The main functions of etiquette in business communication. Basic principles of business etiquette

In the business environment, as well as in social life, there is a set of laws and rules called etiquette. This is a kind of pass to the world of business people, a standard of communication in the business environment. Failure to comply or ignorance of business etiquette often becomes a stumbling block, a barrier in conducting successful negotiations, promoting your company and product on the market, and building a career. The image of a professional is not formed immediately or suddenly, and business etiquette, along with experience and expertise, plays an important role in this. A person is judged by his deeds, by his behavior and ability to build competent relationships in a business environment.

Rule one

Time is money

Punctuality, respect for other people's time and competent knowledge of the basics of time management are the basis of the foundations in the business world. You can be a bright, charismatic presenter, an excellent negotiator, a professional manager, but constantly be late, steal other people’s time, waste your life on expectations, empty chatter that is not on point. It is unlikely that in this situation it will be possible to build long-term cooperation with large companies: unpunctual people are not respected in the business world.

Partners, employers, colleagues, having realized that a person is constantly late, can pass a verdict on such a sufferer: unreliable, behind time, behind the rhythm modern life. Excuses and apologies will strengthen this impression, since politeness and respect for others do not need such companions.

There is only one way out: Every business person must know and master the basics of time management, be able to plan their work day, competently sort tasks into important and urgent ones, delegate some routine tasks and control the course of events.

Rule two

Compliance with the dress code

The first impression of a person is easy to form by his appearance: business suit, neat hairstyle, harmoniously selected accessories. Appearance determines the status and position in society, can tell about the character and inner world there is much more to a man than his words. Information is conveyed not only by speech, but also by clothing, hairstyle, and toilet details. Challenge and provocation in appearance is a protest against society, its laws and foundations.

In many large companies, a separate chapter is devoted to the dress code in the corporate sales book. If an enterprise or organization does not have strict standards regarding the appearance of personnel, it is necessary to adhere to generally accepted norms and rules accepted in the business world.

Rule three

The desktop as a mirror of the inner world

Order on your desktop means order in your head. This old postulate should be carved in golden letters on the doors of any business office. You don’t have to be a psychology guru to understand how and which employees work just by seeing their desktop.

Littered with unsorted papers, with a thick layer of dust on the table.

Pristinely clean, without a single unnecessary thing.

Lined with photographs of children, loved ones, flowers, souvenirs.

Strict order, even stacks of papers, books and folders. Everything is in its place.

Which employees, owners of these desktops, are of primary interest to the employer?

Rule four

Competent speech, business style of writing

Having learned to speak beautifully and competently, it is not difficult to transfer thoughts to paper and learn to write business letters. The main thing is not to fall to the other extreme: official letters written in the dry language of textbooks cause boredom and a desire to quickly close them and throw them in the trash.

Rule five

Respect for your interlocutor, partner, client

A selfish person who thinks only about himself, his own benefit and income is not respected either in the business world or in his own company. A clerk who slammed the door in the face of a client who approached him at the end of the working day or before lunch. An employee talking loudly on the phone in an office where his colleagues are working. A leader who does not know how to listen to his subordinates. A director who uses strong words and expressions towards others.

All these psychological portraits of characters who do not know business etiquette, people who are unable to understand another, hear him, help him, or solve the problem that has arisen. The ability to respect other people's opinions is an important component of business etiquette.

Rule six

Compliance with trade secrets

Almost every company has confidential information that is not subject to disclosure. An old poster from 1941 by artist Nina Vatolina “Don’t talk!” today it gets its second life and fits perfectly into the interior of many modern enterprises and organizations.

It is important for every manager, from the very first days of work for his employees, to issue an order on non-disclosure of trade secrets and collect signatures from the entire team to familiarize themselves with it. It is clear that such a step cannot completely solve the issue of maintaining secret information of the company, however, this rule of business etiquette can serve as a marker for identifying disloyal employees.

Rule seven

At work - work!

If you take a photograph of the working day of most employees in offices and enterprises, the picture will be very depressing. Eighty percent of working time is spent on gossip, smoking breaks, drinking tea, visiting social networks, and solving personal matters. And only twenty percent - for the very work for which they pay a salary.

An employee who brings profit to the company quickly makes a dizzying career. The secret of his success is simple: he works 80% of the time while others “rest.”

Rule eight

The ability to listen and hear your opponent

A rare gift given by nature: the ability to hear another, to understand him. In business, this gift brings in millions; it has a precise definition - an ear for money. Every client, employee and business partner will definitely tell you what they need, what bothers them, and what they need help with. It is only important to be able to hear and make a counter offer. In the business world, this skill is also important because it helps to save time, which is more valuable than money, since it cannot be accumulated.

Rule nine

Telephone etiquette

Business communication is impossible without telephone conversations; ethics in this case helps to quickly establish relationships and conduct negotiations with dignity. Many business partners and clients judge a company based on telephone conversations and employee responses over the phone.

You need to prepare for a telephone dialogue in advance: prepare questions to ask your interlocutor, clarify the time, names and dates that may be needed in the conversation.

Personal calls to work time are allowed only in cases of extreme necessity. Empty chatter on the phone bothers colleagues, distracts the attention of employees and creates the image of a frivolous, empty person.

Rule ten

Netiquette - etiquette of communication on the Internet

Without the Internet, no enterprise can exist today. The ability to communicate via email, comment on business articles and respond to requests and applications from clients on the company website shows the employee’s business level.

Each appeal must be personalized, personal, the letter must be signed with the name of the performer, full contact information must be provided - company name, postal address, telephone number, Skype nickname, corporate website address, business hours.

Rule eleven

Reception of delegations

The protocol reception of delegations is a separate part of business etiquette, which includes a long list of actions for meeting, accommodating, introducing, and introducing members of the delegation to representatives of the receiving party. Protocol for a business meeting, presentation of gifts, business souvenirs, flowers, presentation of the company and product, behavior at a buffet or banquet - all these issues are scrupulously described in thick books on business protocol.

When foreign delegations meet, peculiarities of national etiquette are added to the generally accepted set of business rules.

Rule twelve

Business meeting

One of the most important rules business etiquette - the ability to conduct competent negotiations and bring them to a specific result. In order for negotiations to take place at a high level, before they begin, you need to define clear goals, draw up an accurate plan, and choose a convenient time and place for both parties.

At the first stage of negotiations, it is necessary to capture the attention of the interlocutor, creating a trusting atmosphere. During the conversation, you need to note for yourself the stages of negotiations and complete them immediately after the intended goal is achieved. All results of negotiations must be recorded and analyzed.

Rule thirteen

Supervisor-subordinate relationship

According to the rules of business etiquette, the manager must treat all employees equally, equally, while maintaining a reasonable distance. Reprimands to subordinates should always be made face to face; it is logical to organize a demonstrative public “flogging” after the employee has not responded to the boss’s reprimand.

You need to give orders, give verbal tasks to your boss clearly, specifically, receive feedback, control the process, and analyze the effectiveness of execution.

The subordinate must follow the orders and directions of the manager, and at the same time has the right to express his own point of view and give advice on improving the solution of a particular issue.

Rule fourteen

Relationships in the team between employees

The microclimate in the team largely depends on the kind of relationships that have developed between colleagues in the company. Smooth, friendly, respectful relationships are the basis of a healthy team. If one of your colleagues makes a mistake or mistake, it is important for colleagues to learn not to ridicule him, but to correctly point out shortcomings in their work and offer their help.

Office romances, mutual hatred, cold war, gray cardinals and office plankton, intrigues against each other - evil forces that interfere with the working environment and the solution of the main tasks of the team.

Rule fifteen

Business gestures

This part of business etiquette deserves several volumes of description with colorful pictures. Gestures, manners, facial expressions can tell more about a person than words. An employee's movements during working hours should be energetic, not sluggish, or slow. The gait is confident, but waving your arms and taking very large steps is not recommended. Straight posture, confident gaze, lack of fuss in movements are signs of a man of action.

A handshake is the only tactile gesture of touching an interlocutor that is allowed in a business environment. Patting on the shoulder, warm hugs, kisses and other gestures of friendliness are possible only among very close partners and relatives. When shaking hands, the hand should not be limp, wet or cold. It is not customary to shake or strongly squeeze the interlocutor’s offered hand for a long time.

Controlling words, text or thoughts is not at all difficult; controlling gestures and facial expressions is much more difficult. An intelligent interlocutor will instantly understand the intention or deception by certain gestures and body movements. Business literature offers help from the books “Body Language” by Alan Pease and “The Psychology of Lying” by Paul Ekman. Fool me if you can"

A note in a business notebook

68% of business negotiations and transactions in Russia did not take place due to the fact that entrepreneurs did not know the rules of business etiquette. Ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility; it leads to loss of authority, money and business.

The main difference between business etiquette and secular etiquette is that in this set of rules the priority of subordination comes first. Regardless of age and gender, the subordinate is lower in the service hierarchy than the manager.

Business is done by people who not only have smart thoughts, entrepreneurship and creativity, but also emotions. Failure to comply with business etiquette always causes negative feelings. Only ten to fifteen percent of business people achieve success, and compliance with business etiquette is always in the first place.

There is a constant process of communication between people in social and business environments. Knowledge of the rules and norms of business etiquette helps to establish the necessary connections and increase the level of loyalty of a client or colleague towards oneself. One of the significant elements of the culture of business communication is the decent behavior of people, their moral values, manifestations of conscience and morality. The success of an enterprise largely depends on the microclimate in the team. If employees perform their duties competently and clearly, and most importantly harmoniously, then the company develops and grows.

Etiquette is norms (laws) about manners, features of appropriate behavior of people in society.

Business etiquette is a system of principles and rules for professional, official communication / behavior of people in the business sphere.

Compliance with the rules of etiquette is necessary for all self-respecting people, but it is especially useful for those who strive to build a career (business). In business interaction great importance have factors such as reputation, information and connections. The more information, the more competently you can build communication.

The fundamental rules of business etiquette include:

  1. Timely completion of duties, punctuality. In a business environment, being late is not tolerated. It is also unethical to make your opponent wait during negotiations.
  2. Non-disclosure of confidential information, compliance with corporate secrets.
  3. Respect and listening skills. A friendly and respectful attitude, the ability to listen to the interlocutor without interrupting, help to establish contact and resolve many business issues.
  4. Dignity and attention. and one’s knowledge/strength should not turn into excessive self-confidence. It is necessary to calmly accept criticism or advice from others. You should be considerate towards clients, co-workers, management or subordinates. Provide assistance and support as needed.
  5. Correct appearance.
  6. Ability to speak and write correctly.

An important indicator of business culture is order in the work area. It indicates the accuracy and diligence of the employee, the ability to organize his workplace and working day.

In the culture of business communication, attention should be paid to nonverbal (wordless) manifestations of etiquette. Don't turn away from your interlocutor. When explaining, you don’t need to gesticulate or grimace too much.

According to the rules of business etiquette, the person occupying a dominant position enters the workroom first, followed by all the others, according to the ladder of the business hierarchy. Business order corresponds to the following division:

  1. Status.
  2. Age.
  3. Gender differences.

The man must accompany the woman to her left. This rule is due to the fact that in the old days, a gentleman, being to the left of a lady, occupied a more dangerous place when driving along the road. Carts with horses moved at the same time as passers-by, since in those days there were no sidewalks.

In business relations between and a subordinate, subordination must be observed. It is customary to point out an employee’s mistakes in person, not in the presence of the team.

Business correspondence

Business correspondence is a system of requirements (standards) that must be adhered to in order to correctly and competently draw up a document. First of all, you need to decide on the type and urgency of delivery of the letter. And also with the degree of accessibility of the document for the recipient, whether it will be one letter or several, with clarifications / lists / suggestions. The letter must be written correctly in terms of spelling and style.

The format of the document must comply with existing templates, depending on the type of letter (for example, cover letter). When drawing up a document, you must be guided by the standards for document preparation requirements [GOST R 6.30-2003].

A business letter must include the name of the company that acts as the sender; date of dispatch and recipient's address. It is also necessary to indicate the initials, position of the recipient or the department to which the letter was sent. The main part of the letter consists of an introduction/address, subject line and brief description the purposes of the document, followed by the text and conclusion. At the end of the document, the sender's signature is placed, and attachments or copies, if any, are indicated.

  • document type;
  • subject;
  • summary.

This is necessary to avoid a situation where an incoming message ends up in the spam folder, and the recipient can delete the letter without reading it.

The letter should be simple and understandable, without an excessive amount of professional terms. In business correspondence, the use of slang expressions and phrases with double meaning is not allowed.

If the letter has an international focus, then it must be drawn up in the recipient’s language or English language. The response to the letter must be provided:

  • by mail - no later than ten days;
  • when negotiating via the Internet - from 24 to 48 hours.

Business correspondence must be carefully prepared and rechecked several times before sending. An incorrectly written letter containing spelling errors can harm the company’s reputation, since a business document is business card companies.

Business rhetoric

Rhetoric in the business world is the art of eloquence, the ability to effectively and convincingly convey ideas to listeners. Diction, correctly delivered speech, and intonation are important here. A significant aspect is the ability to present not only information, but also oneself. In business rhetoric, the principles of speech influence are used:

  • availability;
  • associativity;
  • expressiveness;
  • intensity.

Rules of business communication

Significant condition business communications is a culture of speech, which is manifested in literacy, correctly selected intonation, vocabulary and manner of speaking.

A necessary condition for communication in business circles is respect, goodwill and the ability to hear the interlocutor. In order to show that you take the speaker's words seriously, you can use the technique of "active listening" by selectively repeating the spoken statements or paraphrasing them slightly.

The stages of business communication have the following division:

  • Preparation for discussion of issues (business meeting). It is necessary to draw up a negotiation plan, a concept for conducting a conversation, arguments and counterarguments, study the opponent’s point of view on various issues, and prepare proposals for solving the problem.
  • Introductory part (greeting, address), establishing communication between partners of a business conversation. It is important to start the communication correctly, respectfully, to create an easy, trusting environment; it is also necessary to interest the interlocutor, to arouse interest in the problem and the discussion as a whole.
  • Statement of the essence of the issue, argumentation, presentation of arguments and counter-argumentation. Discussion of the problem, search for ways to resolve controversial issues.
  • Establishing the optimal solution and formalizing the agreement.
  • The final part (address, words of farewell/parting words).

Rules for business communication by phone

For communication by telephone in business, the principles stipulated by general rules business communication and rhetoric. Speech must be literate, the intonation must be friendly, the information must be presented to the point, without introductory words or long pauses.

The incoming call signal must be answered no later than after the third ring of the telephone. The next step is a greeting (the phrases “hello” and “listening” are not allowed). You need to say hello, then say the name of the organization and introduce yourself. Next, clarify the reason for the call, clarify the opponent’s questions and politely say goodbye. If you need to make an outgoing call, the rules for conducting a telephone conversation are the same as in the first case. The only exception is the need to ask the called party whether he is comfortable talking and whether he can devote his time to you. You should be interested immediately after the welcoming speech.

If the caller asks for an employee who is currently absent from the workplace, the person answering the call should offer their assistance; if they refuse, they should ask what needs to be conveyed to the absent employee.

Business style clothing

Compliance with generally accepted norms and rules in organizing your appearance is a mandatory aspect of the rules of business etiquette. Some large companies have a corporate dress code. You need to choose clothes in a classic style; too revealing, bright things, or with elements of torn fabric are not allowed. The appearance must be neat and tidy. Attention should be paid not only to the correct selection of clothes, but also to appearance in general (the condition of nails, hairstyles, shoes, makeup for women).

Hold the knife in right hand, and a fork in the left, open the door and give women a hand... The rules of etiquette are firmly entrenched in our lives, if a person follows them, then the attitude towards him improves significantly. However, business also has its own rules, on which the success of negotiations, obtaining a profitable partnership or acquiring valuable connections. The principles of business etiquette allow you to achieve great heights. Unfortunately, not everyone understands the importance of these principles. If you want to achieve something in life, then you need to behave accordingly. There are not many rules, but they can open all doors for you.

Rules of business etiquette and criteria for success

Business is a rather complex environment where the strongest survive. You need to have a lot of advantages - be a good speaker, an experienced specialist, be able to defend his point of view. A good businessman is a combination of positive qualities that make up his reputation. Reputation cannot be created in one day, it becomes the result of hard work. An important step to acquiring a good reputation is business etiquette.

Save time

Precision is the courtesy of kings, says the famous proverb. In business, you need to constantly be a king - come to all meetings and appointments on time, and not make others wait. Trust in a person who is constantly late gradually decreases. In the eyes of his partners and colleagues, he looks unreliable, unable to work in the modern rhythm of life. Time Management Basics are not only about punctuality, but also about accuracy. Don't overload other people with unnecessary information and meaningless conversations. The ability to value other people's time is an integral part of business etiquette. If you can plan your day correctly, pay due attention to important matters, if you respect your environment, you will acquire an irreplaceable assistant in the form of a reputation. It is always worth remembering that time is money.

Organizing your workspace

A desktop can say a lot about a person. Piles of papers, dust, garbage and a dirty cup are far from the most ideal workplace. If a person keeps his desk in order, then his thoughts are in order. Moreover, it significantly helps in work. Finding an important document will not be difficult. And you are unlikely to find that a sticky coffee stain has spread on a lucrative contract. Cleaning up your desk is not that difficult, even during important work. will come to the rescue Japanese 5S system.

Politeness and respect

No one will communicate with a boor who uses only strong expressions, and at every opportunity breaks into a scream. In business, as in life, if you know how to respect your interlocutor and do not try to insult or humiliate him, then it will be easier for you to establish contact. You need to respect the other person's point of view, even if it doesn't match yours. You should not act only in your own interests. Respect towards partners is important quality good businessman. But excessive altruism is also not encouraged, otherwise you may get a reputation for being too soft and will be crushed by competitors.

Working spirit

Many workers devote minimal effort to completing their jobs. job responsibilities– constantly drink tea, chat on the phone, communicate in in social networks. This negatively affects not only productivity, but also the reputation of employees. If you know how to work at work, then your career will quickly take off. Management will definitely be interested in an active specialist, and more prestigious companies may pay attention to you. And if your reputation as an employee is not trustworthy, then you can’t expect career growth.

Dress appropriately

Probably many people with modern views pay minimal attention to this point. However, statistics show that the best deals are made by businessmen in elegant business suits, with expensive accessories and with a presentable appearance. It's possible that human appearance- this is far from the most important thing in business, but it’s worth remembering that people are greeted by their clothes. There will be more trust in someone who follows the office dress code, rather than in someone who comes to a meeting in old jeans and a sweater. Women should not look too vulgar and provocative. These standards of business etiquette should be taken for granted and complied with. Even if it doesn't coincide with your views.

Attention to gestures

Body language can tell much more about a person than it seems. The rules of business etiquette require a minimum of tactile contacts - the only exception is a handshake. You should not hug or kiss your colleagues or touch them during a conversation. Respect personal space boundaries. Not everyone enjoys the touch of a stranger. It is not so easy to follow gestures while speaking. Many people can detect lies or understatements just by hand movements or facial expressions. You should control yourself, be restrained and confident. No need to fuss - a straight back, clear movements and a firm gaze will set you apart from the rest.

Unity of rules

Rules of business etiquette exist not only for men, but also for women. They should not be confused with secular etiquette, where a woman is allowed more than a man. A business woman should shake hands with partners on equal terms, behave with restraint, and avoid coquetry, flirting or affectation. Even romantic people can become business sharks if they behave accordingly. You should not expose your character traits to everyone. If at home you love pink bears, then at work you should be strict and restrained. Otherwise, male colleagues may not want to cooperate with you. For women at work, there should be no problems such as a sick child, a conflict with her husband, or a banal purchase of a new handbag. All these worries should be left at home, this is the only way to get to the top of the business.

Relationships in the team

Communication with colleagues and superiors significantly affects the performance of the team and the results obtained. A boss should not publicly accuse his subordinates of incompetence, even if they made a mistake. Reprimand must be personal and take place without prying eyes. You should only resort to public reprimand if the mistake is repeated, if the subordinate does not accept your instructions. There is no need to single out favorites and scapegoats. The etiquette of a business person presupposes that the boss treats each team member equally and equally encourages or punishes his subordinates.

Relationships between colleagues should also be smooth. You should not have affairs at work, otherwise it will lead to a deterioration in the overall result. You need to separate work and personal life. Often in groups, unique “circles of interests” are formed, victims appear who are bullied (this is called mobbing), favorites who are envied. This shouldn't happen in a normal team. Such behavior not only reduces overall performance, but also negatively affects the reputation of individual team members. You can hardly succeed if you have a reputation as a gossip. In a normal team, they don’t ridicule people for miscalculations and mistakes, but offer help.

Service hierarchy

Business ethics and business etiquette assume that a person's status is determined by the official hierarchy, and not by age or gender. It is possible that a man will have to work with a female boss, or an adult may be subordinate to a young manager. In any case, subordination must be observed.

Business speech etiquette

Speech etiquette in business communication is necessary not only for oral, but also for written negotiations. Business documents must be drawn up correctly. Avoid dry phrases and clericalism that make your letters boring and monotonous. But use conversational style no need either.

It is important to learn how to talk on the phone. Empty calls that last for tens of minutes reveal that a person is unprofessional. If you have an important conversation on the phone, then prepare for it in advance - write a list of questions, draw up a plan for the conversation, and indicate the desired result. This way you can quickly come to an agreement without wasting your time or the time of your interlocutor. Be sure to introduce yourself first if you make a call.

Business communication etiquette also includes netiquette - the art of communication on the Internet. With the development of technology, many issues are resolved through email. Often we are forced to respond to comments on social networks. The rules advise you to always leave your contacts - e-mail, Skype or other means of communication, so that the interlocutor knows who to contact. Moreover, you should also be polite on the Internet. Not all users leave pleasant comments, but it is not appropriate to respond to rudeness with rudeness. If you see negative reviews addressed to you, then you should explain to the user why the mistake was made and try to correct it, if possible.

Rules for receiving delegations and conducting negotiations

Beneficial contracts and agreements are concluded during negotiations. Often partners come from other cities and countries. Rules of business etiquette indicate how to receive delegates, how to seat them correctly, how to plan a meeting, and so on. A successful businessman must think through everything down to the smallest detail - meeting partners at the airport or train station, transfer to the hotel, choosing a conference room, excursion program. Foreign delegations pose a particular challenge. The culture of European countries differs significantly from the culture of Asian or Muslim countries. Often, third-party companies are hired to receive foreign delegates who know all the intricacies of the dress code, food and communication with foreign colleagues. For example, when meeting with Muslim partners, you need to dress discreetly, especially for women. They prefer light makeup, long skirts, and no cleavage. The food for foreigners also follows the rules - no pork or alcohol, you must leave time for prayer. There are quite a lot of difficulties and peculiarities in receiving delegates; if you are unsure of your abilities, then you should invite specialists to organize it. Any minor detail can significantly damage your reputation and negatively affect the outcome of negotiations.

Features of business etiquette also include the ability to negotiate. The time for discussion should not exceed 2 hours, otherwise the partners will get tired and the discussion will decline. The choice of strategy depends on the relationship with partners and the desired result. Before negotiations, draw up a discussion plan, logically justify your point of view, so that you can then present the necessary arguments. Use the pronoun “we” more often to indicate common interests. If your partners understand that you associate your own success with their benefit, then they will more easily accept your terms. At the end of the negotiations, be sure to summarize the results to record everything that was achieved. It is also worth making intermediate results during the conversation.

Following the rules of business etiquette allows you to achieve success in business. This is not the main quality that a business person should have, but knowledge of these features can play an important role when signing contracts or concluding agreements. It is worth remembering that in Russia about 68% of transactions fail only due to ignorance of the rules of etiquette. If you know and follow all the subtleties, you will be several steps ahead of your competitors. With business etiquette, all doors in the business world open.

P.S. Etiquette training at the best international schools

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Approaches to defining business behavior

There are several approaches to understanding the concept of “business behavior” in the literature:

  • Business behavior is the ability of a manager to organize individual jobs, taking into account the fact that achieving an effective final result depends entirely on the employees themselves.
  • Business behavior is the ability of a manager to organize joint work, where the effective end result is determined by the methods of partnership cooperation.

To achieve manageability of business behavior, it should be considered as a single complex of professional activities and communication.

Properties of business behavior

  • functional certainty. Each employee knows what work he must perform within the framework of his position. His job descriptions the responsibilities and rights of the employee are determined;
  • setting time boundaries. Business behavior is always time-limited, it takes place over a certain period of time and can be stressful at different start or finish dates;
  • self-organization. Business behavior can become a personal program of activity as part of an organization-wide program;
  • autonomy from the point of view of motivation: tasks are perceived by the employee as a goal that involves him in professional activity and communication;
  • predictability of business behavior, as a result of teamwork, employees are able to achieve excellent teamwork through diligence, self-discipline and demands on each other and on themselves.

Note 1

Man is the least manageable component of management activity.

The main problem is problems in performance, which consists of a set of individual characteristics of the employee, the efforts he makes and the availability of appropriate organizational support.

Among the individual characteristics of employees are:

  1. biologically personal determined subsystem (age, gender, nervous system person);
  2. forms of perception of reality (attention, memory, type of thinking);
  3. a subsystem consisting of experience (skills, knowledge, experience);
  4. socially conditioned system (personal orientation and individual value orientations).

Types of business behavior

Note 2

Each employee has his own personal preferences for any type of business behavior.

They are formed on the basis of deep psychological reasons, developing under the influence of upbringing, education, environment. This is a kind of dependence on a person’s desires (“I want”), awareness of one’s capabilities (“I can”), given requirements (“I must”) and efforts to achieve a goal (“I try”). Attitudes can be stable or, conversely, become a barrier to implementation. professional responsibilities. There are opposite types of business behavior of people in an organization:

  1. Active behavior. It can manifest itself in the desire for creative fulfillment and the search for attractive types of work. Here desires are in harmony with aspirations, personal abilities are activated, and high demands on one’s own activities can be set.
  2. Inert behavior. It appears in cases where a person only imitates work and formally submits to the requirements of the manager and the goals of the organization. The consciousness of the individual is filled with the awareness of the loss of personal significance of the functions performed by him. The meaning of work activity is not realized.

Definition 1

Business behavior is a system of individual actions that is associated with the implementation of his business interests and includes interaction with clients, partners, subordinates, managers, and colleagues.

Business behavior is implemented through business communication, establishing relationships and making decisions that contribute to success. Among the characteristics of business behavior:

  • initiative (creative approach to business, resourcefulness and efficiency in using circumstances, choice the best option achieving goals, searching for counter-proposals);
  • diligence (the ability to bring things to a logical conclusion, conscientiousness, accuracy, accuracy, efficiency and discipline in work);
  • inertia (employee imitation of his work, submission to management requirements).


1. Basic rules of behavior at work.

2. Business meetings.

3. Business attire etiquette.

5. Business gifts.

6. List of references.


Business etiquette occupies a special place in the art of behavior. If, by violating certain norms of behavior in everyday life and in society, you mainly risk your reputation as a well-mannered person, then in business such mistakes can cost a lot of money and a career. The great master and teacher in the field of business relations, Dale Carnegie, argued that a person’s success in financial affairs depends fifteen percent on his professional knowledge and eighty-five percent on his ability to communicate with people. In fact, any business is the coordinated actions of many people, and the effectiveness of these actions directly depends on their ability to establish relationships with each other.

It is well known that the driving force of the economy is the needs of society and production and competition. These factors determine the continuous restructuring national economies and the world economy as a whole, accompanied by the disappearance of individual firms and even industries and the emergence of others. At the same time, the fate of an individual employee in such difficult conditions depends not only on the fatality of fate and the will of his superiors, but also on the compliance of his qualities and potential with the tasks facing the company. It is not enough to be capable of fulfilling your mission - you must be able to play this role in front of others, so that they also believe in you. In short, you must be able to behave in a way that the right people I have a favorable opinion of you.

Thus, the ability to behave properly, i.e. observance of etiquette has now become one of the most important conditions and ways to get ahead and maintain leadership in business. In other words, firmly understand that maintaining business etiquette is one of the elements of your professional strategy.

It is not enough just to be a polite and well-mannered person. We need specific knowledge of the intricacies of this area of ​​human relationships. And there are a great many of them: how and when to say the right word or remain silent, to give a gift appropriate to the event, how to create a social circle that is useful for business, the ability to organize a business meal and behave at it, etc. and so on. - and all with the aim that these contacts and actions have a favorable impact on the affairs of the company and your own.

Etiquette rules may vary among individual companies and industries. It is your responsibility to know these specifics in each specific case. In addition, the global nature of economic relations obliges people to know the rules of good manners of other countries. Violation of these rules leads to the severance of business ties and results in the loss of sales markets.


How to contact whom.

Each company has its own “table of ranks”. There are employees who are called by name, others are addressed only by their first name and patronymic. Newly hired employees should carefully observe the manner in which their colleagues communicate with each other and follow their example.

If you are one of the responsible employees who are addressed by their first name and patronymic, but when talking with the boss face to face you call him by his first name, in the presence of other employees you should call him by his first name and patronymic. When you are in a more modest position, you may want to wait until the colleague you are introducing asks to be identified by his first name.

Regardless of how official the nature of the relationship between employees of a particular institution is, each of them has a name. You should not call anyone, not even your secretary, “my girl” in a conversation with anyone.

Requests for help.

Regardless of whether you have many people under your control or no one, sometimes situations arise in which you cannot cope without the help of others. These “others” could be your subordinates or simply co-workers. No matter what position you hold, you should never make a request to anyone that sounds like an order or demand. They'll be more willing to help you if you season your request with a generous helping of "thank you" and "please."

Manager's instructions.

For part of the day, each responsible employee always works together with a secretary: with her help, he sorts out mail, dictates letters to her, discusses the procedure for scheduled meetings, etc. In the routine of everyday life, the most pleasant aspects of human communication are easily forgotten, which are designed to make such meetings more joyful, but despite this, it is completely unacceptable to shout: “Lena! Come here! or carry out duties without a hint of a smile, with a gloomy expression on your face. If you address the secretary, say, like this: “Lena, when you finish composing this letter, please come to my office, I must dictate something to you,” - this address will not only acknowledge the fact, that Lena is busy at the moment, at the same time you will turn your order into a request.

When you say in a project management meeting, “Jim, Kraus's project needs some work. Could you work it into your work schedule in the next couple of days?” By doing so, you acknowledge the importance of Jim's work schedule and also, as in the previous example, make a request to him rather than give a rigid order.

By focusing attention on the word “you” and not on the word “I,” the leader thereby makes it clear to Lena, Jim, and the rest of his employees that each of them is involved in a common cause that they all serve. If you say: “I want you to come…” or: “I need you to finalize Kraus’s project,” the very tone of your request will be completely different.

Relationships with colleagues.

In some cases, asking co-workers for help can be difficult. Nobody likes lazy people and slackers who chatter on every corner about what they say at work, but in fact cannot complete a single task and constantly bother others with their questions. At the same time, everyone will consider it their duty to lend a helping hand to someone who is always willing to share their experience and knowledge with others.

Relations between men and women in the service

If we proceed from the idea of ​​equality between men and women and are guided by the requirements of common politeness, the question of how representatives of opposite sexes should build relationships at work disappears by itself.

The door is opened by the one closest to it.

The person closest to the door enters or exits the elevator first.

The one who has the lighter at hand gives the light to someone else.

Both men and women rise from their chairs to greet a client or visitor, regardless of gender.

Both men and women shake hands; There are no rules in the service that dictate who should shake hands first.

Regardless of who invites whom to lunch, the inviter pays.

If all employees in an office share a coffee maker, both men and women take turns brewing coffee and cleaning the coffee maker. The idea that the prerogative of making coffee is exclusively a woman’s task is one of the most typical prejudices, and women are involved in “housekeeping” at work on an equal basis with men.

Personal services, such as asking a secretary to take clothes to the dry cleaner or buying a gift for the boss's wife, are not part of the official duties, unless their implementation is specifically agreed upon when hiring. If someone really really needs such a service, then his request to fulfill this order should be of a personal nature.

Neither men nor women should call employees by pet names or nicknames at work.

Even when you would like to behave the same way at work as you do in a non-work environment, don't allow yourself to do so. Don't forget that a business lunch is not an invitation to a date. A woman should not wait for a man to gallantly pull out a chair for her to help her sit down, and a man should not feel obligated to do so. She will be able to take care of herself, just like her companion.


If the service allows eating at the workplace, you must follow normal rules maintaining cleanliness. Don't leave dirty cups and plates everywhere. After eating, wipe off crumbs and wet stains from spilled drinks from the table. The spectacle of people eating does not bring much pleasure to those present. As soon as you finish eating, if possible, throw away any leftover food in a separate, closed trash can rather than in a trash can next to your or a co-worker's desk.


Come to work on time; Don’t be late for meetings; submit reports on time; Don’t constantly look at your watch waiting for the end of the working day. If you just can’t meet the deadlines, tell your boss about it when he gives you an assignment, convincingly arguing your position.


Responsible corporate employees often express concern that many of their subordinates are not literate enough - they make punctuation and spelling errors, spell names incorrectly, and cannot correctly break text into sentences and paragraphs. If you lack knowledge, take a refresher course or advanced training courses. If you are simply irresponsible in your approach to business, think about how much harm your every mistake can cause to your work, and try to be more conscientious in performing your duties.

Don't waste your time.

No matter how diligent and diligent you are, it often happens that co-workers use communication with you as an excuse to justify wasting their time and yours. Sometimes they find thousands of ways to distract you from your work, but you don’t always need to pay attention to them. In most cases, you should politely get rid of their intrusiveness.