Heating a chicken coop in winter using infrared lamps. Infrared heater for a chicken coop. Is it necessary to heat a chicken coop in winter?

To keep laying hens in winter, heating is necessary. The optimal temperature is considered to be +10 degrees for chickens to lay eggs.

It is not known who set this temperature standard, because our chickens lay eggs at lower temperatures. Usually, we turn on the heating in the evening to make their overnight stay comfortable, and turn it off in the morning if the temperature during the night exceeded +10 degrees. If the temperature outside is very low (frosty), then the heating is on all day.

Heating a chicken coop with your own hands

The easiest way to heat a chicken coop with your own hands is electric, which is good because it can be made automatic if you set a timer similar to the one installed for lighting.

Another thing is that you need to decide which electric heating device is most suitable for your chicken coop. It all depends on the size of the chicken coop and the number of birds.

In our case, the choice could be made easily, since the chicken coop is small (3.0 m2) and there are only 4 chickens. A small volume is well heated, for example, by an infrared lamp, which we first had our eye on. But it turned out that it is not so easy to buy it in our city. There are only 500 W lamps on sale, and based on the volume of our chicken coop, we need only an 80 W lamp. And a 500 W lamp consumes too much electricity and is too hot for 3m2 and 6m3.

In short, we rejected it (an 80 W infrared lamp) while we were trying to find it on sale, and smoothly moved on to considering and implementing the second design option for heating the chicken coop.

Infrared heating of the chicken coop

They decided to make the infrared heating of the chicken coop not with lamps, but with a film for heated floors. Why carbon film for underfloor heating and not a cable system? Because:

  1. small room volume
  2. easy installation
  3. low heating inertia (soft warm-up)
  4. energy savings of 30%

The last argument was especially convincing because the infrared film was to become a constant source of heat in our chicken coop in the winter.

Film material still has many advantages; if anyone is interested, look and consult with suppliers.

First you need to figure out how many meters of film to buy. The calculation must be made based on the fact that the film heating device will be located on the ceiling and will be open, unlike those heated floor structures that are used in residential premises:

  • for the chicken coop we choose a film with a power of 100 W/m2. Maximum 150 W/m2.
  • on the surface of a film with a power of 100 W/m2 the heating temperature is = 45 degrees, and with a power of 150 W/m2 - 60 degrees.
  • for comfortable heating above the perch, half the power is enough so that the temperature on the surface of the film is not 45 degrees, but only 22 degrees (with a film power of 100 W/m2). Therefore, the distance between the film on the ceiling and the chickens on the roost should be at least 1 m. If it is less, then the chickens on the roost will be too hot from the infrared radiation and they will begin to look for other places to spend the night.
  • if you take a more powerful film, then it will need to be placed on the opposite side of the roost so as not to “fry” the chickens alive.

One of the online calculators calculated the area of ​​the required film for a chicken coop to be 3 m2:

According to online calculations, it turned out that for a chicken coop with an area of ​​3 m2, you need to purchase a film measuring 1.6 m2.

Based on some adjustments to this calculation, we purchased a film 1 m wide and also 1 m long (1 m2): since we have no heat loss on the floor coverings (laminate, ceramic tiles), the heat transfer from the film will be directly directed into the air space of the chicken coop, we take smaller films sizes.

How to heat a chicken coop

How to make heating for a chicken coop using infrared film for heated floors:

The infrared heating device for the chicken coop is ready and now you only need to install it using self-tapping screws in the place of the ceiling that you have chosen based on the height of the room, its area and the location of the perch.

Do-it-yourself electric heating of a chicken coop using infrared film for heated floors is the most economical compared to other electrical appliances. And yet, it will cost you a pretty penny if the winter is cold and you have to run the heating around the clock.

To save energy, you just need to maintain a positive temperature regime of up to +10 degrees, turning it off when the heating is too high and the outside temperature is not very low.

For example, turn it on at night if the temperature in the chicken coop drops to +2-5 degrees during the day, and turn it off in the morning if the temperature in the chicken coop reaches +10 degrees, especially since during the daytime the chickens are awake and moving, which means they generate their heat .

If you hung a frame with film over the roost without calculating the heating temperature from the film in advance, then do not worry that they will be hot, because the chickens are not fools and will find a way out of the situation themselves: they will change their roosting location to a more optimal one. This is what happened here: chickens began to spend the night in nests that are located in the opposite corner from the heating device. Maybe they are hot on the roost, or maybe they just like to sleep comfortably in the nests, like dogs in a kennel: dark, warm and cozy.


Owners of farmsteads are often faced with the fact that on frosty winter days, chickens stop laying eggs. This indicates that they are experiencing discomfort and the reason for this is the cold. You can improve the keeping of chickens by maintaining optimal indoor air temperature.

There are several options for insulating a chicken coop. Conventionally, they can be divided into 3 types:

  • laying bedding on the floor;
  • insulation of ceilings and walls;
  • artificial heating of the chicken coop.

The first two types relate to natural heating. The following can be used as bedding material:

  • chopped straw;
  • sawdust;
  • corn cobs;
  • moss peat.

Slaked lime (1 kg / 1 m²) is poured onto the cleaned and dry base. Then the bedding material is laid in a layer of 5-10 cm. When the bedding becomes wet, fresh material should be added. This procedure is carried out until the litter layer is within 25-30 cm. This type of natural heating becomes more effective when the litter is regularly loosened using a fork.

To prevent the loss of large amounts of heat, the walls and ceiling of the chicken coop must be insulated. The following are used as thermal insulation materials:

  • for the ceiling - roofing felt or mineral wool;
  • for walls - mineral wool or polystyrene foam;
  • for windows and doors - plastic film, blankets or other fabric materials.

There is absolute confidence that chickens will lay eggs all year round when the chicken coop is heated in winter using heating devices. Suitable for the premises:

  • diesel stoves;
  • potbelly stoves or brick structures;
  • heating radiators;
  • infrared lamps.

Many people who breed laying hens wonder: is it necessary to insulate the walls and ceiling when there is a heating system? Definitely necessary. Natural insulation of the chicken coop solves two main problems:

  • prevents drafts;
  • is a barrier to precipitation.

Stove and radiator heating

There are several options for creating heating in a chicken coop. Stove heating of a room involves the use of a conventional brick stove or “potbelly stove”. To prevent chickens from getting accidentally burned, the heating elements of ovens must be covered with a protective material.

Among the disadvantages of heating using these stoves, mention should be made of:

  • the need to constantly maintain optimal temperature conditions;
  • the occurrence of rust in the potbelly stove.

Installing a diesel furnace is a rather interesting option. This equipment is different:

  • efficiency;
  • fire safety;
  • no smoke.

When purchasing a diesel stove, you should know the area of ​​the chicken coop. The power of the heating device will depend on this indicator.

Buleryan stoves are a very popular product. The main advantages of their use are:

  • operation on any type of fuel;
  • uniform heat distribution;
  • efficiency.

You can consider the option of installing an electric heater or radiator. This heating will provide the chicken coop with a constant temperature. The main requirement when installing electrical equipment is to prevent birds from touching heating elements and wires. The disadvantage of this type of heating is the high power of the devices, which often causes maximum costs for paying electricity bills.

You can reduce energy consumption by installing an infrared heater. It is equipped with a regulator with which you can change the heating intensity of the chicken coop at any time. Automatic regulators are also available that turn off the heater when a certain temperature is reached.

If one of the walls is adjacent to the house, it is possible to create heating for the chicken coop with your own hands by connecting to a common heating system. This is perhaps the most rational solution when heating an outbuilding.

Infrared lamps

A simplified option is to heat the chicken coop with an infrared lamp. This method of heating a utility room is very popular. Compared to other electric heating devices, the use of infrared lamps is characterized by maximum efficiency and high efficiency (up to 98%).

Also, the “advantages” of this type of heating include:

  • uniform distribution of thermal energy throughout the chicken coop;
  • ease of installation and replacement (if necessary);
  • long operational period;
  • minimal oxygen consumption;
  • creating optimal humidity;
  • reduction in the cost of purchasing feed (with the rapid cultivation of broiler chickens);
  • absence of diseases in birds.

Some of the best manufacturers of chicken coop heating lamps include:

  • Osram;
  • Philips.

Specialists from the German company Osram produce infrared lamps that have transparent SICCATHERM capsule flasks with mirror elements. Such lamps are installed at a distance of 0.5-1 m from the consumer. This completely eliminates overheating.

Philips incandescent lamps are available in both clear and red. The latter are in great demand. The red lamps are capsule-shaped and made of tempered glass. Philips infrared lamps allow you to adjust the brightness of the light output.

Russian specialists are also engaged in the production of infrared reflector lamps (IRLs), which have a red or transparent bulb. The main advantage of IKZ is its long service life, reaching 5 thousand hours.

Video on installing a chicken coop heating system:

In areas with harsh winters, in addition to natural insulation of the poultry house, it is important to provide for the installation of additional heating sources. In order for chickens to lay eggs all year round and be healthy, they need warmth, lighting and nutritious food. Warming the chicken coop in winter allows you to create comfortable conditions for the birds. Modern devices are safe, efficient and economical, they do not require expensive maintenance.

Features of organizing heating using infrared lamps

Installing infrared lamps and heaters is an economical and safe option. Poultry farmers choose this type of device most often. They are also used for additional heating of chicks.

Before carrying out installation work, it is necessary to clean, disinfect and insulate the chicken coop, seal the cracks in the windows, walls, ceiling and floor. In winter, the layer of bedding should be thicker - approximately 50-60 cm. To prevent the floor from freezing, sawdust or dry straw are suitable.

Advantages and disadvantages of devices

The use of infrared heat sources allows you to quickly and efficiently heat the chicken coop in winter. Comfortable temperature for chickens is +12-18°C, humidity – 70%.

Main advantages of the device:

  1. 1. A simple, affordable heating method. A 250 W lamp can heat 10-12 square meters.
  2. 2. Fireproof.
  3. 3. The equipment is compact in size and light in weight. It's easy to install.
  4. 4. The room heats up quickly.
  5. 5. Radiation does not warm up the air, but the objects that are in the chicken coop. They give off heat, creating a comfortable temperature.
  6. 6. Humidity level does not change.
  7. 7. Lamps serve as an additional source of light, do not irritate the eyes of chickens, and do not harm their health.
  8. 8. Experts say that red light has a calming effect.
  9. 9. The devices do not absorb oxygen.
  10. 10. Lighting is easy to install with your own hands and replace elements as needed.
  11. 11. Heating can be kept on all the time.
  12. 12. Fungus and mold will not appear on the walls.
  13. 13. Quiet operation.
  14. 14. The devices do not emit harmful substances.

However, this type of lighting has several significant disadvantages that can make the buyer think about the benefits of the device:

  1. 1. Heating uses a lot of electricity.
  2. 2. The room is heated unevenly. The temperature rises slowly.
  3. 3. With constant operation, the elements burn out and require replacement.
  4. 4. High-quality lamps from trusted manufacturers are not cheap.

Many companies offer ready-made lamps (reflectors). They have a protective mesh and a lampshade coated inside with reflective material. They are easy to install, just attach them to the ceiling.

IR heaters

The second option for organizing heating is to purchase an IR heater. It is energy-saving, fireproof, productive, and does not require maintenance or replacement of components. Typically the device is mounted on the ceiling or free wall.

Modern models are equipped with a thermostat, which allows you to set the required heating temperature and constantly maintain it, operates silently, and evenly heats the entire area. This prevents overheating and reduces power consumption.

The case is durable and has a protective mesh screen. You can direct the device to heat a specific area in the chicken coop. If necessary, the heater is moved to another place. The device starts working immediately after switching on; it does not require time to warm up. The price of the devices is higher than that of lamps, but their service life is longer.

The operation of the device depends on electricity: if there is no light in the room or there are interruptions in its supply, you will have to choose a different type of heating.

Security measures

All devices operating from an electrical network must be safe. The following rules should be taken into account:

  1. 1. When purchasing lamps and heaters, you need to choose the right power. To do this, measure the area of ​​the poultry house. A low-power device will be ineffective; a device that is too powerful wastes a lot of electricity and overheats the room. You can read the information on the product packaging, in the instructions, or consult the seller.
  2. 2. The wiring in the coop must be able to withstand the load of the device to prevent short circuits.
  3. 3. Ceramic cartridges must be used. The lamps have high power; the plastic melts during constant operation.
  4. 4. The base can have different diameters. It must exactly match the diameter of the cartridge.
  5. 5. A protective cap for the lamps should be made of metal mesh or wire to prevent chickens from being injured or damaging the structure.
  6. 6. Heaters are installed at a height of one meter from perches and other objects to prevent them from overheating.
  7. 7. When purchasing, you need to study the certificate and warranty card; it is better to purchase goods from trusted manufacturers. Chinese devices will not last long.
  8. 8. The store checks the purchase for damage. All parts must be tightly secured.

Not only cold air, but also overheating can harm birds. To monitor important indicators, a thermometer and a device for measuring humidity (hygrometer) are hung in the chicken coop.

It is not difficult to organize heating of the poultry house; just select a device that is suitable in terms of power and carry out the wiring. Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of lamps, fixtures and heaters with varying prices and technical characteristics. You can do the installation of the heating system yourself.

All pets, including hens, do not like the cold. And therefore, in this article we will look at the main ways to heat a chicken coop in winter.

Need heat in your chicken coop in winter?

To prevent egg production from decreasing in winter, it is necessary to insulate the chicken coop, since this indicator depends 40% on heat. And broilers at low temperatures do not gain weight well.

At low temperatures, more food is wasted, the bird becomes lethargic and inactive, and this leads to the fact that it gets fat. And in general, the cold can cause chickens to get sick and their egg production to drop sharply.

So, the minimum permissible temperature for a chicken coop is 70C, but it is desirable that the temperature be about 100C. Therefore, if you live in warmer regions, then there is no need to heat the chicken coop; it is enough to insulate it well and lay warm bedding on the floor.

How to insulate a chicken coop with your own hands

There are two ways to insulate a chicken coop:
⦁ Artificially;
⦁ Naturally.

The essence of the natural heating method is that you do not need to heat anything. That is, heating occurs due to proper feeding of chickens. But this method is not suitable for harsh and frosty winters.
But, let's look at the artificial method in more detail, how to heat a chicken coop in winter.

Floor, it is recommended that there be bedding approximately 8-12 cm high. Peat, straw or even sawdust can be used as bedding. The litter can be used in the future for a vegetable garden or flower garden as compost. Every month, the litter must be turned using, for example, a pitchfork, and another 4-7 cm must be added. Do not be afraid that the litter will be very high; with proper care, by spring the height of the litter reaches 25-30 cm.

It should be noted that straw bedding has some advantages, namely:
⦁ Bedding, for example straw, generates heat during the winter,
⦁ Because the litter is warm, the process of decomposition of the droppings occurs more slowly;
⦁ And most importantly, heat prevents harmful bacteria from multiplying.

But, all poultry farmers must remember that the litter is removed only in the spring, so good ventilation of the room is necessary. If winters are very harsh, then it is better to periodically open and close the ventilation pipe.

Walls It is advisable to insulate the inside using, for example, polystyrene foam; glass wool can also be used for insulation. Some poultry farmers use other materials as wall insulation, it all depends on financial capabilities. The simplest and most economical method is to insulate walls using bales of hay or straw. The finished bales are simply attached to the wall of the chicken coop. But this method can only be used for a small chicken coop, with a small number of chickens.

Ceiling, also should not be ignored. It needs to be insulated and for this you can use mineral wool or ordinary roofing felt.

Windows, doors- usually covered with rags.
But winter is different. If one winter the minimum temperature is -100C, then another it can be -250C. therefore, it is necessary not only to insulate the room, but also to heat it.

Electric heater- on the one hand, it is very convenient, set it up, plug it in and after a couple of hours you can feel warm air in the chicken coop. But, on the other hand, heating a chicken coop with electricity is very expensive in terms of the cost of electricity. If, nevertheless, the chicken coop is heated using this method, you should remember that:
⦁ First, it is necessary to take care of safety precautions;
⦁ The heater must be installed away from chicken nests;
⦁ When choosing a heater, take into account the area of ​​the chicken coop and the number of birds that live in it;
⦁ It is better to use modern heaters, since they are automated, and due to this you can adjust the desired temperature regime, and the device will turn on and off independently.

This method of heating a chicken coop in winter is most beneficial for large poultry farms. Also, for large poultry farms, heating with gas is convenient, since the purchase of a gas boiler in this case will be justified, and for an ordinary poultry farmer, the best way to heat a chicken coop in winter is to use a “potbelly stove.”

"Potbelly stove"- is a metal stove that is used for heating. The convenience of a potbelly stove is that
⦁ Easy to use, that is, it’s easy to heat;
⦁ can be heated with any kind of raw material;
⦁ the room heats up quickly.

But the “potbelly stove” has a significant drawback, which is that it quickly becomes covered with rust, so it requires care and the combustion process must be constantly monitored, that is, the entire process must be monitored.

Those poultry farmers who have chosen this method of heating a chicken coop in winter must equip the chicken coop in advance, namely:
⦁ Install a “potbelly stove” in the chicken coop;
⦁ Make a chimney;
⦁ Isolate the entire heating device from chickens, and follow safety rules during installation and combustion;
⦁ And the most important thing is to stock up on fuel in advance, that is, you need to purchase coal and prepare firewood or briquettes for the fire.

It should be noted that there are other, more bladeless methods of heating a chicken coop, and one of these methods is heating using infrared lamps or heaters. The main difference between infrared heaters is that, for example, with the electric heating method, the air is heated, but it quickly evaporates and the room must be constantly heated to keep it warm. And infrared lamps are characterized by the fact that they do not heat the air, but heat objects that do not cool down as quickly as air and the heat lasts longer.

Infrared lamps are convenient due to the fact that they are attached to the ceiling; the advantages of the lamps are as follows:
⦁ Modern lamps have special mechanisms that switch from one mode to another;
⦁ Compared to, for example, an electric heater, lamps do not burn air, and therefore the room does not need such frequent ventilation;
⦁ When heated using such lamps, air humidity decreases;
⦁ In addition to heating, the lamps also illuminate the chicken coop, and the red color has a beneficial effect on the birds, as it calms them down.

There is another heating method. For example, if the chicken coop is built close enough to the house, then to heat it you can use the same heating method as heating the house - this water heating. In this case, pipes should be installed. And when the house is heated, the chicken coop will automatically be heated. The method is very convenient because
⦁ the air does not burn, as in other heating methods;
⦁ there is no need to constantly monitor compliance with safety regulations;
⦁ and there is no need to waste time heating the chicken coop, since it is heated simultaneously with the heating of the house.

So, this article described all the methods on how to heat a chicken coop in winter. It is up to the poultry house to decide which method to choose, but the main thing to remember is that if the chicken coop is warm, egg production will not change, but will remain at the same level. And birds in a warm chicken coop will not only not get sick, but will also be much more comfortable in the harsh winter.

Video heating a chicken coop in winter

Poultry often does not tolerate prolonged drops in temperature well and in most cases requires substantial housing for a safe winter. Therefore, no farmer can do without a high-quality warm and heated chicken coop. However, not all methods of heating a home for domestic chickens are effective. Therefore, in this article we decided to describe in detail the most popular of them, as well as determine their main advantages and disadvantages.

Is it possible to do without additional heating?

In most cases, additional heating is the only way to provide the most optimal conditions for keeping chickens. This issue is especially acute for regions with a cold northern climate, since in such conditions, with a lack of heat, the bird can become seriously ill or even die.

But in temperate climates and other warmer climate zones, the chicken coop does not require additional heating, since natural heating will be quite sufficient for these birds. To do this, you just need to provide the chickens with high-calorie nutrition.

Important! Extruded polystyrene should not be used as insulation for a chicken coop. This material is not capable of allowing excess steam to pass through its surface, which will lead to excessive humidity in the chicken coop.

But in order for the birds to feel comfortable, the chicken coop should be thoroughly insulated. To do this, all cracks must be carefully caulked, leaving only a small ventilation hole. In addition, walls, floors and roofs require enhanced insulation. The walls and roof are made double, with a small cavity between the inner and outer parts of the structures. It is necessary to lay insulation (foam plastic, mineral wool, etc.) in the cavity with a thickness of at least 10-15 cm. The floor is also made double. On top of the main covering it is necessary to lay an additional insulating ball with a thickness of at least 15 cm. For these purposes, peat, sawdust or straw are most suitable.

The end result is that the design of the insulated chicken coop should resemble a thermos. The heat released during the life of birds becomes the main source of creating a favorable temperature in the room, which, thanks to the insulation ball, is maintained for a long time. In this case, an insulated chicken coop allows the birds to safely withstand seasonal frosts down to -10-12 °C.

How to heat a chicken coop with electric heaters

Often, for most farmers, natural heating of the chicken coop is not enough to create comfortable wintering conditions for domestic chickens. In this case, the safest and fastest way to achieve the necessary microclimate for keeping poultry is heating the room using a variety of electrical devices. They make it possible to instantly, and most importantly, safely achieve the desired temperature. Next, we will consider the main advantages and disadvantages of the most popular types of electric heaters.


An electric heater is a ventilation-type circulation heating device. The device contains a heating element (heating element) and an air circulation system. Under the influence of electric current, the heating element is heated, which is circulated with air using a powerful fan. As a result, with the help of constant circulation of heat, the room is gradually heated to the required level.

Such a system is one of the most optimal solutions for heating, as it promotes instant heating of the air. To equip the system, it is necessary to provide an uninterrupted power supply to the room, as well as build a special air duct from metal pipes or other materials. Most often, air heaters are used to heat large rooms, since the system requires complex maintenance.

Advantages of air heaters:

  • high level of efficiency;
  • rapid heating of the room;
  • uniform heating of the entire chicken coop.

Disadvantages of calorific heating:

  • high price of the heating system;
  • the need to install complex ventilation equipment;
  • during operation, the heater may emit an unpleasant odor;
  • overdrying of air during heating;
  • after turning off the heating, the room instantly cools down;
  • high noise level.

Did you know?The first model of calorific heating was designed at the beginning of the 19th century by Russian engineer Nikolai Ammosov. In 1835, the so-called “Ammos stove” was first tested to heat the Imperial Academy of Arts.

Oil heater

An oil heater is an electrical device consisting of a heating element and a special coolant - mineral oil, which are enclosed in a sealed metal housing. In appearance, an oil heater resembles a regular battery, but unlike central heating, such a radiator does not have a permanent location.

To design a heating system based on oil heaters, you only need to provide an uninterrupted power supply to the room and purchase the required number of heaters (depending on the size of the room).

Advantages of oil heaters:

  • low energy consumption;
  • high fire safety;
  • durability of heaters;
  • no noise;
  • the heater does not dry out the air and does not emit unpleasant odors;
  • The room cools down gradually.

Disadvantages of oil heaters:

  • heating large chicken coops will require several devices;
  • in case of depressurization, oil may leak out;
  • heavy weight of the heater.

Electric convector

An electric convector is a heating device that heats a room by natural convection of air between the room and the heating element. The convector consists of a metal body and heating element. During operation of the device, heated air from special air chambers rises upward, while the lower, colder air is sucked into them. As a result, natural heat circulation occurs in the room.

To design a heating system based on electric convectors, it is necessary to provide the chicken coop with an uninterrupted power supply, as well as purchase the required number of devices (depending on the size of the room).

Advantages of electric convectors:

  • low power consumption;
  • low cost;
  • ease of operation;
  • absence of noise and unpleasant odor during operation;
  • The heater does not dry out the air.

Disadvantages of electric convectors:

  • slow and uneven heating of the room;
  • instant cooling of the room after turning off the device;
  • To heat large chicken coops, several convectors will be required.

Did you know?The domestication of wild chickens occurred in Ancient China and Southeast Asia in the 6th millennium BC.

Ceramic panel

A ceramic heating panel is a device consisting of a heating element and ceramic plates, which act as an intermediate coolant. The device operates on the principle of an electric convector, but heating of the air in the room occurs due to forced convection. For these purposes, ceramic panels are equipped with powerful fans. Designing a heating system based on ceramic heaters is a fairly simple process, since its installation requires only an uninterrupted power supply, as well as the presence of the heaters themselves.

Advantages of ceramic panels:

  • quick heating of the room;
  • aesthetics of the device;
  • high fire safety of the heater;
  • long service life;
  • do not dry the air.

Disadvantages of ceramic panels:

  • high price;
  • significant energy consumption;
  • high noise level during operation.

Did you know? The first electric heater was created in the 30s of the 20th century by the French experimenter Jacques Noirot.

IR heater

The operation of infrared heaters is based on the principle of interaction of organisms with electromagnetic radiation, which occupies a spectral position between microwave radiation and red visible light, the so-called infrared radiation. An infrared heater is a fairly simple device in design. It consists of a housing, an infrared emitter and an aluminum reflector. To heat a chicken coop with such a device, you only need to connect the power supply to the structure, as well as purchase the required number of heaters.

Advantages of an infrared heater:

  • low power consumption;
  • does not dry out the air;
  • the device operates silently;
  • the device instantly creates the necessary microclimate.

Disadvantages of infrared heaters:

  • spot heating of the room;
  • fragility of the device;
  • the need for additional interior details in the room, since the heater heats objects, not air;
  • The device emits light, which can disturb the bird's sleep at night.
  • To maintain the optimal temperature, uninterrupted operation of the device is required.

Important!When purchasing infrared heaters, beware of devices with short-wave radiation, as they can cause heat stroke in birds. Pay attention to devices with medium or long wave radiation.

Is it possible to do without electrics?

An alternative to electric heaters are gas and stove heating systems that are traditional in our region. Each of them has its own advantages, disadvantages and conditions for rational use, but in any case, such heating of the room will help cope with any sudden drops in temperature.

Using a potbelly stove

An ordinary heating stove is the easiest way to heat a chicken coop, regardless of the climatic conditions of the region. This heating system consists of a metal combustion chamber (boiler) and a chimney. During the combustion of fuel, heat is released, which heats the surrounding air through the walls of the stove.

This heating system is quite practical. It does not require additional maintenance costs, and absolutely any non-toxic material can be used as fuel. However, building heating using a potbelly stove is not so simple. In addition to the boiler and ventilation pipe, the system requires strict compliance with all fire safety standards, since the potbelly stove requires heating with an almost open flame.

Advantages of a potbelly stove:

  • cheapness;
  • low fuel costs;
  • practicality and ease of care;
  • ease of installation of the heating system.

Disadvantages of a potbelly stove:

  • low fire safety;
  • you need to add fuel yourself;
  • emits an unpleasant odor during operation.

Heating a chicken coop with gas

Gas heating is the most effective way to create the required temperature in the chicken coop. Gas heating systems can be of two types: water and convector. The water system is a chain of a boiler, heating elements and a flammable gas exhaust system. During the combustion of fuel, heat is released, which is used to heat water.

As water circulates through the system, it gives off its heat to the radiators, which directly heat the room. Convector heating is a system of point heating elements - convectors. They function like electric convectors, but the heating element is heated by burning gas in a sealed chamber of the device.

Important!Gas heating is equipped only in the case of a farm with at least several hundred chickens. For domestic purposes, such heating is a waste of money.

Advantages of gas heating systems:

  • quick heating of the room;
  • energy efficiency;
  • high fire safety;
  • absence of unpleasant odor during fuel combustion.

Disadvantages of gas heating systems:

  • high cost of equipment;
  • the need for constant monitoring of the health of the gas supply system;
  • high cost of fuel.

Heating a chicken coop is one of the most important processes in caring for and breeding poultry. Optimal climatic conditions for chickens throughout the year are the key to their good health and high egg production. This process must be approached as carefully as possible, since this directly affects the farming value of each individual on the farm. Therefore, the choice of the optimal heating system should be made not only on the basis of personal preferences, but also according to the efficiency and feasibility of the funds spent on it.