Gerasim's attitude towards Tatyana. Essay on the topic: Love in the life of Gerasim in the story Mumu, Turgenev How the relationship between Gerasim and Tatyana developed

The following questions were answered orally at the board:
Biography of Turgenev
Literary portrait of Gerasim

1. Appearance
2. Character, disposition
3. The fate of Gerasim
4. Relationships with other people

Excerpt from the story by I.S. Turgenev:
"Out of all her servants the most wonderful face there was a janitor Gerasim,
a man twelve inches tall, built like a hero and deaf and dumb from
birth. The lady took him from the village, where he lived alone, in a small hut,
separately from his brothers, and was considered perhaps the most serviceable draft man.
Gifted with extraordinary strength, he worked for four people - the work progressed in his
hands, and it was fun to watch him when he was either plowing and leaning
with huge palms on the plow, it seemed, alone, without help. little horses,
ripped open the elastic breast of the earth, or about Peter's Day so crushingly
acted with a scythe, so that he could at least sweep away a young birch forest from its roots
down, or deftly and ceaselessly threshed with a three-yard flail, and how
the lever lowered and the long, hard muscles of his shoulders rose.
The constant silence gave solemn importance to his tireless work.
He was a nice guy, and if it weren't for his misfortune, every girl would willingly go
marry him..."

"In general, Gerasim was strict and serious disposition, loved order in everything; even the roosters didn’t dare in front of him
fight, otherwise there will be trouble! sees him, immediately grabs him by the legs, turns him around ten times
in the air like a wheel and throws it apart. There were also geese in the lady's yard; But
The goose is known to be an important and sensible bird; Gerasim felt for them
respect, followed them and fed them; he himself looked like a sedate gander.
He was assigned over the kitchen closet; he arranged it for himself, according to his own taste:
built a bed in it from oak planks on four logs, truly
heroic bed;
a hundred pounds could have been put on it and it wouldn’t have bent;
under the bed there was a hefty chest; in the corner there was a table of the same
strong quality, and next to the table there is a chair on three legs, so durable and
squat, that Gerasim himself used to pick it up, drop it and grin.
The closet was locked with a lock that resembled a kalach, only black;
Gerasim always carried the key to this lock with him on his belt. He didn't love
so that they can go to him."
1. Position
2. How old is she?
3. Character (temper) of Tatiana

Tatyana, who, as we said above, held the position of laundress (however,
she, as a skilled and learned laundress, was entrusted with only fine linen), was
a woman of about twenty years old, small, thin, blond, with moles on
left cheek. Moles on the left cheek are considered a bad omen in Rus' -
a foreshadowing of an unhappy life... Tatyana could not boast about her fate.
From early youth she was kept in a black body; she worked for two, and caresses
I’ve never seen any; they dressed her poorly, she received the most
small; It’s as if she didn’t have any relatives: just some old housekeeper,
abandoned in the village due to unworthiness, was brought to her by her uncle and other uncles
they were men, that's all. Ode was once known as a beauty, but beauty
she jumped off very soon. She was of a very meek disposition, or rather
to say, intimidated, she felt complete indifference to herself, others
was mortally afraid; I was only thinking about how to finish my work by the deadline,
never spoke to anyone and trembled at the mere name of the lady, although she
I almost didn’t even know it.

Literature lesson summary.

Subject: I. S. Turgenev. Mu Mu

Target: show the spiritual and moral qualities of the main character; teach to sympathize with someone else’s misfortune, the ability to help, console



    draw readers' attention to the fate of the main character;

    observe what character traits of the hero are manifested in his attitude towards Tatyana and Mumu;


    teach children to sympathize and have a responsive attitude towards their neighbors;

    cultivate a sense of empathy and spiritual subtlety;

    cultivate a careful attitude to the word;

    education of the moral qualities of an individual using the example of the qualities of the main character of the story;


    develop the ability to analyze literary text;

    develop the emotional sphere of students;

    develop expressive reading skills;

    develop oral speech students;

Lesson type: lesson - conversation

List of used literature:

    Literature. 5 grades Textbook for general education. Institutions. At 2 p.m. Part 2 / Auto-composition. V.Ya. Korovin and others – 4th ed. – M.: Education, 2003. – 271 p.

    Eremina O.A. Lesson planning in literature. 5th grade: Toolkit to the textbook by Korovina V.Ya. and others. “Literature. 5th grade.” / O.A. Eremina. – M.: Publishing house “Exam”, 2003. – 320 p.

    Literature. 5th grade: lesson plans based on the textbook by V.Ya. Korovina and others / author-comp. I.V. Karaseva. – 2nd ed., stereotype. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. – 136 p.

During the classes:

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activity


I . Organizing time

Method: teacher's word

Reception: introductory word

Hello guys. Sit down.

Method: teacher's word

Reception: leading word

Open your workbooks, write down the date, type of work and topic of today's lesson.

Method: hearing

Reception: global, non-evaluative, non-reflective

Sample notebook entries:

Twenty-sixth of February.


Gerasim and Tatiana. Gerasim and Mumu.

Write the date, type of work, topic of the lesson on the board

II . Homemade


Method: teacher's word

Reception: leading word

Open your diaries, write down homework. At home you will need to answer 1 question in writing on page 241 from the textbook.

Method: hearing


Write the house on the board. exercise.

III . Watching a cartoon

IV . Learning new material.

Method: teacher's word

Reception: leading word

Today we will start the conversation with an analysis of the “small incident” that happened to Gerasim, and also talk about minor characters.

Method: conversation

Reception: reproductive conversation

What little incident happened to Gerasim?

Let's analyze the behavior of each hero.

Was it by chance that the lady asked the question about Capito?

Can you guess what Gavrila is thinking?

Why did Gavrila choose tacit consent over objection? Describe his speech behavior.

Let's read a passage with the help of which we can trace Capito's attitude.

How does Kapiton feel about this situation?

Compare the intonation and tone of Gavrila’s dialogue with the lady and Gavrila’s dialogue with Kapito. What can be noted?

Now let’s read the dialogue between the butler and Tatiana.

What can you say about Tatyana’s character?

Let's talk about Gerasim. How did he behave in this situation? Did he believe that Tatyana was drunk?

Method: teacher's word

Reception: general word

Thinking about the character of the heroes, we can note: everyone knew about Gerasim’s sympathy for Tatyana, but no one spoke about it. The man’s feelings were simply trampled upon, calmly and carelessly, as was the hero’s attachment to peasant labor. And the lady is the first to blame for this.

Method: teacher's word

Reception: leading word

Retell the episode of rescuing a puppy from the coastal mud.

Method: conversation

Reception: reproductive conversation

Do you think the year after Mumu’s appearance can be called happy for Gerasim? What was the hero’s happiness?

Method: hearing

Reception: detailed, non-evaluative, unreflective

Student's oral response:

Gerasim fell in love with Tatiana.

Accidentally. The more tragic the situation becomes for Tatiana, Gerasim and Kapiton himself.

Gavrila agrees that Kapiton needs to be saved from drunkenness, at least by marriage. He did not imagine that Tatyana would be appointed his bride. “I wanted to object to something, but I pressed my lips together.”

Gavrila's behavior expresses slavish obedience, servility, and cunning. He understands that he cannot object to the lady, since this may hurt his own health. At the time of the conversation with the lady, the speech is obsequious, “sweet”: he will do everything as the hostess wishes, so as not to cause her anger in any way.

Kapiton is indifferent.

In the dialogue between Gavrila and Kapiton, the butler has a confident intonation. And now Kapiton is already servile, like the butler before. The reader understands that the butler depends on the lady, and Capiton on the butler.

Quiet, modest woman. She does not know how to stand up for herself at a time when others allow themselves to mock her. Tatyana agrees with everything that the lady decides regarding her. She has been taught this way since childhood: not to contradict.

Gerasim's character is so strong that he is not afraid to disobey the lady herself. This man is “the most remarkable person” among the servants. He is gloomy, and his gloominess is not accidental. The quick-witted Gerasim realized that Tatyana was not drunk, but most of all he was struck by Tatyana’s deception. Such a betrayal could not have been expected by a person who did not know how to bend his soul. His morals and thoughts are pure, this is what makes him push his beloved Tatyana away from him. Gerasim is having a hard time experiencing what happened. But he is saved

Brief retelling text

Oral answer:

Since Tatiana's departure and Mumu's appearance, no special events have happened. Gerasim worked calmly, took care of the defenseless puppy, felt joy from Mumu’s affection for him, and felt responsible for his pet. All this constituted Gerasim’s happiness: to be needed by someone and to take care of someone.

Reading in faces from the words “The reader is now easily himself...” to the words “Eloquence did not leave him even in such cases.”

Reading in the faces of the dialogue between the butler and Tatiana.

IV . Summarizing

Method: teacher's word

Reception: general word

Smart, kind-hearted Gerasim tried to overcome his loneliness. He, like all people, wanted to be happy and have a family. Fate sends Gerasim a Mumu. It was the little dog that now made up the hero’s “family” and made him happy.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is the author of such works as “Fathers and Sons”, “On the Eve”, “The Inn” and the well-known story “Mumu”, in which he reflected his trembling experiences and concerns about the future of his native country. From the narrative of this work one can see that the author built the plot around the problem of serfdom, which was very relevant at that time.

The story takes place in a village and the first image is immediately shown - this is a lady who is a noblewoman and landowner. She leads a secluded life in Moscow. The lady had been widowed for a long time, and her children had left: her sons were serving in St. Petersburg, and all her daughters were married.

The appearance of the lady is little described, only the following is known: “With a sweet smile on her wrinkled lips...”. The story does not say anything more about her external characteristics.

The lady takes on the deaf-mute Gerasim as a janitor. He was a man twelve inches tall, built like a hero. In the village, Gerasim worked hard and could cope with any difficult work without extra effort.

When Gerasim was brought to Moscow and appointed as a janitor, he was perplexed for a long time how to handle a broom and what his current activity was. Such work seemed like fun compared to the difficult peasant burden. Nevertheless, Gerasim quickly got used to it and with him the yard was always clean and in perfect order: - “there were no chips lying around, no litter...”

The rest of the serf ladies were afraid of Gerasim. They did not communicate with him verbally, they explained themselves by signs.

In the lady's service there was a laundress named Tatyana. The girl is shy and timid, of thin build, blond and with a mole on her left cheek, which was previously considered a very bad omen. From childhood, Tatyana was forced to do hard work, was hardly fed and dressed in rags, and she received the least salary.

The girl tried not to communicate with anyone, walked around everyone and was afraid. Most of all, the lady herself was afraid; at the mere mention of her, the girl trembled with fear. The only thing that Tatiana cares about is timely and well-done work.

When Gerasim entered the service, Tatyana was very frightened at the sight of him and avoided him for a long time. The janitor didn’t pay any attention special attention to the meek washerwoman, but then began to chuckle slightly as she passed by. Ultimately, Gerasim began to look at Tatyana, smiled tenderly and affectionately at her, hummed, treated her to sweets, and cleared the way for her. The lady's servants quickly learned about Gerasim's love for Tatiana and were even going to ask the mistress to marry them.

One day the lady, during a conversation with her butler Gavrila Andreevich, started talking about the shoemaker Capiton, who was known as a bitter drunkard, and decided that it was time for him to wean himself from drinking and calm down. For this, they decided to marry Tatiana and Kapiton. Having learned about the upcoming wedding, Tatyana could not object.

The court servants tried their best to prevent Gerasim from finding out about the upcoming wedding. And Gavrila, in turn, suggested that Tatyana pretend to be drunk, because Gerasim cannot stand drunk people. Late in the evening, Gerasim, seeing the washerwoman, began to smile affably and hummed gently. But, having examined her closer, he noticed that she was staggering and understood what was the matter. Gerasim pushed Tatyana towards Kapiton and walked away. Soon, Tatyana and Kapiton got married and went to live in the village. Before leaving, Tatyana kissed Gerasim three times. He decided to accompany them to the outpost. Having reached the river, Gerasim wanted to go back, when suddenly he saw a small puppy. He carefully took it in his hands and returned home with it.

It is worth noting that, despite his love for Tatyana, Gerasim abandoned her, deciding that she was a drunkard whom he hated. Gerasim is indeed a strong-willed person, but not free. This is also revealed in his final act with Mumu.

Option 2

Turgenev has a huge number of different works that have become popular throughout the world. But today we will talk “Moo-moo”. With the help of his work, he expresses all the feelings that he experiences in relation to his homeland. Here the main characters are Gerasim and Tatyana.

Everything happens in an ordinary village. Here the lady who has long raised children who went to the city and settled there comes to the fore. And also, just recently, her husband died. And now she feels scared and uncomfortable living in such a big house. And then she takes a man named Gerasim to work with her. And although he is deaf, he can do any housework. He needs to clean the yard every day.

A little later he was brought to Moscow and appointed chief janitor there. It’s just that he didn’t quite understand how to do the work here, but he still did it efficiently. Residents of the city could not get enough of their clean and beautiful streets, which they walked along all day long.

Here he met and became acquainted with Tatyana, who worked as a laundress. She spent all day doing her work and never sat down once that day. The girl was used to doing hard work and could live without food for several days. She was used to wearing only clothes made from rags. And in order not to get beaten, she tried not to talk to anyone, but to do the work. Most of all she was afraid of the lady, who gave her a new job.

When she saw Gerasim, she was very frightened and tried not to stay near him anywhere and not talk. This made the man always laugh and have fun. A little later he looked at the girl with different eyes and began to treat her completely differently. He felt sorry for her most of all, and he tried to take care of her and treat her with various sweets. The other servants, when they found out about this, wanted to ask the lady to marry them.

But the lady decided to do everything differently. The butler Gavrila did all the housework perfectly, but he couldn’t pass up the vodka. But if he has a beloved wife, he will stop drinking. And the ideal option for this is Tatyana. When the girl found out about this, even if she was against it, she was afraid to object to the hostess. The other servants did everything to prevent Gerasim from finding out about this. And the solution was found by itself. Tatyana needed to get drunk and then the man would refuse her. Everything turned out as expected. And in the evening, a wedding took place between Tatyana and Gavrila, and they went to live in the village.

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The story began with the fact that an old capricious lady took Gerasim as a janitor to her Moscow house from the village. Gerasim was a man twelve inches tall, almost two meters tall by modern standards, built like a hero and deaf-mute from birth. In the village he worked for four people and easily did any hard work. He plowed the land, cut hay, and threshed grain with a three-yard hand flail. When Gerasim was brought to Moscow and given a broom and a shovel in his hands, he did not understand what was happening to him, just as a young healthy bull, who had just been taken from a field where lush grass grew up to his belly, was perplexed, was taken and placed on a carriage. railway and they rush, covering his body with smoke and dust, and it is unclear where they are rushing. Gerasim was bored and perplexed. The work of a janitor seemed like a joke to him after the hard work of peasant work. He would complete it in half an hour, and then go somewhere in the corner of the yard, throw himself face down on the ground, and lie motionless on his chest for hours. Everyone in the yard was afraid of him. One day two thieves came to their yard. Gerasim took it and hit their foreheads. Since then, not a single thief has appeared in their yard. Gerasim also hated drunks. But gradually Gerasim got used to city life. He was given a closet above the kitchen, in which he arranged everything himself, according to his taste: he built a bed, a table, and a chair from oak boards. He locked his closet with a padlock; he always carried the key with him on his belt and did not like anyone to visit him. All the lady’s employees communicated with him by signs, he understood them and followed all orders, but he also knew his rights.
When she saw Gerasim for the first time, she was so afraid of him that then she tried for a long time not to meet with him. At first Gerasim did not pay attention to her, then he began to chuckle when she fearfully walked past him, and then he began to look at her, treated her to gingerbread, gave her a ribbon, cleared the dust in front of her with his broom, smiled at her and hummed affectionately. The poor girl simply didn’t know what to do or what to do. Gerasim began to stand up for Tatyana and made sure that no one offended her. Everyone in the house knew that Gerasim fell in love with Tatiana and was going to ask the lady for permission to marry Tatiana, but he was waiting for a new caftan, which they promised to sew for him for the summer. One day the lady started talking about the shoemaker Capiton - a bitter drunkard - with Gavrila Andreevich, her butler, a man who, judging by his yellow eyes and duck nose, fate itself seemed to have destined to be the person in charge. The lady regretted the corrupted morality of Kapiton, whom she had just found somewhere on the street the day before. They talked about how to wean Kapiton from drinking. And in the end, the lady decided to marry Tatiana and Kapiton. Tatyana was a humble soul, an unrequited soul, and agreed with every word of the lady. And when she found out that they wanted to marry her to Capiton, she didn’t say a word. All the serfs wanted Gerasim not to find out about this wedding. Gavrila decided to persuade Tatyana to pretend to be drunk, so that Gerasim would stop loving Tatyana, since he hated drunkards. The washerwoman did not agree for a long time, but then she agreed. One evening Gerasim, as always, stood guard at the door and saw Tatyana. At first he smiled and, as always, hummed affectionately, but when he looked closer he saw that Tatyana was staggering and guessed that she was drunk. Gerasim pushed her towards Kapiton and left. Tatyana almost froze with fear. The evil plan worked. Soon Tatyana and Kapiton got married. After a year, Tatyana and Kapiton had to leave for the village because Kapiton had completely become an alcoholic. Before leaving, Tatyana kissed Gerasim three times. He decided to accompany them to the outpost. As soon as they reached the river, Gerasim was about to turn around and go back, when suddenly he saw a small puppy. He carefully picked it up and ran home with it. As soon as they arrived, Gerasim opened the door to his closet, put the puppy on the bed, ran to the hayloft for some hay and to the kitchen for a saucer of milk. I brought all this to the little, poor puppy. Gerasim hardly slept all night, only in the morning, when the dog fell asleep next to him, could he sleep peacefully. Gerasim, as I already said, was mute and therefore named the dog Mumu. When he called her, he simply hummed tenderly. No mother cares for her child as much as Gerasim cared for Mumu. Suddenly Gerasim felt that someone was pulling him by the floor. Gerasim trembled all over, but did not look. Then they pulled him even harder. He raised his head. A long cry of joy burst from his silent chest. Mumu was spinning at his feet with a piece of tape around her neck. Gerasim squeezed her in his arms. She licked his mustache, mouth, nose and beard in an instant. Gerasim looked around, saw that no one was there and went to his closet. . Gerasim reached the house, entered his closet, collected his things and went to the village. He remembered the road well even then. He lived for a long time, worked for four people, and the neighbors were not even surprised why he lived alone; even thieves were afraid to come to his yard.

Development of a literature lesson for grade 5 based on a story by I.S. Turgenev "Mumu". Topic: "Gerasim and Tatyana." Educational goals: enriching students’ ideas about the moral qualities of Gerasim; revealing spiritual generosity, high humanity, and sensitivity of the hero; the moral ugliness of the other inhabitants of the lady’s house.



Development of a lesson based on I.S. Turgenev’s story “Mumu” ​​(Second lesson). Gerasim and Tatiana.


Educational : enriching students’ ideas about the moral qualities of Gerasim; revealing spiritual generosity, high humanity, and sensitivity of the hero; the moral ugliness of the other inhabitants of the lady’s house.

Developmental : developing the skill of composing an oral story about a hero, lexical work, working with illustrations.

During the classes

1) Organizational moment.

2) Repetition of what has been learned.

Characteristics of Gerasim.

  1. The extraordinary strength of Gerasim.
  2. Attitude to peasant labor.
  3. Gerasim's new responsibilities in the city.
  4. Relationships with other servants.
  5. An incident in the neighborhood.
  6. Gerasim's character.

3) Studying a new topic. The relationship between Gerasim and the laundress Tatiana. Conversation with students based on the text.

Who is a saddler? (A saddlemaker is someone who makes saddlery, harness, and horse harnesses. The life of courtyard people in a lady’s house is worth nothing: a person who understands nothing about medicine is considered both a veterinarian and a doctor. I.S. Turgenev, characterizing the relationship of the lady with the courtyard people and the servants with each other, uses the words mock, poke. Choose synonyms for these words. What do these words tell about the order in the house?)

Why did the lady decide to marry Capiton? (In this way the lady wanted to set Kapiton on the right path, to save him from the terrible vice of drunkenness.)

Did the lady think about what could make the heroes unhappy?

Why did the lady’s “unexpected order” “puzzle” the butler Gavrila?

Expressive reading based on the roles of the episode “The Butler’s Conversation with Kapiton and Tatyana.”

What does the reader know about Tatyana?

What qualities of Tatyana’s character are revealed in her conversation with the butler? Lexical work

Explain the meaning of the words: humility, resignation, downtroddenness, dumbness.

Why, when talking about Capito, does the writer constantly resort to diminutive suffixes? (Kapiton “...placed his right leg crosswise in front of his left...”; “Kapiton just shrugged his shoulders”; “Kapiton just narrowed his tin eyes a little”).

Why is it said in the story about Tatyana that she is “blond”, and about Kapiton that he has “whitish hair”? (In the author's remarks, there is an ironic-satirical intonation when characterizing Kapiton, and a sympathetic one when characterizing Tatyana.)

What qualities of Gerasim’s character are manifested in his attitude towards Tatyana?

How does Gerasim deal with Tatiana’s offenders?

Why was Tatyana not pleased, but frightened by signs of attention from Gerasim?

What qualities of Kapiton’s character are manifested in his attitude towards Tatyana?

Why did Tatyana agree to pretend to be drunk?

What epithet accompanies the author's statements about Tatyana?

An expressive reading of the episode “Tatiana’s Intoxication.”

What actions indicate Gerasim’s deep feelings?

What details of the portrait complement the picture of Gerasim’s mental suffering? (The hero’s gaze, his bitter smile, heavy gait speak more eloquently than many words about deep disappointment and resentment.)

How does Gerasim behave after this incident? What character traits are manifested in his behavior? Name the key words that convey the hero’s state of mind. (He “didn’t leave his closet for the whole day”; “putting his hand to his cheek, quietly, steadily and only occasionally humming, he sang, that is, swayed, closed his eyes and shook his head”; “with arrived from the river without water: he once broke a barrel on the road"; "he diligently cleaned and rubbed his horse," trying to distract himself from heavy thoughts. Gerasim is a strong and strong-willed person who knows how to control his feelings. One can judge his suffering only by external signs.)

Through whose eyes do we see Gerasim’s despair? (The postilion Antipka watches Gerasim, not sympathizing with him, but frightened by his despair)

Determine what is the similarity between the characters of Gerasim and Tatyana?

Gerasim and Tatyana are united by hard work, responsibility, patience, and sincerity.

An expressive reading of the episode of Gerasim’s farewell to Tatiana.

How does the scene of parting with Tatyana characterize Gerasim? (Gerasim is generous. Even a year later, he did not lose his good disposition towards Tatyana. He, the only one of all, took pity on her and managed to ease the moments of parting with home. He was not afraid of ridicule, “came out of his closet, approached Tatyana and gave her a souvenir red paper handkerchief...")

4) Lesson summary. Reflection.

In a difficult moment for him, he found the strength to help another, to warm his soul. The trials did not bend, but tempered Gerasim, bringing to life dormant forces, internal protest, and the desire for independence.

5. Homework.

Compose an artistic retelling of the fragment from the words “It was towards evening” to the words “So another year passed...”. Prepare a retelling of the episode “The Missing of Mumu”, and include in the retellings a description of the hero’s gestures, poses, and facial expressions.