Pruning young hibiscus that is not yet blooming. How to prune indoor hibiscus correctly? Let's give the Chinese rose shape! Flowering: from spring to late autumn

Hibiscus, which is popularly called Chinese rose, is a beautiful flowering plant. In order for such beauty to bring joy for a long time, it is necessary to care for the plant in a certain way. Hibiscus needs to be rejuvenated from time to time. To rejuvenate and renew a plant you need to know how to prune hibiscus how to transplant it correctly.

How and when to prune a Chinese rose is a very important question for connoisseurs of this plant. After all, with proper and timely pruning, you can achieve the desired shape of the hibiscus crown. Achieve its long and vigorous flowering. Considering that hibiscus flowers are initiated and formed at the end of the branch, and when pruning the branches, the growth of new branches is stimulated, the number of flowers will increase accordingly.

Even if you have no experience in such matters, pruning hibiscus it won't be much of a problem. For pruning you will need either a sharp knife or pruning shears. You will not harm the plant by starting this procedure at any time of the year when you consider it necessary. However, in order for the plant to bloom until winter, it is better to replant or replace part of the soil and then prune the hibiscus in the spring months. It is recommended to trim no more than two-thirds of the crown volume. Only damaged and diseased shoots must be trimmed without fail, regardless of length. The diseased branch must be cut back to a healthy area, and if necessary, cut out entirely.

Pruning can be done in several ways depending on the shape and size you want your plant to be. As a result of pruning, you can get a tall tree, you can form a compact fluffy bush, or you can have a very short bush.

  • In the first case, to form a tree, it will be necessary to remove the side branches. You only need to leave one or two middle branches, which will subsequently serve as the main trunk. It is advisable to shorten them a little, at least by a couple of buds.
  • If you want to admire a lush bush, then, on the contrary, you need to trim the middle highest branches. In this case, the lateral buds will develop intensively and form new shoots. You can even try to shorten the central branch as much as possible, leaving only a few buds. And see what happens as a result of this experiment.
  • To get a beautifully formed crown of the plant, it is necessary to remove the internal useless branches. These may be branches parallel to the main trunk. These can be any gnarled branches growing deep into the crown. All of them will take away some of the nutrients needed by other branches that play the most important role in flowering and the formation of the plant, but they are of no use. With their clumsiness they will spoil the shape of the plant.
  • It is necessary to promptly remove faded and dried flowers, thereby stimulating the formation and blooming of new buds. And it is better to prune branches after flowering and withering of flowers.
  • Hibiscus, in principle, is not a particularly picky plant. If you follow all these simple recommendations, you can achieve abundant and beautiful flowering of a perfectly formed plant. It will definitely become the pride of your collection.

    How to prune indoor hibiscus correctly? Let's give the Chinese rose shape!

    Crown formation does not always go perfectly without human intervention. To do this, the plant needs to be pruned. How to properly prune an indoor Chinese rose and whether it is necessary to prune hibiscus for the winter, you will learn from this article.

    Video: Pruning hibiscus

    • Why do they prune?
    • How to pinch hibiscus?
    • Useful video

    Why do they prune?

    Pruning indoor hibiscus or “Chinese rose”, as it is popularly called, is vital. There are a number of reasons for this:

    1. To rid hibiscus of deformed shoots– over time, some shoots become bent, become short and take on an irregular shape. This needs to be corrected: cut off the crooked shoots, in the place of which new ones will grow.

    2. To give the plant shape. The plant is not always able to grow a lush “hair” on its own - instead, only old shoots grow back. That's when pruning is needed. Just don’t forget that after pruning, the flower spends all its energy on growing new shoots, so it either doesn’t bloom at all or blooms weakly.

    3. To rejuvenate the plant. Over time, the flower develops many old dried shoots, which must be urgently disposed of.

    4. To get rid of diseased shoots. In this case, it is called “sanitary” pruning: the affected parts of the plant are cut off, including healthy parts.

    5. So that the plant grows well and pleases with abundant flowering.

    In some cases, they carry out pruning flower roots, but this happens extremely rarely - mainly when the root system has grown too much and does not have enough space in the pot. In this case, you need to act very carefully - you can damage the roots.

    How to properly form a hibiscus crown?

    There are two ways to form a hibiscus crown: lush crown and horizontal.

    A lush crown needs to be formed more carefully and more often than a horizontal one. Here is what someone likes best, what suits the interior best, and so on.

    One of the benefits of hibiscus is that it allows you to have a lush crown and a tall tree.

    Trimming hibiscus regular scissors– the branches of the flower are too thin for pruning shears.

    Video: Why do Chinese roses need pruning?

    It is necessary to cut off shoots growing parallel to the main branches. All dry branches necessary too delete.

    To make the plant lush, it needs to be pruned as follows: take a section about 1/3 above the leaf facing outward and cut it off.

    Hibiscus needs pruning every year in spring. In autumn, after each flowering, the plant also needs pruning. If this is not done, the side shoots will not grow and there will be no new buds or flowers. Moreover, hibiscus flowers appear only on young shoots.

    Therefore, in order for hibiscus to bloom, you need as much as possible trim it more often. In addition, the crown of the plant will become thicker and more spreading.

    How to pinch hibiscus?

    Pinching young shoots will not be harmful to hibiscus. This should be done in early spring. You can pinch all the shoots - it will not harm them in any way.

    You need to pinch hibiscus like this: the central shoot tie to a support, and cut off all side shoots, leaving 3-5 leaves. A bamboo stick is most often used as a support. If you don’t have one at hand, you can use a pencil, knitting needle or other handy material that is useful for this role. Due to this procedure, the trunk will become thicker.

    It must be remembered that at this time you need to actively feed the plant with nitrogen. When the flower grows to the desired length, you need to pinch its crown, leaving 5-6 well-developed shoots. This is the future crown - it needs to be trimmed more often to get thick branches.

    It is imperative to cut off the so-called "tops"- shoots that grow parallel to the main trunk. Branches growing inside the crown also need pruning.

    So, all plants need pruning, including hibiscus. She is not only called improve the appearance of the flower, but also has a good effect on him health and condition.

    Video: Forming a standard Syrian tree hibiscus

    Prune hibiscus after each flowering - in spring and autumn. You should not carry out this procedure in the fall. You need to use regular scissors. There are two ways to form the crown of a plant: create a lush crown and a horizontal one. Pinching hibiscus is also extremely necessary. This will help the young shoots grow faster, which means there will be more buds and flowers.

    Look how beautiful the Chinese rose is after pruning!

    Video: How to propagate Hibiscus?

    Useful video

    Find out more about how to properly prune indoor hibiscus from the video:

    Helpful information
    You can learn more about hibiscus from other materials:

    Pruning indoor hibiscus: not difficult at all

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    • Pruning indoor hibiscus

      Chinese rose or hibiscus is one of our favorite indoor plants. It can be found in apartments, on window sills, and in offices - in hallways, in large tubs. This plant has beautiful leaves - a beautiful green color, glossy, slightly carved, and flowers - similar to roses, with a beautiful rich color. Pruning indoor hibiscus is one of the main elements of caring for this plant.

      In principle, hibiscus is a completely unpretentious plant. It grows successfully in a room deprived of bright sunlight and can tolerate short-term drought.

      When growing hibiscus in a room, it is necessary to take care of its crown, otherwise it will very quickly turn into a “shaggy monster.” Hibiscus branches can be quite long. And in order to form a fluffy plant, which during the flowering period will still be simply strewn with flowers, the branches must be trimmed. By the way, they are fragile enough that they could simply be broken off. Sometimes this “manual” method of putting the crown in order is more convenient and sufficient.

      It is best to prune indoor hibiscus after the next flowering. And cut branches can be used to obtain cuttings.

      The Chinese rose, although it can withstand several days without watering, is best watered regularly, especially during the hot period and during the flowering period. It should be remembered that if there is a lack of moisture during the period of budding and flowering, the plant will simply refuse to bloom, dropping all the buds.

      Easy care for hibiscus. including trimming the crown, allows you to shape this plant into exactly the miracle that will suit the interior of the room in size and shape.

      HIBISCUS flower - CARE at home in PICTURES.VIDEO. - Our garden

      Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

      Malvaceae family.

      Homeland - tropical Asia, India, China.

      Flowering: from spring to late autumn.

      There are more than 200 species hibiscus. These are trees or shrubs, mostly subtropical, with varieties distributed throughout the world. Given that they are dense and thorny, they are often used as hedges. Almost all species of this plant have attractive, but short-lived flowers.

      The most popular indoor variety is Chinese hibiscus or Chinese rose, which is an ornamental highly branched tropical shrub. In height Hibiscus (Chinese rose) reaches 1.8 m. Hibiscus tolerates pruning well during periods of growth and flowering. Many bushes hibiscus live up to 25 years.

      Leaves hibiscus dark green, shiny, elongated oval or elongated ovoid, jagged along the edge, large (up to 15 cm), located alternately on the stem.

      HIBISCUS flower - care at home.

      Hibiscus has very beautiful five-petal flowers with a diameter of 8 - 14 cm of various colors - white, yellow, pink, orange, red with varying degrees of terry.

      The stamens, fused into a tube, protrude strongly, giving some piquancy, especially to simple rather than double flowers. Hibiscus flower It stays on the stem for only one day, but new buds open to replace it. Flowering lasts for several months.

      Hibiscus was introduced to Europe by naturalists in 1731, and by 1786 at least three varieties were known. To date, many new varieties have been created. Predominant color hibiscus flowers- bright red, yellow and orange.

      Hibiscus mutabilis from Asia has thick large branches covered with soft hairs. Wide leaves with long petioles (up to 20 cm). The flowers are white or white with red, this plant grows up to 4 m.

      Hibiscus archeri from the West Indies, smaller than Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, but with larger leaves. Its flowers are smaller and almost always red. It also grows up to 4 m.

      Hibiscus schizopetalus- a hybrid from tropical Africa - the leaves are smaller, and the flowers are no more than 6 cm in diameter, dark red inside and light red outside.

      Flowers- this is the most attractive thing about hibiscus, so it’s especially disappointing when the buds fall off. This can be avoided by increasing the humidity. Recently, hybrids have appeared that differ in that their buds do not fall off. For example Hibiscus "Weekend" And Hibiscus "Moonlight" . Hibiscus rosa-sinensis cooperi also produces stunning cream, pink or dark red flowers year round.

      The beauty of the Chinese rose: how to care for hibiscus at home

      A flower for beautiful ladies - this is what hibiscus is called in its historical homeland in Greece. It is also loved in other island countries, where young girls decorate their loose hair with scarlet flowers, as evidenced by photos from travel magazines. Muslims believe that each petal contains one of the commandments of Islam. And in China it is believed that hibiscus protects the house from evil people and envious people. There are many reasons to have such a chic indoor flower at home. You just need to know how to care for hibiscus at home.

      Propagation of domestic hibiscus

      Hibiscus is popularly called the Chinese rose for the beauty of its inflorescences and Asian origin. With proper care, it can grow up to 3 m in height, although at home 0.5-1 m is usually enough. The trunk of the plant is gray and smooth, the leaves are large, they form a voluminous crown. Indoor hibiscus blooms with bright red inflorescences with 5 petals. To propagate this plant, cuttings are used:

      • at the end of winter, several cuttings are cut from an adult flower;
      • they are placed in pre-prepared clean and wet sand; it is better to buy it in a special store rather than take it on the street;
      • cuttings planted in sand are tightly covered with a glass jar;
      • The plant is kept under the jar at a temperature of 22-24°C for 2 months.
      • Advice. You can place the cuttings in water and wait until they take root, but this method is less effective.

        5 main aspects of care

        Hibiscus has not only a lush crown, but also large scarlet flowers. In the specialized literature they write that the plant produces inflorescences 8-15 cm in diameter from July to September. Although, some gardeners claim that they manage to achieve year-round flowering.

    1. Soil and flowerpot. Cuttings that have taken root should be replanted in a small pot. Ideally, its diameter should be no more than 10 cm. The flowerpot must be light in color, this will protect the root system from overheating on a hot day. The soil is made up of the following components: leaf and turf soil, sand, humus (1: 1: 1: 2).

      Transplanting and feeding a flower

      In the first years of life, the plant is replanted every year, since the roots of young hibiscus are actively developing and require free space. After 5 years, the flower is replanted every 2-3 years. The main sign that it is time to buy a larger flowerpot is that the root system has become visible.

      The plant needs to be fed and fertilized in the warm season, when it is actively growing. Hibiscus responds best to products containing nitrogen and potassium. But not with phosphorus, which only harms this flower.

      It is best to fertilize once a week in the evening or on a cloudy day. This should absolutely not be done during the dormant period - in winter and after transplantation.

      Pruning and shaping indoor hibiscus

      If the plant is properly cared for, it will grow quickly and actively. Therefore, it needs to be shaped using sharp garden shears to make it look neat. Gardeners consider the standard tree to be the best form for hibiscus.

      This is done in the fall, when flowering has ended. At this time, you can cut off not only excess branches for aesthetics, but also damaged, diseased shoots.

      Pest and disease control

      The Chinese rose is distinguished by its hardiness and resistance to diseases, pests and even some flaws in care. But regular disturbances can destroy the plant. Therefore, ignorance of the principles of growing hibiscus is the first and main danger.

    2. Young indoor hibiscus can be attacked by aphids. You can get rid of it using special chemicals.
    3. Another pest is the spider mite. They fight it with a soap solution. To prevent it from returning, the plant must be properly moistened.
    4. Chlorosis is a disease that causes leaves to dry out and fall off. The reason for this is excess calcium and chlorine in irrigation water. Therefore, the water must be left to stand for several days before watering.
    5. Hibiscus is a real highlight of the home interior. Providing proper care for it is not difficult. And in gratitude, he will decorate the house with large and bright inflorescences.

      Hibiscus on the windowsill: video

    Hibiscus are plants with beautiful flowers, which are also known by another name - “Chinese rose”. After several periods of flowering, the hibiscus may no longer bloom as many buds. You can help the flower by pruning. If it is properly cared for and pruned, it blooms frequently and luxuriantly. To trim hibiscus, you will need, first of all, the plant itself, as well as a sharp knife or scalpel, garden shears, hydrogen peroxide or ethyl alcohol.

    Understand why pruning is needed and how to do it. The hibiscus flower forms at the top of the branch, and if you trim the branches, their number will increase, and accordingly there will be more flowers. Pruning should give the plant the correct natural contour. It is advisable to prune hibiscus in early spring, but minor pruning is still possible in early autumn. Prepare the necessary tools and make sure they are sharp enough, because a dull knife or scissors will only cause harm. Be sure to disinfect the tools the day before so as not to infect the flower with some kind of disease.

    Determine where and how much to trim. Cuts should be made at a distance of 6-7 mm above the node upward at an angle of 45 degrees. The intensity of pruning depends on the condition of the plant, but the general rule is that you should not prune more than 2/3 of the branches.

    Pinch - trim the tops of each branch no lower than the topmost node. This is great for stimulating the growth of hibiscus.

    Selective pruning is the cutting of plants in large quantities in designated areas. In addition to stimulating growth, it is used to maintain overall shape and size. You need to trim 1/3 of the branches from the top on the selected branches.

    Full pruning is done early in the season to improve flowering. Each branch is cut so that 2-3 buds remain, but no more than 2/3 of the total length.

    If necessary, perform corrective pruning, which involves cutting back diseased or damaged branches. Prune until healthy green wood appears.

    Heavy pruning is carried out in critical situations when the plant is very damaged or almost dead. Cut off all damaged areas, leaving only healthy branches. But even such pruning may not help if the flower is already dead. At least you will know the truth about the condition of your hibiscus.

    Hibiscus are generally not fussy plants, but do require regular pruning. Another tip: When pruning, check for bugs. If necessary, treat the bush with special products so that new branches grow healthy and unharmed. If you care for your hibiscus correctly, it will reward you with beautiful, bright flowers.

    Any plant has secrets and pruning features. The indoor plant hibiscus (Chinese rose) is no exception. Unpretentious, but beautiful, calmly withstanding sudden changes in climatic conditions, drafts, lack of moisture, lighting, the plant is popular both among professional gardeners and among amateurs due to these qualities. How to properly prune a Chinese rose so that it becomes beautiful, lush, and delights the owner with large flowers and a healthy appearance?

    What time of year is best to prune?

    The Chinese rose wakes up quite early: already in February new shoots are visible, some are trying to bloom, although the flower is unlikely to have enough strength for this. As soon as the activity of new shoots becomes visually noticeable, the hibiscus must be replanted. If it has reached a large size, it must be replanted once every 2 years. When to prune a domestic Chinese rose so as not to harm it?

    The Chinese rose is one of the few plants that can be replanted and pruned at the same time. Not all plants love this and can tolerate it normally. For a domestic hibiscus rose, replanting, even if the plant is placed in the same pot, can be combined with the process of pruning the roots, because within a year the root system of the flower completely fills the pot. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the central root system. Trimming the roots leads to weakening of the plant, so you need to cut off its upper part so that it recovers faster and begins to grow.

    It is better to prune hibiscus in February (although it is possible to do this throughout the spring-summer season) or in the fall, when the flowering period ends.

    Pruning goals

    A domestic hibiscus rose must be pruned for a number of reasons:

    1. Bloom. In order for the Chinese rose to bloom in the spring, it is imperative to cut off the old shoots in February, since hibiscus blooms only on young shoots.
    2. Shift in flowering time. The procedure will allow you to slightly delay the flowering time, which will lead to the appearance of more lush flowers in the future.
    3. Shaping. Thanks to proper pruning, a Chinese rose can be given the shape of a standard tree reaching a height of 2 m, preventing low-lying branches from appearing on the trunk, or the shape of a small lush bush.

    If pruning is done correctly, all these goals are easy to achieve.

    What needs to be trimmed

    How to prune a Chinese rose to make it lush? First of all, dry, old branches (“tops”) parallel to the main trunk are removed from a Chinese rose with a sharp knife (secateurs). The remaining branches are pruned, paying attention to the buds. It is better to leave a part of the branch on which the new bud is located on the outside of the branch, that is, directed to the side, so that the bush does not become too dense: indoor roses grow quickly. Then the remaining branches are inspected. Good, but short branches, only lightly pinch, removing only the top. For longer branches, the larger top is cut off (video).

    Depending on the desired shape of the home hibiscus rose, there are pruning features:

    • to form a standard tree, the lower branches of the trunk are removed, the upper branches are pruned only with faded branches, and then, when the desired height is reached, with the apical branches to stop their growth (photo);
    • To form a small lush bush, pruning is done for the entire crown, and the basal shoots are removed entirely.

    After pruning, from the many buds that have appeared that have fallen asleep in the winter, first 2 leaves will begin to grow, then they will develop into a small twig, which will most likely bloom in May.

    Information: when the hibiscus fades, you need to remove not only the flower, but also part of the stem along with the internode with leaves closest to the flower. This is done throughout the flowering season with each flower, because a new flower will not appear on the old branch.

    Can pruning harm hibiscus?

    Is it possible to prune a Chinese rose too much? Will it hurt her?

    Don't be afraid to prune your hibiscus. It overgrows easily. If the hibiscus is old or has broken branches, cut it back to a stump and it will begin to grow again.

    The rose quickly grows a trunk, which looks beautiful. If pruning is not carried out, the plant will continue to grow, the trunk will be thin, and the hibiscus will not bloom.

    What to do after pruning

    After pruning, the hibiscus must be carefully watered and placed in a bright place, avoiding direct sunlight. Spraying is possible, but not necessary, but the rose loves it, and when the processes of restoration and growth begin after pruning, it will be very useful.

    If you do everything correctly, then in a couple of weeks the hibiscus will turn green with new leaves, and in a couple of months it will delight you with its flowering.

    If you want your Chinese rose to become a beautiful, healthy plant with a lot of flowers, you need to trim it on time and according to all the rules, and care for it with love.

    Following all the rules for pruning indoor hibiscus allows you to give the plant the desired shape, make the crown more luxuriant, and get rid of diseased and flaccid shoots. In this article we will look at how to properly prune indoor and garden hibiscus.

    Pruning indoor hibiscus

    When is it better to carry out the procedure: in February, before spring, or in the fall? The main pruning of Chinese roses is carried out in February. Insignificant - in September, after flowering. If you ignore autumn pruning, old side shoots will grow back. But there will be no flowering. After all, buds appear exclusively on young shoots.

    As a rule, at home, hibiscus is pruned for several reasons: to send the plant into a dormant period, to give it the desired shape and, finally, to rejuvenate or prevent the death of a diseased or damaged plant.

    When pruning, you need to remember that hibiscus has apical flowers. This means that each flower on the plant is formed at the end of the shoot.

    As a matter of fact, pruning the tips of the shoots after flowering stimulates the growth of new side shoots, which in turn will form buds and flowers. Therefore, every shoot that is not pruned on time is another minus one flower for the next year.

    At the owner’s request, hibiscus can be used to make either a small tree or a spreading flowering shrub, which can easily be placed on the windowsill. To form a tree, lateral shoots from the second generation are removed. At the same time, several central shoots are left. The upper part is carefully shortened by several buds. This will form the future crown.

    Crown formation

    To form a bush, the central branch of the rose is cut off, which allows the lateral shoots to gradually develop into full-fledged stems. Several lower buds are left, and the central part is removed.

    The plant tolerates the pruning procedure very well, so you can safely conduct experiments and implement your most interesting design ideas. There were cases when the above-ground part of the plant practically died, and the rose was reborn from underground buds.

    After the upper crown of the plant has been formed, the further process of pruning the Chinese rose will consist of the gradual removal of branches that grow parallel to the central trunk and deep into the crown of the plant. If they are not trimmed, it will interfere with the formation of a beautiful appearance. They also require additional nutrition and strength of the plant during its development.

    Subsequently, when shoots of the third and subsequent generations appear, the Chinese rose is shortened by several buds. This procedure promotes the development of a larger number of young shoots, on which a significant number of new buds will form.


    Pinching hibiscus is simply cutting off the tops of branches to encourage growth. This leaves most of the plant. This is the gentlest form of pruning that beginners can begin with. Pinching should be applied primarily to young or small plants as they do not yet need severe pruning to encourage new growth. Trim the tops of each branch at or above the topmost node.

    Selective cropping

    This is the next step after pinching and involves cutting off most of the plant, but only in certain areas, to maintain its overall size and shape. When selective pruning, you should identify a node that is ⅓ from the top of the branch and make a cut just above that node. Do this on most or all branches to encourage new branch growth.

    Corrective trimming

    As the name suggests, corrective pruning is done to correct some problem with the plant. Typically, corrective pruning should be done on damaged or diseased areas of the plant. Prune until the cut shows live, green wood. If you trim a branch and the wood is hard and white, then the branch is dead and will not grow in the new season.

    Heavy pruning

    Heavy pruning is used in the most critical situation, when the hibiscus bush is almost completely dead or damaged. Hard pruning involves trimming all branches back to healthy, living wood, with the hope that the plant will begin to grow over time. Heavy pruning may not help if the plant is already dead, but at least you will know the truth about the condition of your hibiscus.

    Standard trim

    It is important to prune Chinese roses correctly even after the end of the flowering period. Often this procedure is carried out in the fall or early spring - until the plant begins to actively develop. If you do this at the end of spring, then the hibiscus may not bloom at all in the summer.

    The pruning procedure is carried out using scissors, since the plant’s branches are too thin for a special garden tool.

    It is very useful when replanting in spring or replacing soil to cut all branches to a length of fifteen centimeters from the root. In this case, a few centimeters are left from the buds and leaves. The upper part also needs to be trimmed to the place where the last branches grow from the main trunk. When new shoots form, the weakest ones are simply removed.

    1. Keep in mind that you need to shorten branches that extend beyond the crown. Cuts should be made at a distance of at least 0.5 cm above the node (leaf/branch location) upward at an angle of 45°. The bottom edge of each cut should be directed toward the center of the bush, and the top edge outward.
    2. Also, do not forget that it is necessary to completely remove both basal suckers and shoots that grow parallel to the main trunk (they are called “tops”), as well as those branches that grow inside the crown, diseased and dry branches. A general rule is also not to prune more than 2/3 of the branches (heavy pruning can harm the plant).

    If indoor hibiscus has never been pruned before, then such a radical procedure will only benefit it.

    The cuttings remaining after circumcision can be rooted and the rose can be propagated in this way.

    Pruning garden hibiscus

    If you have a Syrian hibiscus growing in the form of a bush, with woody shoots, then there is no need to prune it. For the winter, hibiscus must be pruned and hilled, like roses. Leave the cut trunks 30 - 40 cm above the ground surface. This is done so as not to lose the hibiscus in the spring, since it produces new shoots very late in the spring.

    Formative haircut for young hibiscus

    Remove all weak and damaged shoots. In subsequent years, also ensure that the bush is pruned regularly. If you want to form a beautiful standard hibiscus tree, then be patient, this is very painstaking work. We recommend leaving 2–3 eyes on each shoot from last year.

    Formation of a trunk

    After planting, shorten the branched branches to the level of 2-3 buds, and leave the main trunk. Next year, starting in February, trim the branched side shoots to one bud, and the main shoot to the level of 5-6 buds. Once the plant reaches the height you want, form a crown from strong shoots. To do this, shorten them by several buds, trim the top of the trunk and remove all the lower lateral shoots.

    If the shape of the crown suits you, in the future get rid of weak and dry shoots. Trim thin shoots to the level of several buds. If the hibiscus becomes lopsided, remove unwanted shoots to the base of the bush or trim them back to the level of young side shoots. In early spring, remember to cut back last year's growth by one third. This will help it grow thicker. Over time, regular thinning will also be required.

    Rejuvenating haircut

    When a hibiscus bush becomes one-sided or uneven, it needs a rejuvenating pruning (this will allow it to grow fresh greenery). To do this, all old, dead shoots are removed, and the remaining ones are shortened by two-thirds. This also applies to shoots inside the bush.

    Important: Do not trim branches so that their tops are at the same height. Try to leave the central shoot longer, and cut the side shoots to different heights. This will make the bush look more attractive.

    Maintenance pruning of hibiscus

    If you have achieved the desired crown shape, in the future trim only weak and dry shoots. Trim thin shoots to the level of several buds. If your garden hibiscus becomes lopsided with age, remove unwanted shoots to the base of the bush or trim them back to the level of young side shoots.

    Hygienic pruning to stimulate flowering

    In early spring, shorten last year's growth by one third so that the flower blooms better. This significantly increases the number of flower buds set. Since the Syrian hibiscus bush becomes denser over time, it needs regular, light thinning.

    Hibiscus is a well-known indoor plant of the Malvaceae family, which came to our region from the Far East. Another name by which the plant is known to gardeners is “Chinese rose.” Rose is an unusually beautiful flower that requires proper care. One of the important stages in care is proper pruning of hibiscus. .

    Houseplants have many types. Judging by various sources, its family includes more than two hundred species. Mostly shrubs and trees are found. This flower is widespread in Europe and Asia. But it is also found in America and Africa. In Hawaii, this plant is considered a national symbol and is considered the personification of beautiful women. Chinese roses are bred by professional flower growers in various climatic conditions. The life expectancy of the bush is about twenty years.

    Features of the plant

    Hibiscus leaves are notched or stalked. But it is the flowers that attract admiring glances - brightly colored, graceful, and of various sizes.

    Several types of this plant are grown at home: Syrian, trifoliate, Chinese, variable and drummond.

    The indoor Chinese rose is used not only for decorative purposes, but its leaves and fruits are used in the food and cosmetics industries. The plant has excellent healing properties and has been used in medicine since ancient times.

    The rose itself is a fairly unpretentious plant that can tolerate low temperatures, poor lighting, constant drafts or improper watering. But if you do not care for your indoor flower correctly, you will not see beautiful blooms.

    In order to constantly admire the beautiful flowering of indoor roses, you should strictly follow the basic rules for care and maintenance.

    A very important step in plant care is timely and correct pruning of the plant and removal of faded flowers.

    The procedure for pruning this flower itself is not complicated, and if you familiarize yourself with the basic rules, even a novice gardener can carry it out. It should be noted that you can remove unnecessary shoots throughout the year, without any consequences for the shrub itself. If you trim unnecessary shoots correctly, the hibiscus will thank you with abundant flowering. This is due to the fact that buds begin to develop only on young stems no older than the third generation. To enjoy beautiful flowering, indoor hibiscus must be pruned on time.

    Chinese rose pruning procedure

    Before carrying out the pruning procedure, you need to decide on the final result that you would like to obtain (size and shape). At the owner’s request, hibiscus can be used to make either a small tree or a spreading flowering shrub, which can easily be placed on the windowsill. To form a tree, lateral shoots from the second generation are removed. At the same time, several central shoots are left. The upper part is carefully shortened by several buds. This will form the future crown of your tree.

    Crown formation

    To form a bush, the central branch of the rose is cut off, which allows the lateral shoots to gradually develop into full-fledged stems. Several lower buds are left, and the central part is removed.

    The plant tolerates the pruning procedure very well, so you can safely conduct experiments and implement your most interesting design ideas. There were cases when the above-ground part of the plant practically died, and the rose was reborn from underground buds.

    After you have decorated the upper crown of the plant, the further process of pruning the Chinese rose will consist of the gradual removal of branches that grow parallel to the central trunk and deep into the crown of the plant. If they are not trimmed, it will interfere with the formation of a beautiful appearance. They also require additional nutrition and strength of the plant during its development. Subsequently, when shoots of the third and subsequent generations appear, the Chinese rose is shortened by several buds. This procedure promotes the development of a larger number of young shoots, on which a significant number of new buds will form.


    It is important to prune Chinese roses correctly even after the end of the flowering period. Often this procedure is carried out in the fall or early spring - until the plant begins to actively develop. If you do this at the end of spring, then the hibiscus may not bloom at all in the summer.

    The pruning procedure is carried out using scissors, since the plant’s branches are too thin for a special garden tool.

    It is very useful when replanting in spring or replacing soil to cut all branches to a length of fifteen centimeters from the root. In this case, a few centimeters are left from the buds and leaves. The upper part also needs to be trimmed to the place where the last branches grow from the main trunk. When new shoots form, the weakest ones are simply removed.

    If indoor hibiscus has never been pruned before, then such a radical procedure will only benefit it.

    The cuttings remaining after circumcision can be rooted and the rose can be propagated in this way.

    By following all these recommendations, as a result you will receive abundant flowering of extraordinary beauty of your pet. The shape of the bush will be harmonious and correct, and the indoor rose will become a real decoration of your home and the pride of the owner.