Design of extensions. Is it necessary to register an extension to a country house in SNT? What kind of extension could it be?

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Many owners of private houses, after several years of operation, add extensions to their homes. To formalize the extension as part of the house, you need to obtain a building permit or legalize an already erected object, otherwise it may be demolished by local authorities.

Why do you need a permit?

An extension to a house, especially a permanent one, is the same piece of real estate as the house itself. Permission to build an outbuilding is obtained for the following purposes:

  • To register ownership;
  • To avoid possible demolition of the extension at the initiative of the authorities;
  • To increase the market value of housing.

The construction of extensions without the appropriate permission does not give ownership of them, according to paragraph 2 of Art. 222 of the Civil Code.

Consequently, a building with such an extension cannot be sold, donated or bequeathed to heirs. In addition, unauthorized extensions and economic additions to houses can be demolished by government officials, especially if they were built in violation of town planning regulations.

For a house with an unregistered extension, the market value drops by 20-30 percent, since citizens prefer to buy a house and land with all the completed documents, rather than deal with their registration after the transaction on their own.

Where and how to get it?

Permission to build an extension to a house on the site is issued by local authorities, in accordance with clause 4 of Art. 51 of the Town Planning Code.

In order for the authorities to allow construction, the owner of the site will need the following documents:

  • Copy of the passport;
  • Certificate from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the ownership of the land under the future extension;
  • Construction design diagram;
  • Cadastral document for the plot;
  • Extract from the urban planning plan.

A certificate from the Unified State Register can be ordered at the MFC at your place of residence by applying with your passport and paying a fee (300 rubles). It takes 3 business days to prepare the certificate. The project diagram is developed by the owner of the site independently or ordered from an architectural bureau.

The town planning plan of the area can be found in the city archives. This document is not required if the house is located in a dacha, garden community or outside the city.

IN general view The procedure for obtaining a building permit is as follows:

  1. Collect the necessary documents for the site;
  2. Contact an architectural bureau to develop a project;
  3. Submit the project and documents to the gasification and water supply department and obtain an act of consent for construction;
  4. Contact the architectural committee of the local administration with an application;
  5. Wait for approval (30 days) and receive a building permit document.

Gas and water supply specialists will check whether the planned construction overlaps with underground utilities.

Capital buildings should not be closer than 2.5 meters to main lines.

In architectural bureaus, specialists check the proximity of the extension to communications, but if the owner of the site draws up a project on his own, he needs to assess the proximity of the building to gas and water pipes independently, according to urban planning documentation.

The architectural committee issues permission to build an extension to the house if there is a conclusion from the utility services and the declared project complies with urban planning regulations.

How to legalize and how much does it cost?

The next stage after completing the construction of the extension to the house is registration of ownership rights. Registration of rights is carried out by entering data into the Unified Real Estate Register (USRN) about the new parameters of the completed building. The registration procedure depends on the availability of a building permit.

Legal building

Registration of rights to an extension, the construction of which was permitted by the administration, occurs in the following order:

  1. Contacting the BTI to obtain a certificate about a new building on the site;
  2. Payment of state duty 350 rubles;
  3. Applying to Rosreestr with an application for registration.

The owner of the completed house presents the following documents to Rosreestr:

  • Certificate received from the BTI;
  • Receipt of payment of the duty;
  • Construction permit;
  • A copy of your passport.

Entering information about the owner of the new building formed after the extension is carried out within 7-10 days. The cost of registering a legal extension consists of the following payments:

  • Payment for the services of an architectural bureau – 3,000-20,000 rubles;
  • The fee for extracting from the Unified State Register is 300 rubles;
  • The fee to Rosreestr is 350 rubles.

The cost of the bureau's services varies depending on the complexity of the project and the location of the site.

Unauthorized construction

Registration of ownership of an unauthorized extension is carried out in court. To do this, you should collect a package of documents:

  • A certificate from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about ownership of the land under the house with an extension;
  • Document on ownership of the house;
  • A certificate from the BTI about the buildings on the site;
  • Technical passport for the house;
  • Description of the extension;
  • Act of utility services on the lack of communications near the house;
  • Conclusion of the engineering service from BTI.

If there is no plan for an enlarged building, it must be prepared by an architectural office. The BTI engineering service checks whether the extension complies with building codes (wall thickness, foundation strength, etc.).

If the building was built in violation of building codes, or is located at a distance of less than 1 meter from the border of the site, then the construction will not be legalized, and there is no point in going to court.

With the plan and documents for the building, you need to contact the gasification and water supply services to obtain a certificate of compliance of the extension with the standards.

After receiving the utility service act, you should go to court at the location of the site. The statement of claim must contain the following information:

  • Full name and passport details of the plaintiff;
  • Cadastral number of the plot;
  • Technical characteristics of the extension;
  • Data from public utility acts;
  • Conclusion of the engineering service on the compliance of the extension with construction standards.

In the main part of the statement of claim, the owner of the plot describes the circumstances of the extension, explains why permission was not obtained and asks the court to recognize the extension of the house as legal on the basis of its compliance with all required standards. If you have any difficulties, you can contact qualified lawyers for assistance in filing a claim and preparing necessary documents.

The court satisfies the plaintiff's demand provided that the building complies with all requirements and regulations, as well as the absence of encumbrances on the site and claims from neighbors.

The cost of registration of unauthorized construction includes:

  • Fees for preparation and execution of documents (650 rubles);
  • Legal consultation (1000-3000 rubles);
  • Departure of an engineering team to inspect the building (2500-5000 rubles);
  • Fine for construction without permission (2000-5000 rubles, according to clause 1 of article 9.5 of the Administrative Code);
  • Fine for operating an unauthorized structure (500-1000 rubles, according to clause 5 of Article 9.5 of the Administrative Code).

The cost of services for engineers, architects and lawyers differs depending on the complexity of the construction and the region of residence of the owner.

How to make a project?

When choosing a construction project, it is important to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Technical feasibility;
  • Functionality;
  • Compliance with building codes.

Extensions are made to increase the area of ​​the house or make the entrance more convenient. Project in Fig. 1 increases the living space by 2 times. This is done by completing three walls and adding ceiling beams in order to expand one of the roof slopes.

Rice. 1

Project in Fig. 2 increases the area of ​​the first floor only and has a separate roof.

Project in Fig. 3 It is an extension to the wall with front door. One of the popular options serves as a hallway and entrance porch with wooden steps.

An extension to the house allows you to profitably increase its area. To avoid having to collect a lot of certificates and go to court after construction is completed, you should obtain a construction permit in advance and comply with the norms of capital buildings.

There is a category of residents who first build an extension, and only after that they begin to decorate it. If you add an extension to your house without permission, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to face difficulties during registration, which can be explained quite simply.

All extensions have the following classification:

  • Non-permanent extensions are changes that are made to architectural project residential building. These include: porches, overhangs, awnings, decks or balconies. This also includes a garage if it is located on lands that are intended for gardening or areas not related to the territory of capital construction, as well as structures that do not affect communication highways. Designing this type of extension does not require much time and effort. Also for the construction similar designs There is no need to obtain a building permit.
  • Capital structures - capital extensions mean structures intended for further residence.

The design of non-capital and capital structures differs. If an unauthorized extension to a private house is of a non-permanent type, then to register it, the owner of the property goes to the local BTI, having first collected the necessary documentation. An application for changes to the technical documentation for the house is drawn up at the technical inventory bureau. After this, BTI employees go to the place where the extension was erected and draw up a report on the completion of the reconstruction stage. Upon completion of all changes to the documents, the BTI issues the amended papers back to the owners of the house.

If a permanent structure was added to the house without permission, then registration must begin with the collection of documents in the form of:

  • a document that confirms ownership of a residential building (purchase or donation agreement, inheritance, etc.);
  • extracts from the house register;
  • permission obtained from the housing authority for the construction of an extension;
  • BTI papers in relation to the object to which the extension belongs;
  • written agreement from neighbors;
  • statements from communication services (gas, fire inspection, water supply, etc.);
  • project for the extension (drawings, sketches, etc.);
  • photographs of a residential building with an extension.

Is it necessary to design an extension to a private house?

If a major extension was erected without permission, then upon registration it no longer matters what material it was built from. The owner of the property, with the collected documents and an extension plan, applies to the local administration to register the unauthorized construction. Registration is more likely to be denied.

Then, with a refusal from the administration, you must go to court with a package of documents and a statement of claim. If the judicial authority establishes the grounds for allowing registration, then the owner can go to pay the state fee and register the extension with the BTI.

However, the court does not always make decisions in favor of real estate owners who unauthorizedly erect permanent extensions. Ultimately, the extension will be demolished, regardless of how long it has stood and whether it interferes with anyone. That is why it is advisable to first design the extension, and only then begin the actual construction process.

To avoid any difficulties in the process of designing an extension, you should follow simple recommendations:

  1. Having a design project in hand, it is worth discussing construction plans with your neighbors in advance and obtaining their consent to build an extension. If any of the neighbors is against it, the BTI will simply not carry out the registration.
  2. It is imperative to obtain all permits from various authorities.
  3. It is important to avoid architectural errors when constructing an extension, and if the main object has any, eliminate them.
  4. When constructing an extension, it is advisable to use only high-quality technological materials that comply with GOSTs and quality standards.

Dacha amnesty: how to register an extension to the house?

The dacha amnesty simplified the process of legitimizing property rights to unregistered plots and dachas. To do this, it is now enough to submit a declaration and obtain ownership rights.

However, the amnesty applies to free-standing illegal buildings, of which extensions are not, as they relate to capital construction. Consequently, it will not be possible to legalize a capital extension under the dacha amnesty.

If the main residential property (house) is not registered, then it, together with the extension, can be registered according to a simplified scheme, since it falls under the amnesty.

How much does it cost to build an extension in 2018?

The cost of registration in each region varies in its indicators, but calling this procedure cheap will not work under any circumstances. On average, expense items have the following indicators:

  1. Payment of state duty - 500 rubles.
  2. Examination by a judicial authority - 20 thousand rubles.
  3. Collection of data about the object - 10 thousand rubles.
  4. Making changes to the cadastre - 20 thousand rubles.
  5. Certification of a power of attorney by a notary - 1 thousand rubles.
  6. Coordination and registration of the extension - 20 thousand rubles.

In general, the process of designing an extension to a house requires care and patience.

In this case, you will have to wait a little, but the process of obtaining documents after the construction of the object will not be so expensive and problematic. If possible, this entire burden can be shifted onto the shoulders of specialists. Then you will just need to wait until they give the go-ahead to start construction. As for already built objects, the issue can only be resolved through the courts. Although the package of documents for legalization in both the first and second cases is practically the same. The opinion of experts is that everything must be done on time!” Alina Samoilova, lawyer: “It’s worth initially finding out all the problematic issues. That is, it is prohibited to attach anything to a dilapidated house. The object will not be legalized, the owner will receive a refusal. If the land is owned by several entities, the structure of the future object is agreed upon with them, which is confirmed by documents certified by a notary.

How to legalize extensions to a private house without problems

  • Certificate of ownership land plot under the building.
  • Certificate of ownership of the house.
  • Technical plan.
  • BTI certificate, cadastral passport.
  • Extract from the house register.
  • Legal documents.
  • Consent of neighbors if the building is located on the border with their territory.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological station act.
  • Construction permit from water utility, fire, gas service.

Additionally, photos of the land plot, house, object are provided if construction has already been completed. In addition, a simplified system for legalizing buildings is in effect until 2018.

If you arrive before this deadline, you can receive the necessary documents much faster. How to legalize an extension to a house if the land is owned. This option provides freedom of action.
A person can do anything on his own land.

How to legalize an extension to a house - required documents

At this stage, all necessary changes will be made to the technical documentation of the structure. With the received documentation you need to go to the Russian real estate register.

This way the extension will be officially registered. Rosreestr will have to pay a fee for the entire registration process. Thus, the entire process of registering a major extension is not so simple.


In any case, you will have to “sweat” with the documentation - regardless of what type of additional building - be it a summer extension, a garage, a covered living space, etc. Necessary documentation to legitimize an unauthorized extension Many residents solve the problem before it occurs, and some - after.

Those who first built the object, and only then decided to formalize it, solve difficulties after they have occurred.

Is it necessary to register an extension to a country house in SNT?


The cadastral plan is issued free of charge.

  • A construction declaration is submitted to Rosreestr, which must be legalized in 2 copies. The form is filled out with your own hand in blue, black paste without abbreviations or abbreviations.


You must indicate the location of the construction of the object, address if available, name, graphic image, documents confirming ownership, cadastral number of the land plot. The declaration is reviewed within 30 days, if there are no comments, errors, or inaccuracies, a document is issued to the owner with the address assigned to the object.

After which they begin to issue a cadastral passport, which is the final stage.

Advice from experts and lawyers Alexey Dubrovsky, lawyer: “It is better to deal with formalities and obtain permits before the start of construction.

How to obtain permission to add an extension to a private house?

In addition, an illegal building may sooner or later be required to be legalized or demolished, obliging you to also pay a fine. What is included in the category of extension? To avoid problems, we recommend that you register the extension in advance. An extension is a reconstruction of an existing structure. When it is carried out, you make an addition to the house that was not planned by the previous project, attaching a secondary structure to one or more common walls of the main house.

The extension can be of any number of floors, size, etc. In any case, like any reconstruction, it requires a building permit, which is issued by the municipality.

What kind of extension could it be? Extensions can be auxiliary in nature and do not require additional land.

Design of extensions. how to legalize an extension to a private house or cottage

You can immediately notice that the procedure discussed below is applicable not only to the case of an illegal extension, but also to the case when the local administration, in writing, indicating the reasons, refuses to issue a permit for the construction of an extension, in accordance with the procedure indicated above. Legalization of a building erected without permits are carried out in court. Going through the judicial procedure for legitimizing an extension is necessary because the lack of permits for construction prevents the registration of ownership of a house with an extension, which means that a person loses the right to dispose of this property.
In a situation with an illegal extension, the court can either recognize the ownership of it or refuse such recognition - in this case, the building is subject to demolition, at the expense of the person who created it.

Is it necessary to register an extension to an existing country house?

How to register an extension to a house if it was built without permission? It’s worth noting right away that everything here is not as simple as with the construction of a non-capital type facility. The entire registration process will be decided through the courts.
Whether it is convenient or not is up to each owner to decide individually. If a permanent extension was erected, but the owner forgot about registration, then you will immediately have to prepare the following package of documents:

  • contract of purchase, gift, inheritance, etc.

    d., - any document confirming the ownership of housing;

  • extract from the house register;
  • housing permission for the construction of an extension;
  • documentation from the BTI for the main object (to which the extension belongs);
  • written agreement between neighbors;
  • statements from public utilities (gas services, fire inspections, water supply companies, etc.)

How to legalize an extension to a house - nuances of legal aspects

Now about how to legalize a permanent extension. You can register it after construction, but in this case you will have to register it in court as an unauthorized construction.

Therefore, to avoid problems, it is better to take care of this at the preparation stage. To do this, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • confirmation of ownership of the land for development and the house in which reconstruction is planned;
  • plan and technical passport of the home ownership, cadastral plan of the land plot;
  • extension project (in the form of a plan or sketch);
  • written applications from other home owners for reconstruction;
  • written consent of neighbors to add an extension to your house;
  • conclusion of resource supplying organizations (gas, water and sewerage services, energy companies, etc.) confirming the safety of connection to communications.

How to legalize an extension to a house on your own land before and after construction

Stages of legalization of an extension, construction at the planning stage

  • Project development.
  • Applying to the department of architecture and urban planning for a construction permit.
  • Conclusion of a supervision agreement.
  • Submitting an application for a declaration, which indicates the start of construction.
  • Obtaining a technical passport.
  • Submitting an application for registration of a declaration.
  • Preparation of documents for the registration service to obtain a cadastral passport and confirmation of ownership rights.

Necessary documents Before starting the process, you need to obtain permission from certain authorities and collect a package of documents.
In fact, this opinion is a serious misconception. Moreover, the procedure for registering an attached object is mandatory and very important. There are several reasons why an extension should be legalized as quickly as possible:

  1. When installing an additional room, the total area of ​​the property will change significantly, which must be reflected in the title documentation.
  2. If the house is in shared ownership, the size of the shares will change automatically.
  3. New construction may affect the interests of neighbors, so it is important to obtain their written permission.
  4. Without official registration of the extension, any manipulations to alienate the property will be prohibited.

To avoid complications in the future, it is better to take care in advance of obtaining all the required documents and legalize the construction in accordance with all the rules.

Is it necessary to register an already built extension to a country house?

You must pay: State duty, which is 500 rubles. For conducting a forensic construction and technical examination, 20 thousand rubles. or more For approval of redevelopment About 20 thousand For the fact that new information will be included in the technical plan At least 10 thousand If you use the services of a lawyer or draw up powers of attorney, you will have to incur additional expenses. Consulting a lawyer in Moscow will cost at least 1,500 thousand rubles. If it is necessary to represent your interests in a judicial body, the fee will be 35 thousand. Preparation of a power of attorney will cost 1 thousand rubles. Frequently Asked Questions The legalization process is not always smooth. What questions are most often of interest to home owners? How to register if it has already been made Unauthorized extension - any piece of real estate - buildings, structures, residential or non-residential, that were erected on local areas.
If the court is satisfied that all grounds for registration are present, the case will be won. The owner will pay the fee and register the extension with the BTI.
Possible problems The process of registering an extension seems simple only at first glance. Of course, if we are talking about a non-capital additional facility, then everything will take shape relatively easily and quickly. If the owner of real estate is thinking about a major extension, then everything will be very long and difficult. Moreover, the process may even turn into complete hopelessness; Thus, an additional building may be demolished due to its recognition as illegal. Wherein bailiffs it will not matter how many years the unregistered object stood, and whether it interfered with anyone or not. Problems may also arise with neighbors.

How to legalize an extension to a house, at what stage is it better to do it? It is quite difficult to foresee initially what a house will look like in a few years. Because if there is a free plot of land, there is a great temptation to redevelop and expand the living space. The same situation happens if new owners buy a house. How to do everything according to the law so that there are no claims from the state?

You can begin formalities when planning work, upon completion of construction. In the first case, they draw up a sketch of the future object, submit it for consideration to the relevant authorities, receive permission, and begin construction. It is worth noting that this option is considered correct. If there are inconsistencies or violations of safety rules, the plan will be sent for revision and will be reviewed again after changes are made. You can draw up a sketch yourself or with the help of specialists.

The second option provides for the start of the legalization process after the completion of construction, in fact. The main emphasis is on the possibility of obtaining supporting documentation. Both options involve going through the same stages of legalization.

  • Collection of documents.
  • Applying to the court for recognition of ownership of the extension. The plaintiff is the owner of the house, land plot, the defendant is the local administration.
  • Payment of duty. In each case, the monetary equivalent of the legalization process is different.

Costs for the process of legalizing the extension

  • The cost of representation in court depends on the number of meetings at which the lawyer will have to attend to defend the rights of the owner. Payment is possible after each meeting or after completion of the process. One trial with a lawyer will cost 6 thousand rubles, complex work costs about 30 thousand rubles.
  • The state duty is 200-500 rubles.
  • A power of attorney for construction permission and assignment of ownership rights will cost 2 thousand rubles.
  • Forensic examination – about 15 thousand rubles.
  • Entry into the cadastral register using the services of a lawyer - 20 thousand rubles, independently - about 500 rubles.

Whether you engage in the legalization process yourself or with the help of specialists is an individual decision.

The judge will require a technical examination. You can do this before filing a claim by contacting specialist. The following questions should be received:

  • Does it comply with safety regulations?
  • Doesn't it conflict with the interests of the neighbors?
  • Are sanitary and hygienic standards violated?

Based on the examination received, the court makes a decision on the legality of the construction and confirms ownership. This method of legitimation is most often used after construction is completed. Before starting the construction of a building, they apply to the administration for permission.

Stages of legalization of an extension, construction at the planning stage

  • Project development.
  • Applying to the department of architecture and urban planning for a construction permit.
  • Conclusion of a supervision agreement.
  • Submitting an application for a declaration, which indicates the start of construction.
  • Obtaining a technical passport.
  • Submitting an application for registration of a declaration.
  • Preparation of documents for the registration service to obtain a cadastral passport and confirmation of ownership rights.

Required documents

Before starting the process, it is necessary to obtain permission from certain authorities and collect a package of documents.

  • Certificate of ownership of the land plot under construction.
  • Certificate of ownership of the house.
  • Technical plan.
  • BTI certificate, cadastral passport.
  • Extract from the house register.
  • Legal documents.
  • Consent of neighbors if the building is located on the border with their territory.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological station act.
  • Construction permit from water utility, fire, gas service.

Additionally, photos of the land plot, house, object are provided if construction has already been completed. In addition, a simplified system for legalizing buildings is in effect until 2018. If you arrive before this deadline, you can receive the necessary documents much faster.

How to legalize an extension to a house if the land is owned

This option provides freedom of action. A person can do anything on his own land.
In practice, there are various kinds of legal restrictions, which are not at all a whim of the legislative bodies. Rather, it is an urgent need that is concerned about the interests of other citizens, especially neighbors. To legitimize an extension to a house, it must not contradict the interests of the public or cause damage to the environment.

Urban planning legislation regulates the placement of objects on a land plot; any construction must be approved. The process of legalization is necessary for the owners themselves, since the design of the house, appearance, and area change. There is a need to replace the technical passport. A self-built structure can violate safety rules and make the house unstable, which subsequently threatens collapses and other unpleasant consequences. To avoid this, resort to the help of specialists. The expert considers all these nuances and gives approval or disapproval.

To legalize an extension, it is enough to collect a package of necessary documents and go to court or the administration. However, if the completed extension does not comply with legal standards and requirements, it will be required to be demolished. That is why it is better to start the legalization process at the planning stage.

It is much easier to legitimize a non-permanent extension, at any time, if it is done smoothly, without errors. It is necessary to submit an application to the local BTI, a package of necessary documents for the house, land, with a request to make changes to the technical passport. A commission comes to the site and draws up a Construction Completion Certificate.

How to register an extension to a house if there is a second owner on the land

The solution to the issue begins with the permission of the second owner of the land to build an extension.
The document is notarized so that there are no claims in the future. After which you can begin to implement your plans. The process of legalizing a building is similar to the case when the land is owned by one person. Collect a package of necessary documents. Together with the consent of the other land owner, they are submitted to the appropriate authorities. If the second owner is against the building, and it already exists, the court has the right to order its removal. A new extension to the house should not infringe on the interests of neighbors, especially co-owners.

How to legalize an extension to a house if it is already completed

In this case, there is only one option - through the court. You can prepare the necessary documents yourself or entrust the matter to specialists. In addition, the process of legitimizing finished objects depends on their nature. Legalization of non-permanent extensions - terraces, balconies, verandas, auxiliary buildings carried out at any time using a simplified system. It is enough to simply make changes to the technical passport by contacting the BTI. Buildings in the form of additions to the house - expansion in width, height - can only be legalized after construction through the court.

Reasons for refusal:

  • non-compliance with sanitary standards;
  • violation of fire safety rules;
  • non-compliance with architectural standards;
  • incomplete package of necessary documents;
  • use in construction of uncertified materials that do not meet fire safety requirements.

How to legalize an extension to a house under the dacha amnesty, step-by-step instructions

The essence of the project is free registration of land and real estate using a simplified system. The option is available to shareholders who received the plot before October 30, 2001. In accordance with Art. 51 clause 5 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the law is valid until 03/01/2008.

Step-by-step instructions for legalization of the dacha amnesty:

  • Initially, owners of buildings and summer cottages must receive a document confirming ownership. Without it, further processing of documents is impossible.
  • The land plot must have a land survey plan, the construction must comply with generally accepted urban planning and safety standards.
  • You can register ownership of a plot of land under a dacha amnesty using a simplified system. Submit documents to the Federal Registration Service. An application, a passport, a receipt for payment of state duty, an extract from the business ledger, and title documents are required. The cadastral plan is issued free of charge.
  • A construction declaration is submitted to Rosreestr, which must be legalized in 2 copies. The form is filled out with your own hand in blue, black paste without abbreviations or abbreviations. You must indicate the location of the construction of the object, address if available, name, graphic image, documents confirming ownership, cadastral number of the land plot. The declaration is reviewed within 30 days, if there are no comments, errors, or inaccuracies, a document is issued to the owner with the address assigned to the object. After which they begin to issue a cadastral passport, which is the final stage.

Alexey Dubrovsky, lawyer:“It is better to deal with formalities and obtain permits before the start of construction. In this case, you will have to wait a little, but the process of obtaining documents after the construction of the object will not be so expensive and problematic. If possible, this entire burden can be shifted onto the shoulders of specialists. Then you will just need to wait until they give the go-ahead to start construction. As for already built objects, the issue can only be resolved through the courts. Although the package of documents for legalization in both the first and second cases is practically the same. The opinion of experts is that everything must be done on time!”

Alina Samoilova, lawyer: “It’s worth initially finding out all the problematic issues. That is, it is prohibited to attach anything to a dilapidated house. The object will not be legalized, the owner will receive a refusal. If the land is owned by several entities, the structure of the future object is agreed upon with them, which is confirmed by documents certified by a notary. The same applies if the house is owned by several owners. In the future, it can be quite difficult to prove your case in court, in the absence of the necessary documents. In the process of legalizing self-builds, the most difficult moment is to collect a package of documents and coordinate them with other co-owners. Everything else is a formal question that requires some time.”