drying and lightly smoking.
The post has been partially copied and compiled.

Unlike humans, dogs are carnivores, not omnivores. Dogs should not be fed most foods that humans eat without problems.

They disrupt the functioning of internal organs, lead to systemic diseases and acute poisoning. And some foods can cause death.

The diet of a four-legged pet should be as close as possible to the diet of its ancestors - wolves. It includes everything that the pet can get on its own in the wild.

The list of prohibited foods for dogs is extensive. Of course, if your pet accidentally swallows a piece of food that is not allowed, nothing bad will happen. But if you feed the dog this way constantly or large quantities, his health will certainly deteriorate.

The most dangerous food

A number of products lead to serious consequences. The owners know about them, but some stubbornly ignore the prohibitions and continue to give “goodies”. Such foods include:

Animal products

Dogs are predators and meat eaters. But not all meat is equally healthy. So, animals cannot be fed:

Plant food

Vegetables, fruits, berries, and cereals supply the pets’ body with vitamins; without them, normal functioning of the digestive organs is impossible. However, a number of plant products are dangerous for dogs.

Prohibited fruits and vegetables:

Harmful grains, greens and more:

The list of foods that should not be given to dogs will be useful not only for adherents of natural food, but also for those who feed their dogs industrial food. If the composition contains one of the above ingredients, you should not purchase the product.

List of useful and permitted products

The list of what you can feed dogs is much shorter. But that's okay - pets don't need a lot of variety. A proper feeding will provide animals with a long and healthy life.

Dogs can and should be given:

Which of the “forbidden fruits” can sometimes be given to dogs?

It’s not always possible for owners to withstand the dog’s pitiful gaze and not pamper him with something tasty. The good news is that you can give up. In small quantities, the dog is allowed to eat:

General rules for healthy eating

If the owner decides to feed the dog natural food, he should know several key principles:

The severity is due to the structure of the canine digestive tract. They are not able to assimilate and digest food to which the human body has adapted for centuries.

If the choice falls on drying, you need to purchase only one specially designed for dogs.

Dogs should not be fed cat food - it contains more fat, meat, less fiber and grains (they are not added to holistic-class lines at all).

There is no need to panic if your dog steals a piece of sausage, biscuit or fried meat - it is not fatal. The main thing is that such eating does not become a habit. It is also worth making sure that the dog does not pick up garbage on the street and is not treated to forbidden delicacies by guests and compassionate strangers.

There are many restaurants serving Korean cuisine in Moscow. But none of them openly offers to try the most exotic element of Korean gastronomy - dog dishes. Representatives of Korean restaurants unanimously claim that dog meat is not served in their establishments. At the same time, Moscow Koreans say what to find a traditional dish It's not that difficult in the city. To understand the issue, The Village spoke with both.


Koreans don't eat dogs. They consider it wild there. After the 1988 Seoul Olympics, all restaurants that served dog were closed. Our dogs are prepared only by Koreans who lived in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Sorry, I don't have time to talk to you. My pipe burst.


We do not cook the dog because we assume that this may violate Russian law.


We don't have dogs - we only have South Korean and Japanese cuisine. Do they eat dogs in Korea? Perhaps, but they definitely don’t eat here.


In Korea now they hardly eat dogs either, so we don’t cook them either. As far as I know, there are no other restaurants either.


No, of course we don't have dogs. What are you asking?


Korean living
in Moscow

I know two restaurants where you can safely order a dog. I won’t name them, but one is near the Shabolovskaya metro station, and the second is near the Prospekt Vernadskogo metro station. There are excellent cooks there - Uzbek Koreans. They know how to cook dogs, and their food is very tasty. This is not the case in South Korean restaurants with chefs from Seoul. They have developed a complex - they want to feel like Westerners, so they stopped eating dogs. Although in South Korea itself there are restaurants with dog meat.

Just a few years ago it was impossible to eat dog in a regular restaurant. Instead, there were secret ones. Someone bought an apartment in a panel house and cooked “for their own people.” It was delicious and cheap, but they only came there to eat. After all, the food is homemade and the atmosphere is appropriate. You can’t invite a girl there for a romantic dinner. Now there are still secret restaurants, but I stopped going there. Now I only eat dogs in normal establishments.

In Korean, dog is "kya". Any dish made from it is “kyashka”. Moscow restaurants mainly serve soup and roast. Soup, “kyadyan”, is an excellent preventive remedy for colds. If you feel like you are getting sick, eat this soup and everything will go away. They also say that during the tuberculosis epidemic in Korea, many people were saved thanks to dog meat soup. Supposedly it helps cope with lung infections.

But in terms of taste, I personally like Korean fried food - “kahae”. If you want to try a dog, it's better to start with him. By the way, Russia has developed its own recipe for preparing this dish. An acquaintance of mine, a veteran of the Korean War, told me that when Kim Il Sung was a partisan in our forests, he became addicted to the Soviet recipe and preferred it until the end of his life.

I've never heard
so that someone got poisoned by dog ​​meat

To be honest, I don’t know where Moscow restaurants get their dogs from. But since you can go there at any time and order a dog, there is probably some kind of assembly line production. The meat quality is good. I have never heard of anyone being poisoned by dog ​​meat.

I don’t know how an ordinary person on the street can convince restaurant employees to serve him a dog. Things can get tense there. Previously, there were cases when people ordered a dog, and then filmed the process of eating it. I would suggest going to a restaurant with someone the restaurant already knows. If you still risk going without an accompanying person, then order “kyakhe”. You can also wink at the waiter or somehow hint at what exactly you want. It is very likely that he will indeed bring you a roast dog, although he will not say a word about it.

Why restaurants are still shy about cooking dogs, I don't know. Probably, Russians are not yet mentally ready to eat.” best friend person." Mostly Koreans order such dishes from us. But Kazakhstan is full of restaurants that do not hide the fact that they serve dogs. And there they are eaten mainly by locals or Russians. This is already a feature there.


representative of the Korean diaspora in Moscow

Historically, Moscow Koreans live in the southwest of the capital. Accordingly, underground cafes are concentrated there. This is the orange line from Leninsky Prospekt to Yasenevo. The last time I was in such a cafe was about five years ago. But getting there is not so difficult - you just need to find someone who could take you there. I think almost every reader of The Village will need to make a couple of calls.

As a rule, such cafes are opened by people from the Korean diaspora in Central Asia. Their cuisine is different from South Korean, and it is this that makes up the main range of secret cafes. Dog meat takes up only one tenth of the menu. Everything else is traditional soups, salads, carrots, kimchi, offal. There are no problems with the quality of the products, because the cafe works for its own people. But their own people will not go there if they are not sure of the quality of the product.

I don't know where they get the dogs from. But I have no doubt that they are killed in a humane way. The legends that animals are slaughtered with sticks are complete nonsense. However, you cannot be sure that it is the dog that is feeding you. Firstly, dog meat is a delicacy and is expensive. Secondly, the taste is almost no different from beef. For example, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Sometimes in secret cafes
you can meet famous orientalists
as well as businessmen and high level politicians

The main visitors to such cafes are Koreans themselves. Occasionally you can meet people of European appearance there. Most likely, they simply lived in Central Asia and have been familiar with this cuisine since childhood. As a rule, there are no strays there. But sometimes in secret cafes you can meet famous orientalists, as well as businessmen and high-level politicians. Recently, a famous journalist asked me to take him to such an establishment.

Typically, secret cafes operate without any problems. The neighbors don't even know what's going on there. Well, guests come often - so what? Even if someone suspects something, it will be difficult to prove anything. There is no official ticket office there. There is just some kind of hat into which guests throw money when leaving. And any number of people can come to you. The main thing is not to make noise. But it’s unlikely that they sing karaoke there around the clock. Besides, no one carries dog carcasses into the cafe. It is cut up in advance, and then only pieces of meat are delivered, which in appearance cannot be distinguished from any other.

Such an apartment can only attract interest due to the increased consumption of electricity and water. But reaching an agreement with municipal officials is usually not difficult.

However, in last years secret cafes are increasingly closing for economic reasons. Firstly, more and more normal Korean restaurants are opening. And secondly, the diaspora is updating very slowly - and the format is simply dying out.

Illustration: Nastya Yarovaya

Hello, dear readers of the blog, I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year, Christmas and Epiphany, this turned out to be a wholesale greeting :) Holidays are good, you need to take a break from work, communicate with your family and friends.

But, unfortunately, the holidays have one negative feature - there is a lot of delicious food, so it is very easy to overeat. Our dogs and cats overeat along with us.

People in a good mood become kinder, we want to pamper our pets, and they feel that the feast will soon begin and are already preparing for treats.

And if guests come, everyone sits down festive table, then someone will definitely give you a bone or a piece of sausage, even if you strictly prohibit feeding from the table. They will still give it under the table before you see it.

The dog overate, symptoms

It is not difficult to determine overeating; usually we see evidence of a crime: a torn bag of food, an empty bowl where there was recently meat or defrosted fish. Or you yourself know that you gave a lot of food, but you couldn’t resist the beggars’ eyes.

And if you have several animals in the house, for example, a dog and a cat, then perhaps you have observed teamwork. When the cat throws treats off the table, and the dog below quickly swallows them.

Now about the signs. A dog that has overfed has a slightly enlarged belly, it may whine, breathe more frequently, and search for a long time for a “comfortable” place. Thirst appears later, especially if she has eaten a lot of dry food. Sometimes vomiting and/or diarrhea occurs.

In most cases, overeating is not dangerous for a healthy dog, and the symptoms will go away on their own without treatment. But there may be complications, we will talk about them below.

What to do?

Option one. The dog ate like a wolf, from the famous cartoon, and does not vomit. In this case, you need to organize calmness, give Pancreatin or Creon, or another similar drug.

The approximate dose of pancreatin for a medium-sized dog is 1-2 tablets of 250 mg, for a large dog 3-4 tablets.

It is more convenient to give a small dog or cat a few Creon granules (by opening the capsule).

Then wait until the food is digested naturally.

In addition, the dog will want to drink after overeating, especially if it has eaten dry food. In this case, you need to give clean warm water in small portions.

Why warm? Cold water slows down digestion, so it needs to be warm.

During physical activity, muscles require more oxygen and nutrients, in this case the body will have to redistribute blood flow. But it will not be possible to maintain intensive operation of all systems at the same time.

Nature does not like wastefulness; if you need to run, you will have to temporarily slow down digestion or completely get rid of food to make it easier.

You don’t have to take my word for it, but check everything for yourself, try to eat a heavy meal and go to the gym, most likely you will vomit after the first approach.

What are the consequences of running intensely with your dog on a full stomach? To increase the load on the cardiovascular system and subsequently to digestive disorders.

And if you have a medium or large dog, especially one older than 4-5 years, then running and jumping, even after normal feeding, can lead to stomach torsion. In this case, it is necessary to urgently perform surgery, otherwise the dog will die.

You overfed the dog, don’t walk it, let it lie and digest the food.

Option two. The dog overate and vomited. In this case, you can do nothing except rest and a small fast for 8-12 hours. Then start feeding in small portions.

Option three. Soon after overeating, the dog began to diarrhea, then we give smecta or a similar drug. We also give medications containing enzymes (pancreatin or analogues, the dose is higher).

We do a starvation diet until the diarrhea stops. Here, with some reservations, only an adult animal that does not have chronic diseases (for example, diabetes) can fast for a long time (1-3 days). If there are diseases, then most likely you know about them.

We make sure that the dog receives a sufficient amount of fluid, since diarrhea loses a lot of water and electrolytes. If he doesn’t drink enough, then we’ll force him to eat; he can alternate clean water with rehydron or analogues.

As a last resort, we administer the solutions subcutaneously; I tell you in detail what to administer and in what doses.

Dangerous symptoms

When should you see a doctor?

You see rapid enlargement of the abdomen, literally before our eyes, the dog tries to vomit, but vomits without food, only mucus and saliva come out. Although you know that there is food. The animal is restless, constantly moves from place to place, and moans. Such symptoms are more often observed with gastric torsion.

Vomiting and/or diarrhea often recurs and does not stop, despite a starvation diet and the use of sorbents. There are also impurities in vomit or feces: a lot of mucus, blood.

After Several days of overeating have passed, and the dog still has not gone to the toilet or there have been attempts to defecate, but without results. But this is provided that there was no vomiting.

Demotion or fever. On average, a healthy dog's temperature ranges from 37.5 to 39.5, there may be nuances depending on age and breed.

Also You should be alerted to: depression, convulsions, rapid heavy breathing that continues for a long time, loss of consciousness.


Overeating is not fatal, but it is dangerous, especially if the dog is elderly or has chronic illnesses.

Let me remind you of a banal thing - do not forget about prevention; feeding of pets is controlled by humans. It is easier to prevent a dog from overeating than to try to help it later.