The main stages of developing a corporate identity. Development of a corporate identity for a company: features, main elements, examples

Design corporate identity plays a big role in the perception of a specific trademark (brand) of a manufacturer or seller of goods or services, therefore the success of creating a corporate identity largely depends on the qualifications of the designers. As a rule, the design part of the work is carried out by individual designers or agencies in collaboration with psychologists and advertising specialists. If the wishes of the entrepreneur coincide with the vision of the designer, the corporate style will be the most successful. corporate advertising logo slogan

In some cases, the development of a company’s corporate identity begins “from scratch.” It includes the following steps:

1. Compilation terms of reference, i.e., determining the information load that the corporate identity should carry.

The scope of the company’s activities is studied in detail, including market segment research (if necessary); an image that should be created in the mind of a potential consumer. Options are being developed trademark, logo, as well as a corporate identity package that includes many components.

  • 2. Design development:
    • - phono type (name) and logo (graphic design);
    • - visual components of corporate identity;
    • - the original construction of the logo (sign) in the scale-coordination grid;
    • - color scheme of the logo (sign);
    • - brand block;
    • - color scheme of corporate style;
    • - corporate style typography (font ranges); in the carriers (elements) of the style (including the design of the building facade, interior, etc.).
  • 3. Conducting patent research.
  • 4. Legal protection.

Patent research and legal protection carried out by patent specialists. These stages include examination of the proposed designation, verification of identity and similarity with already registered designations and the development of recommendations for strengthening the protectability of the designation being developed, as well as filing an application with the State Patent Office of the Russian Federation to obtain protection documents.

The experience of creating a corporate identity for a number of companies confirms that performing work at all these stages is a necessary and sufficient condition for obtaining the desired results.

In our country, the culture of corporate identity is still very young. Not all Russian companies invest enough money in developing a corporate identity concept. There are still some successes in this area, however, they relate to a greater extent not to corporate identity, but to the creation of new brands, which is not quite the same thing.

Currently, there is a tendency to reflect the specifics of the company's activities in the brand name. The names of many Russian companies “work” both as a trademark and as a corporate identity. But in some cases it even harms. The sign, as the main element of the corporate identity, should have something that gives rise to the right associations and allows for speculation. According to the heads of advertising agencies and design studios, there should be a mystery in the corporate style.

One of the main and most common carriers of corporate identity is an ordinary business card, which, even with advertising, retains its meaning. However, managers do not always properly care about what the business card of their company or company looks like.

Undoubtedly, when developing a corporate identity, a corporate philosophy focused on the end consumer plays an important role. Success is achieved by those companies whose management, having come to the conclusion that it is necessary to transform the character of the company and create a new corporate philosophy, also changes its advertising image.

Efforts bring results when it comes not just to changing the name, but to creating a new brand, i.e. when the name itself has a powerful impact on a person, is surrounded by a wide range of associations and interpretations and is filled with meaning for both clients and company employees . This provides opportunities for development of both external image and internal corporate culture.

However, a change in corporate identity can lead to failure in business (the company will not be recognized for some time) if it is not accompanied by a powerful PR campaign. If you start working on a corporate identity “from scratch,” then this is first of all work on the company name, then on the sign and logo. The remaining elements depend on the specifics of the company's activities.

There is a close connection between the company’s industry and the specifics of its corporate identity. For example, if an insurance company's documentation has a "light, airy" style with vignettes, this will not give it weight; An airline's corporate identity should not evoke the same associations as a brand belonging to a consumer products company. Each type of business can be given its own, specific definition of the concept of “corporate style”.

Creating a corporate identity for an enterprise is complex process. Only after the general concept of the company has been formed can the development of the main components of the style begin. Correct development of a corporate identity is a complex creative and organizational process. Identification of the organization, the unity of a stylish solution is the main task of designers who work on creating the external image of the company.

World practice can offer quite interesting examples of a creative approach to solving this problem.

Thus, the Hilton hotel chain has developed a special unified window design, door handles, lamps, and the corporate style of the Marks and Spencer chain of stores is the same design of all stores, uniforms of sellers and green bags. British Petroleum's green and yellow colors are an integral part of the design of petrol stations.

In order to improve its status, the Row Mail company repainted 32,000 cars and motorcycles, 12,000 mailboxes, produced 16,000 pieces of new clothing for postmen, and developed 1,200 variants of letterheads. The Raw Mail company began to be recognized all over the world.

The introduction of a corporate identity into the activities of an organization is the final stage in the development of a corporate identity, since it requires a separate plan, consisting of its own stages, thoughtfulness and consistency.

Standard activities to implement an organization's corporate identity may include the following:

  • 1) distribution of an order to comply with corporate identity;
  • 2) distribution of internal explanatory letters on corporate identity;
  • 3) conducting internal seminars on corporate identity;
  • 4) trainings for reception secretaries;
  • 5) design of the company’s office in a corporate style;
  • 6) production of clothing in the corporate style of employees employed in production or in the company’s stores;
  • 7) design of door signs and signs of the company in the corporate style;
  • 8) applying elements of corporate identity to the company’s products;
  • 9) production of souvenirs with elements of the company’s corporate identity;
  • 10) production of advertising and printing products with elements of the company’s corporate style;
  • 11) outdoor advertising with elements of the company’s corporate identity;
  • 12) advertising in the media with elements of the company’s corporate identity;
  • 13) Internet site with elements of the company’s corporate identity;
  • 14) use of corporate identity during participation in conferences and exhibitions, holding special events. Brown, L.S. Image is the path to success / L.S. Brown. - St. Petersburg. 2003. -73 pp., p. 62

Thus, the introduction of a company’s corporate identity occurs evolutionarily not only as part of its overall communication strategy for image formation, but also simply in the process economic activity companies. Therefore, there is no need for targeted actions to promote the corporate style itself; what is much more important is its observance and correct application.

Stages of creating a corporate identity

What is corporate identity?

The goal of developing a corporate identity is to create, with the help of visual techniques, an individual, memorable image of the company, its products or services. The image developed by the designers must be “bright”, distinguish the company from the crowd of competitors, and also attract potential clients, consumers and partners to business communication and collaboration, build trust and recognition, and promote a positive reputation.

So, what exactly are the stages of developing a corporate identity?

Stage one: preparation

The formation of a company’s individual style is preceded by the collection of necessary information and analytical work. It is important to delve into the specifics of the company’s activities, understand the nature and characteristics of the products or services provided, find out the history, current position, and prospects. We also conduct an analysis of the relevant market area, that is, potential competitors of the customer company. This data helps to find and embody exactly the image that will most clearly and vividly represent the company and allow it to stand out from the crowd.

Stage two: defining strategy and concept

From this moment, the direct work on creating the corporate identity itself begins. This stage includes identifying the main guiding ideas that will be key to the company’s image. Agree that creating an image, among other things, requires subtle knowledge of psychology (consumer, competitors, partners, etc.). Thus, we designate the priority psychological components, that is, we define the figurative-associative series: “corporate style - image - associations”.

Stage three: bright idea

It's no secret that an idea is again a project. History knows many cases when a corporate identity, once created, was functional and effective for many decades. The same can be said about the name. For young companies we are ready to offer naming services. Naming (from the English toname) involves the development and creation of an accurate, sonorous and memorable company name, as well as a slogan (motto) that defines the main credo of the company. After agreeing on the name, slogan and main ideas, we move on to the next stage.

Stage four: visual solution

Now priority corporate colors, font solutions, main graphic objects, etc. are determined, on the basis of which sketches are created. As a rule, with rare exceptions, one, two, or maximum three colors are chosen as the main ones. The fonts used are clear, understandable, and easy to read both large and small scale. Graphics are developed individually for each project, which ensures the use of original graphic objects.

1. Drawing up technical specifications, i.e., determining the information load that the corporate identity should carry. The scope of the company’s activities is studied in detail, including market segment research (if necessary); an image that should be created in the minds of a potential consumer. Options for a trademark, logo, as well as a corporate identity package, which includes many components, are being developed.

2. Design development:

Phonotype (name) and logo (graphic design);

Visual components of corporate identity;

The original construction of the logo (sign) in the scale-coordination grid;

Color scheme of the logo (sign);

Brand block;

Corporate style color scheme;

Corporate style typography (font ranges); in the carriers (elements) of the style (including the design of the building facade, interior, etc.).

3. Conducting patent research.

4. Legal protection.

Patent research and legal protection are carried out by patent specialists. These stages include examination of the claimed designation, checking for identity and similarity with already registered designations and developing recommendations for strengthening the protectability of the designation being developed, as well as filing an application with the State Patent Office of the Russian Federation to obtain protection documents.

Corporate identity concept:

There are still some successes in this area, however, they relate to a greater extent not to corporate identity, but to the creation of new brands, which is not quite the same thing.

1. company logo. Currently, there is a tendency to reflect in the brand name specifics of the company's activities. The names of many Russian companies “work” both as a trademark and as a corporate identity. But in some cases it even harms. The sign, as the main element of the corporate identity, should have something that gives rise to the right associations and allows for speculation. According to the heads of advertising agencies and design studios, there should be a mystery in the corporate style.

2. business card. When developing a corporate identity, a corporate philosophy focused on the end consumer plays an important role.

Success is achieved by those companies whose management, having come to the conclusion that it is necessary to transform the character of the company and create a new corporate philosophy, also changes its advertising image. Efforts bring results when it comes not just to changing the name, but to creating a new brand. However, a change in corporate identity can lead to failure in business (the company will not be recognized for some time) if it is not accompanied by a powerful PR campaign. If you start working on a corporate identity “from scratch,” then this is first of all work on the company name, then on the sign and logo. The remaining elements depend on the specifics of the company's activities.

Each type of business has its own basic specific constants and carriers. So, for example, for companies producing food, this is packaging; for financial corporations - business documentation; in the hotel and restaurant business - design of the building facade, interior elements, menus, invitations, etc. Thus, in the hotel and restaurant business industry, the designer develops:

1. trademark,

2. logo,

3. volumetric-spatial solution,

4. brand constants - color, block, font, advertising formats,

5. documentation,

6. packaging,

7. Accidental set (business cards, forms, pens, envelopes, etc.),

8. interior,

10. dishes,

11. staff clothing and other style-forming elements.

A “high” corporate style indirectly confirms the reliability of the company and forms its positive image.

2. Basic terms and definitions

Company name(firms, companies) is one of the most important constants of corporate identity. Experience shows that in some cases it is desirable for the name to give an idea of ​​the scope of the enterprise's activities. To make it famous, an original name is created that should work for the target audience.

Brand name- name of the legal entity that is a commercial organization. It allows you to individualize this organization in civil circulation. It is registered in accordance with the established procedure, the right to its exclusive use is protected by law.

Trademark(eng. trade mark - trademark) - the trade name of a certain product, manufacturer, distributor, which distinguishes them in the market from competitors. This is a designation that helps to distinguish the corresponding goods of some legal entities from similar goods and services of other legal entities and individuals.

There are four types of brand designation:

1. company name,

2. brand name,

3. product image,

4. trademark.

Corporate name (brand) - a word (letter) or a group of words (letters) that are easy to pronounce and remember. Brand mark (logo) - a symbol, design or distinctive color, designation.

Product image- a specific idea formed by the consumer under the influence of advertising and other sources about a really existing or future product. A product image, which is a personalized trademark, is designed to evoke certain associations and ideas in the buyer in connection with the advertised products or services.

Trademark- an element of corporate identity, which is a duly registered graphic, alphabetic, three-dimensional, sound designation or combination thereof, which is used by the owner of the mark to identify his products, i.e., to distinguish the goods (services) of one company from the goods (services) of others firms A trademark protects the seller's exclusive right to use a trade name. Trademarks must be original, expressive, recognizable among others and linked to a specific company. They become brands only when they have already become widely recognizable.

According to international rules, a trademark cannot contain images of the red cross, red crescent, red lion, red sun, as well as heraldic symbols and geographical names, since they cannot be the subject of property. The owner of a registered trademark has exclusive rights to use it and to use variations of it for the same goods or the same products.

Logo(from the gr. logos - word, typos - imprint) - a specially designed original style of the full or abbreviated name of a company (or a group of products of a given company), which is registered and used for strictly defined purposes. This is one of the classic types of a trademark, an element of corporate identity, a corporate encrypted inscription, which is the original type of the name of the advertiser. The logo may have a combination of initial letters, which is an abbreviated name of an institution or company.

Tagline(from the English slogan - slogan, appeal) - a short slogan or advertising motto that reflects the quality of a product, service, the direction of activity of a travel company, often in a figurative, allegorical or abstract form. The slogan should be short and easy to pronounce, and also correspond to the overall advertising theme.

Brand block- a traditional, frequently used combination of several elements of corporate identity (for example, a figurative trademark and logo).

When graphically designing a name, it is necessary to take into account such elements of corporate identity as color, font, and contrast. Brand colors must be chosen based on the well-known influence of colors on human emotions. Colors have certain psychological effects. Font influences a person no less than color, since it has long become not just an expression of information, but also its carrier, sometimes more significant than the name itself. The font style should be at the same time easy to read, attractive, recognizable and unique. There are a lot of different fonts and their styles. The choice should be made taking into account the proximity to the established stereotypes of the target audience and the impression that needs to be created. Both a brand and a logo can use multiple colors. It is known that contrasting color combinations accentuate attention.

Image(from Latin imago - image, likeness) - a representation, an image formed in public opinion about a person, company, commercial product through a number of information techniques and technologies, including through the media. The formation of an image can be carried out with the help of advertising, public relations, etc. There are many similarities between the image and the real qualities of a person, company, product, but there is not always a fundamental adequacy between them. As a rule, the image is built on the basis of the most catchy, memorable characteristics of the subject, company, product, which can sometimes be inadequate, even random in relation to their real bearer.

Image making - professional activity aimed at creating a positive image of a specific public figure, businessman, as well as a company or product.

Corporate image- a purposefully formed image of a company (corporation) in the minds of the audience, highlighting certain value characteristics, designed to have a psychological impact on consumers for advertising purposes. The corporate image is created by the main activities of the enterprise and targeted advertising and information work. A positive corporate image increases the competitiveness of a company, attracts consumers and partners, and accelerates sales. This is a factor of customer confidence in the company and its products, a factor in the growth of the number of sales, loans, and therefore a factor of prosperity or decline for the company, its owners and employees. Corporate image includes a number of principles: invariability of the name; association with manufactured products; brevity, euphony, aesthetics, uniqueness of the name, as well as its acceptability for foreigners, etc.

Developing a corporate identity is fundamental to the successful development of any modern company. Faceless companies offering their goods or services on the market will never be able to reach a normal level of profit. After all, next to them there are brands that, not only due to advertising, but also due to good recognition, are able to interest the majority of potential buyers.

Today, quite a lot of companies offer their services for corporate identity development. We draw your attention to the fact that in the process of choosing a potential partner, it is important to take into account not only the cost and quality of work, but also the convenience of the process itself.

That is why events to create a company style should be organized according to the principle “from simple to complex.” This will allow you to use each stage of work with maximum efficiency, which, naturally, will have a positive impact on the final results.

Here are a few main stages in developing a company's corporate identity:

Description of the company's mission, as well as its advantages over competitors;

Development of basic elements, including a logo;

Development of corporate documentation, as well as POS materials;

Development of an online representation of the company and a package of advertising materials.

Collection of information.

At the first stage, the necessary information about the company is collected, as well as a thorough analysis of it. It is necessary to take into account all the features of the market, the nature of competition, the history of the development of the company itself, the properties of the products or services that it represents, etc. The main goal of the starting stage is to search for unique characteristics, on the basis of which the future visual image of the company will be built. We hasten to note that the further positioning of the company depends on the success of this event.

At the next stage, you should select the most important thing from the previously collected information. Based on the available data, visual images are formed. Key symbols and metaphors that define corporate identity of the company. Color solutions are of the utmost importance, since each of them carries a certain coloristic load and deepens the essence of the selected symbols. It is also necessary to take into account the advertising strategy, on the basis of which the structure of the future style is formed. This is both a mandatory set of elements and their adaptation to specific advertising media.

Next, a search for graphic solutions is carried out, that is, the necessary image of the company is determined, as well as its clear position in the market. The same task is entrusted to several stylists and designers who must translate the chosen directions into specific color solutions and symbolism. This technique allows you to avoid repetition and “obsession”, and also see different approaches to implement the idea in order to select the most successful one. Special attention to at this stage should be given to fonts, with the help of which the essence of the company’s image is described. Based on the results of the work done, the customer is presented with several of the most good options logo, made in different directions. After jointly determining the most suitable result, it is detailed, as well as a deep drawing of all the constituent elements.

We believe that to determine the most effective option logo, a methodology for testing trademarks on the target audience should be used. Any company in the process of interaction with clients and partners uses a certain set of tools. Someone is using business cards, while some people prefer advertising signs. Here it is important to understand what exactly potential buyers will feel when they look at the visual image presented to them.

Based on the specifics of the company’s activities, it is necessary to select those elements of the corporate identity with which customers contact most often. Based on the selected elements, research is carried out to determine the visual appeal of the brand or logo. After comprehensive testing, the customer receives results showing the effectiveness of a particular option in terms of visual appeal.

After approval of the final version of the logo, the stage of creating a brand book or corporate style book for the company begins. Need to create detailed description logo and all its modifications, as well as construct modular schemes for constructing certain elements. In the process of developing a brand book, the customer receives recommendations on how to implement the adopted style within the enterprise, as well as rules for the use of graphic information for designers and printing companies.

In addition to elements of the new style, the finished brand book should contain options for business documentation. Note that this is where proprietary fonts and colors will be used. In addition, the brand book displays options for personal and corporate business cards, letterheads and contracts, envelopes, folders, etc. Having received the finished brand book in printed and electronic versions, the customer will be able to see the full picture of the company’s corporate style, as well as its individual elements, ready for printing. Almost all well-known firms and companies have their own brand book. One example, the Nike Football Guide, created in 2012, is an example of a concise and understandable brand book. The company's values ​​are set out in three in simple words: Inspiration. Innovation. Enablement. In addition, the brand book lists the 11 design commandments of Nike Football, which are provided with short explanations, and also shows options for using the logo and brand fonts. However main part brand book - photographs of famous football players and Nike sportswear. The book also contains photographic requirements for advertising campaigns. A couple of pages of the Nike Football brand book can be seen below (Figure 8).

After form style company has been approved by the customer, the final stage should begin, that is, the development of the company website and advertising materials. The Internet presence should be universal, that is, interesting for any Internet user.

The development of a website should be approached with special attention, since the success of the company’s promotion on the virtual market depends on its attractiveness. And, of course, advertising materials that are developed on the basis of ready-made stylistic solutions should be of as much interest as possible. large quantity potential clients and partners.

Today, many managers of both large and small organizations come to the conclusion that creating a brand and corporate identity is one of the key areas in market promotion. However, you need to understand that not every organization can carry out the necessary activities at the beginning of its activities. The problem is not having enough funds. The main difficulty is understanding your image, the idea of ​​which forms the basis of your corporate identity. If an organization starts work without its symbols, this may negatively affect its image. Creating a corporate identity and logo will allow you to stand out from the crowd of competitors. If the organization’s capabilities are limited, it is necessary to use at least a minimum set of components. Among them, for example, there may be a slogan, a trademark, made in a certain color scheme.


It is carried out in several stages:


During them, the areas of work of the organization, its products, the sales market and the target audience are studied. The creation of a corporate identity is accompanied by an analysis of competitors’ means of individualization and their individual components. This is necessary to avoid repetition of other people's ideas, even in some details. On the stage marketing research It is also advisable to perform an analysis of registered means of individualization.


At the end of the first stage, the main idea is formulated. It, as mentioned above, must correspond to the image of the organization. Creating a corporate identity is aimed at creating a certain image. When thinking through an idea, it is necessary to determine what the organization will look like to consumers: conservative or modern, creative or respectable, cheerful or serious, and so on. The idea must correspond to the image. Approaches to its formulation can be used completely different, but the style will be considered successful if it conveys the essence of the company, its philosophy, character, values, mission, reflects the principles of work, status and priorities. At the same time, all components that characterize the organization must be extremely clear to the consumer.

Important point

Creating a corporate identity does not imply an explanation of the entire ideology of the organization in the trademark. The challenge is to back up the claims. economic entity made via other telecommunications channels. We are talking, in particular, about advertising on radio, television, and in the press. Currently, in domestic practice, creating a corporate identity for an enterprise often comes down to simply playing with the name. Of course, many designers come up with memorable and original solutions. However, in most cases, they do not allow one to convey this or that information and do not evoke the necessary associations.

The target audience

Creating a corporate identity involves formulating an idea that not only reflects the image of the organization, but also meets the needs of society. In this case, it is advisable to focus on the average consumer level. When developing a style, you should avoid using difficult to pronounce, unfamiliar words and complex elements. The solution must meet the socio-psychological needs of people. This will help promote your product or service faster.

Key Requirements

Creating a corporate identity requires adherence to certain rules:


When creating a style, any possibility of ambiguous perception should be eliminated. In addition, the trademark should evoke only positive emotions. To increase its attractiveness, the logo can be enclosed in a geometric shape. If a square or circle is used, then the components that are located in them should be bright and original.


It should be remembered that the logo will be used for various purposes. In particular, for printing business cards, booklets, posters, banners. All these advertising mediums have different scales. Accordingly, the logo should be in a format that can be adapted to a particular size. The trademark must be made in such a way that it is easily readable from different media. Special attention You should pay attention to contrast and color scheme. All elements of the logo must be clearly visible in black and white.

Standards passport

  1. Branded CMYK, Pantone).
  2. Logo proportions. As a rule, it is placed within a scale-coordinate grid indicating the parameters.
  3. Fonts.
  4. Standards and specifics of design of official forms, souvenirs, interior, packaging, etc.

It is advisable to describe the features of using the logo. For example, it is worth pointing out that it is unacceptable to place it on a non-uniform background, use its individual components, or add additional details. The passport can establish a ban on inversion of the trademark. It is advisable to also attach a description of symbolism, designations, and desired associations to the logo project.