Heating the water in the pool using a heat pump. Heating water in a stationary pool: heating devices and characteristics Do-it-yourself heating of pool water

A personal pool has long become an attribute of many country houses. There is nothing complicated in the construction, the technology has been proven for a long time, and its presence brings a lot of pleasure to both adults and children.

But by building a pool outside, you become dependent on the vagaries of the weather. If the summer is not very warm, then you are unlikely to be able to swim in it every day, much less allow children to splash in the cold water. An excellent solution is heating. Figuring out how to make a heated pool is the purpose of this article.

How to heat water in a swimming pool

Whatever type of pool you organize: whether you bought a ready-made one or built it from scratch, you cannot do without heating. The water heating system should be decided at the pool design stage. There are many ways. Water is heated using:

  • heat exchanger;
  • electric heaters;
  • heat pumps;
  • solar panels;
  • fuel heaters.

Use of heat exchange equipment

This equipment works as follows:

  • We connect to the heating system of the house, unless you have provided a separate system for the pool;
  • set the temperature. When the water reaches this value, the heat exchanger will simply maintain it constantly.

This is what a typical connection diagram for a double-circuit heat exchanger looks like:

This option is the most popular and has many advantages:

  • used for both indoor pools and those built in the yard;
  • the ability to connect equipment to home heating;
  • relatively economical;
  • a wide range of heat exchangers on sale.

Important: before purchasing a heat exchanger, calculate its required power, taking into account the volumetric parameters of your pool and where it is located: in the house or in the yard. For an outdoor pool, its volume and the power of the heat exchanger are the same, and for an indoor pool, the power is equal to three quarters of its cubic volume. m. Heat exchangers for swimming pools are produced by many manufacturers. Let's consider some of the most popular models:

Pahlen HI-FLO (HF) 40 horizontal

This heat exchanger is produced in Sweden. Manufacturer: Pahlen. The characteristics are as follows:

  • consumes 40 kW;
  • installed horizontally;
  • dimensions: 13.9x12.9x45.5x8.5 cm;
  • 2-circuit;
  • The connection must be carried out by a specialist.

Work occurs according to the following rules:

  • the pump pumps water into the heat exchanger body, which circulates in one direction;
  • heating of water to the temperature you set occurs during its contact with the spiral;
  • the solenoid valve blocks the circulation of water, preventing it from overheating.

Note: the manufacturer Pahlen produces heat exchangers of other capacities, both horizontal and vertical: range from 13 to 308 kW.

Heat exchanger Behncke QWT 100-20

  • produced in Germany;
  • consumes 20 kW at 90 and 15 kW at 60 degrees C;
  • 2-circuit;
  • connected to the heating system;
  • stainless steel housing;
  • heats the water in the pool from the central heating network, thanks to the presence of 2 combined couplings.

Electric heaters for heating swimming pools

It is advisable to use an electric heater to heat a small pool. Using it for large pools will result in huge energy bills. Here is a diagram of its insertion into the system:

Electric heaters are produced:

  • stainless;
  • made of plastic.

Heating elements in electric heaters are made of durable materials:

  • titanium;
  • of stainless steel.

An electric heater differs from a heat exchanger in the following characteristics:

  • A prerequisite for connecting an electric heater is the presence of a flow sensor. If there is no water in the system, the sensor will operate and turn off the electric heater. For normal operation, it must be embedded in a straight section, and shut-off valves must not cut it off in any way;
  • the presence of an external thermostat is not necessary, because electric heaters have an internal one;
  • To prevent airing of the electric heater when the water supply to the pipeline is stopped, it is necessary to maintain a water column in the line of at least 50 cm in height.

Behncke EWT 80-70/3KW - electric heater from Germany

In addition to heat exchangers, electric heaters for heating pool water are also supplied from Germany. The Behncke EWT 80-70/3KW performed well.


  • consumes power of 3 kW;
  • required voltage - 400 V;
  • case material - stainless steel;
  • The heating elements are made of a very high quality alloy - Incoloy 825.

Electric heater Elecro Flow Line Titan Plus, from 3 to 18 kW

We receive high-quality Elecro Flow Line Titan Plus electric heaters from the UK. Peculiarities:

  • equipped with a very reliable flow sensor, providing low flow - 1 thousand liters per hour;
  • There is a swivel bracket with which you can install it both horizontally and vertically;
  • adjustment range from 0 to 40 degrees C.

You can make an electric pool water heater yourself, using the experience conveyed in this video:

Heat pumps

Heating of water for the pool is also carried out using heat pumps. They have their advantages:

  • Heat pumps use environmental energy to operate. The principle is the same as that of a refrigerator, only it takes cold from the surrounding air and generates it, and a heat pump generates heat;
  • relatively low power;
  • minimal energy consumption;
  • work from a home socket;
  • easy to install and take up little space.

Heat pump FAIRLAND

The French company Procopi produces heat pumps for horizontal and vertical swimming pools.

Features of FAIRLAND pumps:

  • thanks to the quiet rotary compressor, they operate with minimal vibration;
  • there is a digital controller that allows you to conveniently regulate the temperature;
  • at low temperatures, protection is activated and the system automatically defrosts;
  • Frost-resistant materials were used in the manufacture of the pump;
  • recommended for pools with a volume of 20 to 100 cubic meters.

Heating an outdoor pool using Pioneer series pumps

Pioneer series heat pumps, which are used to heat an outdoor pool, are produced in China. Wherein:

  • the manufacturer uses innovative HP-BOOSTER technology, which makes the pumps very productive. Suffice it to say that with the consumption of 1 kW of electricity, 7 kW of thermal energy is obtained;
  • the materials used are durable and do not corrode;
  • the electrical part is located at the top, which makes maintenance very easy;
  • there is an automatic defrosting function;
  • operating temperature range 0° - 43°C.

Solar panels

If the sun shines most of the time in your area, you can heat the water in the pool using solar panels or collectors.

Features of the solar heating system:

  • high environmental friendliness;
  • with self-installation, minimum financial costs;
  • no additional temperature sensors are required;
  • The water is heated as it passes through the collector, which consists of large flat elements. These elements consist of thin black polypropylene tubes.

During installation, the following rules must be observed:

  • The filtration system is where the solar heater is placed. The water constantly circulates and gradually warms up;
  • the battery itself is placed on the edge of the pool or on the roof. Solar energy receivers should be turned to the south or southwest;
  • water temperature is controlled manually or automatically;
  • The larger the pool, the more powerful the batteries.

If the pool is small, a Solar Pool Heater is quite suitable, you can even install several of them.

Solar Pool Heater

This is a small heater. Its dimensions are 580x580x254 mm. This video shows how it is assembled and installed:


  • can work with almost any pump;
  • increases water temperature by 10-12 degrees C;
  • made in China.

Fuel Heaters for Pool Heating

An economical option is to heat the pool using fuel heaters. But only for a swimming pool, it is not profitable to install such a system; it can also heat other objects. Systems with fuel heaters operate on:

  • oil;
  • gas;
  • solid fuel.

You won’t be able to just pick up and install a fuel heater; first you’ll have to run around and:

  • obtain special permission;
  • draw up documents;
  • register;
  • take fire precautions;
  • make a chimney;
  • install automation.

Having gone through all the permitting stages, it is still better to invite a specialist to install a fuel heater - it will be safer. The structure of a direct-flow fuel heater is quite simple:

  • it has a coil. It is in it that the water is heated when fuel is burned;
  • The heater is equipped with a circulation pump, a filtration system and automation;
  • water heating is controlled by sensors.

You can organize heating of the pool with your own hands by assembling a simple heater using firewood as fuel.

  • we make a container from thick metal that will serve as a firebox;
  • We place the coil in the firebox;
  • We place firewood in the middle and set it on fire. Everything is as in the photo above.

As you can see, there are many options for heating an outdoor pool, the main thing is to make a good choice and life will sparkle with new colors, as in this video:

Small-sized construction or the construction of a capital structure on the territory of your own plot with your own hands will always be associated with the possible occurrence of some difficulties. One of these problems is heating the water in the pool, because the water will not always have a temperature that is pleasant for humans. To do this, it is possible to use special heating devices for swimming pools, which differ in the specifics of their operation, technical characteristics, consumption indicators, and so on. These structures can be installed with your own hands.

In the process of considering sanitary norms and generally accepted standards, it is possible to understand that the most comfortable water temperature for a pool is +24°C and above. However, this does not mean that this temperature can be completely suitable for every person. The standards, for example, for a children's pool, contain information that the water temperature should start from +28°C.

In any case, it is quite difficult to achieve such indicators without special devices, since the water supplied to the pool is much colder. Therefore, swimming in a cold pool is not very pleasant. In addition, cold water is strictly contraindicated for children.

After a pool is installed on the site, each of the owners of the innovation should think about how to heat the water in the pool.

List of elements that are needed: heat exchanger or heat pump, electric heater, fuel water heater.

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Heating a pool using a heat exchanger

Heating water using a heat exchanger in a pool is a very popular way to achieve the required water temperature. The heat exchanger itself consists of a flask of a certain size, inside which the coolant will circulate. It will be used to heat the water. The heat exchanger can be connected to the heating system of a building that is located nearby, for example, to a cottage or house.

The water in the pool will be heated thanks to the heating system of the house, where water regularly passes through a heat exchanger.

If you install an automatic heating system with your own hands, then it is possible, after heating it once, to achieve stable maintenance of the water temperature.

Systems that cost more money can even work independently. A complex of intelligent systems and special on/off sensors can set a comfortable temperature.

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Using electric heaters

The operation of these systems is significantly different from heating water using a heat exchanger. In this case, the water will be heated, which directly passes through the heating element. Often they will be served by a heating element, which is made of anti-corrosion alloys or metals. It is covered with special protective layers. The electric heater is powered from the electrical network. Depending on the requirements, it can be of different power.

An electric heating system can be perfect for pools that are small in size. For larger volumes of water, such heaters may be too expensive. The disadvantage of electric heaters is their complete dependence on the capabilities of the household electrical network. It turns out that not every heater that has high power can be connected to do the job.

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Use of heat pumps

Quite often, in order to heat the water in the pool, heat pumps are used, which can operate using environmental energy. Their work is most popular in the summer, when these devices are connected to small pools in suburban areas or in the country. Such pumps can operate from almost any household network, but there is one limitation: the system will operate only when the outside air temperature is higher than +5 degrees Celsius.

There is another option - heating using solar panels. This system is effective for heating water in regions that have a large number of sunny days. Due to the recharge from solar energy, experienced specialists recommend using this system exclusively in summer pools, because in such cases it will be most effective. The principle of operation is quite simple: water entering the pool passes through a special device called a collector. It heats up in it. The cost of funds is minimal, and the environmental indicator of such a system is very high.

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Using Fuel Water Heaters

Fuel water heaters are a fairly effective and economical system. However, this is only provided that the system is connected not only to the pool; in addition, the required type of fuel should be selected. Such systems most often operate on gas and oil fuel, although there are a fairly large number of solid fuel boilers. Working with them will be complicated by the re-equipment and production of some systems, but this pays off due to noticeable savings in money.

The installation of fuel heaters is associated with a large number of the following issues: obtaining permission, registration, registration, installation of fire safety systems, control of fuel reserves, construction of a chimney, constant monitoring or automation of the system.

It is worth understanding that today there are quite a large number of water heating systems, so there is always plenty to choose from. First of all, you should start directly with the pool itself, its shape, placement on the site, size, and so on, because the choice of system depends on these factors.

Next, you should pay attention to the volume of water that will need to be heated, the need to automate the system and the appropriate temperature. The type, cost and power of pool heating will directly depend on this.

We must not forget that heaters must be installed by experienced specialists after the necessary documents have been completed. It is possible to heat the pool yourself, but it is not at all recommended to do this if the owner of the structure is not a professional in this matter.

After building a pool in the yard or at the dacha, it is necessary to ensure that a comfortable temperature is maintained at a certain time, and for this you can do it yourself by heating the water in the pool.

Any temperature is suitable for hardening, but if you are not a “walrus”, then it should be 25-28 degrees. In hot summers, the water warms up on its own.

In cooler months, it is heated by special ovens. Swimming pools are often large in volume, so a lot of energy will be needed.

To use energy efficiently, it is important to choose the right device.

Why is water heating needed?

In summer there are not always bright and warm days. In cloudy times, the water does not warm up to a comfortable temperature. If the pool is located indoors, the sun's rays do not reach the water at all.

This is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of splashing in the water. The pool should not depend on the weather, so it is worth installing special equipment that will heat the water.

You can do this yourself.

Heating devices will make it possible to achieve several goals:

  • You can swim in the pool at any time of the day;
  • the water temperature is adjusted depending on the wishes of the swimmers;
  • the swimming season is extended by several months.

Various devices can be used to heat water. If your house has water heating, you can install a boiler yourself.

As an option, you can use collectors powered by the sun, a heat pump, or a fireplace where a heat exchanger is built in. If desired, you can combine several methods.

The question of how to heat the water must be resolved at the stage of constructing the pool. It is important to calculate the heat balance of the building, how much hot water will be needed, and climatic conditions.

Only after analyzing all the components should you make a choice in favor of one or another heating device.

Methods for heating pool water

Heating water can be done in several ways. Let's look at them in more detail to make a more suitable option for you.

Heating by heat exchanger

To heat the water in the pool, you can construct a heat exchanger with your own hands. Hot water flows through it and, flowing through pipes laid along the walls of the pool, heats the contents.

The heat exchanger must be made of stainless steel or titanium to resist corrosion.

The body itself, which is in contact only with the heat carrier, can be made of cheaper metal. You can also use plastic.

The heat exchanger can be made as part of a separate circulation circuit. So it will not depend on the performance of the components of the entire water supply and heating system.

It's not hard to do it yourself. The pipes that carry hot water to and from the heat exchanger must be connected to the distribution manifolds.

Circular pump

It is better to install a circular pump to achieve complete autonomy. Pool water is specially prepared, cleaned and disinfected.

All the liquid that is in the pool passes through the circuit during circulation, where it is heated to a certain temperature.

Thus, water goes through the full cycle several times a day. You can construct such a system with your own hands.

When using such a system, you should definitely install two filters. They will perform preliminary cleaning and basic cleaning.

There must also be a pump, a control valve, and a chemical dispenser that will disinfect the water.

The water is heated only after it has been filtered, but disinfection is carried out after heating. This is done to ensure that chemical reagents do not affect the heater.

Using the valve, you can regulate the operation of the heating element. So, you can refuse to filter water if it is of good quality.

In this way, energy savings will occur, which is spent on operating the filters.

The water in the pool is heated in several stages. The first stage is heating the liquid to a comfortable temperature. The remaining stages are maintaining the temperature throughout the bowl.

The power of the heater will vary depending on what the water temperature is. The lower it is, the higher the power will be.

Solar heating

You can heat the water in the pool with your own hands almost free of charge, not counting the cost of installing the structure. When heating water, such a system does not use electrical energy.

Water heating devices are mounted on the basis of solar collectors.

In single-circuit designs, water for heating is supplied directly to the collector. Such installations are used to heat water at air temperatures above 0 degrees.

If the temperature drops to below zero, the system will be damaged because the water in the system will freeze.

It is advisable to install such systems in a country house where people come to live only in the summer.
Double-circuit systems can be used all year round at any temperature.

The system will not freeze during frost because antifreeze passes through the manifold. It is he who prevents the water from freezing.

In such an installation, the heat collection circuit is separated from the consumption circuit. If the house is fully supplied with energy from this system, then the pool will also consume it.

To heat the water in the pool using a double-circuit solar installation, the heat exchanger is connected to a storage tank. It should be made of high quality stainless steel.

Thus, the main heat generator will work much less, and accordingly less energy will be spent.

The solar system can be built on the basis of vacuum or flat collectors. They are based on the installation of a series of copper tubes.

If the water is treated with chemicals, then such a system will not work.

To heat the water in the pool, you can make an installation based on plastic solar collectors.

The design can be any type: flat, in the form of a series of tubes. The material most often used is polyethylene or polypropylene, after which it is painted black.

This material is suitable for use in flow-through structures.

Solar systems with plastic collectors are not suitable for use in the cold season, unlike vacuum or flat ones.

Without glazing, a large amount of heat is lost and at low temperatures it is very difficult to heat water.

If you plan to use the pool in the warm season, then such installations will be very useful.
It is advisable to use a solar collector to heat water in combination with a heat pump.

So, when the temperature drops below zero, the solar installation is switched off and the pump is connected.

Heat saving

The heat of the water depends on the thermal losses of the pool. They occur as a result of many processes: conduction, convection, evaporation of water from the surface.

The moment steam is formed, heat is absorbed. Therefore, water needs to be added periodically, and so that it is not cold, it needs to be warmed up.

To reduce heat loss, it is worth covering the surface of the pool if no one is using it.

To do this, you can equip a special coating made of polymer material.

You can pull special blinds. There are transparent coatings. They allow the sun's rays to reach the water, causing it to heat up. But the heat does not leave the pool; the water remains warm for a long time.

To save heat in the pool, you need to choose the right lining inside the pool. The color of the coating should not reflect the sun's rays, but absorb them.

If the pool is indoors, a water cover will also help. After all, water evaporation is influenced not only by temperature, but also by humidity and movement around the pool.

Heating by fuel boilers

If there is no gas supply in the house and it is not possible to install expensive equipment or solar panels, the only option left is to heat the water using fuel boilers.

Such stoves operate on fuel oil, wood, and other types of fuel.

Water in boilers is heated in various ways:

  • the boiler heats the heat exchanger, which in turn heats the water;
  • the water is heated directly in the boiler;
  • The water is heated in a stove and then poured into the pool.

Before installing such a boiler with your own hands, you need to make calculations, create a project, and ensure fire safety.

How can you create a heat pump with your own hands?

Would you think that a device based on the technology of a regular refrigerator could provide high-quality heating not only for a swimming pool, but for the entire house?

All this is performed by a conventional heat pump, which, moreover, can be made independently at home.

Homemade Frenetta heat pump

If you understand the principles of its operation and design features, you will be able to cope with its creation yourself.

Which is very useful and convenient for arranging your living space.

1 Operating principle

The technology behind the heat pump. in essence, it is not much different from the technology of operation of a conventional refrigerator.

As you know, a refrigerator, to ensure a low temperature, pumps out heat from the chambers and transfers it outside through radiators.

The technology of a heat pump is based on the same principle: to heat rooms, it “pumps out” heat from the ground or water, processes it and releases it into the heating system of a house, greenhouse or swimming pool.

The refrigerant (freon or ammonia) circulates through a system consisting of an internal and external circuit.

The external circuit is located in the heat intake environment. Such a medium can be air, earth, or water.

Essentially, any natural environment has a sufficient amount of dissipated thermal energy, which is collected by the refrigerant and transferred to the system for recycling. To start the process, it is necessary for the heat exchanger to increase its temperature by 4-5 degrees. This is a very important point, since the heat exchanger directly affects all conditions around it.

Heated swimming pool - do-it-yourself luxury and comfort

The first block, the evaporator, transforms the heat exchanger from a liquid state to a gas form. This is possible due to the fact that freon, at low ambient pressure, has a very low boiling point.

Next, from the evaporator, freon in gaseous form enters the compressor, where the gas is compressed, as a result of which its temperature rises sharply. After this, the gas enters the third block - the condenser. In it, the gas gives up its temperature to the water - the coolant of the heating system of the house; after cooling, it returns to liquid form, and repeated circulation is performed.

The main characteristic of the productivity of a heat pump for heating is the conversion coefficient, which depends on the ratio of the thermal power produced by the pump to the amount of thermal energy consumed.

Diagram of operation of a standard heat pump

1.1 Heat pump design

The design of classic heat pumps is divided into two main circuits - external and internal.

The heat exchanger plays a very important role in them, as the main provoking factor. The external circuit consists of pipes through which a heat exchanger (refrigerant) circulates.

Such a circuit may have different implementation methods and locations, but it always performs only one function - to circulate the refrigerant in the heat intake environment and move the heat exchanger to the compressor.

The external circuit pipes are made of plastic or other materials with high thermal conductivity.

The external circuit - the pump itself, consists of a condenser, compressor, evaporator and pressure reducing valve.

In addition, there is a hydrodynamic heat pump, the design of which differs from a conventional heat pump for heating.

A hydrodynamic pump consists of a power unit (motor), a heat generator, and a coupling that transfers the energy produced by the drive to the generator, where the working fluid is heated for heating.

1.2 Types and their differences

Depending on the type of environment in which the heat pump draws energy, the following types of heat pumps are distinguished:

An air heat pump is the most budget-friendly option for alternative heating; it can be installed with your own hands, since for its operation there is no need to equip a complex external circuit system.

Standard connection diagram for a domestic heat pump

However, the air pump has one significant drawback, which makes its use in our climate unjustified - as the air temperature drops, its efficiency sharply decreases.

If you want to make your own heat pump to heat your pool, an air-to-water pump is the best option.

Moreover, for a pool this option would be preferable, since it is quite easy to work with and it is extremely practical.

The external circuit for heat intake is located in a non-freezing reservoir - artificial or natural.

In terms of heat transfer, water is the most efficient medium. In practice, the use of surface reservoirs is unjustified, since they freeze in the cold season.

Maximum stability and efficiency of heat pump heating is achieved when using groundwater.

For this purpose, special wells are created in which the external contour of the system is located.

Despite the fact that this heating technology is the most labor-intensive, its use makes sense, since the temperature of groundwater does not change significantly at different times of the year.

The best option for heating a swimming pool or small living spaces.

Soil is used to collect heat, which necessitates the creation of collectors (for horizontal placement of external circuit pipes) or shallow wells (for vertical placement - 1 linear meter of well provides 40-60 watts of heat).

This option is used everywhere - from heating the pool to heating the entire house.

The technology gets its name “brine” from the fact that a special non-freezing liquid is poured into the pipes.

The process of assembling a homemade heat pump from copper tubes and windings

There is also a Frenette heat pump - it works using a different technology and has nothing in common with conventional heat pumps. This pump consists of two cylindrical containers - a large and a smaller one, while the smaller container is placed inside a large vessel.

The free space between them is filled with oil.

The outer cylinder is fixedly fixed, and the inner container is connected to the drive shaft, during the operation of which, due to the friction forces arising during the rotational movements of the cylinders, the oil is heated to a very high temperature and transferred to the heating radiators.

Such a mechanism is quite efficient, and at the same time, it can be made with your own hands without any problems.

2 We make and install heat pumps with our own hands

It is quite possible to make a heat pump with your own hands, but for this you need to find a good compressor.

You can do this by visiting some local appliance repairman, where, by gutting the old air conditioner, you will get a very high-quality compressor for a small amount (their service life is much longer than the average lifespan of air conditioners).

As a condenser, you can use a stainless steel tank, approximately 100 liters.

And for the circuit through which the heat exchanger will circulate, thin copper plumbing pipes are perfect.

Do-it-yourself heat pump - manufacturing stages:

  1. Using a corner or L-shaped brackets, we attach the compressor to the wall in the place where the heat pump will be located.
  2. Next, we make a coil from copper tubes - we wrap them around a cylinder of a suitable shape. Make sure that the winding pitch is identical across all coils.
  3. The tank is cut into two parts, a coil is inserted inside, after which the tank is welded back together.

    At the same time, several threaded inlet holes are created in it - at the top and bottom, through which the outer tubes of the coil are brought out.

  4. As an evaporator, we use an ordinary plastic barrel into which the internal circuit pipes are inserted (or any other container whose volume is identical to the condenser tank).
  5. Conventional PVC pipes are used to transport heated water.

Winding for a homemade heat pump made of steel

To make a Frenette heat pump with your own hands, we need to acquire the following materials:

  • Steel cylinder (choose the diameter based on the pump power you need for heating: the larger the working surface, the more efficient the device will be);
  • Steel discs with a diameter 5-10% smaller than the cylinder diameter;
  • Electric motor (it is best to initially select a drive with an extended shaft, since disks will be installed on it);
  • Heat exchanger - any technical oil.

The number of revolutions that the engine can produce will determine the temperature to which the Frenette pump can heat water for heating a house or swimming pool.

In order for the water in the radiators to warm up to 100 degrees, the drive must provide 7500-8000 rpm.

We place the power unit shaft on bearings inside a steel cylinder. The place where the shaft enters the cylinder must be reliably sealed, since the presence of even the slightest vibrations quickly disables the mechanism.

Working disks are mounted on the motor shaft. The required distance between them can be set by screwing nuts after each disk. The number of disks is determined depending on the length of the cylinder - they must evenly fill its entire volume.

We drill two holes in the upper and lower parts of the cylinder: heating pipes will be connected to the upper one, into which oil will be supplied, and a return pipe will be connected to the lower hole to return used oil from the radiators.

The entire structure is fixed on a metal frame.

After the unit is assembled, the cylinder is filled with oil, the heating pipes are connected to it, and the connections are sealed.

Factory-built heat pump

The Frenetta heat pump has a very high efficiency, which allows it to be used effectively in any heating systems.

It can be used to heat any utility premises, garages, and residential buildings. In addition, due to its compact size, such a homemade pump is perfect for heating a pool or “warm floor”.

But remember that when heating a pool and other large containers of water, you need a pump of sufficient power, otherwise you will simply use it for other purposes and will not get the desired results.

2.1 Installation of heat pumps

The installation features of heat pumps depend, first of all, on the method of placing the external circuit.

  1. Geothermal heat pumps.

    For the vertical installation method, wells with a depth of 50 to 100 meters are created, into which a special probe is lowered. For horizontal laying, a trench of the same length or a pit is created in which the pipes are laid parallel to each other. The pipes are laid in the ground to a depth of one and a half meters.

  2. Water-to-water pumps: the external circuit is laid at the bottom of the reservoir and led to the heat pump.
  3. Air-to-water: a unit with external circuit pipes is installed on the roof or wall of the building (in appearance it is difficult to distinguish it from the external box of the air conditioner), and is connected to the heat pump indoors.

Based on materials from the site: http://byreniepro.ru

The experience of recent years shows how wise it is to install a heat exchanger for heating pool water with your own hands - the required electric or gas power... its presence will ensure optimization of costs for a given coolant temperature. The most popular installation method is a gas boiler.

The implementation of the heat exchanger with various parts ensures optimal operation of the entire system. The use of such devices is not explained only in the pool, since if necessary, it can be installed on any body of water, heating, in particular, it applies to places for bathing children (the temperature coefficient of the assembly must be constant).

Such heating equipment allows you to maintain the recommended temperature in an artificial tank, in which pool visitors feel comfortable.

Calculation and selection of heat exchanger

When selecting, you must specify the following parameters:

  • Swimming pool tank capacity;
  • Water temperature coefficient set directly in the network, as well as at the outlet from the circuit of the equipment used;
  • Time characteristic - how many hours it takes to heat water (often this process takes 3-4 hours).

    There is the following relationship: more heated water in the pool lasts longer, less heat exchanger power and its price;

  • The amount of water in the pool passes through the device through a certain device. If you have pumps (circles) that produce a container for clean water and its circulation, the flow of the working fluid of the heat exchanger can be taken as the ratio specified in the technical data sheet of the pump.

    We offer pool water heating

Heat exchanger connection

The installation process of the heat exchanger determines certain properties:

  • The device is installed before the chlorine purification system, but after the pump and special filters;
  • Experts recommend purchasing and using heat exchangers with titanium plates when there are high concentrations of chlorine or salt in the water.

    Such a device will be more stable under these operating conditions.

Horizontal layout is a priority for manufacturers of water heating devices. Since the housing material is made of stainless steel, the heat exchangers can also be titanium and plastic. The stainless steel and plastic body on the heat exchanger is suitable for using the heating device in fresh water.

Principle of operation

The design itself consists of two circuits.

One circuit contains water from the pool, and the other circuit contains a cooling device (provides the necessary heating). The boiler, special boiler (heat) is connected to the second circuit. Such devices heat the refrigerant to the desired temperature.

Features when purchasing and choosing

  • Heat exchangers have a wide range of prices and this product can be found from different suppliers;
  • Most often, the device you buy contains a detailed description of the functions to help you understand;
  • Models can be made from different materials.

    The final solution will help you improve the conditions for your future business.

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How to heat water in a pool at the dacha

Building a swimming pool in a country house is always fraught with certain difficulties. These include heating the water in the pool, because it may not always have a comfortable temperature for a person. According to sanitary and generally accepted standards, the preferred water temperature for humans is 24 degrees and above. But this does not mean that everyone will feel good in such water.

Children are advised to stay in a pool where the water temperature is not lower than 28 degrees.

It is problematic to obtain such indicators without the use of special instruments, because the water initially supplied to the pool is much colder.

And swimming in it is not very pleasant, and children are completely prohibited. Therefore, after the pool is ready for use, it’s time to think about methods for heating the water. For swimming pools, it is allowed to use various special heating devices, each with its own operating specifics.

Heating pool water using electricity

Some craftsmen use a powerful boiler to heat the water in the pool. But using this method, much more electricity is consumed than when using a special heater.

Also, the use of open heating devices in swimming pools can result in electric shocks.

If you decide to heat the water in this way, make sure that the heating element does not come into contact with the walls of the pool, and immerse the boiler in the water only when it is turned off.

Do-it-yourself heating of pool water

Also, while it is working, it is forbidden to put your hands in the water.

Heating water using electricity will be optimal for owners of swimming pools that are not very large in size, otherwise the costs of its maintenance may be extremely high due to excessive energy consumption.

Heating pool water using the sun

A less expensive way to heat pool water is to use solar energy. This is a very important factor for those places where the weather is predominantly sunny and clear throughout the year.

For this purpose, a solar collector is used, which should be placed so that the sun's rays fall on it for at least 4–5 hours during the day.

This allows you to maintain the desired temperature in the pool or increase it, when necessary, by 6-10 degrees. It is not at all difficult to make it according to the scheme described here.

What is the principle of operation of the collector?

On its surface there are sensors that monitor the level of lighting and heat input.

At the moment when they determine that there is quite a lot of heat on the collector, the control valve is sent to direct the flow of water from the pool to the collector, the water enters it, heats up there and then returns to the pool.

If the water corresponds to the set temperature, then immediately after filtration it enters the pool, bypassing the collector.

Heating pool water using fire

This method uses a heat exchanger in the form of a coil, inside which water moves and is heated in the pool by redistributing the heat received from an open flame.

The movement of water is carried out thanks to a pump.
The principle of operation of the heat exchanger is primitive: cold water is heated using a fire lit in a coil.

At the same time, it is very easy to obtain water at the desired temperature, knowing the volume of water and the power of the heat exchanger. After the initial heating, the heat exchanger can only maintain the designated water temperature.

To save energy resources, before building a pool, it is recommended to carry out a list of measures aimed at maximizing heat loss reduction.

Outdoor pool water heats up more slowly and cools down faster. And to eliminate this, you need to buy an awning to cover the pool. And another thermal insulation of the walls, as well as the bottom of the pool, with protective coatings that slow down the cooling process of the water, will eliminate additional costs and problems related to the maintenance of the pool, reduce the cost of heating the pool and increase its service life.

How to heat water in a swimming pool

The question of how to heat the water in the pool must be decided at the stage of its construction. It is then that it is necessary to insulate the bottom and walls. And although most of the heat “leaves” with the evaporation of water and radiation from the surface into the colder atmosphere, without these measures it is impossible to achieve an effective and inexpensive (relatively) increase in temperature.

Anyone who has an inflatable or frame pool, standing on a sand bed or on a lawn, while cleaning the pool, probably noticed: the ground underneath is simply icy. This is where the heat goes. So thermal insulation of the bottom and walls is not at all an excess. Therefore, pay more attention to this issue.

In general, in any store that sells swimming pools and equipment, there will also be devices for heating water.

These are heat exchangers connected to a source of warm water (into the DHW circuit of a heating system or boiler), heat pumps, electric heaters (storage and flow-through), solar systems.

Heat exchangers for swimming pools

This is what one of the pool heat exchangers looks like

This is a metal cylinder through which hot water flows.

It is connected to a hot water source. Often this is a boiler hot water heating circuit or an instantaneous water heater. There may be other sources. Who will adapt how?

Here the question immediately arises: why do we need the heat exchanger itself? After all, you can directly take water from the pool, supply it to the heater and discharge the heated water. In principle, such a scheme is possible, but the problem is that the water in the pool contains many different impurities: from chlorine and chemicals to various tiny suspended particles.

So with this scheme the heat exchanger will quickly clog.

Another point is that in open air the reservoir contains a fairly large amount of oxygen, due to which the heat exchanger in the boiler or flow-through heater will quickly oxidize and fail. That is why a small volume of coolant is circulated through a loop with a special heat exchanger for the pool.

One type of heat exchanger is a coil.

You can make it yourself, and also connect it to the system with your own hands. For those who did heating in the house, this is not a problem. But coils are effective only on small volumes. They will warm up a small pool for children in a short period of time, but they won’t be able to handle a dozen cubes.

Scheme of organizing water heating in the pool

Electric heaters

Electric pool heaters are ordinary water heating elements with high-power thermostats.

They are of the accumulative type - this is when water is pumped into a tank of a sufficiently large volume, where heating elements are installed, and from there it is removed, but at a much higher temperature.

Instantaneous electric pool water heater

Electric pool heaters are also of the flow-through type.

It is built into the pool water treatment system after the filter. Purified water is supplied to it, and then, after heating, it enters the pool through nozzles.

Electric pool heaters can operate on a 220 V or 380 V network. This largely depends on the power. It is calculated as follows: for outdoor pools, 0.5-1 kW is taken per cubic meter, for indoor pools - 0.3-0.5 kW.

Since the volumes of water are large, heating costs are also more than significant.

You need to heat tons of water, which requires high power and, accordingly, high energy costs.

How to make a heated pool with your own hands

Plus, not every site has the opportunity to additionally turn on 3-18 kW of electrical equipment. And this is in addition to everything that works in the house, as well as the equipment that is necessary to maintain the pool, although it (not counting the electric water heater) “draws” a little.

Heat pumps for heating water

Heat pumps take heat from external heat sources, convert it and transfer it to the heated environment. To increase the temperature of the water in the pool, air-to-water devices are often used.

In this case, energy is taken from the air and transferred to water.

Externally, the device resembles an air conditioner. Most of these devices are so automated that once you connect it, set the mode and desired temperatures, you don’t touch it again.

Control is possible from a remote control or a panel on the case.

The heat pump looks like the outdoor unit of an air conditioner

Heat pumps operate from a 220 V network and consume 1-2 kW depending on the power generated.

But in this case the energy is not used to heat water, but not to pump heat from one medium to another - it is needed to operate the motor and compressors. By spending only 1-2 kW, you can get 5-12 kW - depending on the type of system.

Like most automated and technologically complex devices, heat pumps cost a lot. About 130-180 thousand rubles.

Solar systems

To heat the water in the pool, it is not always enough just sunlight falling on the surface.

But you can use solar heat from other surfaces. For this purpose, solar systems - collectors and vacuum tubes - have long been used. Tubular heaters are more efficient, but collectors of sufficient area can provide the required temperature.

True, large areas are needed, but a lot of water is heated.

Solar pool heating is effective on clear days

For indoor pools, the size of solar collectors should be about 60-70% of the surface of the pool's water surface, for open ones - 80-100%.

Then the water will be warm. But only on a sunny day. This is one of the main disadvantages of solar systems. The second is the considerable cost of the devices. Smaller than heat pumps, but still sufficient, especially considering that larger devices are needed.

But solar collectors are not difficult to make with your own hands: the materials are available, the technology is simple, there are plenty of examples. One of them is presented in the video. But the area will be too small for this pool.

In order for the heating to be significant, several of these are needed. Anyone can make such a water heater with their own hands. With no exceptions.

There is an inexpensive surface solar heater for the pool "Intex". This is a two-layer black PVC film, welded so that it forms a labyrinth for water. This mat, which floats on the surface of the pool, is supplied with water by a pump. Walking through the labyrinth, it heats up due to the fact that the black surface absorbs heat well.

It comes out already having a much higher temperature. For greater efficiency, water is taken from the bottom of the pool, where the water is colder.

Floating rubber solar collector.

Very inexpensive option

This water heater can be used in swimming pools that are located in open, sunny areas. Suitable for pools with a volume of no more than 30 m 3. The temperature can be increased by 3-5° depending on the weather.

Do-it-yourself heating of pool water

A swimming pool, even if it is not very large, is not a cheap pleasure. But without heating the water, it is far from always comfortable. Not everyone has the means or desire to buy equally expensive devices to raise the water temperature.

So homemade craftsmen come up with different pool heaters that don’t require a lot of money.

The most accessible fuel we have is firewood.

And it would be strange if there were no means of heating the pool with wood. We have not seen any industrial analogues, except perhaps adapting a wood-burning stove with a water jacket for this purpose. And there are a lot of homemade units.

The basis of all water heating devices in wood-fired pools is a coil

The main idea is that a metal coil is located inside the firebox, and water from the pool is supplied to the inlet using a pump.

Passing through a coil heated by a flame, it heats up and is discharged back through a second hose or pipe.

One of the DIY devices for heating pool water with wood

The main task is to select the water supply speed so that it does not boil in the pipe under any conditions. Therefore, it is advisable to take a pump that is powerful enough. You can use a standard pool pump or a circulation pump.

Quite risky, witty

There are several such devices in the photo.

In one, the coil is hidden in a tank in which the fire is built. Smoke is discharged through a hole in the lid. The system will be more efficient if you make a chimney. You can use the heat even more fully if you make a water jacket. It can be on the body, it can be on the chimney, or it can be both here and there.

In another option, a square container is welded for a small inflatable pool. The principle is the same.

The implementation is a little different.

A square container with a coil and a fire inside

There is an even simpler option: a coil, inside of which a fire is built. This device can even be used while hiking.

Only somehow it will be necessary to solve the problem of discharging hot water. It is possible to use heat-resistant hoses or a piece of metal-plastic pipe for heating.

It’s very convenient when hiking or traveling - you are always provided with warm water

There is an example of making an electric pool heater with your own hands.

A heating element was used for the boiler, and an original design was invented for fixing it in the body of an old car foot pump.

See the video for details.

A very simple and interesting way to make solar heating of pool water more efficient. It requires a minimum of money and a little time. You will need plastic hula hoops, thick black film, a soldering iron, and a knife.

The idea is not new: a black film floating on the surface of the water heats up and transfers heat to the water.

Heating is more efficient since dark objects absorb more solar energy.

Very simple hula hoop solar light collectors with welded black film

The work consists of the following: lay the film evenly on the hula hoop, and use a soldering iron to fuse the plastic and the film pointwise.

It is advisable not to burn the hoop, as it should float and not sink. Melt in a circle, with a distance of 10-15 cm. The film should hold quite tightly. You need to make several holes in the middle - you don’t want air to get in.

Therefore, you need to turn the hoops with the side into the water on which the film is stretched.

These circles are laid out on the surface.

The larger the area they occupy, the faster they heat the water. They are easy to lay out - scattered on the surface. Collect them too - they drove them in one direction and stacked them at the side.

Heat preservation

It’s clear how to heat water in a pool. There are both factory and homemade heaters.

If a canopy, for some reason, is not an option, you can reduce losses with the help of a blanket. There are films floating on the surface. They have many air bubbles and an opaque surface. The film is spread on the surface in the evening and removed after the water has reached a comfortable temperature.

In addition to floating films, there are awnings that are placed on top of the structure.

But they are quite inconvenient - even if the pool is three meters wide, pulling or rolling up the awning alone is quite problematic. But there are not always helpers. However, you can also use awnings - they are quite effective. Moreover, they can easily be replaced by, say, a piece of tarpaulin, thick (preferably opaque) film, etc.

For a rectangular pool, to make it easier to straighten and assemble the awning, light slats can be attached along one of the sides (short) at a distance of 1-1.5 meters.

Then holding on to the slats makes it easier to lay out and assemble the blanket.

Based on materials from the site: http://baniwood.ru

What's the best way to get warm water in your cottage pool?

There is a swimming pool in the country, but the water temperature in it is not always comfortable. For swimming, the water must be warm, at least + 24 ° C. And for children, for example, swim in the children's pool with a slide.

they even need a temperature above + 28 ° C. Wait until it warms up in the sun - it takes a long time and is not always justified. Therefore, warm water is necessary. The question is how to heat the water in the swimming pool in Dachau.

Let's look at the most popular methods of heating pool water, and we will evaluate the feasibility of using one or another method.

Heating Methods

Electric flow heaters

Specially designed for heating swimming pool water. In short, its working principle is that water passing through a special cylinder (TEN) heats up quickly.

They are equipped without a tank. Increase or decrease the water pressure, you can adjust its temperature.

Devices are divided into classes depending on power consumption. For a small pool with a power of 3.5 kW. There is such a model. Its peculiarity is that the temperature of the “incoming” water is preferably +18 degrees.

There are also models with a power of 5.7 kW, etc. up to 18 kW.

  • safety and effectiveness;
  • Ideal for frames and small inflatable pools.
  • Separate wiring is often required;
  • not suitable for large pools (low power, 35 m3 will not warm up);
  • impressive electricity bills. Consumption of 3 kW/hour is also quite expensive.

    Heating large volumes will take a long time and heating will be expensive;

  • the water must be of a certain quality (soft, salt impurities - minimal).

Check the lock settings on the corrugated cardboard.

Heat exchangers

You don't need electricity.

They operate from a common heating system. This is a light bulb with an internal coil. Hot water enters the coil from the heating system. And from the side, wash it with pool water. The device is equipped with a circulation pump. It is regulated by a special valve, the other by a thermostat. The required temperature is set by the owner on the thermostat, and then the automation works.

Heat exchanger power is from 13 to 200 kW.

Manufacturers offer vertical and horizontal models made of stainless steel and titanium. The choice should be based on the amount of water that needs to be heated. Sometimes the use of more heat exchangers is justified.

How to manually heat the water in the pool with your own hands:

The first water heating time should be 28 hours (maximum heat exchanger power should be maximum), so there is no instrumental collapse.

  • The heat exchanger is easy to use;
  • Powerful device suitable for large swimming pools.

Disadvantage: dependence on the heating system.

If you want to use the device in the summer when the house is not heated, the entire system must be designed so that the heater can only heat the heating water in the pool.

Solar collectors

The water is heated by the sun. Solar systems are different. In swimming pools, selective rectangular plates are more often used in direct sunlight. There is cooling water inside, when it heats up, the circulating pump pumps it into the pool.

The photo shows how to heat water in a pool without electricity using a solar collector:

  • quick effect;
  • The device is easy to use.

Considering: in cloudy weather the efficiency decreases.

Place the collector in a well-lit place: the sun's rays should fall for several hours (4-5) a day!

Heat pumps

Working on the principle of a refrigerator is just the opposite.

The system requires heat from the environment (ground, pond, air). You can connect it to any electrical network.

How to heat a swimming pool? All possible ways and possibilities

The pump is economical, consumes 1-1.25 kW, produces up to 6 kW of heat. Due to high costs, the device is not yet popular.

  • works only in warm weather (from +5 degrees Celsius);
  • The device is expensive, with expensive equipment and its installation.

    Use the system only to heat the pool water - it is cost effective. This will be justified if the house is heated in this way.

Special coating

It is very simple and effective to use a special blanket. The heat-saving coating is a film with bubbles (perhaps even a dark color for greater heat).

It is usually cut to the desired size and shape. Application is simple: the coating is applied to water. No additional fasteners are required. Tonight you can cover the pool with a film, then the water will not cool down. Use it after lunch: the water is heated to 3-4 degrees for several hours.

Requires Intex Pool Floating Blanket.

Plus: the method is very economical.

Disadvantage: uneven heating of water, the upper layers are warm and remain cold underneath.

It can be quickly mixed, the pump can be filtered or mixed between bathing areas.

And some "human" ways


It is used to heat water and a powerful boiler. It is very dangerous!

Electrical shock can be fatal!

In addition, there is a risk of damage to plastic or film tanks. Among the disadvantages are high energy costs.

If you still choose the option, follow these safety guidelines:

"Snail Trumpet"

It is known that water can be heated by increasing the surface. To do this, one end of a long tube (preferably black) is connected to the hole in the pool, and the other to the filter pump. It is advisable to secure the hose with clamps to avoid leakage. Then place it in the sun (it's best to place it in a circle, the shape is similar to an ear).

Water passing through the hose heats up faster.

Frame and inflatable paths

The water in the frame containers can be heated with an electric heater if the amount of water is small.

Very popular heating with solar panels. In specialized stores that sell swimming pool equipment, there is a large selection of selective panels - their use is most suitable.

You can install them next to the pool. For this purpose, special support is provided to ensure the necessary attachment.

The water for the small inflatable bowl can be heated with an electric heater.

Of course, no one has canceled the “folk” methods (heating water in a pipe or, in the worst case, using a reboiler).

in the photo: How to quickly warm water in an inflatable pool with your own hands (folk route)

Keep the water temperature with a special film, then you will need less energy to warm it!

Which choice to choose depends on the size of the pool, the amount of water and the number of degrees to be heated.

Based on your pool parameters, choose your wishes and options! Also read: Can you pour copper sulfate into your swimming pool? You can also use a comprehensive water purification system in your pool.

Here you can find instructions for using base tables. Read also. How to install a sandbox filter.


There are special means that allow you to heat water in an outdoor pool. One of them is an instantaneous water heater. The undoubted advantages of its use are safety and effectiveness, since it was developed precisely for this purpose. In warm weather, in a pool measuring about 10 cubic meters, a standard heater for outdoor frame and inflatable pools from Intex raises the water temperature by about a degree per hour. It is installed between the pool and the filter pump or instead of it. The disadvantage of this device is its high energy consumption (about 3 kW per hour). In addition, if the pool is large, then it will take a long time to heat the water in it.

A fairly effective means of heating pool water is a special heating blanket designed for outdoor tanks. If you cover the pool with it in sunny weather, the water temperature by lunchtime will be 3-4 degrees higher than without it. The advantage of this heating method is its cost-effectiveness. The cover will also protect the pool from flying insects and falling leaves. The disadvantage of this method is that the upper layer of water warms up to a significant temperature, while the lower layers remain cold. When using a pool heating blanket, you should turn on the filter pump to agitate the water.

Some craftsmen heat the water in an outdoor pool using a powerful boiler. However, the energy costs with this method are much higher than when using a special heater. In addition, the use of open heating devices in swimming pools is unsafe due to the danger of electric shock and damage to the rubber tank. If you nevertheless decide to boil water using this method, do not forget that the heating element should not come into contact with the walls of the pool, you can only lower the boiler into the water when it is turned off, and you cannot put your hands in the water while the device is operating.

There is another “grandmother’s” method that allows you to heat the water in the pool in sunny weather much faster. It is based on the fact that as the surface of the water increases, it warms up faster. To build the desired structure, you need a long flexible hose or PVC pipe. It needs to be connected to the hole in the pool on one side and to the filter pump on the other, secured with clamps so that there is no leakage. The hose itself should be laid in circles in the shape of a snail in an open sunny place. If you can choose a dark-colored pipe, the heating process will go even faster.

Maintaining optimal temperature in the pool is a very important point, especially if you plan to swim in it outdoors and not only during the hot season. If we are talking about equipment such as a water heater for a swimming pool: how to heat water in a swimming pool at the dacha with maximum efficiency is a pressing question for many summer residents. This can be done using various types of special equipment.

What types of heaters are there?

With the arrival of the summer season, owners of sealed ponds and reservoirs in their summer cottage will sooner or later be faced with the question: how to heat the water in the pool with your own hands? To do this, one of the following options can be used:

  1. Heat exchanger.
  2. Solar collector.
  3. Heat pump.
  4. Flow-through electric heater.
  5. Wood heater.
  6. Gas heater.

Each type of equipment has its own operating characteristics and also has advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the type of heater depends not only on the volume of the pool, but also on the features of communications in the summer cottage, the amount of water that will need to be heated regularly and personal preferences.

Features of flow heaters

Tankless pool heaters are one of the most economical and easy-to-use options. They heat running water with small pressure drops, boast compact dimensions and ease of installation. And to install a flow-through heater, you will only need to equip a small booth on the site. This type of housing is made of plastic, stainless steel or titanium, and the heating element is made of a special stainless steel alloy that can withstand high temperatures. Thanks to this, the flow heater is durable and resistant to various types of negative influences.

The power of the model must correspond to the volume of water that will need to be heated. This means that to heat water in a small pool with shallow depth you only need 3 kW of power, but for a large tank you will need a more powerful unit.

The maximum power of the instantaneous heater is 18 kW, so it is a good choice for small pools. However, if you are the happy owner of a tank with a volume of more than 36 m³, then buying a flow-type device does not make sense.

Helpful advice! Purchasing this model will also be inappropriate if your home has restrictions on electricity consumption or weak wiring.

Electric instantaneous pool heaters boast the following advantages:

  • quickly heat water in a small tank;
  • some models have a flow sensor that turns off water heating if it does not circulate;
  • the temperature can be adjusted using built-in thermostats;
  • there is an automatic control system;
  • compact dimensions.

They also have disadvantages:

  • impossibility of installation with limited power consumption or weak wiring;
  • low power levels;
  • high power consumption.

Heating water in swimming pools using a heat exchanger

A heat exchanger is a heater option that does not consume electricity at all. It connects to the general heating system of the house and uses heat from there. The design of this model is extremely simple. The body is a flask in which the coil is located. It receives water from the heating system using a circulation pump. The coil is washed with cold water, which heats up as a result. This simple design guarantees the reliability and durability of the unit.

When installing a heat exchanger, you will only need to set the required temperature on the thermostat, and it will be maintained using automatic systems. A nice feature of the heat exchanger is its high power level, it can range from 13 to 200 kW. The power is selected depending on the volume of the pool, as is the case with any other type of heater.

When first warming up, it is very important to avoid sudden temperature changes that can damage the equipment. That is why for the first time do not expect quick results; the water will heat up for about 28 hours. Once the water has warmed up to the set temperature, the equipment will simply maintain it, which will allow you to save money.

If you want to know how to heat the water in a pool using a heat exchanger and optimally position it, then you need to do this in such a way as to avoid equipment breakdowns due to the presence of chlorine in the water. This means that the unit must be installed between the disinfection system and the pumping station. If there is too much chlorine in the water, then it is better if the heater is made of titanium; it withstands long-term exposure to an aggressive environment.

It is worth buying a pool heater that operates on the principle of a heat exchanger because of the following advantages:

  • high power level and the ability to heat water in a large volume pool;
  • financial savings as a result of the unit operating not from electricity, but from the heating system;
  • ease of operation.

The only drawback of this type of heater is the long time it takes to heat water when first started. But later you won’t have to wait long, since the temperature you set will be maintained automatically.

Related article:

Children's pools for the cottage: a lot of fun for kids. Features and Benefits. Options for pools with a slide. Product care, review of popular models. Where to buy children's pools.

Heating water using the sun

Of course, the outdoor pool itself warms up under the influence of sunlight. But this process can be accelerated if you use a solar collector or solar system. This type of heater is a system of flasks, screens or pipes that receive the sun's rays and convert them into thermal energy.

Helpful advice! Each solar system module is designed to heat about 30 m³ of water. This means that the larger the tank volume, the more modules will need to be installed.

The solar collector works on the principle of absorption of solar rays by the surface. Inside the device there is a coolant that warms up to a temperature of 140°C. After this, the circulation pump in the pool water heater starts. The advantage of such a system is that it can be used not only to heat water in a swimming pool, but also as a heating system for a private home.

Some models of solar systems are equipped with special sensors and an automatic valve that directs water to the heat exchanger. If the set standard water temperature in the pool has already been reached, it passes by the heating element and gradually cools down. As soon as the temperature reaches the minimum point you set, the valve opens and water begins to flow back into the heat exchanger.

The benefits of solar pool heaters are as follows:

  1. The water heats up very quickly.
  2. You can use the system to raise the temperature of the water in the pool, to supply a private home with hot water, or to heat rooms.
  3. Simple and convenient control system.

If you read user reviews about the Intex solar pool heater on the Internet, you can understand that the only serious drawback of such a water heating system is that in cloudy weather the efficiency decreases and the heat exchanger does not work as efficiently. This means that it is advisable to install a solar system where there are more sunny days a year than cloudy ones.

Heat pumps as a new heating technology

One innovation in terms of how to heat pool water is the heat pump. This type of equipment is far from the most popular due to its fairly high price, but in terms of efficiency it can compete with all other options.

The operating principle of a heat pump is quite complex and is based on multi-stage heat transfer from different sources. The initial source of heat for the pump can be groundwater or thermal springs, flue gases, and in general anything that is at least a little warmer than the water in the pool.

The external piping of the heat pump is located underground. Using a circulation pump, a working fluid is driven through it, which is heated by several degrees due to the ambient temperature. The liquid then enters the evaporator, where it heats the refrigerant. The latter instantly boils and transforms into steam, which, in turn, enters the compressor.

The compressor compresses steam to 20-25 atmospheres, resulting in the release of a large amount of thermal energy. It is this energy that is used to heat the water in the pool.

How to heat the water in a swimming pool at the dacha so that the energy from the heater is also enough for other needs? To do this, just fork out a little and install a heat pump. The system works so efficiently that it can easily heat private houses with an area of ​​up to 300 m². In addition, the system operates in a circle, that is, the working fluid, after releasing the accumulated heat, cools and circulates again through the pipeline.

If you are interested in the question of how to quickly heat water in a pool using a heat pump, then you should know its advantages:

  • very high power;
  • Free energy sources are used to heat water, which allows you to significantly save money;
  • The water heats up in a very short time.

The disadvantage of such a system is its high cost. For the same money you can buy several instantaneous water heaters for the pool.

Helpful advice! If you think that a heat pump is a waste of money, then think about how much money you will save by using free energy sources. This is especially true if you use the system not only to heat water, but also to heat a large private house.

Wood or gas water heater for a pool: how to heat water in a swimming pool at the dacha

Wood-burning pool heaters are one of the simplest and most economical designs. Essentially, it is a spiral along which water moves. A fire is lit under the spiral, it heats up and gives off heat to the water. You can use not only firewood as fuel, but also peat, dry waste, coal and much more. This type of unit is good because it can be used in suburban areas where there is no electricity or gas. The pump, which is responsible for circulating water in the spiral, can be powered by an independent generator.

When purchasing a wood-burning pool heater, the main selection criterion is its power. It directly depends on the dimensions of the heat exchanger, as well as on the type of fuel used. Most models allow you to regulate the intensity of combustion, and you can easily connect a wood-burning unit without special skills.

Advantages of a wood heater:

  1. Saving money by using cheap fuel.
  2. Easy to use.
  3. Fast water heating.
  4. Ease of installation.

The disadvantage of heating the water in the pool with your own hands using a wood-burning unit is the lack of automatic systems. This means that the system must be constantly monitored, the fire must be maintained in it, and it must not be allowed to go out. Also, the lack of an automatic thermostat means you won't be able to accurately set the temperature you want the water to heat to.

Gas pool heaters differ fundamentally from wood heaters only in that they use natural gas as fuel. This makes the system a little easier to operate and allows you to leave it without constant supervision. The advantage of a gas heater is its relatively low cost, but in this case your gas bills will be considerable, so before purchasing you should think about whether you need this type of heater.

Heating blanket

Separately, it is worth mentioning such an interesting type as a heating blanket for a swimming pool. Essentially, this is a special cover that can be made of polyethylene or tarpaulin, and also made in the form of blinds. Special heating blankets for Intex pools not only prevent leaves and other debris from getting into the water, but also accumulate solar energy to heat the water. Of course, using a blanket cannot heat water as effectively as using flow-through or storage heaters, but it does raise the temperature by several degrees.

Device selection criteria

When choosing a pool heater (Intex, Bestway, Behncke or any other company), you should consider a number of general parameters.

Power. This parameter depends on the size of the pool and the amount of water that will need to be heated. Also, the power of the heater directly affects the rate of temperature rise. For example, the Intex pool water heater has a power of 3 kW, and the Bestway pool heater has a power of 2.8 kW. You can calculate the power required for effective heating using a very simple formula: the volume of the pool is divided by two.

Heating method. Instantaneous water heaters are a popular option if you need to heat water in a pool at your dacha. As a rule, the main advantage of any flow-through heater is its relatively small size, due to which such a device can be installed in a small area. The principle of operation of a flow-through system is that water passes through a heating element, which gives off heat to it. Most of these systems operate in cycles. A flow-through model, for example, an Intex pool heater, is good for small tanks, the water for which is taken from a central water supply system, a well or a well.

Energy source used. Here you need to take into account the availability of a particular fuel, as well as your financial capabilities. For example, a solar-powered unit is the most efficient, but it is quite expensive, and it does not make sense to use it in areas where there are more cloudy days than sunny days.

Of course, you can always assemble a pool water heater with your own hands; there are a sufficient number of ready-made diagrams for this on the Internet. However, purchasing a factory-made product will allow you not only to save time and effort, but also to receive a reliable and durable device with the possibility of warranty service.