Basic rules of behavior in public places for children. Questionnaires on the formation of a culture of student behavior Questionnaire on the rules of behavior at school

Rules of conduct for students in public places

Children are persons under 18 years of age.

Public places - enterprises and organizations, streets, transport, places of public recreation, surrounding nature.

  1. In public places you must:

1.1. Behave with dignity, be polite to elders, dress neatly, be an example of cultural behavior to younger people, do not remain indifferent to immoral and antisocial actions;

1.2. Know and strictly follow the rules traffic, fire safety, behavior on water, use of public transport;

1.3. Unquestioningly comply with the requirements of service personnel government agencies, public organizations, police officers, provide all possible assistance to their work;

1.4. Take care of the safety of school furniture, textbooks, prevent damage (including inscriptions) to equipment, fences, sports facilities, cultural and educational institutions, administrative buildings, residential buildings, do not litter, maintain cleanliness and order in public places;

1.5. Wear one school uniform in the classroom, established by the school administration.

  1. The presence of children on the streets and in other public places is limited in winter time from 22 o'clock, and at summer time from 23 o'clock.
  2. Children and teenagers are prohibited from:

3.2. Participate in gambling;

3.3. Break the silence by singing loudly, playing musical instruments, using tape recorders, radios set at high volume in public transport, in enterprises and organizations;

3.4. Violate traffic rules in accordance with the regulatory rules of the traffic police;

3.5. Unaccompanied by adults, without parental permission to hunt or fish;

3.6. Located on roofs, attics, fire escapes, heating mains and other places not intended for games and entertainment;

3.7. Allow games with flammable, explosive, poisonous, odorous substances, chemical reagents, firearms, pneumatic and cold weapons, including homemade piercing, cutting objects, slingshots, make fires, etc.;

3.8. Use objects or devices that create a noise effect and disturb the audience;

3.9. Use foul language, make remarks that degrade the dignity of organizers, spectators and participants in sporting and other events;

3.10.Desecrate monuments of history and culture of the Fatherland.

  1. Responsibility of children and adolescents:

4.1. If children violate these Rules, parents and class teachers bear administrative responsibility. Material about violations is sent for consideration and action to the commission on juvenile affairs under the administrations of the village and ulus.

  1. Responsibility of parents and heads of institutions:

5.1. Parents and heads of institutions are responsible for the life and health of children during events;

5.2. Parents and class teachers are obliged to familiarize their child, student with the Rules, demand strict compliance by the child with the Rules, create safe conditions for life and health in the family and at home;

5.3. Activities held for children must end no later than 10 o'clock. Children are admitted to evening events ending later than the specified time only with the permission of the village and school administration, and the family committee.

5.4. Heads of institutions holding events in the evening are obliged to provide safe conditions for the life and health of children;

5.5. Control over compliance with the established procedure for children attending sports and entertainment events is assigned to the administration of all entertainment, cultural, educational, sports institutions, places of public recreation, youth operational detachments, voluntary squads, etc.;

5.6. Conduct school-wide public certification of compliance with the Student Rules;

5.7. For the actions or inaction of parents, managers that result in violations of the Rules by children, an act or protocol is drawn up, on the basis of which a disciplinary or administrative penalty is imposed.


Students at school

  1. behavior rules

1.1 The student comes to school 15–20 minutes before the start of classes, is clean, tidy, takes off his outerwear in the wardrobe, puts on a change of shoes, takes his place workplace and prepares all the necessary teaching supplies for the upcoming lesson.

1.2 Weapons, explosives or flammable substances must not be brought into the school or on the premises for any purpose or used in any way; alcoholic drinks, drugs, as well as toxic substances and poisons.

1.3 You cannot leave the school or its territory during class hours without the permission of teachers. In case of missing classes, the student must present to the class teacher(to the teacher) a certificate from a doctor or a note from parents about the reason for absence from classes. Missing classes without a good reason is not permitted.

1.4 A school student shows concern for elders and care for younger ones.

1.5 Outside of school, students behave everywhere and everywhere in such a way as not to tarnish the cheerful name of the school.

1.6 Students take care of school property and are careful with their own and other people’s property.

  1. Behavior in class

2.1 when the teacher enters the classroom, students stand up as a sign of greeting and sit down after the teacher responds to the greeting and allows them to sit down. Students will similarly greet any adult who enters the classroom during class.

2.2 Each teacher determines for his classes the rules of conduct for students in the classroom in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation and the School Rules.

2.3 During the lesson, you must not make noise, be distracted yourself or distract your comrades from classes with extraneous conversations, games and other matters not related to the lesson. Class time should be used by students only for educational purposes.

2.4 If during class a student needs to leave the classroom, he must stand up and ask the teacher for permission.

2.5 If a student wants to ask a question to the teacher or answer a question from the teacher, he raises his hand.

2.6 The bell (signal) about the end of the lesson is given to the teacher. Only then will the teacher announce the end of classes and the student has the right to leave the class. When the teacher or other adult leaves the classroom, students stand.

3.1. Behavior before, during breaks and after classes.

3.1 during breaks between classes (changes) and after their completion:

The student is obliged:

  • bring cleanliness and order to your workplace;
  • leave the class;
  • obey the requirements of the teacher and school staff;
  • help prepare the class at the request of the teacher for the next lesson;

Students are prohibited from:

  • run up the stairs, close window openings and in other places not suitable for games;
  • push each other, throw objects and use physical force;
  • use obscene expressions and gestures, make noise, interfere with others’ rest;

class duty officer:

  • is in class during recess;
  • ensures order in the classroom;
  • helps the teacher prepare the class for the next lesson;
  • after finishing classes, cleans the classroom as much as possible;
  • obey the requirements of the teacher and canteen workers;
  • respect the queue when receiving food;
  • show attention and caution when receiving and consuming hot and liquid foods;
  • clear the table after eating.

4. Final provisions

4.1 Students do not have the right, while on school grounds and during school events, to commit actions that are dangerous to the life and health of themselves and others.

4.2 These rules apply on school grounds and to all events conducted by the school.

4.3 For violation of these Rules and the School Charter, students are held accountable according to the Penalty Rules.

Rules for schoolchildren

Rules of conduct for students of the municipal educational institution "Khozankinsky secondary school"

Students arriving at school

1. Come to school no later than 8:15 am.
2. Wipe off your shoes before entering the school.
3. At the door, don’t try to go first; let teachers and younger students pass first. Boys give way to girls.
4. From the lobby, go to your class without stopping unnecessarily.
5. If you missed at least one day of classes, be sure to provide a doctor's certificate.

Appearance of students

1. Come to school in clean and ironed clothes, polished shoes, and neatly combed hair.
2. For physical education lessons and sports activities come in sportswear.
3. Come to school workshops and socially useful work events in work clothes.
4. Have a clean handkerchief with you.

Student behavior in class

1. After the bell rings, immediately take your place in the classroom or office. Always sit in the place assigned to you, keep it clean and tidy.
2. Prepare everything you need for the lesson - textbook, notebook, diary, etc.
3. When the teacher enters, stand up and silently greet him. Sit down only after permission.
4. Sit up straight at the table, don’t slump or slouch. Listen carefully to the teacher’s explanations and your comrades’ answers.
5. When called to the board, come out and answer with your diary. When answering, stand facing the class, stand straight, answer loudly and slowly.
6. If you want to ask the teacher a question or answer, raise your hand without lifting your elbow from the table. After the teacher gives permission, stand up and ask (answer) a question.
7. During the survey, open books and notebooks only at the request of the teacher.
8. Do not correct a friend’s answers out loud without the teacher’s instructions, do not prompt.
9. During the lesson, maintain cleanliness and order, do not litter, write only in notebooks and on sheets of paper for drafts. Don't leave paper or trash in your desk.
10. After the bell rings from class, do not jump up from your seat or shout. Leave the class calmly, only with the teacher's permission.

Student behavior during recess

1. Only students on duty remain in the classroom or office during breaks. Studying in a classroom or office during a break is only possible with the permission of the teacher.
2. Maintain order in the school premises: speak quietly, walk calmly along the corridor. Do not go to another floor or stairs unless necessary.
3. When walking up the stairs, stay to the right, do not run or jump over the steps.
4. When you meet all school staff, parents and other adults, stop and say hello.
5. Do not overtake the teacher or another adult walking ahead of you on the stairs or corridor, and if necessary, ask permission.
6. Show concern for the cleanliness of the school. Do not litter in the corridors, on the stairs, in the dining room. If you see a piece of paper or other garbage, remove it.
7. Go to the cafeteria only during the break that is set for your class on a special schedule.
8. After the bell rings for class, do not linger in the corridor, immediately go to the office indicated in the schedule and get ready for the lesson.

Behavior in the dining room

1. Head to the cafeteria with the students in your class, in an orderly and calm manner.
2. In the dining room, behave according to the rules of cultural behavior.
3. Sit down at the table with your classmates.
4. Handle bread and other food products with care.
5. After eating, collect the dirty dishes and take them to a special table.

At evenings, meetings

1. Show up for extracurricular activities at exactly the appointed time.
2. If for a gathering, meeting, etc. extracurricular activities adults or students from other schools come, greet them, show them to empty seats, and if necessary, give up your seat.
3. When holding public events, be polite and do not disturb your neighbors.

Behavior outside of school

1. Every student values ​​the honor of his school, his class and his own.
2. Students everywhere behave according to the rules of cultural behavior, always politely and modestly.
3. Students sit down only if all adults are seated and there are empty seats.
4. Each student must be attentive to adults, small children, the sick and the elderly, giving them a way, a place, and helping them in every possible way.
5. Walk along the streets calmly, without noise. If there is no special sidewalk for pedestrians, then walk on the left side of the road.
6. Students treat nature with care (do not break branches, do not tear flowers, do not destroy bird nests).
7. Students are prohibited from smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
8. Students primary classes should not be on the street unaccompanied by adults later than 20 o'clock; students in grades Y-IX - after 21 o'clock.

Responsibilities of the class attendant:

1. Before each lesson, prepare the classroom for classes:
- ventilate the room;
- wash the board with a damp cloth;
- prepare chalk;
- check the sanitary condition of the office.
2. Avoid damaging school property.
3. Monitor the behavior of students in the classroom during breaks.
4. Before the start of each lesson, submit a list of absent students.
5. After the end of lessons, the attendants, under the guidance of the teacher, carry out a wet cleaning of the office assigned to the class.

Responsibilities of the school duty officer:

1. Begin duty 20 minutes before the start of classes.
2. Monitor student behavior during breaks.
3. Maintain the areas of the school territory assigned to the duty officer at the proper aesthetic level.
4. Organize duty in the dining room according to the schedule established in the class.

Questionnaire No. 1.

Do you consider yourself a cultured person? If yes, then mark in this list those actions that you consider decent with a “+” sign; those actions that you consider indecent are marked with a “-”.

Shout loudly; - whistle;

Interrupt another person's conversation; - swear;

Copying from someone else's notebook during a test; - to be greedy;

Asking inappropriate questions; - to gossip;

To make friends; - to gossip;

Show meanness; - lie;

Engage in extortion; - fight;

Don't pay attention if someone is being bullied;

To remain silent if someone has committed meanness or a crime;

Pester people with questions, show inappropriate curiosity;

To envy someone;

Complain about anyone;

Be indifferent to someone else's misfortune.

Questionnaire No. 2

Continue the sentences:

a kind person– this is the one that……………………………………………………………...

Evil person– this is the one that…………………………………………………………………………………

An honest person is one who………………………………………………………………...

A truthful person is one who………………………………………………………..

A cruel person is one who………………………………………………………………

A rude person is one who………………………………………………………………...

A vile person is one who………………………………………………………………...

A criminal is one who…………………………………………………………........

A polite person is one who………………………………………………………..

An egoist is one who…………………………………………………………………………………..

Questionnaire No. 3

From the adjectives given below, write down in a separate column those words that, in your opinion, do not apply to you in any way.

Smart, stupid, evil, kind, beautiful, friendly, cunning, greedy, arrogant, truthful, liar, sympathetic, rude, affectionate, sneak, scoffer, complainer, fidget, selfish, suck-up, sycophant, extortionist, impudent, pretense, cruel, indifferent to everything that happens, vengeful, irresponsible, demanding, inquisitive, loud, kind-hearted.

Questionnaire for parents

From the words below, choose the words that best describe your child.

Kind, beautiful, smart, pretty, open, kind-hearted, soft, pliable, rude, angry, cruel, balanced, restless, quiet, loud, restless, greedy, secretive, affectionate, inquisitive, curious, frank, truthful, demanding, aggressive, selfish, irresponsible.

Memo for parents on instilling a culture of behavior in children.

    Do not show your child ostentatious politeness and sensitivity. Very soon he will begin to imitate you and do this primarily towards you.

    Don't be rude or use foul language yourself. Your habit will become your child's habit.

    Don't speak badly or disrespectfully about strangers. If you set an example for your child in this, expect that very soon he will say the same about you.

    Be considerate towards other people. This is a good lesson in kindness and humanity for your child.

    Don't be afraid to apologize to someone in front of your child. At this moment you have nothing to lose, you will only gain his respect.

    Show nobility even when you really don’t want to show it, teach your child nobility.

Remember that behavior is a mirror that reflects the true appearance of everyone!

Each of us has become an accidental witness of how parents feel embarrassed for their children on the street, in the subway, supermarket or even at the stadium. To avoid getting into such an unpleasant situation yourself You should learn the rules of behavior for children in public places. This may seem like a simple task only at first glance, since the line between a well-mannered child and a child intimidated by his parents is quite blurred. At the same time, etiquette requirements for children of different ages also vary.

If we see a four-year-old child screaming at the top of his lungs in the park, in principle, there is nothing wrong with this and, with the right approach, he can be weaned from it. If a boy is bawling, this is, at a minimum, alarming. What can we say about foul language, smoking and fighting. As a result, such behavior can lead to loneliness and problems with the law, because hooliganism is just a stone's throw away from crime.

Education should begin from the first years of a child’s life, since this aspect of education is no less important than physical and intellectual development. The baby absorbs everything unusually quickly, so let it be good manners rather than bad habits.

As it was said, preschoolers can be given certain concessions. The main thing is to teach them the following basics:

  • Do not play at the table during lunch;
  • Do not offend children, girls and do not bully friends (it is important not to overdo it here, after all, the child must be able to stand up for himself);
  • Do not beg strangers for sweets or toys;
  • Do not go far from your parents;
  • Listen to elders;
  • Don't torture animals.

All these norms must be absorbed, as well as the duty of washing hands before eating and brushing teeth. Remember, it is easier to teach than to re-teach.

Rules of behavior in public places for schoolchildren

There are generally accepted rules of behavior in public places that are simply obligatory. Their list can be found in any educational institutions, as well as places of recreation and leisure:

  • In public places and on the streets you should speak without raising your voice, try not to make noise or disturb strangers.
  • Maintain cleanliness - do not harm plants, do not spit or litter;
  • Don't be rude to older people and patronize younger ones. Try to help people with disabilities.
  • Do not damage private or public property.
  • Avoid unworthy actions, including insulting passers-by, cruelty to animals, petty hooliganism, theft, etc.
  • During the school year, schoolchildren cannot be outside after nine o'clock in the evening without being accompanied by their parents. During the holidays, the time spent outside is extended until 22:00 (not younger than 12 years of age).
  • It is allowed to attend public events (concerts, sports games, festivals) no later than 21:30.

Also added to the rules list of prohibitions, the violation of which is unacceptable in modern society:

  • It is prohibited to take part in or organize actions that violate public order;
  • Resell and trade;
  • Use foul language, smoke, drink alcohol, engage in gambling;
  • Located on roofs, in basements and trains;
  • Visit bodies of water unaccompanied by adults;
  • Ride on the steps of trams and trolleybuses;
  • Damage property, engage in sabotage.

How to teach culture of behavior in public places

Teaching a child a culture of behavior should not be ordered; a conversation with children is very important, during which they can learn the norms of being in society.

In addition to the official rules, there are informal aspects that schoolchildren should learn from their parents so as not to “goof off” when going out. You should educate your teen on how to present themselves in a movie or theater setting, and also tell them about the differences in etiquette in these establishments. They must not only know what NOT to do, but also know WHY it is prohibited. Sometimes a child simply doesn’t understand what’s wrong with rustling candy wrappers in the auditorium or why he can’t walk between the rows during a performance. Moreover, if you simply prohibit without explaining the reason, the child will strive to touch an exhibit in a museum or stick chewing gum under the table.

Learning by example

Simple conversations are often not enough, It is important to teach a child by example. If the father does not give up his seat on the subway to his grandmother or spits at his feet, then with a high probability the teenager will behave the same way and no amount of persuasion from the mother will work. In addition, for schoolchildren big influence has a social circle. If you think that the teenager is in the wrong the best company, try to point this out to him as gently as possible. It is best to show with some living example how ugly certain actions look. Then you need to explain that such cases can have a negative impact on his future.

If a child understands from the cradle what is good and what is not so good, he will definitely listen to your words. Do not start education until a critical point, when it may be too late to make any changes. Show educational cartoons with an instructive plot more often and try to develop curiosity in your son or daughter. This way he won’t have time to be distracted by all sorts of unnecessary pranks. And remember, the first assistant to a teacher is patience!

In public places

In public places

In our country, the concept of a public place is used in the Code of Administrative Offences. This name is mentioned in Article 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which describes petty hooliganism, which is formed on the basis of disrespectful attitude towards society and the use of obscene language in public places. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, art. 20.20 states that the concept of “public place” should be understood as any objects located individuals. The comments to this article indicate that such objects include public gardens, parks, streets, stadiums, that is, those places where people can hypothetically be present at any time of the day.

What does a public place mean by law?

  1. A place where people gather;
  2. Any place where people can be present at any time of the day (including entertainment venues).

Thus, we can immediately say that this concept considered to be very multifaceted. After all, initially, any place can be recognized as a public place, since all territories (excluding private ones) can be used by all citizens of the country.

The legislation gives a very clear definition of public places, at the same time, this concept is procedurally not ideal. It is for this reason that it can be interpreted in different ways. Common areas may vary. And in principle, every person is entitled by constitutional right to visit all places in the country. At the same time, there is such a thing as property. And if we are talking about private property, then it cannot be considered a public place, since access to such areas is clearly limited.

Why do we need the concept of “public place”?

In principle, in public places there is a certain concentration of people, precisely for this reason, there is a peculiar need to supervise and control the relationships of citizens in such conditions. Note that the term “public place” itself is found in many federal laws. Even the criminal code contains clauses about committing crimes in public places. Nevertheless, the main concept is introduced into use by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, where there are several articles that are closely related to the concept of “public place”.

In our country, there is a kind of ban on drinking alcohol in public places. At the same time, the legislation defining this concept is considered very ambiguous in the area of ​​interpretation itself. Thus, it is sometimes extremely difficult to determine from a legal point of view which place is considered public. It is for this reason that the administrations of some regions are trying to issue amendments in the form of resolutions that indicate those places where drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited. After all, the interpretation of the law determines that any place where strangers appear or may appear is recognized as public. The only exceptions are premises of movable and real estate which is used for personal purposes and is privately owned.

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Rules of behavior in public places

In public places it is prohibited:

1. Smoking

Citizens are allowed to smoke in designated areas and are prohibited from:

o on the territory and in the premises educational institutions, youth affairs organizations, institutions providing services in the field of culture and sports;

o on the territory of medical, sanatorium-resort and rehabilitation organizations and inside their premises;

o on long-distance trains;

o on long-distance vessels;

o on aircraft;

o in public transport;

o at a distance of less than 15 meters from the entrances to metro stations, bus stations, railway stations, airports, sea and river ports, as well as inside their premises;

o in the premises of residential buildings, hotels and buildings for accommodating temporary residents;

o in buildings social services, government agencies;

o at the workplace;

o in elevators;

o in common areas located inside apartment buildings;

o on the beaches;

o on children's playgrounds;

o on passenger platforms for boarding and disembarking trains;

o at gas stations.

Punishment for smoking in an unauthorized place is provided in the form of a fine, the amount of which is up to 1,500 rubles.

Punishment for smoking on the territory of a children's playground is punishable by a fine of up to 3,000 rubles.

Places designated for smoking must be equipped with the equipment necessary to comply with sanitary standards.

Petty hooliganism

This term means a violation of public order in the form of:

o expressions of disrespect for society,

o obscene language,

o offensive harassment,

o destruction or damage to someone else's property.

Persons brought to administrative responsibility will be punished with a fine of up to 1,000 rubles or arrest for up to 15 days.

If the violator, along with the actions described above, disobeys the request of a government representative, he will face a fine of up to 2,500 rubles or administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

Drinking alcoholic beverages

The penalty for drinking alcohol in an inappropriate place is a fine of up to 1,000 rubles.

4. Use of drugs and psychotropic drugs without a doctor’s prescription, as well as consumption of intoxicating substances

Violators face punishment in the form of a fine of up to 5,000 rubles or arrest for up to 15 days.

If this offense was committed by a foreigner or a stateless person, then in addition to a fine or arrest, the offender will be punished by administrative deportation from the Russian Federation.

Rules for sex in public places

Appearing intoxicated

This offense is punishable by a fine of up to 1,500 rubles or arrest for up to 15 days.

6. Organization of a mass presence of citizens in a public place, which caused a violation of public order

Organizing a mass event that caused:

o violation of public order, sanitary standards;

o violation of the order of operation and safety of life support facilities, as well as the functioning of communication facilities;

o damage to green spaces, social infrastructure or vehicles.

If the organization of an event resulted in harm to health or property, then, provided that the actions of the violators are not criminally punishable, the sanction is increased to a fine of 150 to 300 thousand rubles, compulsory labor for up to 200 hours, or arrest for up to 20 days.

In cases where the described acts are committed repeatedly, the violator pays a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles or is subject to compulsory labor for up to 200 hours or arrest for up to 30 days.

So, we learned about the norms governing the rules of conduct in public places. For violating these norms, citizens face punishment in the form of a fine, compulsory labor or arrest.

What is a public place by law?

On the street.

In the textbook “The Honest Mirror of Youth, or Indications for Everyday Conduct,” the following rules of behavior on the street were indicated: “No one has the right to walk down the street with his head hanging and his eyes downcast, or to look askance at people, but to walk straight and not bent over.” keep it straight, and look at people cheerfully and pleasantly with decorous constancy, so that they don’t say: he looks at people slyly.”

The rules of modern etiquette prescribe: All people on the street should be mutually polite, tactful and behave with dignity.

When leaving home, even for a moment, you should be dressed in clean and decent clothes.

You should move along the street keeping to the right. Take moderate steps, keep your back straight, step softly - heel to toe, do not stomp your feet or drag them. Don't swing your arms too much, but don't hold them still either. Active and violent gestures are not allowed, especially if you are holding any objects in your hands (umbrella, briefcase, bag, etc.)

The main commandment of behavior on the street is respect for those you meet.

You shouldn't rush around footpath from side to side and frantically run across the roadway. Be especially careful of crashing into oncoming dense traffic of pedestrians. In addition, you need to be very careful in transitions, on the side of the road and at intersections - here you should not dream about anything or “go deep” into your thoughts. In addition, by “disconnecting” from control over your behavior, you risk colliding with other people, because the street is not the most unsafe place.

If you unwittingly caused inconvenience to someone (pushed them, stepped on their feet, etc.), then you need to immediately politely and clearly apologize. If this happened to you and the person who caused the inconvenience apologized, then it is acceptable to respond: “Please,” “Don’t worry.”

Having met an acquaintance on the street who is older in age or social status, or who is simply in a hurry and wants to start talking, a tactful person should join him and not stop him. However, before doing this, you should ask whether he objects to such “accompaniment”.

When meeting an acquaintance who is accompanied by a stranger, you must greet both. If in such a situation you meet a woman you know or a person of high rank, do not engage in conversation with them. You should do the same if you meet a close friend who is busy talking with a lady you don’t know. If your friend is in the company of a man, he decides for himself whether to talk to you or not. A simple greeting is enough. But if your friend answers the greeting and continues to communicate with his companion, do not interfere.

Perhaps when you meet, you have no desire to engage in conversation. Then you can limit yourself to one greeting, if, of course, the person you meet understands your intentions. It is tactless to turn away, pretending that you did not notice the person you do not want to see.

On the street, a man should walk to the left of a woman, a subordinate should walk to the left of his boss, and a young man should also walk to the left of the elderly. In general, the place on the right is considered privileged. If three people are walking down the street, then the place in the middle is considered the most “honorable,” the second is on the right, and the last is on the left. A lady walking with two men takes a place in the middle. A child should always be between two adults, and an adult with two children should always be between them. Remember that the child should always be where it is safest.

A man walking with a woman can only speak to the person he meets as a last resort. The exception is when this is a mutual friend of yours. However, you cannot leave a woman alone: ​​she must be introduced to your companion. But a woman walking down the street with a man is not obliged to introduce him to an acquaintance she meets.

It is unacceptable to talk to an acquaintance you meet on the street in the center of the sidewalk. It is also not possible to occupy the entire width of the sidewalk if you are walking in a group of several people. It is better not to walk in a line, especially arm in arm - everyone should walk separately or, at least, in pairs.

Indicators of a person’s lack of culture and bad manners, their ignorance of the rules of etiquette are the habit of looking at people from head to toe (especially disabled people), and criticizing out loud.

What is a public place by law: definition

their appearance, shouting remarks of various kinds towards unfamiliar women.

If a shoelace comes undone, a button comes off, or something similar happens, you should not correct the situation in front of passers-by - it is better to step aside.

A tactful and well-mannered person shows respect for strangers on the street who need help. Such passers-by should be addressed in this way: “May I help you?”, “Can I help?” These addresses should be made impersonal, i.e. don't name unknown men and women who need help “father”, “grandfather”, “grandmother”, “girlfriend”, “woman”. If you hear a refusal in response, do not offer help a second time.

Here are a few "don'ts" in street etiquette:

· you can’t spit;

· you cannot eat food on the go (ice cream, pies, sandwiches, etc.);

· you must not litter with papers, leftover food, or cigarette butts - there are trash cans for this;

· women are not allowed to use cosmetics, comb their hair, or adjust their stockings;

· both men and women should not smoke while walking.

In the door.

If several people are heading towards the entrance to the room at the same time, you should linger a little in front of the door, letting those older in age and social status, women and children pass first. So the younger one lets the older one pass, the master of the house lets the guest in, but the guest lets the hostess through. In the case when the elder invites the younger to go ahead, you should not contradict. If the statuses or ages of people are equal, then the one who is closest to him crosses the threshold first.

However, a man enters an unlit room, as well as restaurants, bars, and casinos ahead of a woman.

If the door was closed, it must also be closed behind you. It is impolite to close the door on someone walking behind you. If he is a short distance from the door, then hold it open until he approaches.

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What is a "public place"?

Behavior in public places.

2. Business etiquette.

3. Presentations of the organization, products, services.

4. The art of compliment.

5. Rules for presenting a gift.

6. Features business communication with foreign partners.

A business person has to communicate with other people in in public places: on the street, in transport, in state and non-state administrative institutions, theater, etc. Although this communication is often short-term and impersonal, it is also regulated by the rules of etiquette.

On the street. On the sidewalk you must stay on the right side and not disturb passers-by. If you happen to be in a tight space or accidentally push a passerby, you should apologize. Questions like “How to get through...?” asked politely. Thanks for the answers. If you are asked, answer clearly and clearly. If in doubt, better apologize and refuse to answer. While walking, you should not hunch over, swing your arms wildly, or keep them in your pockets. Only in very cold times can they be stuffed into the pockets of a coat or jacket. You should not walk around with a cigarette in your mouth; eat on the go. If you want to smoke or eat, you need to step aside. Cigarette butts and other rubbish should not be thrown onto the walkway.

The maximum number of people walking in a row is three, on a crowded sidewalk - two. When paired with a man, the woman takes the place on the right side. In the company of two men, a woman walks in the middle. The bag must be carried so as not to touch passers-by. The umbrella is kept in a vertical position.

If you want to talk to an acquaintance you meet, you need to step aside so as not to disturb passers-by.

A well-mannered person provides assistance to those who need it: he helps an elderly person, a disabled person, or his companion cross the street, go down a steep or slippery staircase.

In state and non-state administrative institutions. When entering the institution, greet the watchman in the lobby and present the necessary documents.

Before visiting an institution, they clearly understand the purpose of the visit, the subject of the conversation, and prepare necessary documents. If necessary, make an appointment in advance and arrive at the appointed time.

Men entering office premises remove their hats. If there is a secretary in the official’s reception area, they inform him of the appointment.

Entering a room where there are many employees, they quietly greet those who paid attention and approach the right person. Communication between the visitor and the official must be correct and businesslike. Even if the issue is not resolved in favor of the visitor, you should not slam the door loudly.

On the stairs, a man gives way to a woman at the railing, and he himself takes such a position in relation to her as to help if she suddenly stumbles.

When meeting and talking with someone in the corridor, take a place so as not to disturb those walking. They speak in hushed tones. When leaving, they say goodbye not only to the business person who received you, but also to the person on duty at the entrance.

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Politeness, good manners and tolerance towards others are the cornerstones of the rules of conduct in public places:

In a cafe, canteen, restaurant

Most cafes, canteens, and restaurants have a cloakroom. If a man accompanies a woman, he helps his lady take off and put on her coat, without allowing the cloakroom attendant to do this. The man keeps the number.

They tidy up their appearance in the lobby or in the toilet. In the hall, as in other public places, people do not comb their hair, do not use cosmetics, and do not tidy their hands and clothes.

How to enter the hall

If a man comes with a lady, she enters the front door first (the man opens it), but the man enters the hall ahead of the woman to find seats and lead his companion to them. Before heading to the table, every attentive man should inquire whether she likes the chosen place.

In a large restaurant, where the entire room is not visible, they turn to the waiter, who indicates where to sit. If a waiter brings you to the table, the man follows his companion.

You need to move between tables carefully and silently, without disturbing or touching those sitting. If you happen to offend someone, you need to apologize. When passing by, they do not look at those sitting or the food placed in front of them. If there are no free tables, but there are seats behind occupied ones, before sitting down, they turn to those sitting: “Excuse me, may I sit down?” or “Excuse me, is this seat free?” If the answer is positive, thank you. There is no need to say hello when entering the hall. If you see someone you know from afar, bow to him silently. The person sitting at the table usually says hello without getting up from his seat. A man may stand up if he is greeting a significantly older person or a woman. If an acquaintance stops near the table, the man stands up and talks to him while standing. He sits down only when the person who comes up moves away or sits down at his table.

You can refuse an invitation to sit at a table only for a very good reason, for example, if you did not come alone or are waiting for someone. If an acquaintance approaches accompanied by a person you do not know, he should, before sitting down, introduce the latter as sitting at the table.

When you see friends at a table, you can’t always approach them, even if there are no empty seats in the room. It all depends on the degree of familiarity and the situation. You cannot stop near a friend’s table to talk if he is not alone. This can only be done if absolutely necessary and you must apologize.

During lunch, when canteens and cafes are crowded, you should not take a seat for a long time.

At the table

The most comfortable seats are provided to elderly people and women. The man pulls out a chair and pushes it towards his companion as she sits down. Only after all the women have sat down do the men sit down too. Those who come together (a man and a woman) sit opposite each other at a small table; at a large table, a man sits on the left hand of his lady, next to or across the corner of the table, to serve her dishes. The person who came alone chooses a small table for himself.

A man, before choosing for himself, will always hand the menu to a woman or an older man sitting at the same table (even a stranger). The host offers the invitee (whether a woman or a man) to take this or that dish or drink without serving a menu. The host orders and pays.

They sit neatly at the table. Do not place a handbag, gloves, handkerchief, comb, powder compact or other toiletries on it.

A man can serve his companion: serve a dish, pour wine. And a woman can look after a man at the table if they are close people or know each other well (fiancé, husband, father, friend, brother).

Refreshing and strong drinks are always poured by men. Women only do this in sorority settings. They clink glasses very rarely, only if it is necessary to emphasize the solemnity of the moment. Usually the man raises his glass with a slight nod and looking into his companion's eyes. The woman responds in kind. If a man sitting at the next table begins to bother a woman with his glances and raised glass, then it is best if she pretends not to notice this.

The conversation should be subdued, appropriate to the atmosphere of the room. As elsewhere in public places, you need to behave with restraint and modesty. A public place is not suitable for intimate conversations. It is impolite to whisper to a neighbor with your hand over your mouth. It is necessary to avoid quarrels and altercations that may arise where too much alcohol is consumed. A self-respecting person ignores quarreling and offensive remarks from drunks.

On a date set in a cafe, canteen or restaurant, the man arrives before the woman, the younger one arrives before the older one, and the inviter arrives before the invitee. A man can meet his friend halfway and take her to the table. If he doesn't do this, then at least he gets up when a friend approaches the table.

The waiter is approached politely, accompanying each request with the word “please”. It is indecent to call the waiter by shouting “Hello” or by knocking on the plate with a knife; They do this with a nod of the head. If necessary, the waiter is called quietly if he is nearby.

If they want to move to another table, they do not run with glasses and plates to a new place, but ask the waiter to move them. If you notice flaws in the serving, food or drinks, there is no need to enter into a conflict because of this, attracting attention to yourself, simply ask them to eliminate them.

Who pays the bill? Usually everyone pays their own bill. The inviter pays for those invited. Nowadays, women have equal rights with men and support themselves. Therefore, it is quite natural in some cases for a woman to want to pay for herself. A man should not feel that his manhood is being humiliated by this. If a woman wants to pay for herself, even if she is invited by a man, she should inform her companion about this before paying the bill, so as not to argue in the presence of the waiter and not make him wait. First the woman pays, then the man. Checking the account is not a pettiness, as some people think out of a sense of false shame, but compliance with basic order. If you make a mistake, you should quietly tell the waiter about it.

In the shop

Before entering the store, you need to let those leaving it pass. If someone is following you, hold the door.

There is no smoking in the store, and taking your dog into the grocery store is strictly prohibited. It is also prohibited to touch the products with your hands. Every buyer, regardless of gender, age or social status, must respect the queue. It is advisable to let customers with small children skip the queue. Do not push between those standing in line and do not look at the goods over their shoulders. A salesperson who is talking to another customer or counting is not bothered with questions. What and in what quantity you need to buy should be thought out in advance. Anyone who suffers from forgetfulness should first make a shopping list. Products on sale must be handled with care, do not crush or touch things with sweaty, dirty hands. When trying on a dress, women should take care not to stain it with lipstick.

Some people have a habit of criticizing a product after a long decision to hide the embarrassment caused by the decision not to buy it. If you find that the item does not suit you, you need to thank and apologize for the trouble.

You should not get into the habit of shopping aimlessly. The stores are already full of customers.

At an exhibition, in a museum, in a library

A visitor to an exhibition and museum usually leaves an umbrella, briefcase, bag, packages, etc. in the wardrobe along with outerwear.

When visiting museums and exhibitions, one must take into account the fact that a person is able to concentrate attention and ability to perceive only for two to three hours, therefore in large museums it is advisable to draw up an inspection plan using a catalog. It is pointless and useless to quickly run through the halls of the museum. You need to select for inspection either certain works, or the work of one artist, or some department.

People enter the exhibition hall quietly, without disturbing others. When viewing works, do not stand in front of or too close to another visitor. You need to behave in such a way that your presence does not disturb others: do not speak loudly, do not laugh, do not cough, do not blow your nose.

It is prohibited to touch the exhibits with your hands. If you walk around the museum accompanied by a guide, then you need to listen to his explanations in silence, even if they are not interesting to you. It is impolite to talk to your neighbor or make comments. If you have questions, they should be asked during the pause.

A true connoisseur of art does not noisily express his admiration for famous works and does not flaunt his erudition in the field of art.

In the library, as at the exhibition, they try not to disturb others.

When using a book, do not forget that you need to treat it as if it were your own. best friend. The book is taken with thoroughly washed hands, since even outwardly clean hands leave traces of sweat on the book. Reading book should be kept in a cover. When leafing through a book, your fingers don’t slobber and the corners of the pages don’t curl. The book page is carefully taken by the middle or top and turned over. The cover of the book, as well as the brochure, is not folded back, as this spoils the binding. To mark the place where you finished reading, use a bookmark. The pages of the book are not stained with various inscriptions and drawings. If you want to write down something important, you need to do it in a notebook, noting the title of the book, the author and the page.

At the cinema, at lectures, at the theater

They go to the cinema and lectures in ordinary street clothes. Men take off their hats. A woman should also do this if she has a large and tall hat that interferes with those sitting behind her. They come to the theater or concert in advance, knowing that it will take time to put their outerwear in the wardrobe, get themselves in order and find seats.

The man helps the woman take off her coat and puts it in the cloakroom, keeping her number.

A man enters the theater, concert and cinema halls first. The woman comes out first. If two couples enter, the man goes first, then the two ladies, followed by the second man. They sit in the same order: women in the middle, men on the edges.

Your places. If you know that your seats are in the middle of the row, you should sit early, without waiting for the last call, so as not to disturb other spectators. If you still have to disturb those sitting, they apologize to them. The disturbed person does not make a dissatisfied face and does not wait until he is asked for permission to pass, but he himself gets up in advance, noticing those walking along the narrow passage. The polite people who stood up to let you through should be thanked.

You need to walk facing those sitting. The man goes first. He helps his companion sit down, silently lowering the seat of the chair, and only then sits down himself. The man usually sits on the woman’s left hand, but if his place turns out to be more convenient (for example, the stage is better visible from there), then an attentive man will give it up to the lady. When getting up and sitting down, avoid noise. When standing up, hold the seat with your hand so that it does not hit the back of the chair. It is impolite to occupy both armrests, since the neighbor also wants to lean on his elbow. Do not lean on the back of the front seat or rest your feet on it.

Everyone purchases the program and binoculars themselves, rather than borrowing from a neighbor. Theater binoculars are designed to follow the stage, and not to look at those in the audience.

Do not sit in someone else's seat, as this can cause a lot of trouble, especially if the owners of these seats are late.

If for any reason you are late, then enter the hall quietly, stand near the door or sit silently in the nearest free chair, and after intermission, change to your seat.

When the program starts, you need to stop all talk. The interrupted conversation is continued during the break. During a performance or film show, they do not talk or comment, but listen and watch. Even if the program is uninteresting, politeness obliges a person to sit silently. Of course, you can leave the hall at the right time, especially during a break. In the hall they try not to do anything that could disturb their neighbors: they don’t rustle with candy papers or programs, don’t click the lock of their handbags, don’t shake their heads, etc.

A person who has a severe cough or runny nose should think about the health and peace of mind of others and refuse a concert or performance.

It is tactless to react out loud to acting mistakes. It is indecent to accompany applause with exclamations and stomping. Sincere applause is the best gratitude. Symphonies, chamber works with several movements and song cycles are not interrupted by applause. Therefore, during the concert you need to be especially careful not to start applauding too early.

When passing by strollers during intermission, they do not look at them. If a man comes to the theater with a companion, he does not leave her alone for a long time. Neither does a woman.

If you are hungry, you can go to the buffet during intermission. You should not eat in the hall or foyer. If a man comes with a lady, he takes care of his companion at the buffet, bringing her what she wants.

The curtain falls. At a theater or concert, wait until the curtain falls rather than running to the cloakroom to get your coat. If someone is in a hurry to catch a train or the last bus, such haste is excusable, but provided that everything is done quietly and quietly.

Behavior on the street

On the street. Before going outside, you need to take a look at yourself, should you clean your coat or suit? Maybe your stockings or trousers are splashed? You cannot go outside in dirty shoes.

Gloves are worn at home, because dressing and adjusting clothes on the street is not decent. To tie a shoelace or put on a raincoat on the street, they step aside.

It is indecent to throw a jacket and coat over your shoulders. It's not good if your braces are visible. If it’s warm outside, you can carry a coat, jacket or jacket on your arm.

How to pass by. Where possible, pedestrians should avoid walking against the flow of traffic. Oncoming people must be bypassed on the right side. If you notice someone is in a hurry, move aside. Give way to the oncoming person.

Particular attention is paid to people with disabilities, young children, parents with children, and the elderly on the street.

If the road is narrow or bad, then the more convenient part of the road is given to those who are entitled to privileges. If necessary, the man steps off the sidewalk. If, when passing by, you need to turn around, do so, if possible, to face the oncoming person. If you both step in the same direction at the same time, you need to stop and let the oncoming person pass. It is not customary to walk between two nearby pedestrians.

The package, bag and briefcase are carried in the right hand so as not to touch passers-by. A man can always help a woman carry heavy things, but the woman herself always carries a handbag.

You need to watch the metal parts of bags and briefcases so as not to accidentally snag your own or someone else’s stockings or clothes.

The umbrella should always be kept in a vertical position; carrying an umbrella in a horizontal position is dangerous, as small children may stumble upon its tip. They don't wave an umbrella. An open umbrella should be held above your head so that water does not flow onto passers-by. If two people are walking under an umbrella, it is held by the man or the younger one (unless the companion is very tall). When holding an umbrella, you need to be careful and make sure that your companion does not get wet. When meeting other pedestrians, the umbrella is raised or tilted in the other direction. With a wet umbrella (especially in public transport) they try not to touch others.

Walking arm-in-arm is considered a bit old-fashioned. This makes driving difficult, especially on crowded narrow streets. Only in a slippery place can a young man offer his hand to an older man or lightly support him by the elbow; a man walking with a woman does the same. In uncrowded places, for example in a park, a woman can lean on the arm of her companion. It is not customary to walk in a line, disturbing passers-by.

About smoking

Knowing how much harm tobacco smoke causes to your health, you cannot help but take others into consideration, even if you feel an irresistible urge to smoke a cigarette.

Smoking is prohibited in rooms where there are non-smokers, especially children.

At work, where there is at least one opponent of tobacco smoke, it is impossible to ignore him. There are special smoking rooms in theaters and concert halls, and vestibules on trains. There is no smoking in the dance hall, restaurants, cafes and canteens. Do not smoke in the patient's room under any circumstances. You should not smoke in the room where you sleep.

Outdoors you can smoke only in secluded places, for example, sitting on a bench in a park alley, etc.

In the presence of a woman, a man smokes only with her permission. But in this case, the woman should not lean on his hand. It is not customary to smoke while walking if a woman who is much older than you is walking next to you. It is not customary to talk with a cigarette in your mouth. When greeting, you need to take the cigarette out of your mouth.

Never enter someone else's apartment with a burning cigarette. When they come to visit, they do not remove cigarettes and matches from their pockets and do not place them on the table in front of them. You are not allowed to smoke without permission. If the owner does not smoke and, moreover, he only has one room, it is best to refrain from smoking altogether.

If the owner offers you a cigarette, you need to gratefully accept it, and not look for your own; you can refuse only in exceptional cases, for example, if they offer you stronger cigarettes, but you are used to weaker ones. In this case, you need to thank and explain the reason.

Matches and cigarette butts are not thrown anywhere. They are thrown away only when extinguished. A well-mannered person will never put out a cigarette on a bench, table leg, other furniture, or on a house wall, fence, etc.

The ashes are shaken into an ashtray; cutlery is not used for this purpose at the table. If there is no ashtray, they ask you to bring it or take it from an empty table. Cigarettes should not be allowed to smoke in the ashtray. The smoke is released in a direction where it does not disturb those present. If tobacco crumbs get into the mouth, they are not spat out, but pushed out with the tongue onto the lips and removed with a handkerchief or, in extreme cases, with fingers.

Cigarettes should not be carried in open form in a trouser pocket or breast pocket of a jacket.

Please note that in the near future the smoking rules will be even stricter.

We all go outside and visit public places every day. For children, such walks can be seriously dangerous. To avoid getting into trouble and causing inconvenience to people around you, you should follow the rules of behavior on the street. This applies to adults, teenagers, and elementary school students.

Public place concept

Public places include common areas. This includes transport, shops, canteens, museums, libraries, as well as the street itself. When you leave your home, you enter a public place. Besides you, there are many people here who are walking, rushing to work and going about their business. Rules of behavior on the street allow everyone to be polite and not disturb others.

Adults should explain to children what they can and cannot do in public places. Along with the rules of etiquette, there are also norms of safe behavior, knowledge of which helps children avoid difficult and sometimes tragic situations. The road is a high-risk area, so children need to know when and where to cross it. The school curriculum includes the subject of life safety, in which students learn the rules of behavior on the street.

How to behave on the street

Before leaving the house, you should carefully examine yourself in the mirror. Shoes and clothes must be clean, hair neat.

When you meet someone you know on the street, you need to be the first to say hello. However, you should not shout greetings or wave your arms if there is a long distance between you.

It is worth remembering that in our country, traffic is on the right. This applies not only to transport, but also to pedestrians. Rules of behavior in public places mean that when walking along the sidewalk you need to stay on the right side so as not to disturb other pedestrians.

When trying to overtake someone, you should not push with your elbows. You should apologize and ask the person in front to give way to you. If you are asked to do so, step aside and let the pedestrian pass.

Elders need to give way and also hold doors, letting them pass first, when entering or exiting buildings.

If a person falls nearby, you need to help him get to his feet and lift his bags.

Pointing a finger at someone or something is considered indecent.

Wrappers, bottles and other garbage should be thrown into special bins.

Rules of etiquette

Rules of behavior in public places teach politeness. You should not shout, much less swear. You need to talk in such a way that only the interlocutor can hear.

Men should be attentive to women and girls. They must help their companions, carry heavy bags, and support them on difficult sections of the road.

According to the rules of etiquette, a man walks to the left side of a woman, supporting her right hand. In case of any threat, he covers his companion.

If a father and mother are walking with a child, he walks between them.

Younger people should give way to older ones, men should give way to women. If you meet people of the same age and gender along the way, the more polite one will let you pass ahead.

When coughing or sneezing in a public place, you must cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or palm.

Traffic Laws

Rules of safe behavior on the street teach how to behave on the roads. They need to start learning from early age. To do this, children's books with traffic rules are published to help parents.

Before crossing the road, you need to look both ways and make sure there is no moving traffic nearby.

You can only start driving when the traffic light is green.

In busy places it is better to use underground passages. If they are not there, then you should look for a pedestrian crossing.

Crossing the road in the wrong place, even in the absence of moving cars, is strictly prohibited.

If there is no sidewalk next to the road, you need to move along the side of the road towards the flow of traffic. Your clothing should have reflective elements so that drivers can see you in the evening.

Behavior in public transport

Public transport includes buses, trams, trolleybuses, minibuses and the metro. The rules of behavior for children on the street explain how to bypass vehicles standing at a stop. You should only go around a car, bus and trolleybus from behind, and a tram - from the front. In this case, you must definitely look on both sides of the road.

When entering transport, you must let elders and women go ahead. The man should go out first to offer his hand and help his companion down.

Women and older people should give up their seats.

Upon entering public transport, you need to pay for the fare and take an empty seat.

While driving, be sure to hold on to the handrails so as not to push the passenger standing next to you when braking.

You need to talk to your companion quietly. You are not allowed to shout or run around the bus. Pushing passengers with your elbows while squeezing your way to the exit is considered bad manners. It's better to ask to be let through.

Rules of conduct on the subway

The metro is underground public transport, which poses an increased danger.

The basic rules of behavior in the metro can be found on information boards in the metro lobby, as well as in train cars.

When standing on an escalator, you need to hold on to the handrails. It is prohibited to sit or run on it. When entering the escalator, you should hold children's hands.

In a train carriage, you must give up your seats to older people and pregnant women. You should not push passengers with your elbows.

It is better to prepare in advance to exit the carriage so as not to have to fight your way through the crowd. If you didn’t get off in time, you need to drive to the next station, get off, and then go back.

Smoking ban

Rules of conduct on the street and in public places prohibit smoking and drinking alcohol. Recently, a law has been in force in our country, thanks to which smoking areas have been removed from all cafes and restaurants. It’s worth remembering this when going out with friends to have a bite to eat or spend time at a bar.

Smoking and drinking alcohol in city squares and parks is also prohibited. Citizens who violate the law face a fine.

You cannot smoke near the metro, on stairwells, in public institutions, near schools and kindergartens, at airports, as well as at train stations and on trains.

Rules for student behavior on the street

Schoolchildren, just like adults, must adhere to standards of behavior and be polite. Parents and teachers need to monitor this. Children learn things like this best by example. They With early years They observe the behavior of others and try to repeat it.

Of course, it is difficult to calm the loud crowd of schoolchildren rushing home after classes. However, explaining to them that there is no need to make noise on the street is the task of adults.

Our moms and dads are great examples. Watching them, children learn etiquette, begin to treat older people with respect, say hello, and give up their seat. It is from such noble deeds that norms of behavior are formed.

Politeness and good manners are the main signs of a person who knows and follows the rules of behavior on the street and in public places. It is pleasant to communicate with such people, and they are respected in society.

Rules and instructions for safe behavior in the city and in nature.

Each place has certain principles and rules of conduct. This applies to parks, streets and forests. In each of these places you need to behave in a certain way. This will keep you safe and minimize the risk of accidents.

There are many dangers on the streets. Even though we are used to being in a noisy crowd, it can be unsafe.


  • Always tell your loved ones where you are going.
  • Don't walk alone on dark streets. Go out to the bright side of the road.
  • Don't wear jewelry if you're going home late.
  • If strangers come up to you and ask you to take you to a street, explain how to get there, but do not see them off.
  • Do not hang your keys on your belt or around your neck.
  • If someone is following or stalking you, go to a supermarket or other public place where you can get lost.
  • Do not go with strangers if they promise to show you something or give you money for delivered luggage.
  • In public places you should not shout or attract attention. Maintain order.
  • Do not participate in unauthorized events or get into altercations.
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke in public places and at bus stops.
  • Help older people and children.
  • Take care state property, do not break windows or damage the integrity of buildings.

When children reach a certain age, they must be taught the rules of behavior in public places. Such places include parks, parking lots, public transport, shops, metro, and underground passages. Children should definitely be taught etiquette and rules of behavior in public transport.

Street rules:

  • A lot of danger on the streets is associated with the movement of vehicles. In our country, traffic is on the right.
  • If there are no sidewalks, then you should walk towards the traffic that is traveling in your direction.
  • Do not cross roadways in places where there are no traffic lights or pedestrian crossings.
  • Do not run out onto the road when public transport arrives. Be sure to look around.
  • If you are moving along the roadway, then your clothing should have reflective elements.
  • In winter, do not walk under houses to avoid icicles falling on your head.
  • Avoid walking where it is slippery and where the paths are not covered with gravel or sand.
  • Do not get into arguments with passers-by, especially if they are drunk.
  • Children should be taught that they should not hide in cars or abandoned buildings while playing.
  • Children should not go with strangers and show how to get to a certain house at a specific address.

Public places include the metro, bus stops, shops and parks. In order not to get into trouble and not run into trouble, you should follow the basic rules.


  • Let women and children onto the bus or minibus, and help older people board the transport.
  • Do not go down into mines or tunnels, and do not go beyond fences.
  • Go around the tram in front, and the trolleybus, bus and cars behind.
  • Don't shout on public transport. Speak quietly to the other person, leaning over your ear.
  • Try not to talk on the phone; call the person back after you arrive at your destination.
  • Hold on to the handrails and do not walk on the vehicle while it is moving.
  • Upon entering the transport, pay for the fare and take empty seats.
  • Give up your seat to a pregnant woman, a woman with a child, or an elderly person.
  • You should not take food or drinks with you on the subway or bus. You can have a snack in the park or at home.
  • If the place is very busy, then you need to cross to the other side of the street using an underground passage.
  • Do not sit in public transport with your legs spread wide apart. When exiting, do not push, but ask to be let through.
  • Try not to bother anyone by talking loudly. Don't yell at others.
  • If you are in a crowd on the street and you need to stop, move to the side so that passers-by do not bump into you.
  • If you are in a movie or theater, be sure to remove your hat. It can interfere with the ability of others to watch the performance.
  • Don't make noise or gesticulate at the movies, as you may provoke a conflict. Don't beat the beat with your feet at a concert.
  • If you are late for the cinema, try to walk very quietly to your seat.

With the onset of warmer weather, many are in a hurry to please themselves with delicious kebabs. Someone goes fishing and also does not miss the opportunity to enjoy a picnic. In nature, you should also behave according to certain rules.

Rules of behavior in nature:

  • Wear closed clothing even in hot weather. It is advisable that the arms and legs are covered. This will prevent you from burning and protect your skin from insects.
  • Wear comfortable shoes with soft soles. Sneakers are not really suitable shoes, as they are painful to walk on rocky terrain.
  • Do not light a fire in a clearing with dry grass or trees. It is also worth moving away from the place with stones under which there is dry grass.
  • Do not eat unfamiliar mushrooms and berries. Do not touch birds and animals, avoid nests.
  • Do not wash dishes or wash clothes in bodies of water. There is also no need to relieve yourself in the bushes. Dig a hole and bury it after you leave.
  • Walk through the forest in zigzags and do not take shortcuts. Going down steep slopes is very dangerous. It is also not worth jumping over ditches or holes.
  • Do not pitch a tent or camp near anthills or wildlife burrows.
  • Try to get home before dark. At the same time, do not turn off the paths and paths.
  • If you are lost, then go and listen. You need to follow the noise, it will lead you to a populated area.
  • Do not wear perfume or fragrance as it may cause insect bites.
  • Do not play loud music, this will attract wild animals and make them aggressive.
  • Do not drink water from lakes and reservoirs. It is unknown whether this water is suitable for oral administration.

As you can see, safety rules must be followed in every place. This will help you maintain life and health, as well as avoid conflict situations.

Correct and worthy behavior in society is the main indicator of your upbringing, education and inner essence. Looking at your behavior, ability to behave decently, behave politely and present correctly, any person will have a positive impression of you. But, unfortunately, many do not know what to do in public and often get lost in conversations or, even worse, begin to behave vulgarly. To prevent such mistakes in the future, you need to know and adhere to at least the basic rules of etiquette.

Photo gallery: Correct Behavior in society and in public places

The first thing that it would be good for a Russian person to learn is to be attentive to the people around him and consider their opinion, otherwise you will put everyone in an awkward position, and first of all yourself. If you say everything that comes to your mind, you will be branded as an ill-mannered, bad person and people will no longer respect you. You should always be at ease in society, and for this you need to have good general development (to have general development, you need to communicate more, read, visit theaters, watch educational films, and so on). It will help you always stay on top in any situation, for example, find an interesting a topic for conversation, maintain a conversation and answer any questions correctly.

Many people have the habit of remembering the mistakes of others or slandering those who, for some reason (often the reason may be ordinary envy), are unpleasant to them. And it is very important to know that such conversations should under no circumstances be maintained, even if you don’t like the person being discussed either. Any of your conversations and gossip can be immediately transmitted by third parties to this person, and sometimes even in a distorted form and in a different sense. But simply stopping slander for fear that all the rumors will reach the person in question is not enough. It is important to understand and realize that gossip is baseness. And try not to stoop to that level.

In any society they love “light” and cheerful people, so if you like to joke, try to do it in such a way as not to hurt your pride and feelings (don’t make fun of fat or thin people, don’t make fun of first names, surnames, etc.).

In a conversation, never interrupt your interlocutor, first let him finish his thought, listen to his phrase to the end and only then ask questions or answer something. But if it happens that you were interrupted without a good reason, then do not rush to shout and react wildly, listen to criticism and objections with dignity and silence, knowing that you are conducting a conversation with an ill-mannered person. Also, when talking, try not to call those present with the faceless “he” or “she”; call them by their names. When communicating, always take into account the age, position, interests, life principles and character of the interlocutor. Any person must be treated with respect and consideration.

A polite person will never forget to be the first to say hello, accompany any request with the words “please”, “be kind”, etc., thank you for the service provided or apologize for someone’s inconvenience.

A cultured, well-mannered and educated person is always characterized by tact (a sense of proportion) - this is the ability to find a form of communication with people, feel their mood and take them into account, taking into account the characteristics of their characters.

The ability to behave not only in a company, but also in public places is an equally important indicator of your level of education, development and culture.

If you decide to go to the theater, you should learn a few basic rules of etiquette. Appearance is of great importance: women are recommended to wear Evening Dress(for men - a tailcoat or tuxedo), too revealing or casual clothing in this case will work against you (this is a sign of bad taste). In winter, it is recommended to come with a change of shoes. Replacement shoes are handed over to the cloakroom along with outerwear. Hats are always removed, and voluminous hairstyles and overly fragrant perfumes are inappropriate. It is disrespectful to be late for a performance. A man is always the first to enter the hall, showing his tickets. You should make your way to your seat facing those sitting along the row. If you are already sitting, then stand up and give way to your neighbor in the row. You cannot be noisy in the theater and all cell phones must be turned off. Under no circumstances should you talk, make noise, rustle, or eat during the performance (there is a buffet and intermission for this purpose). It is customary to show admiration (without whistling or stomping) at certain moments, usually after the end of each act (or at the end of particularly successful scenes) and at the end of the entire performance.

If you are walking down the street or going somewhere on business, follow the rules for pedestrian traffic, because this is not only a sign of politeness, but also a necessity. On the sidewalk, it is customary to walk on the right side, without pushing and giving way (if there is no sidewalk, then you should walk towards the traffic). When crossing the street, if you notice an elderly person or a disabled person, offer him your help. It is indecent to blow your nose loudly on the street, sneeze, pick your nose, or yawn. Never throw garbage on the road or sidewalk; there are special trash cans for this.

Before entering a pharmacy or a store, first let those leaving it pass, it is especially useful for people from our country to know this, since this rule is violated every day. If you notice that there is something near you old man, pregnant woman or disabled person, let him pass first. It is not recommended to take animals with you. People with a lit cigarette or ice cream are also not allowed into the store.

If you use public transport, try to follow the following rules of etiquette. When entering a bus (metro, trolleybus, tram, etc.), first give other passengers the opportunity to get off. You cannot linger at the door (it is recommended to go into the salon). You should always give way to older people, pregnant women, young mothers and the disabled. A sign of bad manners and indiscretion is also loud talking and laughter in public transport.

If you are invited to visit, it is not recommended to be late. If you still cannot arrive on time, be sure to notify the hosts about this. It is indecent to closely examine the furniture and other interior attributes in the apartment, as well as ask questions about their value, otherwise you will demonstrate your ignorance.