General pedagogical methods of teaching and education. General pedagogical technologies at school


Familiarity with developmental education programs makes it possible to master new approaches to organizing the educational process, understand the need for changes in educational activities and determine for oneself the direction of work - the intellectual development of students in Russian language lessons.

  • Methodological development of an integrated lesson in 10th grade on algebra and the beginnings of analysis. Lesson topic: "Function Research" 2019

    Lesson objectives: to teach students to apply the algorithm for studying a function using a derivative to solve programming problems in Pascal; study the scheme for studying a function and plotting a graph using the derivative.

  • Technological map of a lesson in the 5th grade according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Lesson topic: "Adding and subtracting decimals" 2019

    Lesson objectives: to create conditions for students to develop skills in adding and subtracting decimal fractions using an algorithm; develop skills in applying the algorithm when solving practical problems.

  • Lesson-game plan for materials science “Seven metals were created by light according to the number of seven planets...” 2019

    The game is designed to teach students in the system vocational education technical profile. During the game, participants, working as a team, learn the basic physical properties non-ferrous metals and their classification. In addition to serious tasks, there are tasks that systematize general knowledge gained from studying chemistry, history, the Russian language and other disciplines.

  • Special course program on sports games 2019

    The work program of a special course of extracurricular activities “sports games” was developed on the basis of the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program primary general education taking into account the main areas of the programs included in the structure of the main educational program, it is implemented within the framework of the sports and recreational direction of personal development and ensures the results of mastering the course.

  • Abstract "The use of non-traditional forms of work in history lessons as a means of increasing cognitive interest and academic performance of students" 2019

    The main problem associated with the study and introduction of a new standard is the mastery of new educational technologies by teachers. Such technologies are embedded and well developed in the system of developmental education. The most widespread at present are the so-called “non-traditional” lessons, as one of the forms of developmental education, where the development of cognitive interest is taken as the basis. With all the variety of methodological approaches, the idea of ​​developmental education, which contributes to the development of students’ intelligence and abilities, comes to the fore. For this purpose, it is necessary to diversify the educational process with various types of both traditional and non-traditional lessons in order to consistently form universal learning actions among students.


  • Features of diploma translation 2019

    To obtain a higher or second higher education abroad, the future student will need to provide a whole package of documents. And one of the main documents is the translation of the diploma. Also, diploma translation may be necessary for those people who want to legalize their diploma in another country. It is worth noting that when preparing all the documents, it will also be necessary to submit to the consulate of the state where the person is going to move, a notarized translation of the diploma and an application written according to a special template. To complete this procedure, you can contact a qualified translator or translation agency who will officially translate the diploma into English or another language.

    transfer of diploma to foreign language , translation agency, education abroad

  • Changes in interest in mathematics among high school students due to Internet technologies 2019

    IN modern lesson The computer plays a big role in making the complex science of mathematics more accessible. The use of Internet technologies at any stage of educational activity during the transformative stage of experimental work made it possible to make mathematics lessons different from each other. After the lessons, using Internet technologies, we first conducted a questionnaire aimed at changing interest in mathematics in high school students using Internet technologies.

  • Using TSO and ICT in economics classes in primary school 2019

    After all, at the age of 7–10 years, it is difficult for children to understand the intricacies of economic science. Modern TSO and ICT make it possible to teach economics lessons in primary school more vibrant, dynamic and memorable. In lessons, to make children more involved in the economic environment, fragments from their favorite cartoons can be used. With their help, children learn to see the economic aspect in everyday life.

  • Development of functional literacy among students in grades 9–10 in the lessons “Man. Society. Law” through the use of trainings with a coaching approach 2019

    In a dynamically developing society, the main task of the teacher is to develop the functional literacy of students. The art of teaching is undergoing major changes. Teachers are leaving the traditional teacher-student position and moving to a student-teacher position. In my lessons, I encourage children to make more active use of Internet resources, because the amount of information in the textbook is insufficient. By the way, I noted that on initial stages Students, despite the fact that they have sufficient experience in using Internet technologies, cannot quickly find the necessary information. The search is superficial and aimless. Then the guys begin to specify their requests and quickly find the necessary content. I believe that students only need to set a search vector, and they will find a solution to the problem on their own.

  • Methods for solving problems in probability theory for the Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics 2019

    Section "Elements of combinatorics, statistics and probability theory" in materials open bank FIPI assignments for USE mathematics the basic level contains 392 problems on forty pages. The article identifies several types of problems on various topics in the probability theory course and suggests ways to solve them. Each type of task is accompanied by the minimum necessary theoretical information. The formulations of the tasks were copied from the FIPI website.

  • Problems of teaching Russian to bilingual children in multicultural classes 2019

    The article is devoted to revealing one of the current problems of education - teaching bilingual children the Russian language in multicultural classes. The article formulates the main difficulties that a teacher faces in his work, and proposes methodological recommendations, exercises, and techniques that help a foreign-language student master the Russian language. Systematic work, parental participation, teacher control, and psychological comfort make it possible to increase the effectiveness of teaching for children for whom Russian is not their native language.

  • Lesson on blended learning methods. Lesson topic: “Forest. Plants of the mixed forest zone." 4th grade 2019

    Lesson objectives: to introduce students to the diversity of forest plants, the features of their structure, their relationship to light, their significance in human life; introduce students to the importance of forests in human life.

    Purpose of the lesson: use of signs, numbers, mathematical symbols, “+”, “-”, “≠”, “=”, “>”, “<»; обозначение неизвестного числа.

  • 2019

    Objective of the lesson: to highlight natural and artificial light sources, to determine the need for artificial lighting and its sources.

  • Minerals 2019

    Purpose of the lesson: to give students knowledge about minerals and explain their importance; training in working with maps of mineral resources of Kazakhstan; fostering a caring attitude towards nature, careful and rational use of natural resources.

  • Effectiveness of a school lesson. What does it depend on? 2019

    In order for students in mathematics lessons to master the system of knowledge and skills that they need to apply in practical activities, modern educational technologies should be used. I believe that the use of modern educational technologies contributes to self-realization and successful socialization of a child. Using modern educational technologies we can increase the efficiency of the educational process, and therefore the effectiveness of the lesson.

    modern educational technologies

  • Lesson summary on literary reading E. Uspensky "Cheburashka" 2019

    Purpose of the lesson: to continue working with the works of E. Uspensky; develop the ability to expressively read fluently and the ability to analyze the actions of characters.

    Biology at school is one of the few subjects that allows you to understand the integrity of the world and the interconnections of scientific knowledge. The article provides examples of the use of basic terms and concepts of chemistry in biology lessons, shows the experience of field work and expeditions of schoolchildren, and the use of the Internet to instill in students an environmental culture. It is concluded that the study of biology in grades 10–11 can be made more effective and efficient by involving students’ knowledge in related disciplines and using various visual and practical methods.

  • To the 60th anniversary of the All-Russian scientific and methodological seminar “Advanced ideas in teaching mathematics in Russia and abroad” 2019

  • Career guidance work in chemistry lessons 2019

    During the first nine years of study, the foundations for a conscious attitude towards choosing a profession are laid. The effectiveness of both pedagogical and career guidance work largely depends not only on the teacher’s activities in the classroom, but also on his ability to conduct interesting lessons, extracurricular activities, communicate with children and their parents, and be attentive to the personality of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics . Chemistry teachers have quite a lot of varied experience in this type of work. After all, the possibilities of the academic subject of chemistry in this regard are quite large. The chemistry course in the 9th grade includes studying a number of chemical industries, getting to know chemical professions, excursions to enterprises, etc. The ninth grades are the most significant for the implementation of vocational guidance, because after graduation, many students leave school, entering either vocational schools or continuing their studies in specialized classes.

  • The role of innovative technologies in the educational process 2019

    Innovation is always innovation. Innovation in education is purposeful innovation, the goal of which is to achieve stable and more effective results. It is a mistake to believe that innovations in school are only fundamentally new and large-scale changes in the education system, such as the introduction of the Unified State Examination, the Unified State Examination, the State Examination, an electronic diary, an electronic grade book, etc. Modifications of standard pedagogical techniques and methods in order to increase the performance of students in mastering certain material can also be called innovation. These innovations in education can be developed by the teacher himself and used only within a specific class, or they can be approved by the school leadership for use by the entire teaching staff.

  • Methodological development of a training session according to MDK.02.01. Theoretical and methodological foundations for organizing play activities for children of early and preschool age. Topic: “Algorithm for organizing a role-playing game” 2019

    Development goals: to systematize knowledge about the features of organizing role-playing games in different age groups by creating an algorithm; introduce modern pedagogical technology Wimmelbuch; promote the development of analytical abilities, cognitive interest, attention, thinking; create conditions for the formation of a communicative and information culture, attentiveness, accuracy, and discipline.

    Wimmelbukh technology, organization of role-playing games

  • Assessment technology in history lessons 2019

    Evaluation in the second generation standard documents is given great and serious attention. The orientation of the standard towards an activity-based approach and towards the formation of generalized methods of activity puts the assessment procedure in a special position. It acts both as a goal and as a means of learning.


  • Mind map for consolidating the studied material in subjects for primary school students within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard 2019

    It has already become generally accepted that today it is no longer so important to give a child as much knowledge as possible, but to ensure his general cultural, personal and cognitive development, and equip him with such an important skill as the ability to learn. It is no coincidence that (slide 2) the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education defined as the main results not subject, but personal and meta-subject - universal educational activities: “The most important task of the modern education system is the formation of universal educational activities that provide schoolchildren with the ability to learn, the ability to self-development and self-improvement”, so every teacher needs to think about how not only to give knowledge to a child, but to teach him how to obtain and apply it. That is, teach how to learn.

  • General pedagogical technologies

    Pedagogical technology is closely related to the educational process - the activities of the teacher and student, its structure, means, methods and forms. Therefore, the structure of pedagogical technology includes:

      conceptual framework;

      1. learning objectives - general and specific;

    1. procedural part - technological process:

      1. organization of the educational process;

        methods and forms of educational activities of schoolchildren;

        methods and forms of teacher work;

        the teacher’s activities in managing the process of mastering the material;

        diagnostics of the educational process.

    Any scientific concept, in order for it to “work” in the pedagogical process, needs a corresponding technology. Moreover, each of them may correspond to several technologies. It follows that there may be significantly more pedagogical technologies than scientific concepts. They are developed by both scientists and teachers. Therefore, in practice there are a sufficient number of them, another thing is that not all of them can be called technologies, since they do not always have the signs and properties of pedagogical technologies.

    Signs of the existence of pedagogical technology are:

      goals (for what purpose the teacher needs to use it);

      availability of diagnostic tools;

      patterns of structuring interaction between teacher and students, allowing to design (program) the pedagogical process;

      a system of means and conditions that guarantee the achievement of pedagogical goals;

      means of analyzing the process and results of the activities of teachers and students.

    Didactic technologies

    In order to have fewer errors in teaching, it is important to distinguish between three main groups of pedagogical technologies:

      Technologies of explanatory and illustrative teaching, which are based on informing, educating students and organizing their reproductive actions in order to develop their general educational skills. This group of technologies is based on two main teaching methods: the verbal (verbal) method and the illustrative method. Consequently, technologies of explanatory and illustrative teaching contribute, first of all, to the development of memory, but at the same time they provide mainly a reproductive level of learning. The illustrative method is practically one of the most necessary methods in teaching and should be present constantly. The verbal method deserves a different treatment. Its use should be limited to 20% of the total use of various technologies, with most of the time devoted to students’ independent acquisition of knowledge.

      Personally-oriented learning technologies create conditions for ensuring students’ own educational activities, take into account and develop the individual characteristics of schoolchildren; involve a group form of student work; provide an opportunity to take into account the capabilities and abilities of students; contribute to the formation of such social qualities as cooperation, mutual assistance, develop communication skills, and the ability to adapt to the peers around them;

      Technologies of developmental education, the focus of which is a method of teaching that ensures the inclusion of internal mechanisms of personal development of students and their intellectual abilities.

    Educational technologies

    Let us name as examples some modern educational technologies that have become quite widespread in the mass practice of schools (Brief characteristics of educational technologies are given in the book: Selevko G.K. Modern technologies. M., 1998)

      General pedagogical technologies of the educational process (pedagogical systems).

      1. Humane-personal technology Sh.A. Amonashvili has special goal orientations: to promote the formation, development and upbringing of a noble person in a child by revealing his personal qualities (soul and heart, cognitive powers...). The ideal of education is self-education.

        The education system at the Pavlysh school V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

        Model of labor education by A.A. Katolikova according to the system of the commune A.S. Makarenko: children are accustomed to creative work, undergo practical training according to agricultural school programs. Some conceptual ideas: work is the basis for personality formation; interest and attention to each child; the child must have a personal interest, a search, an “appetite for life”, a combination of learning with productive work in the form of a school-household; Makarenkov school team, parallel action pedagogy; children's self-government and self-control, etc.

        School as an educational system V.A. Karakovsky.

        The author's model “Russian School” (I.F. Goncharov, L.N. Pogodina) has target orientations: the formation of a new Russian person - highly moral, educated, spiritually rich, hardworking, physically developed, capable of self-education and creativity, loving his Fatherland; revival of traditional Russian culture of education, inclusion of students in the ethnocultural tradition; development of the rich cultural heritage of Russia; awakening of Russian national self-awareness, Russian national character...

        Educational system of the All-Russian children's center "Orlyonok", "Ocean".

      Private educational technologies.

      1. О Identification and development of children’s creative abilities in a variety of extracurricular activities of children in the “creative room” (I.P. Volkov).

        About Technology of education of social creativity in conditions of collective creative activity I.P. Ivanova.

        Technology of personality-oriented collective creative activity S.D. Polyakova.

        Technology of pedagogical support O.S. Gazman.

        The system of moral education through the course “Ethical Grammar” by A.I. Shemshurina (grades 1-9).

        The author's course of self-knowledge and self-education for high school students “Human Studies” (FOOTNOTE: See Malenkova L.I. Human Studies. A book for a school teacher. M., 2000; I am a man. For high school students about self-knowledge and self-education. M., 1996)

        Technology of theoretical and practical pedagogy and psychology for parents in the special magazine “Home Education”.

      Local(modular) educational technologies These technologies were developed in most detail by a group of teachers N.E. Shchurkova, V.Yu. Pityukov, D.D. Rogozina, A.P. Savchenko and others. See: Brief reference book on pedagogical technology. M., 1997; Pityukov V.Yu. Fundamentals of educational technology. M., 1997).

    In the technology of pedagogical communication there may be special technologies: pedagogical requirements, information influence, creating a nurturing environment, organizing group activities (here are modular technologies of goal setting, situation analysis, equipping students with ways of activity, creating and destroying conflict, creating situations of success and overcoming failure, pedagogical reaction action), technology of individual and differentiated approach, technology of pedagogical assessment, technology of ethical protection and others.

    Program of school educational activities on the basics of Orthodox culture “Mercy of the Heart”

    2010-2011 academic year

    Relevance This program is due to the need of society, family and school to pay attention to the younger generation, to educate merciful people, as well as patriots of their Fatherland.

    Purpose of the program : consider issues of love and kindness with students, promote the desire to be better.


    • To form moral consciousness, moral qualities, socially significant orientations and attitudes in life self-determination and moral behavior; instill in children the need for intra-family communication, develop artistic and aesthetic taste. To help people feel part of their homeland by participating in the life of their village and meeting interesting people of Kuban.
    • To instill in children the traditions of our ancestors, introduce them to the basics of Orthodox culture, ensure, preserve and strengthen the physical, psychological, social and moral health of the individual; create favorable conditions in microsociety for the development of abilities and the realization of human potential.

    Implementation of the program.



    Expected results:

    Implementation schemeprogram of school educational activities on the basics of Orthodox culture “Mercy of the Heart”

    School educational program

    activity "Mercy of the Heart"

    Educational activities Extracurricular Creative activity

    educational workteachers and students

    Teaching group *competitions;

    Defense industry activities *festivals;

    As part of the elective(8 “B”) *readings, forums

    course (9 "A"), elective* Exhibitions

    (6 "B" class)

    Integration - Trips to the Orthodox

    In academic subjectsmonuments of Kuban;

    Russian language, - Meetings with interesting people

    literature, people

    story, - Participation in Orthodox

    Kuban studies, holidays;

    social studies, fine arts, - Organization of assistance

    music, technologypeople in need.


    The modern information society sets before all types of educational institutions and, above all, before the school the task of preparing graduates who are able to navigate changing life situations, independently acquiring the necessary knowledge, applying them in practice to solve various emerging problems, so that throughout their lives they will be able to find it has its place.

    I see my task as a teacher in raising a viable personality - a person who has identified spiritual and moral priorities in life, has asserted himself, realized his inclinations and creative potential, who is harmonious and flexible in modern conditions. In this situation, the emergence of various person-oriented technologies became natural.

    In light of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the idea and experience of the innovative teacher V.F. Shatalov on the use of reference signals becomes particularly relevant. Reference signals - this is a schematic representation of the main directions of the topic being studied - allow each student to grasp the essence of the idea, remember the main thing, which consists of particulars.

    Not all students can be forced to memorize numerous rules; the use of reference notes ensures a strong assimilation of theoretical knowledge; in addition, if you use reference notes as an indicative basis for the gradual formation of skills and abilities, you can achieve freedom to operate with them when performing practical work.

    Compact, unusual reference signals, arousing the keen interest of students, encourage them to actively work, search, and sharpen their attention to all problems that are in the field of their active perception.

    1. Thematic schemes when studying new material (beginning of the lesson).

    We compile a basic summary during the lesson together with the children, extracting theoretical information from the texts of paragraphs, definitions and rules set out in the textbook, and often from our own observations on the proposed material and presenting them in the form of generalizing symbols, establishing logical relationships between this information and depicting this connections graphically in the supporting outline. Thus, the basic outline is not given to children in ready-made form, but “grows” on the board and in notebooks during the active cognitive activity of children under the guidance of a teacher. In this case, traditional methods of explanation by the teacher of the material are used: the teacher’s word, conversation, independent work on the theoretical material of the textbook. Such compilation of supporting notes leads to real cooperation between the teacher and students.

    1. Using algorithms when working with text material (the main part of the lesson).

    When studying spelling and punctuation rules , I'm using the form algorithms. Every thought process consists of a series of mental operations. Most often, many of them are not realized, and sometimes they are simply not suspected. Psychologists emphasize that for effective learning, these operations must be identified and specially taught. This is no less necessary than learning the rules themselves. Without mastering the operational side of thinking, knowledge of the rules often turns out to be useless, because the student is not able to apply them.

    After all, choosing the correct spelling is solving a problem, that is, performing some mental operations. In practice, this is the selection of the right conditions and further actions from possible options. Knowledge of a rule cannot guarantee its correct application. This confirms the presence of errors among students of all categories. Many students can tell a rule perfectly well, but in independent or test work they make mistakes, sometimes on seemingly simple rules. In this case, a grammatical error is an indicator of the inability to solve a grammatical problem. Research shows that students who remember all the rules well make mistakes precisely because they do not know how to apply these rules, do not know the appropriate methods of action and reasoning. Without knowing the general methods for solving grammatical problems, students cannot give a complete answer to the question of what and in what sequence should be done in order to recognize a given grammatical phenomenon (for example, is a given sentence complex or complex). Psychologists note a great heterogeneity in methods for solving one and the same problem. same tasks by different students. It was also noticed that, when analyzing a sentence, the student goes one way, while analyzing the next, similar, another, although in fact the method of action in both cases should be general, uniform. In this regard, students often have uncertainty in their actions and decisions. Often errors arise because students know and apply only part of the operations necessary to recognize a particular grammatical phenomenon, or use them not in the sequence in which it is necessary.

    When studying spellings and punctograms with the help of algorithms, work can be structured in different ways, including quite traditionally. Students are offered language material for analysis (in one column in words after the hissing “Yo”, in the other - “O”, try to find a pattern). Then all the necessary conditions for choosing the correct spelling are identified. Let's start creating the algorithm. It is important here to track and comment on the addition of each stage. We immediately test our algorithm in practice (a few simple examples), then we can work independently with the test. As children gain experience working with algorithms, we increase the time for independent work. First we do this at the stage of training exercises, then in the process of creating the algorithm itself. When properly organized, this activity arouses great interest among students, while allowing for significant differentiation of the work in the lesson. Here, individual, collective and group forms are also possible. An important element when working with the algorithm is speech accompaniment at all stages of the work. When creating an algorithm collectively or in a group, it is a conversation, a discussion in working mode. Then, when the final version is received, all its components are spelled out. That is, we practically formulate a rule from a textbook, but in action, being aware of the process of its creation and the focus on the final result.

    The process of compiling an algorithm can be written down in a notebook, where there must be a final version that students can use when practicing spelling or when performing similar tasks. You can keep a separate notebook with diagrams and algorithms.

    1. Using algorithms when working with text material (fastening).

    It should be noted that the electronic algorithm is most often only part of the presentation for the lesson. Further work on developing the rule, consolidating it, generalizing it, and checking it is also carried out using a digital resource. In the electronic version, it is easy, if necessary, to return to any element, to run the algorithm for those who need repetition. It is very convenient to use the accumulated material in general lessons, in preparation for tests or final certification. You can also use the material in special courses and in group work.

    When using the algorithm in electronic form, it is convenient to check independently completed tasks. It is also easy to identify the cause of the mistake. For example, when studying the spelling of O-Y after sibilants, if there is an error, we run an algorithm to establish at what stage the “failure” occurred (most often, students skip the stage of determining the part of speech and immediately proceed to determining the morpheme, but the use of the electronic version reduces the likelihood of such mistakes, since children have formed a clear visual image of actions and their sequence, and when working independently they know approximately how many stages they need to go through).

    Supporting notesis a good reference for students that

    Reference Notes are a good reference for students to

    A) serves as a visual means for improving the ability to use scientific style;

    B) provides the opportunity to independently practice theoretical material.

    Preparation of supporting notes is a real, effective collaboration between students and the teacher.

    A supporting summary is the most important means of activating the cognitive activity of students in the lesson.

    Working with reference notes, children “loosen up.”

    There is an atmosphere of mutual support and mutual assistance in the classroom.

    An interest in the Russian language as an academic subject is developed.

    Requirements for algorithms: unambiguity of prescribed actions and operations; effectiveness, which assumes that when a finite number of operations are performed, the desired result will be obtained; widespread, meaning that the algorithm is applicable to solving a whole class of problems.

    Graphic Verbal Verbal-graphic Types of algorithms

    Algorithm “Spelling of verbs with unstressed personal endings”

    Graphic Letters Y – I after C.

    An unstressed vowel at the root of a word. Find the root of the word Put the emphasis Is the stress on the vowel at the root? YES NO write the word with this vowel choose the test word managed to find YES NO write the word look in the dictionary with this vowel

    The reference diagram a) serves as a visual means for improving the ability to use scientific style; b) provides the opportunity to independently practice theoretical material.

    b b Verbal-graphic Separating b and b signs. In verbs and adverbs the sign is always written, in short adjectives we never write. The noun is many, The noun is mine - No sign is needed. And if she stands alone, always write a soft sign. adverb noun w.r. 3skol. verb cr. adj. noun plural noun m.r. Determine what part of speech the word is.

    Algorithms Help improve literacy levels Develop student’s logical thinking Discipline the work of thought

    The value of supporting notes: - brevity (maximum encoded information with a minimum of visual or graphic signs); - structure (one block contains several topics. For example, the “Morphology” section, the “Word Formation” section, etc. - ease of perception and reproduction, the dissimilarity of supporting notes from each other (variety of forms, structuring, colors, etc.); - entertaining, paradoxical nature is of great importance in reference notes. - color design is an important detail of the reference summary. A correctly designed summary beckons, attracts, focuses attention on the main thing, i.e. influences the student with its aesthetic and psychological qualities.

    In pedagogical theory and practice, there are various classifications of educational technologies. To characterize educational technologies, we chose the classification of G.K. Selevko, who distinguishes the following types of technologies:

    By level of application: general pedagogical, private methodological, local (modular);

    On a philosophical basis: scientific, religious, humanistic, pragmatic, etc.;

    According to the leading development factor: biogenic, sociogenic, psychogenic;

    By focusing on personal structures (informational, operational, emotional and artistic, self-development technologies, applied);

    By the nature of the content and structure (educational and educational, secular and religious, general education and professionally oriented, humanitarian and technocratic, comprehensive, particular subject);

    By type of organization of cognitive activity (lecture training, training with the help of technical teaching aids, training with the help of a book, classes in “small groups”, tutoring, software training, distance learning, consultant system);

    According to the prevailing teaching method (dogmatic, reproductive, explanatory and illustrative, problem-based learning, developmental learning);

    In the direction of modernizing the traditional system (pedagogy of cooperation, humane-personal technology, technologies with a procedural orientation);

    Technologies for activating and intensifying student activities;

    Nature-appropriate technologies using traditions of folk pedagogy;

    Alternative technologies (Waldorf pedagogy, free labor technology, probabilistic education technology);

    Let's take a closer look at some of these technologies. As already mentioned, according to the level of application, general pedagogical, private pedagogical (subject) and local (modular) technologies are distinguished. Thus, the technology of developmental education, the technology of personality-oriented education are general pedagogical technologies. Technology of communicative teaching of foreign language culture E.I. Pasova is an example of a private pedagogical or private subject technology for teaching a foreign language.

    Modular technology (local level) is aimed at solving individual didactic tasks. For example: in a lesson, a teacher can use technology for forming concepts, technology for repeating and monitoring the material studied, technology for working with a book, technology for cultivating a certain personality quality, etc.

    Among the technologies that differ in philosophical basis, one can distinguish materialistic and idealistic, scientific (scientist) and religious, pragmatic and existentialist, humanistic and authoritarian pedagogical technologies. Thus, most of the pedagogical technologies of the Ancient East were authoritarian, i.e. based on the student’s unquestioning submission to the will of the teacher, who was his absolute authority. A striking example of authoritarian pedagogy is Jesuit pedagogy, developed by teachers of the Catholic Jesuit order (“Society of Jesus”), founded in 1534 by Ignatius of Loyola. The representative of authoritarian pedagogy was the famous German scientist and teacher Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841). He developed a system of training and education in which the main features were the subordination of the student’s personality to the will of the teacher, drill, threats, and punishment. The ideas of authoritarian pedagogy were present to a certain extent in the pre-revolutionary Russian, as well as in the Soviet school in the 30-70s of the 20th century.

    Humanistic technologies include the technologies of training and education of teachers of the Renaissance: pedagogical technologies of Vittorino de Feltre, T. Mora, Fr. Rabelais. This also includes technologies developed by J.A. Komensky, J.J. Rousseau, I.G. Pestalozzi, because Such technologies were based on love for the child. In Russia, well-known bearers of humane pedagogy and creators of humanistic pedagogical technologies were N.I. Pirogov, K.D. Ushinsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, representatives of cooperation pedagogy of the 90s of the 20th century: Sh.A. Amonashvili, E.N. Ilyin, S.N. Lysenkova, V.F. Shatalov.

    According to the leading factor of development, pedagogical technologies can be divided into biogenic, sociogenic and psychogenic. Biogenic pedagogical technologies are technologies that are based on the premise that the development of the human psyche is determined by biological, hereditary factors (genetic code), and the external environment only realizes hereditary qualities. This type of technology includes all means, methods and forms of ancient pedagogical systems: Ancient China, Ancient India, Japan, the Arab Caliphate. Sociogenic pedagogical technologies are based on the position that the leading factor in personal development and, consequently, training and education is the social environment. A prominent representative of this concept was the English philosopher and teacher of the 17th century. J. Locke, who believed that the soul of a child is a blank slate on which a teacher can write whatever he wants. Most of the pedagogical technologies that were developed by Soviet teachers were also sociogenic. It was believed that with the help of certain pedagogical means it was possible to form a personality whose qualities corresponded to the requirements of society.

    Psychogenic technologies are based on the position that the results of development, training and education of students are determined not by the requirements of society, but by the mental processes occurring in a person, as well as his previous experience. We can say that now, at the beginning of the 21st century, most pedagogical technologies in the field of teaching and upbringing are developed in Russian pedagogy on the basis of mental factors in the development of schoolchildren, although this is not entirely true. It is obvious that biological, social, and mental factors must be equally taken into account when developing educational technologies.

    Based on their focus on personal structures, domestic scientists distinguish: informational, reproductive, knowledge, academic, operational technologies, technologies aimed at developing the emotional and artistic sphere of the individual, and technologies aimed at the formation of emotional and moral relations. In addition, this type of technology includes personal self-development technologies, heuristic technologies and a number of others.

    Information pedagogical technologies are aimed at developing knowledge, skills and abilities, the so-called ZUNs. Information technologies determine the “training” of an individual, i.e. the volume of information, information available in memory, and the level of formation, mainly, of reproductive elementary skills and skills for their reproduction. The formation of intellectual and creative skills already refers to operational pedagogical technologies.

    Operational pedagogical technologies are aimed at developing methods of mental activity (the so-called SUDs) - or methods of educational work. In domestic schools, the implementation of operational technologies is carried out under the motto “Learn to Learn.” The content of operational pedagogical technologies includes the formation of skills in planning educational activities by students, the choice of rational ways to achieve them. Operational pedagogical technologies include ways to instill in schoolchildren the skills and abilities to organize their activities, skills and abilities to perceive information (working with a book, taking notes, bibliographic search).

    In addition, operational pedagogical technologies include teaching skills in mental activity: comprehension of educational material, analysis and synthesis, abstraction and concretization, formulation of conclusions and other methods of mental action. Operational pedagogical technologies in modern schools are more in demand than information technologies, because aimed at developing ways of independent work. Operational pedagogical technologies are designed to teach schoolchildren the skills to evaluate the results of their educational activities. Operational skills include self-control and mutual control of the results of educational activities, assessment of the reliability of the presentation of the mastered material, the correctness of problem solving, reflexive analysis of one’s activities and other operations.

    Of course, pedagogical technologies are practically never found in such a “pure form”. Types of educational technologies are highlighted here as ideal models (constructs) so that their distinctive features can be more clearly seen. In fact, the same pedagogical technology can combine elements of information and operational technology, sociogenic and psychogenic, didactic and educational types.

    Many of these technologies have their own authors. Thus, the creator of the technology for enlarging didactic units is P.M. Erdniev. The technology of communicative teaching of foreign language culture was developed by E.I. Pasov, the system of developmental education - by L.V. Zankov and D.B. Elkonin, the technology of collective creative work - by I.P. Ivanov. However, once introduced into educational practice, these technologies become the property of the entire teaching community and begin their own independent life.

    At the same time, some pedagogical technologies have distinctive features, which are expressed, first of all, in the inextricable connection of the developed methods and forms of teaching (upbringing) with the personal skill of the teacher, his own pedagogical style. Such technologies reflect the characteristics of the character and lifestyle of its author. They are practically inaccessible for complete repetition, because... bear the imprint of the individual and the conditions in which they are used. The author's technologies include the system of work of M. Montessori, S. Frenet, V.R. Shatalov, S.N. Lysenkova and many other Russian innovative teachers. At the same time, some elements and methods of proprietary technologies are creatively adapted by teachers and instructors in their professional activities.

    When classifying pedagogical technologies on various grounds, it is important for the teacher to keep in mind that learning, development and education of the individual are complex, ambivalent processes that are fused together. We agree with those scientists who argue that if learning can be technologized almost in full, then the development and education of the individual require technologization only partially and are more of an art than an algorithm of pedagogically appropriate actions.

    In practice, teaching technologies have been most fully developed. In educational institutions operating in an innovative mode, active learning technologies are in demand. The use of active and interactive technologies significantly improves the quality of the pedagogical process, because provides conditions for its organization in which each student is energetically involved in cognitive activity, in the process of discovering unknown knowledge, in solving a problem situation. The main methods of interactive technologies are: problem-based and binary lectures, a business game, discussion, brainstorming, a method of analyzing a specific situation, training, etc. These methods become a technology if they are united by a common concept, are used in a specific system, and increase the effectiveness of learning and can be reproduced by any teacher who has the required level of professional culture.

    The search for answers not only to the questions “what to teach?”, “why teach?”, “how to teach?”, but also to the question “how to teach effectively?” led scientists and practitioners to attempt to “technologize” the educational process, i.e. turn learning into a kind of production and technological process with a guaranteed result, and in connection with this, a direction appeared in pedagogy - pedagogical technologies.

    Pedagogical technologies have two sources. The first source is production processes and design disciplines that connect technology and people in one way or another, constituting the “man - technology - goal” system. In this sense, technology is defined as a set of methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, material in the process of production. Other definitions of this concept can be given, but, in essence, they all reflect the main characteristic features of technology: technology is a procedural category; it can be represented as a set of methods for changing the state of an object; technology is aimed at designing and using efficient economic processes.

    The second source is pedagogy itself. A. Makarenko also called the pedagogical process a specially organized “pedagogical production” and posed the problems of developing “pedagogical technology”. He noted: “Our pedagogical production has never been built according to technological logic, but always according to the logic of moral preaching... That is why we simply do not have all the important departments of production: the technological process, accounting of operations, design work, the use of constructors and devices, standardization, control, tolerances and rejection."

    Researchers of this problem date the massive development and implementation of pedagogical technologies to the mid-50s and associate them with the emergence of a technological approach to the construction of education, first in the American and then in the European school. Initially, pedagogical technology was understood as an attempt to technize the educational process; the first child of this direction and at the same time the foundation on which subsequent levels of pedagogical technology were built was programmed learning. The further development of research in the field of educational technology expanded its understanding, which was reflected in various definitions of this concept by famous teachers and methodologists (for example, Academician V. Monakhov gives 10 definitions, Prof. V. Basharin - 8, etc.). From the point of view of V. Bespalko, B. Bloom, V. Zhuravlev, M. Clarin, G. Morevoy, V. Monakhov and others, pedagogical technology (or more narrowly - teaching technology) is an integral (procedural) part of the teaching system associated with didactic processes, means and organizational forms of training. It is this part of the teaching system that answers the traditional question “how to teach” with one significant addition “how to teach effectively.”

    In my work, I try to use various pedagogical technologies, choosing those that are more acceptable to a specific group of students, and sometimes to each student. So for several years I studied A. Rivin’s method. This technology is based on a collective way of learning. Learning is carried out through communication in dynamic pairs, when everyone teaches everyone, special attention is paid to the options for organizing student workplaces and the teaching tools used. This helps to unite the group, feel the interest of stronger students in studying the topic more fully, highlight the main thing and teach it to a fellow student. He, in turn, trying to learn the main thing, recites the material, which is a repetition for the first student. When studying the methodological literature, I found out that similar technologies were developed

    V. Dyachenko, A. Sokolov, N. Surtaeva and others, this allowed me to become more familiar with this technology and make my own adjustments to the educational process and methods of using the Rivin technology.

    The issue of personality development and an individual approach to each student also plays a significant role in the learning process. Pedagogical technologies based on the personal orientation of the educational process include the technology of developmental education, pedagogy of cooperation, technology of individualization of learning (A. Granitskaya, I. Unt, V. Shadrikov); based on the activation and intensification of students' activities - game technologies, problem-based learning, programmed learning, the use of schematic and symbolic models of educational material (V. Shatalov), computer (new information) technologies (I. Robert and others). So, when studying or repeating a topic, I often use materials from electronic media, which greatly facilitates the learning process and arouses great interest among students with different levels of mastery of the material. Thus, students who have good computer skills study the material independently, have the opportunity to use additional material and, as an incentive, use game programs on topics. Students with minimal skills work slower, need help from a teacher or use first aid from a fellow student. Over time, the feeling of rivalry “who is faster” develops into cooperation, since with a more complete assimilation of the material within the allotted time, it becomes possible to continue using one or another version of training using information technology (electronic textbooks, slides, educational games, video materials, test tasks etc. Completing tasks in electronic form (crosswords, diagrams, writing a resume) turns into creative work and allows you to expand and consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills not only in the subject being studied, but also in computer science.

    Game moments also play an important role. So, the entire lesson, part of it, or several points can be included in the form of a game. When studying material on the use of gaming technology, I use gaming moments from the Kazakh-German project “Professional Pedagogy”, especially in the “Professional Ethics” lessons on associative perception, forms of communication, etc.

    several teachers.

    I use technology to teach lessons "Integrated lesson". Several teachers take part in conducting an integrated lesson. The technology for introducing lessons is developed at an average level and requires thorough preparation on the part of teachers. Qualitatively prepared and conducted integrated lessons help to develop students’ confidence in the connections between subjects and contribute to the development of cognitive interest.

    Summing up the consideration of the concept of “pedagogical technology”, we note that the specificity of pedagogical technology is that the pedagogical process built on its basis must guarantee the achievement of its goals. The second characteristic feature of the technology is the structuring (algorithmization) of the process of interaction between the teacher and students.

    Thus, “pedagogical technology” is a pedagogical phenomenon that concentrates in itself the possibility of solving many problems, and most importantly, it can help in the personal improvement of the teacher-educator himself, the formation in him of such qualities as tolerance, sincerity, creativity" (E .F. Shirokova).

    Preparatory stage.

    Main stage.

    The final stage.

    1 analysis option.

    7.Teacher collaboration:



    Breadth of horizons;

    Since my main position is a master of industrial training, sometimes I conduct not just integrated lessons, but also binary ones, where the subject “Commodity Science of Food Products” is connected with industrial training lessons

    The first binary lessons in a vocational school were held back in 1987 and were an experiment.

    A binary lesson is a non-traditional form of teaching. Its structure organically combines the personalities of the teacher, industrial training master and students; the interdependent activities of teaching and learning can be divided into three levels:

    Please note that all these stages are interconnected to form an integral psychological and pedagogical system.

    Conducting binary lessons allows you to transfer the theoretical course of special disciplines to educational workshops, and raise the formation of skills and abilities to the level of meaningful, scientifically based production activity. At the same time, a unified approach to the consideration of emerging problems and unity of requirements for students in the process of their educational and production activities is achieved. That is, we will not hear from the lips of the students that the teacher explained this issue to them this way, in an industrial training lesson - otherwise.

    Thanks to this, the perception of educational material proceeds more actively, observations become sharper, emotional and logical memory is activated, and the imagination works more intensely. A binary lesson develops in students the ability to use theoretical knowledge in a variety of ways, in non-standard production situations, in conditions where it is necessary to quickly and carefully make the only correct decision.

    The main issues of vocational education were and are the issues of strengthening the student’s polytechnic training, developing his professional mobility, ability to adapt to modern economic conditions, and to be involved in the public life of his country. Therefore, the binary learning model is an important means of implementing interdisciplinary connections and the principle of polytechnicism; it is also an integrated tool that helps solve many problems and cannot be neglected.

    When conducting binary lessons, many teaching principles are implemented, but the following are priority:

    Professional orientation (when the content of the educational material has a vocational and technical orientation based on the relationship of the issues being studied, for example: physics and computer science, materials science and special technology, special technology and industrial training and other combinations);

    Polytechnic (when students are focused on applying this or that knowledge in certain subjects in production activities). In binary lessons, great emphasis is placed on the unity of empirical (observable) knowledge with theoretical knowledge and its comprehension. The methodology of the binary lesson taught by me differs from the traditional one in that the teacher and the master of industrial training are one person and the lesson is taught simultaneously, when the theoretical part smoothly turns into the practical, consolidating the acquired knowledge.

    Organization and conduct of integrated lessons

    Integration in modern society explains the need for integration in education. Modern society needs highly qualified, well-trained specialists. To meet this need, produce educated, well-trained specialists.

    Benefits of integrated lessons are that they:

      contribute to increasing the motivation of learning, the formation of students’ cognitive interest, a holistic scientific picture of the world and consideration of the phenomenon from several sides;

      to a greater extent than regular lessons, they contribute to the development of speech, the formation of students’ ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions; intensification of the educational process, relieve stress and overload;

      not only deepen the understanding of the subject, broaden one’s horizons, but also contribute to the formation of a versatile, harmoniously and intellectually developed personality;

      integration is a source of finding connections between facts that confirm or deepen certain conclusions, observations of students in various subjects,

      integrated lessons allow you to systematize knowledge,

      form to a greater extent skills and abilities,

      contribute to the growth of the teacher’s professional skills, as they require him to master the methodology of intensifying the educational process and implement an activity-based approach to teaching.

    Regularities of the integrated lesson:

      the lesson is a single whole, the stages of the lesson are fragments of the whole; the stages and components of the lesson are logical-structurally dependent;

      the didactic material selected for the lesson corresponds to the plan;

    The chain of information is organized as “given” and “new” and reflects not only structural, but also semantic connectivity. The connectedness of the structure is achieved sequentially, but does not exclude parallel communication (in the first
    In the second case, the order of actions is observed; in the second case, related tasks are performed that correspond to another logically constructed thought).

    Compliance with the indicated patterns allows us to consider the lesson as a scientific and business structure, in which, from the point of view of content, the following are important: a complex of knowledge and skills and the free use of them, the relationship between what has been studied and what is being studied, the combination of individual tests into one common one, and the prevention of shortcomings.

    Integrated learning methods

    1 - active use of knowledge acquired in lessons in other subjects (involving concepts, images, ideas from other disciplines);

      Consideration of complex problems, which by their very nature require the use of knowledge from different subjects;

    3 - research method (students independently compare facts, judgments about the same phenomena, events, establish connections and patterns between them, apply jointly developed educational skills).

    When organizing and planning such lessons, it is important for the teacher to consider the following conditions:

    An integrated lesson combines blocks of knowledge from two or three different subjects, so it is extremely important to correctly determine the main goal of the integrated lesson. If the general goal is determined, then only the information that is necessary for its implementation is taken from the content of the objects. Conducting an integrated lesson by two teachers requires their psychological compatibility, tact, ability to hear a partner, correct assessments and strict delineation of competencies;

    Integration helps relieve tension, overload, and fatigue of students by switching them to various types of activities during the lesson. When planning, careful determination of the optimal load of various activities of students in the lesson is required;

    When conducting an integrated lesson by teachers (teaching different subjects), careful coordination of actions is required.

    Integrated lessons are designed to expand students' knowledge on specific topics. They improve the structure of interdisciplinary connections and help increase the educational effectiveness of the lesson, breaking the existing disproportion between intellectual and emotional cognition, the relationship between logic and emotions.

    Classification of integrated lessons

    One of the directions for improving the educational process in a modern vocational school is conducting lessons that go beyond the scope of one subject.

    The practical experience of teachers makes it possible to determine:

    Integration as a pedagogical phenomenon that has a common basis, in the center of which is the individual, his relationship to man, history, society, nature and the complex, diverse regional, national, and universal connections arising from these relationships;

    Integration as pedagogical creativity, a new qualitative level of teacher preparation for a lesson and the right path in teaching and education.

    Integrated lessons can be classified in different ways: depending on the type of integration, the integrating factor that contributes to the unification and interaction of academic disciplines.

    Depending on the degree of overlap of subject areas in content, integrated lessons can be:

    On the basis of one discipline, another discipline (can be from the same or from another educational field) acts as an auxiliary one;

    Lessons in which the contribution of disciplines from the same educational field is equal;

    Integrated lessons in which the subsequent educational topic follows from the previous one. This type of integration is characterized by a high degree of interdependence and subordination of its elements.

    In the practice of modern vocational schools, the concept is often used binary lesson- a lesson in which several, usually two, teachers participating in different subjects participate, which makes it possible to show the relationship of the subjects.

    Structure of integrated lessons It is distinguished by clarity, compactness, conciseness, logical interdependence of educational material at each stage of the lesson, and a large informative capacity of the material.

    Lesson forms may be different, but each should have enough material to exercise the “active forces” (I. G. Pestalozzi) of the child, given to him by nature as manifestations of the creative activity of the teacher.

    Lesson form


    Integrated lesson

    On the basis of one discipline, another discipline (can be from the same or from another educational field) acts as an auxiliary one;

    Lessons in which the contribution of disciplines from the same educational field is equal;

    Lessons in which academic disciplines are grouped around a specific educational problem, laws of natural development, concepts, etc.;

    Integrated lessons in which the subsequent educational topic follows from the previous one. This type of integration is characterized by a high degree of interdependence and subordination of its elements.

    Binary lesson

    A lesson in which several, usually two, teachers teach different subjects, which allows them to show their interconnection; the material of the objects is added purely automatically. In an integrated lesson, several similar subjects are conceptually combined for an in-depth study of a scientific problem. This is its difference from a binary lesson, where the material of two subjects is added purely automatically.

    Lesson using interdisciplinary connections

    According to the method of organization: fragmented, “nodal”, synthesized.

    Designing and conducting a lesson by two or more teachers of different disciplines; - one teacher with basic training in the relevant disciplines; - creation on this basis of integrated topics, sections and lessons. The lesson occasionally includes material from other subjects, but at the same time the independence of the subject with its own goals, objectives, and program is preserved. In general, the structure of the lesson is maintained.

    Lessons with elements of MPS are fragmentary

    Disclosure of specific issues of the lesson topic.


    Include MPS as an organic component of the entire content of the topic.


    Specially organized, repetitive and generalizing, which concentrate students’ knowledge from different subjects in order to reveal universal laws and principles.

    Lessons with the implementation of secondary (tertiary) MEAs

    Students’ activities in finding and applying knowledge from other subjects are more independent in nature and focus on search activities

    Individual lessons based on integration

    Various types of organization of the learning process.

    Integrated courses

      These are integrated lessons that are taught in the system. But they include additional game forms and problematic situations.

      The integrated course is characterized by a block presentation of material, but of a higher order. 3. The course can be built on the combination of several academic subjects around a certain core topic or main concepts and implemented in a classroom-lesson form of teaching.

    System of organizational forms of training sessions

    Lessons in mastering new knowledge and algorithms;

    Heuristic conversations;

    Lessons in the form of a problematic application of knowledge based on a cognitive problem;

    Lessons on independently mastering new knowledge and completing cognitive tasks;

    Problem lessons;

    Lessons with elements of role-playing game-dialogue;

    Lessons in mastering new knowledge with elements of discussion of advanced cognitive tasks;

    Lessons in the form of problem-based didactic games;

    Lessons in mastering new knowledge in the form

    comparative analysis;

    Integrated lessons on interdisciplinary issues.

    Methodology for preparing and conducting an integrated lesson

    Preparatory stage.

    Definition of related subject(s).

    Choosing a lesson topic, setting goals.

    Determining the content of the lesson.

    Selection of knowledge and message topics for students.

    Determining the forms, methods and means of teaching that allow you to most effectively solve the problems of the lesson.

    Main stage. Conducting an integrated lesson.

    The final stage. Analysis of an integrated lesson.

    Integrated lesson analysis scheme

    1 analysis option.

    1. Compatibility and combination of disciplines in the integration process.

    3. The stage of transition from parallel connection of material to an integral new structure.

    4.Level of novelty. Formation of a holistic view of the subject.

    5. Spontaneous implementation or the result of careful preparation of the teacher and student:

    What independent work did the students do before the lesson?

    The purpose of the work, its nature, volume;

    Did the lesson make the students' learning conditions easier or more difficult?

    6.Form of the lesson, types of activities of the student and teacher: are they reasonable and do they lead to the set goal?

    7.Teacher collaboration:


    Unity of problems and content;


    8. Results of student activities:

    Creating a unified view of the problem;

    Breadth of horizons;

    The culture of judgments, their argumentation;

    The degree of confidence in the outcome of the discussion of a single problem.

    Option 2 analysis.

    1 Object of integration (culture, science, local history, people, technology, etc.).

    3. The direction and volume of integrated subjects, in what way it is expressed: in the creation of a new academic subject; in creating a cycle (block) of periodically repeated lessons; creating single integrated lessons?

      Level (stage) of content integration in a course or lesson: organically unified, holistic new structure; parallel existence of different layers of material in one lesson or program; stage of transition from a parallel connection of material to an integral new structure?

      Lesson topic, problem, goal. Level of novelty. Has the systematization of students’ knowledge and the formation of a holistic view of the subject been achieved?

    6. Activities of the teacher and students in preparation for the lesson. Does this lesson occur spontaneously or is it the result of careful preparation by student and teacher? What independent work should students do before the lesson: its purpose, volume, nature? Do these lessons make the students' learning environment easier or do they make their lives more difficult?

    7. Forms of conducting an integrated lesson, types of activities of the teacher and students. Do they combine intelligently and lead to the set goal?

    8. Collaboration between teachers in the classroom. How organic is it? Is anyone pulling the blanket over themselves? Are the problems and content of the lessons taught and taught really the same? Are there any contradictions in the materials they use?

    9. Results of students’ activities in an integrated lesson. Have they developed a unified (integrated idea of ​​the problem; breadth of their horizons; culture of judgments, their argumentation, degree of conviction in the results of the discussion of the problem; culture of speech" emotional involvement in the problem.


    1. Lakotsetina T.P. Modern lesson. Part 6.: Integrated lessons. Scientific and practical manual for teachers, methodologists, managers. educational institutions, pedagogical students. textbook established.-Rostov-n/D: Publishing House “Teacher”, 2008.

    2. Sukharevskaya U.Yu. Integrated lesson technology. "Teacher", 2003.

    3. E.D. Shantina. Integration as a factor in the development of students in the process of education and upbringing. Magazine “Education in a modern school”, No. 2, 2006, p. 17.