Population census - what is it? The first population censuses. History of population censuses in the USSR and Russia

Despite the fact that one of the key sources of information about the socio-demographic characteristics of the Russian population is the civil registration system maintained by the civil registry office, it is the census that provides the most accurate information.

Objectives of the population census and its legislative framework

The importance of conducting a population census in a country is due to the nature of the information it provides about citizens, as well as its universal coverage. Thus, in addition to taking into account the population size, during the census, information about citizens is collected, which makes it possible to assess the distribution of the population throughout the country, its national and linguistic composition, educational level and other important characteristics. These tasks, as well as the procedure for organizing and conducting a population census, are fixed in the main document regulating the issues of conducting a census in the Russian Federation - Federal Law No. 8-FZ of January 25, 2002 “On the All-Russian Population Census”.

At the same time, during each event, a large number of basic and additional regulations are issued that establish requirements for its conduct. Thus, the main provisions concerning the last census of 2010 were recorded in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1074 “On the organization of the All-Russian Population Census of 2010.”

Census frequency

The same legal act also establishes the frequency of the population census in the Russian Federation. Thus, Article 3 of the Law “On the All-Russian Population Census” determines that this event should be held at least once every 10 years. At the same time, however, the date of formation of the Russian Federation is officially considered to be December 25, 1991, when the RSFSR Law of December 25 No. 2094-I “On changing the name of the state of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic” was adopted, according to which our state received a new name. Moreover, the first population census in the country was conducted in October 2002.

Subsequently, however, the timing of its implementation was brought into compliance with current legislation. Thus, the next census took place in October 2010, that is, ahead of schedule - 8 years after the previous event. It is expected that the next census will take place in the Russian Federation in strict accordance with the law - in 2020. At the same time, it is planned to conduct a micro-census in 2015, in which less than 1% of households will participate.

1.1. Household census

1.2. Capitation censuses

2. Soviet censuses

3. Microcensuses

4. All-Russian population census 2002

5. Analysis of population censuses 1992 - 2006




A population census is a scientifically organized operation of collecting data on the size and composition of the population, summarizing, assessing, analyzing and publishing demographic, economic and social data about the entire population living at a certain point in time in a country or a clearly defined part of it.

The work of conducting a census is not limited to collecting information; it also includes assessing the quality of census results, their analysis and publication. The latter quality of the census is especially important for our country, where after 1926 the publication of census results was constantly reduced, until by the 1980s it was reduced to one volume.

The census shows a number of population structures that go beyond the boundaries of the subject of demography - ethnic and social-class structures, distribution of the population across the territory and migration, distribution of the population by sectors of the national economy and by occupation, unemployment, occupational status, etc.

The history of the census in Russia includes several periods, during which census takers were interested in completely different issues. So, during the first known census, which took place in Rus' during the Mongol-Tatar invasion (houses were counted), the data was needed to impose tribute on the population of Rus'. During the Soviet period of Russian history, seven population censuses were conducted and the main unit of registration was the family.

The purpose of this work is to study the history of the development of the population census in our country.

To achieve this goal, we need to solve the following tasks:

· Study the history of the first population census (household, capitation, first scientific census);

· History of the Soviet census;

· Consider the history of microcensuses;

· As well as the history of the last census.

1. The first population censuses in Russia

The history of population censuses in Russia goes back to ancient times. True, there is, unfortunately, very little written evidence about the earliest period of this history. In the chronicles dating back to the 9th-11th centuries, there are only references to the collection of tribute by princes. Probably, when collecting tribute, the size of the taxed population was also taken into account, but the details of this accounting are unknown. More reliable are the chronicle records of population records in the 13th century, during the Tatar-Mongol invasion. In order to collect tribute, the Tatar khans conducted population censuses in 1246 in Kievan Rus, in 1255-1256. in Suzdal land, in 1256-1259. - in Novgorodskaya. The chronicles took into account the entire population, except for the clergy, who were exempt from tribute. Censuses were carried out by special census takers. From this we can conclude that the censuses at that time were most likely non-economic, as in other countries, i.e. the unit of observation in them was the household (“house”). Population accounting was of secondary importance; in any case, the total number of inhabitants from these censuses could not be established.

In the XIV-XVI centuries. As the centralized Russian state became established, accounting and statistics also developed. Land plots became the unit of taxation, and therefore the censuses were land censuses. But in them, along with a description of land holdings, the number of households and people was indicated. The results of the censuses were recorded in scribe books, which were kept constantly and served as legal documents for the ownership of land and serfs.

1.1. Household census

In the 17th century In connection with the development of crafts and trade, the unit of taxation becomes the household - the “yard”. And censuses are turning into door-to-door censuses. The number and scale of censuses expanded so much that an Accounting Order was formed in Moscow. The household censuses of 1646 and 1678 were especially large, covering almost the entire territory of the state. In accordance with tax purposes, they covered only the taxable, mainly male population. However, in some of these censuses, both women and part of the non-taxable population were taken into account, distribution was given by age groups, marital status, sometimes even occupation, rank and profession were indicated. The last household census was carried out in 1710 under Peter I. For the first time, an attempt was made to take into account not only the taxable population, but the entire population, including the privileged strata. The census dragged on for several years and ended in failure: it could not take into account the entire population. The number of households according to this census turned out to be almost 20% less compared to 1678, while their increase was expected. Peter I did not accept the results of the 1710 census and ordered a new census to be carried out in 1716-1717. However, this new census showed even worse results: the number of households decreased by one third compared to 1678. Such results partly reflected the actual decline in the population of Russia due to wars and ruinous living conditions, but to a greater extent were the result of incorrect information. Many landowners tried to reduce the number of households by combining several tax-paying households into one. Therefore, household taxation was replaced by capitation taxation, and the censuses were transformed accordingly. On November 26, 1718, Peter I issued a decree that ordered “to take fairy tales from everyone (give them a year’s time), so that the truthful ones would bring how many male souls there are in each village.” Population lists (“tales”) were to be collected in 1719 and then subjected to verification (“revision”) within three years. For evading the census or “hiding souls,” the decree provided for severe punishment, including the death penalty.

Capitation censuses

This decree marked the beginning of a whole series of per capita censuses (“revisions”), which, with various changes, were carried out in Russia over the next 140 years, from 1719 to 1859, until the abolition of serfdom. There were 10 revisions in total, each of which lasted for several years.

Capitation censuses were still far from modern population censuses both in terms of population coverage and methods of implementation. Their object was mainly only the tax-paying population, they took into account the ascribed (legal) and not the actual population, they were carried out for a long time, and the information collected did not relate to one point in time. Therefore, even the total population according to audit data can only be determined approximately. Since the audits were related to taxation, the population was hostile to them and tried to avoid the census. Landowners and other persons responsible for compiling “fairy tales” underestimated the number of tax-paying souls. The officials who carried out the audits also committed abuses.

And yet, despite significant defects, Russian audits were a significant step forward in the development of population registration. They were named, and during all revisions such an important feature as age was taken into account (and in the form of the number of years completed, and not by assignment to an age group). Most of the revisions, except for the first, second and sixth, also took into account the female population (also indicating age) not for calculating taxes, but “for information only.” Some revisions gave a distribution of the population by marital status, nationalities and classes.

The latest audits have already covered more than 80% of the country's total population, and in the territories where they were carried out - more than 90%. This made it possible, although with additional calculations, to still determine the total population of the country, its distribution and composition, based on direct accounting data.

The audits provided rich material for studying the population of Russia. Even today they have not lost their scientific value (as historical material).

After the abolition of serfdom, the audits lost their significance as a census of the tax-paying population and were no longer carried out. Meanwhile, as capitalism developed in Russia, the need for complete and detailed data on the size and composition of the entire population began to be increasingly felt. Only a scientifically organized general census could provide such data.

1.3. The first All-Russian scientifically organized census

It was held in 1897 as of January 28 (February 9, new style). It was initiated by the outstanding Russian scientist P.P. Semenov - Tian-Shansky. This census represents the only source of reliable data on the size and composition of the population of Russia at the end of the 19th century.

It was carried out over three months instead of the expected one and a half months. Such a long period of time could not but affect the quality of the collected materials. But if we take into account all the difficulties and doubts about the possibility of conducting a census at all, such a period should not be considered the biggest drawback. About 150 thousand personnel took part in the census, which also cannot be considered very large. The results of the census were published in 1905 in 89 volumes. The total population of the Russian Empire within the borders of those years was 125,640 thousand people.

Census materials showed not only the total population and its distribution throughout the country and its regions, but also its structure according to a wide range of indicators: by gender, age, marital status and marital status, by literacy and religion, by native language (which indirectly expressed national composition of the population), by occupations that provide a means of subsistence, and by sectors of the national economy, etc.

The development of the census results and their publication were completed in 1905, and in 1908 the question was raised about conducting a new, regular census in 1910 (i.e., in accordance with international recommendations "in a year ending in 0) . However, due to various circumstances, mainly of a financial nature, the date for the second population census was postponed to 1915, which was also not implemented due to the outbreak of the First World War in 1914.

The history of the census in Russia includes several periods, during which census takers were interested in completely different issues.

The beginning of population registration on the territory of Russia was laid by the Kiev and Novgorod principalities in the 9th century. Accounting was kept for tax purposes.

From the second half of the 13th century, during the period of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, population censuses were carried out in individual Russian principalities to determine the amount of tribute. The same goals were pursued by censuses in the Transcaucasus in the 70s. XIII century.

Accounting at that time was economic: houses or “smoke” were taken into account for taxation. In the 14th century, the object of taxation became land plots used productively in the economy - “plow” (later - “quarter”, “tithe”). The so-called soshnoe letter was compiled, the results of the descriptions were entered into the scribe books. In the 17th century, the unit of taxation became the yard, and the main form of accounting was household censuses.

In 1718, Peter the Great issued a decree that ordered “to take fairy tales from everyone (give them a year’s time), so that the truthful ones would bring how many male souls they have in each village.” The lists compiled in this way ("fairy tales") were collected only after three years, and then over the next three years they were subjected to verification - "revision". Since then, population records in Russia began to be called “audits of the taxable population” or simply “audits.” Such audits were carried out for almost a century and a half, until the abolition of serfdom.

In total, ten revisions took place in Russia, the last one in 1857-1860. After the abolition of serfdom, population censuses began to be carried out in individual cities and even entire provinces, but many of them were government police “population censuses”, in which information was simply collected from householders about the number of residents not even living, but registered in their houses. At least 200 such local censuses were carried out, but the materials of many of them were not published, and for some nothing is known beyond the year of the census. The population data obtained in this way did not meet the statistical requirements regarding certain characteristics of the population needed for government justification and scientific research.

The first and only general census of the Russian Empire was carried out in February 1897. It was initiated by the outstanding Russian scientist Pyotr Semenov-Tyan-Shansky. This census represents the only source of reliable data on the size and composition of the population of Russia at the end of the 19th century.

According to the Central Statistical Committee, 124 million 640 thousand lived in the Russian Empire. Moreover, the vast majority of them, namely 85%, were rural residents, 15% were urban residents.

The first Soviet population census was carried out in 1920 in conditions of civil war and devastation. The census covered only 72% of the country's population, since military operations were still ongoing in a number of areas of the country. In 1923, a population census was carried out in cities and towns simultaneously with a census of industrial and commercial enterprises.

The entire population of the country was first covered by the first All-Union Population Census in December 1926. During its preparation, outstanding statisticians Vasily Mikhailovsky and Olympius Kvitkin developed scientific principles that formed the basis of both this and subsequent population censuses.

The next census was carried out in January 1937. The preparation and conduct of this census occurred during the Stalinist repressions. The census results differed from previously published greatly exaggerated estimates of the country's population. The organizers of the census and many heads of state statistics throughout the country were declared enemies of the people and repressed. The organization of the census was considered unsatisfactory, its materials were defective, and the census data were not made public (foreign sources cited a figure of 170.6 million people).

In January 1939, a new All-Union census was carried out, which was recognized as “successful”. For the first time, the permanent and existing population was taken into account throughout the country, and control forms were introduced. The country's population was 190.7 million people, including urban - 32%), rural - 68%. The outbreak of war prevented the complete processing of materials.

The first post-war census was carried out in January 1959. In terms of the organization and content of the collected data, it was practically no different from the previous one. Census data served as the basis for subsequent calculations of the size and composition of the population. The total population of the USSR was 208.8 million people. The share of the urban population is 48%, rural - 52%.

The next census took place in 1970. In organizational and methodological terms, it corresponded to the two previous ones (1939 and 1959), but much more data was obtained. For the first time in the practice of Soviet censuses, in order to save time and money, some of the information was obtained by interviewing not all, but only 25% of the residents. A number of technical innovations were used when processing census materials. Its data have been widely used for socio-economic planning and the development of long-term economic forecasts. The total population according to the census is 241.7 million, urban - 56%, rural - 44%.

The organization and processing of the 1979 population census materials differed significantly from previous ones. For the first time in the practice of Soviet statistics, records made during the survey were entered into an electronic computer (computer) using special reading devices and recorded on magnetic tape. New questions were added, and the wording of some others was clarified. The census provided extensive information about changes in population composition, which was subsequently widely used. The result of the census is 262.4 million people, the share of the urban population is 62%, rural - 38%.

The last census in the USSR was carried out in January 1989 through a survey at the place of actual residence of citizens. Its distinctive feature was that for the first time, along with information about the population, information was collected on the living conditions of various socio-demographic groups of the population in all regions of the country, on the development of housing cooperation, on the degree of provision of housing for people and its improvement. This made it possible to obtain information about the living conditions of various socio-demographic groups of the population in all regions of the country, about the development of housing cooperation, about the degree of provision of housing for people and its improvement.

The census program contained 25 questions, some of which were taken into account selectively. Compared to the previous population census, new questions were included about place of birth, graduation from a vocational educational institution, living conditions, and the wording of some other questions was changed. The development of census materials in full was completed by the end of 1990. The country's population in 1989 was 286.7 million people, including the urban population - 66%, rural - 34%.

The All-Russian Census of 2002 was the first population census in the new Russia. It was held under the motto “Write yourself into the history of Russia.” The census was carried out as of October 9, filling out census forms took place from October 9 to October 16. The population census was carried out for the first time on the basis of a legislative act - the Federal Law "On the All-Russian Population Census" dated January 25, 2002 No. 8-FZ.

Previous censuses were financed exclusively from the federal budget, but the costs of the 2002 census were divided among budgets of all levels. The issue of forming census personnel had to be addressed in a new way. During the Soviet period, census workers were allocated by enterprises under the orders of party bodies. In 2002, about 670 thousand freelance workers from the non-working population were trained. In large cities, the emphasis was on students, the unemployed, social security workers, and public utility workers. In small settlements - for the rural intelligentsia. When studying marital status, for the first time during the population census, information was collected on the number of unregistered marriages (the so-called civil marriage).

At the 2002 census, the permanent population of the Russian Federation was 145.2 million people, of which 106.4 million people (or 73%) were urban residents, and 38.8 million people (or 27%) lived in rural areas. Compared to the 1989 census, the population decreased by 1.8 million people, including those living in urban areas - by 1.6 million people, in rural areas - by 0.2 million people.

Since the data from the last census of 2002 is already outdated, and officials need updated information to draw up social programs, the government of the Russian Federation decided to conduct the next All-Russian population census in October 2010. The purpose of the new census is to obtain information necessary for the formation of the state budget, the allocation of funds for pensions, health care, education, the construction of roads and housing, and the solution of many other social and economic problems.

The upcoming population census, which will take place in Russia in 2020, will become the most technologically advanced in history. You can fill out census forms online. This is stated in the draft government resolution published by Rosstat.

In October 2018, Rosstat should conduct a trial population census covering approximately 300 thousand people to work out methodological and organizational issues of conducting the 2020 All-Russian Population Census itself, the document says.

“Information about the population is collected using information and communication technologies,” says the draft Cabinet resolution.

The need for such an innovation is determined by the experience of conducting previous censuses in 2002 and 2010. The fact is that the last time more than a million people did not let the census takers into their homes, and 2.6 million people were not at home at all at that time.

Population census 2020 in Russia: goals and objectives

Reliable data are necessary both for the formation of budgets at all levels, adjustment of inter-budgetary relations, and for the justified formation of socio-economic programs.

With this innovation, the state will reduce administrative costs for conducting the census, Ivan Solovyov, Doctor of Law, Honored Lawyer of Russia, is confident. According to him, the advantages of Russians using the future census online service are that, having unlimited time to fill out the form, without being constrained by communication with the persons conducting the census, during off-hours a person can calmly and thoughtfully answer the questions asked. . Moreover, he can do this in any place convenient for himself, be it at home, at work or on vacation.

Population census 2020 in Russia: latest news

The Government of the Russian Federation agreed with the proposal of the Ministry of Economic Development to conduct a population census in October 2020, and a pilot survey will be conducted in 2018. This is stated in the decisions published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers following a meeting on this topic, which was held on June 11 under the leadership of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The government instructed the Ministry of Economic Development to prepare and submit to the draft government resolution on conducting the All-Russian Population Census in 2020 by August 21, providing for a pilot survey (test population census) to be conducted in 2018.

All-Russian population census 2020: latest news

The next population census in Russia is scheduled for 2020. Rosstat reported in June 2017 that, according to preliminary estimates, it would require 50 billion rubles. The head of the Federal State Statistics Service, Alexander Surinov, said that major changes will not be made to the 2010 census form, but questions will be added that will allow an objective assessment of migration, including labor migration.

In July 2017, the Russian government approved the month for the next All-Russian population census, which will be held in October 2020. The government must announce the exact date of the census by August 21, 2017.

The total budget of the 2020 All-Russian Population Census will be about 33 billion rubles. The head of Rosstat, Pavel Malkov, announced this in September 2019. Approximately half of the amount will be the wage fund. About [[a quarter of the funds will be spent on IT infrastructure and new technologies, including 360 thousand tablets from PJSC Rostelecom]], improvement of the Government Services portal and development of the Population analytical platform.

According to Pavel Smelov, adviser to the head of Rosstat, deliveries of tablets for census takers have not yet begun. The agreement with Rostelecom has not yet been signed. The company has not yet selected suppliers. All tablets must be distributed to the regions before August 1.


Preliminary results of the 2018 Trial Population Census

According to a report dated November 13, 2018, the 2018 trial population census became the largest and most unusual trial census in Russia. At its first stage, which took place from October 1 to October 10, 2018 throughout the country, a fundamentally different method of collecting information about the population was tested - respondents independently filled out electronic census forms on the Unified Portal of State Services (Gosuslugi.ru). More than 1.2 million Russian residents who have a verified account on the Gosuslugi.ru portal took part in the digital census.

The population liked the experimental Internet census, as evidenced by positive reviews from respondents on the Gosuslugi.ru portal. In turn, we are convinced that the use of digital technologies allows us to significantly save public funds. In addition, the reaction of the country's residents to the use of Internet technologies allowed us to take a different look at the procedure for conducting population censuses. “The Internet census gave us ideas about how to simplify the questions on census forms and formulate them more clearly. More than half a million residents of the country took part in the second stage of PPN-2018, which took place from October 16 to 31 in 10 pilot districts. According to the head of Rosstat, the experience gained by census takers using tablet computers was positive. In addition to drawing up the census taker’s route and simplifying the procedure for interviewing respondents, the use of laptop computers made it possible to significantly speed up the process of transferring the received primary data. “]]The software]] of our tablet computers is quite effective to use, easy to train census takers, and there are no doubts about its use.

The idea of ​​using Multifunctional Centers for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC), proposed by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and municipal authorities, turned out to be successful. At the MFC, residents of the country can access the Gosuslugi.ru portal.

In addition, it is necessary to stimulate the participation of domestic respondents in population censuses and expand the number of people using the Internet for these purposes, the head of Rosstat noted.

As Surinov noted, hard-to-reach regions were included in the pilot areas of the PPN-2018, in which Rosstat conducted the census in the usual timeframe - in October. “But this required significant additional costs for transport, so we will discuss the feasibility of this practice. A report on the 2018 Trial Population Census and proposals for optimizing the organizational and technological scheme of the 2020 All-Russian Population Census 2020 will be generated in November 2018, and the results of the PPN-2018 will be published in the first quarter of 2019.

The 2018 pilot census is entering the home stretch

On October 27, 2018, census takers will complete 100% of the residential surveys in the Trial Census areas. From October 28 to October 31, a selective control walk-through of residential premises will be carried out in these areas to check the quality of the work of the census takers and the correctness of the population count, TAdviser reported on October 26, 2018 in Russian Post.

For four days of control surveys in the areas of the Trial Census - the Elbrus municipal district of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Khangalassky ulus municipal district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Aleutsky municipal district of the Kamchatka Territory, the city of Minusinsk of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Nizhneudinsky and Katangsky municipal districts of the Irkutsk region , the city of Veliky Novgorod, the urban-type settlement of Yuzhno-Kurilsk in the Sakhalin Region, the Sviblovo district of the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow and the Knyazhevo municipal district of St. Petersburg - census takers, together with an instructor or field level inspector, will visit 10% of residential premises.

During the control round, the correctness of the population count will be checked: whether there are any missing or erroneously recorded people. To do this, it will be clarified how many people in the room were enumerated, and the presence of records about them in the appropriate forms of census documents will be verified. If necessary, corrections can be made to the census forms. At the first stage of the Trial Population Census - from October 1 to October 10 - any resident of Russia with a confirmed account on the Unified Portal of State Services (Gosuslugi.ru) could enumerate independently by filling out electronic census forms for themselves and their family members on the Internet.

The second stage of the Trial Census takes place from October 16 to 27. Residents of the areas where the Trial Census was conducted, who registered online, can provide the census taker with the received census confirmation code on the Internet for verification. Those who did not enumerate in the first stage and do not want to allow a census taker into their home in the second stage can take a trial census in census tracts located in the areas of the 2018 trial census.

In the Moscow district of Sviblovo, the Khangalassky ulus of Yakutia, the Nizhneudinsky district of the Irkutsk region and part of the Veliky Novgorod urban district, employees of the Russian Post are registering the population. The Post's logistics infrastructure is used to deliver census forms, census equipment, and consumables to these areas.

Rosstat raised the forecast for the trial electronic census

Regarding some optimistic or pessimistic assessment [of the number of expected participants in the electronic census]. We conducted surveys, conducted focus groups, and analyzed the experience of other countries. Our initial minimum estimate was 10%. Judging by how IT is breaking into our lives, we roughly calculated that we could raise this bar to 20%. Moreover, we are not talking about today, but about 2020. Therefore, for the test census, we urge the entire population [to participate] in order to assess whether we have very optimistic moods or, on the contrary, we are too much pessimists,” emphasized Alexander Surinov .

The 2018 trial population census is being carried out to develop an optimal organizational and technological scheme for conducting the 2020 All-Russian Population Census, which involves combining various methods of collecting information about the population. Based on the results of the trial population census, recommendations will be developed to optimize budget expenditures for the 2020 All-Russian Population Census, taking into account the introduction of new methods of collecting information about the population.

The data collection and processing system created for the 2020 All-Russian Population Census will become one of the components of the National Data Management System (NDMS). In the future, this system should ensure complete digitalization of the process of collecting and processing data based on unified methodological and technological approaches.

The 2018 trial population census will take place from October 1 to October 31 in two stages: the first will be all-Russian, the second will be local and will affect 10 districts in nine constituent entities of the Russian Federation. At the first, federal, stage of the preliminary census, any resident of Russia who has a confirmed account on this portal will be able to fill out census forms on the government services portal from October 1 to October 10. In 10 pilot districts, respondents who filled out census forms on the Internet will receive unique census confirmation codes - they will be needed at the second, local stage of the census.

From October 16 to 31, in 10 pilot districts in nine constituent entities of the Russian Federation, census takers will carry out door-to-door visits: from October 16 to 27 - 100 percent, and from October 28 to 31 - selective control visits to 10% of residential premises. In addition, residents will be given the opportunity to register at stationary sites. Respondents from 10 pilot districts who have already registered on the government services portal will only need to provide the census taker with the previously received confirmation code for verification.

A trial census of Russians will be held on the Internet

As part of the Trial Census, which will take place in October 2018, for the first time Russians will be able to fill out a questionnaire via the Internet, CNews reported on May 31, 2018. This can be done directly on the government services portal during the first stage of the event from October 1 to October 10. The government previously made adjustments to the regulatory framework necessary for the operation of this service. The event is preparatory to the All-Russian Population Census planned by Rosstat for 2020.

After filling out the form on the government services portal, the citizen will receive a confirmation code for participation in the census by email or SMS. At the same time, a citizen will be able to fill out the document for all family members - confirmation codes for participation in the census will be sent to everyone.

Meanwhile, the question of whether citizens will need to provide the consent of other persons for their relative to fill out questionnaires for them has not yet been worked out. The possibility of participating in the census through regional government service portals has not yet been implemented - the issue is being studied by Rosstat together with the Ministry of Digital Development.

The population census in the traditional way will take place in certain territories of a number of Russian regions. Including in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novgorod, Irkutsk and Sakhalin regions, the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Yakutia, Krasnoyarsk and Kamchatka territories.

At the second stage, from October 11 to October 15, 2018, a list of residents of the territories who have already completed the survey via the Internet will be compiled. At the third stage - from October 16 to October 31, 2018 - a survey of citizens will again take place, but in the traditional way. In this case, the census taker may ask to see a code confirming the fact of participation in the census online.

In addition, during the trial census they plan to allow census takers to use tablets, but only in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Veliky Novgorod. Devices will not be purchased. Instead, tablets will be used that were previously used during the Micro-Census in 2015 and the All-Russian Agricultural Census in 2016. In total, Rosstat will be able to accumulate 25 thousand - 30 thousand tablets.

Some census takers will also be armed with paper questionnaires. They are needed as a backup option and for citizens who want to see a record of answers to questions asked of them.

Special software for conducting surveys will be installed on the tablets, which has not yet been developed: Rosstat, together with the Ministry of Digital Development, is completing the formation of the corresponding competition task. Future software must be domestically produced and have information security certificates from FSTEC.

Half a billion for the census

The state allocated 484.6 million rubles. for the development of a system for preparing, conducting, processing materials and obtaining results of the All-Russian population census in 2018.

This amount appears as the starting price of the contract in the tender of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), launched on March 16, 2018. Applications from applicants will be accepted until April 6, 2018.

Purpose of the system

The automated Rosstat system discussed here is officially designed for preparing, conducting, processing information about the population and obtaining the results of all-Russian population censuses, including trial censuses and even so-called microcensuses.

As stated in the tender documents, the system is a single software and hardware complex that combines tools for performing work at the stages of preparation, conduct, and processing of census information, including scanning and recognition of machine-readable forms, data entry via the Internet, tablet computers and smartphones. carrying out coding and formal logical control, creating a census database, obtaining final tables, as well as “other operations necessary for monitoring all stages of the census,” the authors of the procurement note.

Scope of work

It follows from the tender documents that the future contractor will have to develop the software already existing in the system to update the list of addresses written in it, prepare software for collecting the necessary data, to organize the collection of information about the population, to “implement methods for supplementing and analyzing statistical data on the population of Russia in based on geoanalytical data in the preparation and conduct of the 2020 census, etc.


A trial population census using electronic questionnaires will be held in Russia

Main stage

It is planned that the main stage of the population census in 2020 will be held for the first time using a new methodology: citizens will be able to independently fill out the form via the Internet. This “will ensure more complete participation of the population in the census and obtain high-quality results” and “form a new, operational format of communication with the population,” representatives of the regulator and experts are confident.

"Electronic Census"

The “electronic” census will be carried out on a special state portal, which can be accessed from the official website of the department or through the government services portal. Identification in the system is planned to be carried out by the insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS), it will also be possible to indicate an email and telephone number.