Selection of technological equipment for engine repair areas. Selection of technological equipment and accessories in the engine workshop

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In many respects, Russian road transport does not meet the needs of the economy and society, does not meet modern requirements and is in a state of crisis.

Transportation volumes in the country are falling (especially for freight transportation), there is a catastrophic shortage of qualified personnel - not only drivers, but also transportation organizers; Even at the ministry level there is no concept for the development of this sector of the economy; the legislative framework is globally outdated (the country has transportation rules from 1987). The fact that each region has its own tariffs and rules also has a negative impact on cargo transportation.

Moreover, today no one can say for sure what the share of transport costs is in the cost of goods. According to some data, transport costs in the cost of production amount to 15–20% (in European countries this figure is 7–8%), but they are constantly growing. And this significantly increases inflationary processes and reduces the competitiveness of domestic goods.

The mobility of the Russian population is 2.5 times lower than in developed foreign countries, since the lack of a supporting transport network throughout the country hinders the development of a single economic space and the growth of personal mobility. About 28 thousand settlements, home to 12 million people, do not have a year-round motor transport community.

Today, with huge total material and financial costs, the efficiency of solving many transport problems in the country is becoming extremely low, freight transport is becoming uncompetitive, and passenger transport is becoming increasingly less accessible.

Meanwhile, back in the early 90s, the Russian road transportation system was one of the most advanced in the world, approaching the United States in terms of cargo delivery speed. To correct the situation, it is necessary to increase government regulation of transport activities.

The main directions of development of the transport industry are: rapid development of public transport and strengthening of the material and technical base. Strengthening the vehicle repair base and improving its operating system. In motor vehicles, improving the technical condition and repair of rolling stock. To do this, it is necessary to: improve the structure of the vehicle fleet, increase its share of vehicles with a higher carrying capacity, specialized and low-tonne vehicles, provide buses and transportation in international communications, implement measures to improve the operation of all types of transport and ensure their development in full accordance with the needs of the national economy and population.

The production of diesel buses needs to be increased. It is necessary to master the production of city buses with high guaranteed mileage and large passenger capacity. By improving internal combustion engine designs, fuel efficiency can be increased.

In connection with the development of automobile transport, in the maintenance and repair of automobiles, diagnostics and maintenance are used, which allows one to find a fault and information about it; the theory of reliability is also used to manage the technical condition of a car. Car maintenance specialists must know the elements of reliability theory, technical repair, as well as relevant equipment that affect changes in the technical condition of cars.


The purpose of this course project is to design the engine section of a truck transport vehicle operating 40 KamAZ 5511 vehicles and 70 ZIL 4505 vehicles.

GAZ-53 is a Soviet truck, a family of third-generation GAZ medium-duty trucks with a V-shaped 8-cylinder engine.

MAZ-500 is a Soviet truck produced at the Minsk Automobile Plant.

The first prototypes appeared in 1958, the first trial assemblies of the truck were released in 1963, and their mass production began in March 1965.

Table 1 - Characteristics of the GAZ - 53 and MAZ - 500 vehicles

The engine section is intended for repairing engines removed from the vehicle. The technical requirements, the organization of the site’s work, the availability of technological equipment, tooling and tools are required to ensure engine repairs at a high level. engines are repaired at specialized stations equipped with appropriate technological equipment.


2.1.Calculation of initial standards for maintenance and technical regulations

Initial data for calculation

Table 2.1


Data for calculation

Car make, model

Basic model

Listed number of cars in ATP Asp

Days of operation of cars in the year Dr.g

Average daily vehicle mileage Lс.с, km

Operating hours (zones, sections) per year:

Number of days of work Dr.z

Number of shifts n

Shift duration tcm, h

Car storage method


Natural and climatic operating conditions


2.2. Selection of initial standards for maintenance and technical regulations

The initial standards for the frequency of maintenance, the labor intensity of maintenance and the specific labor intensity of technical repairs per 1000 km are adopted from ONTP-01-86.

Table 2.2

2.3. Adjustment of initial maintenance and technical standards

2.3.2. Determination of vehicle mileage between repairs

Where: - standard vehicle mileage to the Kyrgyz Republic (ONTP-01-86); = 200000 km

Coefficient taking into account the category of operation (ONTP-11-86) =0.8

Coefficient taking into account the modification of rolling stock and

organization of its work (ONTP-01-86); =1.0

Coefficient taking into account natural and climatic conditions; =0.8

200000*0.8*1.0*0.8=128000 km

The calculation results are summarized in table 2.4. Table 2.4

4.3.4. Determination of the estimated labor intensity of TR per 1000 km

where: - standard specific labor intensity of TR per 1000 km

(see table 2.2)

TR labor intensity adjustment factor depending on

modifications of rolling stock in the organization of its work


TR labor intensity adjustment factor depending on

natural and climatic conditions (ONTP-01-86)

TR labor intensity adjustment factor depending on

ATP sizes (ONTP-01-86)

TR labor intensity adjustment factor depending on

method of car storage (ONTP-01-86)

16.0*1.2*1.15*1.2*1.1*0.9=26.23 man-hour/1000

The calculation results are summarized in Table 4.6. Table 2.6.


5.1. Determination of the technical readiness factor

Lcc – average daily vehicle mileage, km (see source data, Table 4.1.);

Downtime in maintenance and repair, days per 1000 km (Appendix 13);

Vehicle downtime in the Kyrgyz Republic (see Appendix 13);

Vehicle mileage to the Kyrgyz Republic (see Table 4.4 calculation);

5.2. Determination of vehicle utilization rate

Days of operation of vehicles per year (see source data, Table 4.1);

Technical readiness coefficient (see clause 5.1 of the calculation);

A coefficient that takes into account the decrease in the use of technically sound vehicles on working days of the fleet for operational reasons;

5.3. Determination of the total annual mileage of the fleet

Listed number of cars (see source data, table 4.1)

Average daily vehicle mileage (see source data, Table 4.1);

Estimated park utilization factor (see clause 5.2 of the calculation).

5.5.2. Determination of the annual volume of work for repair areas

Total annual mileage of vehicles (see paragraph 5.3 of the calculation);

Estimated labor intensity of TR per 1000 km (see paragraph 4.3.4 of the calculation);

C% is the percentage of the labor intensity of current repairs attributable to this department from the total labor intensity of the district works of the TR (see Appendix 14).

5.6.1. Calculation of available workers for the tire workshop

Description of work

In connection with the development of automobile transport, in the maintenance and repair of automobiles, diagnostics and maintenance are used, which allows one to find a fault and information about it; the theory of reliability is also used to manage the technical condition of a car. Car maintenance specialists must know the elements of reliability theory, technical repair, as well as relevant equipment that affect changes in the technical condition of cars.


Road transport serves the national economy; it is the only type of transport that carries out door-to-door transportation. During operation, the technical condition of the vehicle decreases under the influence of factors such as climatic conditions, road conditions, human factors, environmental aggressiveness and natural wear and tear. Due to the fact that the technical condition of the car needs to be maintained, road transport has adopted a planned preventative system of Maintenance (MOT) and Repair (R) (MOT maintains the technical condition of cars, and repairs restore the life of the car) regulated by the Regulations on Maintenance and Repair of Mobile Vehicles composition of road transport, which is a set of normative and technical documentation necessary to ensure the operational condition of the rolling stock. This Regulation defines the types and modes of maintenance and repair, taking into account the operating conditions of the vehicles. Higher, secondary technical and vocational educational institutions, including the Volzhsky Polytechnic College, play a significant role in the life of road transport, training specialists in the specialty 1705 Maintenance and repair of road transport.

Improving the quality of vehicle maintenance and repair is facilitated by the introduction of high-performance, modern, technological and diagnostic equipment, the use of high-quality lubricants and refueling materials, as well as the creation of good conditions for working personnel.

Today in the Russian Federation, one of the main problems is low labor productivity, so it needs to be increased through the introduction of mechanization and automation.

The engine section plays an important role in restoring the technical condition of the car, in particular at the engine disassembly workplace.

1 General part

1.1 Characteristics of the design object

The engine section is intended for lapping and grinding valves, replacing piston pins, pistons, piston rings, replacing liners, connecting rod and piston bearings with liners of operational sizes, replacing the cylinder head gasket and other engine repairs. The work of this section is carried out during the daytime in one shift. There is 1 mechanic working on the site. The motor area is continuously connected with the TR zone, because the engine is removed in this area and delivered to an intermediate warehouse. As jobs in the engine section become free, engines from the intermediate warehouse are transferred to the engine section complex. When repairing engines, worn parts are replaced with new ones from the main warehouse.

After repairs, cold and hot running-in of the engine is carried out. Then the engine arrives at the intermediate warehouse and, at the direction of the dispatcher, it is sent to the TR complex, where it is installed on the vehicle.

1.2 Scheme of the technological process at the design site

The entry and exit of vehicles in a motor transport enterprise (ATP) is carried out through a control and technical point (CTP). Before leaving the line, a vehicle from the parking area is sent to the checkpoint, where the mechanic on duty checks the serviceability of the vehicle and, if there is any doubt about the serviceability of the vehicle, can send it to the D-1 zone. After completing the flight, the vehicle again arrives at the checkpoint, from where it has two roads, if the car is clean and in good working order, then it goes to the parking area, but if the car needs a wash or some kind of repair, then it goes to the waiting area, then to the daily maintenance (EO), after which again to the waiting area and then to the current repair area (TR), from there or in front of it the car can pass through the D-1 zone if required.

The flow diagram of the technological process is shown in Figure 1.

main route

possible routes

Accepted abbreviations:

KTP – control technical point; EO – daily maintenance; UMR – cleaning and washing works; TR – current repair; TO-2 – second technical maintenance; TO-1 – first maintenance; D-1 – express diagnostics; OTK – technical control department.

Figure 1 - Scheme of the organization of the technological process at the ATP.

Before accepting the engine into the engine section, it is first removed in the TR zone, after which, upon entering the engine section, the engine is washed externally, then it is disassembled, then at the next workplace the parts are washed so that they can be better troubleshooted. During defect detection, three groups of parts are formed: suitable (which are marked with green paint), unusable (red) and subject to restoration (yellow). After troubleshooting, the parts are assembled, and then the engine is assembled. After assembly, it is necessary to carry out a mandatory break-in (cold and hot). Well, then the engine arrives either at the warehouse or immediately for installation on the car.

A diagram of the organization of the technological process in the motor section is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 – Scheme of the technological process of engine repair in the engine section

1.3 Organization of work and rest regime for production workers

1.3.1 Determination of the running vehicle fleet, A X , units (pcs).

A X = A C ∙ α T = 200 ∙ 0.94 = 188 pcs., (1)

where A C = 200 is the payroll of the park, indicated in the task.

α T = 0.94 – coefficient of technical readiness as a whole for ATP.

1.3.2 Calculation of vehicle downtime for technical reasons, A PR, pcs.

A PR = A C - A X = 200 - 188 = 12 pcs. (2)

To organize the work and rest of production workers, a daily schedule is drawn up, shown in Figure 3.

1.3.3 Determination of the time required for all cars to enter the line, t OUT. , hour.

t EXIT = 2.5 hours - the time required for all cars to enter the line.

The daily schedule of cars on the line, combined with the work of the motor section, is shown in Figure 3


cars, pcs.

The motor section is located in a separate room. The following types of work are carried out in the assembly area: disassembly and assembly, washing, diagnostic, adjustment and control operations on the engine removed from the vehicle for TR.

After diagnosing the technical condition, the engines removed from the car are washed. First, oil is drained from the engine crankcases, water is drained from the engine cooling system, etc. After external washing, the engine is installed on stands for disassembly and repair.

In accordance with the technical conditions for inspection and defect detection, parts are sorted into suitable, unusable and requiring repair. Using measuring instruments and special devices, deviations in the size and shape of parts are determined, comparing the results with the technical specifications. Signs that parts are unsuitable for further use without repair are scuffing, cracks, dents, traces of corrosion, fatigue spalling (pitting), etc. The list of work performed during engine repair is very diverse and large. The site is more specialized in engine repair. The main equipment includes: washing machines, boring stacks, beam cranes, electric hoists, metal-cutting machines, running stands and equipment for restoring parts, etc.

Technological process in the department.

The repair process includes: engine washing; sub-disassembly in accordance with the scope of repair; washing of removed parts and troubleshooting; sorting of parts and their assembly after repair; assembly and testing of the unit. Disassembly and assembly work in the engine section is usually carried out on specialized stands that provide the ability to approach the engine being repaired from different sides, as well as rotate and tilt the engine for ease of work. Most often, the scope of work is limited to disassembling the engine, replacing damaged parts and assembly.

The check takes place after installing the engine directly on the car.

The engine section is intended for wiping and grinding valves, replacing piston pins, pistons, piston rings, replacing connecting rod and main bearing shells with liners of operational sizes, replacing the head gasket, eliminating cracks and breakdowns (in the welding or assembly department).

State educational institution.



Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education

Course project

Organization of work of the motor section at the ATP

Speciality 1705

Discipline: Vehicle and engine maintenance

Student Zagidullin Rustem Anvarovich.

Group TO-43 Personal file_207380

Teacher Kuznetsov Sergey Nikolaevich

Ekaterinburg 2009



1.2 Determination of the design values ​​of the technical readiness coefficient and the vehicle utilization coefficient

1.3 Determination of the annual mileage of a car at an ATP

1.4 Determination of the annual and shift vehicle maintenance program

1.5 Determination of the total annual labor intensity of maintenance and repair of rolling stock at ATP

1.6. Determination of the total annual labor intensity of work on the design object

1.7 Determination of the number of repair workers at the ATP and the design site

2. Organizational section

2.1 Choosing a method for organizing maintenance and routine repairs at ATP

2.2 Scheme of the technological process at the design site

2.3 Selecting the operating mode of production units

2.4 Calculation of the number of posts in TR zones

2.5 Selection of technological equipment

2.6 Calculation of the production area of ​​the motor section

3. Technological map

4. Safety precautions

4.1 Safety requirements for tools, devices and main technological equipment

4.2 Safety requirements when performing basic work on the site

4.3 Safety requirements for the premises

5. Conclusion

6. References


The efficiency of using vehicles depends on the perfection of the organization of the transport process and the properties of vehicles to maintain, within certain limits, the values ​​of parameters characterizing their ability to perform the required functions. During the operation of a car, its functional properties gradually deteriorate due to wear, corrosion, damage to parts, fatigue of the material from which they are made, etc. Various malfunctions appear in the car, which reduce the efficiency of its use. To prevent the occurrence of defects and eliminate them in a timely manner, the vehicle is subjected to maintenance (MOT) and repairs.

Maintenance is a set of operations or an operation to maintain the functionality or serviceability of a vehicle when used for its intended purpose, during parking, storage or transportation. Maintenance is a preventive measure and is carried out forcibly in a planned manner, after strictly defined periods of vehicle operation.

Repair is a set of operations to restore performance and restore the service life of a car or its components. Repairs are carried out according to the need identified during the maintenance process.

Carrying out maintenance and repair work on a vehicle is preceded by an assessment of its technical condition (diagnosis). Diagnostics during maintenance is carried out to determine its necessity and predict the moment of occurrence of a faulty condition by comparing the actual values ​​of the parameters measured during control with the limit values. Diagnosis when repairing a car consists of finding a fault and establishing a repair method and the scope of repair work, as well as checking the quality of repair work. Timely maintenance and ongoing repairs of rolling stock allows us to keep vehicles in technically sound condition.

Untimely maintenance creates favorable conditions for road traffic accidents and extreme wear and tear and breakdowns of vehicle components and parts. Most often failures occur in the engine. In terms of the number of failures, the car engine accounts for approximately half of all failures. Therefore, in this project, a section for routine repair of car engines has been developed.

Characteristics of the ATP and the design object

Initial data:

car model (make): GAZ-3307

number of cars that passed the Kyrgyz Republic: - A5=90

average daily mileage, km: - 270

number of working days per year, days: - 305

average duration of work of vehicles on the line, hours: - 10.2

start and end time of cars entering the line: - 6:30-7:30

Characteristics of the climate of the area: - hot, dry.

Initial operating mileage in fractions of Lcr Number of vehicles Less than 0.5 A1 = 40 0,5-0,75A2 = 100 0,75-1,0A3 = 60 more than 1.0 A4 = 110 Total A = 310

1. Calculation and technological section

1.1 Selection and adjustment of maintenance and repair regime standards

Adjustment of standards TO-1 and TO-2 (mileage) (km).

Lto-1; to-2 = Ln to-1; then-2 * K1*K3, (9.1)

where Ln then-1; then-2 is the standard frequency of TO-1 and TO-2 (taken from the Regulations on Maintenance and R p. 14 of Table 2.1 or according to Table 1).

K1 - coefficient of adjustment of standards depending on operating conditions (taken from the "Regulations on Maintenance and R" p. 26 of Table 2.8 or according to Table 2).

K3 - coefficient of adjustment of standards depending on natural and climatic conditions (taken from the “Regulations on Maintenance and Repair” p. 27 of Table 2.10 or from Table 3).

Table 1

Standard frequency of TO-1 and TO-2, km

CarsTO-1TO-2 Trucks and buses based on trucks300012000

table 2

Standards adjustment coefficient depending on operating conditions K1

Table 3

Standards adjustment coefficient depending on natural and climatic conditions K3

Characteristics of the climate of the areaStandardsFrequency of maintenanceSpecific labor intensity of current repairsMileage before major repairsSpare parts costsHot dry, very hot hot dry

Adjustment of TO-1 standards

Lto-1 = Ln to-1 *К1*К3

where Ln then-1 = 3000 km (taken from Table 9.1).

K1=0.7 (we take it from Table 2, taking into account the III category of operation).

K3 =0.9 (taken from Table 3).

Ln then-1= 3000 *0.7*0.9 = 1890 (km) take 1900 (km)

Adjustment of TO-2 standards

Lto-2 = Ln to-2 *К1*К3

where Ln then-2 =12000 km

K1=0.7, K3 = 0.9

Ln then-2= 12000 *0.7*0.9 =7560km we take 7600 (km).

Adjustment of labor intensity standards for EO, ​​TO-1 and TO-2

tH EO, TO-1, TO-2 = t EO, TO-1, TO-2*k2*k5, (9.2)

where tH EO, TO-1, TO-2 - standard labor intensity of EO, TO-1 and TO-2 (taken from the "Regulations on Maintenance and R", p. 15 of Table 2.2 or according to Table 5); - adjustment coefficient labor intensity of maintenance, taking into account the modification of rolling stock and the organization of its work (taken from the “Regulations on Maintenance and R”, p. 27, table 2.9).

k5 is the coefficient for adjusting the labor intensity of maintenance, taking into account the size of the motor transport enterprise and the number of technologically compatible groups of rolling stock (taken from the “Regulations on maintenance and repair”, p. 29, table 2.12).

Table 5

Labor intensity standards for maintenance and repair of rolling stock

Rolling stock and its main parameter Brands, models of rolling stock (carrying capacity) Person per service Routine repair persons. - h/1000 kmEOTO-1TO-2 Trucks From 3.0 to 5.0 tGAZ-33070,572,610,33,9

From Table 9.5 we select the appropriate labor intensity standards for SW,

TO-1, TO-2 of the GAZ-3307 car:

tH EO = 0.57 people - h.

tH TO-1 = 2.6 people. - h.

tH TO-2 = 10.3 people. - h.

Now we substitute the data into formula 9.2 for each type of action.

For EO: tH EO = 0.57*1*0.85 = 0.484 people. - h.

For TO-1: tH TO-1 = 2.6*1*0.85 = 2.21 people. - h.

For TO-2: tH TO-2 = 10.3*1*0.85 = 8.755 people. - h.

Adjustment of mileage standards before major repairs

Lcr = LHcr*k1*k2*k3, (9.3)

where LHcr is the initial rate of mileage between repairs, km (taken from the “Regulations on Maintenance and R”, p. 18-19, table 2.3 or according to table 6).

Table 6

Mileage standards for rolling stock and main units before major repairs (thousand km)

Rolling stock and its main parameters Brands, models of rolling stock (load capacity) Car, trailer (semi-trailer), cabin, body, frame Engine Gearbox Front axle Rear axle Steering gear Trucks From 3.0 to 5.0 tGAZ-3307250200250250250250

Table 13 – Distribution of workers by work positions

Workplace number

Number of performers


Classification (category)

Types of work according to technical regulations

Motor mechanic

External engine wash

Motor mechanic

Engine disassembly

Motor mechanic

Washing engine parts

Motor mechanic

Defective engine parts

Motor mechanic

Complete set of parts

Motor mechanic

Engine assembly

Motor mechanic

Engine running-in (cold and hot)

2.7 Selection of technological, diagnostic equipment and accessories

To facilitate production processes in the engine department, various technological equipment is widely used in the ATP. Selected equipment is presented in Table 14.

Table 14 – Technological equipment of the motor section

Equipment, instruments, fixtures, specials. Tool

Model (type)

Dimensions (mm2)

Total occupied area (m2)

Installation location

Washing system for washing cylinder blocks

Motor section

Washing bath for parts

Motor section

Cylinder boring machine

Motony area

Engine Cylinder Polishing Machine

Motor section

Mechanic's workbench with pneumatics

Motor section

Tool bedside table

Motor section

Cabinet for storing connecting rod and piston parts

Motor section

Stand for pressing piston rings

Motor section

Rack for storing instruments and accessories

Motor section

Valve grinding rack

Motor section

Engine repair stand

Motor section

Cabinet for timing parts

Motor section

Engine running-in stand

Motor section

Stand for disassembling and assembling cylinder heads

Motor section

Test bench for oil pumps and oil filters

Motor section

Storage rack for oil and water pumps

Motor section

Wash basin

Motor section

Waste chest

Motor section

Office desk

Motor section

Chest for cleaning materials

Motor section

Engine storage rack

Motor section

Engine disassembly stand

Motor section

2.8 Calculation of production area

F ay = K pl + F volume = 5 ∙ 21.3 = 106.5 m 2 ., (56)

where F – 21.3 total area occupied by technological equipment in m.

Kpl – equipment placement density coefficient

I accept a plot of 12∙9 = 108 m2

2.9 Development of a technological map

Technological map for the engine section

Labor intensity of work: 6.7 person-hours.

Performers: 1 person.

Specialty and rank of each: 3

Naming the operation

Location of execution

Number of observation points

Specialty rank

Equipment and fixtures

Labor intensity per person


1. Carry out an external wash

Workplace No. 1

Crane beam, engine washing bath

The engine must be clean

2. Disassemble the engine

Workplace No. 2

Cathead; tool cabinet, engine disassembly stand

The engine must be disassembled into its component parts

3.Wash the parts

Workplace No. 3

Cathead; washing bath for parts

Engine parts must be clean to be ready for inspection

4. Perform defect detection

Workplace No. 4

Beam crane, device for determining the elasticity of valve springs and piston rings, rack for storing instruments and accessories

Divide parts into 3 groups: unusable, usable and subject to restoration

5. Complete the package

Workplace No. 5

A crane beam, a tool cabinet, a rack for storing instruments and accessories, a cabinet for timing parts, a valve grinding machine, a stand for pressing piston pins

All gaps must comply with the rules of regulatory and technical documentation

6.Assemble the engine

Workplace No. 6

Beam crane, engine assembly stand, engine storage rack, bench with pneumatics

Engine threaded connections must be tightened to a specified torque using a torque wrench

Run-in the engine

Workplace No. 7

Crane beam, stand for engine running-in

Engine characteristics must comply with regulations