Identify all known meanings of the concept inspiration. Inspiration is the rise of spiritual strength, creative excitement


Inspiration is a state of the highest rise, when the cognitive and emotional spheres of a person are connected and aimed at solving a creative problem. A person in a state of creative inspiration is, as it were, carried by a “flow”; he does not understand everything in his actions, he cannot always say how much time has passed (an hour, a day, a day). Often, being in a state of creative inspiration is associated with the emergence of insights and insights.

A person in a state of creative inspiration has a strong influence on other people and can often convince them, persuade them to his opinion, idea, and lead them. A personal property that provides the opportunity for such situational influence on others, associated with personal inspiration, is called charisma.

A state of inspiration occurs in a person who passionately and persistently strives for a creative solution to a given problem.

The state of inspiration is characterized by the ease of movement of thoughts and images, their clarity and completeness, and deep feelings. Against the backdrop of a state of inspiration, all cognitive processes are especially productive.

People get inspiration from various sources. These could be poetry, painting, music, personal hobbies, special trainings, conversations, etc.

Examples of inspiration

Inspiration is closely related to insight, a sudden understanding of exactly how a task or problem can be solved. This state, as a rule, is preceded by an intense search for a solution to the problem. Staying in such a state can be either short-term (minutes) or extended (several hours).

A description of the state of his own inspiration was given by the famous architectural theorist and humanist Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472) in his treatise “On Peace of Mind”:

I have a habit, mainly at night, when the movements of my soul prompt me to worry and stay awake, to explore and build in my mind unheard-of machines for moving and carrying, affirming and strengthening things that are enormous and difficult to imagine. And it seems to me that I have invented things that are rare and worthy of being remembered. Sometimes, instead of research of this kind, I design and build some very complex buildings and arrange orders and numerous columns with various capitals and bases that have not been used before, connecting them in a new and elegant way with cornices and floors.

The case of the chemist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, who was never given the form of the future system of periodic chemical elements, is widely known. The solution suddenly came during sleep. Waking up, the scientist quickly recorded the insight that had come.

The poet A. S. Pushkin, according to the recollections of his contemporaries, kept sheets of paper next to his bed in case of sudden inspiration.

see also


  • Rivkin B.I. “Small history of art. Ancient art.”, M, 1972 p. 188, p. 272
  • Chubova A.P., “Skopas”, L. - M., 1959
  • Venediktov A.I. “Renaissance in Rimini”, M, 1970



Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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Beautiful poems, fascinating stories, colorful paintings and many other results of the work of professionals in their field would not have been created without the presence of the muse who inspired. It is not necessary to have a creative profession to know that inspiration is not a controlled process, but the best engine for work and manifestation of human talent. This article will cover the main questions about inspiration and its sources.

Word definition

Inspiration is a unique human state that drives the realization of talent at the maximum level. It is difficult to describe, but it cannot be confused with something else. This is when you, absolutely not expecting a miracle, suddenly experience powerful potential within yourself, aimed at one particular area. It is so unusual and different from the usual engine of the brain that sometimes it seems absurd or hallucinatory. Inspiration is an energy flow aimed at creating something new, unusual for the inhabitant of planet Earth, at conveying certain information that is beneficial to society.


The word itself comes from the phrase “to breathe again” or “new breath”. Indeed, in reality, while grinding your teeth and doing boring work, when inspiration appears, you feel a new breath, and this new power must be used correctly. The word “inspire” has already become subsequent.

Where does inspiration come from?

In search of this very balm for the development of the gift, people will try different methods. Everyone wants to prove themselves talented and successful, so this question is always relevant. But in most cases, people are faced with the fact that inspiration is something elusive even with a strong desire. But there are proven sources of this feeling; unfortunately, the selection and search is absolutely individual.

Is inspiration a strict operating state?

Of course, when creating a certain concept, having studied all the features and provided for possible errors, you can achieve success in your endeavors. But this factor of ability to work, professionalism and perseverance does not exactly relate to inspiration. It mainly affects people of creative professions, such as artists, writers, and composers. Since they are more often in a delicate state of mind, they are less busy with everyday life and do not make plans for every day at all. Therefore, their homes and workshops are most often a mess and chaos, appearance disheveled. Creative inspiration comes to these people. This is a special feeling given from above to a person who has a predominant inclination towards creativity. As for success in other areas, perseverance, work, training will be required, and the main result will be the achievement of the desired goals. The quote: “Inspiration is a strict working state” is exactly appropriate here. This is when a person makes efforts every day and constantly develops in some area, and in the end has a positive result.

Types of inspiration

Masterpieces of literary and artistic activity are created in something completely different. Therefore, perhaps it is worth dividing inspiration into subtypes: miraculous and fruitful. Miraculous inspiration is an inexplicable insight, like a necessary impetus for the creator, involuntary and unconscious. Fruitful inspiration, unlike miraculous inspiration, can be predicted and realized by developing a system of control over your work. With a great desire to achieve more than you have, constantly developing, working hard, fruitful inspiration is the result of all the actions described above.

Meaning in human life

For any person who strives to find his niche in this world, regardless of what talents he is endowed with, inspiration is necessary to achieve his goals. Without this inner uplift, a person gradually fades away, never demonstrating his talents. There are no people who have no abilities or gifts at all. The main thing is to understand what you are particularly gifted in and develop these inclinations. It is impossible not to notice an inspired person in a crowd; he is like a light illuminating his path with joy and happiness. When inspiration comes into a boring, dreary life, the world seems to be filled with divine light from within. The significance of this phenomenon in society and a person’s personal life is extremely important, as it contributes to the development of talents and their implementation, and this is progress in technology, science, literature and other spheres of society.

sources of inspiration

It's no secret that creative inspiration is something hovering over everyone, but beyond the reach of the lazy. Having studied history, we can conclude that people who achieved success in one field or another were inspired by their work and creations. After which they repeatedly searched for This is something in which a person can scoop it up, ascend spiritually, and feel a new surge of strength. One may note the fact that there is no common source. Everyone individually finds inspiration in something different.

The most global source is considered to be closely related; it not only feeds our body, but also our soul. Forests, steppes, mountains, rivers, lakes, oceans, sky and stars cannot help but inspire. All this brings true pleasure to an open person. Sometimes we need to solitude with nature in order to find harmony of soul and body, in order to understand ourselves. Therefore, walks, hikes and various pastimes in nature are one of the possible sources of inspiration.

Very often a person in a state of love works miracles. comes to each of us in due time. Moreover, this means not only love for a woman or man, but also care for your baby. Most of the masterpieces of poetry were dedicated to their lovers, parents, children, homeland and nature.

The possibility of being inspired when reading some interesting, fascinating book is not excluded. In general, reading is very useful even without it: by developing your mind, expanding your vocabulary, you will learn to sincerely fantasize, which is no less important for overall development.

Talking to people who have achieved success can also inspire you. Because they have the energy of happiness and respect, you want to follow them.

It is equally important to communicate with children - they are so sweet and naive, sincerely believing in fairy tales, and still do not know sadness and troubles. Their joy and constant movement can become a source of inspiration for you.

Any inspiration is inspiration of beauty. Anything, any object or phenomenon can inspire a person to be creative, provided that they have harmony, symmetry and proportion.

About beauty

Here Sunbeam breaks through the foliage of a tree standing by the window and, entering the room, penetrates a glass of hot tea and everything suddenly becomes magical: the steam from the tea, the glass of the glass and a ray of sun that refracts and draws a rainbow on the table. It's simple, beautiful picture. But what could be more beautiful? nature, natural, simple things?

You need to more often switch your thoughts from eternal thoughts about daily matters and notice the beauty around you! How the cobweb on the tree trembles and glows golden, how it slowly falls from it yellow leaf how the still green leaves rustle - any little thing can give birth to what is called inspiration in the mind.

Beautiful too human creations, but not all kinds, but those that were created for the benefit of people, that is, belonging to the category of art, craft and science. A plate, a children's toy, a bottle of perfume, and also a painting, a novel, a musical opera, a discovery or a technical invention can be beautiful.

Several factors distinguish the beautiful from the ugly:

  • beauty gives rise to a lot of positive emotions and a feeling of pleasure,
  • it personifies the boundless scope and fullness of the creative abilities of man or nature,
  • embodies the idea of ​​perfection, ideal and good.

Beauty is not only something beautiful, but also Kind. Therefore, despite the fact that the words “beauty” and “beautiful” have the same root, beautiful does not yet mean beautiful. The explosion of a nuclear bomb is impressive and looks beautiful, but it is not beautiful, but terrible.

- the highest aesthetic value and the main positive form of being, which has its own laws:

  • harmony,
  • symmetry,
  • measures.

What is beautiful is what is harmonious, correct, what is not too much and not too little, what is pleasing to the eye and heart.

However, the idea of ​​beauty may vary depending on:

  • conditions, image, lifestyle of a person, his aesthetic preferences;
  • features of national culture and the level of individual culture of the individual.

Inspiration- this is a rise in mental strength and mental energy observed in the process of creative work. Not only representatives of creative professions (writers, artists, musicians, actors, singers and others), but also scientists, ordinary workers, and housewives cannot do without it.

Why is everyone looking for inspiration? Why sometimes even exercise and cleaning cannot be done without inspiration? The whole point is that it seems to charge you energetically and speed up the time it takes to complete a task. The state of inspiration is to some extent similar to trance, hypnosis, it can be called an altered state of consciousness.

Inspiration is characterized:

  • full concentration on the creative process;
  • persistently high concentration of attention;
  • the vividness of the images of memory and imagination;
  • increased interest, enthusiasm,
  • self-confidence and successful results,
  • activation of cognitive and creative abilities, skills, knowledge.
    Inspiration makes any work productive:
  • new plans, ideas, plans, goals are born;
  • a solution to the problem is found or at least its essence is clarified;
  • general models, basic images, a “framework” for the upcoming work arise;
  • new or completely unique creative products appear.

At what point or time period in the creative process is inspiration born? Many geniuses did not hide from the public the fact that their discoveries were the result of sudden insight. It was as if someone had put words or pictures into their minds, which all they had to do was write them down on paper.

The mystery and incomprehensibility of insight was associated (and in our time this point of view also exists) with the presence of a higher, divine source of inspiration until the American psychologist G. Wallace nor developed a diagram of the creative process.

Wallace made conclusions about creativity based on an analysis of data obtained from the introspection diaries of famous geniuses and scientists.

So, according to Wallace, the creative process consists of four stages:

Thus, it becomes clear that inspiration and insight are not simple luck, but the result of work, trial and error, and persistence in solving a problem.

Inspiration does not come to those who do nothing, it loves active people. Sometimes, in order to be inspired by an activity, it is enough just to start doing it, to take the first step.

Where to look for beautiful inspiration

To be inspired by beauty, you need to be able to notice it, and sources there are many beautiful things:

  1. Nature. Any manifestation of it is wonderful! The earth's landscapes and elements fascinate and inspire. Modern man has the opportunity to be inspired by the beauty of nature without even leaving home. Photographers around the world capture and post online photos and videos of thunderstorms, volcanic eruptions, high waves, mountains, mighty snow, oceans, northern lights and much more. Of course, direct contact with nature is also important: walking, relaxing, just observing it.
  2. Traveling and being on the road. Of course, while traveling you can see and learn a lot of new and beautiful things, but not everyone has the opportunity to travel as far as often as they would like, but every person moves around the area where he lives during the day. If you look out the window of a tram not just for the sake of it, but with the purpose of observing the world, you can see beauty in the familiar.
  3. Children. All little children are open, sincere, spontaneous, active and, in the end, just very beautiful, sweet, pure. Looking at how a child enjoys life and listening to what he says, you can find a lot of ideas for creativity.
  4. Beautiful people. Man is also a part of nature. A person who is beautiful in body and soul, successful, wise, experienced, or simply loving and loved can inspire you to conquer any, even unrealistic, peaks.
  5. Poetry. It contains harmony, harmony of thoughts and melodiousness.
  6. Books. They not only inspire, but also motivate, stimulate imaginative thinking, develop intelligence and imagination.
  7. Dancing. A way to find inspiration in the beauty of the body and its freedom, lightness, expressiveness, instinctiveness, which are as natural as any other natural phenomenon.
  8. Music and sounds. Music can change your mood, set you in the right mood, “switch” to feelings and intuition.
  9. Movies. A good film can inspire just as well as a book, teach, suggest, guide, and give self-confidence.
  10. Theater. The influence of live acting on the audience was well known back in the Ancient Greece. The very word “catharsis”, denoting the cleansing, ennobling effect of a work of art, appeared in Ancient Greece to designate the audience’s experience of the highest harmony of theatrical tragedy.
  11. Painting. The brightness of the colors and the play of the artist’s imagination delight and make you look at the world differently.
  12. Humor. You can be inspired by someone else's positivity and ability to take life lightly.
  13. Overcoming difficulties. By overcoming difficulties, you can discover the harmony, beauty and perfection of your own soul! Any victory, achievement, or work on yourself inspires you to develop further and become better. It is important to notice and celebrate your own achievements and how they improve your life.
  14. Target. When there is something to strive for, meaning, motive, desire, love for what you need to achieve excellence in, inspiration will not keep you waiting.
  15. Love(in the broad sense of the word). Perhaps the most beautiful of the inspiring and the most inspiring of the beautiful that can be found in the external and your own, inner world! Love inspires and is itself a creative process.

For information on where else you can find inspiration and how to keep it, read the article

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There are so few things and phenomena around us that influence us. And even less of what makes you try, work and create. In this article I tried to collect all what are called sources of creative inspiration.

Thinking about what to write in an article about sources of inspiration, I came to the conclusion that for many of us they are individual. Some find it incredibly difficult to find something inspiring, others find inspiration in everything that surrounds them. However, there are some things that most of us draw inspiration from. These things help us find the strength to create. And it is very useful to know them for those who find it difficult to force themselves to do something or who fail to achieve anything as a result of long work: not only artists, poets and musicians, but also everyone who is simply trying to overcome their laziness.

What is inspiration

Inspiration– this is a special state of a person, which is characterized by high productivity and a huge rise and tension of human strength. "Creative inspiration" is often used in combination because it is a typical feature and constituent element creativity. Inspiration is a state of the highest rise, when the cognitive and emotional spheres of a person are connected and aimed at solving a single creative problem. Often, in a state of creative inspiration, insights arise.

In moments of creative inspiration, a person has a strong influence on other people, he can easily convince them, persuade them to his opinion, idea, and lead them. A personal property that provides the opportunity for such situational influence on others, associated with personal inspiration, is called charisma. A state of inspiration occurs in a person who passionately and persistently strives for a creative solution to a given problem (Wikipedia).

The problem of creative inspiration

The problem of creative inspiration is that it is quite difficult to achieve purposefully. In essence, inspiration is the fruit of love for one’s work, some bright idea firmly lodged in a person’s head, as well as a confluence of many circumstances. On the other hand, the problem of inspiration stems from the fact that there is no eternal source of inspiration. We constantly need to look for something new that can motivate us.

How to find inspiration

What can become a source of inspiration, what will give us a state that is characterized by the ease of movement of thoughts and images, their clarity and completeness, deep experiences, when all cognitive processes are particularly productive? People get inspiration from various sources.

Many of us, and not only scientists, inventors, artists, but also businessmen looking for new idea, or schoolchildren writing an essay, tried to find inspiration. For some it works out easily, for others it’s more difficult, for others it doesn’t work out at all. Below I have tried to make a selection of the most powerful motivators and inspirations, and also provided some popular quotes from famous creative people.

Examples of inspiration sources

Where and from where to get inspiration? By wandering around the Internet, you can find many examples of what inspires creative people. I tried to put together universal sources of inspiration that are most often mentioned on the Internet.

  1. Breaking your comfort zone, difficulties and challenges. When the comfort zone is violated, a person has a desire to return to a comfortable state again. Overcoming obstacles gives satisfaction and inspires you to new achievements.
  2. Cognitive dissonance or psychological contradictions. Absolutely all people from time to time experience a state of mental discomfort caused by a clash in their minds of conflicting ideas: ideas, beliefs, values ​​or emotional reactions. If dissonance occurs, the individual will strive with all his might to reduce the degree of discrepancy between his two attitudes, trying to achieve consonance. This serves as a source of inspiration.
  3. Sublimation- This is the switching of mental energy from one state to another. According to Sigmund Freud, during sublimation, instinctive (mostly sexual) energy is switched into non-instinctive forms of behavior. In other words, sublimation is the transformation of erotic unsatisfied desire, feeling into creative activity.
  4. Love is one of the most powerful sources of inspiration. Often love as a source of creative impulse is identified only with sublimation, but this is not always the case. Love is not always a reflection of sexual attraction. For example, a mother loves her child, and this is associated with the desire to care for and protect the object of her love. Many great achievements were made in the name of love, and poets were inspired by their muses, women who were truly loved.
  5. Reading. are a source of wisdom. Reading is a long-term investment in your development. By reading books, we constantly accumulate ideas, opinions, points of view, quotes and symbols, so that we can then begin to work inspired.
  6. Trips. Trips to new cities and countries, like books, always bring new impressions, emotions and an excellent source of inspiration. Often the most interesting ideas We get them during long trips.
  7. Nature. Its diversity and colors have inspired people at all times. In urban environments, the influence of nature can be significant: just get out of the city and you will feel a surge of strength and emotional uplift.
  8. Successful people. There may be successful people in your environment, try to communicate with them as much as possible, adopting their way of thinking and acting. It can also become an example and inspire. It could be a banal feeling of envy or, for example, sincere admiration - in any case, someone else's success can motivate us to work harder and better.
  9. Music and other art forms. They evoke a lot of emotions and associations in us, help us break away from everyday life, and become a source of creativity. Painting, poetry (poetry), music, theater, cinema, opera.
  10. Family and close friends- a source of inspiration, essentially it is love, but also a feeling of kinship, something of one’s own. We are owners by nature and value our family and friends, are inspired by them, and do significant things for their sake.
  11. Self-knowledge. Studying human nature, diving into our motives and emotions, often helps us learn a lot about ourselves, including how to motivate and inspire ourselves.
  12. Sport. In a healthy body healthy mind. Sport affects our external beauty and also awakens some physical and chemical processes in the body, which can give strength for creation. For example, an evening jog can energize you and inspire creativity.
  13. Children. Communicating with children and participating in their upbringing, we often see ourselves in them. We rejoice at their successes as if they were our own; we are fueled by their irrepressible energy and their pure mind.
  14. Memories. You can evoke the feelings you need for inspiration with memories; they can be different depending on what trace they left in your soul. The happiest moments of your life will help create a positive mood, and sad emotions will make you rethink what you experienced and start a new life.

Quotes about inspiration

In your search for the source of creativity, you can look at what famous creative personalities have said about the problem of inspiration.

A painter's painting will be less perfect if he takes the paintings of others as an inspiration; if he learns from the objects of nature, he will produce good fruit.
(Leonardo da Vinci)

Looking for inspiration has always seemed to me a funny and absurd whim: you can’t find inspiration; it itself must find the poet.
(Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin)

Every artist contains a germ of daring, without which no talent is conceivable.
(Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

It doesn't matter where the inspiration comes from. At least as long as you are satisfied with its fruits.
(Steve Buscemi)

Inspiration is a state of peculiar tension and rise of spiritual forces, creative excitement of a person, leading to the emergence or implementation of the plan and idea of ​​a work of science, art, technology. IN . for all its apparent spontaneity is usually the result preliminary hard work.
Inspiration is needed not only by poets, writers and musicians, but also by every person in order to carry out their activities. Probably, a thoughtless workaholic can work without inspiration, who knows only one thing: he needs to go to work today, work the day, someone will pay him a salary, and maybe.

Everyone else needs inspiration in order to use willpower to achieve goals, since life and any work involves certain actions that seem completely routine, and the desired result is not always clearly visible ahead. This state of affairs is very stressful in everyday life, and inspiration brings a goal, the achievement of which becomes interesting, tempting, and attractive.

Where does inspiration come from?

You need to tune in to inspiration and creativity, and there are technologies for this.
Inspiration is a trance state when a person is completely immersed in what he is doing and does not notice anything unnecessary.
When you believe in yourself, things go easier. When things are going well, it is easier to believe in yourself. In inspiration it becomes a loop: things are going well, I believe in myself, things are going even better!

Remember the recipe for inspiration from P.I. Tchaikovsky: “I sit down at the piano and start playing something, at least fingering the keys. I do this for as long as I like: until inspiration comes.” If you wait for inspiration while away from business and activity, you will have to wait a long time. Chewing chips with a bored face and staring at the TV is not an option: melancholy will set in and you won’t get any inspiration. Be in business more often good mood, inspiration will come to you on its own.

Inspiration loves the active

Physiologists suggest that in order to trigger optimal brain function, it is not complete rest that is required, but a certain level of even “noise of activity.” Getting enough sleep, calming down in meditation is useful, but then for inspiration you need a “starter”. Mayakovsky wrote most easily when riding on a tram, scientists like to think while walking or quietly running, Einstein entered a creative state under the shower, when the shower created an even noise and provided a pleasant head massage. It's good when you have your favorite rituals, your own keys of inspiration.

In the evening it’s nice to escape from the big day into your favorite activity; in the evening and closer to night, inspiration comes more often. But it’s better not to abuse this: this resource is quickly exhausted, after some time, after sleepless nights, instead of inspiration, you will only get a heavy head, and coffee will no longer help. More productive are the early morning hours, when the house is completely quiet and the city outside the window is just waking up.
If you've worked for an hour, take a break, stretch, and take a good shower. Short, frequent rests, for example 10 minutes every hour, are healthier than working for a long time without interruption.

There are so few things and phenomena around us that influence us. And even less of what makes you try, work and create.

Thinking about what to write in an article about sources of inspiration, I came to the conclusion that for many of us they are individual. Some find it incredibly difficult to find something inspiring, others find inspiration in everything that surrounds them. However, there are some things that most of us draw inspiration from. These things help us find the strength to create. And it is very useful to know them for those who find it difficult to force themselves to do something or who fail to achieve anything as a result of long work: not only artists, poets and musicians, but also everyone who is simply trying to overcome their laziness.

In moments of creative inspiration, a person has a strong influence on other people, he can easily convince them, persuade them to his opinion, idea, and lead them. A personal property that provides the opportunity for such situational influence on others, associated with personal inspiration, is called charisma. A state of inspiration occurs in a person who passionately and persistently strives for a creative solution to a given problem.

The problem with creative inspiration is that it is quite difficult to achieve purposefully. In essence, inspiration is the fruit of love for one’s work, some bright idea firmly lodged in a person’s head, as well as a confluence of many circumstances. On the other hand, the problem of inspiration stems from the fact that there is no eternal source of inspiration. We constantly need to look for something new that can motivate us.

How to find inspiration

What can become a source of inspiration, what will give us a state that is characterized by the ease of movement of thoughts and images, their clarity and completeness, deep experiences, when all cognitive processes are particularly productive? People get inspiration from various sources.

Breaking your comfort zone, difficulties and challenges.
When the comfort zone is violated, a person has a desire to return to a comfortable state again. Overcoming obstacles gives satisfaction and inspires you to new achievements.

Cognitive dissonance or psychological contradictions. Absolutely all people from time to time experience a state of mental discomfort caused by a clash in their minds of conflicting ideas: ideas, beliefs, values ​​or emotional reactions. If dissonance occurs, the individual will strive with all his might to reduce the degree of discrepancy between his two attitudes, trying to achieve consonance. This serves as a source of inspiration.

Sublimation- This is the switching of mental energy from one state to another. According to Sigmund Freud, during sublimation, instinctive (mostly sexual) energy is switched into non-instinctive forms of behavior. In other words, sublimation is the transformation of erotic unsatisfied desire, feeling into creative activity.

Love is one of the most powerful sources of inspiration. Often love as a source of creative impulse is identified only with sublimation, but this is not always the case. Love is not always a reflection of sexual attraction. For example, a mother loves her child, and this is associated with the desire to care for and protect the object of her love. Many great achievements were made in the name of love, and poets were inspired by their muses, whose women they truly loved.

Reading. Books are a source of wisdom. Reading is a long-term investment in your development. By reading books, we constantly accumulate ideas, opinions, points of view, quotes and symbols, so that we can then begin to work inspired.

Trips. Trips to new cities and countries, like books, always bring new impressions, emotions and an excellent source of inspiration. Often the most interesting ideas come to us during long trips.

Nature. Its diversity and colors have inspired people at all times. In urban environments, the influence of nature can be significant: just get out of the city and you will feel a surge of strength and emotional uplift.

Successful people. There may be successful people in your environment, try to communicate with them as much as possible, adopting their way of thinking and acting. Also successful worldwide famous people can become an example and inspire. It could be a banal feeling of envy or, for example, sincere admiration - in any case, someone else's success can motivate us to work harder and better.

Music and other art forms. They evoke a lot of emotions and associations in us, help us break away from everyday life, and become a source of creativity. Painting, poetry (poetry), music, theater, cinema, opera.

Family and close friends- a source of inspiration, essentially it is love, but also a feeling of kinship, something of one’s own. We are owners by nature and value our family and friends, are inspired by them, and do significant things for their sake.

Self-knowledge. Studying human nature, diving into our motives and emotions, often helps us learn a lot about ourselves, including how to motivate and inspire ourselves.

Sport. In a healthy body healthy mind. Sport affects our external beauty, and also awakens some physical and chemical processes in the body, which can give strength for creation. For example, an evening jog can energize you and inspire creativity.

Children. Communicating with children and participating in their upbringing, we often see ourselves in them. We rejoice at their successes as if they were our own; we are fueled by their irrepressible energy and their pure mind.

Memories. You can evoke the feelings you need for inspiration with memories; they can be different depending on what trace they left in your soul. The happiest moments of your life will help create a positive mood, and sad emotions will make you rethink what you experienced and start a new life.