The moral problem of the story is a horse with a pink mane. Literature lesson on the topic “Moral problems of V.P. Astafiev’s story “The Horse with a Pink Mane”

Essay 6th grade.

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev had a hard time life path. As a child, he had to live as a street child. Then he ended up in an orphanage in the polar port of Igarka. This is probably why Astafiev wrote a lot of stories for children. “I always write for children with bright joy,” said V.P. Astafiev, “and I will try not to deprive myself of this joy throughout my life.”

Astafiev's story "Horse with pink mane"tells about an episode from a boy's childhood. This is an orphan left in the care of his grandmother. The child is lonely. The only friends are the children of the Levontev neighbors.

But grandmother does not approve of this friendship. She doesn’t like their careless lifestyle, constant scandals, and lack of prudence in everyday life. “Grandma spent a long time blaspheming Levontiikha, Levontii himself, hitting herself on the thighs, spitting, and I sat down by the window and looked longingly at the neighboring house.” The Levontevs’ house stood “by itself, in the open space, and nothing prevented him from looking at the white light with its somehow glazed windows - no fence, no gate, no porch, no architraves, no shutters.” The Levontievs always did not have enough money, they lived from hand to mouth, and Levontikha often ran to her grandmother to ask for a loan. But when Levontius brought his infrequent earnings to the family, a real celebration was held.

The story makes you smile at the main character’s trick and at the same time appreciate the wonderful lesson that the grandmother taught her grandson. One day the “Levontievskaya horde” goes for strawberries.

Our hero goes with them: the collected strawberries can be sold at the market, and this is a good help for a small family forced to save on everything. Picking strawberries is a very difficult and tedious task, but the grandmother promises her grandson to buy a gingerbread horse with a pink mane with the proceeds. For a difficult, half-starved time, such a gift is simply magnificent. The boy had long dreamed of such a gingerbread: he once had the opportunity to try it. But the boy falls under the influence of his friends, the Levontev brothers, who eat their berries and reproach him “for greed.”

But for the fact that the berries were never picked, there will be a severe punishment from the grandmother. And the boy decides to cheat - he collects grass in a container and covers it with berries on top. Grandma doesn't notice anything. The boy is worried, suffers from his own deception, he cannot sleep at night, finally, he decides to confess everything to his grandmother in the morning, but does not have time. Early in the morning she leaves for the city to sell berries there. The boy is afraid of exposure, and after his grandmother returns he doesn’t even want to go home.

But you still have to return. How ashamed he is to hear an angry grandmother who has already told everyone around him about his fraud! The boy asks for forgiveness and receives from his grandmother that same gingerbread horse with a pink mane. The grandmother taught her grandson a good lesson and said: “Take it, take it, what are you looking at? You look, but even when you deceive your grandmother...” And indeed, the author says: “How many years have passed since then! How many events have passed! and I still can’t forget my grandmother’s gingerbread - that marvelous horse with a pink mane.”

The little hero of the story promised his grandmother to pick berries, which means he had to fulfill his promise. The main character of the story simply does not realize the necessity of keeping his word to his grandmother. And the fear of punishment makes him decide to deceive. But this deception resonates painfully in the boy’s heart. He understands that everyone around him has the right to judge him. Not only did he not keep his word to his grandmother, but he also made her blush because of his deception.

In order for the child to remember this story properly, the grandmother gives him a horse with a pink mane. The child is already ashamed, and then there is this wonderful gingerbread horse. Of course, after this the boy is unlikely to deceive not only his grandmother, but also anyone else.

Lesson topic: Moral problems of the story “The Horse with a Pink Mane.”

preliminary homework for groups:

Group 1: make a quotation plan for the story “How Vitka was raised”;

Group 2: make a quotation plan for the story “How children were raised in Levontius’s family”

During the classes:

I. Org moment. Polylogue.

- Shall we talk?

- Let's talk!

Do you know what?

- About different things and other things, about what is good and not so good. Shall we talk?

- Let's talk! We will be interested!


1. Problematic issues.

Do you know what morality is? (children's answers)

Let's clarify lexical meaning the word "morality". Let's look into Dictionary Ozhegova.

2. Students work with a dictionary.

MORALITY - Internal, spiritual qualities that guide a person, ethical standards; rules of behavior determined by these qualities.

What are moral values? (spiritual qualities of a person, ideals)

3. Exchange information in pairs. Students formulate lesson goals.

Reception "Basket of Ideas"

Now you will work in pairs. Discuss with your neighbor and write down on pieces of paper the moral values ​​that you know. (1 minute)

What did you get?

(Each pair names their examples in turn. The teacher draws a basket icon on the board and writes moral values ​​in it. The list could be as follows: justice, mercy, honor, conscience, trust in people, love, kindness, self-esteem, etc. )

Look how big the list is. Select from the list only those values ​​that are mentioned in the story “The Horse with the Pink Mane.” (((honesty, kindness, concept of duty, etc.)

What do you think our conversation will be about today? (students formulate lesson goals)


1. Examination homework. Filling out a two-part diary in groups.

Guys, you have read V. Astafiev’s story “The Horse with a Pink Mane.” Tell us about the characters in this story. What age are they? From what families? Who are their parents? It is no coincidence that we started talking about the families of the boys. Do you agree with me that a person’s life and destiny are largely determined by upbringing? How you were raised as a child, what you paid attention to, what you were taught, that’s how you go through life.

At home you worked in groups. The first group made a quotation plan “How Vitka was raised,” and the second group - “How children were raised in the Levontiev family.” You will now continue working in groups and complete a two-part diary. The first column is your quotes, and the second is your comments, interpretation of them: how does the quote you wrote down characterize the hero? Share your guesses. Pay attention to the sheets that are on your tables - “Rules for working in groups.”

Checking the work of groups.

A two-part diary could be filled out something like this:

How Vitka was raised


Grandmother to grandson: “I’ll take my berries to the city, I’ll sell yours too and buy you a gingerbread horse.”

Teaches you how to earn money with your own work

“Grandmother never allowed us to carry around with pieces of bread. Eat at the table, otherwise it will be bad.”

Disciplines grandson

“Grandmother kept money - a “reserve” for a rainy day.”

Don't live one day at a time, but think about the future

“The grandmother reproached Levontius for idleness, listed the work that he had to do in the house and around the house.”

Caring, desire to help

Grandmother to her grandson trying to break into Levontius’s house: “There’s no point in peeking out. There is no point in eating these proletarians, they themselves have a louse on their lasso in their pockets.”

Teaches not to beg, not to envy, not to be poor

“The grandmother “welcomed” Vasenya until the morning, when Levontius was raging.”

Sympathy, pity for the neighbor

Grandmother did not move the berries from the tuesk.

Trust in grandson

“I thought that now my grandmother would discover my fraud, give me what I was due, and was already prepared for punishment for the crime I had committed.”

Self-critical. There is a concept of good and evil

“He cheated his grandmother and stole the rolls. What will happen? “The dream did not take me as a completely confused criminal.”

Feels remorse

I didn’t wake up my grandmother: it was a pity to wake her, she was tired, she had to get up early.

Thinks not only about himself

“Grandfather never made noise, he worked slowly, but very steadily and pliably.”

Modesty, hard work, thoroughness

“Grandfather would not let me be offended.” “Potatchik! I’ve indulged my own people all my life, now this!..”

To Sanka’s proposal to bury himself in the hay and hide: “I won’t do that! And I won’t listen to you!”

Ability to resist bad influences

“Grandfather patted me on the head: “What are you doing!” …Ask for forgiveness.’”

Sees his grandson's repentance

“Grandfather winked at me: “Be patient.” Grandma must unwind, she must express everything that has accumulated in her, she must vent her soul.”

Moral support for grandson. Feels his condition. Does not reject, but helps to endure mental anguish

“A horse with a pink mane galloped on pink hooves across the scraped kitchen table, like across a vast land with arable land, meadows and roads. “Take it, take it, what are you looking at?”

Forgiveness is true - after deep repentance. Parenting with love

How children were raised in Levontia's family


“When you give Levontievsky Sanka or Tanka a bite, you need to hold with your fingers the place where you are supposed to bite.”

They strive to grab more

“Some kind of restlessness, a fever, or something, gripped not only the Levontiev house, but also all the neighbors on payday.”

Vanity and instability do not bode well

There seems to be malicious intent here, an attempt to deceive those who rescued her

“Their house stood by itself, in the open air, looking out at the white light with its poorly glazed windows. In the spring, the family picked up the ground around the house a little, erected a fence from poles, twigs, and old boards. But in winter, all this disappeared into the womb of the stove, splayed out in the middle of the hut.” “Uncle Levontius was smoking on a log that represented a porch.”

Lazy, don’t like to work, lack thoroughness

“Uncle Levonty walked around in pants with one button, and his shirt had no buttons at all.”

Untidyness, disrespect for oneself and others

Levontius to the children: “He is an orphan, and you are still with your parents. Whenever you come to your mother... - night, midnight... “You are a lost head, Levontius!” - he will say and get drunk.”

Sympathizes, remembers “good”

“Everyone burst into a roar, and such kindness swept over people that everything, everything poured out and fell out on the table, and everyone vying with each other treated me and ate with all their might.”

A surge of caring. But they eat through force, because later there will be no sweets - they wouldn’t miss it

“What is life?” - After this question, everyone ran away, and Levontiy broke the remaining glass in the windows, cursed, thundered, and cried.

Dissatisfaction with your life

“On the way to get berries, the Levontief eagles threw dishes at each other, floundered, fought, cried, and teased.”

“They climbed into someone’s garden, piled on a bunch of onions, ate until they salivated green, and threw away the half-eaten one.”

They easily steal what is available, even if they don’t need it.

The Levontiev brothers fight over the berries they ate, roll on the ground, and crush all the strawberries.

Either all or nothing... So similar to their father

They tease a friend: “Granny got scared!” They call her greedy. They challenge: “Weak!”

They are trying to steal grandma's kalach.

They tempt and lead astray

They tore the fish to pieces because it looked ugly. They shot stones at flying birds and hit a swift.

There is no humane attitude towards all living things

Sanka teaches deception: “You push herbs into the bowl, and berries on top - and you’re done.”

Looks like he's sharing his life experiences.

Sanka blackmails: “And I’ll tell Petrovna! Bring the kalach, then I won’t tell you!”

Causes heartache to a friend

“The Levontief guys knew how to get their fill of the earth - they all ate whatever God sent, they didn’t disdain anything, and that’s why they were red-faced, strong, dexterous, especially at the table.”

School of survival

!!! No discussion

Summarize what was said.

Pay attention, guys, to the fact that the description of the everyday life of the hero and the Levontiev family is contrasted. What is this technique of contrast called and why is it used by the author?

(Children draw their own conclusions. They could be something like this: Vitya’s family lived better than the Levontev family. They always had a piece of bread for a rainy day, money. The hut was neat, cozy and warm, clean. The author uses the technique of opposition - antithesis to enhance the expressiveness of speech, to convey thoughts and feelings. The description of the family explains the character of the characters, describes the time, place, circumstances of the action.)

What can we say about moral values every family?

Did you go through the tasks together?

Did everyone actively participate in the discussion?

Did you listen to each other's opinions?

What was difficult?

2. Chamomile of questions (“Bloom’s Chamomile”).

Target: discuss the content of the story.

The chamomile is drawn by the teacher and attached to the board. The questions are numbered and written on the petals. Students take turns going to the board, tearing off a petal, reading the question and trying to answer it. If a student does not know the answer, he asks his classmates to help him.

Simple question:

How was the hero drawn into deception?

Clarifying questions:

How did the hero’s mood change after he returned home and the next day?

That is, you are saying that Vitya regretted his action. In which episode is this felt the most? (the night before going to the city) Find the description in the text.

Interpretive questions:

Why did the grandmother buy her grandson a gingerbread horse? (grandmother believed in him, understood that he was suffering and repenting. Mercy, kindness and forgiveness did what the most cruel punishment would not have done.)

Why is it believed that lessons of kindness are the most effective lessons? (because they are remembered for a lifetime. A few years later the author writes: “But I still can’t forget my grandmother’s gingerbread - that marvelous horse with a pink mane.”)

Creative questions:

If you had the opportunity to meet Vitya after being deceived, what would you advise him?

Assessment questions:

Have you ever been deceived? What feelings did you experience?

Practical questions:

What would you do if you were the hero of the story?

We draw conclusions:

What life lessons did Vitya learn from this story?

Is it possible to learn something from Vitya?

IV.Reflection. Reception "RAFT". Individual work

Vitya never asked his grandmother for forgiveness. Things didn’t go further than tears and internal repentance. And a person must be able to be responsible for his actions. I suggest you do it for him.

Role – Vitya

Audience: Grandma

F – letter, dialogue, note (children choose independently)

Topic – Forgiveness, explanation of the situation: why the hero did this.

(We read the letters in the reader’s chair, highlight the summary points, discuss the difference in the presentation of the same facts.)

What can a gingerbread horse be called a symbol of? (symbol of goodness, forgiveness, love, understanding)

What do you think this story is about? (about childhood, about true love, about forgiveness)

We will touch on the topic of kindness in the next lessons when studying the story “French Lessons”. Now evaluate your work in class.

The guys in a circle speak in one sentence, choosing the beginning phrases from the reflective screen On the desk:

today I found was was difficult...I completed tasks...I realized that...

now I can... felt that... I acquired... I learned... I succeeded...

I could... I'll try... I was surprised... fate gave me for life... I wanted...

V. Astafiev’s story “A Horse with a Pink Mane” is the writer’s memories of childhood, conveyed using literary words. It seems that an adult is watching himself from the outside. He not only talks about the actions of a tomboy, but also analyzes them, pushing the reader to serious conclusions. Schoolchildren study “The Horse with the Pink Mane” in 6th grade. We offer brief analysis works that will help you prepare qualitatively not only for lessons, but also for the Unified State Exam.

Brief Analysis

Year of writing - 1963.

History of creation- The analyzed story is part of the autobiographical story “The Last Bow”. In it, the author reproduced events that were forever etched in his memory: the death of his mother, life with his grandmother, friendship with the neighbor boy Sanka.

Subject- In the work, two main themes can be distinguished: Vitka’s deception and the spiritual development of personality.

Composition- The composition of the work is simple, however, there is a peculiarity: the sequence of plot elements is slightly disrupted. The story begins with a plot, and then follows the exposition, development of events, climax and denouement. The landscapes and portraits in the work are laconic, but they help to give expressiveness to the memories.

Genre- Story.

Direction- Realism.

History of creation

The history of the creation of the work is closely connected with the life of V. Astafiev. It reflected the writer's childhood memories. It is known that Viktor Petrovich lost his mother at the age of seven. A woman capsized on a boat and drowned. The boy's father married a second time and sent his son to an orphanage.

The person closest to her after her mother’s death was Potylitsyn’s grandmother, Ekaterina Petrovna. She lived in the village. Her neighbor was Uncle Levontius, the head of a large family. Vitya was friends with the neighbor’s son Sanka. The comrades loved to fish, swim in the river, and often got into funny stories together. One of them appeared in the story.

The year the work was written is 1963. In fact, “The Horse with a Pink Mane” is part of the autobiographical story “The Last Bow” by V. Astafiev.


In “The Horse with a Pink Mane,” the analysis should begin with a description of the main themes and system of images.

Childhood motive very common in world literature. V. Astafiev develops it in such a way as to reveal two topics: the adventures of the boy Vitya and the neighboring children and the spiritual development of personality. These themes of “The Horse with the Pink Mane” are closely intertwined and determine the problematics of the work.

“The Horse with a Pink Mane” begins with a short conversation between grandmother and grandson. The grandmother asks the boy to pick a bunch of strawberries, promising him a gingerbread - a horse with a golden mane. Several paragraphs are devoted to describing the delicacy. In them, V. Astafiev plunges into his childhood worries and dreams.

Grandmother and grandson Vitya - the main characters of the work. The gallery of images is gradually being expanded. The reader learns about the family members of Levontia's grandmother's neighbor: his wife Vasyon, children Sanka and Tanka. They all play a secondary role. Episodic images - Vitka's grandfather and mother.

The central event of the plot- picking strawberries. V. Astafiev tells how main character I was picking berries with my friends. Levontius's children ate more than they worked. Vitya picked a bunch of strawberries, but part of his “prey” was eaten, and part was scattered. Vitka was afraid: what would his grandmother say? She was a kind but strict woman. Sanka advised his friend to deceive her: pour earth and grass into the container, and put berries on top. That's what the guys did.

The grandmother discovered the deception only at the market. She was angry with her grandson, but she brought him gingerbread. The episode describing the grandmother's return from the market attracts attention. The boy noticed a woman shaking her fist at him from the boat. The sight of a boat in the middle of the river reminded the boy of the death of his mother, who drowned in the Yenisei.

The boy was ashamed of his action; he did not know what to do. Grandfather came to the rescue. He advised me to ask my grandmother for forgiveness. Vitya did just that. At the end, an adult man appears before us, who admits that his grandparents have died, his “life is declining,” but his memory has preserved a “wonderful horse with a pink mane.” The final part of the work is the key to interpretation of the name story. The pink horse is a symbol of memory of people dear to the heart; it can also be interpreted as conscience.

The work reveals such moral problems: relationships between representatives of different generations, deception, conscience, friendship.

The events described and the system of images allowed the author to realize idea that deception is always revealed, it is important to be able to live with a clear conscience.

The main idea of ​​the work: you need to be able to tell the truth and act according to your conscience. This is what the author teaches the reader.


Characteristics of the composition are a mandatory point in the “Horse with a Pink Mane” plan. The work is not distinguished by a complex semantic or formal organization, however, there is a peculiarity: the sequence of plot elements is slightly disrupted.

The story begins with a hook - a request from the grandmother. This is followed by an exposition - acquaintances with the family of Vitka and Levontius; development of events - picking strawberries, trying to deceive the grandmother; the climax is the protagonist’s experiences of whether the grandmother will notice the deception or not; denouement - the grandmother scolds her grandson, and then Vitka, on the advice of his grandfather, puts up with her. Features of the development of the plot are related to the fact that the analyzed work is part of the story.

The landscapes and portraits in the story are laconic, but they help give expressiveness to the memories. Meaning“The Horse with a Pink Mane” is concentrated in the sincere recognition of an adult.

Main characters


The genre of V. Astafiev’s work is a story, as evidenced by the following features: small volume, small number of main characters, attention concentrated on one event. The direction of V. Astafiev’s work “The Horse with a Pink Mane” is realism, since the story is based on real events.

Work test

Rating analysis

Average rating: 4.3. Total ratings received: 530.

The formation of personality in the story by V. P. Astafiev “The Horse with a Pink Mane”

According to Viktor Petrovich Astafiev himself, his distant rural childhood spent in Siberia, despite the early death of his mother, was a bright and happy time. The description of this period of life became the main content of the author’s works created for children.

The central theme of Astafiev's stories is the moral maturation of a person, the formation of personality, and the formation of character. This requires an understanding of goodness, justice, a sense of responsibility for one’s actions, nobility towards the weak. This is the path taken by the main character of the story, The Horse with a Pink Mane.

This is an orphan boy living in a village with his grandparents. He is characterized by a naive perception of what is happening. The child does not see the dark, cruel sides of life. Thus, when describing the family of Uncle Levontius, he pays attention only to joyful and bright moments. After payday, drunken Uncle Levontius threw a party for the children, consuming everyone with gingerbread and sweets, and in the evening he swore and broke windows. His wife, Aunt Vasena, had to borrow money and food from neighbors within a few days. The narrator likes Uncle Levontius because he “once swam the seas.” Levontiev children are called “eagles” in the work. They “threw dishes at each other, floundered,” fought, teased, and stole vegetables, fruits and berries from neighbors’ gardens. However, the narrator likes to spend time with them, play, and fish. The boy does not feel the hardships of this family’s life; only sweets and fun times remain in his memory.

The grandmother promised to buy the narrator a gingerbread and a horse with a pink mane if he picked the berries. He and Levontius's children went into the forest together. In this episode they are opposed to each other because they have different attitudes towards their own actions. The Levontiev boys were swearing, fighting, teasing each other. They look like their father and have adopted his habits. Children are aggressive, pugnacious, cruel, irresponsible. The narrator “took the berries diligently and soon covered the bottom of a neat little cup of two or three glasses.” He acts as if his grandmother was watching him. But the fear of appearing weak, greedy and cowardly forces the hero to succumb to Sanka’s persuasion and deceive his grandmother.

The narrator is tormented by remorse. “I fooled my grandmother.<…>What will happen? - he thinks. The boy is tormented, does not sleep all night, and is going to tell his grandmother everything. His regrets and mental suffering form a sense of responsibility for his own actions. The reader understands that the boy will never do this again.

The next day, the narrator and Sanka were fishing and saw a returning grandmother in a boat floating on the river. Sanka suggests to his friend: “Bury yourself in the hay and hide. Petrovna is afraid that you might drown. That's how she'll lament<…>- you’ll get out here!” But the narrator refuses to deceive the grandmother again. The boy understood the previous lesson and benefited him.

The grandmother still bought her grandson a gingerbread. Her trust became the best lesson for the hero. For the rest of his life he remembered the long-awaited horse with a pink mane and learned that one should not deceive.

In the story “The Horse with a Pink Mane,” the author’s protest against cruelty and indifference sounds. Astafiev shows how evil drowns out the voice of conscience and crowds out good from the human heart.

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  • horse with pink mane analysis
  • essay horse with pink mane
  • Unified State Exam essay based on the story of Astafiev's horse with a pink mane

Victor Astafiev's story raises many moral problems (“The Horse with a Pink Mane”). All of them are connected with a person’s choice: to act basely or to act according to conscience.


The hero of the story, picking strawberries, is faced with a choice: bring the collected berries to his grandmother or prove to the Levontiev boys that he can eat all the strawberries. Levontius's children take the boy "weakly." The author shows how, under the influence of vile guys, the narrator commits the same vile act. The writer raises the problem of the influence of one person on another. On Sanka's advice, the main character fills the entire container with grass, sprinkling it with berries. And so that Sanka does not tell his grandmother anything, the narrator steals the rolls from her. One immoral act entails the same meanness, which the hero can no longer refuse.


The narrator experiences pangs of conscience for his actions. He is not used to living by deception, as the children of Levontius do. Unlike them, the boy understands that he did wrong, he tries to correct the current situation. The hero cannot sleep, he keeps thinking about what he did: “He cheated his grandmother, he stole the rolls! What will happen? He compares himself to a criminal who is completely confused. The boy decides to tell his grandmother everything, but only in the morning. However, the hero does not fulfill his decision. Throughout the story, the reader observes an internal conflict: the main character is constantly faced with a moral choice. A person chooses his own path in life, but he needs help in this and directed to the true path. This is exactly what the narrator's grandmother does.


The grandmother, having learned that the hero had deceived her, spent a long time telling everyone what her grandson had done. But she did not hold a grudge against the narrator; on the contrary, she bought the boy a gingerbread in the shape of a horse with a pink mane. The future fate of her grandson was important to the heroine; she was afraid that the narrator would grow up to be an immoral person. The grandmother forgave the hero, supported him and taught him to always remain human. The narrator remembers this lesson of kindness forever, which is why he often remembers the gingerbread he received from his caring grandmother. This gingerbread has become the personification of kindness and support.