Petunia: photos and names of the best varieties. What celebrity petunia looks like and its features Show how petunia from the multiflora beau monde series blooms

Petunia was given to Celebrity for her birthday. I heard that petunias have their own care characteristics, which depend on its belonging to a certain species. Tell me, which group does Celebrity petunia belong to and how does it differ from other varieties?

Almost everyone who loves and grows flowers has perennial petunias at home. They attract attention with their fabulously beautiful flowers, which come in a wide variety of shades and shapes. The plant blooms long and profusely, and is not very demanding to care for.

Petunia Celebrity looks very beautiful in flower beds. In order to take into account its characteristics when growing and caring for it, you need to know what species a particular variety belongs to.

So, there are many types of petunia, the main ones are:

  • grandiflora (petunia with large flowers);
  • multiflora (multi-flowered);
  • garden (ampel) petunia;
  • floribunda
  • Petunia species grandiflora

It is the most popular among other types. There are few flowers on the bush, but the inflorescences are very large - up to 10 cm in diameter. There are also varieties with double flowers.

Large-flowered petunias are divided into 5 varieties:

  1. Tall petunias (bush height more than half a meter).
  2. Low petunias (no more than 30 cm in height).
  3. Fringed petunias.
  4. The most excellent petunias.

The last three varieties are divided into tall and short plants. The grandiflora species includes petunias Pikoti, Hit Parade, and Purple Pirouette.
The peculiarity of this species is that it is a little capricious to care for, as it requires warmth and is sensitive to moisture and drafts. If these factors are not taken into account, the petunia will stop blooming and may even rot (especially double petunias).

Petunia multiflora group

This type of petunia produces a large number of buds of small diameter (5 cm) on the bush. Flowering is long and abundant until frost. It does not require special care and tolerates rain and sun well. Most often used to decorate flower beds. The most famous varieties of multiflower are Mirage, Fantasy, Plumcrystals.

Ampelous petunia

Petunias from the garden group are characterized by the presence of long side shoots hanging from the pot. They are resistant to weather changes. Widely used for growing in hanging pots. Of the most famous varieties– Surfinia, Tumbelina, Conchita.

Celebrity petunia from the floribunda species

This group is intermediate between multiflora plants and grandiflora plants. This petunia is planted not individually, but in groups in large flower beds. The most popular hybrids are called Sonia and Celebrity.

Floribunda petunias have gained fame and recognition among flower growers due to the following characteristics:

  • the plant has abundant large flowers of bright colors;
  • flowers are practically independent of weather conditions.

It is worth noting that only the Celebrity petunia flower has brightly colored veins that form a grid at the beginning of the funnel.

Flowers of this species have the most diverse palette - as many as 13 colorings.

Celebrity grows no more than 30 cm, produces many small buds (about 6 cm in diameter), the plant is resistant to heat and rain. It is better to plant such petunia in groups.

Video about flowering petunias of different varieties

Petunia is great for growing and as a garden plant, and as indoor flower. Easy to care for, a wide range of colors, a huge selection of shapes make it possible to widely use different kinds petunias for organizing flowerpots and flowerpots, borders and flower beds. Therefore, she is a frequent guest both in city flower beds and in garden plots.

Types and varieties of petunias. Description and photo

Petunia has a rather complex classification, which is explained by long-term breeding work. Today there are approximately 70 varieties of this plant.

The new charcoal, blueberry, and sour-green colors of the varieties will be able to impress even a very experienced gardener. But for a beginner, who usually relies only on photos, it can be difficult to understand everything varietal diversity these plants.

When choosing a specific variety, it is necessary to take into account the growing conditions of the flower. Since the best specimens for hanging flowerpots are absolutely not suitable for decorating paths or open ground, and plants entwining terraces will be absolutely inappropriate in organizing flower beds. You can rely on reviews and numerous photos, but it is better to understand for yourself what is the difference between a hanging variety and a cascade variety, and a floribunda from a bush type.

Bush varieties

This group is quite diverse and numerous. Here you can find both the most compact plants with a complex flower subgroup Multiflora with a flower diameter of up to 5 centimeters, and quite large representatives of the Grandiflora subgroup - larger than 16 centimeters.

Perennial bush varieties are characterized by lush caps of inflorescences. Ideal for decorating ridges, growing on borders and flower beds. Compact varieties are planted in containers.

The name of this subspecies speaks for itself - the plant has the shape of a bush. For this purpose, you do not need to carry out any special work on formation, but when you pinch the top, new branches will appear, they will make the bush much more lush and spreading.

Among bush plants, the most common hybrids are: Dream, Fantasy, Hit Parade, Titan. Connoisseurs of early flowering plants will like the series Polaris and Ultra. And those who are afraid for the fragile appearance of plants will be pleasantly pleased with Storm petunias; they have high resistance to bad weather.


Varieties of this type of petunia in terms of flower diameter are in the middle position between specimens of the Grandiflora and Multiflora groups. Any varietal groups have their pros and cons. Celebrity has 14 hybrids in its subgroup, which are characterized by increased resistance to negative weather conditions and tolerate dry days and heavy rainfall.

Floribunda is usually used for large-scale plantings. The most popular for these purposes are 12 hybrids of the Sonya subgroup. Among them, Sonya Orchid, its leaves have contrasting veins of different colors.

Cascade varieties

These varieties of petunias are planted in large containers because they tend to grow significantly wider. Their distinctive feature is long side branches, and therefore more than three plants can rarely be placed in one container. This feature I found myself in the design of gazebos, loggias, and terraces.

The following types of petunias are Silver, Rose, Typhoon, Ramplin and Cherry. These varieties, without various pinching and techniques, can throw out lashes up to 1.5 meters.

This variety of petunias forms elongated, cascading branches. These plant varieties are ideal for hanging planters. At the same time, gardeners successfully grow these varieties in flower beds. Branches creeping along the surface create beautiful and original carpets of flowers.

Among these varieties of petunias, the Soufrinia variety is distinguished by its richness and large selection of colors. Among other things, this petunia is valued by gardeners due to its resistance to bad weather, rapid germination and early onset of flowering. Also common types of petunias are Lilac and Pearl Surf, Waterfall and Wave of Luck.


This group of plants looks very similar to petunia, and for quite a long time was considered one of its species. In addition to the distinctive number of chromosomes, Calibrachoa has significant morphological differences:

  • leaves and inflorescences are much smaller;
  • the stem of this plant becomes more lignified and branches more;
  • smooth frame of petals;
  • greens have short elastic hairs.

New Calibrachoa hybrids have become very popular among gardeners. Millionbells has won international competitions more than once. Varieties also deserve attention Noah, Cabaret, Superbells.

Description and differences of the cascade variety

Among characteristic features cascade varieties are distinguished:

  • the ability to build up long branches;
  • thick and elastic branches;
  • inflorescences of medium diameter;
  • The growth of branches is directed upward and sideways.

This variety of petunia is best planted in a pot. It is not advisable to plant more than one bush in a pot with a capacity of up to 6 liters. Several petunias can take root in a large container with a volume of 11-15 liters.

Cascade varieties of petunias can grow significantly. At the beginning of active growth, seedlings tend to go up. But over time, as they grow older, the elastic stem begins to sag under its weight, creating strong thickets with many flowers.

Growing a cascade variety

This type of petunias is propagated using seeds. Planting takes place from March to May. It is very easy to make a soil mixture for planting with your own hands. Why you will need sifted sand, turf soil, peat and humus. All these elements must be added in equal parts. A layer of expanded clay is laid out at the bottom of the container. Landing is carried out according to the following scheme:

For the first 14 days, the seeds need to be watered every day. A few drops of potassium permanganate can be added to the water to activate growth and prevent disease. As soon as the shoots appear, they must be hardened and ventilated. Why place the container with the crops in the open air and remove the covering material. Seedlings are planted in separate peat cups when the first leaf appears.

As you grow older seedlings need feeding:

  • the first is added 3 weeks after the picking. Best choice for these purposes, complex water-soluble fertilizers with a small amount of nitrogen are used;
  • The next bait is given after 14 days. What are organomineral fertilizers used for?

Planting in the ground is carried out in well-heated soil at the end of May. Growing works best in open, well-lit areas. Care consists of watering and loosening the soil. During flowering, it is advisable to add bait once a week.

The most common types of cascade varieties

Among the numerous hybrids you can select a number of varieties, constantly maintaining leadership among gardeners in popularity:

  • Ramblin can reach sizes of up to 45 centimeters and produces branches approximately 1 m long. The earliest type of petunia is distinguished by a long flowering time;
  • Gioconda is a highly branched, medium-sized plant, densely covered with inflorescences of medium diameter. Characterized by the ability to adapt to a wide range of temperatures;
  • Double Cascade forms a neat plant covered with large fragrant flowers. The double leaves are brightly colored, highlighted by purple-green petals.

Description and differences of the ampel variety

Ampelous species are deservedly one of the most interesting varieties. Their distinctive feature is considered elongated hanging branches, which form beautiful garlands of inflorescences. Due to these unique features, this variety of petunia is used for vertical planting - decorating terraces, gazebos, loggias. These flowers look quite elegant when organizing alpine slides. Their shoots, which spread along the ground, cannot but attract prying eyes.

How is the ampel variety different from the cascade variety?

Sometimes questions arise: what is the difference between a hanging variety and a cascade variety? In the cascade variety, the branches grow upward, while the ampelous variety has a thin falling stem. There are also differences in the size of the inflorescences. Cascade varieties have larger forms.

The most beautiful types of ampelous petunia. Titles and photos

Any variety of petunias has its true connoisseur, but among the wide variety of hybrids there are still undisputed leaders according to the preferences of gardeners:

  • Explorer is characterized by the longest shoots - their size can be up to 1.6 m. Besides everything else, these petunias are characterized by a powerful structure that is not afraid of strong gusty winds. Large inflorescences stand out among other plant varieties due to their original waxy surface, which protects the bush from rain. Has a wide range of leaf colors;
  • Black velvet differs from the rest in its original color. The strongly branched plant can reach sizes of 30-45 cm. The inflorescences are quite large, approximately 9 centimeters in diameter. Black sheets have a velvet surface effect;
  • The Snow Queen is a variety of petunia that can reach a length of about 85 centimeters. Pure white inflorescences have a pleasant and subtle scent. Petunia creates a general feeling of purity, airiness, lightness;
  • Svetlana - this bush has graceful and lush spreading stems that can grow up to a meter. Inflorescences are wavy, with contrasting veins Pink colour and an openwork white edging in the shape of a funnel;
  • Catherine - this hybrid has veins on the petals. Inflorescences are approximately 7 centimeters in diameter, bright salmon color;
  • Ramplin Neon Rose – This variety has a large-flowered form with a predominance of purple flowers. The plant has a length of up to 35-40 centimeters, from which meter-long branches strewn with inflorescences fall;
  • Mashenka is a highly branched hybrid, the size of the bush is no more than 90 cm. The funnel-shaped inflorescences have a diameter of 7-8 centimeters. The leaves have a rich pink color, the middle is bright yellow.

New varieties of petunias. Description and photo

Work on the selection of new varieties of petunias continues constantly. More and more original shapes and colors of petals, combinations of structures and colors are being created. Not many people will be surprised now by veins of different colors, but what really surprises them is changing according to weather conditions shades of plants. Special attention should be paid to:

It’s not for nothing that Petunia is so popular among many gardeners. Even with little care, petunia can give beautiful and lush blooms all summer long, and until the first frost. With the onset of cold weather down to -25C, you can take the pots indoors, and the plant with its inflorescences will delight you for a long time. Plant this unique plant - and you will certainly not regret it!

Petunia, Petunia, surfinia. Annuals, highly branched, erect, creeping or hanging plants. The flowers are white, purple or reddish, solitary, terminal or axillary, on short peduncles, simple or double, regular or slightly irregular. Blooms all season.


Petunia came to Europe from Brazil, where it got its name from the local name for tobacco - “petun”, which is its close relative.

Types and varieties of petunias

The genus contains about 25 species, the homeland of which is South America. In nature, these are perennial, herbaceous, highly branched, erect or creeping plants. However, in our culture, stripes are grown as annuals.

The modern assortment of this genus is very diverse - it is dominated mainly by heterotic hybrids, characterized by lush flowering, compactness and resistance to cold, rainy summer conditions.

Grandiflora or large-flowered petunias (Grandiflora)

The group of large-flowered petunias has an erect bush 25-40 cm high and flowers with a diameter of 7-13 cm. The shape of the corolla is varied. Flowers may have a fringed edge of the petals (type Fringed petunias - FimbriataFimbriata), wavy edge and wide throat (type Excellent petunias - SuperbissimaSuperbisima). Special attention attract terry petunias with a bush height of 30-40 cm and flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm. The group is thermophilic, so planting sites should be protected from the wind.

Multiflora or multi-flowered petunias (Multiflora)

A group of multi-flowered compact plants 20-25 cm high, abundantly covered with flowers 4-5 cm in diameter, which can be either simple or double. Representatives of this group are the most resistant to adverse weather conditions. They bloom early and are different abundant flowering and are perfect for both outdoor flower beds and containers.

Pendula or ampelous petunias (Pendula)

A group of balcony petunias that are distinguished by the rapid growth of long, cascading stems covered with small flowers.

Surfinia or Surfinia (Surfinia)

In Russia, all ampelous petunia is usually called surfinia, however surfinia - this is just one of the variety groups, the owner of this trademark is the Japanese company Suntory. There are many varieties of surfinia, which differ in color and flower size (from 5.5 to 9 cm).


Varietal series of ampelous petunias with double flowers. The owner of the trademark is a Japanese company " Suntory" The most common variety "Triscilla" (Kerpril) dream large flowers pale lilac color with purple veins.

A series of vegetatively propagated ampelous petunias of various colors. A distinctive feature is that the flowers are double, medium-sized, the veins on the petals are painted in a darker shade of the main color.


The variety is very similar to Surfinia. A series of vegetatively propagated ampelous petunias with large flowers (6-10 cm in diameter) and long shoots. Flowers can be two-colored. Plants in this group are suitable for growing in hanging pots.

Million Bells or Calibrachoa (Calibrochia)

Petunia care

Modern petunias are extremely unpretentious. They are drought-resistant, tolerate bright sun and light shade, can grow in almost any soil, depending on the group, and can withstand frosts even down to -4 ° C. During the period of active growth, young plants in hot, dry weather need to be watered intensively. But adults only need watering when the soil dries out. For a brighter and lush flowering Fertilizing is carried out with complete mineral fertilizer with a predominance of potassium, with an interval of 10-14 days.

The greatest harm to decorative species Petunias represent heavy rains and wind - they tear the delicate petals, making the flowers ugly and the plants sloppy. Do not forget to remove faded flowers in a timely manner.

Petunia propagation

Petunias can be propagated by cuttings and sowing seeds. Cuttings are a more labor-intensive method, which is used mainly for propagating double forms of hybrids that do not form seeds or do not pass on their characteristics to offspring (Surfinia, Million Belle). The most difficult thing with this method is to preserve the queen cells in the winter. Seed propagation is simpler. Usually seeds are sown in room conditions in the second half of March. Flowering begins at the end of May. Hardened seedlings are planted in open ground in the second half of May-early June. The planting distance, depending on the group, is 20-35 cm.

Before buying seeds, let's figure out what kind of petunias there are and what to look for when buying. In the store you can find many additions to titles
Let's start with the fact that cascade and super-cascade are incomplete names of the variety.

For example, “Super Cascade White” together with Easy Wave Red (photo by Varvava Plyushkina, summer 2013)

So, the super-cascading nature of this petunia (as described by the packers) is that “it forms cascades of flowers that bloom one after another” (on the back of the package it says Petunia grandiflora F1 Supercascade - that’s all the hocus-pocus).

You don’t need to think that behind the name “Kakadnaya and Supercascade” is hidden SOMETHING MAGICAL and BEAUTIFUL. In reality, speaking in simple language- This is a large bush, with tough stems.

I can say the same about the “Avalanche” series - don’t expect avalanche-like shoots from it, it will be a sticky bush that constantly needs to be trimmed.
By the way, a distinctive feature of ampelous petunias is their flexible stems! Therefore, if in doubt, read the Latin name P. pendula on the back - i.e. hanging.

By the way, there is another name for drooping petunias (well, in case you happen to come across cuttings by chance) “trailing”.

There is also such a species as semi-ampeloid petunias.

These are strongly branched, dense plants that form a nice ball and droop under the weight of leaves and flowers. They look good in flowerpots no higher than eye level, i.e. They are not suitable for suspensions.

And don’t buy seeds for 15 rubles a handful; nothing worthwhile will grow from them. Professional seeds are expensive, but they are worth it. As a rule, they are in granules and packaged in several pieces.

To distinguish multiflora from grandiflora, just remember!

Petunia LARGE-flowered (grandiflora).

The most numerous and diverse group of petunias. Possesses the largest and beautiful flowers, reaching a diameter of 12 cm. It has simple and double flowers, edges of various shapes, often bicolor in color with veins, frills, edgings, stars and strokes. Requires increased attention and appropriate agricultural background. More capricious than other species, more susceptible to disease and less resistant to weather conditions - rain and wind. the most popular group among flower growers, with the widest range.

Petunia is the queen of loggias and balconies, a favorite of professional gardeners and beginners, and simply a charming plant. It amazes with its beauty, variety of shapes and colors. Thanks to the widest range of varieties and species, you can choose a plant for flowerpots and flowerpots, flower beds and borders, for decorating gazebos and the shore of a reservoir. This unpretentious beauty perfectly perceives new conditions and quickly adapts to any weather troubles. And today we will help you understand this picturesque mass.

Petunia occupies one of the first places among plants for the front garden

Varieties of petunias

Based on flower size, all types of petunias can be divided into three series:

Petunias are distinguished by the height of the plant, as well as by the type of their growth. Some varieties grow exclusively upward, others fall in a luxurious ampel, and others form a miniature bush.


There are the following types of petunias:

  • bush;
  • ampelous;
  • cascading.

At the same time, highlight best view impossible, since plants will also be divided into double and simple, large-flowered and miniature, one- and two-color, compact, low-growing and others.



Perennial petunia of this species forms branches that flow downwards. From hanging varieties it is easy to create a picturesque flower curtain, a cascading waterfall and other incredibly beautiful figures. Such petunias are usually planted in flower pots, which are hung on gazebos or low-growing trees. In addition, they can often be seen in containers and boxes, and sometimes these plants are grown in open ground. IN the latter case ampelous petunias grow in a luxurious floral carpet that can cover all the voids in the area.

From this series it is worth highlighting the following varieties of petunia:


Cascade petunia is often used to decorate loggias, gazebos and balconies. Plants from this series are famous for their long shoots, which grow very beautifully in different directions. The most popular cascading petunias are:

New varieties

Breeders never tire of working and delighting flower growers with new varieties of petunias. As a rule, such plants are resistant to heavy rains, scorching sun and gusty winds. Quite a lot of effort goes into obtaining new bright colors, and genetic engineering experience is often used to achieve positive results.

There are a huge number of varieties of petunias, and it is simply impossible to describe each of them in one article. We hope that the list of species and subspecies that was presented to your attention today will allow you to make an informed choice and finally grow this incredible beautiful flower in your own garden or decorate your loggia with it.