Description of Taras Bulba's house. Characteristics of Taras Bulba

  1. What do we learn from the first chapter about that “abusive, difficult time” when the events described by Gogol in the story took place? Based on the text, show how the author creates the look of the era.
  2. The events depicted by Gogol date back to the liberation movement in Ukraine in the 15th-18th centuries. The Polish gentry, the Turks, who captured and transferred people into captivity, the Tatar hordes - the Ukrainian Cossacks fought with all of them. Gogol creates the appearance of the era through the author's descriptions, the characters of the heroes, their way of life and morals. The first chapter is built on an antithesis: the “severe color” of the Cossacks and the tender love of a woman directed towards her children, “daring times” and passionate maternal feelings. Before us appears the main character of the story, Taras Bulba, a fighter and warrior by nature, living according to the harsh laws of wartime. Gogol depicts Taras’s wife, a devoted and loving mother, forced to part with her beloved sons, for whom Taras has prepared the fate of warriors. We see how difficult times determined the characters, relationships and lives of people.

  3. How do Taras’s first meeting with his sons and the hero’s subsequent reasoning help us understand what he considered the most important in life and the most essential in a person?
  4. The meeting of Taras with his sons after a long separation begins with a playful fight between Taras and Ostap, which turns into a real fight, with which the father is incredibly pleased, seeing in his son the character and traits of the future warrior. This is what he values ​​in people above all else. Taras decides to immediately take his sons to Sich, without even allowing them to talk to their mother. He does not want to sit at home, even in non-war times, to take care of the household and housework, considering this a frivolous matter for a Cossack.

  5. What artistic means are used to create a portrait of Taras Bulba? Based on the author's description, portrait, dialogues, characterize the hero.
  6. The character of the hero is revealed through the author's descriptions, his speech, portrait, actions, and attitude towards loved ones. “Bulba jumped onto his horse the Devil, who backed away furiously, feeling a twenty-pound burden on himself, because Bulba was extremely heavy and fat.” Before us appears a man of his time, quite stubborn and rude, who saw the meaning of his life in battles and battles. Daring and willfulness, courage and strength, directness, selfishness and some spiritual callousness - these are the features of Taras that clearly appear already on the first pages of the work.

    At the beginning of the story we meet him on his own farm, where he lives in his house with his wife and servants. The house is simple, decorated “in the taste of that time.” However, Taras Bulba spends most of his life in the Sich or in military campaigns against the Turks and Poles. He calls his wife “old” and treats with contempt all manifestations of feelings except courage and daring. He says to his sons: “Your tenderness is an open field and a good horse: here is your tenderness! See this saber! Here is your mother!

    Taras Bulba feels like a free Cossack and behaves as his ideas about a free life dictate: after getting drunk, he breaks dishes in the house; without thinking about his wife, he decides to take them to Sich the very next day after his sons arrive.

  7. Describe the decoration of Taras's room. How does this interior help to imagine the life and customs of the depicted era?
  8. Taras's room was decorated in the taste of that time, of which memories remain only in folk songs and thoughts. Everything was clean. Weapons, hunting attributes, and horse harness hung on the walls. On the shelves were a variety of jugs, bottles, flasks, cups and glasses. Birch bark benches around the entire room; a huge table under the icons in the front corner and a wide stove covered with tiles. Interior details help the reader get an idea of ​​the way of life of Taras and his family, the life and morals of the era. Here one can also discern the character of the owner of the house - a military man who spent his life in campaigns and battles, with weapons, on horseback, and who was not averse to drinking and joking around in the company of his comrades.

  9. What dictated Taras’s decision to lead his sons to the Zaporozhye Sich?
  10. For Taras, the Zaporozhye Sich is the basis of his life. There, his youth and maturity passed in battles and military campaigns. The idea of ​​serving the homeland determines all his actions and deeds. Therefore, he strives to quickly take his main pride - his sons - to the Sich for military trials. Material from the site

  11. How does Gogol depict the fate of the Cossack’s mother and wife? How does it show the depth of her feelings?
  12. The wife in the Taras family does not have the right to vote; she cannot protect herself and her sons from the unbridled will of her husband. She is a tender and reverent mother, selflessly loving her sons, a devoted and submissive wife, a good housewife on whom the whole house rests. Noteworthy is Taras’s rudeness towards his wife, who does not consider her feelings and does not listen to her opinion. Gogol briefly but succinctly describes “all the silent power of her grief, which seemed to tremble in her eyes and convulsively compressed lips” before separation from her sons: “their poor, thin mother, who stood at the threshold and could not -who sang to hug her beloved children”, “the thin old woman spoke pitifully, with tears in her eyes,” “a poor old woman, deprived of her last hope.”

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • buy a painting on canvas Taras Bulba meeting with his sons
  • description of Taras's room
  • Characteristics of Taras Bulba in the first chapter
  • the room was decorated in the style of the time
  • How life and customs are described in Gogol's story Taras Bulba

Taras Bulba is the main character of Nikolai Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”. This hero of the story is described in a very unusual way by the writer himself. His characteristics are not given too much in the story, but his character can be easily understood from the dialogues, actions of Taras Bulba, and simply from his life.

This man is a Zaporozhye Cossack who has always been and remains faithful to his duty. And his duty is to defend his native land. In addition, he is a faithful patriot who will never betray his land or his own people. He is brave and loyal to his homeland, as well as to his duty, his oath, which he took as a Cossack when he was still young.

Taras Bulba is a person who is very devoted, but at the same time, one who is a very strong personality, and also one who will not simply obey if he does not see the point in it. He is a rebel who has strong sides to his personality. His personality is one of openness, but at the same time, there remains something that is hidden from the eyes of other people. And perhaps only his wife and once his parents knew something about him more than other heroes of Gogol’s story know.

His character strengths are courage, perseverance in any action, which does not matter, as well as the ability to take risks in any dangerous situation. On the one hand, this can be interpreted as the fact that Taras Bulba is not capable of calm coldness and calm reflection. This may be bad to some extent, or even good. After all, when he is a warrior, sometimes he needs not to think too long, but to go and do it before the soldier’s ardor disappears, and even more so for other warriors.

Also, this hero is capable of much for the sake of his goal. We can say that for him the end justifies the means. After all, the fact that he killed his youngest son, only because he went over to the other side, the side of the enemy, proves this.

Essay Traits and character traits of Taras Bulba

In the nineteenth century, there were many unique writers in Russia who were able to convey well all the colors of the event that he wants to talk about. And of course, among such talents is our well-known Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, who stood out not only for his unique gift, but also for his ability to create great heroes. In the work “Taras Bulba”, both for those who read and for those who are interested in the characters, this story will focus on the main characters. Very little description is given of the main character Taras Bulba himself, and what kind of person he is is best assessed by his actions.
But we should initially give a short description of Taras Bulba.

He is very stubborn. He is a native old colonel, direct and anxious, of a rude disposition. He valued ordinary life, and quarreled with those acquaintances who did not accept his concepts, with those who wanted to join Poland. He was always fussing, perceiving himself as a defender of his homeland.

Without permission, he invaded villages where he heard complaints that they were being oppressed and that they were demanding excessive taxes. Taras Bulba and his comrades himself decided the fate of those violators and created three basic laws when it was necessary to take up arms.

Thus, we can say that the main thing for him is faith in Christianity. He is confident in his faith and in the fact that he can completely cope on his own. Acts for the sake of truth, he was respected by other Cossacks.

In the first chapter, we learn that Taras Bulba is not a family man. He is not a fan of staying at home, he strives to accomplish feats and wants freedom. Even her children, who have just returned from school, whom their parents have not seen for many years, Bulba wants to go with them to the Sich, in order to give her children knowledge about life and so that they become worthy people.

Taras is not going to endure even a few days, believing that under the pressure of his mother, both children will become spoiled and nothing can be done about it. Of course, he really misses the old days, remembers his achievements and revelry. For this reason, Taras rushes on his horse to the Zaporozhye Sich with the children. It seems that this is a true Cossack, not a diligent family man. The life of Taras Bulba is full of adventures and dangers, and this is what helps him achieve new successes.

The chieftain has many good comrades who value him and listen to his wise advice. And he gives good instructions before each battle.

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N.V. Gogol. Taras Bulba


What do we learn from the first chapter about that “abusive, difficult time” when the events described by Gogol in the story took place? Based on the text, show how the author creates the look of the era.

The events depicted by Gogol date back to the liberation movement in Ukraine in the 15th-18th centuries. The Polish gentry, the Turks, who captured and transferred people into captivity, the Tatar hordes - the Ukrainian Cossacks fought with all of them. Gogol creates the appearance of the era through the author's descriptions, the characters of the heroes, their way of life and morals. The first chapter is built on an antithesis: the “severe flavor” of the Cossacks and the tender love of a woman directed towards her children, “daring times” and passionate maternal feelings. Before us appears the main character of the story, Taras Bulba, a fighter and warrior by nature, living according to the harsh laws of wartime. Gogol depicts Taras’s wife, a devoted and loving mother, forced to part with her beloved sons, for whom Taras has prepared the fate of warriors. We see how difficult times determined the characters, relationships and lives of people.

How do Taras’s first meeting with his sons and the hero’s subsequent reflections help us understand what he considered the most important in life and the most essential in a person?

The meeting of Taras with his sons after a long separation begins with a playful fight between Taras and Ostap, which turns into a real fight, with which the father is incredibly pleased, seeing in his son the character and traits of the future warrior. This is what he values ​​in people above all else. Taras decides to immediately take his sons to Sich, without even allowing them to talk to their mother. He does not want to sit at home, even in non-war times, to take care of the household and housework, considering this a frivolous matter for a Cossack.

What artistic means are used to create a portrait of Taras Bulba? Based on the author's description, portrait, dialogues, characterize the hero.

The character of the hero is revealed through the author's descriptions, his speech, portrait, actions, and attitude towards loved ones. “Bulba jumped onto his horse the Devil, who staggered back furiously, feeling a twenty-pound burden on himself, because Bulba was extremely heavy and fat.” Before us appears a man of his time, quite stubborn and rude, who saw the meaning of his life in battles and battles. Daring and willfulness, courage and strength, directness, selfishness and some spiritual callousness - these are the features of Taras that clearly appear already in the first pages of the work.

At the beginning of the story we meet him on his own farm, where he lives in his house with his wife and servants. The house is simple, decorated “in the taste of that time.” However, Taras Bulba spends most of his life in the Sich or in military campaigns against the Turks and Poles. He calls his wife “old” and treats with contempt all manifestations of feelings except courage and daring. He says to his sons: “Your tenderness is an open field and a good horse: here is your tenderness! See this saber! Here is your mother!

Taras Bulba feels like a free Cossack and behaves as his ideas about a free life dictate: after getting drunk, he breaks dishes in the house; without thinking about his wife, he decides to take them to Sich the very next day after his sons arrive.

Describe the decoration of Taras's room. How does this interior help to imagine the life and customs of the depicted era?

Taras's room was decorated in the taste of that time, of which memories remain only in folk songs and thoughts. Everything was clean. Weapons, hunting attributes, and horse harness hung on the walls. On the shelves were a variety of jugs, bottles, flasks, cups and glasses. Birch bark benches around the entire room; a huge table under the icons in the front corner and a wide stove covered with tiles. Interior details help the reader get an idea of ​​the lifestyle of Taras and his family, the life and morals of the era. Here one can also guess the character of the owner of the house - a military man who spent his life in campaigns and battles, with weapons, on horseback, and not a stranger to drinking and joking around in the company of comrades.

What dictated Taras’s decision to lead his sons to the Zaporozhye Sich?

For Taras, the Zaporozhye Sich is the basis of his life. There, his youth and maturity passed in battles and military campaigns. The idea of ​​serving the homeland determines all his actions and deeds. Therefore, he strives to quickly take his main pride - his sons - to the Sich for military trials.

How does Gogol depict the fate of the Cossack’s mother and wife? How does it show the depth of her feelings?

The wife in Taras's family does not have the right to vote; she cannot protect herself and her sons from the unbridled will of her husband. She is a tender and reverent mother, selflessly loving her sons, a devoted and submissive wife, a good housewife on whom the whole house rests. Noteworthy is Taras’s rudeness towards his wife, not taking into account her feelings and not listening to her opinion. Briefly but succinctly Gogol describes “all the silent power of her grief, which seemed to tremble in her eyes and convulsively compressed lips” before separation from her sons: “their poor, thin mother, standing at the threshold and not yet having time to hug her beloved children” , “said the thin old woman mother pitifully, with tears in her eyes,” “poor old woman, deprived of her last hope.”

In the 19th century in Rus' there were many good and different writers who mastered the skill of artistic expression. Among them, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol distinguished himself not only for a certain eccentricity and undeniable talent, but also for his ability to create memorable characters. In the story “Taras Bulba”, all the characters are of interest to both readers and literary scholars, but in this work the emphasis will be on the main character. The immediate characterization of Taras Bulba in the story is given quite concisely, and his character is best judged by the actions of the Cossack.

At the beginning, it would be advisable to give a brief description of Taras Bulba from the text:

“Bulba was terribly stubborn... Taras was one of the indigenous, old colonels: he was all created for abusive anxiety and was distinguished by the brutal directness of his character. He loved the simple life of the Cossacks and quarreled with those of his comrades who were inclined to the Warsaw side, calling them slaves of the Polish lords. Always restless, he considered himself the legitimate defender of Orthodoxy. He arbitrarily entered villages where they only complained about the harassment of tenants and the increase in new duties on smoke. He himself carried out reprisals against his Cossacks and made it a rule that in three cases one should always take up the saber ... "

From the above passage it becomes obvious that the Christian faith was the main value guideline for the Cossacks. He had confidence in his righteousness and physical strength, acted in the name of justice and was respected by the rest of the Cossacks.

Zaporizhzhya Sich

From the first chapter the reader learns that Bulba Sr. is not a family man at all. He does not like to be at home, within four walls, his soul thirsts for will and exploits. Even his sons, who returned from the seminary in the morning, whom neither father nor mother had seen for several years, Taras decides to send to the Sich in order to teach the young men life and make them worthy people. Taras doesn’t even want to wait a few days, believing that under the influence of his mother both sons will become pampered and will no longer be of any use. Of course, the old Cossack misses his youth, remembers past victories and festivities. That is why he goes to the Zaporozhye Sich with his sons. It seemed that Taras Bulba was born to become a Cossack, and not an exemplary family man: his life was full of dangers and anxieties, but this is precisely what inspired Taras to new achievements.

"There is no bond stronger than comradeship"

Taras has many friends and acquaintances in the Sich who respect and listen to his point of view. Before the battle of Dubno, Bulba delivers a fiery monologue in which he insists on the importance of the laws of comradeship: you cannot abandon your soldiers in trouble. We need to avenge them, rescue them from captivity.

It must be said that, largely thanks to Bulba, a change of power took place in the Sich: having persuaded his friends and getting the rest drunk, Bulba makes sure that his old acquaintance is appointed as the new Koshevoy, who definitely approved the idea of ​​going to war against Poland. This episode speaks of Taras as a purposeful and stubborn person who is trying with all his might to transform reality in accordance with his personal plans. This cannot be said to be a negative character trait.

In battles, he showed himself to be a brave and courageous warrior. Despite his advanced age and corpulence, Bulba fought on a par with the young Cossacks. He raises the morale of the Cossacks, when some of the Cossacks went to take revenge on the Tatars for the plunder of the Sich. Taras supports his comrades during battles, bravely asking: “Is there still gunpowder in the flasks?”
It is also interesting to mention the toasts Bulba made: “For the faith! For the Sich! The last sip for the glory of all Christians who live in the world! These phrases only strengthen the confidence that faith and the Zaporozhye Sich occupied a special place in the life of the Cossack and were inviolable ideals for him.

Bulba is rightly chosen as ataman: “Everything gave him an advantage over others,” says the author, “his advanced years, his experience, his ability to move his army, and his strongest hatred of his enemies...” Prince Pototsky himself was entrusted with catching and stopping Bulba. In the final battle of the story, the Cossack does not abandon his army: “at least thirty people” fell on Taras, and in the end, “strength overcame strength.” Even being on his deathbed, Taras screams, orders his army to leave, suggesting ways of retreat. He asks the Cossacks to remember him, and the next year he orders them to come and cut down the remaining Poles. The Cossacks escaped and sailed away on boats, never ceasing to talk about their chieftain.

Bulba and sons

The character of Taras Bulba is also revealed in the conflict with his youngest son, Andriy. At first, Bulba did not believe Yankel’s words that his son had renounced the Fatherland and the Christian faith for the sake of the beautiful lady. The old Cossack could not understand the young man’s choice; he did not want to listen to Andriy when he saw him among the Polish cavalry. At that moment, everything that Taras dreamed of - to train his sons in the Sich, to make them real Cossacks, to brag about his children to his friends and to rejoice in military exploits - all this collapsed overnight. Betrayal and renegade (apostasy) were the most terrible sins for Taras. And the punishment for this can only be death. Bulba immediately carries out the sentence with clear confidence in the truth and correctness of her actions. Kozak shoots his son, uttering the terrifying and cruel phrase “I gave birth to you, I will kill you.” He doesn’t want to bury his son, they say, there will be mourners anyway.

Having learned that Ostap was captured, Bulba tries with all her might to help him. He asks Yankel to secretly take him to Poland, then he bribes other Jews, worries, rushes about (which is not typical for Taras). Having learned that he can see his son only before execution, and there is no hope of escape, Bulba agrees to disguise himself as a foreign visitor. Unfortunately, this idea is a fiasco.
Bulba goes to the place of execution, gets lost among the “heretics,” trying to get as close as possible to see her own son for the last time. “What did old Taras feel when he saw his Ostap? What was in his heart then? But the Cossack does not reveal his condition in any way. All of it turned into caution. Looking at Ostap, who ordered the rest of the prisoners to remain silent during the execution, Bulba quietly whispers words of approval. But the father could not stand it; Bulba responded to his son’s plea to see his loved one before his death.

Bulba took revenge for the execution of his eldest son: he burned 18 villages, brought fear to all of Poland, even the Cossacks were afraid of him because of his cruelty.

Thanks to the detailed description of the image of Taras Bulba, students in grades 6-7 can easily recreate this character in their essay on the topic “Characteristics of Taras Bulba”

Work test

“Tarasa Bulba” is a story by Nikolai Gogol, included in the “Mirgorod” cycle. The work was published in the mid-30s. Critics received it favorably, although they pointed out some of the author's shortcomings, for example, the excessive glorification of the Zaporozhye Cossacks. The article presents a brief summary and characteristics of the main character of N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”.

History of writing

Before starting to write the story, Gogol carefully studied historical sources. The main character of the work, Taras Bulba, has a rather unusual character. His actions amazed even Gogol's contemporaries. They are too cruel, not to say wild. In creating the main images, the author relied on Ukrainian folk art, especially ancient thoughts and songs.

The work was first published in 1835. Subsequently, the author significantly changed the structure of the story. It is worth saying that Gogol devoted a total of about ten years to working on the book. In order to understand what the main character traits of Taras Bulba are, one should, of course, remember the content of the story.

Return of the sons

The book “Taras Bulba” begins with a description of a meeting between a father and his sons - Ostap and Andriy studied in Kyiv and were not home for more than a year. Father makes fun of the clothes of recent seminarians. The eldest, Ostap, cannot stand the ridicule and answers the colonel rather sharply, to which he reacts rather strangely. Father and son, instead of greeting after a long separation, begin to measure their strength.

Already in the first chapter, the reader draws attention to one of the features of Tarasa Bulba’s character. He is not characterized by softness or tenderness even towards his own sons.

The best science for sons

On the occasion of the arrival of his sons, Taras Bulba convenes his captains and the entire regimental rank and announces his decision to send Ostap and Andriy to the Sich. At the sight of the young strength of his sons, the warrior spirit of Taras himself flares up. He goes with them. The poor mother sits all night over her sleeping children without closing her eyes, wanting the night to last as long as possible.

On my way

Three horsemen ride in silence. Taras remembers his daring life and is sad. Ostap, who has a stern and firm character, retained his natural kindness and was touched by the tears of his poor mother. Andriy is having a hard time saying goodbye to his mother and home, but his thoughts are occupied with memories of meeting a beautiful Polish woman.

You should pay attention to this fragment in the text when analyzing the story “Taras Bulba”. The characters of the heroes are revealed here no less than in the description of the battle scenes. Ostap is honest, kind, and has a strong character. Andrey is too romantic for a Cossack son. Their father, Taras Bulba, has qualities typical of an old warrior: he is tough, stubborn, rude. But he is also sad, remembering his difficult life.

Zaporozhye Sich

Finally, the travelers reached the military camp. The Sich greets them with its riotous life - a sign of Zaporozhye will. Cossacks do not like to waste time on military exercises, gaining military experience only in the heat of battle. Ostap and Andriy throw themselves into the sea of ​​razul. However, Taras does not like an idle life. This was not the kind of “service” he prepared his sons for. And he decides to encourage the Cossacks to go on a campaign, so as not to waste their Cossack prowess on drunken fun.

In battle

Soon the entire Polish south-west was gripped by fear of the Cossacks. In just one month, the sons of Taras matured in battle, and he is pleased to see them first among the first. The Cossack army is trying to take the city of Dubna, where there is a lot of treasury and rich inhabitants, but they encounter desperate resistance from the garrison and residents. The Cossacks are besieging the city and waiting for famine to begin in it.

Son's betrayal

One dark night, Andria is awakened by a strange creature that looks like a ghost. This is a Tatar, a servant of the same Polish woman with whom Andriy is in love. She tells him that the lady is in the city, she saw Andria from the city rampart and asks him to save her mother from hunger. Andriy loads the bags with bread and goes to the city. He won't come back. Patriotism, belligerence - unlike his eldest son, he did not inherit these traits from his father.

Murder of a son

This scene is key in the book “Taras Bulba”. The Poles learn about the weakening of the enemy and move out of the city for a decisive battle. Among them is the youngest son. The colonel orders to lure him into the forest. There, the old centurion kills his son, who, before his death, pronounces the name of the beautiful lady. In the characterization of Taras Bulba from the story “Taras Bulba” it is customary to mention the scene of filial murder. Some consider Gogol's hero cruel, others - a model of honor and fearlessness. But a truly modern person who has not known war will never be able to understand Bulba’s actions.

Reinforcements arrive to the Poles, and they defeat the Cossacks. Ostap is captured, the wounded Taras, saved from pursuit, is brought to Sich. Having recovered from his wounds, the old centurion tries to ransom his son. But nothing works. He is present at the execution of Ostap.


One hundred and twenty thousand Cossacks, among whom is the regiment of Taras Bulba, rise up on a campaign against the Poles. Even the Cossacks themselves notice the centurion’s excessive ferocity and cruelty towards the enemy. This is how he takes revenge for the death of his son. The defeated Polish hetman Nikolai Pototsky swears an oath not to inflict any offense on the Cossack army in the future. Only Colonel Bulba does not agree to such a peace, assuring his comrades that the forgiven Poles will not keep their word. And he leads his regiment away. His prediction comes true - having gathered their strength, the Poles treacherously attack the Cossacks and defeat them.

And Taras walks throughout Poland with his regiment, continuing to avenge the death of Ostap and his comrades, mercilessly destroying everything around.

Death of Colonel Bulba

Five regiments under the leadership of Pototsky himself finally overtake the regiment of Taras, who has taken rest in an old collapsed fortress on the banks of the Dniester. The battle lasts four days. Taras dies a terrible death, but even in the last minutes of his life he thinks about his comrades and their future victories.

Characteristics of Taras Bulba from the story “Taras Bulba”

So, what are the main characteristics of the old colonel, who did not spare his traitorous son? In the image of the main character of the story “Taras Bulba” by N.V. Gogol, according to some critics, only the best qualities inherent in a heroic personality are embodied.

Taras's whole life was inextricably linked with the Sich. Stern and unyielding, he “was distinguished by the brutal directness of his character” and led a life full of hardships and dangers. Taras was created not for the family hearth, but for “abusive anxiety.”

This was one of the indigenous, old colonels - a wise and experienced leader of the Cossack army. “Everything gave him an advantage over others,” Gogol writes, “his advanced years, his experience, his ability to move his army, and his strongest hatred of his enemies...” The experienced Cossacks, recognizing his primacy, chose Taras Bulba as ataman, because There was none of them “equal to him in valor.”


Many people adopted Polish customs at that time, started luxury, servants, dinners, courtyards. Taras did not like all this. He loved the simple life of the Cossacks and “quarreled with those of his comrades who were inclined towards the Warsaw side, calling them servants of the Polish lords.”

“I gave birth to you, I will kill you!”

The words of Taras Bulba became popular. What is more important - love for the Fatherland or fatherly love? There is no single answer to this question. But modern readers cannot help but feel compassion for the youngest son of the old warrior, despite his cowardice and betrayal.

Bulba's character is revealed in a tragic conflict with Andriy. He believed that “there is no better science for a young person than the Zaporozhye Sich,” and dreamed of the day when he would appear with his sons at the Sich and say: “Look, look what good fellows I brought to you!” vοim to old, battle-hardened comrades, as he looks at their exploits in military affairs. The youngest son did not live up to his father's hopes. Andria's love for the Polish girl came from his friendship, from his father, from his homeland. He betrayed, committed the most serious sin and was now worthy only of a shameful death.


And how much courage there is in the behavior of Taras, making his way into enemy territory in the hope of seeing Ostap! Lost in a crowd of strangers, “heretics,” he watches as his eldest son is brought to the front. What did old Taras feel when he saw his Ostap? Taras did not betray his terrible mental tension in any way. Looking at his son, courageously enduring inhuman suffering, he quietly said: “Good, son, good!” And only once the heart of the experienced Cossack could not stand it. When their son was “brought to his last death throes,” and Ostap, straining all his strength, exclaimed: “Father! Where are you? Can you hear? - Taras’s voice was heard in the silence: “I hear you!” And this voice made “the whole million people” shudder.

The image of Taras embodies the prowess and scope of people's life. There was nothing selfish, petty, or selfish about him. This was one of those characters that could have arisen only in the difficult 15th century on the seminal corner of Europe - something like this Gogol said about his hero.