PBU for profit calculations. PBU for profit calculations Calculation of profit according to PBU 18 02

The accounting regulation “Accounting for income tax calculations” PBU 18/02 establishes, as indicated in the text of the regulation itself, “the rules for the formation in accounting and the procedure for disclosing in the financial statements information about income tax calculations for organizations recognized in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for income tax payers, and also determines the relationship between the indicator reflecting profit (loss), calculated in the manner established by regulatory legal acts on accounting of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as accounting profit (loss)), and the tax base for the tax on profit for the reporting period (hereinafter referred to as taxable profit (loss)), calculated in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.” (Paragraph 1 of clause 1 of PBU 18/02).

What mechanism for the formation and disclosure of information on income tax calculations is established by this PBU?

The first thing this mechanism begins with is determining the difference between accounting and tax profit. Paragraph 3 of PBU 18/02 determines that a difference is formed between the accounting profit (loss) and the taxable profit (loss) of the reporting period due to the application of different rules for recognizing income and expenses for accounting purposes and income tax purposes, while these differences are divided into two types: permanent and temporary.

Constant differences– these are those incomes and expenses that are taken into account for accounting purposes (forming accounting profit), but are not taken into account for income tax purposes (excluded from the calculation of the taxable base for profit tax of both the reporting and subsequent tax periods). (Clause 4 PBU 18/02).

“For the purposes of the Regulations, a permanent tax liability is understood as the amount of tax that leads to an increase in tax payments for income tax in the reporting period.

A permanent tax liability is recognized by the organization in the reporting period in which the permanent difference arises.

The permanent tax liability is equal to the amount determined as the product of the permanent difference that arose in the reporting period and the profit tax rate established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees and in effect on the reporting date.

Permanent tax liabilities are reflected in accounting in the profit and loss account (sub-account “Permanent tax liability”) in correspondence with the credit of the account for accounting for settlements of taxes and fees.”

Temporary differences- these are income and expenses that form the accounting profit (loss) in one tax period, and the tax base for income tax - in another or other reporting periods. (Clause 8 PBU 18/02).

At the same time, paragraph 9 of PBU 18/02 establishes:

“Temporary differences in the formation of taxable profit lead to the formation of deferred income tax.

For the purposes of the Regulations, deferred income tax is understood as an amount that affects the amount of income tax payable to the budget in the following reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods.”

Temporary differences, depending on their impact on taxable profit, are divided into deductible temporary differences And taxable temporary differences(Clause 10 PBU 18/02).

At the same time, PBU 18/02 establishes that “deductible temporary differences in the formation of taxable profit (loss) lead to the formation of deferred income tax, which should reduce the amount of income tax payable to the budget in the following reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods” . (Clause 11 PBU 18/02).

Accordingly, “taxable temporary differences in the formation of taxable profit (loss) lead to the formation of deferred income tax, which should increase the amount of income tax payable to the budget in the next reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods.” (Clause 12 PBU 18/02).

Further, PBU 18/02 determines that deferred income tax in the part that should lead to a reduction in tax payments to the budget is recognized deferred tax asset, and that part of the deferred income tax that should lead to an increase in tax payments to the budget in subsequent reporting periods is recognized deferred tax liability.

Deferred tax assets (DTA) and deferred tax liabilities (DTL) are equal, respectively, to the value determined as the product of taxable differences (deductible for DTA and taxable for IT) by the income tax rate.

After determining ONA and ONO, PBU 18/02 contains a section on accounting for income tax calculations.

For this purpose, a concept such as “ conditional income (expense) for income tax" Conditional income (expense) for profit tax is the amount of profit tax determined on the basis of accounting profit (loss) and reflected in accounting regardless of the amount of taxable profit (paragraph 1 of paragraph 20 of PBU 18/02).

“The conditional expense (conditional income) for income tax is equal to the value determined as the product of the accounting profit generated in the reporting period and the income tax rate established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees and in effect on the reporting date.” (Paragraph 2 of clause 20 of PBU 18/02).

“The conditional expense (conditional income) for income tax is taken into account in accounting in a separate subaccount for accounting for conditional expenses (conditional income) for income tax to the account for accounting for profits and losses.

The amount of the accrued contingent income tax expense for the reporting period is reflected in accounting as a debit to the profit and loss account (sub-account for accounting for contingent income tax expenses) in correspondence with the credit of the account for accounting for settlements of taxes and fees.

The amount of accrued conditional income for profit tax for the reporting period is reflected in accounting as a debit to the account for accounting for calculations of taxes and fees and a credit to the account for accounting for profits and losses (sub-account for accounting for conditional income for profit tax).” (Paragraph 3-5 of paragraph 20 of PBU 18/02)

Next, the concept of current income tax is introduced for the purposes of PBU 18/02. This tax is recognized as an income tax for tax purposes, determined on the basis of the amount of conditional expense (conditional income), adjusted to the amounts of the permanent tax liability, deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability of the reporting period.

This is followed by a diagram of such adjustments and practical examples of adjustments. (Paragraph 3 of clause 21 and Appendix to PBU 18/02).

According to the authors of PBU 18/02, corporate income tax can be calculated based on accounting data, adjusting these data in a certain way. At the same time, in the process of such adjustment, independent accounting objects arise, which also need to be taken into account in accounting.

Accounting and Taxation

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Accounting”, accounting is an orderly system of collecting, registering and summarizing information in monetary terms about the property, obligations of organizations and their movement through continuous, continuous and documentary accounting of all business transactions (clause 1 of Article 1 of the said law).

What are the main tasks of accounting? The Federal Law “On Accounting” determines that the main objectives of accounting are:

  • “Formation of complete and reliable information about the organization’s activities and its property status, necessary for internal users of financial statements - managers, founders, participants and owners of the organization’s property, as well as external ones - investors, creditors and other users of financial statements;
  • providing information necessary for internal and external users of financial statements to monitor compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation when the organization carries out business operations and their feasibility, the availability and movement of property and liabilities, the use of material, labor and financial resources in accordance with approved norms, standards and estimates;
  • preventing negative results from the organization’s economic activities and identifying internal reserves to ensure its financial stability.” (Clause 3 of Article 1 of the Law “On Accounting”).

As you can see, tax calculation is not among the accounting tasks. How are taxes calculated in the Russian Federation?

“The taxpayer independently calculates the amount of tax payable for the tax period based on the tax base, tax rate and tax benefits.” (Article 52 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

What is the tax base and tax rate?

“The tax base represents the cost, physical or other characteristics of the object of taxation. The tax rate represents the amount of tax charges per unit of measurement of the tax base. The tax base and the procedure for its determination, as well as tax rates for federal taxes and the amount of fees for federal taxes are established by this Code.” (Paragraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 53 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

How is the tax base calculated?

“Taxpayer organizations calculate the tax base at the end of each tax period on the basis of data from accounting registers and (or) on the basis of other documented data on objects subject to taxation or related to taxation.” (Paragraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 54 of the Tax Code).

It would seem that this is a direct directive: accounting is needed to calculate taxes. Moreover, taxes are calculated on the basis of accounting!

But it is not so. Firstly, accounting registers are not yet accounting as such. Accounting registers are intended only for systematization and accumulation of information contained in primary documents accepted for accounting, for reflection on accounting accounts and in financial statements (Article 10 of the Federal Law “On Accounting”).

Secondly, the condition itself “ and/or", contained in the first paragraph of the first paragraph of Article 54 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, implies the insufficiency of only accounting registers for determining the tax base.

Indeed, additional registers and documents are used to calculate many taxes.

Thus, for calculations of value added tax (VAT), the taxpayer is obliged to draw up invoices, keep a purchase book and a sales book, and logs of issued and received invoices (clause 3 of Article 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, the object of VAT taxation is not only those transactions that generate revenue for accounting purposes, but also:

  • “Transfer of goods on the territory of the Russian Federation (performance of work, provision of services) for one’s own needs, expenses for which are not deductible (including through depreciation charges) when calculating corporate income tax;
  • carrying out construction and installation work for own consumption;
  • import of goods into the customs territory of the Russian Federation.” (Clause 1 of Article 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Moreover, when determining the tax base for VAT, the tax base is determined taking into account advances received (Paragraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

That is, the VAT tax base for a period may differ from the revenue recognized in accounting for the same period. Of course, under certain conditions, the size of the VAT tax base may be equal to the amount of revenue recognized for accounting purposes, but this is a special case.

For calculations of personal income tax (NDFL), organizations in relation to their employees (tax agents) provide a special accounting form 1-NDFL (clause 1 of Article 230 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2003 No. BG-3-04/583 ).

The tax base for personal income tax, which represents the entire income received by the taxpayer, can be reduced by the tax agent for tax deductions: social, standard, professional (Articles 218, 219 and 221 of the Tax Code), while these tax deductions are not taken into account for accounting purposes.

Thus, the tax base for personal income tax will generally differ from the income accrued (paid) to the employee according to accounting data.

For calculations for the unified social tax (UST), taxpayers are required to keep records of the amounts of accrued payments and other remuneration, the amount of tax related to them, as well as the amount of tax deductions for each individual in whose favor the payments were made (clause 4 of Article 243 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) Moreover, such accounting is kept in a special form card (Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2004 No. SAE-3-05/443), which is not an accounting register.

When determining the tax base for the Unified Social Tax, in addition to payments made in cash, it is necessary to take into account such payments as payment for employee accommodation, food, recreation, voluntary insurance, etc. (paragraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 237 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, for payments in kind, the amount of such payments is determined based on market prices for inventory assets transferred to an individual, while for accounting purposes other prices can be applied (planned, at cost, at the purchase price with taking into account transportation and procurement costs, etc.).

In addition, a number of payments made in favor of individuals will not be included in the UST tax base in whole or in part.

Thus, the tax base for the unified social tax in the general case may differ from the accounting data for accounting for settlements with the organization’s personnel.

When determining the size of the state duty, in the general case, accounting data do not matter at all, since the duty is established for legal actions, of course, which are not objects of accounting. The amount of state duty already paid and/or calculations for its payment will be subject to accounting.

When paying transport tax, the tax is calculated based on the vehicle's power (in horsepower) and the tax rate established by the Tax Code (Articles 359, 361 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Neither the car's power nor the tax rate are accounting objects.

Even to pay the “accounting” tax itself - the property tax of organizations, when determining the taxable base of which the taxable object is taken into account at its residual value in accordance with the established accounting procedure (paragraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 375 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), it is necessary to process the accounting data - and namely, to calculate the average annual value of property according to the rules established by the Tax Code, while the average annual value of property is not in itself an object of accounting.

That is, the tax base for property tax for the reporting (tax) period will differ from the value of the property according to accounting data.

Thus, it becomes obvious that accounting data alone is clearly not enough to calculate an organization’s taxes. Accounting and calculation of the taxable base for each tax is an independent object of accounting, and this object is often not an object of accounting, or according to accounting rules it is taken into account in a different way.

The regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation establish that:

Accounting profit (loss) represents the final financial result (profit or loss) identified for the reporting period on the basis of accounting of all business transactions of the organization and assessment of balance sheet items according to the rules adopted in accordance with these Regulations (Article 79 of the Regulations).

Is the assessment of taxes a business transaction? Undoubtedly. Unfortunately, the concept of “business operation” is not fixed by the current regulations, but it can be defined indirectly. As follows from paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Accounting”, “a business transaction is an action or inaction of an organization leading to a change in assets and liabilities.” (Why is inaction also a business transaction? Because inaction can lead to shortages that change the size of the organization’s assets). By charging taxes, the organization increases its obligations - in this case to the budget.

Consequently, accounting profit is profit (loss) taking into account the amount of taxes, including income tax.

Legal acts and PBU 18/02

As is known, the structure of legal acts of the Russian Federation has the form of a pyramid, the top of which is the Constitution of the Russian Federation. By the way, it is the Constitution of the Russian Federation that defines the obligation of everyone to pay legally established taxes (Article 57 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). Then follow federal constitutional laws, federal laws, which, in particular, include the tax and civil codes, then laws of local authorities, orders (orders, instructions) of federal and local authorities.

Accounting is the accounting of the property and liabilities of an organization. The property and obligations of an organization arise, exist and cease to exist on the basis of civil legal relations regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, tax legal relations regulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, bill relations regulated in a small part by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and in a large part by the Federal Law “On Transfers” and promissory note”, relations with founders (shareholders), regulated in addition to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation by the relevant Federal laws: “On joint stock companies”, “On limited liability companies”, “On non-profit organizations”, “On state and municipal enterprises”.

At the same time, the relevant accounting rules (Accounting Regulations) do not establish any accounting objects not reflected in these regulations, but only determine specific rules for accounting for certain types of assets (movable and immovable property, money, securities) and obligations (settlements with founders, loans and credits, bills of exchange, obligations to pay taxes and fees).

And only PBU 18/02 establishes certain accounting objects independently, in isolation from the rest of the regulatory framework. Moreover, the concept of “” in general contradicts concept " obligation"established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Because in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, by virtue of an obligation, one person (debtor) is obliged to perform a certain action in favor of another person (creditor), such as: transfer property, perform work, pay money, etc., or refrain from a certain actions, and the creditor has the right to demand that the debtor fulfill his obligation (clause 1 of Article 307 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 307 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an obligation cannot arise due to the application of any accounting regulations.

Economics and PBU 18/02

What economic information do IT and SHE carry? What are they talking about?

There is an opinion:

IT - show the amount of your future tax liabilities, that is, the amount of tax you will pay in the future.

SHE - show the amount by which you will reduce taxes in the future, therefore this is a tax asset.

But this is what we will read if we turn to the primary source, that is, to PBU 18/02.

Paragraph two of paragraph 14 of PBU 18/02: “The organization recognizes deferred tax assets in the reporting period when deductible temporary differences arise, when provided that it is probable that it will receive taxable profit in subsequent reporting periods».

Paragraph one of paragraph 15 of PBU 18/02: “For the purposes of the Regulations, deferred tax liability means that part of deferred income tax, which should lead to an increase in income tax payable to the budget in the following reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods».

That is, in essence, we must take into account the probability of the occurrence of a particular event. Once again: what is taken into account is not specific property, not a specific obligation arising from a contract or law, but the probability that some event will occur in the future.

And in this case, the application of PBU 18/02 can lead not just to a distortion of financial statements, but to a distortion of economic relations.

Let me consider this situation using an example:

The organization (CJSC Plus-Minus) this year received revenue in the amount of 130 thousand. Expenses, except for depreciation charges, are equal for both accounting and tax accounting purposes and amount to 50 thousand rubles. The property on which depreciation is charged has the same initial cost for accounting and tax purposes - 100 thousand, and has the same - 2 years. But for accounting purposes, depreciation is calculated non-linearly, for tax accounting purposes - linearly; Thus, in the current year, depreciation for accounting purposes amounted to 75 thousand, for tax accounting purposes - 50 thousand.
Revenue – 130 thousand.
Expenses – 125 thousand (50 + 75)

Tax accounting:
Income – 130 thousand.
Expenses – 100 thousand (50+50)
Tax base – 30 thousand.

Profit before tax – 5 thousand.
Current income tax is 7.2 thousand.
If we do not apply PBU 18/02, then it turns out that in the current period the Organization received a loss in the amount of 2.2 thousand.
Now, based on the requirements of PBU 18/02, we determine. We assume that it is probable that the Organization will generate income in the next year.
The temporary difference is 125 thousand – 100 thousand = 25 thousand.
IT is 25 thousand * 24% = 6 thousand.
Profit before tax – 5 thousand.
Current income tax is 7.2 thousand.
Deferred tax assets – 6 thousand.
Net profit – 3.8 thousand.

Thus, based on the results of the current year, the founders of this CJSC have the right to receive dividends in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 42 of the Federal Law “On Joint Stock Companies”, because the source of payment of dividends is the company’s profit after taxation (net profit of the company), and the net profit of the company determined according to the company’s financial statements.

We just took into account the probability of a certain event, namely, that next year the CJSC will make a profit, but we are paying dividends for the past year. What if the “condition for the existence of the probability” of making a profit was assessed incorrectly? What if the Organization incurs losses next year? Will shareholders have to return the dividends paid to them, determined on the basis of financial statements compiled in accordance with the requirements of PBU 18/02?

In the event that, based on the requirements of PBU 18/02, Deferred Tax Liabilities arise, the situation will be the opposite: shareholders entitled to receive dividends in the current year “according to ordinary accounting” will receive nothing if the Organization does not make a profit next year.

Let's summarize:

Firstly, the calculation of any taxes, including income tax, only on the basis of accounting data is not normatively justified.

Secondly, the concept of “accounting profit” used in PBU 18/02 contradicts the concept of accounting profit defined by the Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation.

Thirdly, PBU 18/02 is not based on other regulations of the Russian Federation that have greater legal force than this PBU itself.

Fourthly, the application of PBU 18/02 distorts the economic relations between shareholders and the joint-stock company: shareholders can claim profits that the Company has not yet received and there is only a probability that it will someday be received, or, conversely, shareholders lose the right to receive dividends from actually received profits.

Thus, we can confidently assert that from the point of view of the existing regulatory framework of the Russian Federation and economic relations, the existence of PBU 18/02 is not only not justified, but in some moments its existence directly contradicts the established norms of law and economics.

Masterskikh E.S., General Director of AKF GrandMaster LLC

On December 31, 2002, the Russian Ministry of Justice registered the order of the Russian Ministry of Finance dated November 19, 2002 No. 114 “On approval of the accounting regulations “Accounting for income tax calculations” PBU 18/02.” As we reported in the last issue of BUKH.1C, in this regard, the 1C company plans to release new editions of accounting solutions for the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system, which we will definitely inform our readers about. In the meantime, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the point of view of an independent specialist. Comments on the main provisions of the new PBU M. L. Pyatov, Ph.D., St. Petersburg State University.

What are “deferred taxes” and why should they be taken into account?

When reading the requirements of PBU 18/02, first of all, you should understand why this PBU was adopted. What is the meaning of additional and complex entries that reflect “non-existent” budget calculations in accounting? Why in practice do we need essentially “third accounting” - something between accounting and tax?

The fact is that the existing discrepancies between accounting and tax accounting, i.e. Between the rules that we follow when preparing accounting entries and the rules for calculating taxable bases and amounts of taxes payable to the budget, a situation is created where the indicators reflected in the financial statements and the organizations’ tax payment obligations do not correspond at all with each other.

For an accountant, such discrepancies are obvious and understandable. However, the trouble is that he prepares reports not for himself, but for a wide variety of groups of users of accounting information, primarily for shareholders (owners), who are sometimes far from accounting and its complex and incomprehensible methodology. For example, it may be completely incomprehensible why an organization must pay income tax, the amount of which is three times higher than the amount of profit shown in the balance sheet, or, conversely, having a huge profit in the reporting period, the organization owes virtually nothing to the budget.

Correct reading and use of accounting information is possible only if accounting statements are built on the basis of the same principles and rules. This is necessary to ensure that individual reporting elements are comparable. If, for example, we recognize income in accounting based on the accrual method, and in tax accounting based on the cash method, then the obligation to the budget to pay tax will be calculated on the basis of the cash method. And this will make the profit reflected in the reporting - on the one hand, and the amount of debt to the budget - on the other, incomparable in terms of the time component.

Moreover, the discrepancy in the rules for the distribution (recognition) of the amounts of income, expenses and profits in accounting and tax accounting over reporting periods also affects the amounts of real cash flows of organizations. “Overpayment” of tax relative to accounting data in the current reporting (tax) period creates tax savings in future reporting periods, and, conversely, “underpayment” of tax, creating potential liabilities to the budget in the current period, increases the amount of real tax debt, which will arise in the future, which makes it necessary to reserve available funds for upcoming payments to the budget.

This state of affairs requires the introduction of indicators into the financial statements that reflect the relationship between the accounting and tax interpretation of the facts of economic life. In international accounting standards, discrepancies between financial and tax reporting data are expressed through the category “deferred taxes”.

The procedures for accounting for deferred taxes are already familiar to Russian practicing accountants in connection with accounting for VAT calculations with the budget. Taking into account the facts of the sale of products, goods (works, services), organizations that have chosen in the order on accounting policy for tax purposes “the moment of sale - payment”, until the termination of the buyers’ obligations under the credit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” reflect the potential “deferred "debt to the budget for VAT. This debt becomes an actual tax debt once the buyers have received money from them or otherwise settled their obligations. At the time of sale of goods, making entries on the debit of account 90 “Sales”, subaccount 3 “Value added tax” and the credit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” allows, therefore, to take into account among the expenses that reduce the profit from sales, which is calculated based on the accrual principle, i.e. as sales are recognized (clause 12 of PBU 9/99), and VAT is also accrued, i.e. not when the money is received, but when the goods are sold. This technique allows you to avoid overestimating the organization’s profit reflected in the financial statements by the amount of VAT that will need to be paid next year on the sales turnover of the current year. On the other hand, account 19 “VAT on acquired values” reflects the potential (i.e. future, deferred) budget debt to the organization for reimbursement (offset) of VAT paid to suppliers.

PBU 18/02 establishes the rules for accounting for “deferred” taxes that may occur in settlements with the budget for income tax.

The general meaning of the methods of PBU 18/02

The general purpose of deferred tax accounting is to reflect the consequences of situations in which the amount of accounting profit differs from taxable profit. This is achieved by reflecting in the accounting accounts that in the current reporting period the organization either “overpays” or “underpays” income tax to the budget relative to the amount of tax that it would have to pay if the amount of taxable profit was equal to the accounting profit.

The use of the proposed methods allows you to reflect in accounting not only the amount of income tax payable to the budget, or the amount of overpaid and (or) collected tax due to the organization, or the amount of the tax offset in the reporting period, i.e. actual settlements with the budget for income tax, but also amounts that can affect the amount of income tax for subsequent reporting periods in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (clause 1 of PBU 18/02).

This is achieved by introducing into accounting terminology such completely new concepts for our practice as permanent and temporary differences between accounting profit (loss) and taxable profit (loss) of the reporting period, resulting from the application of various rules for recognizing income and expenses in accounting and tax accounting.

Permanent differences between accounting and taxable profits and permanent tax liabilities

According to paragraph 4 of PBU 18/02, permanent differences are understood as income and expenses that form the accounting profit (loss) of the reporting period and are excluded from the calculation of the tax base for income tax for both the reporting and subsequent reporting periods.

The PBU provides examples of possible situations where permanent differences may arise. The given list is by no means exhaustive, but the general meaning here is that the independent existence of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and accounting regulations and, accordingly, the independent existence of the rules by which the amount of profit reflected in the financial statements and the amount of profit in tax returns is calculated, creates situations when income and expenses affecting the amount of accounting profit do not affect taxable profit and, conversely, affecting the amount of taxable profit, are not taken into account when calculating accounting profit. However, their recognition is not carried forward to future reporting periods, but is canceled in principle. Those. in this case, for example, the amount of expense in the current reporting period that changed accounting profit, but did not reduce payments to the budget, will never reduce taxable profit.

PBU 18/02 prescribes to reflect the impact of permanent tax differences on the financial position of organizations in accounting through special entries in analytical and synthetic accounting for accounts whose turnovers and balances are formed by these incomes and expenses. According to clause 5 of PBU 18/02, information on permanent differences can be generated on the basis of primary accounting documents: either in accounting registers, or in another manner determined by the organization independently. Paragraph 6 of PBU 18/02 establishes that permanent differences in the reporting period are reflected in accounting separately (in the analytical accounting of the corresponding account for assets and liabilities in the valuation of which a permanent difference arose). So, for example, an organization manufactures products whose unit cost is 300 rubles. 50 of them are expenses that do not reduce the amount of taxable profit. When reflecting the corresponding expenses in accounting, we will have to make entries on the credit of accounts for materials, calculations, depreciation, etc. for 300 rub. and debit accounts: account 20 "Main production", analytical account 1 "Costs that reduce the amount of taxable profit" - 250 rubles, and account 20 "Main production" - analytical account 2 "Costs that do not reduce the amount of taxable profit" - 50 rubles .

In accordance with paragraph 7 of PBU 18/02, the consequence of permanent tax differences is the emergence of a permanent tax liability, which is understood as the amount of tax leading to an increase in tax payments for income tax in the reporting period. It is calculated as the product of the permanent difference that arose in the reporting period and the profit tax rate established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees and in force on the reporting date.

Reflecting a permanent tax liability in accounting, we distinguish from the total amount of profit reflected in accounting, which must be given to the budget in the form of tax, that part of it that we give due to differences in accounting and tax interpretation of the facts of economic life, which form permanent differences. An entry is made in the debit of account 99 “Profits and losses” (sub-account “Permanent tax liability”) in correspondence with the credit of account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees”. Thus, from the financial statements we can see what part of the profit the organization gives to the budget due to the non-recognition of part of the income and expenses shown in the accounting for the purposes of determining taxable profit.

Temporary differences between accounting and taxable profits

The second group of tax differences arising as a result of differences applied in accounting and tax accounting is defined as temporary differences, by which PBU 18/02 understands income and expenses that form accounting profit (loss) in one reporting period, and the tax base for income tax in another or in other reporting periods. In other words, these are the amounts of income and expenses that occurred and were reflected in accounting in accordance with the requirements of PBU 9/99 and 10/99 in the current reporting period. These income and expenses are not taken into account when calculating taxable profit, but in future (future) reporting periods their amounts, in accordance with the requirements of tax legislation, will have to be taken into account when calculating taxable profit. The corresponding income and expenses in future periods will be recognized for tax purposes, and organizations that have them will either have to pay more taxes in future reporting periods relative to their accounting profits, or, conversely, will receive the illusion of tax savings. This means that temporary differences in the formation of taxable profit lead to the formation of deferred income tax equal to the amount that affects the amount of income tax payable to the budget in the following reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods.

Depending on the nature of their impact on taxable profit (loss), PBU 18/02 divides temporary differences into:

  • deductible temporary differences;
  • taxable temporary differences.

According to clause 11 of PBU 18/02, deductible temporary differences in the formation of taxable profit (loss) lead to the formation of deferred income tax, which should reduce the amount of income tax payable to the budget in the following reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods. Thus, deductible temporary differences occur when in the current reporting period the organization's accounting profit is less than its taxable profit. This difference will be adjusted in subsequent reporting periods, due, for example, to the recognition in tax accounting of expenses recognized and reflected in accounting already in the current period.

According to clause 12 of PBU 18/02, taxable temporary differences in the formation of taxable profit (loss) lead to the formation of deferred income tax, which should increase the amount of income tax payable to the budget in the following reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods. Here we see the opposite situation. Due to differences in the criteria for recognizing income and expenses in accounting and tax accounting, taxable profit in the current reporting period is less than the accounting profit. In future reporting periods, this will be adjusted in that, for example, expenses recognized in tax accounting in the current period will be recognized in accounting, but taxable profit will no longer be reduced. This means that the payment of tax on the amount of accounting profit is “carried forward” to future reporting periods.

By analogy with permanent tax differences, paragraph 13 of PBU 18/02 requires that deductible temporary differences and taxable temporary differences of the reporting period be reflected in accounting separately (in the analytical accounting of the corresponding account for assets and liabilities in the assessment of which the deductible temporary difference or taxable difference arose). time difference).

Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

Reflection of the impact of deductible and taxable temporary differences on the financial position of organizations is achieved by presenting information on deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities in the financial statements. Accordingly, the presence of deductible temporary differences - “overpayment” of tax relative to the amount of accounting profit of organizations - determines the appearance of tax assets; Taxable temporary differences - "underpayment" of tax - create deferred tax liabilities. In fact, “overpayment” and “underpayment” of tax are illusions, a kind of optical illusion that arises when getting acquainted with financial statements due to the fact that accounting and taxable profits are calculated according to different rules.

This leads to the following definitions and algorithms for calculating amounts.

According to paragraph 14, a deferred tax asset is understood as that part of the deferred income tax that should lead to a reduction in income tax payable to the budget in the following reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods. Deferred tax assets are equal to the amount determined as the product of deductible temporary differences that arose in the reporting period by the income tax rate established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees and in effect on the reporting date.

According to paragraph 15, deferred tax liability is understood as that part of deferred income tax that should lead to an increase in income tax payable to the budget in the following reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods. Deferred tax liabilities are equal to the amount determined as the product of taxable temporary differences that arose in the reporting period by the income tax rate established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees and in effect on the reporting date.

Thus, a deferred tax asset in accounting is the amount of diverted funds, i.e. funds of assets temporarily withdrawn from circulation due to a reduction in the organization’s own sources of funds, which will be reimbursed in future periods through the redistribution of income and expenses between accounting and tax accounting.

Deferred tax liability is the amount of potential debt to the budget, adjusting the amount of accounting profit, which, due to the “late” (relative to tax accounting) recognition of expenses in the current reporting period, exceeds taxable profit. This adjustment makes it possible to remove possible misconceptions among owners regarding the amount of profit to be distributed, part of which in future reporting periods will have to be given to the budget in the form of income tax.

Reflection of deferred tax assets and liabilities in accounting accounts

PBU 18/02, without making changes to the nomenclature of the chart of accounts for accounting (probably this is a matter of the near future), determines that deferred tax assets are reflected in accounting in a separate synthetic account for accounting for deferred tax assets, and deferred tax liabilities are reflected in accounting accounting on a separate synthetic account for accounting for deferred tax liabilities.

According to clause 17, a deferred tax asset is reflected in accounting as a debit to the account for accounting for deferred tax assets in correspondence with the account for accounting for settlements of taxes and fees.

As deductible temporary differences decrease or are fully settled, deferred tax assets will decrease or be fully settled. Amounts by which deferred tax assets are reduced or fully repaid in the current reporting period are reflected in accounting as a credit to the deferred tax assets account in correspondence with the account for settlements of taxes and fees.

If there is no taxable profit in the current reporting period, but there is a possibility that it will arise in subsequent reporting periods, then the amounts of the deferred tax asset will remain unchanged until the reporting period when taxable profit arises, unless otherwise provided by Russian tax legislation and fees.

A deferred tax asset upon disposal of the asset for which it was accrued is written off to the profit and loss account in the amount by which, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, taxable profit will not be reduced for both the reporting period and subsequent reporting periods.

According to clause 18, the deferred tax liability is reflected in accounting as a credit to the account for accounting for deferred tax liabilities in correspondence with the debit of the account for accounting for settlements of taxes and fees.

As taxable temporary differences decrease or are fully settled, deferred tax liabilities will decrease or be fully settled.

Amounts by which deferred tax liabilities are reduced or fully repaid in the reporting period are reflected in accounting as the debit of the deferred tax liability account in correspondence with the credit of the account for accounting for settlements of taxes and fees.

The deferred tax liability upon disposal of an asset or type of liability for which it was accrued is written off to the profit and loss account in the amount by which, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, taxable profit will not be increased for both the reporting and subsequent reporting periods .

To understand the general meaning of the posting schemes proposed by PBU 18/02, it is necessary to refer to the following text of the regulatory document under consideration, where another fundamentally new concept for accounting practice is introduced - “conditional expense (conditional income tax income)”.

According to clause 20, the conditional expense (conditional income) for income tax is, for the purposes of the Regulations, the amount of income tax determined on the basis of accounting profit (loss) and reflected in the accounting records regardless of the amount of taxable profit (loss).

The conditional expense (conditional income) for income tax is equal to the value determined as the product of the accounting profit generated in the reporting period and the income tax rate established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees and in force on the reporting date.

The conditional expense (conditional income) for income tax is accounted for in accounting in a separate subaccount for accounting for conditional expenses (conditional income) for income tax to the account for accounting for profits and losses.

The amount of the accrued contingent income tax expense for the reporting period is reflected in accounting as a debit to the profit and loss account (sub-account for accounting for contingent income tax expenses) in correspondence with the credit of the account for accounting for settlements of taxes and fees.

The amount of accrued conditional income for profit tax for the reporting period is reflected in accounting as a debit to the account for accounting for calculations of taxes and fees and a credit to the account for accounting for profits and losses (sub-account for accounting for conditional income for profit tax).

Thus, the essence of the proposed PBU 18/02 methodology is that the entire system of records reflecting deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities is constructed as a set of entries that adjust the entry for the accrual of income tax debt, compiled for the amount of tax at the rate calculated from accounting profit. This entry is defined in PBU as a reflection of conditional income or tax expense.

So, initially, based on the amount of profit calculated in accordance with accounting regulations and reflected in accounting under the credit of account 99 "Profits and losses", a pseudo-debt to the budget for income tax is accrued in the amount of tax on accounting profit, calculated at the tax rate in accordance with from ch. 25 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. A posting is made for this amount:

Debit 99 “Profits and losses” Credit 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees”

If the rules for calculating profit in accounting and tax accounting were completely identical, no other entries would be required.

However, they are not identical, and therefore we must then make adjustment entries, the purpose of which is to bring the amount reflected in account 68 to our actual income tax debt to the budget (or budget debt to our organization).

First of all, the amount of real debt relative to the conditional expense (conditional income) for income tax reflected in account 68 is increased by the amount of permanent tax liabilities, the amount of which, in accordance with clause 7 of PBU 18/02, we must make a debit entry for account 99 “Profits and losses”, sub-account “Permanent tax liability” and credit to account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees”.

Further, if there are temporary taxable differences and, accordingly, deferred tax liabilities, the accounting should reflect the amount of the income tax liability that will arise in future reporting periods, but which is due to income and expenses already recognized in the accounting of the current reporting period and correspondingly affecting the amount of profit reflected in the financial statements of the current reporting period. For the amount of this deferred liability, in accordance with clause 18, an entry is made that reduces the amount of the pseudo-liability for income tax shown as a conditional expense (Debit 99 Credit 68) and at the same time reflects the fact that part of this pseudo-liability is a conditional debt to the budget, which will become a real debt for payment of tax in the future:

Debit 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees” Credit “Deferred tax liabilities”

In future reporting periods, a reverse entry is made for the amount of deferred tax liabilities that transform into real debt to the budget:

Debit "Deferred tax liabilities" Credit 68 "Calculations for taxes and fees"

Further, in the event of deductible temporary differences, i.e. in a situation where the taxable profit of an organization in the current reporting period exceeds its accounting profit, accounting should show an increase in real debt to the budget relative to the amount of conditional income tax expense due to additional diversion of the organization’s own sources of funds.

The following entry is made for the amount of the deferred tax asset in accordance with clause 17:

Debit "Deferred tax assets" Credit 68 "Calculations for taxes and fees"

In future reporting periods, when, in connection with the recognition of relevant income and expenses in accounting, the amount of conditional income tax expense exceeds the real amount of debt by the amount of conditional tax assets reflected in the previous reporting period, this difference must be adjusted by recording the corresponding amount for the debit of account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees” and the credit of the account “Deferred tax assets”.

The preparation of the considered entries leads to the fact that account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees” reflects the amount of real debt to the budget for income tax, defined in clause 21 as the current income tax.

Reflection of information on deferred tax assets and liabilities in the financial statements

Paragraph 19 establishes that when preparing financial statements, an organization is given the right to reflect in the balance sheet the balanced (collapsed) amount of a deferred tax asset and a deferred tax liability.

Reflection in the balance sheet of the balanced (collapsed) amount of a deferred tax asset and a deferred tax liability is possible if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

a) the presence of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities in the organization;
b) deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are taken into account when calculating income taxes.

The final regulations of PBU 18/02, which do not require special comments, establish that the current income tax (current tax loss) for each reporting period must be recognized in the financial statements as a liability equal to the amount of the unpaid tax.

Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are reflected in the balance sheet as non-current assets and long-term liabilities, respectively.

Continuous tax liabilities, deferred tax assets, deferred tax liabilities and current income taxes (current tax loss) are recorded in the income statement.

If there are permanent tax liabilities, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities that adjust the indicator of conditional expense (conditional income) for income tax, the following are disclosed separately in the explanations to the balance sheet and profit and loss statement:

  • conditional expense (conditional income) for income tax;
  • permanent and temporary differences that arose in the reporting period and resulted in the adjustment of the conditional expense (conditional income) for income tax in order to determine the current income tax (current tax loss);
  • permanent and temporary differences that arose in previous reporting periods, but resulted in an adjustment of the conditional expense (conditional income) for the income tax of the reporting period;
  • the amount of permanent tax liability, deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability;
  • reasons for changes in applied tax rates compared to the previous reporting period;
  • the amounts of a deferred tax asset and a deferred tax liability written off to the profit and loss account in connection with the disposal of an item of asset (sale, transfer on a gratuitous basis or liquidation) or type of liability.

Boundaries of mandatory application of PBU 18/02

Concluding this article, it should be noted that according to clause 2 of PBU 18/02, it may not be applied by small businesses.

Let us remind you that according to Art. 3 of the Federal Law of June 14, 1995 No. 88-FZ "On State Support of Small Business in the Russian Federation", small business entities are understood as commercial organizations in the authorized capital of which the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public and religious organizations (associations) have a share. , charitable and other funds does not exceed 25%, the share owned by one or more legal entities that are not small businesses does not exceed 25% and in which the average number of employees for the reporting period does not exceed the following maximum levels (small enterprises): in industry - 100 people; in construction - 100 people; on transport - 100 people; in agriculture - 60 people; in the scientific and technical field - 60 people; in wholesale trade - 50 people; in retail trade and consumer services - 30 people; in other industries and when carrying out other types of activities - 50 people.

Small enterprises carrying out several types of activities (multi-industry) are classified as such according to the criteria of the type of activity whose share is the largest in the annual turnover or annual profit.

The average number of employees of a small enterprise for the reporting period is determined taking into account all its employees, including those working under civil contracts and part-time, taking into account the actual time worked, as well as employees of representative offices, branches and other separate divisions of the specified legal entity.

At the same time, paragraph 3 of Art. 3 of the Law specifically establishes that if a small enterprise exceeds the number established by this article, the specified enterprise is deprived of the benefits provided for by current legislation for the period during which the specified excess was allowed, and for the next three months.

"Current issues of accounting and taxation", 2005, N 21

Despite two years of experience in using PBU 18/02<1>, this accounting standard remains one of the most difficult to understand and apply in practice today.

<1>Accounting Regulations “Accounting for Income Tax Calculations” PBU 18/02, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 19, 2002 N 114n.

This article examines the technology of application of PBU 18/02 and analyzes changes in the procedure for maintaining accounting and reporting related to the introduction of this Regulation. Also, this accounting standard cannot be used without taking into account changes that have occurred in tax legislation. Therefore, changes in income tax introduced by Law No. 58-FZ will be touched upon and considered.<2>. The main emphasis is placed on presenting practical recommendations for the application of PBU 18/02, including by summarizing the practice of its application at enterprises of various organizational and legal forms.

<2>Federal Law of 06.06.2005 N 58-FZ "On amendments to part two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and some other legislative acts of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees."

Organization of accounting in accordance with the requirements of PBU 18/02

Before moving on to the features and nuances of the procedure for applying PBU 18/02, let us dwell on the organization of accounting for emerging differences in the assessment of income and expenses and deferred taxes in accordance with the requirements of this accounting standard. The rules for generating information on permanent differences, established by clause 5 of PBU 18/02, give the organization the right to choose to reflect the necessary data on the basis of primary accounting documents: either in accounting registers, or in another manner determined by the organization independently.

Temporary differences in accordance with the provisions of clause 13 of PBU 18/02 are reflected separately in the analytical accounting of the corresponding accounting account by type of assets and liabilities in the assessment of which deductible and taxable differences arose.

Please note: in accordance with clause 8 of PBU 1/98<3>Organizations, when forming accounting policies for a specific area of ​​accounting, for example, income tax accounting, independently choose one of several methods allowed by legislation or regulations on accounting.
<3>Accounting Regulations “Accounting Policy of the Organization” PBU 1/98, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 9, 1998 N 60n.

When determining the provisions for accounting for income tax calculations, which should be contained in the order on accounting policies for 2005, it is necessary to proceed from the same principles. In particular, to maintain analytical accounting of permanent, temporary differences and deferred taxes, an organization can independently choose any procedure for maintaining analytical accounting and consolidate it in its accounting policies. These may be accounting registers, an analytical report from an accountant, or subaccounts of the corresponding accounts of assets and liabilities, in the assessment of which temporary and permanent differences have arisen. Similar explanations were given in Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 15, 2003 N 16-00-14/129.

Therefore, one of the primary tasks facing an accountant who starts working with PBU 18/02 is to properly organize “analytics” in accounting, since well-constructed analytical accounting will greatly facilitate the accountant’s work. How can you ensure that it is not only competent, but also conveniently compiled?

Organizing analytical accounting for asset and liability accounts in accounting registers is a labor-intensive process. In practice, organizations develop their own analytical register for accounting for temporary and permanent differences of the reporting period. Reflecting information in a separate register simplifies the identification, determination and accounting of both permanent and temporary differences of the reporting period. This procedure for reflecting information about emerging differences must be fixed in the order on accounting policies.

Below is a sample analytical register form that can be used to reflect information about emerging permanent and temporary differences in an organization’s accounting.

This register can be maintained for all differences arising between accounting and tax accounting for the reporting (tax) period. If there are many differences, then for large groups of expenses and income it is advisable to establish separate analytical registers.

Application of PBU 18/02 at a manufacturing enterprise

Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation introduced a special procedure for assessing work in progress (WIP) and finished products (GP) for tax accounting purposes, different from that used in accounting. Differences in the procedure for assessing work in progress are a source of temporary differences (clause 8 of PBU 18/02). It should be noted that when forming production costs included in the calculation of such production, the costs already contain differences in depreciation, material costs, labor costs and other expenses.

At the same time, Law No. 58-FZ introduced changes to the procedure for assessing work in progress, which came into force on January 1, 2005. In particular, the list of direct costs has been expanded and is open. Therefore, the organization has the right to bring accounting closer to the calculation of income tax by defining a single list of direct expenses when calculating expenses attributable to work in progress. Changing the list of direct expenses included in the calculation for tax purposes increases the amount of expenses attributable to work in progress, but this may lead to an increase in the tax burden of the taxpayer. In practice, as a rule, there are differences in the assessment of work in progress in accounting and tax accounting.

At the moment, one of the most used and accessible is the method of reflecting temporary differences in the assessment of work in progress based on differences in costs related to the balances of work in progress, which are included in the calculation of the given production of the next month. In other words, differences are formed by expenses that are not taken into account when determining the financial result of the current month and, accordingly, taxable profit. This procedure allows you to keep track of differences in all differences in the assessment of income and expenses between accounting and the calculation of taxable profit.

If the value of work in progress balances, determined for tax purposes, exceeds the value of work in progress balances according to accounting data, calculated at the end of the previous reporting period, a deductible temporary difference arises (clause 11 of PBU 18/02). If the value of work-in-process balances according to accounting data exceeds the value of work-in-process balances determined for tax purposes at the end of the previous reporting period, then a taxable temporary difference arises (clause 12 of PBU 18/02).

Let's look at the above with examples.

Unfinished production

Example 1. Let's take Omega LLC, whose main activity is production.

The calculation of expenses attributable to work in progress is carried out according to the corresponding cost items. Let us assume that the expenses for each item in both accounting and tax accounting are identical. In this case, differences will arise only in the ratio of direct and indirect costs and, accordingly, the procedure for calculating work in progress in accounting and tax accounting. As an exception, we will allow a difference in the amount of accrued depreciation in accounting and tax accounting. For example:

Let’s assume that in the reporting period all manufactured products were sold, that is, there are no GP balances in the warehouse based on the results of the reporting period. The revenue received by the organization in the reporting period, in accounting and for tax purposes, amounted to 1,500,000 rubles.

Data on expenses of the reporting period are given in the tables.

Let's calculate the temporary difference at the beginning of the reporting period, which arises in the amount of excess of the value of work in progress balances, established according to accounting data, over the value of work in progress balances, determined for tax purposes. In the example presented, the temporary difference is taxable and amounts to RUB 35,000. (150,000 - 115,000). This taxable temporary difference forms the balance of the deferred tax liability in the amount of RUB 8,400. (RUB 35,000 x 24%).

The opening balance of the deferred tax liability in assessing differences in work in progress in accounting and tax accounting at the beginning of the reporting period is reflected in the credit of account 77.

The temporary difference at the end of the period also arises in the amount of excess of the value of the balances of work in progress according to accounting data over the value of the balances of such production, determined for tax purposes. In the example, the temporary difference is taxable and equal to RUB 30,000. (120,000 - 90,000). The specified taxable temporary difference forms the balance of the deferred tax liability in the amount of RUB 7,200. (RUB 30,000 x 24%).

Please note: the temporary difference arising in depreciation charges, which is included in the calculation of work in progress and amounts to 20,000 rubles. (120,000 + 90,000 - 140,000 - 50,000) (Debit 20 Credit 02), in accounting is the taxable difference in the excess of the amounts of accrued depreciation in tax accounting over the amount. The taxable difference forms a deferred tax liability in accounting in the amount of RUB 4,800. (RUB 20,000 x 24%).

Thus, on synthetic account 77 “Deferred tax liabilities”, accounting is organized in the “analytics” of each arising temporary difference, both the current reporting period and previous reporting periods. In particular, separately on the differences in the calculation of work in progress, on the amounts of accrued depreciation.

Contents of operationDebitCreditAmount, rub.
62 90-1 1 500 000
Included in the main costs
production direct costs by amount
depreciation, material costs,
wages and other expenses
20 02, 10,
60, 69,
790 000
Reflected as part of general economic expenses
expenses indirect expenses of the reporting
26 02, 01,
60, 69,
390 000
The expenses attributable to
finished products
43 20 820 000
Those recorded in the reporting period were written off
administrative expenses
90-2 26 390 000
The cost of sales was written off
finished products
90-2 43 820 000

(1,500,000 - 820,000 - 390,000) rub.
90-9 99 290 000
Calculated conditional tax expense
on the profit of the reporting period
(RUB 290,000 x 24%)
99 68 69 600

tax accounting over amounts
depreciation in accounting
(RUB 20,000 x 24%)
68 77 4 800

expenses attributable to work in progress for
end and beginning of the reporting period
(7200 - 8400) rub.
77 68 1 200

Having reflected these business transactions in accounting, we obtain the amount of income tax calculated in accordance with the requirements of PBU 18/02. The amount of income tax is determined according to accounting data, based on a conditional expense, taking into account the occurrence and repayment of deferred tax assets and liabilities, as well as permanent liabilities for the reporting period (clauses 20, 21 of PBU 18/02). Thus, the amount of income tax for the reporting period will be 66,000 rubles. (69,600 + 1200 - 4800).

According to tax accounting data, taxable profit will be 275,000 rubles. (1,500,000 - 655,000 - 570,000). The income tax of the reporting period reflected in the tax return, according to tax accounting data, will be equal to 66,000 rubles. (RUB 275,000 x 24%).

The income tax calculated according to accounting data coincides with the income tax determined according to tax accounting, which, in turn, confirms the correctness of the accounting methodology used.

Finished products

Example 2. Let's use the conditions of the previous example. Let’s assume that the products produced are not fully sold, that is, there are balances of GP in the warehouse at the beginning and end of the reporting period.

Data on GP are given in tables.

ExpendituresCosts of sales
for the remains of the state enterprise
Direct expensesIndirect
Depreciation 140 000 120 000 50 000 90 000 20 000 15 000
200 000 170 000 120 000 160 000 50 000 35 000
and unified social tax
400 000 350 000 200 000 250 000 60 000 50 000
other expenses 50 000 - 20 000 70 000 10 000 -
Total 790 000 640 000 390 000 570 000 140 000 100 000

Let's calculate the temporary difference at the beginning of the reporting period, which arises in the amount of excess of the value of the balances of the state enterprise according to accounting data over the cost of expenses related to finished products in the warehouse, determined for tax purposes.

In our example, the temporary difference is taxable and amounts to RUB 25,000. (110,000 - 85,000). It forms a balance of deferred tax liability in the amount of 6,000 rubles. (RUB 25,000 x 24%).

The temporary difference at the end of the reporting period also arises in the amount of excess of the value of the balances of the state enterprise according to accounting data over the value of the balances of the state enterprise determined for tax purposes.

In the example, the temporary difference is taxable and amounts to RUB 40,000. (140,000 - 100,000). This taxable temporary difference forms the balance of the deferred tax liability in the amount of RUB 9,600. (RUB 40,000 x 24%).

Let's consider the procedure for reflecting deferred taxes and income taxes:

Contents of operationDebitCreditAmount, rub.
Reflected sales revenue 62 90-1 1 500 000
Expenses attributable to SOEs are reflected 43 20 820 000
Written off taken into account in the total cost
sales management expenses
90-2 26 390 000
The cost of sold GP was written off 90-2 43 790 000
Financial result determined
(1,500,000 - 790,000 - 390,000) rub.
90-9 99 320 000
Calculated conditional tax expense for
profit of the reporting period
(RUB 320,000 x 24%)
99 68 76 800
IT is reflected, formed in
as a result of excess depreciation in
tax accounting over amounts
depreciation in accounting
(RUB 20,000 x 24%)
68 77 4 800
A decrease in IT is reflected in the assessment
expenses attributable to work in progress at the end
and the beginning of the reporting period
(7200 - 8400) rub.
77 68 1 200
The increase in IT is reflected in the assessment
expenses attributable to the GP in the warehouse
at the end and beginning of the reporting period
(9600 - 6000) rub.<*>
68 77 3 600
<*>In the presented example, expenses related to both WIP and GP in the warehouse in accounting exceed these expenses in tax accounting. However, in practice, a different situation is possible when, for example, expenses related to GP in a warehouse in accounting are less than similar expenses in tax accounting. In this case, accounting does not reflect a deferred tax liability, but a deferred asset, the value of which, when changed at the beginning and end of the reporting period, also adjusts the income tax.

Having reflected the business transactions carried out in the accounting records, we will calculate the amount of income tax taking into account the contingent expense, arising and repaid deferred tax assets and liabilities, as well as permanent liabilities for the reporting period (clauses 20, 21 of PBU 18/02). Thus, the amount of income tax according to accounting data will be 69,600 rubles. (76,800 + 1200 - 4800 - 3600).

According to tax accounting data, taxable profit will be 290,000 rubles. (1,500,000 - 640,000 - 570,000), income tax - 69,600 rubles. (RUB 290,000 x 24%).

The amount of income tax calculated according to accounting data coincides with the amount of this tax determined according to tax accounting. From the above example, the availability and correctness of the applied methodology for accounting for temporary differences arising in the accounting of work in progress and GP in the warehouse is obvious.

Accounting for differences in the valuation of shipped but not sold products is similar to the above-described procedure for reflecting and accounting for work in progress and GP<4>.

<4>Attention is drawn to the fundamental principles of this method of accounting for deferred taxes in the Methodological Recommendations for verifying income taxes and obligations to the budget, when conducting an audit and providing related services, approved by the Ministry of Finance of Russia on April 23, 2004.

Please note: PBU 18/02 was introduced starting with reporting for 2003. As is known, the balance sheet contains two groups of indicators: at the beginning and at the end of the year. PBU 18/02 does not contain a requirement for the mandatory formation of an opening balance for deferred tax assets and liabilities as of 2003, therefore the Ministry of Finance of Russia in Letter dated 04/15/2003 N 16-00-14/129 stated that the formation of a balance - the matter is voluntary.

However, when determining WIP, GP in the warehouse, shipped but not sold products, the balance of deferred taxes in the assessment of each of the above assets is mandatory for calculating the current income tax. Therefore, accounting entries for adjusting the balance of the opening balance of temporary differences are reflected in correspondence with account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”. This adjustment is documented in a certificate for the inter-reporting period. At the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind the possibility of using retained earnings only with the consent of the owners (shareholders).

Application of PBU 18/02 by a multidisciplinary organization

Currently, many organizations simultaneously carry out several types of business activities, for which different taxation regimes must be applied. In this case, the accountant is faced with the need to organize and maintain separate records of income, expenses and property for different types of activities.

In practice, the application of the provisions of PBU 18/02 raises many questions regarding the features of accounting and settlements with the budget for taxes when combining the regular taxation system and UTII.

Multidisciplinary organizations maintain accounting records in accordance with Law N 129-FZ<5>in full. Therefore, they must apply PBU 18/02. Only small businesses can refuse to use it (clause 2 of PBU 18/02).

<5>Federal Law of November 21, 1996 N 129-FZ “On Accounting”.

The transfer of part of the activity to the payment of UTII requires separate tax and accounting accounting. In this case, how to prepare financial statements and comply with the requirements of PBU 18/02? First of all, you need to take into account that this provision is intended for organizations recognized as payers of income tax. Therefore, PBU 18/02 applies only to those types of economic activities (and, consequently, to income and expenses associated with these types of activities), as a result of which the organization is a payer of income tax. With regard to income and expenses associated with the type of activity transferred to the payment of UTII, the provisions of PBU 18/02 do not apply. This position is supported by specialists from the Russian Ministry of Finance in Letter dated July 14, 2003 N 16-00-14/220.

Thus, separate accounting of income and expenses by types of activities subject to UTII and income tax is necessary for the selective application of PBU 18/02. At the same time, separate accounting shows what financial results the organization received from each type of activity, which are necessary when assessing the financial position of the organization and the results of its activities.

Separate accounting by type of activity will allow the organization to correctly formulate the amount of conditional expense (income) without taking into account income and expenses for the type of activity transferred to a special tax regime. Let's consider the procedure for accounting for income tax calculations in an organization that combines the regular taxation system and the taxation system in the form of UTII in relation to certain types of activities.

Example 3. Alpha LLC is engaged in wholesale and retail trade. At the same time, in terms of retail, the organization has been transferred to paying UTII. At the end of the first half of 2005, income from wholesale trade was 500,000 rubles. (excluding VAT), expenses amounted to 250,000 rubles, of which 20,000 rubles. - expenses for charitable purposes that are not included in the reduction of taxable profit. Income from retail trade was received in the amount of 200,000 rubles. Expenses amounted to 100,000 rubles, and the unified social tax for retail trade is 20,000 rubles.

In accounting, from profits received from wholesale trade, according to the rules of PBU 18/02, it is necessary to accrue a conditional income tax expense in the amount of 60,000 rubles. (RUB 250,000 x 24%). At the same time, for expenses that are not accepted for tax purposes, a permanent difference is reflected in the analytical register or other accounting document, forming a permanent tax liability for the reporting period in the amount of 4,800 rubles. (RUB 20,000 x 24%).

The following entries will be made in the accounting records of Alpha LLC:

Contents of operationDebitCreditSum,
Wholesale revenue is reflected
62 90-1 Wholesale 590 000
VAT charged
(RUB 590,000 / 118% x 18%)
90-3 Wholesale 68 90 000
Sales expenses written off90-2 Wholesale 44 250 000

wholesale trade
(590,000 - 90,000 - 250,000) rub.
90-9 Wholesale99 Wholesale 250 000
Retail revenue is reflected
50 90-1 Retail 200 000
Distribution costs written off90-2 Retail 44 100 000
Financial result determined
retail trade
(200,000 - 100,000) rub.
90-9 Retail99 Retail 100 000
Calculated conditional consumption according to
income tax on wholesale
(RUB 250,000 x 24%)
99 Wholesale 68 60 000
Reflects permanent tax
obligation not accepted in
decrease in profit due to expenses
wholesale trade
(RUB 20,000 x 24%)
99 Wholesale 68 4 800

It should be noted that in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia N 67n<6>The organization's financial statements disclose information on income and expenses that are significant in relation to the activities carried out and amount to more than 5% of the total income and expenses of the organization. Therefore, information on income and expenses associated with activities subject to different taxation regimes is additionally disclosed in the corresponding reporting lines.

<6>Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 22, 2003 N 67n “On the forms of financial statements of organizations.”

In the Profit and Loss Statement for the first half of 2005, these transactions are reflected as follows:

IndexFor the reporting period
Revenue from the sale of goods 010 700 000
wholesale 500 000
retail 200 000
Cost of goods sold 020 350 000
wholesale 250 000
retail 100 000
Profit from wholesale sales 135 250 000
Profit from retail sales 136 100 000
Profit (loss) before tax 140 350 000
Current income tax 150 68 800
UTII 180 20 000
Net profit (loss) of the reporting period 190 261 200
Ongoing tax obligations 200 4 800
Please note: the provisions of PBU 18/02 apply only to income and expenses from activities subject to income tax. Therefore, payment of a single tax is considered as a mandatory after-tax payment.

Calculations for income tax for organizations with separate divisions and branches

Taxpayers of income tax are Russian and foreign organizations, while organizations with separate divisions fulfill the obligation to pay tax on branches to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Articles 246, 288 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, in accordance with the provisions of tax legislation, centralized accounting of taxable profit indicators is carried out. Branches of organizations only keep analytical records of differences that arise between accounting and tax accounting data. In this case, with the frequency established by the accounting policy, registers for accounting for temporary deductible and taxable differences, as well as permanent differences, are transferred from the branch to the parent organization. The head office of the organization generates all the necessary data to reflect the current income tax in the accounting records, in particular, indicators of deferred tax assets based on deductible temporary differences, deferred tax liabilities based on taxable temporary differences and permanent tax liabilities.

The calculation of income tax by the head office is carried out in the prescribed manner by reflecting a conditional expense for all profit (loss) before taxation, taking into account changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities for all types of assets and liabilities both for the head office of the organization and for its branches.


Journal expert

"Current issues


and taxation"

Does your company apply PBU 18/02 on accounting for income tax calculations? The article will help you understand the nuances of application.

PBU 18/02 “Accounting for corporate income tax calculations” - upon hearing this name, some accountants panic. After all, this is the most complex PBU: it contains many unclear terms and requires a lot of wiring.

Why do we need PBU 18/02?

There is no way to do without PBU 18/02. It may be complex, but it is very necessary to account for the differences between accounting and tax accounting. The fact is that the rules for recording income and expenses in tax accounting and accounting are regulated by different regulatory documents. Tax accounting is headed by the Tax Code, and accounting is governed by various accounting regulations.

Costs are not always reflected equally in both accounts. Thus, in accounting, some costs are reflected in full, and in tax accounting - within a limit (for example,). There are also costs that are reflected only in accounting and are not included in tax accounting (for example,). And these are not all cases where tax and accounting indicators diverge.

PBU 18/02 “Accounting for corporate income tax calculations” helps to connect “tax” and “accounting” profits.

Webinars for accountants at Kontur.School: changes in legislation, features of accounting and tax accounting, reporting, salaries and personnel, cash transactions.

Who has the right to refuse to apply PBU 18/02?

The legislation provides small businesses, as well as non-profit organizations, with a certain privilege: they have the choice to apply this PBU or not. Do not forget that your choice must be documented in the accounting policy.

All other income tax payers do not have such a choice: they are obliged to apply PBU 18/02, no matter how much you like it, whether it seems incomprehensible or complicates life.

Fines for non-application of PBU 18/02

As a rule, the accountant is magically affected by the amount of the fine for a particular violation. What are the consequences of non-application of PBU 18/02, which deals with accounting for corporate income tax calculations?

The amount of taxes does not depend in any way on whether the company applies PBU 18/02 or not. Therefore, inspectors have only one reason for a fine - distortion of accounting records.

Differences between tax and accounting

The difference arises every time any income or expense is reflected differently in tax and accounting.

There are two types of differences: temporary and permanent. It is extremely important for an accountant to determine which type a particular amount belongs to.

After making changes to PBU 18/02 and eliminating all the shortcomings, this Regulation became more suitable for use. It is clear that not every accountant has the patience and time to understand the intricacies of PBU 18/02. In addition, questions about the use of this PBU do not arise every day, and therefore, even clarified and verified information has time to be erased from memory.

PBU 18/02 is one of the most difficult. It is overloaded with incomprehensible terms and requires a lot of posting. Income tax alone sometimes has to be collected from five indicators! But what’s even worse is that this PBU (by the way, an analogue of the long-defunct IFRS) does not explain why all this is needed. We will answer questions from those who want to understand.

What are PNO and PNA

Elizaveta Semenova, Moscow

My program itself calculates deferred taxes, so I didn’t really delve into the intricacies of PBU 18/02. But recently I noticed this strange thing: IT is reflected in the credit of account 68, and PNA - in the debit. The same is true with liabilities: ONO is on the debit of account 68, and PNO is on the credit. I think assets and liabilities should be reported the same way. Maybe there is an error in my program?

: Everything is fine with your program, and it does the wiring correctly. Why are deferred and permanent taxes reflected differently?

As you know, the income statement contains the indicators “profit before taxes” and “current income taxes”. This tax is not charged on accounting profit, but on tax profit, which does not appear in the financial statements.

SHE, IT, PNA and PNO are indicators that link accounting profit and real income tax.

SHE and IT appear when profit is recognized in tax accounting earlier or later than in accounting.

If part of the accounting profit is never recognized in tax accounting or vice versa, then PNA/PNO arise.

Situation What arises Wiring When repaid
Tax profit is recognized earlier than accounting profit SHE 09 “Deferred tax assets” 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees”, sub-account “Income Tax” In the period of recognition of accounting profit by reverse entry
IT is reflected in the balance sheet asset (line 1180)
Accounting profit is recognized earlier than tax profit IT 77 “Deferred tax liabilities” In the period of recognition of tax profit by reverse entry
IT is reflected in the liability side of the balance sheet (line 1420)
Accounting profit is greater than tax profit PNA 68, subaccount “Income Tax” 99 “Profits and losses”, PNA subaccount -
Accounting profit is less than tax profit PNO 99 "Profits and losses" 68, sub-account “Income Tax”, sub-account PNO -
PNO and PNA do not accumulate on any account, so they are not on the balance sheet. In fact, these are components of the current income tax. It is no coincidence that in the income statement, the line “current income tax” contains background information: “including PNO/PNA”. This means that the names PNO/PNA do not correspond to their essence

The table shows that only SHE and IT are assets and liabilities. To understand why this is so, we need to take accounting profit as a starting point. There is no profit yet, but the tax has already been calculated? That's her. By its nature, this asset is akin to an advance. Are you already making a profit, but will you have to pay taxes later? This IT is an obligation, essentially close to a reserve. And PNO and PNA are just a mathematical difference between the “accounting” and “tax” income taxes.

Net profit in reporting is calculated differently than in accounting

Elizaveta Semenova, Moscow

I noticed that in the profit and loss statement, PNOs are provided only for reference and are not involved in the calculation of indicators. Why then are they needed in accounting?

: The fact is that net profit in the income statement is formed from some indicators, and in accounting - from others. In the income statement, net profit is calculated as follows:

* The “–” sign is used to increase IT, the “+” sign is used to increase IT. This is what happens most often. But if IT decreased and SHE increased, then the signs will change to the opposite.

And in accounting, net profit is the balance of account 99 “Profits and losses”.

But the result (net profit), of course, is the same. Because the tax on “tax” profit, taking into account adjustments to ONA/ONO, is equal to the tax on accounting profit, taking into account adjustments to PNA/PNO. Want to make sure? Simply substitute the control ratio given in PBU 18/02 into the formula that calculates net profit for the income statement instead of the current income tax:

Of course, the simultaneous use of two methods of calculating net profit significantly complicates accounting. Currently, in IAS 12 “Income Taxes”, net profit is obtained using the current income tax adjusted for ONA/ON O put into effect on the territory of the Russian Federation by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated November 25, 2011 No. 160n. That is, the same way we do in the income statement. And the conditional expense for income tax (accounting profit tax), PNA and PNO are not provided for by the international standard. The thing is that IAS 12 and PBU 18/02 have different tasks. The purpose of IAS 12 is to show in reporting the impact not only of current income tax, but also of future tax consequences. To accomplish this task, income tax is taken from the declaration, according to SHE and IT.

The purpose of PBU 18/02 is to combine the non-existent tax on accounting profits with the real tax from the declaration. This is what PNO and PNA are for.

When selling fixed assets, we write off deferred taxes

N.V. Kryshenko, Lyubertsy

We sold the fixed asset (the car the director drove) without a loss. Its residual value in accounting was 200,000 rubles, and in tax accounting - 300,000 rubles. Sale price (excluding VAT) - 400,000 rubles. Do I understand correctly that according to the rules of PBU 18/02, I need to reflect only PNA in the amount of 20,000 rubles, because the profit from the sale of fixed assets in accounting is worth 100,000 rubles. more tax profit?

: According to the rules of PBU 18/02, you need to do different wiring. The fact that your residual value of a fixed asset differs in accounting and tax accounting indicates that you took into account more expenses in accounting than in tax accounting. This means that you have accrued deferred tax assets, which should be accounted for in account 09.

If on the date of sale of a fixed asset you have accumulated deferred assets in your accounting, then you must write them off as of the date of such sale and pp. 17, 18 PBU 18/02. This is done by regular posting (debit account 68 – credit account 09).

Deferred taxes on direct expenses are reflected only after the products are sold

Marina Ivleva, Moscow

Depreciation on production equipment in tax accounting is less than depreciation in accounting (in accounting, the useful life is shorter than in tax accounting). At the depreciation date, I record a deferred tax asset. But the result is an incorrect amount of current tax: account 68 is credited in the current period. But the products, the cost of which includes depreciation amounts, have not yet been sold, and perhaps we will not sell them until the end of the year. Maybe it’s not SHE that needs to be reflected, but something else?

: No deferred or permanent tax assets or liabilities need to be accrued at the depreciation date. After all, it does not affect the expenses of the current period either in accounting or tax accounting. Only when the products, the cost of which includes the amounts of accrued depreciation, are sold, you will need to reflect IT.

“Cure” errors in tax depreciation

Elizaveta Nekrasova, Moscow

We discovered that depreciation had not been calculated on the fixed asset in tax accounting since the beginning of the year - we accidentally put a mark in the program that the expense was not taken into account for tax purposes. This depreciation is our indirect expense. In accounting, depreciation was calculated correctly, the initial cost of fixed assets in tax and accounting accounting is the same. An error in tax accounting was corrected in the current period - the entire amount of underaccrued depreciation was recognized as expenses at one time. What postings should be made according to PBU 18/02?

: If depreciation was not accrued in your tax accounting, then in your accounting you had to accrue PNO (debit to account 99 – credit to account 68). As soon as you add additional depreciation in tax accounting, you need to make a reverse entry (debit to account 68 – credit to account 99).

Depreciation bonus in tax accounting - there will be differences in accounting

Yana, Ufa

Do I understand correctly that when calculating bonus depreciation for profit tax purposes, it is necessary to reflect PNA in accounting, and not IT?

: In accounting there is no such expense as bonus depreciation. However, this premium itself is nothing more than a one-time write-off of part of the cost of the OS clause 9 art. 258 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. And such an expense exists in accounting. It's just that writing off through normal depreciation will take longer.

Therefore, at the time of applying the depreciation tax premium in accounting, it is necessary to accrue IT. Its amount is equal to the product of the depreciation bonus amount and the income tax rate. In the future, the amount of this ONO will be gradually repaid:

  • <или>when depreciation is calculated monthly (if it is not included in the cost of production);
  • <или>as products are sold (if the amount of depreciation is involved in the formation of the cost of production and is a direct expense in tax accounting).

Amount differences can also lead to differences according to PBU 18/02

Irina Skiba, accountant, Moscow

We ordered transport services. You have to pay for them in rubles, but according to the contract their cost is tied to the euro exchange rate. We pay 10 days after the counterparty transports our goods. It turns out that the payment date moves to the month following the month of provision of services. Will this cause us to have differences according to PBU 18/02?

: Yes, differences according to the rules of PBU 18/02 should arise. After all, your accounts payable to the carrier must be recalculated into rubles both on the date of its occurrence, and on the reporting date (the last day of each month), and on the date of repayment clause 7 PBU 3/2006.

But in tax accounting there is no need to do such a recalculation for the reporting date. clause 11.1 art. 250, sub. 5.1 clause 1 art. 265 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Consequently, at the end of the month a temporary difference arises, and in accounting it is necessary to accrue the corresponding IT or IT. After completing settlements with the counterparty, all accrued SHE or IT must be written off.

Revaluation of securities at market value: determining the differences

E.A. Zubachev, Moscow

Revaluation of securities at the end of the reporting year at market value is taken into account only in accounting (both positive and negative). Such revaluation is not carried out in tax accounting. How to correctly reflect this difference in accounting: as a permanent tax liability/asset or as deferred?

: There are two points of view.

POINT OF VIEW 1. It is necessary to reflect PNO or PNA. After all, neither expenses nor income from the revaluation of securities are included in tax accounting at all. And temporary differences arise only if income/expenses appear that are taken into account in accounting in one reporting period, and in tax accounting - in another. clause 8 PBU 18/02.

POINT OF VIEW 2. Deferred taxes must be reflected. Let's say an organization overvalued securities and recognized accounting profit in the reporting period. But no tax is charged on it, since there is no tax profit from this operation. In this case, the recognition of ONO in the reporting informs the user that the real tax on this part of the accounting profit will have to be paid in the next reporting period. After all, it is known that the securities will be sold at market value, and then the profit in tax accounting will be greater than in accounting (just by the amount of additional valuations). This approach is consistent with PBU 18/02, since the standard talks about income and expenses that affect “accounting” and “tax” profit in different periods. Part of the professional community thinks the same.

The opinion of the professional community on the issue under consideration can be found: website of the fund “NRBU “BMC””→ BMC documents → Interpretations → Interpretation R82 “Temporary differences in income tax”

And IAS 12 states that revaluation of assets gives rise to deferred tax paragraph 20 IAS 12. Moreover, the fact that in IFRS deferred taxes are considered a balance sheet method (the book value of an asset or liability is compared with its tax value), and PBU 18/02 talks about comparing “accounting” and “tax” income/expenses, does not matter. After all, the tax base of an asset/liability in IFRS is those expenses that will be taken into account in the future when calculating income tax pp. 7, 8 IAS 12. The Ministry of Finance also does not see any contradictions between the income-expenditure method of PBU 18/02 and the balance sheet method of IFRS Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated 02/03/2012 No. 07-02-08/58.

Here's what independent experts suggest.


General Director of the auditing firm LLC "Vector of Development"

“ PBU 18/02 (clause 3) involves the calculation of deferred taxes by comparing “accounting” and “tax” income and expenses. When revaluing securities, income/expenses do not arise in tax accounting at all, so the difference will be recognized as permanent. The fact that when securities are disposed of, the previously carried out revaluation will affect the financial result does not matter, since this will be a completely different type of income or expense.

In my opinion, the reasoning presented in the second point of view is typical for the calculation of deferred taxes using the balance sheet method used in IFRS. The balance sheet method compares not the income or expenses themselves, but the book value and tax potential of individual assets or liabilities. With this method, a comparison of the accounting and tax values ​​of securities will lead to the formation of deferred taxes (IT or IT). However, domestic regulatory documents do not suggest the use of this method.

With a zero income tax rate, SHE and IT are not reflected

Victoria Ershova, Tver

We are a medical organization. Since 2012, we have applied a 0% income tax rate. clause 1 art. 284.1 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. What to do with deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities recorded before the zero income tax rate began to apply?
Next year we plan to continue to use the benefit. How can we organize accounting for SHE and IT? So what will change if we pay income taxes at the regular rate in 2015?

: SHE and IT, which you previously (before 2012) reflected in accounting, had to be written off on 12/31/2011 (on the date preceding the date of change in the income tax rate you applied). The results of the recalculation are reflected in account 99 “Profits and losses” clause 14 PBU 18/02. In the income statement, written-off IT and IT are reflected in line 2460 “Other”, and not in lines 2430 “Change in deferred tax liabilities” and 2450 “Change in deferred tax assets”.

The amount of deferred taxes is determined as the product of the corresponding temporary differences and the income tax rate. Considering that the rate you apply is 0%, the sums of SHE and IT will be equal to zero. Therefore, they do not need to be recorded in accounting.

However, you will need to take into account the temporary differences themselves just when switching to paying income tax at the regular rate. On the last day of the year in which you have a zero rate, you will need to generate input SHE and IT. Only in the same way as when writing them off during the transition to a zero rate of income tax, the accrual of IT/IT must be done in correspondence with account 99. And in the profit and loss statement, reflect it on line 2460 “Other”.

Reflection of deferred taxes in reporting

Irina Rebernikova, St. Petersburg

How do the balance sheet data on deferred tax assets and liabilities relate to the IT and IT data reported on the income statement? And how do you know which sign (“+” or “–”) to put in this report when reflecting deferred taxes?

: To fill out the lines of the balance sheet, data is taken on the balances on accounts 09 and 77. And when filling out the income statement, it is necessary to reflect the difference between accrued and written off deferred tax assets and liabilities.

Please note that it is very important to put the right sign correctly, because it depends on whether the net profit figure will be correctly indicated in the income statement. Therefore, you can use one more way to check: the indicator on line 2410 “Current income tax” of the profit and loss report should match the amount of tax according to the “profit” declaration - with the data that you indicated on line 180 “Amount of calculated tax for profit - total sheet 02 of the income tax return approved By Order of the Federal Tax Service dated March 22, 2012 No. ММВ-7-3/174@.

It is better not to abandon PBU 18/02 entirely

Igor Cherkasov, Moscow

We have complex production, we are not a small enterprise. The accounting program itself does not keep track of differences according to the rules of PBU 18/02. It is almost impossible to trace what costs and how they influence the difference between the accounting cost of production and the amount of direct expenses in tax accounting. Is it possible on this basis, taking into account the principle of rational accounting, to refuse to apply PBU 18/02?

: For failure to apply PBU 18/02, the inspectorate may fine you. This may be considered a gross violation of accounting rules (distortion of any article/line of the accounting reporting form by at least 10%) Art. 15.11 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The amount of an administrative fine for officials of an organization is from 2000 to 3000 rubles.

When accounting is kept only pro forma - for submission to the tax office, some organizations (to make the application of PBU 18/02 as easy as possible) follow this path:

  • combine the list of direct expenses in tax accounting with the list of expenses included in accounting in the cost of production;
  • when selling finished products, permanent differences are determined (by accruing PNO or PNA), considering them as the difference between the amount of direct costs for production of products in tax accounting and the cost of the same products in accounting;
  • for expenses taken into account in tax accounting as indirect, differences are calculated in the usual manner: accruing, when necessary, ONA or ONO, PNA or PNO.

Thus, organizations, on the one hand, have deferred taxes, which allow them to fill out the lines of the income statement dedicated to their changes (lines 2430 and 2450). And the reporting becomes, at first glance, similar to what it should ultimately be. On the other hand, there are no complex calculations of differences according to PBU 18/02.

However, if you go this route, you must be aware that the reporting compiled in this way cannot be called reliable. First of all, net profit is distorted. That is, the amount that is distributed as dividends.

So if your reporting is of interest not only to inspectors, but also to management, participants, auditors, and so on, then we recommend setting up your accounting program. It must ensure that all time differences are taken into account, both throughout the entire production process and throughout the product sales process.