Is life insurance necessary with compulsory insurance or is it possible without it? Types of compulsory insurance currently in force in Russia

Nowadays, many drivers have doubts when determining the optimal type of insurance. Many people are interested in the question: is compulsory motor liability insurance necessary if you have CASCO insurance in 2019?

Let’s try to consider this issue in more detail: let’s dwell on the specifics of modern domestic insurance systems.

Insurance services differ in the amount of compensation and basic conditions, while pursuing a single goal: the policy is designed to reimburse costs in the event of an insured event due to an accident.

OSAGO and CASCO must minimize the property risks of car owners.

Unfortunately, many motorists do not understand: why take out a second insurance policy when one has already been issued? Let's clarify all the key points.

Confusion when determining the differences between OSAGO and CASCO most often arises among beginners. And in most cases it is connected with the fact that many banking organizations include CASCO in the conditions when applying for a car loan.

As a result, a dilemma arises: is compulsory motor liability insurance necessary if there is CASCO insurance for a new car? And in general, why conclude another insurance contract when you already have one paid policy (far from cheap)?

It turns out that the whole point is one basic difference between the two types of insurance.

The fact is that a CASCO policy can be more profitable in its own way and have attractive insurance conditions. It is intended to cover the cost of property damage to the vehicle. The policy will also be useful in case of theft or serious accident.

However, it is OSAGO, and not CASCO, that is compulsory insurance in the country. And this is enshrined in the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Registration of CASCO insurance can be made a mandatory condition, for example, for obtaining a loan for the purchase of a new car, but this is a local condition in a particular bank. But MTPL insurance is mandatory throughout the country, for absolutely all drivers.

If the question arises whether it is necessary to insure under MTPL if there is CASCO insurance, the answer will be unequivocal: it is absolutely necessary.

Video: Insurance MTPL, DOSAGO and CASCO 2019. What is the difference? Which policy to choose?

It is important that the vehicle itself is insured under the CASCO program. OSAGO has a fundamentally different insurance program: it provides civil liability insurance for the car owner.

This happens when damage is caused to a third party or a vehicle. An insured event may occur due to improper operation of the vehicle or violation of traffic rules.

OSAGO is controlled at the state level. Insurance conditions do not depend on the specific insurance company that issues policies.

All rules for issuing insurance payments, lists of insured events, and specifics of drawing up an insurance contract are established by the state.

CASCO is a more flexible insurance system, in which there is no such stability and transparency of conditions. Each insurance company sets its own rules for drawing up a contract and issuing insurance payments.

The percentage of payment upon the occurrence of an insured event is determined individually for each company. Even the rules under which an insurer compensates for losses can vary significantly.

If you want to save money, you should think about whether you need to apply for CASCO insurance at all. After all, you will have to get compulsory motor liability insurance in any case.

Do I need to do OSAGO if I have CASCO insurance? We answered: it is absolutely necessary, because this obligation is enshrined in the country’s legislation.

Obviously, you can, if you wish, refuse CASCO, or take out two insurances to reduce your risks to a minimum.

The entire insurance system is divided into two groups: compulsory insurance And voluntary.

At the same time, compulsory insurance established by law.

It is clearly regulated; rules, objects and insurance rates are defined for it by regulatory legal acts.

Based on Article 927 of the Civil Code compulsory insurance is carried out by concluding an agreement between the insurance company and the insured person.

Compulsory insurance affects the risks of large masses of the population or the entire society.

Insurance rules are specified in a large number of federal laws and regulations. Many of them, such as passenger insurance, have been adopted in recent years.

But no matter how ideal the insurance legislation may seem, practice points to huge gaps in the system.

Types of compulsory insurance:

Compulsory medical insurance - compulsory health insurance

Compulsory health insurance is the most common type of compulsory insurance. Almost all residents of the country have a compulsory medical insurance policy; it provides broad guarantees in the provision of medical services.

The purpose of compulsory health insurance is ensure immediate medical care at the expense of the fund's savings. Employers transfer money to the medical fund in the form of deductions in the amount of 3.6% of the unified social tax.

Not all medical services are provided free of charge; for example, preventive, health resort, cosmetology and other services provided on the personal initiative of citizens are provided on a commercial basis.

To obtain a health insurance policy, you must contact Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, whose address can be found at the nearest clinic. When moving from one federal subject to another, you must surrender your old policy and then get a new one.

However, you have the right to receive medical care in any corner of Russia, therefore, When going on a business trip or vacation, be sure to take the insurance policy with you.

Insurance for transporting passengers by land, water or air

This type of insurance is provided by insurance companies that have concluded an agreement with the carrier.

The main purpose of this type of insurance is to protect the interests of passengers in the event of damage to life, health or property.

Insurance does not cover this type of transport such as a taxi.

The adoption of the law on insurance for the carriage of passengers in January 2013 was associated with violations by carriers of the interests of citizens and the lack of guarantees of receiving payments.

With the adoption of the law, the situation has changed little, and carriers, in collusion with insurance companies, are doing their best to avoid fulfilling their duties.

To receive payment in the event of an emergency, you will need contact the insurer with a ticket and insurance check. Therefore, do not throw away your ticket and insurance before arriving at your destination. The insurance is valid only for the duration of the trip.

Compulsory social insurance of citizens

Social insurance of citizens is one of the most useful and necessary types of compulsory insurance. Throughout their lives, the working population contributes funds to the social fund. From there, people in need receive payments.

Child benefits, disability benefits or large families, unemployment benefits, pensions - all this is paid by the social fund. It provides help to people who are in difficult situations, although this help can be difficult to achieve.

Social insurance is valid throughout a person's life. Many government agencies require presentation SNILS - document, which indicates the citizen’s special personal number.

Using this number you can find out about the amount of insurance premiums and length of service, which will subsequently affect the amount of your pension accrued.

To apply for SNILS you should contact Pension fund with a passport or when applying for a job write a statement directly to the employer.

Insurance for military personnel and government employees

Insurance of military personnel, as well as government employees, helps protect the life and health of these people. For such categories of citizens special benefits and payments are provided. This is due to the constant threat to life and health.

Military personnel undergoing military service or contract service, government employees receive payments if their health is harmed, receive pensions for funerals and family support.

Insurance payments are not made if the insured person committed an act while intoxicated or intentionally caused harm to himself.

Insurance is handled by a company authorized to provide compulsory state insurance services. This organization commercial, which has repeatedly caused controversy and discussion.

Another mandatory type of insurance is compulsory motor liability insurance. All car owners know about this type of insurance. It guarantees compensation for damage to health, life or property in the event of an accident.

Payments under compulsory motor liability insurance are small - up to 160 thousand rubles. To receive additional funds, you should insure yourself with DSAGO.

By the way, auto liability insurance will not help you in case of car theft or damage. For high payments and an extended insurance package, you will have to apply for CASCO, which is not cheap.

Every driver driving a vehicle must be included in the insurance policy; or it must indicate that anyone can drive. OSAGO must always be carried with you and in case of violation of the rules, present it to an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Insurance of civil liability of the owner of a dangerous object

Mandatory types of insurance in the Russian Federation include civil liability insurance for the owner of a hazardous facility. This type of insurance is aimed at providing assistance to persons injured as a result of an accident at a dangerous facility.

The law on this type of insurance was adopted in 2010, but began to work only in 2012. All owners of dangerous objects must take out insurance and make additional payments to the insurance fund.

  • mines;
  • metallurgical plants;
  • mines;
  • explosives factories;
  • oil production platforms;
  • fuel and lubricants warehouses;
  • chemical shops;
  • flour mills;
  • other enterprises with the possibility of a threat to life.

People don’t often think about what a dangerous object is, yet they are close to us and pose a threat to life and health. Even escalators in shopping centers and subways can cause harm to health, and there have been cases of death!

An ammonia leak, an explosion at a nuclear power plant, a collapse in a mine, a fire at a gas station - all these are accidents at hazardous facilities.

Everyone remembers the explosion of the power unit in Chernobyl. The state still pays compensation to injured people for the harm caused, albeit in a ridiculous amount.

If an accident occurs at a dangerous facility, all injured people receive increased insurance payments.

The state allocates billions of rubles annually for life and health insurance of citizens. But not all of this money (but only a small percentage) reaches its destination. And all this because legal illiteracy of people.

If you want to receive the money you are entitled to by law, you will have to study regulations and acquire knowledge in the legal field.

Mandatory types of state insurance are:

  • compulsory health insurance;
  • insurance for passenger transportation;
  • compulsory social insurance;
  • insurance for military personnel;
  • And I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year +)

    Hello! The establishment and payment of compulsory insurance coverage for compulsory pension insurance is carried out in the manner and under the conditions established by the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” and the Federal Law “On Burial and Funeral Business”.

OSAGO- compulsory motor third party liability insurance for vehicle owners. The MTPL policy insures the driver's liability to other road users. Those. If the driver causes an accident, the damage to other persons will be compensated by his insurance company.

Maximum amount of compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance - 500,000 rubles for compensation for harm to life or health and 400,000 rubles for compensation for material damage to each of the victims of the accident. At the same time, the person at fault for the accident does not receive any money under compulsory motor liability insurance.

The MTPL policy is issued for a car. If a driver drives several cars, he will need to buy several insurance policies. If one car is driven by several drivers in turn, then one OSAGO policy is enough for them.

The cost of the MTPL policy is calculated individually for each driver and each car. However, all insurance companies use single formula for calculation. Therefore, if desired, the driver can determine the cost of the insurance policy for the next year.

Each year of accident-free driving reduces the cost of the MTPL policy for the next year. In this case, the driver’s bonus-malus coefficient (BMC) decreases by several percent. In practice, insurers may “lose” the driver’s BMR coefficient. To prevent this from happening, you need to regularly check the KBM and, if necessary, restore it in a timely manner.

The insurance policy is issued for 1 year and requires annual renewal. Starting from mid-2015, renewal of compulsory motor liability insurance is possible, including via the Internet.

MTPL insurance is mandatory, i.e. Every driver is required to have an insurance policy. For the absence of a policy, administrative liability is provided.

A driver injured in a traffic accident must contact the at-fault party's insurance company to obtain compensation. It is also possible to contact your insurance company if only 2 cars were injured in an accident and no people were injured.

OSAGO without life insurance - is it possible to purchase such a policy? This question arises for many motorists due to the fact that recently insurance companies have begun to actively offer related insurance services as mandatory: life insurance, additional motor liability insurance, etc. Let's figure out how not to overpay insurers.

Imposing additional services for car insurance

This is not the first year that a situation has arisen that many insurance companies, quite large and therefore reliable, refuse to issue their clients an MTPL insurance policy without concluding an additional life and health insurance contract.

At the same time, everyone understands perfectly well that coercion to conclude an agreement is unacceptable and clearly contradicts the basic principles of civil legislation and even the provisions of the constitution.

Don't know your rights?

However, not all car owners begin to defend their rights or contact law enforcement agencies. This reluctance to “get involved” can be explained very simply: the insurance has expired, which means that you can no longer use the car, and therefore you will have to either follow the principle, defend your right and switch to public transport for a long time, or silently pay and save effort, money and time.

Such reasoning by car owners, of course, plays into the hands of policyholders who, without a twinge of conscience, take advantage of the disadvantageous position of motorists.

OSAGO: is it necessary to take out life insurance when insuring a car?

It is mandatory to take out life insurance when purchasing a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. This is exactly what most car owners think, who, willy-nilly, have to arrange a number of related services every year. These include:

  • Life and health insurance, favored by insurance agents;
  • property insurance, including housing or movable property in residential premises;
  • undergoing a technical inspection of the vehicle only at a service station specified by the insurance company.

It is important to understand one thing: no insurance company can or should force you to enter into an unnecessary insurance contract or use certain conditions. And the proof of this is the Civil Code, the law on compulsory motor liability insurance and the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Amendments to the legislation on compulsory insurance

As probably all car enthusiasts already know, on August 2, 2014, a large-scale modernization of the current legislation on compulsory property insurance of vehicle owners began. During this modernization, the following amendments have already come into force:

  1. “No alternative compensation for losses” - a participant in a traffic accident now has no right to contact the insurance company of his own choice. Now every victim must turn to his or her insurer for compensation.
  2. For insurers who entered into an agreement later than August 2, 2014, the payment limits under the European protocol have been increased, that is, according to documents drawn up by participants in an accident, without inviting a traffic police officer or commissioners to the scene of the accident. It is important to note that this must be done no later than 5 days after the accident.
  3. A list of banks has been established that an insurance company can contact to store its available funds.
  4. The liability of a legal entity (insurance company) for the imposition of additional types of services and unjustified refusal to enter into a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement has been determined. At the same time, the amount of the fine is quite significant - 50,000 rubles.

What to do if the policyholder refuses to enter into a contract?

If you are determined to defend your rights and not pay extra to the policyholder for the imaginary benefits offered, you will have to gather your courage and act. There are several possible scenarios:

  1. You refuse to enter into an agreement, but ask to voice the reason for the refusal in the presence of witnesses, or record the conversation with the agent on a voice recorder, or ask for the refusal to be provided in writing. After that, you put the car in the garage and go to court to protect your rights. You will need to attach the evidence of refusal you have to the statement of claim and wait for the court’s decision. In total, this process will take about 2-3 months, but you will be able to recover from the offender moral damages (since you were forced to use public transport instead of a comfortable, beloved car), the amount of lost profits (if you earn money on this vehicle - calculated based on the average income for the period during which you did not have insurance), as well as the amount of actual damage (for example, the cost of driving someone else’s car). The process is labor-intensive, but payments can be provided in a significant amount, and the policyholder will be forced to enter into an agreement.
  2. Concluding an insurance contract and writing next to the personal signature on both copies “without life insurance (or other services), the issuance of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy was refused.” Then, with this policy, you need to contact Rospotrebnadzor, which will take measures to restore your rights. It should be understood that insurance is one of the types of services provided in our country, and therefore the policyholder will be responsible according to the law on the protection of consumer rights. Consequently, you have the right not only to unilaterally, without any sanctions for yourself, terminate such an agreement, but also to receive compensation for losses incurred.
  3. This method is a little dubious in practice, however, according to many car owners, it has worked repeatedly. When you contact the insurer’s office, you accept all its terms, enter into a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement, as well as an accompanying agreement, for example, life insurance, and a day or two later you contact the insurance company again and, on your own initiative, terminate the agreement, paying some part as a penalty insurance premium. Although here again you should think about the size of this penalty established by the company. If he strives for half the cost of the imposed service, then it would be reasonable to consider the question: is it worth terminating the contract at all? Maybe it's better to keep the insurance yourself?


In general, what to do in this situation is up to you to decide. However, let's move away from this habitual way of life, when we sacrifice our interests just to “not quarrel.” It is simply necessary to defend your rights. But how to do it correctly is a completely different conversation. Don't let unscrupulous auto insurers take advantage of your gullibility or inexperience.

Compulsory car insurance is something that helps car owners feel more confident and calm on the road. By insuring a car, its owner has the opportunity to recover his financial losses in the future in the event of an accident, which can happen to even the most experienced and confident driver.

Advantages of compulsory insurance

The advantages of purchasing an MTPL policy are obvious:

  • Low cost.
  • High material guarantees.
  • Fixed tariff rates.
  • Territorial accessibility.

What documents are needed to issue a policy?

The most common questions that our clients have are: how much does car insurance cost and what is needed to get it? So, let's look at everything in order.

To obtain compulsory car insurance, you first need to prepare a package of certain documents:

  1. Statement of intent to enter into a compulsory auto insurance agreement. You can find the form on our company website.
  2. A general passport or any other document proving your identity.
  3. Original or copy of driver's license. If several people are allowed to drive a car, then their licenses will also be needed.
  4. State-issued vehicle registration certificate.
  5. A document confirming ownership of the car.
  6. Vehicle technical inspection certificate.

How to find out the cost of car insurance?

Once all the necessary documents have been collected, you can begin to calculate the cost of the policy and order it directly. So how do you find out how much car insurance costs? To find out the exact price of the policy in your case, you can use an online calculator.

The online calculator is a unique service that allows you to automatically calculate the current cost of an MTPL policy. To find out how much compulsory car insurance costs, you will need to take just three simple steps:

  1. Go to our website and open the calculator tab.
  2. Fill out a short form with accurate information.
  3. Wait a few minutes and get an accurate result.

Agree that using a calculator is much more convenient than going to the office of an insurance company with a bunch of documents, waiting for hours for your turn and talking for a long time with an insurance agent.

What affects the price of an insurance policy?

The final cost of compulsory insurance will be influenced by many different coefficients and parameters, among which several of the most basic can be identified:

  • Vehicle registration region. The regional coefficient in large cities will always be higher than in small and remote villages. This is due to the fact that in a metropolis the risk of getting into a traffic accident is very high even for the most experienced driver.
  • Vehicle power. The rule here is that the more powerful the car, the higher the coefficient and the more expensive the insurance.
  • Driver's experience and age. When taking out a policy, there are no restrictions on the age of the car owner. However, there is a factor that will be taken into account when calculating the cost. If the driver has extensive experience and is over 25 years old, then the cost of car insurance for him will be much lower.
  • Number of accidents. If the car owner is careful and has never been in a serious accident, then he can count on a significant discount when taking out insurance. In this way, the state encourages drivers to be extremely attentive and careful on the road.
  • The number of people officially approved to drive this vehicle. If the car is used by different drivers, this must be indicated in the insurance contract. Of course, you should expect a significant increase in your monthly payment.
  • Duration of the insurance contract. Experts recommend signing a contract for a period of 10 months or more, because in the end it turns out to be much more profitable.
We buy insurance online. Our advantages

When purchasing a new car, absolutely anyone will be faced with the need to obtain auto insurance. Our company offers to simplify this process as much as possible - order a policy online. To obtain insurance, you will not need to go to our office and waste your personal time, because everything can be done at home, devoting just a few minutes to the process.

Advantages of our company:

  1. Possibility of registration in any convenient place. This could be a home, office or cafe. The most basic condition is access to the Internet and a couple of free minutes to fill out the application.
  2. Accurate online calculator. Our website has a convenient online calculator that allows you to calculate the exact price of insurance in a matter of minutes. In addition, this service will give you the opportunity to choose the most optimal price option, because you can independently select the necessary parameters and carry out calculations several times.
  3. Professional support. If you have any problems or questions when applying for insurance, our specialists will help solve them in a matter of minutes.
  4. Possibility of quickly receiving an electronic policy. To do this, you just need to go to our website, fill out a form, provide documents and pay the bill. As soon as the policy is ready, you will be able to receive it by email.