Is it necessary to legalize the redevelopment of non-load-bearing walls in an apartment? New rules for approving the redevelopment of apartments Rules for demolishing a wall in an apartment

If you need to move a wall in your apartment at the best price, use the services of Yudu specialists. Professionals registered on the Yudu website fulfill their orders responsibly. They are well aware of the specifics of moving interior walls in apartments of different buildings. Yudu specialists dismantle partitions made of various materials:

  • bricks
  • concrete
  • tree
  • foam blocks
  • drywall

Moving a wall in an apartment is a labor-intensive process that requires special knowledge, which Yudu performers possess. They carry out major renovations and redesign of rooms in apartments and private houses in Moscow at an affordable cost.

Specifics of the work

Redevelopment of rooms in residential premises has its own characteristics. Before dismantling the interior partition, Yudu specialists determine the load-bearing walls using the floor slabs. Professionals know that it is not advisable to remove them, as they hold up the structure of the entire house.

The dismantling of internal partitions in the house of master Yudu is carried out according to the proven scheme:

  • cleaning the surface from decorative elements
  • dismantling plaster
  • marking
  • dismantling the partition
  • leveling the ceiling and floor

Depending on the material from which the walls are made, Yudu specialists determine the execution of subsequent work.

In old houses with brickwork, the doorways are removed first, after which the entire partition is gradually dismantled. To dismantle walls, Yudu specialists use professional equipment:

  • hammer drill
  • grinder with diamond blade
  • jackhammer

To disassemble a wall in a panel house with concrete partitions, Yudu specialists use a hammer drill and break them in parts according to the applied markings.

The Yuda performers carefully dismantle the plasterboard wall for reuse. Specialists dismantle the metal frame and unscrew the screws, which they find using a magnet. After which the wall is freely moved.

Yudu specialists easily dismantle internal partitions made of foam blocks and gas blocks, increasing the space of small rooms, such as a toilet, bathtub and other rooms.

To increase space, during major renovations of small apartments in Moscow, interior walls are dismantled:

  • to make the kitchen larger, Yudu masters move the adjacent partition with the bathroom
  • to increase the space between the bathtub and the toilet, they are combined into one room
  • to enlarge the room due to the balcony, Yudu specialists dismantle the window and the wall around it, and insulate the balcony
  • to increase the size of the hallway, Yudu performers erect various arches between the rooms in place of doorways

Yudu specialists will be able to carry out the transfer of a wall in an apartment, the price of which will be low. They will come up with the best design ideas to maximize your space.

Prices for services provided

The cost of specialist services depends on:

  • on the size of the partition
  • the material from which it is made
  • complexity of the work performed

If you need high-quality home repairs in Moscow, order the services of professional craftsmen registered with Yuda. They will do work of any complexity. Find out how much the service you are interested in costs in the price list on the Yudu website.

Why is it better to contact Yudu specialists?

On the Yudu website you will find professional responsible executors. They will move the interior partition in the room so as to maximize the space and improve the interior. Using special materials, they will provide hydro-, sound-, and thermal insulation in the relevant rooms.

By collaborating with Yudu performers, you get:

  • repairs made using high-quality materials and special equipment
  • minimum amount of debris, dust and noise during dismantling of partitions
  • work delivered on time
  • reasonable price for all types of services
  • cozy accommodation with individually selected design

Yudu specialists will professionally carry out the relocation of a wall in an apartment, the price of which will be lower than that of competitors.

Last updated February 2019

Redevelopment of an apartment involves changing the internal layout of the housing with the obligatory entry of the relevant information into the technical passport. Increase the size of the kitchen, demolish a wall, connect a balcony and a bedroom - many of us dream of changing the typical arrangement of zones in a living space. If you are someone who wants to change your living space, then you need to know the rules of legal remodeling.

Why remodel

The motives are to increase comfort, create amenities for a specific family, rational use of space, designate places of work, recreation, children's leisure, etc. Most often the layout is changed as follows:

The use of dividers – curtains, furniture and other easily portable structures – will help solve the problem of zoning in a small apartment. This does not entail mandatory registration and is not included in the technical passport.

What is prohibited from changing in the apartment layout

Designers and employees of construction companies carrying out renovations should know what is prohibited from changing in an apartment space. Odanko, all consequences are on the owner. Therefore, remember that when remodeling an apartment you cannot:

  • place sanitary facilities above living rooms. For example, if you are moving a bathroom to another place, you need to be sure that there will not be a neighbor’s room underneath it. If we are talking about a two-level apartment, then having your room under your own toilet or bathroom is acceptable;
  • increase the area of ​​the kitchen, using square meters of the toilet or living room (as well as increasing the area of ​​the bathroom at the expense of the living room or kitchen). Also, redevelopment of the apartment is completely prohibited if we are talking about moving the kitchen to the living room;
  • reduce the standard size of the kitchen;
  • change water and gas disposal, bury such pipes in walls, move central heating radiators to balconies and loggias (regardless of their glazing);
  • make additional windows and doors in load-bearing walls, as well as demolition of load-bearing walls;
  • use the attic as a living room or combine an apartment with an attic;
  • make any changes if they lead to a deterioration in the operational properties of the apartment, create a danger of the house collapsing, or otherwise threaten the owners and neighbors.

Any change in the location of rooms, walls, windows is prohibited in houses with emergency housing.

What redevelopment is allowed

In order to make changes to the technical passport of an apartment, you should clarify whether approval is required from regulatory authorities.

Cases when planning an apartment can be done without permission:

  • replacing windows, say, wooden ones with plastic ones;
  • expansion of doorways not in load-bearing internal walls;
  • reconstruction of interior doors in non-permanent walls within one wall, while the operational properties of the rooms should not change;
  • moving internal partitions if the area of ​​the apartment as a whole and individual rooms does not change;
  • installation of ceilings (suspended, suspended, etc.);
  • construction of an incomplete wall, that is, not up to the ceiling, as an element of interior decoration;
  • installation of decorative columns, ledges and other elements;
  • installation of an internal cabinet;
  • minor change in the location of the electric stove (within the kitchen)
  • installation of a structure on the outside of the apartment walls (for example, satellite television antennas);
  • finishing or replacing materials that were used in the renovation of rooms and loggias.

The rule is easy to understand. If no changes are made to the technical passport, then permission for redevelopment is not required. The principle of entering data into the registration certificate is as follows:

  • the area does not change;
  • there is no reassignment of individual rooms and premises;
  • general performance characteristics do not deteriorate;
  • does not apply to structural capital parts.

Permission to change the internal location of an apartment is needed if:

  • changes concern load-bearing structures of residential premises;
  • The owner installs the flooring in the apartment:
    • installation of heated floors
    • when expanding a bathroom or bathroom into a non-residential area, waterproofing the floors
  • the toilet or bathroom is moved;
  • gas equipment is moved;
  • significant relocation of doorways;
  • combining two or more rooms into one;
  • the formation of two or more rooms from one;
  • installation of large electrical household equipment with high consumer power (washing machine, split system, etc.);
  • transfer of risers, drainage systems, etc.;
  • balcony glazing;
  • in all cases when the change concerns the structure reflected in the technical passport for the apartment (moving walls, creating arches, dismantling built-in wardrobes and mezzanines, etc.).

Is it possible to remodel an apartment with a mortgage?

Redevelopment in a mortgaged apartment begins with the consent of the bank. Only if there are no objections on his part is it possible to change the structures in the residential premises. At the same time, the standard permitting procedure in the municipality must also be completed.

A bank employee controls all stages of the approval procedure, from drawing up a project to a certificate of completion of work. At the same time, a representative of the credit institution can come to the apartment at any time to personally verify compliance with the rules for reconstruction.

In some cases, banks refuse to give consent to redevelopment, which makes it impossible to carry out.

There are cases when mortgage agreements contain an initial ban on redevelopment. Then there is no point in talking about alterations. If alterations are carried out contrary to the agreement or the opinion of the bank, this will lead to serious consequences. The bank may refuse the loan agreement and demand the loan amount be returned, put the apartment up for auction, etc.

Redevelopment approval procedure

Order a project

Since the application to the Interdepartmental Commission for Technical Supervision of the Administration must be accompanied by a project, the availability of which you must take care of in advance. By contacting a private company for organizing and performing repair work, you can order the preparation of design documentation for your residential property.

Having examined the property, specialists will tell you whether it is possible in your case to destroy the partitions, move the kitchen (sometimes, if the apartment is on the ground floor, this may be allowed), connect the toilet to the bathroom, and what difficulties may be associated with obtaining permission. The cost of design work varies from 10,000 to 150,000 rubles.

Obtaining consent from residents and, if required, neighbors

It is necessary to obtain consent from the citizens living together with the applicant, and if the housing is communal, from all neighbors. In addition, written consent will be required from neighboring apartments if their interests are somehow affected: for example, when changing the facade, as well as structures connected to common areas of an apartment building.

Sample consent for redevelopment

For apartment redevelopment

I, Petrova V.V., living at the address: ________, st.___________, d.___, apt.____, being the owner of ½ share of the specified apartment, passport series____ number____ issued on 01/01/2016 OUFMS ______district, I do not object to the layout in this apartment, according to Petrov P.P. project.
For presentation where required.

Signature _____________ date _____________

Applying to the Interdepartmental Commission for Technical Supervision with an application

The first thing you need to do is write an application to the Interdepartmental Commission for Technical Supervision of the administration of the locality where you live.

Sample application for redevelopment

To the Interdepartmental Commission for Technical Supervision
administration of Leninsky district
Petrova P.P., living at the address:
city_______________(specify), st._________, house___, apt.___(specify)

about redevelopment of residential premises

I request that you give me permission to redevelop (I am attaching a project) an apartment located at the address: ________ (specify), with an area of ​​_____m2, consisting of three rooms, two bathrooms and two loggias.

This apartment belongs to me by right of ownership.

Repair work is planned to the extent corresponding to the project, from 01/01/2018 to 03/01/2018, daily from 08:30 to 17:00, except weekends.

I undertake to provide access for officials to the specified residential premises to monitor the work and compliance with the project documentation.

Attachment: copy of ownership;

  • a copy of the house register;
  • copy of the project;
  • a copy of the technical passport for the residential premises;
  • act on the technical condition of the apartment;
  • consent of all residents.

Petrov P.P. ___________ signature _________ date.

The list of documents that must be attached to the application is not exhaustive: you can also attach copies of any title documents, as well as documents confirming the residence of family members at the address where the apartment is located.

Obtaining a conclusion

After reviewing the application (45 days are allotted for this), you should be given a conclusion on the possibility of carrying out redevelopment work or on refusal. The grounds for refusal may include not only structural changes prohibited by law, but also the condition of the house itself, as well as previously significant changes to load-bearing structures in neighboring apartments. Thus, if the visiting team determines that the building is in danger of collapsing, issuing an opinion on the possibility of redevelopment will be reasonably refused.

If there are no obstacles to carrying out the stated work, it is possible, taking into account the opinions of the homeowners association (housing office), to begin repairs. Sometimes it is necessary to additionally obtain consent from other authorities. For example, if the planned changes concern the relocation of a gas stove, there must be additional agreement with a gas service representative. Or, let’s say, the house is a historical monument, then consent is required from the cultural committee.

After completing the work, the commission draws up an act, which is the basis for making changes to the technical passport of the apartment, and, if necessary, to the state register.

If the redevelopment is not approved

It is better not to implement your plans to renovate the apartment without prior approval. Otherwise, there will be a long process of legalization ahead, costly in time and money. Since a positive result is not guaranteed, it is likely that subsequently selling an apartment with an illegal layout will become a big problem.

In addition, administrative liability is provided for those who unauthorizedly rearranged their housing. The offender may be subject to a fine of 2,500 rubles (see more details about). Additional costs will be associated with the execution of a court decision to restore the home to its original condition.

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Many people, especially those living in Khrushchev-era apartment buildings, try to remodel their small and uncomfortable apartments using redevelopment. But it’s one thing to do it in an individual building, and quite another to change a doorway or move a partition in a high-rise building, where almost every wall is load-bearing. All this ensures the safety of residents in combination with the entire technical design of the house.

What is redevelopment? According to the Housing Code, this concept includes all changes in the configuration of the apartment that require inclusion in the technical passport. This:

  • changing the location of load-bearing walls and partitions,
  • relocation of window and door openings,
  • re-equipment of vestibules and dark storage rooms,
  • interior arrangement,
  • refurbishment of bathrooms,
  • division of large rooms,
  • expansion of living space due to household premises,
  • glazing of a balcony or loggia,
  • replacing gas stoves with electric ones,
  • moving a bathroom, kitchen or toilet.

All these types of changes in the apartment are subject to redevelopment and the relevant authorities.

What cannot be demolished: a load-bearing wall

Most often, redevelopment involves the demolition of interior partitions. But not everyone knows which walls can be touched and which ones cannot. Reckless demolition of structures leads to a change in the action of forces on the remaining surfaces and rooms located below. In addition, ceilings left without support may not withstand the load and collapse at any time. Since, in addition to separating different rooms, the wall elements serve as ceiling supports for all similar structural elements located above.

The main (load-bearing) walls in practice are located perpendicular to the floor beams. If it is made of concrete slabs, then their ends rest on the surface of the supporting structure. Usually these are walls between apartments and blocks, or external ones. As a rule, only partitions are equipped inside the apartment.

How to find out which wall is load-bearing?

Is it possible to determine the purpose of the wall yourself? Certainly. By its thickness or the material from which it is built. In panel-type houses, internal blocks have a thickness of up to 120 mm. Therefore, they can be considered partitions (their thickness ranges from 80-120 mm). The load-bearing surface must have a thickness of at least 140 mm. Most often, in such houses, the external walls are made with a thickness of 200 mm. In brick houses, external, load-bearing structures have a thickness of 380 mm or more, inter-apartment structures - 250 mm, and partitions - 120 or 80 mm.

The material most often used for load-bearing walls in panel houses is wall or inter-apartment blocks made of reinforced concrete with various additives to lighten the structure and increase thermal protection. Internal partitions in 90% of panel houses are made of gypsum concrete panels. In brick buildings, the main material for all walls is red and sand-lime brick, which differ in size. Gypsum concrete panels can also be used as partitions.

Of course, no one is going to demolish the outer walls, but the partitions can be removed by obtaining the appropriate permission. To accurately determine which wall is load-bearing, it is best to use BTI data - a detailed floor plan. There, all main walls are marked with thicker lines, and partitions that do not have such functions are marked with thinner lines.

What is needed for demolition?

In any case, before starting work on demolishing a particular wall and moving it, you need to consult a qualified specialist. As well as a full calculation that takes into account the distribution of loads that must be transferred from old structures to newly erected ones. In addition, you may have to change the power supply circuit. In addition, it must be borne in mind that uncoordinated demolition of the walls of the premises may prevent its sale or the preparation of donation documents, etc. But that’s not all. Such actions are considered illegal and entail fines, summonses to court, and can even lead to confiscation of the apartment.

Therefore, approval of the redevelopment project is necessary in any case. What is needed for that?

  1. A plan developed by the BTI service specifically for this type of redevelopment.
  2. Drawing up a technical report for the demolition of the wall.
  3. Obtaining a positive conclusion from the housing inspection at the place of registration.

Redevelopment: dismantling and moving a wall in an apartment

If the familiarity of the situation is depressing, and the interior is quite boring, you can make cosmetic repairs or rearrange the furniture. Brave people resort to more radical methods of updating an apartment - remodeling it. During the work, you can combine or divide the bathroom, expand the space by dismantling wall partitions in the apartment, redo doorways and much more. In Russia, for redevelopment to be legal, it is necessary to go through many authorities, collect a bunch of documents and register it. Only then will subsequent transactions with housing be possible - purchase and sale, exchange, donation, etc. Of course, you can save on registration, but inconsistency with fire and technical requirements, sanitary and building standards will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the premises, which will lead to conflicts with neighbors, housing and communal services, government agencies. Therefore, before breaking down the walls in the apartment, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Legalization of redevelopment

In accordance with the Redevelopment Law, the homeowner has the right to the following work without additional approvals and their registration:

Construction of openings in interior non-load-bearing structures.
Glazing, insulation and finishing of balconies/loggias.
Installation of air conditioning system.
Installation and dismantling of built-in furniture.

The following work requires permission from the relevant authorities by law:

Dismantling the walls in the apartment.
Seal openings for doors and windows.
Demolition/replacement of floors and ceilings.
Expand the space of the balcony/loggia.
Move risers.

To obtain permission for redevelopment, you need to collect a package of documents:

Statement of desire to carry out redevelopment.
Certificate of ownership of housing.
Extract from the house register.
Project documents and agreement with the design organization.
Certificate from the BTI.
Written consent with neighbors.
Sanitary certificates.
Permission to carry out work.

In accordance with the law, the homeowner is prohibited from:

Make changes to the premises that may render it unsuitable for use.
Demolish load-bearing wall partitions in the apartment.
Dismantle communication systems.
Move indoor batteries to the loggia.
Use a common house heating system to connect heated floors.

Construction nuances of dismantling walls in various houses

Redevelopment is always radical changes in the apartment. Usually they concern internal partitions. Dismantling the walls in the apartment is of great importance - after all, without the proper qualifications of the workers, the premises can become unusable and lead to conflicts with authorities, including litigation. Therefore, without experience in construction work, you should not start demolishing walls on your own; it is better to hire professional workers or, if you have confidence in your own abilities, at least get advice from a specialist.

Walls made of different materials have their own construction nuances. So, dismantling a wall in a Khrushchev apartment is quite simple. The external walls are load-bearing, and therefore you can safely dismantle the interior partitions. The walls in Khrushchev buildings are made of a quarter of a brick and do not support anything. The disassembly should begin with the door - the door and jamb are dismantled, the block above the opening is knocked out and the brickwork is dismantled up to the ceiling, then they move on to the walls from above.

It is more difficult to disassemble the walls in a panel house. Before demolishing a wall in an apartment, it is necessary to obtain a house plan from the BTI, because the load-bearing structure in a panel building may also be interior walls. You can determine the load-bearing wall visually by the direction of the floors and partitions. Structurally, the slabs are placed with their edges on load-bearing walls; if the partition is located in the direction of the floor slabs, then the wall does not bear loads. Such partitions are usually thin and can be easily disassembled or demolished. If the interior partitions are located perpendicular to the direction of the floor slab, then it is possible that this is a load-bearing wall. To avoid accidentally demolishing a load-bearing wall in an apartment, you should consult a specialist.

Breaking the walls in an apartment in a panel house is much more difficult than in a brick house, because structurally they are a reinforced concrete monolith. It is impossible to dismantle a concrete wall without using a hammer drill. The walls are broken down piece by piece to avoid the whole structure falling to the floor.

If the panel house is old, then gypsum boards on a wire frame were used for its construction. In order to remove the protruding reinforcement, you will additionally need a grinder, and you can knock down the plaster pieces with a hammer. It is recommended to break walls with a perimeter of no more than 4 meters, since large pieces are heavy and their fall is dangerous.

Dismantling the wall under the window in a panel house and its features

Modern legislation imposes certain restrictions on the connection between a balcony and a room.

It is prohibited to dismantle the bottom of the wall separating the balcony from the living space. In panel houses, it is part of the load-bearing wall, and in addition, it implements thermal insulation functions.
Dismantling the window sill part of the wall in a panel house can disrupt the integrity of the load-bearing structures and lead to the collapse of the balcony slabs.
The area above the window and door units also cannot be dismantled or expanded.
The absence of a partition between the balcony and living area is not allowed due to the deterioration of heat-saving functions.
It is prohibited to move heating radiators onto the balcony area, as well as to install warm electric and water floors.

In addition, before dismantling the walls under the windows in panel houses, it is necessary to obtain approval from the relevant authorities, which includes approval of the developed project. Only a company that has SRO approval can develop this documentation. Next, the redevelopment is coordinated with the architectural and planning department and the local housing inspection. After receiving approval, repair work begins, the duration of which should not exceed the period of the issued permit. Extension of the document is allowed for 1 month.

There are many options for carrying out work:

Dismantling a window block with a threshold.
Removing the threshold without breaking window blocks.
Breaking the window sill block without dismantling the windows.
Dismantling the window sill block and windows.

If complete dismantling of the wall is chosen, then work begins with the removal of window blocks. Next, the window sill is dismantled - in a panel house it is an element of the supporting structure, and therefore it will have to be removed with a hammer drill.

How to remove a concrete wall in an apartment

If you want to combine a toilet with a bathroom or two adjacent rooms into one large one, you need to break down the interior partitions. The work can be carried out independently if you have the necessary experience or with the involvement of a hired team of workers. In both cases, there are several ways to carry out the work: using a hammer drill, grinder or jackhammer. The choice of method is determined by the complexity of the work and the availability of ready-made solutions for waste and dust disposal. The algorithm for dismantling concrete walls consists of two actions - marking the walls into parts to be removed and the dismantling process itself.

When using a grinder, it is recommended to make markings in the form of small squares and then cut them out of the wall. To do this, you will need to purchase a special disc for working on diamond-coated concrete. Sawing concrete produces a lot of dust, and therefore it is not recommended to use it in already residential premises. If a hammer drill is used, the concrete wall is dismantled along the marking line, which is drilled through at regular intervals. Then the piece is knocked out with a sledgehammer. This method produces the least amount of garbage, and therefore it is recommended to use it in already inhabited apartments. Using a jackhammer makes the room more cluttered and dusty, unlike the previous two. It should only be used in non-residential premises. If you don’t have a jackhammer, you can use a hammer drill with a special chisel attachment.

If the homeowner has the funds, then diamond cutting can be used. This effective method allows you to dismantle a concrete wall in 30 minutes. The method is not cheap, but quite popular due to its high speed and high accuracy of work. It is often used to obtain a perfectly straight hole in the wall. In addition, diamond cutting is a universal method and is suitable for demolishing walls made of any material.

Whatever method is chosen to remove a concrete wall in an apartment, it is worth remembering the internal communications running along the walls. You need to take care of their removal in advance. In addition, any work with tools creates a certain amount of debris - it’s worth stocking up on bags for construction waste.

Dismantling walls made of other materials

Dismantling walls made of foam blocks. Cellular concrete is currently a fairly common material. Its heat and sound insulation characteristics, light weight of the blocks and low cost make it possible to build houses in a few months. This material is used to build not only external walls, but also internal ones. The properties of foam concrete make them easy to process - they can be easily sawed, cut and drilled without resorting to special tools. In order to break a wall made of foam blocks in an apartment, you will need a hammer, sledgehammer, saw or grinder. The dismantling process is easy to perform. First, the finishing layer is removed - wallpaper, putty and plaster, then the foam blocks are knocked out with a sledgehammer. Construction waste is collected in bags and taken to a landfill.

Plasterboard walls. Houses built in the 2000s often have plasterboard interior partitions. The universal qualities of the material make it easy to dismantle. However, there are some nuances here too. Firstly, processing plasterboard slabs creates a lot of dust, so before working with it, it is necessary to cover all surfaces not involved in the work - doors, floors, other walls, furniture, etc. Secondly, before breaking a wall in an apartment it is necessary to find out their design - it could be a metal frame or a plasterboard. Accordingly, the dismantling method is selected.

Demolition of a plasterboard wall on a frame in an apartment begins with removing self-tapping screws from the surface, which can be easily detected using magnets. Next, the sheathing is removed and/or the trim is removed and the frame is disassembled. The accuracy of the work makes it possible to use the materials again. This takes a lot of time, and if you do the analysis yourself, you don’t always have enough patience. Dismantling a wall made of plasterboard slabs in an apartment is carried out by impact using a sledgehammer or hammer, which eliminates the reuse of materials.

Wooden walls. Such partitions are found in old post-war houses. Structurally, they are wooden frames covered with boards. The interior is filled with a mixture of straw, clay and lime. Brushwood was placed on top of the boards to be able to cover the walls with plaster.

How to demolish a wall in an apartment of such a house? It is better not to carry out such work on your own, since the process is far from being as simple as it might seem at first glance. Preparatory work includes removing the plaster along with brushwood and removing the fixing strips. It is necessary to remove perpendicular to the stems. If the plaster covers the planks, you must use a chisel and carefully separate the composition from the planks. Following this, the boards and internal filling are removed, and only then the frame is dismantled.

Moving a wall in an apartment

Redevelopment of an apartment is often not limited to just dismantling the walls. At the request of the homeowner, the walls in the apartment can be moved. Such work is used to expand the space of bathrooms, divide large rooms into several, and organize functional areas in the apartment. After solving paper issues, obtaining approval and demolishing concrete walls, it is necessary to decide on the characteristics of the desired room - heat, water and sound insulation, wall thickness, wall strength.

For example, if a wall is needed to separate a child’s room from the parents’ bedroom, then high sound insulation is necessary. Glass wool, mineral insulators, plasterboard and cork boards are used as insulating materials. It is better to cover the joints with the floor and ceiling with tape to avoid impact noise. Facade walls require not only sound insulation, but also insulation. For this purpose, mineral wool, glass wool, and polystyrene foam are used. Any insulators thicken the walls, thereby reducing the volume of the room - this must be remembered when planning and developing the project.

The work of moving interior walls in an apartment is similar to the construction of a new one, and therefore requires the participation of a highly qualified team of workers, or the owner having certain construction skills.

Redevelopment is a troublesome and expensive business. Before breaking down a wall in an apartment, moving it, combining or dividing rooms, you need to overcome many obstacles. If you contact special companies, the full range of work from project development and approval in all instances to construction work for owners of two-room apartments will cost 80-150 thousand rubles. The independent registration procedure will also not be free - the cost of a technical passport is from 900 rubles, a cadastral passport - from 500. A design project is developed at a price of 4,000 rubles. If the redevelopment is formalized after the fact, then you will have to bear the costs of litigation.

In any case, before breaking down a concrete wall, you need to weigh the pros and cons, consult with specialists, and get legal advice. It is good to think about the new arrangement of the apartment so that the redevelopment is comfortable and meets all the wishes of the owner.