Preparing for pregnancy planning. Preparing and planning pregnancy

Ovulation is the process of the release of the female reproductive cell from the ovary into the free abdominal cavity. This phenomenon occurs approximately in the middle menstrual cycle- 12-14 days from the last bleeding. Ovulation and 1-2 days after it are the time at which conception is possible.

For a quick pregnancy, the expectant mother should know the date of ovulation. A woman can use it, but it may be inaccurate.

To calculate ovulation, a woman planning a pregnancy can rely on subjective feelings- increase in volume and change in consistency of vaginal discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, increased libido. However, more reliable results can be obtained by measuring and performing home tests.

Home ovulation tests are a strip test that measures the concentration of hormones in the urine. There are also special devices that diagnose the release of an egg into the abdominal cavity based on the composition of saliva. The most accurate method of calculating ovulation is to track the dynamics of follicle maturation using ultrasound equipment.

To give up smoking

Preconception preparation for pregnancy must necessarily include smoking cessation. Cigarettes contain many harmful substances that have a negative effect on the body of the expectant mother and child. Carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood, nicotine depresses the central nervous system, and tars are strong toxins.

Smoking itself significantly reduces the likelihood of conception, since nicotine and other harmful substances have a depressing effect on internal female organs. Tobacco abuse may be a cause of infertility.

Smoking during pregnancy increases the chance of intoxication of the baby, oxygen starvation. These factors cause retardation of intrauterine growth and development and pathologies of the nervous system of the unborn child. Using tobacco while pregnant can lead to premature birth.

Smoking abuse is the cause of premature placental abruption and intrauterine death of the baby. Nicotine and tar increase the likelihood of a child developing asthma and pathologies of the cardiovascular system. That is why a woman planning a pregnancy is advised to give up cigarettes in advance. Quitting smoking even at the most early stages pregnancy does not exclude the occurrence of pathologies in the fetus.

Alcohol exclusion

Like smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages affects the fertility of the female body. Long-term use of ethyl alcohol in large doses can cause ovarian atrophy- the main organ responsible for the onset of ovulation.

Alcohol consumption is a type of addiction, so a woman planning to conceive should give it up in advance. Taking ethyl alcohol has a negative effect on the body of the unborn child.

Even a small amount of beer or dry wine can have irreversible consequences. Ethyl alcohol increases the likelihood of placental abruption and miscarriage. Also, chronic alcohol consumption can cause developmental abnormalities in a child. The nervous system of the fetus suffers the most - children whose mothers took alcoholic beverages lag behind their peers in mental development.

Chronic alcoholism causes fetal hypoxia. It leads to retardation of intrauterine growth and development of the unborn child. Drinking alcohol also increases the likelihood of stillbirth.

The most important things about preparing for pregnancy:

Normalization of body weight

Increased or decreased body weight can cause problems with conception and pregnancy. To determine the normal weight of the expectant mother, you should calculate your BMI (body mass index). Its optimal values ​​lie between 18 and 25. To calculate BMI, divide your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters.

Excessive thinness causes female infertility. Fat cells are involved in the exchange of sex hormones; when they are severely deficient, menstrual irregularities and lack of ovulation are observed.

Obesity, like underweight, negatively affects the fertility of the female body. Increased body weight disrupts progesterone synthesis and is a producing factor for polycystic ovary syndrome. Also, extra pounds increase the load on the musculoskeletal, urinary and cardiovascular system mothers during pregnancy.

To normalize body weight, a woman planning a pregnancy is advised to maintain a calorie diet. It is also useful for the expectant mother to engage in sports during the period of preparation for pregnancy. Developed muscle tissue has a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy.

Taking folic acid

Folic acid or vitamin B9 is a substance necessary for normal cell division. Its deficiency during pregnancy provokes defects in the neural tube of the embryo and other pathologies associated with abnormal tissue growth processes.

A woman planning to conceive a baby should start taking folic acid 3-6 months before the expected pregnancy. Lack of vitamin B9 causes pathologies on the mother's side - anemia and dysfunction bone marrow. Also, a deficiency of this substance can provoke female infertility.

Having a gynecological examination

A gynecological examination at the planning stage is the prevention of various complications of pregnancy. It includes a visual and instrumental examination in a chair, a vaginal smear for testing and a hormonal profile.

Preparation after a missed pregnancy or miscarriage should include searching for the reasons for the miscarriage. Enough common reasons are genital infections and progesterone deficiency. Both conditions can be eliminated with the help of competent medical care.

Preparing for a second pregnancy after caesarean section necessarily includes an ultrasound examination of the uterine scar. Its failure can cause organ rupture last weeks gestation or during childbirth.

If a woman is planning to conceive after 40 years of age, she should have her ovaries checked. Quite often at this age, functional atrophy of the organ occurs. Ovarian failure is an indication for the use of a donor egg and IVF.

Genetic consultation

Preparing for pregnancy after 30 years of age should include genetic counseling. This procedure is recommended for women of any age. However, after 30-35 years, the likelihood of congenital anomalies in the unborn child increases significantly. This feature due to the fact that with age, the mother’s eggs accumulate genetic mutations.

The specialist determines the genotype of a man and a woman, identifying the carriage of pathogenic mutations. The doctor can determine the likelihood of a child developing diseases such as thrombophilia, color blindness, achondroplasia, phenylketonuria, and cystic fibrosis.

Consultation with a geneticist is mandatory for a couple with a history of more than 2-3 miscarriages in a row. Quite often, spontaneous abortion is a consequence of congenital developmental anomalies that are incompatible with life.

Compensation for chronic diseases

Pregnancy is a kind of test of a woman’s body. During pregnancy, the load on all the mother's systems increases. That is why, in order to fully prepare for pregnancy, the expectant mother should compensate for chronic pathologies.

Diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems have the greatest impact on the course of pregnancy. Pathologies such as arterial hypertension, chronic renal failure, and coronary disease are especially dangerous.

Also, the expectant mother should compensate as much as possible for the existing diabetes. During pregnancy, increased or decreased blood glucose concentrations have a negative impact on fetal development.

Refusal of hormonal contraception

On at this stage Medicine does not know the exact effect of oral contraceptives on the development of the unborn child. A woman planning a pregnancy should stop taking hormonal pills in advance - at least for one menstrual cycle.

After discontinuation of the drugs, the woman’s body returns to independent hormonal regulation. This process may take several months. When oral contraceptives are discontinued, several eggs may simultaneously mature in the first cycle. This may result in the conception of two or more children.

Financial questions

Raising a child is a very expensive process. That is why, before the intended conception, parents are advised to resolve all financial difficulties and pay off debts. Spouses should have a “safety cushion” in case of unexpected expenses.

Psychological preparation

Before conceiving, the expectant mother should be mentally prepared for the upcoming pregnancy. The pregnancy process can be complicated by various pathologies; a woman should be aware of them and be prepared for their occurrence.

Psychological preparation consists of a positive attitude and avoiding stress. Negative thoughts of the expectant mother increase the chance of unsuccessful attempts to conceive. Emotional stress and anxiety can cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle and lack of ovulation.

Taking a family history

A predisposition to many complications of pregnancy and childbirth can be inherited. When planning to conceive, a woman is advised to talk with her relatives about pregnancy.

Weakness of labor, gestational hypertension and diabetes mellitus are only a small part of the pathologies that have a genetic predisposition. The expectant mother should know and possible problems and be ready for their development.

Diet is one of the factors for successful conception and easy pregnancy. A woman should get used to dietary restrictions in advance, since during pregnancy it will be difficult for her to give up her favorite and tasty food.

The daily diet of the expectant mother should include a sufficient amount of protein. Their best sources are lean meats, poultry and fish, as well as eggs and dairy products. A woman planning a pregnancy is recommended to eat cereals, cereals, fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as nuts.

When preparing for conception, the expectant mother should limit the consumption of processed foods, smoked, fatty and canned foods. She is also advised to reduce the amount of chocolate and other sweets in her daily diet.

Taking vitamin E

Vitamin E or tocopherol is responsible for the maturation of the eggs of the expectant mother. Its deficiency in the diet can cause infertility. The largest amount of vitamin E is found in foods of animal origin - chicken eggs, milk, meat, liver. However, tocopherol is also found in plant foods - sunflower oil, almonds, walnut, mountain ash, rose hips.

With a severe lack of vitamin E, a woman may experience various symptoms. These include dry skin, decreased visual acuity, brittle nails, absent-mindedness, spots on the skin. In this case, the expectant mother is recommended to take tocopherol preparations.

Going to the dentist

During pregnancy, the condition of teeth deteriorates. This feature is associated with an increase in the need for calcium and fluoride, which are spent on the growth and development of the baby. If the expectant mother has minor caries, it may progress sharply during pregnancy.

Also, caries and other oral diseases are a source of bacterial flora. There is a risk of pathogen migration to other organs, including the fetal membranes. The possibility of bacteria moving throughout the body is associated with a decrease in the expectant mother’s immunity.

During the period of bearing a baby, it is prohibited to use many types of painkillers. Analgesic drugs can cross the placenta and have a negative effect on the fetus. That is why it is preferable to cure existing diseases of the teeth and gums before conception.

Dr. Komarovsky about preparing for pregnancy:

Communication with your spouse

When preparing for pregnancy, expectant parents are encouraged to communicate with each other about planning a child. Such conversations strengthen the emotional connection between spouses and allow them to get to know each other better. Also, during communication, you can draw up a rough plan for raising your future baby, based on the preferences of both parents.

It is useful for the expectant mother to find out her partner’s attitude towards the baby before conception. Sometimes she will have to reconsider her views on certain things and come to compromises with her husband. Solving everyday problems after pregnancy can lead to quarrels and misunderstandings.

Studying specialized literature

Before the planned conception, the expectant mother is recommended to carefully study all the nuances of the process. A woman should become familiar with the mechanisms of fertilization, the course of pregnancy, and the upcoming birth. Knowledge helps you prepare for bearing a baby and not be afraid of various problems.

Also, a woman planning a pregnancy is recommended to study books and films on raising and caring for children. The expectant mother should know in advance the rules for feeding, washing and swaddling the baby.

Preparing for pregnancy for men

The processes of conception and gestation depend not only on the woman, but also on her partner. The quality of male seminal fluid is influenced by many factors - nutrition, smoking, alcohol intake, stress, physical activity. To identify pathologies of the reproductive sphere, the spouse is recommended to take a spermogram. This analysis will show the quality and quantity of male germ cells.

Sperm are renewed in 2-3 months, which is why a man should lead a healthy lifestyle before the expected conception. To improve the quality of seminal fluid, it is recommended to eat a balanced diet and avoid alcohol and smoking.

Also, men should not visit baths and saunas or take hot baths. High temperature provokes the death of sperm. To improve the quality of seminal fluid, a man is recommended to use the vitamin complexes Spematon or Pregnoton.

The expectant father should be tested for sexually transmitted infections. Some of them may have a secretive course and not be transmitted to a woman. However, during pregnancy, the mother's immunity decreases, which increases the likelihood of infection.


The concept of pregnancy planning includes a whole range of mandatory measures that will help you begin to prepare for the birth of a child: at this time, a woman should not take contraceptives, but seek advice from a doctor. A married couple will be able to conceive a healthy baby after checking their health for infections, giving up alcohol, smoking, and eating harmful products, follow a routine, breathe fresh air more often, and get proper rest. Tests will show whether you need to undergo a course of medication.

What is pregnancy planning

In order for a healthy baby to be born, a couple of spouses must make a lot of effort and properly prepare for the upcoming pregnancy. Planning activities will help you avoid possible complications, carry and give birth to a healthy baby. Experts will eliminate factors harmful to the couple and give practical advice. Many women have a chance of becoming pregnant. The process of conception is facilitated by:

  • visits to doctors by both spouses;
  • consultation with a gynecologist for a woman;
  • collected tests;
  • selected favorable moment using the conception calendar;
  • elimination of genital tract infections.

How to plan a pregnancy

A married couple must decide what steps to take to ensure pregnancy occurs and the child is born full-fledged. How to plan a pregnancy? Planning and preparation should begin with a visit to the doctor, consultation with a gynecologist. A medical examination will help identify the presence of infections or any chronic disease in the body. The gynecologist will examine the woman’s uterus and give detailed advice on planning. Correctly drawing up a planning calendar will help the family avoid mistakes and confidently go through all stages of preparation.

What you need to know

Find out what you need to know when planning a pregnancy. Find out:

  • how good and strong your health is at the time of conception;
  • how to calculate the moment of ovulation;
  • what vaccinations to get to avoid infectious diseases(hepatitis, chickenpox, rubella);
  • what vitamin preparations to take to increase the body's resistance;
  • how to completely abandon hormonal drugs and other medications;
  • what will help you not to drink alcoholic beverages, not to smoke;
  • what tests need to be taken;
  • how to correctly create a normal diet, eliminate diets/fasting.

Where to begin

After visiting the doctor, you need to create a general planning calendar. List point by point all the activities that the family must complete so that the probability of conception becomes almost one hundred percent. A few months before pregnancy, it is worth checking all vital signs. internal organs(liver, kidneys, heart, lungs). It's time to visit doctors (generalist, gynecologist, ENT, dentist), if necessary, an infectious disease specialist, a psychiatrist. It is important to get the necessary vaccinations on time. It is possible to conceive and bear a healthy baby if parents follow the doctor’s advice.

To a woman

To achieve pregnancy and the safe birth of a baby, a woman must start with the following steps:

  • visit a gynecologist, find out useful recommendations, adviсe;
  • donate blood for general analysis, biochemistry;
  • check urine;
  • take smears to check for sexually transmitted infections;
  • undergo examination of the pelvic organs using ultrasound;
  • check your blood for antibodies to viral diseases (herpes, rubella);
  • get tested for HIV, hepatitis B and C;
  • donate blood to check blood sugar levels;
  • assess the condition of the uterus and ovaries;
  • check the female genital organs.

To a man

What steps should a man take to ensure that his sperm is viable and complete? It is advisable for a man to start:

  • do a general blood and urine test;
  • get checked for any infection or inflammatory processes;
  • donate secretions for flora;
  • for high-quality, mobile sperm, monitor the temperature in the groin area (sperm do not tolerate temperature regime over 33-35 degrees);
  • reduce to a minimum, completely abstain from alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • to synthesize sperm in the volumes necessary for pregnancy, reduce sex to 1-2 per week.

When to plan

A healthy couple has the greatest chance of conceiving a baby. Planning for conception and the age of the expectant mother and father are interconnected; a young body is stronger, more resilient, and healthier. You can plan to conceive if you have a chronic disease future mom I completed a course of treatment and am absolutely healthy. Ideally, both parents have given up bad habits, get plenty of rest, spend a lot of time in the fresh air, and eat right. The female body is harmed by uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle.


There is a certain list of tests that a woman and a man must undergo during this crucial period of time. Both future parents must pass the following:

  • analysis to determine blood group and Rh factor to exclude pathology of fetal development;
  • smears, blood for the presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • analysis for HIV, hepatitis;
  • general, biochemical blood test, which shows general state health;
  • get tested for antibodies;
  • OAM (general urinalysis);
  • genetic tests (if necessary);
  • research on the quality and quantity of sex hormones produced by expectant mothers and fathers.

What to drink when planning pregnancy

Planned pregnancy and childbirth proceed safely if the girl is serious about taking vitamins. Recommended to take:

  1. Folic acid - it will prevent fetal development abnormalities. It synthesizes DNA, participates in the process of hematopoiesis, cell division, and forms the nervous system. Taking folic acid is recommended in all trimesters of pregnancy.
  2. Potassium iodide replenishes iodine deficiency in the body.
  3. Vitamin E helps you bear a healthy baby.

Planning pregnancy with an irregular cycle

Irregular menstrual cycles significantly reduce your chances of getting pregnant. Considered a sign of pregnancy early toxicosis. To increase the likelihood of an event occurring, you need to:

  • undergo an examination by a gynecologist;
  • calculate ovulation dates;
  • drink decoctions of oregano and linden, which normalize the cycle;
  • bring your own weight back to normal; it is difficult for a thin or overweight woman to conceive a child;
  • Regular high-quality sex brings the cycle back to normal;
  • treat the nervous system with sedatives and herbs.

Floor planning

Methods that allow you to plan the gender of your future baby are often discussed. It is claimed that a child's gender can be influenced by food. If you include meat, mushrooms, potatoes in your daily diet, and eat bananas and oranges, you will have a boy. The formation of a girl’s gender is influenced by raw cabbage, nuts, beans, onions, and peppers. The planning method for sorting male and female chromosomes in sperm during IVF has positive reviews and a high (not 100% probability). They try to plan the gender of the child using calculations.

Planning a pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most wonderful moment of life in every family. This event should be taken seriously seriousness and responsibility.

Planning a pregnancy contains many subtleties that you should familiarize yourself with in advance. In order for conception to be successful and the unborn child to be born healthy, you need to know how to prepare for pregnancy correctly.

IN modern world people prefer to plan every period of their lives. Proper preparation pregnancy is a reasonable decision. The health of their unborn child directly depends on the lifestyle of parents. Before you start conceiving, you need to take into account many nuances regarding preparation for pregnancy. It’s worth starting to prepare for your upcoming pregnancy at least 3 months in advance before conception, ideally six months to a year.

REFERENCE! The process of preparing for the conception of a healthy child is called pre-pregnancy preparation.

Pregnancy planning includes the following steps:

  1. Medical examination, passing the necessary tests;
  2. Treatment and prevention of identified problems;
  3. Preparing the body of future parents for conception (for a woman, it is additionally necessary to prepare the body for bearing a fetus): changing lifestyle, giving up bad habits, good nutrition, replenishing vitamin deficiencies, physical exercise, psychological attitude;
  4. Calculation of favorable days for conceiving a child.

Search for competent specialists

Preparing for pregnancy begins for a woman with a visit to the gynecologist. It would be nice if a woman’s pregnancy was managed by one specialist from beginning to end. It must be selected again stage of preparation for pregnancy.

If there are no significant problems with reproductive function, you can contact any gynecologist in antenatal clinic. If you have diseases of the genital area, it is better to contact gynecologist-endocrinologist or a reproductive specialist.

Comprehensive examination required from both partners. Expectant parents need to visit a therapist's office. He will give directions to the necessary ones and tell you which other doctors should be visited. Before conceiving a child, it is necessary to treat in advance existing diseases that can harm the unborn baby. It is very important for a woman to visit: get rid of caries and remove wisdom teeth, if necessary.

IMPORTANT! The presence of certain diseases may be a contraindication to bearing a child.

Conducting a survey

At the pregnancy planning stage, future parents will have to go through multiple diagnostic procedures and research. First of all, a general blood test is taken. If there are controversial points in the results, the doctor prescribes a biochemical analysis. Along with this, the following studies are being carried out:

  • Carrying out an ECG.
  • Analysis of urine.
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands and pelvic organs.
  • Fluorography.
  • Ultrasound and examination thyroid gland.

Testing for infectious diseases is also required. To do this, a smear and blood are given to check for sexually transmitted diseases. A separate analysis is carried out on TORCH – infections. If any problems are detected, a woman and a man must first get rid of them, and only then begin to conceive.

For more productive preparation for the pregnancy process, a man should take a test, which will show the percentage and.

If a man or woman has hereditary diseases in the family, then the degree of likelihood of transmitting the disease to the child should be determined. If so, it's worth a visit. doctor-.

There is an analysis that determines the level of compatibility of partners. It must be carried out if pregnancy does not occur for a long time.

In certain situations, conception may only be possible during artificial insemination.

REFERENCE! Experts deny the existence of absolute infertility. Even in the most difficult situations, there is a small percentage that a couple can become parents.


No one is immune from serious illnesses during pregnancy. Therefore, it is advisable to first vaccinate against the most common diseases. These include:

  • Chickenpox.
  • Rubella.
  • Hepatitis B.
  • Diphtheria.
  • Flu.

Most vaccinations are optional. Opinions about the need for them vary. But experts recommend protecting your body as much as possible from possible diseases. Most vaccinations need to be done six months before the actual moment of conception.

ON A NOTE! A woman can get vaccinated at the antenatal clinic to which she is assigned.

Preparing the body for pregnancy

The success of conception is greatly influenced by the lifestyle of a married couple. The process of bearing a child is incompatible with the use of and. Should be abandoned bad habits at least three months before pregnancy. This applies not only to the woman, but also to her life partner. and affect, reducing the chances of a possible pregnancy.

At the pregnancy planning stage, welcome sports. They significantly strengthen the body, preparing it for a new situation. It is also recommended to monitor your daily routine. Preference should be given healthy food . It is better to give up fast food, sweets, smoked, salty and spicy foods.

You need to eat more protein and plant products nutrition. You can use nuts, dried fruits, vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese desserts, etc. as snacks. It promotes good health and general health of the body.

Stressful situations during pregnancy planning should be avoided. Against this background, menstrual irregularities may occur, which makes conception almost impossible. A woman should keep a schedule for the onset of her period, writing down all the data in a separate notebook. This information will allow the gynecologist to determine the causes of possible problems.

REFERENCE! Yoga and stretching strengthen the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the body's endurance during pregnancy.

If you have excess weight, then you need to get rid of it. He may hinder pregnancy. Special attention need to be given healthy sleep, walks around fresh air and psychological mood.

It is advisable to replenish your supply of vitamins even before planning a pregnancy. Certain vitamins have an effect on specific life support systems body. Therefore, vitamin deficiency can have an extremely negative impact on conception and the health of the unborn child. Most often women are prescribed vitamin complexes. There are also special preparations for men. The most important vitamins include:

  • folic acid;
  • vitamin C;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • calcium;
  • B vitamins;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • vitamin D

It is very difficult to overestimate the benefits of vitamins during the preparation for pregnancy. When planning a child, the female body requires a lot of strength and nutrients to bear the fetus. Thanks to their presence, the baby will be able to fully develop.

Despite the fact that vitamins are extremely necessary for the body, you should not start taking them without consulting a doctor. Hypervitaminosis of some vitamins can also negatively affect the development of the baby, as well as deficiency.

ON A NOTE! Useful substances must be obtained not only from synthetic drugs, but also from food.

The key point
in preparation for motherhood is the determination of favorable days for conception - period. Without it, the process of conception is impossible. Each cycle, eggs grow and mature in the female body.

But fertilization ability, as a rule, only one of them receives. When the sperm and egg fuse, a fertilized egg is formed, which is soon implanted in the uterine area.

You can determine ovulation using the following methods:

  • special ovulation test;
  • by measuring basal temperature;
  • ultrasonography.

There are many factors that can increase probability of success. These include certain positions during sexual intercourse, calculating ovulation, taking certain medications, etc.

Some women experience a pathology such as a bent uterus. It does not greatly interfere with the process of conception. But depending on the side of the bend, poses are chosen. Get up abruptly and go to the shower after sexual intercourse Not recommended for women. It is better to lie down for a couple of hours, placing your pelvis on a high pillow.

Some couples have a desire to conceive a child of a certain gender. In fact, it is difficult to deceive nature. But there are ways by which you can increase probability of having a girl or a boy.

Sperm with a male chromosome are faster, but they have a shorter lifespan. Sperm with female chromosome They are slow, but despite this, they live a long time.

If sexual intercourse occurs before ovulation, there is a possibility that a sperm with a female chromosome will meet with the egg. In order to get pregnant with a boy, you need to practice sexual intimacy on the day of ovulation.

Lack of ovulation. To stimulate the release of an egg, a woman is prescribed hormonal medications.

Sometimes pregnancy fails in the early stages due to insufficient endometrial volume or low progesterone levels. These problems can be solved by using hormonal drugs on certain days. menstrual cycle.

In situations where hormonal drugs are helpless, surgical intervention is used. This may be laparoscopic or abdominal surgery. Laparoscopy is considered a diagnostic procedure, but within its framework it is also possible to remove various formations on the genital organs. Abdominal surgery is performed in the presence of more serious problems.

IMPORTANT! Treatment may take some time. Therefore, future parents should be patient and control their psychological state.

Femibion, Elevit Pronatal, Vitrum and Complivit.

ON A NOTE! The dosage of drugs is prescribed based on hormonal levels women. Before starting treatment, it is very important to donate blood to check your hormone levels.

For increase male fertility Prescribe medications containing zinc, selenium and folic acid. Medicines such as Speman, Tribestan, Spermactin, Himcolin and Verona are widely used. Accept the listed medicines It is not recommended without a doctor's prescription.

Compliance pregnancy planning rules ensures its favorable course in the future. The better the preparation for the new situation, the more problems can be avoided.

In most cases, a woman independently or together with her partner decides all issues related to preparing for the future. . Unfortunately, people planning to conceive a child turn to specialists mainly when certain problems occur.

Meanwhile, in order to properly prepare for pregnancy, you need to take this issue extremely seriously and start planning your pregnancy long before the moment of conception. After all, pregnancy, which comes as a surprise to a woman, often proceeds in the first weeks with the woman’s normal lifestyle. Hence, expectant mother may drink alcohol, smoke, experience serious and get physical activity, which can ultimately affect the baby’s health.

Therefore, conceiving a child must be approached consciously, using proven contraceptives until the very beginning of the menstrual cycle, when conception was planned. Ideally, preparation for pregnancy should last about three to four months immediately before conception.

Consultations with specialists when planning pregnancy

Preparing for pregnancy, first of all, involves visiting certain doctors for examinations and consultations. Even a woman who believes that she is completely healthy must still make sure that there are no hidden illnesses. First you should visit general practitioner . Even the most basic studies, such as control , a general analysis of urine and blood will help determine the presence of chronic diseases. Women planning a pregnancy should also undergo fluorography. For those women who have chronic illnesses, it is extremely important to consult with a specialist when planning to conceive a child. It is necessary to choose the time so that the period of exacerbation of a chronic disease does not coincide with the moment of conception. You should also be sure to tell your specialist about the medications you are taking, since some medications are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to select safer medications.

He will definitely tell you more about how to prepare for pregnancy. gynecologist . In addition, an important component of a visit to this specialist is the need to be examined for certain infections. For this purpose, special studies are carried out on the vaginal microflora. In addition, the gynecologist will determine what other tests a woman needs to do when planning a pregnancy. These are studies that will exclude or confirm the presence of , , toxoplasmosis , , hepatitis A . After all, these infections very often develop latently, and can only be determined by laboratory testing.

Despite the fact that such infections occur without visible symptoms, they can have extremely negative consequences. If a woman suffered from rubella or toxoplasmosis in childhood, then this will not affect the course of pregnancy at all. However, if infection with these ailments occurred during the process of bearing a child, then intrauterine infection of the fetus may ultimately occur. The herpes virus is very dangerous in the first weeks of embryo development.

Therefore, in some cases it is important to vaccination . If we are talking about rubella, then a woman who has not previously had this disease should be vaccinated several months before conception. This vaccination is also recommended for those women whose blood tests did not reveal . However, if a woman is already pregnant, then vaccination should not be done under any circumstances, since the vaccine virus can harm the fetus. Sometimes, in the autumn-winter period, it is also advisable to vaccinate against . In some cases, women are recommended to be vaccinated against hepatitis B.

In the process of planning pregnancy, it is mandatory to undergo an examination dentist and eliminate all dental problems. This will not only prevent the possibility of transmitting chronic infections to children, but will also help keep teeth healthy during fetal development.

Consultation geneticist is extremely necessary for those women who plan to become pregnant after the age of 35. In addition, people whose close relatives have had genetic abnormalities and if the expectant mother or father has ever been exposed to radiation or radiotherapy. If, due to certain factors, the sex of the unborn baby is very important for the family, then it is also necessary to consult a geneticist.

In some cases, tests in preparation for pregnancy include studies on sexual And thyroid hormones . This will eliminate the presence endocrine disorders . Such examinations should definitely be completed by those women who regularly report irregularities in the menstrual cycle and who have a history of miscarriage . Women with hyperandrogenism (male pattern hair) and with .

A complete examination at the stage of pregnancy planning is the most comprehensive prevention of miscarriage.

At the same time, it is also advisable for a man who is going to become a father to visit urologist specialist to exclude urogenital infections and inflammation of the pelvic organs.

In the process of preparing for pregnancy, the blood type and Rh factor of both partners are also determined. If the Rh factor is positive, a woman will have no problems conceiving and bearing a child. If a woman has a negative Rh factor, it is necessary to determine antibodies. If they turn out to be positive, then correction is necessary for pregnancy to occur. Therefore, conception will have to be delayed a little. If antibodies are negative, this test is repeated later, from the eighth week of pregnancy, once a month.

If a woman has the first blood group, and her partner has any other, then incompatibility in blood groups may occur. The doctor should know all these points, who will tell you how to proceed further in order to avoid complications.

Sometimes a woman is also prescribed an ultrasound of the pelvic organs to assess the condition of these organs and determine ovulation.

Lifestyle when planning pregnancy

Preparing for pregnancy also involves changing some principles of your usual lifestyle. A few months before the planned conception, it is necessary to review the diet and try to exclude from it all products with preservatives and a high content of dyes. Of course, given modern realities, it is not always possible to completely get rid of unnatural products, but you should introduce as much healthy food into your diet as possible. You should also completely give up alcohol during this period. It is not advisable to eat potatoes that have been stored throughout the winter, because they contain carcinogens. A woman who wants to become a mother needs to eat garlic, onions, and lemons. It is advisable to minimize the amount of coffee to two cups per day. It’s better to try to switch to healthy herbal teas now.

There are also some dietary recommendations for women who want to conceive as quickly as possible. Such products not only promote conception, but also provide the female body with a replenishment of essential nutrients. minerals And vitamins . So, experts advise eating iron-rich lentils, spinach, beets, and legumes. Many healthy fats are found in olives and olive oil, nuts, and avocados. But refined fats, on the contrary, reduce fertility.

You should not ignore foods with a high content - peppers, strawberries, peaches, citrus fruits, broccoli. Dairy products must also be included in the diet. However, the emphasis should be on regular rather than low-fat foods. The source is sunflower seeds, spinach, tomatoes. By the way, this vitamin is necessary not only for women, but also for men who want to have a child. Doctors also recommend consuming cabbage more often, which helps normalize hormonal balance .

It is also important to streamline a woman’s internal state: she should not fall into a depressed state or experience severe stress. If the expectant mother works in an enterprise where certain harmful influences occur, then this place of work should be changed even before conception occurs.

Visiting places with large crowds of people should also be minimized if possible, as this is fraught with the transmission of various infectious diseases. Hypothermia and drafts can trigger the onset of a cold, which negatively affects the child’s condition.

A month before the expected conception, a woman should stop visiting the sauna, as overheating is not recommended. But daily gymnastics should be done. During these months, special attention should be paid to the abdominal muscles; exercises aimed at strengthening them should be performed every day. In the future, this will help during childbirth, and will also prevent the appearance of a saggy tummy after bearing a child.

Vitamins when planning pregnancy

However, not only visiting doctors is important in such a responsible matter as planning a pregnancy. Pregnancy calendar, from which you can learn about the most important stages development of the child by month and week, informs that both vitamins and minerals are necessary for a woman at all stages of bearing a child. But the harmonious development of the fetus depends on whether the expectant mother consumed a sufficient amount of vitamins when planning pregnancy.

Today, several of the most important substances are released that directly affect the course of pregnancy and the proper growth and development of the fetus. Very important when planning pregnancy, since its deficiency can negatively affect the growth of the nervous tissue of the unborn baby. You need to take folic acid already three months before the planned conception, as well as in the first twelve weeks of embryo development. It has been proven that such a preventive measure significantly reduces the risk of developmental defects of the central nervous system in a child. For a woman, the optimal dose of folic acid is 400 mcg per day. When developing multivitamin complexes for pregnant women, exactly this dose of folic acid is used. Sufficient consumption of folic acid helps reduce the risk of hydrocephalus, neural tube defect, and mental retardation in a child. In addition, taking folic acid is no less useful for the expectant father, since its deficiency can negatively affect spermatogenesis.

In regions where there is a shortage , a woman must make up for the lack of this element already at the stage of planning conception. In this case, it is advisable to take 100 mcg every day.

Vitamin E is no less important when planning pregnancy. Despite the fact that there is an opinion about the need to take this vitamin for cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, before conceiving a baby, a woman should not suffer from a lack of vitamin E in the body. The effect of this vitamin on the body is based on its anti-inflammatory And antioxidant influence. Vitamin E helps improve blood circulation in the body and increases its resistance to infections. Moreover, such a positive effect of vitamin on female body will not be crossed out side effects. If the body has a sufficient supply of vitamin E, this helps improve ovarian function. And when conceiving a child, the pregnant woman’s body will not experience hormonal fluctuations. Therefore, the risk will be reduced involuntary abortion . Today, there are studies that confirm that if there is a lack of this vitamin in the body, the risk of miscarriage increases significantly.

Later, during pregnancy, vitamin E ensures the growth and normal functioning of the placenta, promotes production - a hormone without which breastfeeding is impossible. In addition, a lack of vitamin E can have a detrimental effect on the health of a newborn baby.

To obtain vitamin E from natural sources It is enough to regularly consume high-quality unrefined vegetable oil, eggs, liver, dairy products, and meat.

After consultation with your doctor, vitamin E can be taken as a course, adhering to the daily dose prescribed on an individual basis. This vitamin can be taken independently or as part of a multivitamin complex.

Other aspects of preparing for pregnancy

When preparing for a future pregnancy, other equally important factors should be taken into account. With a competent approach to the issue of family planning, spouses not only look for the necessary information, but also try to find an attending gynecologist who will observe the woman both before pregnancy and during its process. It is important that the expectant mother not only has confidence in his qualifications, but also completely trusts her doctor.

Before thinking about conceiving, it is advisable for a woman to take a vacation and go on vacation to the sea or to another place. After all, during pregnancy, a change in climate is extremely undesirable, and after the birth of a child, it will not be possible to take a full vacation soon.

The main thing is to deal with the issue of pregnancy planning on time, and then the whole process will go without complications and unforeseen difficulties.

Education: Graduated from Rivne State Basic Medical College majoring in Pharmacy. Graduated from Vinnitsa State Medical University named after. M.I. Pirogov and internship at his base.

Experience: From 2003 to 2013, she worked as a pharmacist and manager of a pharmacy kiosk. She was awarded diplomas and decorations for many years of conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.