Do Capricorns wear wedding rings? Everything you wanted to know about engagement rings

Interview with the Echo newspaper with a culturologist,teacher at the Institute of Culture, head of one of the St. Petersburg registry officesLeila Ibragimova.

- You recently published in one of the cultural publications in St. Petersburg a rather large work devoted to wedding rings and their history. Why did you choose this particular topic?

One day, an employee of mine who was conducting a marriage ceremony fell ill. It was unexpected, and there was no one to replace it. Then I, who started my work in the registry office with just such a position, decided to replace her myself. A young couple was registering. The boy is ordinary, and the girl is very lively. And when I said: “I ask the young people to exchange rings,” instead of sticking her finger up, she asks me a question: “Why rings? I asked everyone - no one knows.” I started mumbling something, that this was an ancient custom and all that, I remembered something from history... And then I decided to clarify this issue for myself and found a lot of interesting information. This is the result of this article.

After all, an engagement ring is a terribly interesting thing! Have you noticed that when we look at a stranger, we always pay attention to a minor, but important detail. This detail is the presence or absence of a wedding ring. It is this small piece of metal, usually gold, that brings us very important information.

- Why is a wedding ring worn on the ring finger?

The tradition of wearing a wedding ring on this finger comes from Ancient Egypt. They say that Cleopatra herself was the first to put a wedding ring on the ring finger of her left hand.

They say that Cleopatra herself was the first to put an engagement ring on the ring finger of her left hand.

Although, of course, the ring itself was invented in an unknown place, most likely everywhere at the same time. And very often it was not a decoration, but a kind of identification mark. In this meaning, rings are mentioned, for example, in the Indian epic of the 11th century. As for Egypt, gold rings were already popular there, the pharaohs used them as a seal, and later everyone began to wear them as jewelry. The seal was carved, often with inscriptions, on a wire rim. Simpler citizens wore rings made of silver, copper, glass and even ceramics.

In ancient times, the Egyptians believed that the fourth finger of the left hand was a special nerve or blood vessel connected to the heart. The ring, worn on the ring finger, was thus directly connected to the heart and symbolized love or marriage.

The ring, worn on the ring finger, was thus directly connected to the heart and symbolized love or marriage

However, the ancient Hellenes were the first to make the ring and love dependent. If a ring was worn on the ring finger, it meant that the person's heart was occupied. If it is on the index finger, then this person is in search of a wife, but if it is on the little finger, then this indicates that he is not ready to get married at all. But if you ancient Greek If you saw the ring on your middle finger, it was immediately clear that this was a local Don Juan, well versed in the science of love. By the way, such a language of rings existed until the 19th century. According to legend, the very first ring (not a wedding ring, but simply) was worn by Prometheus on the orders of Zeus. This ring was supposed to remind him of those days when he was chained to the mountain.

Christians acted very wisely and, unlike other pagan beliefs, did not refute the ancient belief about the connection between the left ring finger and the heart, and in the 9th century, Pope Nicholas I legitimized this connection with a church ritual, although the use of this decoration directly in the wedding ceremony takes its toll beginning in the 4th century. He ordered, with his divine blessing, to engrave the church text on the ring. However, for some reason only Catholics did this. Orthodox Christians today wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of their right hand; only divorced people wear it on their left. But the Orthodox have always wanted to be different from Catholics, maybe this is the reason? However, the whole world, including the Muslim world, wears a wedding ring on the left hand. Although I was wrong when I said that right hand Only Orthodox Christians wore them. Also Soviet. This is where they really wanted to distinguish themselves. From the rest of the civilized world.

However, history knows many examples of wedding rings “traveling” literally across all the fingers of both hands. For example, in England during the reign of King George I at the beginning of the 18th century, large wedding rings were worn on the thumb. They did the same in India. True, newlyweds there, in principle, did not wear wedding rings for long - after a while they could simply be melted down for any other decoration.

By the way, during early Middle Ages, when it was customary to wear only one ring, it was worn on the ring finger. And in China, wedding rings were made in such a way that they could be put on any finger. On the ring itself were carved the hieroglyphs “fu” - “happiness” and “show” - “longevity”, or a three-legged toad denoting the same thing. Great importance was also attached to the stone that would be set into the ring.

- You listed several countries where wedding rings were worn. What, they weren’t worn in other countries?

Wedding rings were worn in almost all countries. The custom of exchanging rings also existed among the ancient Hindus, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, ancient Germans, all Slavs and many other tribes.

And why, as your bride asked, are rings the symbol of marriage and are they the ones that need to be exchanged? And why are they gold?

In ancient times, a golden ring among many peoples symbolized the sun - the source of warmth, light and, in general, the joy of life. This, in particular, is spoken of in many ancient legends, tales and songs. I read the lyrics of such ancient songs from Lithuanians, Finns, Belarusians, etc. This, obviously, is where the custom of exchanging rings between newlyweds comes from, which should serve as a guarantee of a happy family life. But this is the reason that, as they say, lies on the surface. In ancient times, when there were not so many people and each member of the tribe counted, a new family meant the birth of new people; family was a sacred concept. The circle, the wheel is one of the most ancient symbols. A round decoration without beginning or end, which cannot be opened, symbolizes the eternity of the family union (by the way, two rings put together form an infinity sign), and precious materials represent how dear the two people who created a family are to each other from now on. Gold has always been considered the most valuable metal among all peoples.

As for the custom of exchanging rings, it did not arise immediately. As an object of exchange between spouses and, accordingly, an important part wedding ceremony Wedding rings only became available in the 2nd century.

Nowadays, a wedding ring is made from only metal. And before it was made with a precious stone. Where did this custom come from?

In the Italian city of Perugia, they still keep a relic - a ring with an amethyst, which, according to legend, Joseph presented to the Virgin Mary for betrothal. This is where, according to another legend, the fashion for wedding rings with stones began. By the way, precious stones are also closely related to the history and symbolism of rings. Very often, a stone embedded in a ring carried very specific information. For example, in the 19th century in Brazil, a stone in a ring spoke of the profession of its owner. A lawyer wore a ruby ​​ring, a doctor wore an emerald ring, and a civil engineer wore a sapphire ring. Wedding rings began to be decorated with diamonds and diamonds back in the Middle Ages, when diamond deposits were discovered in India and South Africa. It is believed that the first diamond ring was given to a wedding by the young Austrian Archduke Maximilian when he married Mary of Burgundy. This happened in the 15th century under Frederick III. Maximilian commissioned his jeweler to create a ring made of pressed gold and silver, framed with diamonds in the shape of the letter "M", thereby forever introducing precious stones into fashion for wedding rings. Gradually, the diamond became an integral decoration of a woman’s engagement ring. However, men still prefer a ring made of gold of the highest standard, not burdened with any frills.

- Why did they stop making wedding rings with stones?

They haven't stopped! In Europe, such rings are still given as gifts, or rather, they have never stopped giving. The fact is that before there was a betrothal rite and a wedding rite. According to established custom, the ring that the groom gave to his chosen one for engagement or betrothal was usually much richer and more expensive than the one that he put on her finger during the marriage ceremony. This ring, worn when registering a marriage, had to be without a stone and in the form of a continuous circle. It was believed that the stone on the ring disrupted its continuity, that is, it weakened the protective properties of the ring from evil spirits. That's why wedding rings were simple - why tempt evil spirit seeking to cause discord between spouses? In addition, wedding rings were a symbol of purity, eternity and fidelity between spouses, and should have been simple, without any decoration, and always made of pure, without impurities, and durable metal.

By the way, the rings were changed already during the engagement. This custom was, for example, among the ancient Slavs. This custom, at the time of preliminary agreement - betrothal, cemented the firm intentions of the bride and groom to get married. At the same time, certain moral obligations seemed to arise, which should not have been violated even formally. Later, starting from the 18th century, rings were no longer exchanged during an engagement; the groom gave the bride a ring with a stone, but she did not give him anything. The ancient Romans also had a betrothal ceremony, when the groom gave the bride's parents a ring as a symbol of commitment and ability to support the bride. Moreover, the rings indicated the social status of the residents: the upper classes had the right to wear gold rings, townspeople - silver ones. Even slaves wore rings, but only iron or copper. By the way, even then the Romans invented marriage on a contractual basis. And the engagement was considered a more important moment than the wedding itself, since the main agreements between the groom and the bride’s parents were made precisely during the engagement process.

As for the times Soviet Union, then for our women there was only one ring, it is called a wedding ring, although in fact this name is incorrect. Nobody even thought about any betrothal or wedding ceremony. But when Christian traditions were strong - before the October Revolution, the Orthodox Christian wedding ceremony in some way combined betrothal and marriage. Back in 1775 the Russian Orthodox Church combined the engagement ceremony with the wedding ceremony. From then on, the wedding rings, which the bride and groom exchanged before the altar, also began to be called wedding rings. True, newlyweds getting married in a church will be interested to know that the ceremony itself of exchanging symbols of marital fidelity is not a marriage, it is an engagement, which is simply traditionally combined with a wedding in time and is held immediately before the wedding ritual. And the real consolidation of the union by the church occurs when crowns are held over the heads of the bride and groom, and the future spouses drink three times from the wedding cup.

- I read somewhere that in some countries rings for the bride and groom were made of different metals. This is true?

Yes, this was the case in many Catholic countries, but not for long; the custom lasted somewhere from the middle of the 17th century to the end of the 19th century. The groom's ring was made of gold, and the bride's was made of silver. At the same time, the name of one of the spouses was engraved on each ring, and the bride received jewelry with the name of the groom, and the groom received the name of the bride. By the way, many Catholic couples adhere to this tradition to this day. In some European countries, it is common to use the same ring as an engagement and wedding gift. In this case, the jewelry is considered “engagement” until the inscription is engraved on it - the name of one of the spouses and the wedding date. After which the ring is considered a wedding ring.

- Then it turns out that gold is not always used for wedding rings?

Yes, wedding rings were not immediately and not everywhere made of gold. Initially, rings were made of bronze, later of iron, and only around the 3rd century gold became the main material for them. By the way, gold was once considered the material of the Sun, silver - the material of the Moon. Platinum began to be used for wedding rings about two hundred years ago. Wedding rings made of two metals were quite popular, with combinations such as gold plus iron symbolizing the harmony of beauty and strength. An alloy of platinum and gold, the so-called white gold, is still popular. Somewhere in the 70s and 80s of the last century, wedding rings made of three metals were fashionable: white gold, red gold and yellow gold.

Already in the Middle Ages, the appearance of wedding rings was characterized by unprecedented diversity. They were made from a wide variety of metals, decorated with incisions, patterns, niello, enamel, and pearls and precious stones were inserted into them. The rings had the shape of intertwined hands, chains, hearts pierced by an arrow... Cabalistic signs, all kinds of images, symbolic and religious inscriptions, brands, etc. were often applied to them. The Nuremberg Museum, for example, houses a 13th-century ring found by archaeologists. It has a simple triangular profile and the inscription “Loyalty is in me.” There were also other inscriptions: “Love to the grave,” “As long as I love, I hope,” “United together by God cannot be separated by man.” There were also magic numbers on rings, most often 3 and 7. The number 3 was considered a symbol of hope, faith and love, and 7 was simply lucky. Half rings were also very popular. They were worn separately by husband and wife, but only these halves joined together made up a whole ring on which some saying could be read.

Even in Europe there were rings with the image of two hands and two hearts. They were first worn in the 17th century. And in Ireland, since ancient times, they have worn a ring with the image of two hands holding one heart, above which there is a crown. This ring is called "Claddagh". If in the Claddagh ring the heart is turned to the outer side, then this indicates that the person is free, if in the inner direction, then he is engaged or married. Claddagh is also worn in France - in Brittany and Normandy. In Italy, in the provinces of Bolzano and Alto Adige, there is a similar version of a gilded silver ring with two hands that hold not only a heart, but also a flame.

- Are there any beliefs or superstitions associated with wedding rings?

How not to be! Perhaps no other wedding attribute is associated with as many beliefs as rings! The beliefs were very different, most of all there were beliefs regarding the mysterious power of the rings. It was believed, for example, that Golden ring, especially wedding, helps during childbirth, and in Little Russia it was held in front of the woman in labor. One of the most common beliefs is that you should not reuse someone's wedding rings, so as not to learn life's mistakes and possible troubles from the former owners.

One of the most common beliefs is that you should not reuse someone's wedding rings, so as not to learn life's mistakes and possible troubles from the former owners.

An exception is made only for the rings of parents, but only if they want their children to repeat their happy fate. In some European countries, there is a tradition of passing on a wedding ring by inheritance from mother to eldest daughter - from generation to generation.

Another belief is that you should not even let someone try on your wedding ring. But this belief “works” only in Europe and America; in Azerbaijan, for example, there is a custom, as they say, exactly the opposite. When the groom gives the bride a ring after he has proposed and the betrothal ceremony has taken place, the bride invites her unmarried girlfriends to her house to look at the dowry and try on the ring. The one who tries on first will be the first to get married.

There are many signs associated with rings. It is believed that the worst thing is to drop your wedding ring from your hands, especially in front of the altar. In Russia there is even a saying for this occasion: dropping a wedding ring under the aisle is not a good sign. There is evidence that this sign is true in my practice. When I was still registering marriages myself, I had three cases when the bride dropped her ring. And, imagine, all three couples came to divorce after some time. Now I no longer register marriages, but our girls say that the sign continues to work. Even worse is losing your wedding ring. This was generally considered a big disaster for the family. When a ring breaks or cracks, it is considered a harbinger of an imminent divorce.

When a ring breaks or cracks, it is considered a harbinger of an imminent divorce.

My friend had this. Her husband's cut ring cracked and they separated three months later. So don’t believe in omens after this!

No, signs regarding wedding rings always work. For example, I’m not a superstitious person, but my first husband and I lost our wedding rings within one day of each other. You don’t even have to ask whether we got divorced or not... By the way, about faceted rings. So we talked about why an engagement ring with a precious stone, and a wedding ring must be simple and smooth. There is such a sign: if the ring is simple and smooth, then life will be simple and smooth.

If the ring is simple and smooth, then life will be simple and smooth.

- In the dream book, a lot of space is allocated to rings. Do you believe in dream books?

I personally don't. Dream books are entertainment for teenagers and exalted ladies. To solve a dream, you need not a dream book, but logic or a psychic. But in various dream books, a lot is actually written about wedding rings. For example, if a woman sees her wedding ring shiny and bright in a dream, then this is supposedly a sign that she will not know either worries or betrayal. If you see that you have lost or broken a ring, this means that real life sadness awaits you. In principle, an engagement ring is such a magical, mysterious and mystical thing that these signs very often work with dreams.

Why, if a wedding ring is such a mysterious and mystical thing, does it practically not appear in any novels or plays? That is, rings are mentioned, but I can’t remember a single work where the wedding ring plays such an important role as, for example, the handkerchief in Othello?

Well, this question is not for me! Maybe that’s why they didn’t write, because writers were afraid of all sorts of mysterious things? However, you are not entirely right, you were literary works, where wedding rings occupy a fairly important place. There is, for example, a plot whose origins are lost in the darkness of centuries. The 12th century English chronicler William of Malmesbury talks about an amazing and, in his words, reliable incident. A certain Roman youth, before a game of “balls”, I really don’t know what kind of game it is, but that’s not the point, took off his wedding ring so that it would not interfere with the game, and, without hesitation, put it on the finger of a statue of Venus standing nearby . The consequences of this rash act were indescribable. On the eve of the first wedding night, Venus herself, taking human form, laid claim to the groom. The young man, understandably, was terribly frightened, and in order to get rid of the nightmare obsession, he turned to the warlock Palumbus. He sent a decisive message to Venus, which forced the goddess of love to have mercy and leave her unexpected “betrothed” alone. Subsequently, this plot in various versions is found in various medieval poems, in the opera, the ballet "The Marble Bride", in the wonderful ironic story by Prosper Merimee "Venus of Il". But if for Merimee this incident with the unlucky young man was a matter of irony, then for medieval authors it was more than a serious matter. In those days, people really believed in the magical power of rings; moreover, the ring itself was often mysteriously considered connected with the fate of the person himself, and even determined his location.

- Why do they wear the ring on the other hand during a divorce?

Some actually transfer the ring to the other hand. By this they seem to signal to the opposite sex that “I am free and ready for a new relationship.” But there are no strict rules on this matter; this is everyone’s personal matter. The strict rule was that the ring must be worn after the wedding. There was even a sign: “if your ring gets cold, so will your love.” Therefore, many women do not take off their wedding ring even during cleaning or other dirty work. Although, I must say, this is harmful. True, not for women, but for men.

- Is it harmful to wear rings?!

Yes, scientists have proven that constantly wearing a ring - any ring - has a harmful effect on your health. The fact is that precious metals, like others, are susceptible to oxidation. After all, no one makes rings from pure gold now! To give the necessary mechanical properties and colors are added to the rings by adding non-ferrous metals, producing alloys, for example, gold with silver and copper, sometimes with palladium, cadmium, nickel and zinc; silver and platinum with copper. These alloys are capable of releasing products chemical reaction, which over time affect the male gonads and can even lead to disorders in the sexual sphere. Doctors say that even a fraction of a milligram of gold oxides can disrupt the normal functioning of the glands, regardless of the sample. Moreover, what is especially interesting is that this does not in any way affect women’s health, their body is better protected, only men suffer!

After this interview, all the men will take off their wedding rings and say that this is what the newspaper advised them to do...

Men should not panic at all! After all, many years must pass before the oxidation process reaches dangerous levels. But if someone is still afraid of this, then we can advise them on a very simple way out: wash your hands more often, that’s all! And clean your rings more often. But what’s really harmful is if your ring is small and tight. This negatively affects not only the condition of the nerve endings concentrated in the fingers, but also the blood circulation in general. So wear your rings and be happy!

Even if you are already married, it is always interesting to compare your own choices with the opinions of experts. Astrologers believe that when choosing a wedding ring you should be guided by the following rules.

Aries: massive, but not “basic”


An Aries wedding ring should demonstrate their inner strength and at the same time be different from classic rings.

Taurus: a timeless classic


It's a different story with Taurus. People of this sign have their feet firmly on the ground and know: fashion changes, but marriage remains. They should choose a classic ring that will never become outdated.

Gemini: Diamond Geometry


An unusual ring like this will satisfy both the creative nature of the twins and their love of symmetry and order. You will never get tired of admiring such decoration.

Cancer: floral motifs


People of this zodiac sign are not very original when it comes to jewelry. A classic diamond ring framed with precious “petals” would be an excellent choice.

Leo: appropriate excess


Leos hate being like everyone else, so their engagement ring should be unusual, unique and with big amount precious stones.

Virgo: sweet and simple


Unlike Leo, those born under the sign of Virgo have a persistent allergy to everything flashy and provocative. A thin ring designed in a minimalist style is what is needed in their case.

Libra: Flower Madness


A ring in the spirit of antiquity, with a floral pattern made of stone, will definitely not leave the romantic nature of Libra indifferent. Over the years, it can be passed on to future generations.

Scorpio: the all-seeing eye


Scorpios are wise and insightful, so an unusual design of an engagement ring in the shape of an eye framed by precious stones will suit them.

Sagittarius: Rose Gold


The ideal life of a Sagittarius is a lot of travel, new experiences and dangerous adventures. They don’t like anything flashy, but strive for originality, so they prefer a classic ring in an unexpected design - made of rose gold.

From time immemorial, a wedding ring has been a symbol of fidelity and constancy. The first wedding rings originated in Ancient Egypt. They were worn on the middle finger of the left hand, directly connected to the heart by a blood vein. The couple should choose wedding rings together, as they definitely need to be tried on. A jewelry store salesperson will be able to give young people some practical advice regarding the right ring models for them.

These rings are usually made from various gold alloys. For example, gold in combination with silver and copper gives alloys of reddish and pink shades, gold with silver causes a greenish color of the ring, and alloys of gold with palladium, nickel, silver and zinc give yellow and white shades of wedding rings. Data on the percentage composition of gold in such alloys can be found by looking at the sample on the inside of the product. There are 375, 500, 538, 750 samples, but 958 is considered the best.

One of the main criteria when choosing wedding rings is their size. Therefore, you need to be very careful when determining their size so that you can wear your rings with pleasure. The ring should not be too tight or too loose. The classic style of bridal rings involves a smooth strip of metal 3-12 mm wide. Recently, rings with a grooved surface have become popular.

The choice here depends on the tastes of the bride and groom, the main thing is that their rings represent the couple. If your financial capabilities allow, then you can opt for wedding rings decorated with diamonds of various cuts, or models with other precious stones. Carefully inspect the ring you like - its surface should be perfectly smooth, without scratches or stains. The inside of your wedding rings can be engraved, such as your wedding date or your spouse's name.

The design ideas of modern goldsmiths are striking in their scope. On sale you can see wedding rings that are completely different from the traditional models familiar to everyone. IN last years There was a fashion for rings with corners and square-shaped wedding rings. However, the traditional round ring has been considered since ancient times as a talisman of the union of two hearts, a symbol of love that knows no end.

If you still decide to keep up with the times and opt for wedding rings of an unconventional design, then you will immediately decide whether you will wear it all the time or not. Your peace of mind and safety will largely depend on this, because, you see, walking along dark streets in the evening with a fortune on your hand is extremely imprudent.

If your and your groom’s opinions do not coincide when choosing wedding rings, then try to convince your loved one. Typically, men quickly lose interest in wedding rings or do not pay attention to them. of great importance their appearance. But women, on the contrary, can wear their wedding ring without taking it off throughout their lives. Therefore, it is better to purchase the model that you like best.

Jewelry Planet

Everything you wanted to know about engagement rings

"When a woman wears a wedding ring, her friends envy her. When a man wears a wedding ring, his friends sympathize with him..."

At some point, sooner or later, all future spouses are bound to face the question of wedding rings. What should wedding rings be like? On which hand are wedding rings worn? What is the difference between a wedding ring and an engagement ring? We decided to answer these and other questions with the help of this article, bringing together all the information available about wedding rings that you may need when choosing them...

What does a wedding ring symbolize?

The closed model of the ring, which has neither beginning nor end, represents infinity, unity and eternal love, it is for this reason that this type of jewelry has become an integral attribute of all lovers. When you put a ring on your companion’s finger, you wordlessly tell him that now you and him are one whole, indivisible. According to archaeological excavations, wedding rings were worn in ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. Moreover, people of the lower classes wore rings made of simple, base metals and materials, while more aristocratic couples wore rings made of gold. Gold rings not only testified to the immortal love of the spouses, but also confirmed their high material status. The tradition of wearing wedding rings dates back several millennia; only the design of this type of jewelry changes.

Which hand is the wedding ring placed on?

Of course, most people know that the wedding ring is worn on the right hand. However, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance, because people of different nationalities wear wedding rings on different hands. In Russia, as well as Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Poland, Greece and some other Orthodox countries, husband and wife wear a wedding ring on their right hand.

But in England, Turkey, Armenia, Finland, Australia, USA, Mexico, Italy, Slovakia, Japan, Syria and some other countries - on the left hand. For the most part, rings are worn on the left hand in Catholic and Protestant countries.

On which finger do you wear a wedding ring?

The wedding ring is worn on the ring finger - the fourth finger from the thumb, which is located between the little finger and middle finger. Since ancient times, it has been believed that a vein passes through this finger, going straight to the heart, and the heart, in turn, has always been considered the main symbol of love. By placing a ring on your ring finger, you are metaphorically placing it on your heart and the heart of your loved one. In European countries, the ring finger is called the “ring” finger, and in the countries of the Far East – “medicinal”, since it is most often used to stir medicines.

What should an engagement ring be like?

For a long time, wedding rings were made in the most simple, laconic design. The main and constant parameter has always remained only that all wedding rings have always been made exclusively of gold. Why made of gold? – Because it is the most durable, beautiful and noble precious metal, which retains its perfect original appearance for many years. It does not darken or tarnish like silver, has a very affordable price and always retains its sunny bright shine. Recently, it has become popular to buy wedding rings made of white gold and platinum. Such jewelry is distinguished by a noble silvery-whitish shine, they are more expensive, but they also look very bright and original. Not so long ago, engagement rings with diamonds came into fashion. The decoration can have one stone or several - it all depends on your taste and financial capabilities. Diamond is the king of all stones, has the best physical and aesthetic characteristics and has the ability to accumulate positive energy its owners and help a person in his positive aspirations. That is why cut diamonds were chosen to accompany gold in wedding rings. However, some believe that in order to family life was smooth, wedding rings should also be chosen with a smooth surface. Believe folk signs or not is everyone’s personal matter. Just listen to yourself and do what makes you feel more comfortable and calm.

How to wear a wedding ring?

Once upon a time in Russia there were two concepts in everyday life - an engagement ring and a wedding ring. The groom presented the first to the girl to express his intention to marry. If the desires of both coincided, the girl accepted the ring; if not, she rejected it. Before the wedding or wedding, the girl took off such a ring, and the groom put another ring on the bride’s hand - a wedding one. After the ceremony, the girl put on the engagement ring over the wedding ring. After the Synod combined the concepts of betrothal and wedding in 1755, spouses began to exchange rings once, only on the day of their wedding. Today, when it has become fashionable to renew old traditions, and the trend of stacked rings (when several pieces of jewelry are worn on one ring at once) has burst into life, it is quite possible to wear an engagement and wedding ring at the same time.

What is the difference between an engagement ring and a wedding ring?

The main difference between an engagement ring and a wedding ring is that the former is usually decorated with a central stone insert, usually a diamond. The tradition of proposing with an engagement ring came to us from Europe. Until now, not everyone follows it, but the opportunity, along with a long-awaited proposal, to receive a precious gift in addition, brings happiness to absolutely every girl. The tradition of giving an engagement ring began in the 15th century by the Austrian Duke Maximilian, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, when he decided to marry the first beauty of Europe, Mary of Burgundy, to whom he sent a luxurious ring with a large diamond with a marriage proposal. With this beautiful gesture, he wanted to demonstrate not only his intention to marry, but also the scale of his wealth and the full strength of his desire to be with her.

How is an engagement ring different from a regular one?

In the past, when everyone wore the same wedding rings in simple traditional designs, the differences between wedding rings and regular rings were more obvious and significant. Today, it often happens that the bride and groom choose rings with different designs, but in the same style. If you are a supporter of the classical approach, in order to distinguish a wedding ring from an ordinary one, you should adhere to the following primary characteristics: 1.) a wedding ring, unlike an ordinary one, must be made of gold (red, yellow or white) or platinum; 2.) wedding rings should have a standard closed shape, which symbolizes the unity and integrity of your couple; 3.) the wedding ring should not have pronounced protruding decorative elements (inset stones - if there are any, they are all deepened in such a way that the surface of the ring is even and smooth), as this will interfere with your everyday life.

Why is a wedding ring worn on the right hand?

In Rus', the right hand (right hand) has always been a symbol of correct and good action, as well as of God himself (who is depicted in the form of a right hand on many coats of arms of Russian cities). With the right hand one makes the sign of the cross, takes a vow of allegiance, and with it people hold a sword in a righteous battle and a tool in daily work. That is why the wedding ring is worn on the right hand.

Is it possible to wear wedding rings before marriage?

Until the mid-18th century, wedding rings were worn both before and after the wedding, since wedding rings previously played the same function that engagement rings now play. Of course, wearing wedding rings symbolizes marital fidelity and eloquently makes it clear that a person is no longer in search, and this function can come in handy loving people and before they get married. However, the long-awaited wedding ceremony means that you will put rings on each other's fingers for the first time, and this will be one of the most memorable moments of your life. Therefore, if you are planning a wedding, there is no need to spoil your pleasure by wearing wedding rings prematurely. It's another matter if you don't intend to get married. In this case, you, of course, can exchange rings without a wedding, so that it is they, and not the stamp in the passport, that symbolically seals your union.

Some unmarried women wear a ring on their ring finger so that, by showing the ring on the treasured finger, they can cut off attempts to get acquainted by unnecessary men without offense or unnecessary words.

Some people believe that wearing wedding rings before marriage is a bad omen, and wearing this type of jewelry prematurely can lead to the cancellation of the ceremony itself. Whether this is true or not, no one can say - this is just a popular belief. In any case, it’s better not to take risks and limit yourself to just an engagement ring before the wedding.

What are the best wedding rings to buy?

Modern jewelry fashion offers future spouses such a rich assortment of different wedding rings that it is not difficult to get confused when choosing them. In matters of design, you must listen to yourself and decide what exactly you want your wedding rings to be like - traditional classic or modern and unusual with an original design. In any case, it is important to buy engagement rings from a reputable jewelry store that guarantees high quality jewelry. In the case of engagement rings, this is especially important, because they will be with you throughout your life, and it is necessary that the jewelry does not fade or lose its shine over time. Therefore, when choosing wedding rings, pay attention not only to their design and price, but also to the sample of the jewelry. The ideal option is considered to be 585-grade products, which have an ideal price-quality ratio.

Is it possible to exchange wedding rings for new ones?

A huge number of popular beliefs and signs are associated with wedding rings. It is believed that wedding rings should not be given to anyone to try on - neither before nor after the wedding. That wedding rings must be new. The only exception is parental rings - and only if the parents’ marriage is happy and long and has successfully lasted for more than a dozen years. It is considered not a very good omen to drop a wedding ring in a registry office or church. They say that this portends a long separation. But the question of whether it is possible to exchange wedding rings for new ones cannot be answered so unequivocally. It is likely that while preparing for your wedding, you were in a hurry, did not pay enough attention to choosing beautiful wedding rings and purchased them in a hurry. And then you didn’t like them or it turned out that they weren’t your size. It is believed that if you were married only in the registry office, then it is permissible to change wedding rings. If you had a wedding ceremony in a church, it is not advisable to exchange your wedding rings for new ones.

Who buys engagement rings for a wedding?

Wedding rings are chosen by the future spouses together, as they should be equally liked by both. As the future head of the family, the groom must pay for the jewelry.

On which hand do Muslims wear a wedding ring?

In Turkey, for example, the engagement ring, which is given by the groom to the bride before the wedding, is worn by the chosen one on the right hand, and the engagement ring after the wedding is worn on the left. Also for men. But because Muslim men are not allowed to wear gold, they prefer silver items. They quite often give gold rings and bracelets to their chosen one. Those who are not very religious even practice wearing gold.

On which hand do Catholics wear their wedding ring?

According to biblical legend, Joseph put a ring on the middle finger of the Virgin Mary's left hand. Following the example from scripture, Catholics also wear wedding rings on the ring finger of the left hand. So to speak - “closer to the heart.”

Is it possible to show engagement rings before the wedding?

There is nothing wrong with showing someone your wedding rings before marriage. The main thing is that the person to whom you are showing the ring does not accidentally try it on his finger, without wishing harm to anyone. This is considered really not a very good omen, since wedding rings must be new and unworn.

Silver wedding rings, like other jewelry of this kind, other than gold ones, appeared in Russian practice not so long ago. To this day, on the hands of our mothers and grandmothers, we can see once fashionable gold accessories of considerable thickness, which emphasized the status and wealth of their wearers. In some cases, thinner ones were cast from the rings of older relatives (usually already divorced) for the younger ones. However, energy experts did not and do not recommend doing this, so that the problems of a broken family do not transfer to a young one. It is better to buy thin, but new gold jewelry. Or buy silver wedding rings for a very inexpensive price.

Since ancient times, in the Slavic world there has been an interesting, but half-forgotten tradition of spouses wearing symbols of marriage made of different metals. It is expected that the husband should wear a gold ring on his right hand, and the wife should wear a silver wedding ring on her left hand. In this way, harmony of female and male energy is achieved in the future family. Who knows, maybe the tradition of women wearing rings made of metal of the “yang” element on the “wrong” hand creates a certain number of problems in married life.

In some cases, wearing gold is not favorable for a particular zodiac sign. And since the ring fingers in marriage must be constantly ringed, there is a circumstance when selecting accessories. It is believed that gold jewelry is optimally suited for Taurus, Leo and Aries, and to a lesser extent for Sagittarius, Aquarius, Scorpio, Gemini and Capricorn. But for water signs (Pisces, Cancer), alloys of gold, silver and platinum or silver wedding rings are more suitable for wearing.

The modern jewelry industry offers many options for this “difficult” jewelry. In stores you can find both simple rings in the form of thin silver wire for a couple of hundred rubles, and works of art with precious and semi-precious stones for many thousands of rubles and even dollars.

However, when choosing silver engagement rings, you need to take into account that this metal is absolutely incompatible with some additions, including ruby, diamond, blue and light blue turquoise. These are the ones who enter into a kind of energy “conflict”. It is better if the silver jewelry contains emerald, jade, amethyst or chrysoprase, which are perfect for this metal.

Silver wedding rings, engraved or decorated with enamel, will tell others that the spouses are unconventional people. That is why some companies offer wedding accessories with the names of those getting married or even with the date of the wedding ceremony.

To ensure that the symbol of marriage always looks elegant, the wedding ring must be cleaned periodically and also removed when hands come into contact with aggressive environments or cosmetics. Energy experts recommend giving any silver ring a “rest” on the fourth lunar day. To do this, you need to put it in water and put it in the refrigerator for sixteen hours, then let it defrost for 8 hours.