For whom the Bell Tolls. For Whom the Bell Tolls, Ernest Hemingway For Whom the Bell Tolls main characters

They have always captivated readers with the relevance of the topic, the fascination of the plot and the complexity of the issues raised. The characters depicted in such works amaze with their effectiveness, psychologism and realism.

Ernest Hemingway's novel "For Whom the Bell Tolls" is considered the most widespread among works about the war. According to one official study conducted by a respected French magazine, it ranks eighth among a selection of the hundred most outstanding books of the twentieth century.

What kind of novel is this - "For Whom the Bell Tolls"? Summary works will be presented in this article. We will also get acquainted with the history of writing and film adaptation of the book. But first, let's learn a little about its author.

E. M. Hemingway and his books

As a writer and journalist, Hemingway traveled halfway around the world, visited the hottest spots and made acquaintance with many outstanding personalities. Therefore, everything that this one wrote about talented person, is not just a figment of the imagination of a typical layman or amateur. Every line of his writings is the result of deep conclusions based on experience and real events experienced and passed through the heart.

The writer's presentation style is laconic and vivid, very specific and realistic. His heroes come to life in the imagination and resonate in the hearts of millions of readers.

Biography of the writer

After graduating from school, the future writer worked as a police reporter, went to all sorts of incidents, got acquainted with the life of street bandits, prostitutes, scammers, and so on.

Then the First began World War, for which the young man volunteered, since he was not taken to the front due to poor eyesight. There he experienced the horror of combat, was seriously wounded, and then returned home as a hero.

Then Hemingway began to seriously engage in literary activity, for which he even made a difficult trip to Africa.

The Spanish Civil War touched the courageous heart of this man, and he asked to go on a business trip there. Subsequently, impressed by what he saw in those difficult years for the whole world, Hemingway wrote “For Whom the Bell Tolls” (a summary of the novel will be presented in this material).

The Second World War also did not leave the writer indifferent. He organized a counterintelligence group and participated in the bombing of Germany and other military operations.

In the post-war period, the writer traveled extensively and fruitfully around the world and worked actively in the literary field.

In the last years of his life, Hemingway suffered from paranoia, underwent horrific treatment in psychiatric clinics several times, and attempted suicide.

The writer succeeded in one of these attempts - he died in the summer of 1961.

What is remarkable about Ernest Hemingway's novel "For Whom the Bell Tolls"? Let's find out.

History of writing

The first date of publication of the work was 1940. At the height of World War II, the topic of the fight against fascism became more relevant than ever. And although the author has repeatedly stated that everything written is a figment of his imagination, now literary researchers believe that in some places the book describes real events and people. For example, some believe that the main character of the work is a literary image of an NKVD worker, Hero of the USSR and leader of the partisan movement - Kirill Prokofievich Orlovsky.

Another interesting fact is that the writer gave one of the central characters (the Soviet demolition bomber Kashkin) the name of a man whose work he greatly respected. He was a translator and literary critic from Soviet Union Ivan Alexandrovich Kashkin.

What events are described in the book “For Whom the Bell Tolls”? The plot of the work will be discussed below.

Dangerous and responsible task

Events in the work begin to unfold when young Robert Jordan (American by birth) receives a task from the rebel center to blow up a bridge of strategic importance in the upcoming offensive.

At the disposal of the demolitionist is a guerrilla detachment of a certain Pablo, a once brave and passionate rebel. However, over time, the Spaniard became rich and lost his former enthusiasm. He refuses to help Jordan because he understands that half of his guys may not return from the mission.

What should a young bomber do?

Meet brave women

Pablo's wife, fifty-year-old Pilar, a gypsy by nationality, but a patriot in spirit, takes Robert's side. She calls on her husband's squad to march with Jordan and show courage for the sake of the fatherland. A fearless gypsy is elected commander of a partisan detachment.

However, Pilar is not the only woman among the underground. Recently, a pretty girl, whose life was crippled by the war, joined the squad. Her parents were brutally killed, and she was brutally abused by the Nazis.

The gypsy, caring for Maria, tries to help her forget those terrible events and overcome tragic memories. She sees relationships forming between young people and pushes them towards each other. Pilar understands that true feeling will heal Maria’s withered soul, and will give Robert, who will die while performing the task, his last earthly happiness.

Maria and Jordan develop mutual passion and tenderness for each other and become close.

Memories of heroes

The conversation that took place between Pilar and Robert on the way to El Sordo, another partisan commander, is the central dialogue of the entire work. It raises deep and serious questions to which, unfortunately, it is impossible to give a clear answer.

Pilar recalls how the Republicans brutally punished local fascists and even killed a priest during the performance of the service. Such cruelty and hatred of the common people towards their own brothers will not lead to anything good. The fratricidal war that unfolded in Spain generates only suffering, pain and death.

Jordan, in turn, remembers why he volunteered for the Republican forces. Spain is his second homeland, he is deeply concerned about the fate of the local residents, and he sincerely hates Nazi ideology.

What preceded the fighting?

Further in the novel, Robert describes the actions taken to implement the mission entrusted to him. He asks for help from El Sordo's squad, but suddenly snow falls ruins the whole thing. The fascists discover the underground fighters and kill them, and Jordan and Pablo's squad hear the battle and cannot come to the rescue - if they reveal themselves, then the whole plan to blow up the bridge may fail.

Robert's situation is further complicated by the fact that on the eve of the offensive, Pablo escapes, taking with him a box of explosives. After some time, he returns, because he cannot sit in a safe place, knowing that his friends and comrades are risking their lives for their common goal.

The climax of the novel

Giordano managed to blow up the bridge. He completed the task. However, many partisans die, and the bomber himself is seriously wounded. He persuades Maria to leave him, assuring that only if she leaves can they be truly together.

When all of Robert's friends leave, he is left alone with a machine gun. The enemy comes out to meet him, and Jordan is ready to kill at least one more fascist at the cost of his own life.

This is where the novel ends.

We read the summary of “For Whom the Bell Tolls” by Hemingway.

Main images of the work

As you can see, the novel is replete with bright, extraordinary characters. For Whom the Bell Tolls is not your average book about military exploits. It exposes not only the cruelty of fascist ideology, but also the unreasonableness of the fratricidal war. In the work, the author shows that on both sides there are ordinary people who also fight for a high idea, who also fear for their lives, who also do not want to kill others.

Every chapter of the novel “For Whom the Bell Tolls” is imbued with this thought. Robert Jordan, on his last night, also reflects on the absurdity of the fight that the Spaniards wage with each other. And yet this brave, fearless man tries not to think that among the fascists there are ordinary people. He understands that fascism is an evil that needs to be eradicated.

Pablo also appears before the readers as an interesting and original hero. "For Whom the Bell Tolls" portrays this man, once fearless and courageous, as materialistic and weak. But a man is not capable of betrayal. Yielding to a momentary impulse and momentary weakness, he leaves the detachment in order to return and serve his newfound ideals with redoubled strength.

Film adaptation of "For Whom the Bell Tolls"

Three years after publication, the novel was filmed. The film was shot in the USA by the talented director and producer Sam Wood.

The film stars such famous actors as:

  • Gary Cooper (winner of three Oscars, one of which was for his overall contribution to the development of American cinema). Role: Robert Jordan.
  • Ingrid Bergman (Swedish and American actress, winner of three Oscars). Role - Maria.
  • Katina Paxino (Greek and American actress who received the coveted statuette for her role in this film adaptation). Her character is Pilar.
  • Akim Tamirov (American actor of Armenian origin, winner of the Golden Globe for his role in For Whom the Bell Tolls). His character is Pablo.

The film was nominated for an Oscar in eight categories, but only Katina Paxino received the prestigious award.

For whom the Bell Tolls. Novel (1940)

American Robert Jordan, voluntarily participating in the Spanish Civil War on the side of the Republicans, receives a task from the center - to blow up a bridge before the attack. He must spend several days before the offensive at the location of a partisan detachment of a certain Pablo. They say about Pablo that at the beginning of the war he was very brave and killed more fascists than the bubonic plague, and then he got rich and would now happily retire. Pablo refuses to participate in this matter, which promises nothing but trouble for the detachment, but Jordan is unexpectedly supported by fifty-year-old Pilar, Pablo’s wife, who enjoys immeasurably more respect among the partisans than her husband. Those who seek security lose everything, she says. She is unanimously elected commander of the detachment.

Pilar is an ardent republican, she is devoted to the people's cause and will never deviate from her chosen path. This strong, wise woman harbors many talents; she also has the gift of clairvoyance: on the very first evening, looking at Robert’s hand, she realized that he was completing his life path.` And then I saw that between Robert and the girl Maria, who joined the detachment after the Nazis killed her parents and she was raped, a bright, rare feeling flared up. It does not hinder their development love relationship, and knowing how little time is left, she pushes them towards each other. All the time that Maria spent with the squad, Pilar gradually healed her soul, and now the wise Spaniard understands: only pure, true love will heal the girl. On the first night, Maria comes to Robert.

The next day, Robert, having instructed the old man Anselmo to watch the road, and Rafael to monitor the change of guards at the bridge, goes with Pilar and Maria to El Sordo, the commander of a neighboring partisan detachment. On the way, Pilar tells how the revolution began in a small Spanish town, in her and Pablo’s homeland, and how the people dealt with the local fascists there. People stood in two ranks - one opposite the other, took flails and clubs in their hands and drove the fascists through the line. The priest was killed while praying. Yes, apparently God has been abolished in Spain, Pilar sighs, because if he had existed, would he have allowed this fratricidal war? Pilar's story awakens Robert Jordan's own thoughts and memories. The fact that he is now fighting in Spain is not surprising. His profession (he teaches Spanish at the university) and service are connected with Spain; he was often here before the war, he loves the people of Spain, and he doesn’t care at all what the fate of this people will be. Jordan is not red, but one cannot expect good from the fascists. This means we must win this war. And then he will write a book about everything and then he will finally be freed from the horror that accompanies any war.

Robert Jordan suggests that in preparation for the explosion of the bridge he may die: he has too few people at his disposal - Pablo has seven and El Sordo has the same number, but there is a lot to do: he needs to remove posts, cover the road, etc. And such a one needs it happened that it was here that he met his first true love. However, there is nothing to grieve here: in seventy hours you can live a fuller life than in seventy years.

When Robert Jordan, Pilar and Maria, having received El Sordo's consent to get horses and take part in the operation, return to camp, it suddenly begins to snow. It keeps coming and going, and this phenomenon, unusual for the end of May, can ruin the whole thing.

In addition, Pablo drinks all the time, and Jordan is afraid that this unreliable man can do a lot of harm.

El Sordo, as promised, obtained horses in case of retreat after sabotage, but due to the snow that fell, the fascist patrol notices traces of partisans and horses leading to El Sordo’s camp. Jordan and the fighters from Pablo’s squad hear the echoes of the battle, but cannot intervene: then the entire operation, so necessary for a successful offensive, could fail. The entire El Sordo squad dies. The fascist lieutenant, walking around a hill strewn with the corpses of partisans and soldiers, crosses himself and mentally says what can often be heard in the republican camp: what a vile thing war is! On the night before the offensive, Pablo escapes from the camp, taking with him a box with a fuse and a fuse - important things for sabotage. You can also manage without them, but it is more difficult and there is more risk.

Old man Anselmo reports to Jordan about movements on the road: the Nazis are pulling up equipment. Jordan writes a detailed report to the front commander, General Goltz, informing that the enemy clearly knows about the impending offensive: what Goltz was counting on - surprise, will now not work. Goltz agrees to deliver the package to the partisans Andrei. If he manages to transmit the report before dawn, Jordan has no doubt that the offensive will be postponed, and with it the date of the bridge explosion. But for now we need to prepare...

On the last night, lying next to Maria, Robert Jordan, as it were, sums up his life and comes to the conclusion that it was not lived in vain. He is not afraid of death, he is only afraid of the thought: what if he does not fulfill his duty properly. Jordan remembers his grandfather - he also participated in the Civil War, only in America - in the war between North and South. She was probably just as scary as this one. And apparently Anselmo is right when he says that those who fight on the side of the fascists are not fascists, but the same poor people as the people in the republican units. But it’s better not to think about all this, otherwise the anger will disappear, and without it you won’t be able to complete the task.

The next morning, Pablo unexpectedly returns to the detachment, he brought people and horses with him. Having thrown Jordan's detonator into the abyss under the hot hand, he soon felt remorse and realized that he was simply unable to remain alone in safety while his former comrades fought. Then he developed a frantic activity, all night long gathering volunteers in the surrounding area for an action against the Nazis.

Not knowing whether Andrei reached Golts with the report or not, Jordan and the partisans leave their place and move through the gorge to the river. It was decided to leave Maria with the horses, and everyone else would do their own thing in the event of an offensive. Jordan and old man Anselmo go down to the bridge and take down the sentries. An American sets up dynamite at the supports. Now, whether the bridge will be blown up depends only on whether the offensive begins or not.

Meanwhile, Andrei can’t get through to Golts. Having overcome the initial difficulties of crossing the front line, when he was almost blown up by a grenade, Andree is stuck at the very last stage: he is detained by the chief commissar of the International Brigades.

When Andrei finally miraculously gets to Goltz, it is already too late: the offensive cannot be canceled.

The bridge is blown up. Old man Anselmo dies in an explosion. Those who survived are in a hurry to leave. During the retreat, a shell explodes near Jordan's horse, which falls and crushes the rider.

Jordan's leg is broken and he realizes he can't go with the others.

The main thing for him: to convince Maria to leave him. If she leaves, he will leave too - so she will save him.

Left alone, Jordan freezes in front of the machine gun, leaning against a tree trunk. World - a good place, he thinks, is worth fighting for. You have to kill if necessary, but you don’t have to get used to it.

And then an officer of the enemy army comes into the clearing...


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For whom the Bell Tolls. Novel (1940) American Robert Jordan, voluntarily participating in the Spanish Civil War on the side of the Republicans, receives a task from the center - to blow up a bridge before the attack. A few days before the onset

Hemingway Ernest Miller
Work “For Whom the Bell Tolls”

American Robert Jordan, voluntarily participating in the Spanish Civil War on the side of the Republicans, receives a task from the center - to blow up a bridge before the attack. He must spend several days before the offensive at the location of a partisan detachment of a certain Pablo. They say about Pablo that at the beginning of the war he was very brave and killed more fascists than the bubonic plague, and then he got rich and would now happily retire. Pablo refuses to participate in this

The case promises nothing but trouble for the detachment, but Jordan is unexpectedly supported by fifty-year-old Pilar, Pablo’s wife, who enjoys immeasurably more respect among the partisans than her husband. Those who seek security lose everything, she says. She is unanimously elected commander of the detachment.
Pilar is an ardent republican, she is devoted to the people's cause and will never deviate from her chosen path. This strong, wise woman harbors many talents; she also has the gift of clairvoyance: on the very first evening, looking at Robert’s hand, she realized that he was completing his life’s journey. And then I saw that between Robert and the girl Maria, who had joined the detachment after the Nazis killed her parents and she herself was raped, a bright, rare feeling flared up. She does not hinder the development of their love relationship, but knowing how little time is left, she herself pushes them towards each other. All the time that Maria spent with the detachment, Pilar gradually healed her soul, and now the wise Spaniard understands: only pure, true love will heal the girl. On the first night, Maria comes to Robert.
The next day, Robert, having instructed the old man Anselmo to watch the road, and Rafael to monitor the change of guards at the bridge, goes with Pilar and Maria to El Sordo, the commander of a neighboring partisan detachment. On the way, Pilar tells how the revolution began in a small Spanish town, in her and Pablo’s homeland, and how the people dealt with the local fascists there. People stood in two ranks - one opposite the other, took flails and clubs in their hands and drove the fascists through the line. This was done on purpose: so that everyone would bear their share of responsibility. Everyone was beaten to death - even those who had a reputation a good man, – and then they threw him off a cliff into the river. Everyone died differently: some accepted death with dignity, and some whined and begged for mercy. The priest was killed while praying. Yes, apparently God has been abolished in Spain, Pilar sighs, because if he had existed, would he have allowed this fratricidal war? Now there is no one to forgive people - after all, there is no God, no Son of God, no Holy Spirit.
Pilar's story awakens Robert Jordan's own thoughts and memories. The fact that he is now fighting in Spain is not surprising. His profession (he teaches Spanish at the university) and service are connected with Spain; he was often here before the war, he loves the people of Spain, and he doesn’t care at all what the fate of this people will be. Jordan is not red, but one cannot expect good from the fascists. This means we must win this war. And then he will write a book about everything and then he will finally be freed from the horror that accompanies any war.
Robert Jordan suggests that he may die in preparation for the explosion of the bridge: he has too few people at his disposal - Pablo has seven and El Sordo has the same number, but he has a lot to do: he needs to remove posts, cover the road, etc. And such a one needs It happened that it was here that he met his first true love. Maybe this is all he can still take from life? Or is this his whole life and instead of seventy years it will last seventy hours? Three days. However, there is nothing to grieve here: in seventy hours you can live a fuller life than in seventy years.
When Robert Jordan, Pilar and Maria, having received El Sordo's consent to get horses and take part in the operation, return to camp, it suddenly begins to snow. It keeps coming and going, and this phenomenon, unusual for the end of May, can ruin the whole thing. In addition, Pablo drinks all the time, and Jordan is afraid that this unreliable man can do a lot of harm.
El Sordo, as promised, obtained horses in case of retreat after sabotage, but due to the snow that fell, the fascist patrol notices traces of partisans and horses leading to El Sordo’s camp. Jordan and the soldiers from Pablo's squad hear the echoes of the battle, but cannot intervene: then the entire operation, so necessary for a successful offensive, could be disrupted. The entire El Sordo detachment dies, the fascist lieutenant, walking around a hill strewn with the corpses of partisans and soldiers, makes the sign of the cross and mentally says what can often be heard in the republican camp: what a vile thing is war!
The failures don't end there. On the night before the offensive, Pablo escapes from the camp, taking with him a box with a fuse and a beak of Ford skins - things important for sabotage. You can also manage without them, but it is more difficult and there is more risk.
Old man Anselmo reports to Jordan about movements on the road: the Nazis are pulling up equipment. Jordan writes a detailed report to the front commander, General Goltz, informing that the enemy clearly knows about the upcoming offensive: what Goltz was counting on - surprise, will now not work. Goltz agrees to deliver the package to the partisans Andrei. If he manages to transmit the report before dawn, Jordan has no doubt that the offensive will be postponed, and with it the date of the bridge explosion. But for now we need to prepare.
On the last night, lying next to Maria, Robert Jordan, as it were, sums up his life and comes to the conclusion that it was not lived in vain. He is not afraid of death, he is only afraid of the thought: what if he does not fulfill his duty properly. Jordan remembers his grandfather - he also participated in the Civil War, only in America - in the war between North and South. She was probably just as scary as this one. And apparently Anselmo is right when he says that those who fight on the side of the fascists are not fascists, but the same poor people as the people in the republican units. But it’s better not to think about all this, otherwise the anger will disappear, and without it you won’t be able to complete the task.
The next morning, Pablo unexpectedly returns to the detachment, he brought people and horses with him. Having thrown Jordan's detonator into the abyss under the hot hand, he soon felt remorse and realized that he was simply unable to remain alone in safety while his former comrades fought. Then he developed a frantic activity, all night long gathering volunteers in the surrounding area for an action against the Nazis.
Not knowing whether Andres reached Goltz with the report or not, Jordan and the partisans leave their place and move through the gorge to the river. It was decided to leave Maria with the horses, and everyone else would do their own thing in the event of an offensive. Jordan and old man Anselmo go down to the bridge and take down the sentries. An American sets up dynamite at the supports. Now, whether the bridge will be blown up depends only on whether the offensive begins or not.
Meanwhile, Andres can’t get through to Goltz. Having overcome the initial difficulties of crossing the front line, when he was almost blown up by a grenade, Andres is stuck at the very last stage: he is detained by the chief commissar of the International Brigades. War changes not only people like Pablo. The commissioner has recently become very suspicious; he hopes that, having detained this man from the fascist rear, he will be able to convict Golts of having connections with the enemy.
When Andres finally miraculously reaches Goltz, it is already too late: the offensive cannot be canceled.
The bridge is blown up. Old man Anselmo dies in the explosion. Those who survived are in a hurry to leave. During the retreat, a shell explodes near Jordan's horse, which falls and crushes the rider. Jordan's leg is broken and he realizes he can't go with the others. The main thing for him is to convince Maria to leave him. After what they had, Jordan tells the girl, they will always be together. She will take him with her. Wherever she goes, he will always be with her. If she leaves, he will leave too - so she will save him.
Left alone, Jordan freezes in front of the machine gun, leaning against a tree trunk. The world is a good place, he thinks, worth fighting for. You have to kill if necessary, but you don’t have to love murder. And now he will try to end his life well - to detain the enemy here, at least to kill the officer. This can solve a lot of things.
And then an officer of the enemy army comes into the clearing.

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And let’s look at its brief content in detail. “For Whom the Bell Tolls” is a novel about the military events that took place in Spain in the 1930s. The writer himself took the fascist rebellion very seriously. He not only called on Europe to intervene, but even bought military equipment with his own money. But this did not help - the Republicans were not ready for confrontation.

About the product

The novel For Whom the Bell Tolls was published in 1940. A summary of the work confirms that Hemingway was on the side of the Spanish government. In addition, he was an implacable opponent of fascism. The events described in the novel began in 1936, and then Europe and the United States could not imagine how their connivance would end. Unfortunately, the writer’s protest was never heard, and in the year the book was published, fascism had already gained enormous strength.

Hemingway, “For Whom the Bell Tolls”: summary (plot)

The main character is Robert Jordan, an American by birth, who takes part in the civil war in Spain. He sides with the Republicans. A young man is given the task of blowing up a bridge in front of advancing enemy forces.

Before the enemy approaches, Robert must stay in the guerrilla detachment, which is led by Pablo. There are many rumors about this man. For example, they talk about his bravery, that at the very beginning of the war he killed more fascists than the plague, but now he has become rich and wants to retire.

A brief description (“For whom the bell tolls”) fully conveys the atmosphere of long-ago events. The reader sees how different people feel about what is happening. So, Pablo did not want to participate in the bombing, since this promised him and his people only trouble. However, Pilar, Pablo’s wife, who enjoyed great respect from her husband’s subordinates, entered the dispute. The woman said that those who seek security lose everything. The partisans liked her words and supported the idea of ​​destroying the bridge.


Hemingway portrays many strong personalities in his work, this is confirmed by the summary. “For Whom the Bell Tolls” is a novel about war, and there is no place for weak people.

Pilar is a bright personality, a convinced republican, devoted to the people's cause, she will never turn away from her chosen path. This wise and courageous woman harbors many talents, including the gift of clairvoyance. Looking at Robert's hand on the first day they met, it became clear to her that his life's journey was nearing its end. She also saw that the hero and Maria, a girl who joined the partisans after her parents were killed, would passionately love each other. Pilar does not interfere with the attraction of young people; on the contrary, she pushes them in every possible way, knowing that their happiness will not last long. The woman understands that true love can heal Mary’s crippled soul.

Robert instructs Aselmo to look after the road, Rafael to look after the sentries at the bridge, and he goes with Maria and Pilar to El Sordo, the commander of another partisan detachment. During the trip, Pilar talked about how the revolution began in the town where she and her husband lived, and how the locals dealt with the fascists. The people lined up in two parallel ranks, armed with clubs and chains, and the fascists were driven through this formation. This was done so that everyone was responsible for their actions. None of those who passed through this corridor survived. Everyone died in different ways - some with dignity, and some begging for mercy to the last.

Jordan's Reflections

The summary of “For Whom the Bell Tolls” perfectly conveys the emotional drama of the characters. Robert, listening to Pilar's story, begins to think about what is happening. He is not at all surprised that he ended up in the war. Even his profession, a Spanish language teacher at the university, is connected with this country. In addition, he often came here to stay, he liked to communicate with the Spaniards. The fate of these people was not indifferent to him, so the hero could not close his eyes to what was happening. Jordan does not consider himself a “red”, but believes that fascism will not lead to good. That's why we need to win the war. And after that he will write a book that will help him free himself from all the horrors he has seen.

Robert understands that during the preparation for the explosion he may not survive - he has very few people: Pablo gave seven, El Sordo promises the same, but there is too much to do. What saddens him most is that it was in this chaos and horror that he met true love. He begins to think that maybe this life is giving him a chance to know true feeling, because he doesn’t have long to live in this world? But he pushes away gloomy thoughts and concludes: in 70 hours you can sometimes live a more fulfilling life than in 70 years.


Our summary continues (“For Whom the Bell Tolls”). Robert, Maria and Pilar, having secured the support of El Sordo and his promise to get horses, return to their camp. It's starting to snow. No one expected such weather at the end of May, because it could ruin everything planned. Robert also looks warily at Pablo, who is constantly touching the bottle. In this state, he can harm the business without even realizing it.

As promised, El Sordo got the horses. They will be needed if you suddenly have to flee after committing an explosion. But due to the deep snow, the fascist patrol noticed traces of animals and people that led to Sordo’s shelter. The muffled sounds of battle begin to reach the fighters of Pablo's squad. But they cannot intervene, otherwise the operation will be completely disrupted, and without it it will not be possible to prevent the enemy’s offensive. Sordo and his men die.

Pablo's Escape

Gradually, all the plans of the main character of the novel “For Whom the Bell Tolls” begin to collapse. The summary allows you to understand how Robert feels. After the destruction of Sordo's detachment, Pablo disappears from the camp and escapes, taking with him a fuse cord and a box with a fuse. And without these things, it is much more difficult to carry out an explosion, and the risk increases several times.

Anselmo arrives with a report on movements along the road. The news is disappointing - the Nazis are starting to bring in equipment. Jordan draws up a report on everything that happened to General Goltz, who commands the front. Robert emphasizes Special attention Given that the enemy was aware of the impending counteroffensive, the Republicans would not have the chance to take advantage of surprise, which they had hoped for. Andres, one of the partisans, volunteers to deliver the package to its destination. If the paper can be transferred before dawn, then the offensive will certainly be postponed, as will the time of blowing up the bridge. But there is no order yet, so we need to prepare to implement the plan.

The night before the fight

The work “For Whom the Bell Tolls” is approaching its climax. We recommend reading the summary only if you have already read the original, otherwise you may miss many important points.

On the night before the explosion, Robert, lying next to Maria, sums up his life. The hero comes to the conclusion that he did not live in vain. Death does not frighten him, he is afraid of only one thing - not being able to complete the mission that was entrusted to him. Jordan remembers his grandfather, who also took part in the American Civil War, when the North and the South came together. He thinks that she must have been as terrible as this one. Anselmo’s words emerge in his memory that those who fight for the fascists are just as poor as those who support the Republicans. But you can’t think about this, otherwise you will stop hating the enemy, and then you won’t be able to carry out the plan.

The morning begins with a real surprise - Pablo has returned. He brought people with him to help and got horses somewhere. Pablo, under the influence of alcohol and anger, threw Robert's detonator into the abyss. But after that he was visited by remorse. He realized that he couldn't just leave to save his own skin while his comrades were in such trouble. Pablo decided to help the partisans. In one night, he managed to recruit volunteers from the surrounding villages who were ready to fight the Nazis. Some of them took animals with them.

Mining the bridge

The decisive event is approaching. A brief summary (“For Whom the Bell Tolls”) helps to understand this. Ernest Hemingway prepared the reader in advance for the fact that his hero was not destined to survive the impending operation. This can already be seen from Pilar’s ​​prediction.

Jordan, not knowing whether Andres managed to convey the report, goes with a detachment of partisans to the river. Their road lies through the gorge. It was decided to leave Maria to look after the horses, and the rest began to complete the tasks received in advance. Robert and Anselm make their way to the bridge and kill the sentries. Dynamite manages to be installed right next to the supports. Everything is ready to explode. All that remains is to understand whether there will be an offensive.

Unfortunately, Andres reaches Goltz too late. It is no longer possible to cancel the offensive.


The summary of Hemingway’s novel “For Whom the Bell Tolls” is coming to its conclusion. Robert blows up the bridge, killing Anselmo. The survivors are in a hurry to retreat. During the retreat, a shell explodes not far from the hero's horse, the animal falls and crushes the rider. Jordan cannot continue on his way - his leg is broken. He persuades Maria to leave him. Wounded, Robert goes to the machine gun, he decides to delay the enemy for as long as he can.

This is how Hemingway ends his novel. “For Whom the Bell Tolls” (a chapter-by-chapter summary demonstrates this) talks about the horrors of war and how it contradicts human nature.

For whom the Bell Tolls
Summary of the novel
American Robert Jordan, voluntarily participating in the Spanish Civil War on the side of the Republicans, receives a task from the center - to blow up a bridge before the attack. He must spend several days before the offensive at the location of a partisan detachment of a certain Pablo. They say about Pablo that at the beginning of the war he was very brave and killed more fascists than the bubonic plague, and then he got rich and would now happily retire. Pablo refuses to participate in this matter, which promises the squad

There are only troubles, but Jordan is unexpectedly supported by fifty-year-old Pilar, Pablo’s wife, who enjoys immeasurably more respect among the partisans than her husband. Those who seek security lose everything, she says. She is unanimously elected commander of the detachment.
Pilar is an ardent republican, she is devoted to the people's cause and will never deviate from her chosen path. This strong, wise woman harbors many talents; she also has the gift of clairvoyance: on the very first evening, looking at Robert’s hand, she realized that he was completing his life’s journey. And then I saw that between Robert and the girl Maria, who had joined the detachment after the Nazis killed her parents and she herself was raped, a bright, rare feeling flared up. She does not hinder the development of their love relationship, but knowing how little time is left, she herself pushes them towards each other. All the time that Maria spent with the detachment, Pilar gradually healed her soul, and now the wise Spaniard understands: only pure, true love will heal the girl. On the first night, Maria comes to Robert.
The next day, Robert, having instructed the old man Anselmo to watch the road, and Rafael to monitor the change of guards at the bridge, goes with Pilar and Maria to El Sordo, the commander of a neighboring partisan detachment. On the way, Pilar tells how the revolution began in a small Spanish town, in her and Pablo’s homeland, and how the people dealt with the local fascists there. People stood in two ranks - one opposite the other, took flails and clubs in their hands and drove the fascists through the line. This was done on purpose: so that everyone would bear their share of responsibility. Everyone was beaten to death - even those who were considered good people - and then thrown off a cliff into the river. Everyone died differently: some accepted death with dignity, and some whined and begged for mercy. The priest was killed while praying. Yes, apparently God has been abolished in Spain, Pilar sighs, because if he had existed, would he have allowed this fratricidal war? Now there is no one to forgive people - after all, there is no God, no Son of God, no Holy Spirit.
Pilar's story awakens Robert Jordan's own thoughts and memories. The fact that he is now fighting in Spain is not surprising. His profession (he teaches Spanish at the university) and service are connected with Spain; he was often here before the war, he loves the people of Spain, and he doesn’t care at all what the fate of this people will be. Jordan is not red, but one cannot expect good from the fascists. This means we must win this war. And then he will write a book about everything and then he will finally be freed from the horror that accompanies any war.
Robert Jordan suggests that he may die in preparation for the explosion of the bridge: he has too few people at his disposal - Pablo has seven and El Sordo has the same number, but he has a lot to do: he needs to remove posts, cover the road, etc. And such a one needs It happened that it was here that he met his first true love. Maybe this is all he can still take from life? Or is this his whole life and instead of seventy years it will last seventy hours? Three days. However, there is nothing to grieve here: in seventy hours you can live a fuller life than in seventy years.
When Robert Jordan, Pilar and Maria, having received El Sordo's consent to get horses and take part in the operation, return to camp, it suddenly begins to snow. It keeps coming and going, and this phenomenon, unusual for the end of May, can ruin the whole thing. In addition, Pablo drinks all the time, and Jordan is afraid that this unreliable man can do a lot of harm.
El Sordo, as promised, obtained horses in case of retreat after sabotage, but due to the snow that fell, the fascist patrol notices traces of partisans and horses leading to El Sordo’s camp. Jordan and the soldiers from Pablo's squad hear the echoes of the battle, but cannot intervene: then the entire operation, so necessary for a successful offensive, could be disrupted. The entire El Sordo detachment dies, the fascist lieutenant, walking around a hill strewn with the corpses of partisans and soldiers, makes the sign of the cross and mentally says what can often be heard in the republican camp: what a vile thing is war!
The failures don't end there. On the night before the offensive, Pablo escapes from the camp, taking with him a box with a fuse and a beak of Ford skins - things important for sabotage. You can also manage without them, but it is more difficult and there is more risk.
Old man Anselmo reports to Jordan about movements on the road: the Nazis are pulling up equipment. Jordan writes a detailed report to the front commander, General Goltz, informing that the enemy clearly knows about the upcoming offensive: what Goltz was counting on - surprise, will now not work. Goltz agrees to deliver the package to the partisans Andrei. If he manages to transmit the report before dawn, Jordan has no doubt that the offensive will be postponed, and with it the date of the bridge explosion. But for now we need to prepare...
On the last night, lying next to Maria, Robert Jordan, as it were, sums up his life and comes to the conclusion that it was not lived in vain. He is not afraid of death, he is only afraid of the thought: what if he does not fulfill his duty properly. Jordan remembers his grandfather - he also participated in the Civil War, only in America - in the war between North and South. She was probably just as scary as this one. And apparently Anselmo is right when he says that those who fight on the side of the fascists are not fascists, but the same poor people as the people in the republican units. But it’s better not to think about all this, otherwise the anger will disappear, and without it you won’t be able to complete the task.
The next morning, Pablo unexpectedly returns to the detachment, he brought people and horses with him. Having thrown Jordan's detonator into the abyss under the hot hand, he soon felt remorse and realized that he was simply unable to remain alone in safety while his former comrades fought. Then he developed a frantic activity, all night long gathering volunteers in the surrounding area for an action against the Nazis.
Not knowing whether Andres reached Goltz with the report or not, Jordan and the partisans leave their place and move through the gorge to the river. It was decided to leave Maria with the horses, and everyone else would do their own thing in the event of an offensive. Jordan and old man Anselmo go down to the bridge and take down the sentries. An American sets up dynamite at the supports. Now, whether the bridge will be blown up depends only on whether the offensive begins or not.
Meanwhile, Andres can’t get through to Goltz. Having overcome the initial difficulties of crossing the front line, when he was almost blown up by a grenade, Andres is stuck at the very last stage: he is detained by the chief commissar of the International Brigades. War changes not only people like Pablo. The commissioner has recently become very suspicious; he hopes that, having detained this man from the fascist rear, he will be able to convict Golts of having connections with the enemy.
When Andres finally miraculously reaches Goltz, it is already too late: the offensive cannot be canceled.
The bridge is blown up. Old man Anselmo dies in the explosion. Those who survived are in a hurry to leave. During the retreat, a shell explodes near Jordan's horse, which falls and crushes the rider. Jordan's leg is broken and he realizes he can't go with the others. The main thing for him is to convince Maria to leave him. After what they had, Jordan tells the girl, they will always be together. She will take him with her. Wherever she goes, he will always be with her. If she leaves, he will leave too - so she will save him.
Left alone, Jordan freezes in front of the machine gun, leaning against a tree trunk. The world is a good place, he thinks, worth fighting for. You have to kill if necessary, but you don’t have to love murder. And now he will try to end his life well - to detain the enemy here, at least to kill the officer. This can solve a lot of things.
And then an officer of the enemy army comes into the clearing...