Rituals and rituals of the ancient Slavs. How to attract good luck into your life with the help of a magic ritual

Any ritual and any ritual action include:

1. Creating a Ritual Environment

2. Summoning and concentration of power

3. Creating an Activity Structure

4. Imprinting

5. Destruction of the environment

Creating a ritual environment is creating a space in which nothing will interfere with your work and every detail will contribute to your plan. Drawing a circle, erecting protections is part of creating an environment. But this includes the preparation of ingredients, the preparation of participants, the selection of items, and the design of the room or area (if the ritual is not performed indoors).

A ritual/action without creating an environment, at best, leads to the scattering of your plan, to its failure to be fulfilled. At worst, it can turn against you.

It is necessary to distinguish between ritual and ritual action.

What is the difference between ritual and ritual action?

Imagine that you live in a palace. You are surrounded by dozens of servants. You wear velvet and lace, the rooms are lit by hundreds of candles made from the purest expensive wax and filled with the aromas of exotic flowers growing in flowerpots. Now you are drinking tea with delicious cakes in the small white living room of your palace from a precious porcelain service... in the company of a being dear to you...

Now imagine that today you managed (and were not greedy) to buy a couple of cups and a teapot from that same set. You brought the cups home, picking up a few candles and cakes along the way. You quickly tidied up the room, lit an incense stick, or sprinkled aromatic oil all around, lit candles, brewed tea in a purchased kettle and drink it, turning off the electricity, in the company of a being dear to you... Then you turn on the light and go to the kitchen to wash the cups...

The first case is comparable to a ritual. This is life itself, reality.

The second case is that you have only a piece of that reality, and with its help you create for yourself a feeling of that life. This is a ritual action.

Thus, ritual action is the scraps of rituals. They need to be collected, not only because in this way you can restore some rituals in parts, but also because the ritual action itself, although not able to fulfill the task of the ritual - to significantly change reality, can affect individual details of this reality, adjust something in the direction you need.

It is useful to look for ritual actions in proverbs and signs. Same in mythology. Do this and post your search results on the forum. Analyze what you find, write down your thoughts about what the pieces you found can mean, what goal they can help achieve on their own and built into the creation of the ritual.

Personal ritual.

A personal ritual is a sequence of actions leading to a programmed result. When constructing a personal ritual, a goal is chosen and a certain sequence of actions is composed that allows this goal to be achieved. The sequence of actions is based on intuition.

The timing and ingredients of the action are selected using astrology and numerology. For example, there is a numerological technique - calculating the numerical value of a person’s name. This number can serve as a starting point for subsequent actions (number of repetitions, stages, steps, etc.).

Through personal rituals, all sorts of little things are corrected. The goal of such rituals is ultimately to obtain a certain ritual action in which the necessary intention is written. You can then use it without resorting to cumbersome ritual structures. It is enough to simply perform this action. For example, for many women, makeup is such a personal ritual of getting into work, business mode. I knew women who couldn’t even properly clean their apartment until they applied makeup to their eyelashes and powdered their nose. I’m not wearing makeup, which means I’m still sleeping. You can charge a mirror in the process of a personal ritual, making it a “talisman of attractiveness,” and placing a program on it that just by looking at it, your appearance in the eyes of others will immediately come into approximate correspondence with the ideal. You can charge some kind of pendant, making it an energy accumulator, then hang it around your neck, and when you are tired and low in strength, you just need to take it out and hold it in your hand to charge. That is, by creating a certain ritual action in your personal ritual, you save yourself from the need to generate an intention each time, reducing obtaining the desired result to a simple, often mechanical action.

Personal ritual requires the creation of a magical space, a ritual environment, in the home. The magical space is created by various attributes that evoke the necessary mood. This is purely individual. Perhaps only the altar is more or less universal here. Creating and having a home altar in itself creates the right mood if done correctly. Although the right thing to do here is to follow your intuition again.

The main requirement for a personal ritual is that it should be as simple as possible. The principle of creation is the same as the principle of creating a personal oracle.


Now about creating a simple ritual.

First, the ritual is built on paper.

Steps to creating a simple ritual:

1. Creating an environment. What is this? Circle?... where to outline, what do you say at the same time, what kind of circle (single, triple...). What function does each layer have? Circle - protection. It is constructed differently depending on the purposes of the ritual. Classic circle - four reference points along the cardinal points. The Druids often built a circle on 12 support points. It may be based on a pentagram, seven-, eight-, nine-pointed star, etc. There may be external and internal or several internal ones, again depending on the goals of the intended action.

2. Challenge of forces. It is necessary to calculate, depending on the goals and structure of actions, all the forces that will be needed for this particular ritual. Is it necessary to call the guardians of the cardinal directions, archangels, creatures to protect the circle, taking into account the call of “trifles”, eaters of carrion that will devour “production waste”. There is no type of energy in the world that someone would not consume as food.

3. Creating an action. When building a situation, you need to check the list of forces being called. Accordingly, check the compliance of the called forces with each other, the intended goals, their capabilities, and the planned defenses. For example, you should not build a circle based on elemental forces, calling on the elemental kings of the planet, if in the circle you are going to work with the spirits of other worlds. The planet's elementals often will not protect you from otherworldly creatures.

4. Creating a mental model. To create a mental model of the ritual, you need to mentally create a space under the “hood” and in it scroll through the entire ritual step by step. “Cap” is a mental protection of space. It is necessary because A “raw” ritual can cause trouble, even if it is a mental construct. Then carefully, as if in slow motion, you need to view the entire ritual, paying attention to its energy structure. In the latter it is necessary to look for holes and inconsistencies. After this, make adjustments on the paper where the ritual is described. You need to review the ritual (after making the first adjustments) exactly as many times as necessary to completely eliminate holes and defects.

5. Writing texts for all actions. Texts are written on the fly. The words come on their own - we look at the mental model and write the text. The structure of the text should be, if not poetic, then at least rhythmic. The text is written for all stages of the ritual. When the text is created, it fits into the mental model. the model is rechecked again as described above (until the structure is perfect - no holes, etc.). When reading texts during the ritual, it is necessary to monitor the voice and intonation - the intonation of what we say is important.


If you are building a personal ritual according to the principle of a second-level ritual, i.e., as a simple ceremony, then you will need:

- tables of the names of God in the Hebrew alphabet (these names are aspects of power);

- according to the fairy oracle - Singers of the Spheres (archangels);

- the main keys of power according to Celtic mythology + Druidism;

- the main keys of power according to Scandinavian mythology;

- keys to the four elements;

- the meaning of basic geometric figures;

- use of basic magical tools.

Not all, but most of these correspondence tables were made by full-time students and posted on the School website. Search, look. Perhaps you can add to the ready-made tables. Or you’ll come up with something of your own (and do it for the School’s website).


Think about what small problem, from those that arise often, regularly, you can solve by creating some simple magical action. Build a personal ritual “according to all the rules” to create this action.

Not everyone knows what a ritual of magic is, but almost everyone can mentally imagine one or another picture showing magical actions. For one, it may be a kind sorceress with a beautiful voice and radiant eyes, who works wonders with the help of a magic wand.
For another, this is an evil black witch, with a sizzling look and snakes instead of hair, who is bending over a witch's potion.
It all depends on the upbringing and general awareness of the person.
Rituals in magic - Let's look in a little more detail at what a ritual is.

What is a magical ritual?

A ritual in magic is a necessary, necessarily strictly sequential action, often involving invocation of higher powers, reading incantations or prayers, in order to enhance the energy of desire and its subsequent achievement.
All we see around us is our material world.
Agree that we exist not only in it.

Our thoughts, intentions and desires belong to the subtle worlds.

Therefore, we first plan something and only then, having secured an intention, we go and do it.

The ritual gives an additional boost to energies and sends our intention straight to the universe or God, as you wish.
Even in ancient times, seemingly narrow-minded people, before doing something important, performed certain magical rituals. For example, in order to have a good hunt, the stronger half of the tribe drew an animal on the sand or stone, at which they threw spears and axes. Thus, it turned out that in the subtle invisible world the deed had already been accomplished, and good luck was guaranteed. Magic rituals work on the same principle: first a clear desire is formed, then it is strengthened by a special ritual and success is guaranteed.
There are many rituals.
All of them differ not only in the strength of impact and speed of execution, but also in the methods of implementation. Let us take a closer look at the different directions of rituals.

White magic.

White magic rituals.

In this area, everything is built on prayer, appeal and request. Often the corresponding icons of the Savior and the Mother of God, real church candles and incense are used.
For example, for a ritual to remove damage, they wash the prayed icon, having previously placed a container under it into which water will flow. They wash the corrupted person with this water while reciting prayers.

Pagan magic.

Rituals in pagan magic.

Pagan rituals are based on the glorification of the ancient gods: Veles, Perun, Mokosh and others, as well as on interaction with the elements: fire, water, wind, earth. Almost all of them are held at a Slavic temple with an offering corresponding to each Deity.

Voodoo magic.

Voodoo magic rituals.

This tradition practices influence on the situation through spirits - Eshu and Loa. Often, in magical Voodoo rituals, wax volts, hair, blood and other biomaterial are used. It should be noted that, for example, Voodoo love spells and healing with Eshu are very effective. Therefore, one should not be mistaken that Voodoo is pure evil.

Black magic.

It so happened that magic is divided into black and white. There is also “mixed” Gray magic. But in fact, there is only one magic, and how it is used is another question.

Rituals of black magic.

Rituals in black magic are mainly associated with the cemetery.
This is partly true. The graveyard is used only in the most difficult cases, for example, to remove a family curse or to return a man with a black love spell and return the father to children. Basically, the work involves candles and spell reading. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid. Black magic rituals can be performed at home.
Of course, it is impossible to collect all the necessary information on magical rituals in one article. Write to me, ask, I read absolutely all requests. If you are interested in something, I will try to help you as soon as possible.

From time immemorial, our Slavic ancestors often used magic. This article contains several rituals from Slavic magic to attract wealth and well-being of home and family, magical rituals for sadness and curses, a ritual for creating an amulet to attract income.

Amulet for annual income

This magical ritual is best performed during the waxing of the moon or on the full moon. To complete it you will need: a green candle, matches, a bag of beautiful fabric, any large coin, a bay leaf, a piece of paper and a pen.

Light the green candle. Focus on the amount you would like to earn within a year. Write it down on a piece of paper. On the back of the paper, write your name or the name of the person who asked you for help. Place a bay leaf on the amount side of the piece of paper, a coin on top of it and fold the paper so that its contents do not spill out.

Place the paper in the bag and tie or sew it shut. Raise the bag above the candle flame, but so that it does not catch fire. Once again, focus on your goal and say: “Generous Dazhbog, give (name) money. Let the wallets be filled to overflowing. Endowed her/him with wealth and wisdom. Gold rubles will flow like a river! Let it be so. It’s all your will!”

Let the candle burn out to the end in honor of Dazhbog.
Carry the amulet with you for a year or keep it at your workplace. In Slavic magic they believed that such an amulet attracted money.

A year later, bury the amulet under any fruit-bearing tree.

Magic ritual for the production of “living” water

To make “living” water, water must be collected at dawn during the waxing of the moon or on Epiphany (January 19).

Fill a container with water. Leave it open. Light a blue candle and say: “Holy gods, I call upon you. I decree healing and well-being.” Then take three wax candles and place them on the table in the shape of an equilateral triangle so that one of the candles is on the east side. Place a container of water in the center of the triangle. Light an oriental candle with the words: “The sun rises from the mountains. Oh, healing forces coming from the east, fill this water with life-giving energy, charge it with the forces of positivity, so that it contributes to creation.”

Imagine how the golden energy of Air emanates from the candle and fills the water. Light the southern candle and say: “Oh, spirits of the south, in honor of you I light this light. Fill the Jew with this holy water with strength, so that it will give victory over Evil and charge with the energy of creation!”

Imagine how red energy emanates from the southern candle and fills a container of water. Light a candle located on the north side and say: “Element of Earth, mother of ancient stones, element of creation! You give life and strength, strength and reliability, charge this magical water with them so that it carries the energy of positivity and creation!”

Imagine that green energy emanates from the northern candle and fills a container with water. Bend over the surface of the water and whisper 12 times: “Queen-Water, you are a mother and sister, you have magical power, you expel negativity. Bring people joy, success and luck. Youth, health and healing. In the name of all the gods of heaven. This is my will. Let it be so!"

Leave the water in the triangle until all the candles have burned out.
In honor of the light gods, light lavender herb or a lavender incense stick in a censer.

Magic ritual for the well-being of the home (family)

For this magical ritual you will need: “living” water, a whisk of pigeon feathers, incense, a blue bag, yarrow and juniper herbs, a yellow candle, matches, three ten-kopeck coins.

Place a yellow candle in a candlestick in the center of your home. Around it, form an equilateral triangle from three coins, one of the corners of which is directed to the east. Face east and light a candle. Say: “Makosh-Mother, let me bring you prosperity. Let it enter this house and let those living in it be happy. They endowed him with harmony and prosperity, may (the names of the living) abide in peace and love.”
Light the incense and, starting from the front door, fumigate all rooms with it, moving clockwise. Say: “Incense, give incense, peace and treasure. Let it be so".

Then, moving along the same trajectory, use a pigeon broom to spray “living” water. Say: “Mother water, deliver from evil. May fate be good to us!”

Mix yarrow and juniper herbs together, fill a blue bag with them and hang it on a cord above the front door, saying: “Keep the sacred herbs in the bag, protect my house from enemy energies. Truly."

The candle should burn out completely. Collect coins and hide them near the threshold at the entrance to your house (apartment).

From an accidental curse

If you cursed someone, then perform the following magical ritual. Light a wax candle and read the spell 12 times: “Heavenly King, heavenly powers, earthly powers, break my evil words. Protect (name) from dashing words and bad wishes. Guide (name)’s feet along a good path and save him from all trouble. Enlighten his path and preserve, protect and preserve him now and forever and forever and ever. Belbog, bright gods, bless! Let it be so!"

Extinguish the candle, but do not blow it out. Hide the candle stub.

Slavic magic. Ritual for sadness

On a piece of blank paper, write as in my drawing. Try to write so that the lower letters are opposite the upper ones, and at the corners of the square write the Roman numeral X, sew it into clean linen and hang it around your neck like an amulet. Or fold the written piece of paper into four and wear it on your body.

x crushing x
x e x

Laverna, witch, Dnepropetrovsk

For those who are unfamiliar with Slavic traditions and history, we recommend reading an article about how our fairy tales, legends and Slavic traditions themselves were born. And most importantly, what does magic have to do with all this?

Rituals and rituals

Spring ritual for wealth
A powerful ritual that can attract very big money. Some people who performed this ritual ended up with a very substantial fortune with seven-digit zeros

Spring ritual for wealth on a church candle
A very good and positive ritual that guarantees a rapid increase in your well-being. You can do this ritual in the spring, from March 15 to May 15. Later or earlier than indicated

Spring ritual for money
One of the fastest rituals that ensures the quick arrival of not very big money. That is, you will not be able to get rich with the help of this ritual, but you will improve your financial situation

Spring ritual for a man's love
Girls, this ritual is better than any love spell, and if you have a problem in your relationship with your man in the spring, then do this ritual and you will solve all your problems. And no rollback

Money spell on bed
For the ritual you need a good, comfortable bed (the sofa is not suitable). In the morning, sprinkle your bed linen with a tincture of green leaves (birch or aspen leaves are suitable; you can infuse water with burdock or field clover) and leave the bed to air during the day

Money spell on window
Windows must be clean: both frames and glass. This is how they will work best. And their job is to let light into the house, not to let any tricks and sorrows in, and not to let home happiness, luck and money out of the house

Money ritual - money conspiracy
Money conspiracy is one of the most popular conspiracies these days. Social inequality, a huge gap between rich and poor force people to turn to magic for help

Money talisman for wealth
For six months, collect all the coins you find on the street. Don't just take the ones lying around at crossroads. Every time you pick up a coin, you need to say: “For good luck, for good luck.”

Plot for luck in the lottery
This is a powerful conspiracy that accumulates good luck. It is very effective to use this spell when playing the lottery. It must be done on the day you want to buy a lottery ticket

Gold money spell
For this ritual you will need a bowl (a clay pot will do) and a red church candle. The bowl should be placed on the floor near the door to your bedroom

Summer ritual for wealth and money
This ritual takes place in the summer, on July 16th. On this day, requests for material well-being come true. This day, according to people knowledgeable in magic, is the personification of everything material.

Summer ritual for a guy's love
A powerful ritual that can restore warm relationships and love on the part of your boyfriend in a few days. To carry out you will need

Old Slavonic rituals and conspiracies.

Plot for happiness.

Oh, mother Lada, most pure mother of Sva! Don't leave us without love and happiness! Send your grace upon us, as we honor and glorify you. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Until the end of time, while the sun shines on us.

A spell for a good life.

Veles Patron God! Swargm is the guardian of the yard! And we all glorify you dearly, for you are our shovel and support. And do not leave us without care and protect our fat herds from pestilence, and fill our barns with goodness, so that we may be one with you. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Ritual for getting rid of sorrows and grievances:

If your life is filled with grievances and sorrows, then go into a deep forest and find a lonely place there. Dig a small hole in the ground (30 centimeters in diameter), bend over it and shout out all your fears, despairs and grievances into it. Scream about them until tears flow from your eyes and you feel exhausted and empty. Then bury this hole and immediately go home without looking back. Remember that you should never, under any circumstances, return here.
It is also useful to talk all your pains and sorrows into water. Only it must be running water: a stream, a river. If you don’t have this opportunity, then open the tap and say all this to the water flowing from it.

Protective circle.

Quite often in the rituals of Slavic and other peoples there is such a concept as a “Magic protective circle”. It is designed to protect people from dangerous external influences. A magical protective circle can be made of simple stones. The distance between each of them should not exceed 15 centimeters. The diameter of this circle can be 1.5 meters. It must be laid out in the direction of movement of the sun, which means clockwise.

Shamanic ritual of the “four winds”.

To perform this ritual, you need to lay out a protective circle, indicating the cardinal directions in it. This can be done with large stones or piles of small stones.

Enter the center of this circle. Sit in it and calm down. Get into a meditative mood. You need to start the ritual from the east, so stand up and face the east. Approach the point (stone), which in the magical protective circle indicates exactly this direction. Direct your gaze and your consciousness into the distance, beyond the horizon. Feel unity with Nature...

Say the following words: “Gods of the east, grant me a grain of your strength, your wisdom and your sacred knowledge.” Exactly the same actions must be carried out with the other three cardinal directions in the following order: north, south, west. After this, sit in the center of the protective circle, light a small fire in it and throw dry sage leaves into it. Mentally thank the Gods for the gift that they give you, namely, for strength and harmony. You can also mentally communicate with Them - tell them about your problems, ask for help.

If possible, it is better to mark the southern point of the protective circle with a lit candle. Western - a sprig of lavender; eastern - rose petals; the northern one - a handful of earth or its protective gem.

You should prepare for the ritual several days in advance. At the same time, you should not burden yourself with various excesses, but it is better to fast altogether. Ideally, these days you will not communicate with people at all, but will be alone with nature.

Solar ritual of vigor.

The sun has a huge reserve of strength and energy. You can get a boost of energy from it. To do this, go outside on a sunny day (it is better to choose a deserted place). Raise your face to the sun, close your eyes for a couple of minutes, feel its warmth and say the following words three times:

“Red sun, clear sun, give me your strength, give me goodness, give me warmth, give me vigor.”

Imagine that everything you desire comes to you with its rays.

Today we will do magic at home.

Do you think that only people endowed with certain abilities can cast magic?! You are wrong. You have real magical objects in your home. It would seem that these are the most ordinary things used in everyday life. But they can be of great benefit when performing rituals.

The power of a broom.

A broom will save you from uninvited guests. Walk around your house (apartment) waving it. After that, place it with the handle down at the front door.

From the evil eye. Place a new broom in a bucket and pour water on it. Then take it out and say: “Water is off the swan, thinness is off me.” Then pour this water on yourself.

Be careful, know that if an unkind person steps on a broom, then misfortune may befall your home.

Household utensils are also used for magical rituals. In Slovakia and the Czech Republic, pots filled with food are buried in the foundation of a house as a symbol of prosperity. Bulgarians believe that if you put a strand of hair from a man who left the family in a new pot and put it in the oven, he will definitely return.

Pottery is associated with the human body. She has a throat, a nose, a handle... It is believed that if you heat water for bathing a newborn girl in a jug, she will have a thin waist. For a newborn boy, water should be heated in a vat and then the child will grow up to be a hero.

When moving to a new home, the brownie is invited to climb into the pot and thus move to a new place of residence together with the owners.

In the old days in Russia, the matchmaker hid an unlocked lock under the bride's threshold. As soon as the groom entered the bride’s house, the matchmaker immediately turned the key and threw it into the river, thus sealing the future union.

In order to protect your home from thieves, you need to buy a brand new lock and cast a spell over it: “I lock the castle, I take away the minds of the thieves. The key is with me, the house is good.” Then you need to lock this lock and take the key with you on your trip.

Remember, if you cannot leave your house because the lock is broken, then in this way your angels are protecting you from troubles.

Horseshoe for luck

In Europe, Latin America and the East, it is believed that a horseshoe brings happiness and grace to all household members. In Ireland and England, she promises harmony and peace in the family. In China it brings good luck and gives joy. In Russia there is a belief that the person who finds a horseshoe will be very lucky.

If you fasten a horseshoe over the front door with the horn down, it will protect the house from various misfortunes. Horn up - will bring prosperity to this house. In a car, a horseshoe will protect you from accidents and other accidents on the road.

Remember that the horseshoe talisman cannot be washed. After all, in this case, all its magical properties will be washed away.

Conspiracies and rituals on Maundy Thursday.

Maundy Thursday is the last day on the eve of Holy Easter when you can still do housework. After that, no one can do anything anymore. All Maundy Thursday rituals are designed to cleanse yourself and your home from the negativity that has accumulated over the winter.

The first conspiracy.

When you wash your face on Maundy Thursday (necessarily before dawn), whisper that Maundy Thursday washes away with water all the slander that disturbs the soul and body. And also say:

“Confession cleanses, and water washes away dirt, and Thursday will be clean.”

Then ask the water to cleanse yourself of all evil, resentment, sinful thoughts, bad rumors, dishonest disputes and bad conversations.

The second conspiracy is a ritual for bodily illness.

On Holy Wednesday, scoop up a new mug of water from any body of water. Cross yourself three times and cover this mug with a clean towel. At 2 hours after midnight, cross yourself 3 times again and pour water from this mug over yourself. But don't pour it all out. Without drying yourself, get dressed and pour the rest of the water on a plant. You will immediately feel that your body has become younger.

Third conspiracy.

To make a profit, they performed the following ritual on this day.

They filled a container with water and threw in a few small coins. Then, clasping their hands with their little fingers, they spoke about the water 33 times, gave praise to Mother - pure water and asked her for forgiveness for everything, and then - help, kindness, silver and gold every day of the week. After this, the coins were counted 3 times, thus multiplying them by 3. Each time they said:

“A thousand, half a thousand, six hundred, everything, everywhere my hand will take the Lord. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Then they washed everything in the house from the floor to the table with the enchanted water. The floor had to be washed from the door

Almost every spell or other influence requires certain items that enhance the effect:

· Herbs and dry plants;

· Amulets;

· Artifacts;

· Standard magical paraphernalia (pictures, salt, candles, threads, crystals).

For those people who are encountering magic for the first time, the use of such items is a prerequisite, since at the beginning of the journey, the magician’s energy is weak and auxiliary things strengthen it, allowing you to obtain the desired effect from the ritual performed.

During the first steps on the thorny path of magic, you should be supervised by an experienced teacher, however, if this is not possible, you will have to use more strength, attention and achieve everything on your own. To do this, you will need to be patient, perseverant and exercise maximum caution. Do not perform complex rituals when starting out, but give preference to easier magical effects, and gradually raise your bar. You may also find a grimoire and other literature useful.

In the initial stages, you need to use only the simplest spells, love spells and incantations so that the beginner can understand what magic is and how to cope with it correctly. The main goals of such influences are to make profit, love or good luck. In some cases, the practice may be aimed at removing a love spell or damage. In this article we will talk about magic and its spells, rituals and conspiracies, as well as their use using magic words.

Spell to attract money

Let me give you an example of a spell that will be one of the simplest influences on your financial channel. In order to receive money and start living a prosperous life, you will need salt and a glass of clean water. In addition, prepare coins and a green candle. The time at which it is said does not matter.

Light a candle, place a glass of water and take the previously prepared salt in your right hand (3-4 pinches are enough for the ritual). When adding salt to a glass, say the words:

« Mother, the water is fast, bring me money and enrich me. Draw me into the whirlpool of money, put golden collars on me, so that I never know poverty and forget about it forever!».

Pour all the salt into the glass and start reading the spell again, only now throw coins into the water. For the ritual, 3-4 coins will be enough. The final touch is to add wax from a burning candle to the water and extinguish it. Place the glass in any place so that it can be exposed to moonlight and sunlight for several days. Then, pour the contents near your threshold and wait for the magic, with the help of a spell, to manifest its effect.

Most often this is no more than 3 months, but depending on how strong the performer’s energy is, the period may increase or, conversely, decrease. has always attracted interest, because who doesn’t want to live in abundance or simply doesn’t want to increase their income.

Magic rituals

Magic and its rituals can be used for any purpose, no matter what your intentions are. Such a magical effect may relate to different segments of the Black and. I will give you an example of a ritual that is aimed at obtaining good luck in any business or endeavor. But first, you'll need to familiarize yourself with some rules that will help you avoid classic runtime errors.

Rules and nuances, the observance of which will help you not only get the maximum effect from what you have done, but also avoid severe consequences. During execution, pay attention to the following:

· Analyze your actions. Consider whether you need what you want. If your life is already filled with prosperity and good luck, do not perform the ritual, as it can harm you for your edification;

· Do not change the ritual process. Some people change the words of the spell during execution or prepare the wrong attributes, replacing them with analogues. Doing this is strictly prohibited, otherwise the ritual will be ineffective;

· Don't stop halfway. If you have started performing it and for some reason want to complete the ritual without finishing it, remember that you cannot do this. Thus, you will not be able to find out more, since she will close herself off from you once and for all.

How to attract good luck into your life with the help of a magic ritual

Naturally, the ritual will require paraphernalia, which the performer needs to prepare. Remember the rules that I described above - replacing items is prohibited. Use the following at runtime:

· Green, red and white candle;

· Cup;

· Pure water;

· Dry sage;

· Decoration that has material value for you;

· Wooden branch.

Light the candles and place them in the shape of a triangle. Pour water into a glass, put on jewelry and read the words of the conspiracy:

« Luck will come to me and will always be attached to me. I will be happy day by day, because I will always be the first. Gold will bring me money, magic will help me!».

Light the sage from a candle flame and dump its ashes into a glass of water. After this, add wax to the water and move everything with a wooden branch. Remove the decoration and pour the resulting “potion” over it. Thus, it will be saturated with the necessary energy and begin to bring good luck. The main thing is not to part with it for a long time, but rather carry it on you constantly. As you can see, magic and rituals are available to every person and it is not difficult to fulfill them, the main thing is to believe and strive for your goal. You can also do it, it is no less effective.

Magical influence

Many novice sorcerers wonder what and where they can read about magic. There is a sufficient amount of literature that will help a person learn. Some books contain exclusively black spells that are aimed at harming other people, the rest belong to the white segment and allow a person to improve his own life or help other people. The best works are considered:

"is a collection that contains rituals related to both White and. Having studied each page of the work, a person will understand what magic is, how to handle it correctly and how to achieve what he wants with its help. In the work you can find rituals for receiving love, luck, and money. In addition, the book contains magical effects that can take revenge on your offender, cause damage or even death.

"- the book will tell you about the light side and white magical influences. Once you become familiar with it, you will be able to perform rituals that are aimed at good. That is, to heal a sick person, to give happiness to your loved ones. In addition, you will have the opportunity to use magic for your own good, namely, to make your significant other fall in love with you, who for one reason or another does not pay attention to you at all, as well as to obtain happiness or to solve pressing problems.

“The Ocean at the End of the Road” - this work has ancient roots. According to information from reliable sources, the book was written about a thousand years ago. Not long ago, it was translated into modern language and released to the masses. Basically, it contains love spells, rituals that are used to take revenge on enemies. After studying this literature, you will be able to identify your offenders or even carry out death conspiracies.

Remember, the power you receive must be used wisely and only after you have analyzed your actions. A careless attitude towards magical rituals will not only prevent you from getting what you wanted, but will also take away what you had. Magic should fill your life with passion and become a part of you.

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