OSB boards for external use. Properties and structure of OSB boards: their size, quantity in a pack and application Standard size of OSB

OSB (OSB in transliteration) or OSB sheets are in demand in rough repair and construction work. To obtain a non-trivial result, they are occasionally used in fine finishing. What stops people? First of all, rumors that OSB boards are harmful to health. Let's try to figure out how dangerous they are for humans.

Brief characteristics of OSB

Oriented strand boards are a construction and finishing material, 86-90% consisting of large finely planed wood chips up to 25 cm long and chips no more than 4 mm thick. The remainder of the total mass is thermosetting synthetic resins, special additives and additives.

Manufacturers offer 4 types of slabs for different purposes:

  • OSB-1 – thin sheets intended for packaging, manufacturing of furniture blanks, temporary structures, etc.
  • OSB-2 – used in rooms with normal humidity (no more than 60%). Areas of application: internal rough work, including leveling floors, walls, ceilings and primary cladding (utility boxes, under-roof cladding in warm attics, SIP panels, etc.).
  • OSB-3 is a moisture-resistant board that can be used both outside and indoors (in the bathroom, kitchen, sauna, laundry room, etc.). Can be used as a leveling layer for exterior finishing under plaster, thermal panels, facing clinker slabs or brick, siding and other types of suspended facades
  • OSB-4 – reinforced high-density boards used to form load-bearing structures.

Basic physical and technical characteristics of OSB are given in the table below:

We also note as a plus the low coefficient of change in geometric dimensions due to changes in temperature and humidity. Thanks to this characteristic, the material can be installed with minimal gaps around the perimeter of the room.

Now let's look at the disadvantages of OSB:

  • High percentage of slabs swelling upon direct contact with water. This figure for sheets from some manufacturers reaches 25%;
  • Difficulties with laying communications and replacing insulation under installed OSB sheets;
  • Combustible and therefore fire hazardous material. The risk of fire is slightly reduced when treated with fire retardants (Rogneda, Novbytkhim);
  • Susceptible to biodestruction. Mold, mildew, rodents and bugs pose a risk to stoves;
  • High price. OSB from well-known manufacturers (Egger, Glunz) costs 30-60% more than gypsum board or chipboard of similar dimensions.

The disadvantages of the material are not limited to this list. According to marketing research, potential buyers consider the harm of these stoves to human health to be the biggest drawback. The main criterion here is the concept of “environmental friendliness”. Let's take a closer look.

OSB sheets - harm or benefit?

An environmentally friendly product is a product that, according to research, does not cause harm to the environment and users. In relation to OSB, formaldehyde, phenol and methanol fumes can cause the greatest harm to people. Where do they come from?

The thing is that synthetic resins such as phenol-formaldehyde, urea-formaldehyde, melamine-formaldehyde and many others are used as a binder.

The advantages of polymer binders make it possible to produce inexpensive, high-strength products. But the disadvantages of their use are so significant that they repel potential buyers. This is, first of all, their toxicity both before hardening and after.

Poisonous flammable gases such as formaldehyde, phenol, benzene, methanol and others are released. They are allergenic, mutagenic and carcinogenic substances, causing skin diseases, as well as diseases of internal organs, including the reproductive, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and eyes.

Although many GOSTs and SNiPs have been canceled or seriously revised towards softening, some construction and finishing materials must still undergo sanitary and hygienic examination. Based on the results, a certificate or conclusion is issued for each batch. The document specifies the test methodology, maximum limits (MPC) and the results obtained. They can be used to judge how harmful a particular product is.

In the Russian Federation today it is customary to label OSB and its analogues according to the European standard DIN EN120, which determines the emission class of formaldehyde and some other toxic substances:

  • E3 – up to 30 mg per 100 g of dry matter;
  • E2 – 10-20 mg;
  • E1 – up to 10 mg;
  • E0 – up to 6.5 mg.

As an example, let us give the maximum permissible concentration for formaldehyde in atmospheric air - 0.003 mg/m 3, and in domestic water - no more than 0.05 mg/l.

In accordance with this classification, class E0-E1 OSB is produced by such giants as Glunz (Germany), Norbord (Canada),Egger(Austria). The harm is minimal, and the advantages are obvious, so they are recommended for use inside residential premises with subsequent cladding (including children's rooms, hospitals).

Products marked E2-E3 (Kronospan, Kronopol) can only be used for external work, including under-roof cladding of non-residential attics, load-bearing structures in temporary sheds, etc.

Serious manufacturers, as a rule, are willing to provide their products for additional voluntary inspections. Thus, the Austrian company Egger periodically receives a Blue Angel certificate, confirming the environmental friendliness of its products.

Unfortunately, it is a rare Russian plant that can boast that its products have been tested for harmfulness and meet the high standards of the DIN EN120 standard. Many manufacturers' OSB does not pass inspections. The Federal State Health Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology” some time ago published data from an independent examination of OSB boards (manufactured in the Russian Federation): the formaldehyde content in the surrounding air at +20 ° C is 0.067 mg/m 3, that is, 22 times higher than the norm MPC.

If you are going to buy OSB, you can determine the harm of the product:

  1. Pay attention to the smell of the sheets. Toxic fumes give off the characteristic pungent “aroma” of formaldehyde or cheap plastic.
  2. Ask the seller for copies of certificates certified by the blue seal of the supplier or directly from the manufacturer.
  3. If possible, inspect the packaging. Large factories mark it and additionally complete it with inserts with basic information.

Don’t skimp on your health - to minimize harm, choose products labeled E0-E1 from trusted manufacturers.

OSB boards are becoming more and more popular every day. What is OSB? These are oriented strand boards, which are made using wood shavings and sawdust. The plates are very durable, flexible, and have excellent technological characteristics. They are used in frame construction work to sheathe walls, make roofing or partitions.

This slab looks like a pressed panel made from wood chips, shavings and various sawdust. Having carefully examined this canvas, you will see that it includes more than one layer. The layers that are on the outside are placed lengthwise, and the layers that are on the inside are made in the other direction. All layers are perfectly glued together using various resins, wax, and impregnation, so the product itself is very durable.

We will look at what types of OSB boards there are, how they are used in construction, we will see all their advantages, and we will list the most popular types of boards.

Types of OSB boards and areas of their application

Today, experts make four types of OSB. Their difference is that they have different characteristics and are used in different industries.

  1. Plate OSB 1- This is a board made of wood-based material that has a low density. This tile does not like moisture, so it is mainly used to make furniture.
  2. Plate OSB 2- denser and stronger than the previous one, but is also afraid of water and moisture. The fact that these boards are very dense in structure makes it possible to use them in the internal cladding of load-bearing objects, while the humidity should be low.
  3. Plate OSB 3- is the most popular. It is very durable and resistant to moisture. However, it is worth considering that humidity here only means getting wet for a very short time. To cover the outside of an object with it, you will also need to protect this sheet with additional materials, that is, paint or impregnate it.
  4. Plate OSB 4– especially durable, super resistant to moisture. It can be in a humid environment for a long time, and additional protection is not required. But such boards are quite expensive, so they are not used as often as OSB 3.

Also, sheets of slabs are classified according to their thickness. Thin slabs are used for sheathing objects that do not load the slab. For example, walls, a frame for soft covering, wood floor covering.

A thick slab is used for objects with a very high load on the sheet. Floors are laid from them, structures are made where, according to the plan, heavy materials will stand.

Characteristics of OSB boards

OSB boards have many positive characteristics, which is why they are so often used for construction work.

Characteristics of OSB boards:

  1. Very durable. The thicker the slab, the more load it can bear. It can even be one hundred kilograms per square meter.
  2. Flexible and lightweight. This characteristic allows the use of slabs for sheathing uneven surfaces with high curves.
  3. Homogeneous. Such sheets are intact, even during loading. Not prone to delamination, unlike ordinary plywood.
  4. High quality, like natural wood. Moreover, there are no disadvantages of uneven shape or defects during use.
  5. Easy to handle. It is very easy to saw, attach, and join such materials.
  6. They have high thermal insulation and sound insulation, compared to other means.
  7. Resistant to chemicals and damage.
  8. Antiseptic. These sheets contain additives that prevent fungal and mold bacteria from multiplying.
  9. Unchangeable in form even with long-term use and after it.

The only disadvantage of OSB is that they often contain glue with formaldehyde, and this substance is harmful to health. But not all manufacturers use it.

Important! Be careful when choosing slabs, paying attention to the adhesive base, it must be safe!

Table of physical and mechanical characteristics of OSB boards

Indicators Mill-
Thickness, mm 10-18 10-18 6-10 10-18 18-25 6-10
Thickness tolerance, mm:
- unpolished slab
- polished plate
EN 324-1



Length tolerance, mm EN 324-1 3 3 3 3
Width tolerance, mm EN 324-1 3 3 3 3
Squareness, mm EN 324-2 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5
Straightness, mm/1m EN 324-1 2 2 2 2
Elastic modulus, N/mm²:
- longitudinal axis
- transverse axis
EN 310



Bending strength, N/mm²:
- longitudinal axis
- transverse axis
EN 310





Transverse tension, N/mm² EN 310 >0,75 >0,75 0,34 0,32 0,3 0,34
Formaldehyde, mg/100g EN 120 <6,5 <6,5 <8 <8
Swelling in 24 hours when completely immersed in water, % EN 317 12 6 20 15

Dimensions of OSB boards

These sheets usually have a thickness of approximately 8-25 millimeters. Thus, they are divided into three subgroups:

  • thin;
  • average;
  • thick.

The thin plate has a thickness of 8, 9 and 10 millimeters. The average slab is 12 and 15 millimeters, and the thick one is 18, 22 and 25 millimeters. The thicker the sheet, the more the slab weighs. A slab with a thickness of 8 millimeters will weigh 16.6 kilograms, 9 millimeters - 18.4 kilograms, 10 millimeters - 20.6 kilograms, and so on.

The most popular sheets are those with dimensions of 2440 by 1220 millimeters. They are often used in construction work. According to European standards, a sheet of 2500 by 1250 millimeters is considered popular. The size 2440 by 590 millimeters is quite rare and is used mainly for covering the floor.

Table of sizes of OSB boards

Indicators Slabs with smooth edges Slabs with tongue and groove
Dimensions (LxW), mm 2440x1220, 2500x1250 2440x1220, 2440x590,
2450x590, 2500x1250
Thickness, mm 9 10 11 12 15 16 18 22 15 16 18 22
Number of sheets in the package, pcs. 100 80 75 70 55 50 45 35 55 50 45 35

Painting OSB boards

These products can withstand all types of finishing work perfectly. These slabs can be easily painted, varnished, plastered, covered with brickwork, and much more.

It is best to paint OSB boards with oil paint, but you can also use alkyd enamels, water-based emulsion, and all kinds of impregnations. Paints should be carefully picked up with a brush and applied to the slab. You can also use special rollers or sprayers.

Adhesives and paint solutions are perfectly applied to products. This gives ample opportunity to change the appearance of the slabs and protect them from moisture. Upon completion of painting the slabs, you can varnish the product, however, only when carrying out interior work; in the case of exterior work, more serious methods are used.

Before you start painting the slab, the surface needs to be prepared. First you need to sand it using sandpaper. This is done to prevent primer and paint from getting inside the slab. Then the working area at the fastening points must be leveled using putty. Dried putty should be sanded off. After this, the surface is evenly primed with acrylic or acrylic-polyurethane water-based wood varnish in a ratio of 1:10. You can purchase a special primer for this. Then the slab is painted and dried. At the same time, avoid drafts and temperature changes.

Oriented strand boards are a truly high-quality material for modern construction. Nowadays these products are popular in construction work and are used very often. For their price, the products are really very high quality and fully justify it. Among those people who have used these stoves, there is practically no one who would speak negatively about them. OSB sheets have a huge number of positive characteristics, which makes their use quite easy.

In order to cladding an object with high quality using these slabs, you need to approach their choice wisely, fully study their varieties and characteristics, so as not to regret the purchase later.

These sheets are considered to be an excellent solution for all professionals. They allow you to create entire houses using frame technology, ideal for finishing walls, roofs, and floors. All this is done with these materials in the shortest possible time. Housing made using OSB boards will last a long time and provide residents with comfort and coziness.

Oriented strand board has recently appeared on the construction market - it has replaced the previously popular chipboard. The material has outstanding technical data, thanks to its multilayer structure and special manufacturing technology. Information with specific numbers will help you understand the characteristics of the material and its level of safety.

Accurate knowledge of the technical characteristics of the OSB board and the level of its harmfulness will help to understand how advisable its use in construction is. The raw material used in the manufacture of strand board is large sized wood shavings. It is bonded using waterproof phenol or formaldehyde resin under pressure and high temperature.

OSB boards are made from large-sized wood chips

The predecessor of this material is chipboard. Their main difference is the arrangement of chips in the layers. OSB is characterized by a transverse direction in the inner part and a longitudinal direction on the outside. A total of three or four layers are made, alternating the direction of the particles. This allows you to achieve special strength parameters. As a result, chipboard is gradually replacing its more progressive counterpart.

The chips underlying the oriented slab have a length of 7.5 to 15 cm. The norm for the width and thickness of internal particles is 1-1.2 cm, 0.5-0.8 mm, respectively. Smaller chips are sifted out and used to produce less durable chipboard. Pine or aspen are used as raw materials. Modern equipment and the latest technologies make it possible to achieve maximum uniformity of the slab composition in all directions. High-quality material has no cracks, voids or chips.

Depending on strength, manufacturers divide products into main classes:

  • OSB 1 - belongs to the low class. The area of ​​their use is dry rooms and structures that are not subject to special loads, for example, cladding or furniture.
  • OSB 2 is a medium strength class. They can be used both as cladding and for load-bearing structures, but in dry rooms. For example, these could be partitions inside a room.
  • OSB 3 – high class. Operation under good load and high humidity is possible. External cladding of the building.
  • OSB 4 – the board has special strength characteristics: it is designed for a humid environment and constant intense mechanical stress. Cladding of houses without additional cladding.

In addition to the alphanumeric classification, there are separate types of oriented strand boards:

  • Laminated – additionally treated with laminate components. The characteristics of OSB boards make it possible to successfully use it for covering floors and making furniture. They can be used to make interior partitions and be used for formwork several times.
  • Grooved - grooves and protrusions are applied to the ends of such slabs. By driving them into each other, a tight connection without gaps is obtained.
  • Lacquered - used in the furniture industry.

The tongue-and-groove slabs have recesses and protrusions at the ends for a tight connection with each other

The material can be produced either with or without coating. As a facial treatment, paint, anti-moisture and anti-fire compounds, and bioprotection are used.

Production technology and scope of application of OSB boards

Understanding the manufacturing processes of oriented strand boards will help you better understand how and where they can be used and what the benefits of this material are. Production stages:

  1. 1. Selection of raw materials. At this stage, the trunks of thin non-commercial trees are sorted.
  2. 2. Cutting. Selected trees are cut into small pieces, which then serve as blanks.
  3. 3. Grinding. The blanks are placed in a special machine that chops the wood into chips. It spills onto the conveyor belt. The size of the chips can be adjusted depending on what kind of slab you need to get.
  4. 4. Drying.
  5. 5. Sorting of wood chips. Small chips are separated from large ones.
  6. 6. Gluing. A binding element – ​​phenol or isocyanate – is added to selected chips of the required size. It gives the future building material moisture resistance and strength. Paraffin is added to the mixture, and it is all mixed in a special drum.
  7. 7. Formation of the slab. The chips are stacked in layers. The machine does this using scales and magnets.
  8. 8. Pressing. The resulting tape is subjected to a pressure of 5N/mm2 at high temperature. The elements adhere firmly to each other, resulting in a single slab. After cooling, pieces of the desired size are cut from it.

The range of applications for OSB is wide:

  • OSB-4, due to its strength and moisture resistance, is used for the construction of frame houses and outbuildings. The material produces inexpensive temporary housing.
  • Arrangement is the best option for an oriented slab. It holds shelves with heavy objects, racks, and heating radiators well.
  • The building material is used to cover walls, ceilings and floors during the interior decoration of buildings. A perfectly flat, smooth surface is convenient for plastering, painting, and wallpapering.
  • A large area of ​​application is the furniture industry, packaging production. Strength, low price and low weight make oriented strand boards suitable for the manufacture of upholstered and cabinet furniture, and shipping containers.

The material is used in combination with both wooden and metal structures.

This material is widespread in construction due to its attractive properties from the point of view of the builder.

Thanks to the large chips in the composition, OSB boards perfectly hold any fasteners

  • OSB is easy to process - in order to work with them, it is enough to have a standard set of carpenter's tools on hand. The slab can be sanded, cut, planed, sawed. It will not crumble or break if holes are punched or drilled in it.
  • Large chips provide high retention capacity. Thanks to its contents, nails can be driven into the slab at a distance of six millimeters from the edge. The plate holds any fasteners well without chipping. You can use wood glue to secure it.
  • The average density of the slab is 640 kg/m3. This also includes the strength of the material, which depends on elasticity:
  • Moisture resistance is the level of thickness swelling after the slab has been in water for 24 hours. The table shows the percentage of the total volume:
  • Fire safety. Since the slabs are made of wood chips, they are easily ignited and burn well. For this reason, it is recommended to use OSB in combination with non-combustible insulation or cladding materials. For example, mineral wool or metal siding.

During construction, it is better to use non-flammable insulation or cladding materials

OSB is convenient to use in construction, but together with durable load-bearing structures and fire protection. The high level of elasticity of the slabs allows them to withstand earthquakes well. Compared to stone, they are superior in this regard. Disadvantages include the need to use a respirator during installation and processing to protect against small chips and emitted fumes from the resin.

Hazard level of OSB boards for human health

Sellers boldly call this material environmentally friendly. At the same time, you can find a lot of information that NDEs are terribly harmful to health. It is not difficult to understand the essence of the issue. The composition of oriented boards includes types of resins:

  • phenol-formaldehyde;
  • melamine-formaldehyde;
  • urea-formaldehyde.

They are obtained synthetically and give the slabs high-tech properties. OSB will be hazardous to health during further use as a building material if the rules of manufacturing technique are not followed. To avoid purchasing low-quality products, check the certificates when purchasing.

In Russia, the European standard DIN EN120 is recognized, which classifies slabs with chips according to the level of formaldehyde they contain, a substance that produces harmful fumes. The classification looks like this (calculation per 100g of dry matter): E0 - up to 6.5 mg, E1 - up to 10 mg, E2 - 10-20 mg and E3 - up to 30 mg.

There is nothing to worry about when using OSB for exterior finishing, because... the concentration of released vapors in the air will be insignificant. The use of the second and third types for interior cladding of residential premises is strictly prohibited, because the level of vapor released into the room will exceed the permissible limit. E2 and E3 are suitable for attics, sheds and sheds.

According to production rules, all products such as chip boards must be tested for the level of synthetic resin content. Based on its results, a corresponding certificate is issued. Pay attention to the smell of the building material: if it is pungent, like formaldehyde or plastic, the product is toxic and cannot be used indoors.

OSB is a material with good performance, suitable for construction in all respects. By comparing it with other options and weighing the pros and cons, you can easily make the right decision.

What is OSB board?

OSB board, or Oriented Strand Board, translated from English is oriented strand board. In common parlance it was called OSB board, or OSB board.

Coniferous wood is crushed into chips and shavings. The mass goes to the molding machine, where it is laid out in three layers. The layers have a direction (hence the name - oriented): the chips of the outer layers are laid longitudinally, the inner layer - transversely. After which the base is pressed and glued with resins, with the addition of various wax masses for moisture resistance.

OSB before pressing:

Classification and types of OSB boards.

OSB boards are divided into classes according to strength and moisture resistance.

  • OSB1 is the weakest board in terms of strength. It is used only indoors, mainly for furniture production, the manufacture of boxes and containers, and packaging.
  • OSB2 is more durable, used only for interior work. Suitable for covering walls, ceilings, and partitions.
  • OSB3 is the most common type of OSB board. Due to its high moisture resistance, it can be used outside. OSB3 is used for formwork, frame house construction, in floor construction, and for various types of cladding.
  • OSB4 - OSB4 board is practically not found in Belarus. Due to its high strength characteristics, resistance to mechanical stress and moisture resistance, it is very expensive.

In Belarus, the OSB3 board is considered the golden mean; it is what is most often purchased for repair and construction work.

It is also customary to separate types of OSB boards:

  • Varnished board - covered with a protective varnish, usually on one side, which is considered the front side.
  • Laminated OSB board - as the name suggests, this board is laminated during production and is intended for reusable formwork.
  • Tongue-and-groove OSB board - in the manufacture of such a board, the ends are processed according to the tongue-and-groove principle for easier installation.

OSB boards application in construction:

OSB board, due to its high strength, environmental friendliness and availability, is very often used in construction.

  • Cladding walls and ceilings, especially in wooden houses.
  • OSB board for frame houses is the main, irreplaceable material.
  • OSB boards can help you build partitions in any type of premises quickly and at a minimum cost.
  • Why use natural wood for flooring if you have OSB board? Fast, inexpensive, and most importantly - environmentally safe. Raised floors, as well as leveling old wooden floors for laying parquet boards and laminate - the slab will handle the task.
  • During roofing work, the material is used as sheathing.
  • For the production of facade and SIP panels

Build a box for storing vegetables, hem the ceilings in a garage or cellar, renovate a summer house - this and much more can be done using OSB.​

Advantages and benefits of OSB boards:

  1. Unlike plasterboard, natural wood, glass magnesite, high-quality OSB board does not change shape when exposed to moisture.
  2. The fairly attractive price of OSB boards and availability are an important argument.
  3. Simple installation and processing - high density allows direct fastening of slabs using nails, wood screws, and also increases the rigidity of the structure.
  4. Long service life thanks to excellent characteristics.
  5. The small mass of the material, in contrast to DSP boards, makes it possible to reduce the weight of various structures, which is especially important for roofing work.
  6. Reliability, strength, versatility of OSB.
  7. High levels of fracture strength.
  8. Appearance - can be used without additional finishing.
  9. Cost-effective - almost every piece is used in the process.
  10. Compared to other pressed materials (fibreboard, MDF, chipboard, plywood), OSB has lower emissions of various substances harmful to the human body (even with the same amount of glue!)
  11. Unlike wood, OSB is not afraid of insects.

Disadvantages and disadvantages of OSB boards.

Although OSB board has earned positive reviews, like any building material, the board also has disadvantages.

  1. Low vapor permeability - although not significant, is still a minus.
  2. Like other popular materials, OSB is manufactured by many companies, and often they ignore compliance with standards - high formaldehyde emissions are a fairly common occurrence. The only exceptions are trusted manufacturers. Our advice is don't go for the cheap.

Thickness and dimensions of OSB boards depending on the manufacturer.

Depending on the manufacturer, the thickness and dimensions of the OSB board may be different.

  • Basically, the so-called “European standard size” is 2500mm x 1250mm. Thickness - from 6mm to 40mm, popular thickness - from 9mm to 25mm.
  • American and some Latvian manufacturers produce slabs measuring 2440mm x 1220mm. Thickness (mostly) - from 7.94mm to 25.3mm. As you can see, due to the inch system in the USA, the thickness is not within whole numbers.

Separately, we note the non-standard sizes of OSB boards.

  • The American company Norbord offers material with a length of 2440 mm and a width of 590 mm. with tongue and groove. Convenient, since you don’t need to cut the slab lengthwise, ideal for roofing work and when installing subfloors.
  • The manufacturer Kronospan, in addition to the standard, produces slabs 2800mm x 1250mm.
  • The Belgian division of Norbord NV boasts a size of 2700mm x 1200mm.

On the Belarusian market, mainly European standards in size. Monsters from the USA like Norbord and Georgia Pacific did not take root due to their high cost.

The best manufacturers of OSB boards.

We will list the most famous, major brands that you can trust.

  • Glunz (Germany)
  • Bolderaja (Latvian plant)
  • Egger (Germany, Russia)
  • Divisions Krono ( Switzerland): Kronostar (Russia), Kronospan (Russia and Belarus)
  • Norbord (Production is located in the USA, Canada, Belgium)
  • Georgia Pacific, Louisiana Pacific Corporation ( American manufacturers)
  • Grant, Arbeс, Ainsworth (Manufacturers from Canada)

Manufacturers of OSB boards in our online store.

We carefully selected and selected several of the best manufacturers. , you can choose and buy Egger OSB board (the ideal combination of price, quality, and environmental safety for humans) as well as materials from the KRONO concern. Order delivery is carried out throughout Minsk and throughout Belarus. Our specialists will help you calculate the required number of slabs and will be happy to answer your questions.

Waste from the wood processing industry is today used to produce various types of building materials.

The long-known chipboard, plywood, and laminated veneer lumber are extremely popular.

As well as OSB boards, which began to be used in the construction of frame houses, the construction of roofs, formwork structures and apartment renovations.

Types of OSB and their differences

There are 4 types of oriented strand boards on the market. Below is a comparative description of materials

Variety Characteristic
OSB - 1 Material of low moisture resistance and density. Used for interior work and in furniture production
OSB-2 A board with a high level of strength, but low moisture resistance. Suitable for the construction of internal partitions, interfloor ceilings and load-bearing structures.
OSB-3 Material with high strength and moisture resistance. Suitable for outdoor use.
OSB - 4 Super durable and moisture resistant. Used for external load-bearing structures.

Manufacturers also offer slabs of different sizes and thicknesses so that the consumer can choose the appropriate option for the planned scope of work. The price of OSB boards is determined based on the characteristics and purpose. The most expensive are OSB - 4, and the most popular among buyers is OSB - 3.

Using OSB boards

The use of OSB board, due to its technical characteristics, is quite wide. It is used for:

  • surface leveling;
  • erection of partitions in the premises;
  • installation of house frames;
  • construction of roofs and rafter structures;
  • creating furniture;
  • production of SIP panels;
  • installation of racks and stands;
  • covering wooden stairs.

OSB boards for external use, the characteristics of which fully meet the requirements of builders, are easy to install and resistant to any weather conditions. Experts recommend additionally treating the material with an anti-corrosion, heat-resistant and moisture-resistant coating to increase wear resistance parameters. An example of installation of external structures made of OSB is shown in the video.

In interior work, for example, when installing partitions or leveling floors and walls, before finishing the slabs should be additionally sanded and prepared for painting or laying other materials (boards, drywall, parquet boards, etc.). The photo shows the stages of installation of internal partitions made of OSB.

Characteristics of OSB boards (video)

Technical characteristics of OSB

The material appeared on the market about 30 years ago. It was developed in the West for use in the construction of frame houses. The technology for creating slabs is simple: elongated chips of trees such as pine or aspen are compressed and impregnated with special moisture-resistant oils and resins. Thanks to innovative technologies, OSB has a high density, does not delaminate, does not have chips or voids. OSB board characteristics:

  1. Structural homogeneity allows the material to be bent without damaging its integrity.
  2. High strength allows the slabs to be used in construction.
  3. OSB has high rates of heat and sound insulation.
  4. Special agents used for impregnation prevent the appearance of fungus and mold.
  5. High moisture resistance.
  6. OSB is easy to process and can be painted and glued without damaging the structure.
  7. High holding capacity allows you to securely fasten suspended structures.
  8. Resistant to mechanical and chemical damage.

Pros of OSB

One of the significant features of the slabs is durability. With proper installation, structures made from the material will last for decades. In terms of characteristics, they are similar to wood in lightness and strength, but at the same time they are moisture resistant, resistant to mold and rot, and lack voids and unevenness on the surface.

Labor-intensive installation is ensured by the ease of assembly, processing and the size of the slabs. The minimum number of joints when laying the material makes the surface more even and prepared for subsequent work. Their low weight makes it easier to work with the slabs and allows them to be used when installing roofs.

Harm of OSB

The safety of materials used in construction remains a key factor in their selection. Today, OSB manufacturers assure buyers that their materials fully comply with consumption standards. However, expert commissions remind about the harmful use of formaldehyde in the production of the material. How to determine the harmfulness of an OSB board based on its technical characteristics. In order to protect your home from the toxic effects of fumes, you need to know about the classification of OSB by emission level:

  • E2 - 10-30 mg/100 g of dry material;
  • E1 - up to 10 g/100 g;
  • E0 - emission range within 2-5 g/100 g.

Thus, for use in external structures, a slab with E2 emission is suitable, and for residential premises, for safety reasons, it is necessary to choose classes E1 and E0.

Before buying OSB yourself, you should seek advice from professionals. Builders will help you choose the option required in terms of parameters and properties for the needs of the consumer at a favorable price and of appropriate quality.

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