The fence needs to be painted. How to paint a wooden fence and extend its life

The general impression of the garden territory, formed at first glance, depends, first of all, on appearance fencing, which is an integral element architectural ensemble adjoining area. Considering the fact that it is common for every owner to build a fence in accordance with their material capabilities, decorative design is a fundamental stage in the construction of a fence. If your plans do not include decorating the fence with garden plants, then you can resort to painting the fence, which is the most common decorative method. The choice of painting method directly depends on the material from which the fence was made. How and with what to paint a fence, taking into account the material used for its manufacture, read on.

Technology of painting a wooden fence. Preparatory activities

The most common type of fencing is considered to be wooden structures. However, we must not forget that wood is a material that is not very resistant to atmospheric influences. This necessitates timely implementation of preventive measures, which include painting the fence. It is this that can extend the service life of wooden fencing.

Before answering the question: “What is the best way to paint a wooden fence?”, you need to familiarize yourself with the painting technique, and the first thing you need to understand before you start painting is the need to carefully follow the preparatory measures. The preparation procedure involves removing dust, all kinds of dirt and paint residues if you have to paint an old fence. This event is carried out using scrapers on a rigid basis. In the best way preparation is considered to be grinding, which will be useful both when painting old and new fences, which is due to the initial roughness of the material, which prevents uniform application of paint.

Sanding the plank surface is carried out in several stages. First of all, sandpaper removes all irregularities and paint residues. After carefully inspecting the boards for unevenness, all detected defects must be primed and then puttied. The primer is applied first in order to achieve the best placement of the putty and subsequently the paint.

It is important to remember that the primer should be intended specifically for a wooden surface. The surface treated with primer is sanded again with sandpaper and a final layer of putty is applied, after which the fence can be considered ready for final painting.

How to paint a wooden fence? Choice of coverage

After carrying out the preparatory activities, it is worth thinking about how to paint the wooden fence so that it retains its original attractiveness for a long time and looks as original and aesthetically pleasing as before. When choosing a paint, it is important to consider not only its type and shade, but also its relationship to physical and climatic conditions, environmental safety and cost-effectiveness of application.

First of all, it is important to pay attention to resistance to atmospheric factors, such as excessive dampness and a humid environment.

Since time immemorial, oil-based paints with big amount disadvantages that significantly limit their use. One of the significant disadvantages of oil compositions was instability to atmospheric influences, which manifested itself as instant swelling and cracking of the coating at the slightest decrease or increase in temperature. This necessitated further processing of the wooden surface and application of coloring compounds.

Currently, the question “how to beautifully paint a fence so that it retains its aesthetics for a long time?” is difficult to leave unanswered, since the construction market provides a wide selection of painting compositions, where each owner will choose something to suit his taste and budget.

When choosing paint for a fence, it is important to remember that if the structure is dug into the ground, the contacting surface must be treated with a specialized paint that has a bitumen base, which will give the surface water-repellent properties.

Next, you need to decide on the choice of paint for the part of the fence located in the open air. The end surfaces of the boards must be painted before installation work, since if left unprocessed they will become " weak point» fence. Constantly exposed to moisture, which will cause its premature rotting.

One of the most common coatings is covering paint compositions, the essence of which is to completely change the color scheme and texture of the material. The use of such compositions is justified only if multiple flaws are found on the surface of the material. After applying such compounds, wood loses its original texture.

Glaze paint, which is also one of the most common, helps preserve the original texture and natural shade. Should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the surrounding landscape.

The use of acrylic paints, the production of which involves the use of water, eliminates the harmful effects of moisture on wood. However, it is important to select a water-based paint for wood, as solvent-based formulations will soon require re-painting.

Recently, antiseptic compositions have become especially popular, which play the role of not only a coloring composition, but also help protect the wooden surface from the harmful effects of biological and microbial agents such as rot, mold, harmful insects. There are opaque and translucent protective coatings, also called glazes.

Before painting begins, the fence is treated with an antiseptic, and then they proceed to painting the fence with a coloring compound, applying it from top to bottom and not forgetting about the ends of the boards. Experts recommend using the double painting method, that is, applying the coloring composition twice.

How to paint an old wooden fence?

If you have carefully read the presented materials, the question: “How to paint an old fence?” no longer poses any difficulties for you, since the same coloring compounds are used to process a durable, but old fence as for painting a new fence.

However, earlier, and perhaps repeatedly applied paint necessitates more thorough preparatory measures, during which it is necessary to remove old paint and dirt, as well as replace boards damaged by insects.

Metal and concrete fences: paint them correctly

There are many coloring compounds for processing metal fences, but not all are universal. The most successful choice would be oil (so-called water-dispersion paint) or acrylic for metal, which will protect the metal fence from corrosion and adverse weather conditions.

If the general appearance of your summer cottage spoils a rusty metal fence, the following tips will come in handy, and after reading them, you will understand how to paint a rusty fence. For these purposes, there are specialized enamels, which contain anti-corrosion primer and rust converting substances. Before applying the paint composition, it is necessary to resort to the use of a primer, which will not only protect the fence from corrosion, but also increase the adhesion of the paint.

As for the concrete fence, the technology for painting it is no different from the methods described above.

In this case, the surface is also cleaned of contaminants, primed and two layers are applied. acrylic paint. Thus, the question: “What to paint concrete fence? can also be found in our article.

A wooden fence around a house or country house - best option for those who want to build a fence inexpensively and quickly. The advantage of natural wood is its environmental friendliness. And when treated with modern protective equipment, a wooden fence will last for many years.

Types of coatings

The stores offer a huge selection of paints, enamels and varnishes for wood. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Before purchasing, you should consider the main materials, compare them with each other, and only then decide what to paint the wooden fence with. Main types:

  1. Enamel. It has a low price, so you don’t have to save it and paint the fence in several layers. It looks beautiful and covers the wood with a thick protective film. But this paint is negatively affected by sunlight and temperature changes. The very next year, cracks will appear on the surface of the paint, through which moisture will penetrate. The fence will have to be painted every year.
  2. Oil paint. Relatively inexpensive, but not very aesthetically pleasing. Under open sunlight, it begins to swell and fall.
  3. Multicomponent compositions. They are distinguished by their high price, but they reliably protect the wood, thanks to the dense outer layer. Looks great and is weather resistant. The disadvantage of these paints is their high cost and toxicity. Therefore, it is not advisable to use them for painting inside the house or in the country.
  4. Acrylic paints. They are resistant to cold, heat, humidity and temperature changes. These properties last for a long time - for five years. Then you can simply touch up any problem areas that appear. The advantage of these paints is their low price and bright colors, do not fade under the sun.
  5. Varnish. Varnishing protects the wood and preserves its natural color. The varnish can be polyurethane, acrylic, dispersion and others. They protect wood in approximately the same way, you just have to consider that acrylic lacquer has less toxicity compared to others.

There is also fireproofing impregnation, which is often neglected in the country or personal plot, saving money. The need for this impregnation becomes clear only during a fire.

Composition of wood paints

All wood paints, depending on the composition, are divided into covering (colored) and glazing (translucent). If the tree has a large number of flaws, they can be easily hidden using colored paints. However, under two or three layers of such paint, not only defects will be hidden, but also the unique texture of the wood.

Glazing paints contain pigments of various colors. Thanks to their translucency, the texture and beauty of the wood are clearly visible. In addition, such paints extend their service life. wooden products. In specialized stores you can buy:

  1. Pinotex Ultra. It is classified as glazing and contains colored pigments. It has antibacterial properties and covers the wood with a protective shiny film. One liter can paint 12 square meters treated wooden surface.
  2. Toplazur "Belinka". Covers the wood with a silky layer and protects it from solar radiation. One liter of the composition stains 10 square meters of planed wood.
  3. Tikkurila Valtti Color. Has antibacterial and ultraviolet protection. Forms an even thin film on wood without hiding its texture. Using one liter of the composition, you can paint 10–12 square meters of treated boards.
  4. Holtz Azure Gel. A translucent product that protects wood for 8–10 years and is UV resistant. One liter of gel is enough to treat 10 square meters of wood.

When choosing paint for a wooden fence around a house or in a country house, you should keep in mind that its main task is to protect the wood from ultraviolet radiation. If you can’t buy the product for some reason, you can prepare it yourself. For example, cement, Swedish or Finnish.

Cement-based composition

Cement mixture is a cheap and high-quality material for wooden surfaces. It allows the wood to breathe, but does not protect well from moisture. The problem can be solved with the help of special additives. The cement composition is not in the direct sense of paint, however, the coating made from it is very effective.

To make it, you need to mix high-quality cement with water until the thickness of village milk, then add the selected dye. You will find it in the store. If you decide to use improvised material, then you need to do this carefully. Clay and cement can reduce the hardness of the coating. The ideal option would be to use grated brick.

The strength of the coating with this composition is explained by the special chemical reaction. The lime seems to be welded to the wood. This composition hardens quickly and therefore it is necessary to prepare small portions. They are used immediately. The problem can only be in the uniform color of the surface being painted.

Finnish paint

During manufacturing, it is very important to strictly observe all proportions and technology. Take 6 liters of water, add 720 g of rye flour there and mix well. Then the mixture needs to be strained, put on fire and, stirring, add 360g of table salt. Iron sulfate and dry lime pigment are also added to the solution - 1560 g of each. Boil another 3 liters of water and pour into the resulting mixture.

The boards are painted with this composition twice, preferably on clean wood. If it was previously painted, the old paint must be removed.
Finnish paint is breathable and durable. To give it an unusual color, you can add grated brick, decoctions of oak bark or sunflower seeds.

Swedish paint

To prepare the coating, combine 3 liters of water and 600 g of rye flour and place on fire. Stir continuously to avoid lumps. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, add salt and copper sulfate - 250 g each. When the crystals are completely dissolved, add 250g of red lead and mix well. At the end, add 250g of drying oil, mix again, and pour another 1.5 liters of water.

Use the prepared paint immediately, without allowing it to cool. As it cools, it thickens, and then you have to dilute it with water. This is undesirable, since the thinned paint layer will be less thin and durable.
Swedish paint comes in red, brown or yellow. You can paint the fence with it once.

Do I need a primer before painting?

Wood primer is a colorless liquid that acts as a protection for wood. It is capable of penetrating 5–7 mm into the depth of wood. The protective properties are imparted by the film formed on the surface of the wood.

During subsequent painting, the wood will practically not absorb paint, since its pores are already filled with primer. If the wood is pre-treated with primer, the consumption of varnish or paint is reduced by about 30 percent. Since paints and varnishes are much more expensive than primers, this results in significant savings.

But that's not the main thing. The primer contains substances that prevent pests from damaging the wood. It protects the wood from humidity, temperature changes, and prevents the appearance of mold.

Using a primer extends service life decorative covering tree for an average of 5–7 years. This is especially important for wooden products that are located outdoors and are constantly exposed to frost, sun, rain, and insects. Therefore, before painting, it is advisable to treat the wood with primer.

The installed fence at the dacha or around the house needs to be painted as soon as possible. Without proper treatment, the wood begins to rot and collapse. First, the wood is treated with impregnation. When it dries, apply a primer and then two coats of paint.

There are two ways to paint a fence – with a paint brush and a primer roller. When using a brush, more paint is consumed, but the quality of the work will be better. If you paint with a roller, less paint will be used, but there may still be places that will then have to be painted over with a brush.

In order for a fence to serve for a long time and maintain an attractive appearance, it needs care. “Health” procedures for him should be carried out at least once every two years. Then its service life will increase by 2–3 times.

Wood at domestic latitudes is the most affordable building material. It is used for interior and exterior work almost everywhere. However, this material is not durable, especially if used outdoors, which raises questions about its protection. Therefore, when they ask about how to paint a wooden fence, they mean not only its appearance, but also the reliability and practicality of the chosen material.


Currently, there are a huge number of different paints, enamels and varnishes designed for working with wood. All of them are quite reliable and practical, but they have their advantages and disadvantages. That is why, when answering the question of how to paint a wooden fence, you should consider the most popular materials and draw a conclusion based on your observations.


Before applying paint to the surface, you first need to saturate it with a primer. Especially if you have to work with wood. In building materials stores you can find many products for pre-treatment of this surface, but only acrylic primer can become universal remedy, which will not only protect the wood, preserving its structure, but will also save money.


Many craftsmen, answering the question of what is the best way to paint a wooden fence, suggest using standard enamels. However, such a decision is highly controversial and unfounded.

  • Enamels like PF-115 have a low price, which allows you to apply several layers without saving material.
  • They create a durable film on the surface, which protects it.
  • However, paint for wooden fences based on enamels does not withstand direct exposure to sunlight and temperature changes. Within a year, small cracks will be visible on the fence, into which moisture will penetrate, which will lead to rapid rotting of the surface.
  • This dye also affects the structure of the wood, destroying it. Therefore, even small redecorating requires preliminary cleaning of the surface.

Advice! Enamels are not designed for this kind of work and, even at a low price, will be quite wasteful, since the paint needs to be renewed every year.

Oil dyes

Even in ancient times, painting a wooden fence was done with materials based on oils and fats. Such dyes are quite practical, but do not have aesthetically pleasing and do not tolerate heat in the open sun very well. Therefore, if the question is how to beautifully paint a wooden fence, then this material You don’t even need to mention it, but for those who like to save money even on this, you can give advice to use fuel oil or waste. It also preserves wood well.

Dyes based on several components

When you do work with your own hands, you want the result to be simply perfect. Therefore, novice craftsmen purchase expensive yacht varnishes or paints, consisting of several components that provide reliable protection and good appearance.

  • They are quite reliable and resistant to both temperature changes and any weather conditions.
  • They have a good and dense outer layer that can protect even from slight physical impact.
  • However, their service life, as the instructions say, is only 3-4 years. After this, minor repairs may be required. At the same time, it is worth considering the exorbitant price of such material and think about whether it is worth using it in a country house or in a private home, since it is almost always very toxic.
  • It is advisable to apply such paints to good capital

Advice! Having decided to use such a dye, you need to study the instructions for it in detail. It may contain information for specific applications that differ from conventional materials.

Water-based acrylic paints

As you can see in the photo, this type of dye is visually not much different from some types of other materials. However, it is worth noting that it is much more practical than most of them and can compete with even the most expensive multi-component paints.

  • This material tolerates moisture and sunlight well. It is resistant to frost and even sudden temperature changes.
  • When used correctly, which involves using a primer from the same manufacturer, service life can reach five years (after

Coloring is enough difficult process, which requires not only a lot of time and corresponding financial expenses, but also attentiveness, as well as the ability to perform monotonous and monotonous work for a long time. Many domestic citizens are interested in the question of how to paint a wooden fence installed at their own dacha. It should be noted that the features of this process directly depend on the type of fencing. Let's look at the painting process using the example of one of the most popular types of wooden fencing structures - picket fence.

The picket fence itself is a rather weak structure in terms of structural strength. This is due, as a rule, to the extremely small size of the fence, as well as the use of relatively thin materials. By and large, a picket fence is purely a decorative fence, since it in no way can prevent illegal entry into the site.

The picket fence is purely a decorative fence, since it cannot in any way prevent illegal entry into the site.

It is the exploitation as an object of decoration in landscape design is one of the reasons that requires painting. Also, do not forget that wood is extremely susceptible to negative impact environment, namely:

  • increased humidity levels;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Under the influence of these factors, wood can crack, lose its attractive appearance, darken and even rot. In addition, it may be attacked by pests such as termites or various bacteria.

Current technologies for the production of paints and varnishes make it possible to create very high-quality paints that can ensure the safety of wood and also last for the longest possible period of time.

A layer of paint allows you to qualitatively protect against atmospheric and temperature manifestations, pests and microorganisms.

Current technologies for the production of paints and varnishes make it possible to create very high-quality paints that can ensure the safety of wood and also last for the longest possible period of time. Thanks to them, such a sacred dream of many dacha owners as a presentable and attractive fence made of white pickets will become a reality.

Selection of paints and varnishes

In the modern specialized market of paint and varnish products, there is an impressive selection, which is why it will be very difficult for a person who has little knowledge of this topic to choose the right option. You also need to remember that using the wrong paints or improper painting will cause no less damage to a wooden fence than the above environmental factors. Therefore, the choice of paint and varnish materials must be taken with full responsibility.

Since the picket fence, as a rule, will be in plain sight, for example, decorating a recreation area on the territory, framing a house or advantageously complementing the original flowering flower beds, the paints used must necessarily create not only a protective, but also a decorative coating.

First of all, special impregnations are chosen that protect the wood from the penetration of moisture, insects, mold, mildew and other misfortunes. There are both store-bought impregnations and homemade ones. It will, of course, be cheaper to produce such a substance yourself, but their performance qualities will not always meet even the minimum requirements. Accordingly, saving in this case is not recommended. It is advisable to give preference to antiseptic drugs produced famous brands, for example, Tikkurila, Pinotex and others.

In addition to impregnations and paint, you must also choose a primer. This is a special product that creates a thin layer on the surface of the wood, which simultaneously creates additional protection for the structure of the wood and significantly increases its adhesion to paints. Thanks to the primer, the surface will be properly leveled, and the paint will lie on it as smoothly and firmly as possible.

Modern paint manufacturers delight consumers with an impressive range of this type of coloring compositions:

The advantages of classic oil paints are obvious - they have good protective functions, as well as an affordable price in many respects. Unfortunately, this is where the advantages of such products end. However, there are a number of shortcomings, so when choosing what to cover a wooden fence with, oil paints should be the last thing you pay attention to.
The advantages of classic oil paints are obvious - they have good protective functions, as well as an affordable price in many respects.


  • inability to penetrate deep into the wood structure, due to which the paint layer will in any case be superficial;
  • short service life - regardless of the thickness of the layer, it will begin to peel and crack in two to three years, and maybe earlier if climatic conditions will contribute to this;
  • instability to environmental influences. Oil paint is extremely poorly resistant to moisture and direct sunlight. Under the sun, such a coloring solution will quickly lose its attractive appearance, fade and crack. In this case, a certain paradox is also noted - despite the fact that the sun has a destructive effect on oil compositions, it is best to apply them in sunny weather, as this contributes to their faster drying;
  • long drying. They take an indecently long time to dry, as for modern realities, time - at least a day. In many cases this is a very significant drawback, causing many inconveniences.


A better quality option than oil paints. Such compositions are also characterized by an affordable price for many consumer categories, and they are much more durable. If you paint the picket fence with bitumen paint, you can forget about the need for repainting for three to four years. However, alkyd solutions are, by and large, intended for application in areas in contact with the ground. This could be, for example, the foundation, or simply the lower part of the fence.

Very high quality compounds used for finishing works on ships. They have incredibly high resistance to negative environmental influences - moisture, ultraviolet rays, sudden temperature changes, severe frosts, or vice versa - heat, hail, wind, etc. It is virtually impossible to damage the protective layer of deck varnish or paint, unless you try to do it on purpose.

They have incredibly high resistance to negative environmental influences - moisture, ultraviolet rays, sudden temperature changes, severe frosts, or vice versa - heat, hail, wind, etc.

The only drawback of these solutions is their high cost, which is not at all surprising given their quality. Therefore, it is recommended to use the product only when painting small areas. Considering that the picket fence is precisely that "minor area", buying several cans of deck paint can be quite justified.

Today this is the most common option. They are modern, reliable, create a high-quality protective and decorative layer, and at the same time have an adequate cost. They are created specifically for wooden surfaces. These solutions are based on an acrylic mixture - synthetic fiber with inorganic solvents.

They are modern, reliable, create a high-quality protective and decorative layer, and at the same time have an adequate cost.

It is strongly recommended to choose impregnation, primer and paint from the same manufacturer. Despite general principle operation of these coloring solutions, each company has its own technology for their production, and therefore different kinds can be quite poorly combined with each other.

Be sure to read the instructions for use of the product, which, as a rule, are applied directly to the jar. You need to pay attention to consumption, acceptable application methods, drying time and other technical parameters, and compare them with existing requirements.

Be sure to read the instructions for use of the product, which, as a rule, are applied directly to the jar.

It would be a good idea to visit the manufacturer’s website, because the most complete information can only be obtained there. Don’t save money - buy paint with a reserve, because even with the most accurate calculation of the amount of material required, as a rule, it is not enough.

It is not necessary to paint the picket fence one color. You can combine them by painting the posts or crossbars in one shade, and the pickets in another. You can even mix different compositions, getting completely original ones. color solutions. It will look especially stylish in combination with beautiful garden paths connected to the fence.

It is not necessary to paint the picket fence one color.

Two types of mixtures are created specifically for coloring wood - glazing and covering. It is imperative to clarify whether the purchased product belongs to these two types. The difference between them is that glazing preserves the natural structure of the wood and even its shade, while covering creates a very dense surface layer that hides the real color of the material.

Preparing the picket fence surface for painting

Before starting any painting work, the surface to be painted is subjected to careful preparation. In the case of a fence, it is as follows:

  • removing the old layer of paint;
  • removal of contaminants ingrained into the structure;
  • sealing any structural defects, such as cracks, grooves, bumps, etc., for which wood putty is used;
  • grinding and polishing;
  • surface leveling;
  • if necessary, replace pickets that cannot be used due to significant mechanical damage.

Quality preparation is very important. Not only the quality of the coating, but also its protective and decorative functions directly depends on it.

Painting process

In order for the result to meet all expectations, it is necessary to strictly follow the established rules and recommendations, as well as the procedure for performing the work:

  1. First of all, impregnation is applied. One layer is enough, but you must ensure that the solution gets into all the microcracks and pores, closing them. Antiseptics dry very quickly, and after a short period of time it will be possible to begin the second stage.
  2. Before you start solving the question of how to paint a wooden picket fence, you need to prepare the base for the paint and varnish material. This is a task for the primer. It is recommended to use an alkyd-acrylic primer. As with impregnation, one coat is sufficient. But it is very important to let it dry completely. It is strictly not recommended to apply primers to surfaces that are not leveled and have obvious signs of contamination.
  3. The next step is applying the first layer of paint. It is advisable to paint the picket fence with a natural hair brush. This tool will not create stripes on the wood. If you have a roller, you can use that too. You can also resort to using a spray gun, but competent work with it requires the appropriate knowledge and skills.
  4. After the first layer has dried, a thorough inspection is carried out for various defects. They need to be removed, cleaned and painted.
  5. Applying the second, final layer of the color mixture. The same tools are used as when painting the first layer.
  6. A high-quality final inspection is carried out. Detected gaps, smudges, smudging and other defects must be eliminated immediately, before the surface is dry.

It is advisable to paint a picket fence on both sides, even on the reverse side, which is traditionally not visible either from the street or inside the site, depending on the purpose of the fence. This will help reliably protect it from the destructive effects of moisture.

Around their site only because they consider it short-lived and do not want, in their words, “to bother with painting every year.” These misconceptions go back to the times when only enamels and oil paints were available. They, indeed, brought a lot of trouble to the owner: under the influence of sunlight and precipitation, they cracked and crumbled. If the paint layer was not renewed in time (and this very labor-intensive process began with removing the old paint), the fence began to rot and the posts gave way.

Fortunately, times are different. We have dozens of compositions at our disposal that will perfectly protect the tree for many years, emphasize its natural, irreplaceable beauty, and make it an original decoration of the site.

Important! Before applying paint to a wooden fence, it is necessary to protect it from pests and mold with an antiseptic.

Then the fence should be treated with a water-repellent impregnation, which will allow the wood to dry evenly naturally. Only after this we cover the wood with paints and varnishes. We approach their choice responsibly.

We discard enamels and oil paints immediately - they can only cause harm to wood exposed to the environment. Of the advantages, if you can call them such, we note only the low cost. However, the price of these mastodons is unlikely to make you happy after a year or two after installing a wooden fence.

  1. Multicomponent dyes. Weather resistant and reliable. They protect the tree well, but only for 3–4 years. At the same time, they are expensive.
  2. Acrylic dyes. The pigmented water-based composition is resistant to frost and high temperatures. Reliably protects a wooden fence for 5 years. If some areas of the fence have been damaged by the environment, they can simply be repainted. In this case, according to acrylic paint manufacturers, it will retain its properties for a decade. Let’s give this position a “plus” and move on.
  3. Impregnations. Compositions based on natural oil with various additives. The cheapest and simplest impregnation is used oils (transformer or motor oil). It can be purchased at electrical substations or car repair shops for almost nothing or the usual “thank you.” They perfectly protect wood, penetrating deeply into the structure of the fibers and forming a protective film of a beautiful color. You can make your own “Finnish” or “Swedish” impregnations, which are still little known to consumers, based on simple and cheap components.
  4. Lucky. We recommend using alkyd, polyurethane, and yacht paints. Perfectly emphasize the structure of the tree and protect it. Among the “minuses” we can note the relative high cost.

How to make “overseas” impregnations with your own hands?

Remember how the hero from your favorite children's book painted Aunt Polly's fence? The Finns, apparently, felt sympathy for Tom Sawyer and came up with an original impregnation for the durability of wood, which you can make. The ingredients are simple and cheap:

  • Flour (wheat or rye) – 750 grams
  • Iron sulfate - twice the amount
  • Salt – 350 grams
  • Lime pigment - one and a half kilograms
  • Partial bucket of water (9 liters).

Let's start making: first, as you understand from the ingredients, we prepare the paste. Add iron sulfate and then pigment. Apply the finished composition hot to wooden surface. A wooden fence coated with this composition will withstand twenty winter-summer cycles.

“Swedish” impregnation is considered to be of higher quality and more reliable, since it contains natural oil - drying oil. To prepare it, we take 1160 grams of flour, 520 grams of iron sulfate, table salt, dry lime pigment, half a liter natural drying oil and an incomplete bucket of water. Then we proceed in the same way as in the previous “recipe”: paste, salt, pigment, drying oil. Don't forget to mix thoroughly.

Lime pigment

The most difficult thing for making “overseas” impregnations is to find a lime pigment: modern managers do not fully understand such requests. With our help, we will increase their educational level. Dry lime pigments include:

  • Lead iron (a red-brown pigment that has long been used to paint the underwater parts of boats)
  • Ocher (yellow color)
  • Burnt sienna (brown color)
  • Chromium oxide (green)
  • Synthetic Mummy (red-brown color)
  • Natural mummy and brown mars (respectively, brown color).

If you decide to opt for natural color wood - you can do without lime pigments. True, in this case, we cannot guarantee you a twenty-year quiet life. Perhaps, without adding pigment to the impregnation, wooden fences will require renewal in 10 - 15 years. Which, you see, is not such a short period of time.

Making the right choice

To decide on the right choice, you need to know that all paints are divided according to their composition into covering (colored) and glazing (translucent). The first ones are used when the wood has many defects, and you want to hide them with the help of a color composition. By applying such compounds in several layers, you will be able to hide not only flaws, but also the natural beauty of the wood.

Another thing is glazing compounds. They perfectly preserve the natural beauty and durability of wood using special pigments in a wide range of colors.

  • Pinotex Ultra. The composition, which has protective antibacterial properties, penetrates deeply into the wood and creates a durable shiny film on its surface. Refers to glaze paints - pigments of different colors do not hide the natural structure of the wood. One liter of paint is enough to cover 12 square meters of planed wood. The same area of ​​untreated wood will require 1.3 liters.
  • Toplasur "Belinka" It is resistant to sunlight and provides a silky finish to the wood. With a two-layer coating, up to one liter of the composition is consumed per 10 square meters of well-treated wood.
  • Tikkurila Valtti Color. The composition combines antibacterial and ultraviolet protection. Emphasizes the structure of wood, creating an even film on its surface. One liter of paint is enough to process 10 - 12 square meters of planed picket fence.
  • Holtz Azure Gel. The translucent decorative composition provides complete protection of wood for 8 - 10 years. Has a high UV filter. On average, one liter of gel can protect up to 10 square meters of wooden fence.

Important! Whatever coloring composition you choose to apply to a wooden fence, remember that its main component is protection from ultraviolet rays. As a rule, a conscientious manufacturer indicates this property when labeling products.