Is temporary registration required in the Russian Federation? How is temporary registration done for citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of residence? What to do if you don’t have registration

Many Russian citizens are attracted by the opportunity to live and work in Moscow. This is not surprising, because the capital opens up new prospects for each of us. Here you can find a job with a much better salary than in the regions, it’s easier to start your own business here, you won’t have to survive on the meager wages that residents of many other cities receive...

There are many arguments in favor of moving, but recent changes in legislation have made many people think twice. Today we’ll talk about whether registration in Moscow is necessary for citizens of the Russian Federation, and for what purposes it may be needed.

Who needs to register

In 2017, at the initiative of the President of Russia, amendments were made to the law “On the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence within the Russian Federation.” In accordance with them, citizens of the country moving for a long period to another city were required to undergo a registration procedure with the Federal Migration Service of Russia. Of course, a large number of residents of our country took this news with hostility, because the lack of a document confirming their move to permanent residence in Moscow significantly complicated their lives. Temporary registration in the capital is needed not only for adults, but also for children for school or kindergarten. Be sure to pay attention to this fact!

There are certain categories of citizens who do not need temporary registration in Moscow or St. Petersburg, in particular:

  • persons who arrived in one of the specified cities for a period of less than 90 days;
  • citizens officially registered on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
  • persons registered in the Moscow or Leningrad regions may reside in Moscow or St. Petersburg, respectively, without the need additional passage procedures.

Residents of other cities in Russia planning to leave for permanent residence in one of the two above cities (for a period of more than 3 months) are now required to visit the FMS office and register. Registration is necessary not only because without it, official work and the opportunity to enroll children in kindergarten or school will be unavailable. Non-residents who violate this law will be fined from 2,500 to 5,000 rubles. Next, we’ll talk about where and how registration of citizens who move to the capital from other Russian cities takes place.

How to register in 2018-2019

If you come from another city in Russia and need registration in Moscow, you need to contact the Federal Migration Service and submit a package of documents. To undergo the procedure you need to have with you:

  1. Passport.
  2. Corresponding statement.
  3. A document that is the basis for moving in.

And it is with the last necessary document that most citizens have difficulties. Finding a person who is ready to help you with registration is extremely difficult. If you have relatives in Moscow, then solving the problem will be relatively easy (especially if you have good relations with them). If there are none, you will have to negotiate directly with the landlord.

There are always “gray” options from a legal point of view, for example, contacting a special company that deals with such issues. They will definitely find you a room and provide reasons for registration. If you decide to come to an agreement with someone you know or with the person from whom you rent housing, you should definitely take into account several important legislative aspects, in particular:

  • permanent registration can only be issued if the premises specified in the document provide for you at least 6 square meters squares;
  • if the landlord insists that after completing the procedure you will receive certain rights to his housing, you can reassure him: registration of citizens at their place of temporary residence in Moscow does not provide them with any property rights;
  • If the registration period is about to expire, neither you, nor the landlord, nor relatives will have to come to the FMS office. The deregistration process occurs automatically.

Is it necessary to register in the purchased apartment? Many homeowners ask a similar question. It often happens that a citizen bought an apartment, but it does not live with us. For example, due to moving to another city or region. Is this normal? Is it necessary for a person to register in his/her home? And how do you even register tenants in an apartment? Every modern resident of the Russian Federation should know the answers to these questions. Then it will be possible to avoid problems associated with registration of the country's population.

About registration accounting

Is it possible to buy an apartment, but not register in it? First, let's figure out what registration is and why it is needed.

In Russia, legislation indicates that all citizens staying in the country for more than 90 days must be registered in one or another housing. Registration can be either temporary or permanent. The main thing is that it exists.

Registration records not only allow you to monitor citizens and their movements, but also allows you to:

  • receive management services at your place of residence;
  • arrange benefits, payments and other government/municipal services;
  • use for free medical institutions attached to a particular area.

Therefore, everyone should have registration (temporary or permanent). The advantage of permanent registration is that if we are talking about non-privatized housing, residents will be able to participate in privatization and in the future they will be entitled to a share in the apartment.

On registration of citizens of the Russian Federation

Is registration required for an apartment? According to current legislation, all citizens of the Russian Federation must have registration.

Primary registration can be carried out at any time. This occurs in the case of newborns. It is best to decide where the child will live in the first 30 days of his life.

All other citizens who change their place of residence must register in the new housing no later than a week after leaving their previous apartment. Otherwise, you can expect punishment.

The law allows you to have both temporary and permanent registration. But this is a rather rare situation. As has already been said, the main thing is that a person generally has a designated place of residence.

Responsibility for delay

Is it necessary to register in the purchased apartment? What will happen if you don't do this?

As has already been noted, citizens who change their place of residence must be discharged from old apartment and register in a new one. Otherwise, they will be held accountable.

Today, violation of the deadlines for registration is punishable by a fine in the amount of 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. The person will also be forced to register at a new address.

Right to registration

Is it possible not to register in the purchased apartment? Yes. The point is that citizens can be home owners, but not be tenants. This technique is used quite often in practice.

The right to register in your own home does not oblige the owner of the apartment to anything. He can, at his personal request, register in the acquired property. The main thing is that in general the person has registration on the territory of the Russian Federation. And where exactly it takes place is no longer so important.

In addition, the homeowner can register new tenants in his apartment and check them out. This is his legal right.

The advantages of not having a residence permit

Is it possible to buy an apartment, but not register in it? As we have already found out, a citizen of the Russian Federation has such a right. Often people buy housing, but do not register in it. This approach has its advantages.

For example, if one apartment is for rent, and a person actually lives in another, then there is no need to think about which apartment to register as a tenant. Also, when calculating utilities, the amounts will be less. Especially if the apartment does not have meters. After all, a “communal apartment” is calculated based on the number of residents.

Taxes and bills

Is it necessary to register in the purchased apartment? No, but this does not mean that the homeowner will be exempt from taxes and payment of utility bills.

All these obligations are imposed on the owner of the apartment, regardless of where exactly he is registered. Therefore, you should not think that registration affects tax obligations homeowners.

Where do they register?

Do I need to register someone when buying an apartment? No. As practice shows, when purchasing residential property, buyers require that all residents leave it. And then people are in no hurry to register with new apartment. Especially if it is not the only housing.

Registration is completed by:

  • in the MFC;
  • through the Federal Migration Service;
  • in migration services;
  • at passport offices.

Each person who decides to register in their apartment can choose where to register. How to do this will be discussed further!

Owner registration

Are you planning to register the owner in the apartment? The procedure in this case will be simple and understandable to everyone. Registration of owners of housing is the simplest operation related to registration.

A citizen will have to act like this:

  1. Obtain and register ownership of the apartment.
  2. Write an application for registration.
  3. Leave your previous place of residence. Now this operation is performed automatically when a new registration is made.
  4. Collect a certain package of papers. Their list depends on how old the owner of the property is.
  5. Submit an application for registration along with the prepared documents to the registration authority.
  6. Wait for registration.

That's all. No one can prohibit the owner from registering in his own home. Even other apartment owners. This fact must be taken into account.

About preparing documents

When and how are they registered in the purchased apartment? The answer to this question will no longer make you think. This operation can be implemented without much difficulty. The main thing is to correctly formulate the package of documents.

Adult homeowners will be registered after they bring:

  • ID cards;
  • departure slip;
  • arrival sheet;
  • application for registration (and deregistration from previous housing);
  • documents indicating ownership of the apartment.

Minor owners of residential property can only be registered together with their parents. To register them you will need:

  • birth certificate (or passport - for children over 14 years old);
  • consent of one parent for registration (if mom and dad are registered in different apartments);
  • certificates of ownership;
  • departure sheet;
  • arrival slip;
  • application for registration at the place of residence.

After a few days, the citizen will be given either a registration certificate (if the person has a temporary residence permit) or given a passport with a registration stamp.


Is it necessary to register in the purchased apartment? No. So far the legislation Russian Federation does not oblige homeowners to have mandatory registration in their homes. Such a commitment is impossible to implement in practice. After all, each person can buy several apartments for himself. And registering everywhere is a pointless idea. It is enough to have one place of residence, and only manage and own all other property.

It is impossible to register someone in a particular territory without the consent of the owner. Only if we are talking about minor children (under 14 years old). Minors are required to be registered with their parents, and the consent of the apartment owner is not required.

From all of the above it follows that the right of ownership does not in any way affect the citizen’s obligation to have a residence permit. The legislation of the Russian Federation allows people to choose where to register as a resident. But if we are not talking about your own apartment, you will have to obtain the consent of the homeowner for the operation.

A person can own 3, 5, 10 apartments. And this does not mean that it is necessary to register someone in them. There are no such rules in current legislation. But if desired, the owner of the apartment can at any time register on his territory, check out of it, or register/de-register any other person.

If you are going to settle in the capital for a long time, it is advisable to familiarize yourself in advance with the Procedure for registering citizens at the place of residence and place of stay.

The first thing you should be aware of is that there is a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2004 No. 825. This Decree, in particular, states that citizens who temporarily reside not at their permanent place of residence for more than 90 days , are required to obtain temporary registration.

You can register for free and in one day. To do this, you must go to the regional office of the Federal Migration Service in Moscow at your place of residence, necessarily bringing with you documents: a passport, an application and a lease (sublease) agreement or a statement from the person who provided you with housing.

But is it necessary for a citizen of the Russian Federation to register in Moscow if he lives and works in our city?

This question is quite complex and difficult to answer unequivocally. On the one hand, according to the Constitution, any citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to freedom of movement and can, being registered, say, in the city of Chita, live and work in Moscow. On the other hand, there is a government decree obliging people to register when living in Moscow for more than 90 days.

Let's try to understand all this by turning to Russian legislation.

Here is the third article of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence within the Russian Federation.”

I quote: “Registration or the lack thereof cannot serve as a basis for restriction or a condition for the implementation of the rights and freedoms of citizens provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the laws of the Russian Federation, the Constitutions and laws of the republics within the Russian Federation.”

This article of the law unambiguously assesses the unlawful demands of a Moscow employer to have registration in Moscow when hiring a nonresident Russian.

In accordance with Article 2, the Law includes places of residence where a citizen temporarily resides. This is a sanatorium, a hotel, a holiday home, a campsite, a boarding house, a tourist center, a hospital and others.

Place of residence is defined as the place where a citizen lives permanently or most of the time as an owner or tenant, or under a lease (sublease), lease, etc. This is an apartment, a residential building, service housing, a dormitory, and others.

Thus, a citizen of the Russian Federation must register not in the city, but in a residential area. And only after 90 days. What if a citizen of the Russian Federation, after 89 days of living in the capital, went to the hero city of Tula for three days, and then returned again? What if he lived at the address for 89 days and then moved to a neighboring apartment? It turns out to be complete nonsense. It is almost impossible to bring a citizen who knows the laws to justice in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offences.

The imperfection of registration legislation, its contradictions with the Constitution and the way things are in developed countries, which we are trying to be like, have led to rumors increasingly being circulated in the media that registration on the territory of the Russian Federation will soon be abolished.

Registration at the place of stay

The place of temporary residence itself can be different: it can include housing rented under a social/commercial tenancy agreement; these include rest homes, hotels, campsites, hospitals (in case of long-term treatment); These include nursing homes and other social institutions where a citizen may, for objective reasons, stay for quite a long time.

Temporary registration is not required (but is possible) in the following cases:

  • if a citizen lives at any address within the region where he has permanent registration;
  • if a citizen lives in Moscow or the Moscow region, and at the same time he has permanent registration in Moscow and the region;
  • if a citizen lives in St. Petersburg or the Leningrad region, and at the same time has a permanent residence permit in the territory of St. Petersburg or the Leningrad region;
  • if a citizen lives on the territory of the Republic of Crimea or in Sevastopol, and has registration at the place of residence in these entities.

For failure to fulfill the obligation to register, a citizen may be fined (we will discuss this in more detail below).

The Department of Internal Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - UVM) deals with registration issues on the territory of Russia. This department replaced the previously existing FMS.

It is worth noting that temporary registration is absolutely free, as is deregistration. In this case, the citizen is not deregistered at his place of residence. And to obtain a temporary registration, you do not have to wait 90 days - this can be done earlier.

How is temporary registration done?

Temporary registration at the place of stay can be obtained in several ways:

  1. In person (by submitting the necessary documents to the territorial division of the Department of Migration).
  2. By mail.
  3. Through a single portal of public services.

When submitting documents for registration in person, you must submit the following package of documents:

  • application on form No. 1 (the form will be issued at the Department of Internal Affairs or it can be downloaded on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and filled out in advance);
  • passport;
  • a document that serves as the basis for temporary registration (for example, a commercial lease agreement);
  • consent of certain persons to move in (the landlord and citizens living with the tenant - when moving into an apartment located in social rent; all participants in shared ownership).

To obtain temporary registration by general rule The presence of the property owner is required. The UVM employee must make sure that the basis document is signed by him. There is only one exception - if the document certifying the right of residence is notarized (or its notarized copy is presented).

When submitting documents by post you need:

  • application in form No. 1PR;
  • copy of the passport;
  • a notarized copy of the document providing the basis for moving in;
  • notarized consent of the above persons to move in.

To register temporarily through State Services, a confirmed profile on the portal is required. Need to submit:

Don't know your rights?

  • application in form No. 1;
  • copy of passport;
  • a copy of the basis document for registration;
  • consent of the above persons, signed with their digital signature or the digital signature of a notary;
  • arrival registration sheet (if registration is issued for a period of more than 9 months).

Within 3 working days, the documents are reviewed, and then the Department of Migration issues a certificate of registration at the place of residence. At the request of the applicant, it can be sent by mail rather than handed out in person. The owner is notified of the registration.

There is only one exception to the timing of consideration of documents - if the basis for moving in was a social tenancy agreement, and at the same time it was not submitted to the Department of Internal Affairs, but only its details were indicated. For additional verification of the facts specified in the application, the UVM requires

Temporary registration for citizens of the Russian Federation: subtleties of the procedure

Temporary registration in residential premises is possible only with the consent of the following persons:

  • if we are talking about state or municipal housing stock, the consent of the tenant and all adult citizens living with him is required. Moreover, on the basis of Article 80 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, notification of a new temporary tenant to the landlord is mandatory!

    Temporary registration in such housing stock is possible for no more than 6 months in a row. But even in this case, the landlord may prohibit the registration of temporary registration of citizens in these premises due to the fact that the housing standards designed for one person will be reduced;

  • legal entity owning housing stock;
  • direct owners of premises;
  • board of the housing cooperative (provided that the member of the cooperative is not the owner of the premises).

As a general rule, registration of children under the age of majority at the place of residence of their parents is carried out without their consent.

The consent of the homeowner is drawn up in writing and certified by a notary or directly by the Department of Internal Affairs in his presence.

Now let’s touch on the issues from the owner of the residential premises.

The rental agreement has been concluded, a new tenant has appeared in the apartment. But, despite the initially good opinion, he did not live up to the landlord’s hopes. The question arises: how to evict him?

First, try to have a constructive dialogue, during which you provide compelling reasons why the citizen should leave. If this option does not help, go to court.

Temporary registration terminates automatically - upon expiration of the period specified in the application. But in case of early termination of registration, the citizen must contact the Department of Internal Affairs in order to be deregistered at his place of temporary residence.

Violation of temporary registration deadlines

For failure to comply with the requirements of the legislation on registration at a temporary place of residence, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for the following fines:

  1. For citizens who have not registered, the fine ranges from 2,000 to 3,000 rubles; for Moscow and St. Petersburg - from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles;

Every Russian must have registration. If you do not have a permanent place of residence in Russia, you are allowed to register temporarily at your place of residence.

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How is temporary registration without permanent registration processed in 2020? Living in Russia without registration is difficult. Firstly, registration is required by law.

Secondly, without a stamp with an address in your passport, it is difficult to get a job. Good work, apply for social benefits or take advantage of government benefits. How to apply for temporary registration in Russia in 2020 without having a permanent residence permit?

Basic moments

Russian legislation clearly defines the concepts of “place of residence” and “place of stay”. Place of residence is the place where a person lives permanently.

A place of residence is a point where a person stays temporarily due to certain circumstances. In the first situation, permanent registration is issued, in the second - temporary.

It is worth clarifying that registration and this are actually the same thing. But the term “registration” is not officially used and is used only at the everyday level.

Register for permanent basis only possible in your own living space. To register in someone else's home, you need to get the owner.

Not every owner will agree to register strangers in their apartment.

Although registration does not affect, the owners are afraid of possible difficulties with the discharge of residents later.

To obtain temporary registration, you will also need to obtain the consent of the owner. But unlike permanent registration, the duration of temporary registration is strictly limited. If necessary, temporary registration may be extended.

Thus, it is not at all necessary to have a permanent residence permit if you do not have your own home. Not having your own home is not considered a violation of the law.

But living completely without registration is prohibited by law and there is a penalty for this. Lack of registration is equivalent to a citizen’s presence in the country without documents.

What you need to know

Temporary registration at the place of actual residence was introduced in Russia in order to record the population living in the country.

But temporary registration is not a mandatory procedure; it is of a notification nature.

The place of stay can be not only private or social housing. Temporary registration is allowed in a rest home, hospital, hotel, nursing home and other institutions, public or private.

The main requirement for the premises is that it must be residential. There is no need to pay for obtaining a temporary registration.

It is completed as soon as possible based on an application from the owner of the premises. Important! Registration of temporary registration does not in any way affect permanent registration.

It is possible to hold both types of registration at the same time if circumstances require it.

Advantages and disadvantages

In social terms, the rights of a subject with temporary registration are not infringed in any way in comparison with a citizen with permanent registration.

Regardless of the type of registration, you can:

  • seek medical help;
  • get an official job;
  • use banking services;
  • arrange children in preschool educational institutions and schools;
  • use government ones.

Among the disadvantages of temporary registration, the following points can be noted:

For the owner himself, the temporary registration of other citizens does not pose a threat. Registration, even permanent registration, does not yet give the right to housing.

And the registration is temporary and expires at the end of the period. But temporary residents cannot be required to contribute to the payment.

In addition, a registered citizen has the right to register his minor children with him and the owner’s consent is not required.

For living without registration, migration legislation provides for fines in the amount of two to three thousand rubles.

A fine of two to five thousand rubles is also imposed on homeowners who have not reported that citizens have been staying with them without registration for more than 90 days.

Current standards

The registration procedure is established by law and justified by the following standards:

According to the law, temporary registration is required when staying for more than 90 days at an address other than the place of permanent registration.

At the same time, despite some differences, both types of registration have the same goal - control and recording of the movement of citizens within the Russian Federation. That is, permanent and temporary registrations complement each other.

Is it possible to do temporary registration without permanent registration?

Every resident of Russia is required to have temporary or permanent registration. However, you can only have one type of registration.

But at the same time, the law states that after deregistration at the place of permanent registration, it is necessary to register within seven days. Can there be temporary registration without permanent registration?

When a citizen applies for temporary registration, he must provide information about the place of previous or current permanent registration.

If there is no permanent registration, you must present the departure sheet issued to the citizen upon deregistration.

If for some reason there was no registration at all or the application occurred after the established period, then the citizen will have to pay a fine according to.

Temporary registration can only be obtained with the consent of the following persons:

Consent to temporary registration may be expressed by a personal request for the person’s decision to be made.

If it is not possible to apply in person, you can formalize the consent in writing, having it certified by a notary.

Legal restrictions

Registration of temporary registration gives a person the right to unhindered use of living space and permanent residence during the entire registration period.

If the owner of the property wants to evict a temporarily registered tenant, it will not be possible to do so without his consent.

To be discharged, you will need to go to court. Moreover, the court may take into account the difficult circumstances of the resident and delay discharge for some time.

Conditions for discharge during temporary registration should be agreed upon in advance. Experts advise not to apply for the maximum possible period of time.

If necessary, you can always extend your registration. The maximum duration of temporary registration should not exceed five consecutive years. The registration period is determined upon registration.

After the specified period, registration is canceled automatically. But a citizen who leaves their living space ahead of schedule is required to contact the FMS to be removed from temporary registration.

What documents will you need?

To obtain a temporary residence permit, you will need to prepare the following documents:

If there is a lack of registration, a receipt for payment of the fine must be attached to the package of documents.

If, in addition to the main owner, other permanently registered citizens live in the living space, their consent will be required.

When children under 14 years of age live in an apartment, the consent of the authorities will be required for registration of an unauthorized person.

Registration procedure

There are several ways to register temporarily:

  • by contacting the registration authorities in person;
  • by submitting an application through the State Services portal;
  • sending documents by mail.

When applying in person, the necessary documents are submitted and are reviewed to determine the legality of the application.

After checking the legality of the application, the applicant is issued a certificate of registration at the place of temporary registration.

There is no temporary registration stamp in the passport. In some cases, the period for reviewing documents may be extended if they are not submitted necessary documents.

When submitting documents through the State Services portal, registration and authorization on the site will be required. An application for temporary registration is submitted in your personal account.

You must fill out the application form and attach:

  • a copy of the document indicating the basis of residence in the premises;
  • arrival statistics sheet (if the registration period is nine months or more).

It is important that the attached document must be certified by a notary or an official of the registration authority.

When visiting the FMS in person to obtain a certificate, you will need to provide the original document. In addition, the recipient will need to confirm his identity.

With this registration method, the FMS authorities notify the owner of the registration of a new tenant within three days.

The registration process via mail is almost the same as the standard procedure. The only difference is that the documents are sent by mail.

After checking the documents, the applicant is sent a notification according to which he needs to personally visit the FMS and submit documents to confirm his identity and eligibility of the application.

What time do they do it?

The time period for obtaining temporary registration depends on the chosen method. If you apply in person, documents are reviewed within three days.

The applicant can then obtain a certificate of registration. If the necessary documents are missing or additional information is required, the review period may increase to eight days.

When applying online, the deadlines are similar. You can monitor the status of your application in your personal account.

Once the decision is made, the applicant will be notified of the need to visit the selected authorized body to obtain a certificate.

Video: about registration

When registration is issued via mail, the timing depends on the work of the postal service. After receiving the documents, the authorized bodies review them and send the applicant a notification with instructions to appear at the registration authority within three days of receipt.

For your information! The law strictly regulates the waiting time for personal applications.

The waiting time in line should not exceed half an hour, and in the case of pre-registration - fifteen minutes. The process of receiving and issuing documents should not take more than 10 minutes.

Is it possible to do it on a child (newborn)

The main risk for the owner when registering strangers in his living space is the registration of minors.

By law, children must register with their parents. Therefore, the registered parent does not need to obtain the owner’s consent to register the child.

The basis for registration of a minor child, including a newborn, is the fact of living in the living space of his parents.

Temporary registration without a child in school is often required when you need to get a place in an educational institution.

But when registering for a child on behalf of temporarily registered parents, the presence of the owner will still be required, since the registration period must be agreed upon.