Resident, wintering and migratory birds: list, photos with names. What is the difference between migratory birds and wintering birds: presentation for preschoolers


Senior teacher

Groups kindergarten №1

Lezina Olga Robertovna

Whychkins questions

How birds fly ?

What types of birds are there? ?

Feather structure

Feathers- the most complex horny formations of the skin of birds. They protect birds from all kinds of harmful influences environment- overheating, cold, dampness and wind, and prevent heat loss, making the surface of the bird’s body smooth.

Is there bird milk?

Birds are not mammals; they feed their newborn chicks with various insects, worms, and larvae. Therefore, the expression “bird's milk” most often means some unprecedented product that does not exist in reality.

Lark's nest

stork nest

Eastern tit on the nest

Blue-eyed Tit

Eastern nightingale's nest

garden nest


with a cuckoo egg.

A cuckoo chick throws the last egg out of a garden warbler's nest.

Cuckoo in the nest

garden warbler.

Chicks of the common nightjar - one of the few birds in our fauna that do not build nests at all. They lay their eggs directly on the ground, so the only salvation from enemies is the protective coloring of the eggs and plumage.

Gray flycatcher feeding its

insatiable child.

Song thrush nest.

Guess by their beaks what and who do these birds eat?

Now let's check. Did you guess right?

Each group of birds shares the same food.

Based on the nature of their diet, birds are divided into 5 groups.

1 a group of birds is called


Herbivorous birds have a short, wide beak. They feed on fruits, seeds, and young shoots of plants.

Taiga partridge

Gray partridge

2 group birds feed on insects and are called INSECTIVORE .

Insectivorous birds are distinguished by a thin, elongated beak, which captures insects. They eat a wide variety of insects, looking for them on trees and other plants.

Birds of 3 groups feed on insects and plants

and their fruits are called


Group 4 – birds of prey .

Birds of prey have a special beak structure that ends in a powerful hook, and toes that end in powerful claws. All this helps them capture and hold prey. They feed on rodents, other birds, hares, etc.


Black kite

snowy owl

Long eared owl



Group 5 is very unique: they can eat anything. That's what they're called



Nurse birds feed on landfills and garbage dumps and help improve the health of the area.



Shorebirds and aquatic birds


And the speed of a peregrine falcon in a diving flight

reaches 300 km/h.

Scientists provide amazing data about the flight speed of a small hummingbird: from 48 to 150 km/h!

Sitting down next to a flower, she drinks with her long beak

flower juice. And then it flies away from the flower with its tail first, only a hummingbird can do that.

Swallows from Eastern Europe fly over the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara to East Africa, covering up to 2,500 km without stopping.

Some birds cannot fly at all. Penguins live mainly in water. Their wings

modified into flippers, with which they

“fly”, however, not in the air, but in the water .

The pink seagull spread its elastic wings and caught

with them the wind calmly soars over the sea.

The pink starling flies low above the ground,

locusts swarm.

A small robin bird deftly twirls among

branches, catches insects in flight.

The tumbler pigeon somersaults, turns over


The kestrel can “stand” in the air for a long time on one

place, lying in wait for prey.

Tits flutter from bush to bush, with their wings

They wave often, fly quickly, but not far.

The pelican has grabbed a heavy fish and is gliding wide.

whose wings.

Not every bird can fly into the sky right away.

When a flamingo takes off, it runs for a long time and uses its wings

waves. Accelerates. Finally it will fly smoothly, first low over the sea, then higher and higher...

The kingfisher, when he sees the fish, falls down like a stone,

folding its wings, it plunges into the river. Then it takes off

with prey.

The rooster's wings are beautiful, but they are not suitable for flight.

No matter how much he slams them, he doesn’t rise higher than the fence.

Thanks for

Variety of birds

Slides: 11 Words: 136 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Variety of birds. Penguin squad. Order Ostriformes. African ostriches. Order Cassowaries. Cassowary Ostrich Emu. Cassowary. Order Anseriformes. Duck Goose Swan. Order of diurnal birds of prey. Eagle Hawk Falcon. Squad of nocturnal predators. Eagle Owl Owl. Chicken squad. Pheasant Quail Grouse. Order Passeriformes. Oriole Bullfinch Jay. The troop is long-legged. Storks Crane Heron. - Variety of birds.ppt

Bird species

Slides: 25 Words: 1659 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

Ecological types of birds. 7th grade. Birds of steppes and deserts. The most numerous species, the common rhea, reaches a height of 1.5 m and weighs up to 25 kg. The color of the plumage is mainly grayish-brown. They feed on green parts of plants, various fruits, seeds and small animals. The current of male rheas is somewhat similar to the current of ostriches. The dominant male mates with several females. Females lay 15-30 yellowish eggs in one nest. At the age of 6 months, rhea chicks reach the size of an adult bird. However, sexual maturity occurs only at two years of age. Common rhea. Common emu. - Bird species.ppt

Different types of birds

Slides: 20 Words: 529 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

I want to know everything. Ecological diversity. Birds of the forest. Great Spotted Woodpecker. Gray partridge. Capercaillie. Birds of swamps and reservoirs. White stork. African marabou. Waterfowl. Duck. Swan black. Birds of open land spaces. African ostrich. Emu. Birds of open air spaces. Diurnal predators. Hawk. Vultures. - Different types of birds.ppt

Orders of birds

Slides: 20 Words: 532 Sounds: 1 Effects: 127

Variety of birds. Adaptation of birds for flight. Similarities between birds and reptiles. Differences between birds and reptiles. Classification of birds. Phylum Chordata. Subphylum Vertebrates. Bird class. Owl Squad. They live in forests, deserts, tundra, and mountains. Order Passeriformes. They live in various landscapes. Order Anseriformes. Squad Birds of Prey. Meaning. Object of hunting. Birds of prey. Eiderdown. Guano. Spread the seeds. Control the number of insects and rodents. They are pollinators. Feathers are a tool. Security. Wildlife sanctuaries and reserves Artificial dwellings Feeding troughs Perches. Test yourself: - Bird orders.ppt

Orders of the bird class

Slides: 27 Words: 1424 Sounds: 8 Effects: 90

Birds. Introduction. Order Acioriformes. Great White Heron. Gray Heron. Order Anseriformes. Mute swan. Gray goose. Gray partridge. Order Craniformes. Lapwing. Herring gull. Order Pigeonidae. Order Cuckooformes. Order Owls. Order Swiftiformes. Order Passeriformes. Hoodie. Tree sparrow. Common starling. Great tit. Rook. Barn Swallow. Order Woodpeckers. The practical significance of birds is great and very diverse. - Orders of the bird class.ppt

The most important orders of birds

Slides: 13 Words: 654 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Orders of birds. Variety of birds of prey. Diurnal birds of prey. Grif. Wingspan. Owl squad. Owl. A large number of mouse-like rodents. Chicken squad. Pheasant. Consolidation of what has been learned. Living synonyms. - The most important orders of birds.pptx

Bird family

Slides: 11 Words: 120 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Birds. Table of contents. Cranes Stork Bullfinch Tits Raven. Crane family Height from 90 to 155 cm. In flight, they stretch their neck and legs. Family of birds of the order wavy-legged, 18 species. family of passerine birds. Small birds the size of a sparrow (body length 9.5-19 cm). Bird of the finch family. The size of a sparrow (body length about 18 cm). A songbird of the thrush family. A songbird of the oriole family. Bird of the raven family. Subfamily of tit birds. 18 types. - Bird family.ppt

Bird families

Slides: 6 Words: 306 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Birds. A little about birds. Red-haired heron. The red-headed heron is the most colorful bird of the heron family. Blue Andigen. Toucanet. - Bird families.pptx

Types of birds

Slides: 23 Words: 696 Sounds: 0 Effects: 63

Ecological groups of birds. Organism. Types of ecological groups of birds. General characteristics birds. Birds. Oatmeal. Cuckoo. Birds of the anthropogenic landscape. Birds of near-water areas. Wagtail. Birds of open water spaces. Birds of open air spaces. City sparrow. Nuthatch. Barn swallow. Mountain wagtail. Waxwing. Black-headed gull. Common kingfisher. Starling. Eskil. - Types of birds.ppt

Ecological groups of birds

Slides: 8 Words: 293 Sounds: 0 Effects: 22

Lesson topic: Ecological groups of birds. Lesson objectives: Consider the various ecological groups of birds. Use examples of birds of different orders to show the features of adaptation to life in the forest, steppe, desert, on the water, in the swamp. Bird class. Examination homework: read the abstract for the article “Reproduction” Task: find and correct errors in biological statements. Birds have well-developed cerebral hemispheres. Blood in the b.c.c. passes through the lungs Blood in the heart moves from the ventricles to the atria The largest vessel is the capillary The central nervous system consists of nerves The heart is three-chambered The ducts of the liver and pancreas flow into the stomach. - Ecological groups of birds.ppt

Birds of the forest

Slides: 15 Words: 721 Sounds: 0 Effects: 39

Birds of our forest. Common wheatear. Blackbirds. Blackbirds are more or less numerous and widespread birds. Sparrow. Gray crow. Crows are extremely interesting birds. Pika. It climbs well from bottom to top on trees and rocks, relying on its tail. Found in old parks. It feeds primarily on insects. Feeds on tree trunks. It nests mainly in old mixed and deciduous forest areas. Settles or makes short-range migrations in flocks of birds. Tawny owl. The tawny owl is a bird belonging to the family of true owls, the order Owls. There is no difference between male and female. - Birds of the forest.ppt


Slides: 20 Words: 184 Sounds: 0 Effects: 59

Sel. Agricultural labor 6th grade. Poultry. Name the poultry. Birds have babies. Name it. Downy breed of chickens. Riddles. I wake everyone up on time, even though I don’t wind the clock. Motley mallard, catches frogs. Walks in a waddle, stumbles. White mansions, Red horseshoes. Meaning of poultry. Meat. Egg. Pooh. Feather. Kids. Mystery. Clucking, clucking, calling the children, calling everyone under his wing. Chicken nests for laying eggs. Appearance chicken. Beak. Crest. Tail. Goiter. Legs. Appearance of a rooster. Braids. Spurs. Breeds of meat chickens. Cochin. Yurlovskaya breed. Russian white. Chickens of egg breed. - Poultry.ppt

Fairytale birds

Slides: 21 Words: 1339 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Ecological groups of birds. Heat is a bird. Exotic birds, legends about them. Description Zhar - birds. Birds of paradise. Unusually colorful plumage. God, when creating, deprived the birds of paradise of their legs. Birds of paradise build their nests high in the trees. Bird - Phoenix. Phoenix soars into the sky. Birds of happiness made of wood. Residents were engaged in wood crafts. The old people said. The child smiled. Blue bird. Which ecological group do these birds belong to based on their feeding habits? What ecological group do birds belong to according to their habitat? Joking questions. The falcon has sharp claws and a curved beak. Birds that catch insects in the air have a beak. - Fairytale birds.ppt

Winter birds

Slides: 15 Words: 611 Sounds: 0 Effects: 13

Wintering. Birds. Proverbs about birds. IN winter forest. Great Spotted Woodpecker. One of the smallest birds in our forests is the wren. The wren is 5 times smaller than the sparrow. By winter, the kinglets gather in flocks and wander through the forest. Kinglet. Crossbills are very noticeable in the forest. Northern parrots. Birds under the snow. The capercaillie prepares for winter in its own way. Wood grouse need pebbles to grind and grind coarse winter food. Black grouse. When they get tired, they fly to the birch forests. And when they are satisfied, the chickens of the woods dive into the snowdrift; it’s warmer and safer there. Sometimes black grouse and wood grouse spend as long as 3 days in a snowdrift. Winter guests. - Winter birds.ppt

Animals and birds in winter

Slides: 15 Words: 939 Sounds: 2 Effects: 6

Birds and animals in winter. Subject. Progress of the excursion. Completing tasks, preparing reports. Winter meetings. Life of birds and animals in winter. Footprints in the snow. Animals in winter. In the fight against bad weather. Our region is rich in rodents, especially mouse-like ones. Mousing. Feed the birds in winter. In most cases, wintering birds approach human habitation. Common turtle dove. Forest nurses. -

PRESENTATION on the topic “BIRDS ARE OUR FRIENDS” Teacher: Nazartseva N.V.

Magpie This fidgety bird is the same color as a birch. A magpie can be taught to speak.

Here is another famous bird singer - the starling. Listen to the trills he makes.

Sparrows live 18 years. In the summer they raise their offspring (up to 20 chicks) and feed them insects and caterpillars.

This is how the nightingale sings and sings, the gray, inconspicuous bird NIGHTINGALE

Magpie Starling Raven Sparrow Nightingale

Bullfinch Red-breasted, black-winged Loves to peck grains. With the first snow on the mountain ash, He will appear again.

Woodpecker What is that noise in the forest? This is how a woodpecker knocks with its strong beak. He takes out insects from under the bark for his lunch



Wintering birds The winter forest does not sleep, but slumbers, All covered in silver, Without leaving this land Many birds remain here

Children and birds Feed the birds in winter. So that flocks of people flock to your porch from all over, as if it were home.

Bird feeders The feeder must have a roof and sides.

What to feed the birds? Sunflower. Oats. Millet. Pumpkin, melon, zucchini, watermelon. Rowan, viburnum. Lard, meat. Pine nuts. 1. Make sure there is no snow in the feeders. You cannot throw bags or cans in which you bring food near the feeder.

And this is the titmouse “ringing”, enjoying the sun and warmth GREAT TIT

Muscovy The Muscovy is the smallest tit, weighing only 9 grams. The head is black with white cheeks; the top is bluish-gray. White spots are clearly visible on the wing. There is a large black spot on the throat. The underparts are bluish-gray with a brown coating. Moskovka prefers to live in spruce forests. In southern places the bird is sedentary or partially nomadic, and in northern places it is migratory.

CUTTED TIT - GRENADIER Has a tuft on its head. It was named a grenadier for the same reason: in the old days, grenadier soldiers wore high headdresses.

BLUE TIT This bird has a blue cap on its head, its wings and tail are also blue, azure.

Long-tailed Tit The Long-tailed Tit is one of the small thick-billed tits, weighing 8-9 g. Its plumage is very fluffy, from a distance the bird looks like a ball with a long tail. It resembles a pouring spoon, which is why the popular name for this titmouse is polovnik. Its color combines white (head, neck, lower body), black (back and wings) and pinkish-white (sides and wings). The bird is sedentary and wanders in places. Lives in deciduous and mixed forests.

The Zhelna, or black woodpecker, is the largest woodpecker, about the size of a crow. Painted in a uniform black color. The male has a dark red cap on his head, while the female has only a red cap on the back of her head. Young birds are dull colored with a brownish tint. The beak of this woodpecker is large, chisel-shaped, yellow-gray in color. The black woodpecker prefers to live in old tall mixed forests, often sticking to spruce forests and pine forests. Zhelna, or black woodpecker

JAY A very elegant bird, the size of a jackdaw. In spring and summer, jays feed on insects, and in autumn and winter on acorns and nuts.

Crossbill Among the cold and frost, he brought out his chicks.

The common nuthatch is the size of a sparrow. The color of the dorsal side of the body is bluish-gray, the ventral side is white with an admixture of reddish tones. A black stripe runs from the beak to the back of the head. There are white spots on the tail. Lives in coniferous and mixed forests. This is the only bird that can move up a tree trunk upside down. The bird is sedentary and partially nomadic. Common nuthatch

Common waxwing The common waxwing is the size of a starling. The general color of the plumage is ash-gray with a reddish-brown tint, darker on the upper side of the body. The feathers on the head are elongated and form a crest, which the bird either lowers and presses to the back of the head, or raises. The forehead is brownish-brown, and there are wide black stripes on the cheeks. The wings and tail are black, with bright yellow stripes. Females are more dull in color. The common waxwing lives in coniferous and mixed forests.

At the edge of the old fir trees From dawn to dusk Tap dancers are talking, Goldfinches are visiting the burrs. And the bright red bee-eaters are in a hurry somewhere.

Birds are our friends. Take care of the birds.

Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention an educational presentation with interactive tasks for children of primary and secondary age. preschool age, which I developed when planning the theme week “Birds are our friends”. Presentation “Such different birds"can be used in ecology classes, in joint and subgroup work with children.

Educational presentation “Such different birds” for preschool children

Presentation Objectives

  1. Educational:
  2. 1. Expand children's knowledge about birds, the ability to distinguish them, group them, describe the appearance of birds, their features, behavior;

    2. Encourage children to engage in verbal interaction with peers and the teacher;

    3. Strengthen the skill of using complex sentences with the preposition “because”, intensify the use of adjectives and verbs in speech.

  3. Educational: develop observation, visual perception and other mental processes, the ability to draw conclusions.
  4. Educational: instill in children a caring attitude towards birds.

    Progress of the presentation

  1. Motivation: the recording of “Bird Voices” is playing. Guys, I think I hear beautiful sounds, listen. Who is this? These are birds. There are different types of birds, which ones do you know? Children's answers. Do you want to know more about bird life?
  2. Discovery of new knowledge: Sit down on the carpet, I will tell you some bird secrets.
  3. Slide 2.

    Spring is the time of year when all nature wakes up from sleep, plants come to life and bird commotion begins. Here and there all the birds are working hard, chirping and jumping. How nice it is to look at them!

    Let's learn more about birds. They are all similar to each other and thus differ from animals and fish.

    Slide 3.

    How are all the birds similar to each other? (examination of the main parts of the bird’s body).

    Slide 4.

    Interactive task. Bird feathers are very beautiful and different. Look how many feathers there are here, each has a pair, but one doesn’t. Which one?

    Slide 5.

    There are birds that live next to us all year round and in the cold winter they delight us with their plumage. These birds are winter birds. You've probably seen a titmouse, a crow and a dove.

    Slide 6.

    And there are birds that fly to warm countries in winter, and return back with the arrival of spring. These are the ones who sing beautiful songs to us. These include swallows, swans, and starlings.

    Slide 7.

    Finger gymnastics “Birds”.

  • With the onset of spring, the birds arrive.
  • Starlings are returning - hard workers and singers.
    (Fingers clench into fists and unclench)
  • And the rooks by the puddle
    (Palms open, cupped)
  • They circle in a noisy flock.
    (Circular movements with hands)
  • The cranes are flying in a hurry,
    (Fingers are spread out, palms are crossed. Thumbs are connected, the rest are waved like wings)
  • And the robin and thrush started making nests.
    (Fingers in palm lock open)


Slide 8.

In spring, all birds build nests for themselves. To do this, they collect twigs, fluff, and grass.

Slide 9.

Birds make the nest warm and comfortable so that the eggs can hatch into chicks.

Slide 10.

Interactive task: Treat the bird only to what it eats. Click on the picture with your mouse.

Slide 11.

Remember what all birds have. Think about why a bird needs wings, a tail, feathers, legs, and a beak.
Say kindly the names of the parts of the bird:
Wing - wings
Head - head
Tail - ponytail
Paw - paw
Feather - feather

Name the chicks correctly:
An owl has little owlets, a cuckoo has little cuckoos, a starling has little birds, a jackdaw has little jackdaws, a crow has little crows, a magpie has little magpies, a crane has little cranes.

Slide 12.

Is it a bird or not? Explain why? This is a cow, it is not a bird because it has no wings, its body is not covered with feathers and there is no beak.

Slide 13.

Is it a bird or not? Explain why? This is a bird. Her body is covered with feathers, there are wings, legs and a beak.

  • Kinesiological gymnastics “Owl”.
  • Reflection: Ball game “What do I know about birds.”
  • The presentation “Such different birds” came in handy during the Bird Day at the preschool educational institution, during which events dedicated to birds were held in all groups, KVN and exhibitions of joint creativity were organized.