Nikolay Sobolev. Sobolev - hypocrite Nikolai Sobolev videos

Sobolev is a hypocrite- an online campaign to discredit video blogger Nikolai Sobolev, who made a laudatory video about Gorky Park and the mayor of Moscow. The phrase “Sobolev is a hypocrite” appeared on social networks earlier, but after the next conflict it turned into a meme.


On July 5, 2018, Nikolai Sobolev’s channel released a video dedicated to the match between Russia and Spain at the 2018 World Cup and the rapper Gnoiny. From the first seconds, Sobolev begins to praise Gorky Park, hinting that its development is the merit of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

Hidden advertising has caused a lot of controversy. It turned out that other top YouTube bloggers made similar videos. Blogger Stas Vasiliev (Max Power) was one of the first released a revealing video in which he indicated the names of those who “sold out to the mayor’s office”: in addition to Sobolev himself, the list included Dima Maslennikov, Max Brandt, Timur Sidelnikov and Kostya Pavlov.

All bloggers are under contract with the WildJam agency, writes TJ. Within one or two weeks, veiled advertising appeared on their channels, which in one way or another praised Sobyanin’s activities. The conclusion is obvious: the promotion was ordered on the eve of the mayoral elections, in which Sergei Semenovich will participate.

Other bloggers, including the Prince of Petersburg, Ruslan Tushentsov and Morgenstern, also recorded critical videos addressed to Sobolev. The latter’s video was called “The main Kremlin sucker and YouTube hypocrite – Sobolev.”

In parallel with the criticism of the blogger on social networks, a spontaneous action began to discredit him. Users began calling him a hypocrite, a political prostitute, and making offensive memes. The phrase “Sobolev is a hypocrite” became popular, and the main antagonist became an equally meme YouTube character – Morgenstern.

The greatest contribution to the meme war was made by the public “Oatmeal, sir” - in the period from July 18 to 19 alone, about 20 memes about Sobolev were published in the community. Public even depicted confrontation between bloggers on their avatars on VKontakte.


Memes about Nikolai Sobolev ridicule his corruption and loyalty to the Moscow authorities, which the blogger is often accused of. In addition to the phrase “Sobolev is a hypocrite,” pictures are being circulated online in which the blogger is portrayed as a person who is ready to do anything for money. Much of the indignation surrounding Sobolev’s political speeches is due to the fact that in 2017 interview Nikolai told Yuri Dudya that he was not going to get involved in politics.

In addition, Morgenstern himself appears in memes about Sobolev; he is not only presented as the main whistleblower, but is also compared to oppositionist Alexei Navalny.


IN modern world In order to earn decent money, you don’t have to spend all day in the office. One of the ways to earn money is to maintain your blog on the Internet and shoot videos. Nikolai Sobolev proved by his own example that this brings real income.

This guy was born in St. Petersburg into an intelligent family. Since childhood, he thought about connecting his future with sports. Nikolai was seriously involved in martial arts for several years, but the injury he received forced him to say goodbye to his dream.

While studying at the institute, the guy became interested in bodybuilding. He developed his own training system, and soon his weight reached 100 kilograms. Believing in the success of his system, Nikolai planned to become a fitness trainer. This was the plan until he became interested in filming videos.

Now the guy runs three YouTube channels and has a large army of subscribers. It is not surprising that with such popularity, the charming blogger has no end to fans. But despite this, Nikolai says that if he falls in love, it’s not for one day. And judging by his relationship, he is not cheating.

The blogger's first relationship began at the age of 16. His girlfriend's name was Anna. Nikolai does not talk about that period of his life. Journalists were unable to find out where and how they met the girl, or why they broke up. It is only known that their relationship lasted almost a year and a half.

Much more is known about Nikolai Sobolev’s second girlfriend, Yana Khanikerian. She, like the guy, is a well-known blogger on the Internet. The girl posts her videos on Instagram and has already gathered a considerable army of subscribers there.

They repeatedly appeared together in videos with their beloved. They were considered the most beautiful couple on Instagram. But after 3.5 years of relationship, the couple broke up. Moreover, young people did not comment on this matter. Fans learned about this from the same videos, or more precisely from the fact that Yana stopped filming with Nikolai.

Nikolai Sobolev also met his new girlfriend through his work. He and his partner were filming another video when a pretty brunette approached them. She asked permission to take a photo with Nikolai. He didn't mind. He thought to himself that this was the most beautiful girl who had ever had a photo taken with him.

After shooting the video, they decided not to cut the frame with the photo. But Nikolai still could not forget this girl. He regretted not finding out her name and exchanging phone numbers with her. But then luck smiled at him. His video with the photographing scene was seen by his participant and left a comment. This is how Nikolai Sobolev’s communication with Polina Chistyakova began.

Blogger's personal life

Now Polina Chistyakova occupies an important place in the life and heart of the blogger. Nikolai Sobolev affectionately calls his girlfriend a bun. They make videos together, take photographs and travel a lot. Evil tongues claim that the girl is with Nikolai because of his popularity. However, Polina independently runs her own blog on Instagram and has many subscribers.

Nikolai Sobolev’s girlfriend earns a good income from advertising various cosmetic brands on the pages of her blog. Therefore, Polina is completely financially independent and popular.

Polina Chistyakova studied at the North-Western Institute of Management in St. Petersburg. She graduated from the department of PR and advertising with honors. At the same time, nature awarded her with unique external characteristics, so it is not surprising that the girl tried herself in the modeling business.

Today, Polina sometimes participates in shows. She spends most of her time next to her loved one and helps him with filming. The couple does not hide their personal life and willingly demonstrates in social networks joint photos from vacation. Polina and Nikolai have been together for 5 years.

Young people have been asked more than once the question of when they are planning a wedding. Nikolai Sobolev said that he was already ready for this important step. He wants to create a strong family. And recently he confirmed his words with deeds. Naturally, fans learned about this from social networks.

Interesting notes:

First, Polina posted several photos on Instagram wedding dresses. She asked subscribers to help her with her choice. Questions immediately poured in about when the wedding was planned. Next came a video from Nikolai, in which he demonstrates a beautiful wedding ring with a white gold diamond.

According to some reports, the wedding was planned for August 1, 2018. The celebration was planned to be held in Dubai, but for some reason it did not take place. However, this does not mean that the couple broke up. They are together and their personal life is already planned for 5 years in advance. It is during this period of time that they plan to have children.

To find out how it will actually be and whether their plans will come true, fans will have to wait. In addition, most likely, Polina Chistyakova and Nikolai Sobolev will talk about this personally. All news about them can be found on social networks.

Nikolay Sobolev– one of the most popular Russian video bloggers. He became famous through social videos and videos on sensitive topics. The name Nikolai has long been familiar to teenagers across the country.

Nikolay was born on June 18, 1993 in St. Petersburg. His mother works as a musician at the Mariinsky Theater, his father is the owner of the St. Petersburg Souvenirs retail chain. Nikolai studied first at the physics and mathematics lyceum, then at the gymnasium with in-depth study of economics and linguistics.

He also graduated from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, his specialty is manager-economist.

Until the age of 14, he was fond of martial arts, after which he left the sport for a while due to an injury, but returned to it several years later. During those same years, I became interested in computer games. In addition, the young man has had a good voice since childhood, thanks to which he was a cabaret singer and performed in a show program, where he was able to earn his first good money.


Nikolai made his first video project in 2013 together with his friend Guram Narmania. Young people took the activities of foreign video bloggers as a model, but adapted the situations to Russian reality. The project was named Rakamakafo in honor of the famous track.

At first, the main focus was practical jokes, but then the channel’s authors decided to change the topic. It was with videos on sensitive topics that the guys became famous. Thus, videos with social experiments “Group Sex” or “Russian VS Non-Russian” are still popular.

In 2015, Nikolai was already a famous video blogger and decided to run his own channel called “ Life YouTube" There he sorted out scandals between bloggers and talked about the secrets of monetization on YouTube. A year later, the blogger published the book “The Path to Success” about making money from videos on social networks. In May 2016, the young man became one of the hosts of the car show about expensive cars “Ready Steady Go”.

In 2016, Nikolay changed the name of his channel to SOBOLEV. The blogger still covers scandals and acute situations, but now not only among video bloggers, but throughout the world. He makes videos about Channel One, suicide and even Diana Shurigina.

In 2017, he was invited to the show “Let Them Talk,” where Shurygina’s situation is discussed. After this, Nikolay’s channel experienced another increase in subscribers. Later, he also appears on television in “Evening Urgant” and “Comedy Club”, as well as in the YouTube show “vDud”.

Income and wealth

The first major project, Rakamakafo, still brings its creators approximately $660 per month (about 43 thousand rubles). Over the entire period, young people earned 144 thousand dollars, which is more than 9 million rubles.

The SOBOLEV blog brings Nikolai an average of $3,690 a month (240 thousand rubles), and since its creation he has earned $178 thousand from it - that’s more than 11.5 million rubles.

The blogger also makes a lot of money from direct advertising. The company pays him to demonstrate his product in videos. So, average cost One direct advertisement in Nikolai’s video is approximately 800 thousand rubles.

Don’t forget other sources of income - book sales, other Internet projects, various talk shows. According to the Hello blogger portal, Nikolai Sobolev earns approximately 3 million rubles per month.

Personal life and hobbies

The young man is not married and has no children. For several years he was in a relationship with Polina Chistyakova, who is three years younger than him. The couple often posted photos together on social networks and appeared together at events. But after 3.5 years the young people broke up.

Among his favorite YouTube channels, Sobolev highlights the Versus Battle project, NEMAGIA and Yuri Dud’s channel.

The conflict between Nikolai Sobolev and video blogger Dmitry Larin in 2016 can be called a major scandal. Sobolev challenged Larin to a battle, but was refused in the form of a #kolyhater video. Nikolai made a response video for his opponent #DimaNeSsa, but he received a lot of negative marks.

Secrets of success

Another secret is high-quality video. It's not just about the shooting itself. The videos have a script, stylish screensavers, every second of the video is thought out. As a result, the video becomes a full-fledged work.

The last secret that can be highlighted is multiple sources of income. Nikolay doesn't focus only on his blog. He participates in various projects, creates his own products, and teams up with other famous personalities, thanks to which his income and popularity are growing.

Hero today

Now Nikolai continues to successfully run his blog. He is also one of the leading participants in the Cloud media discussion club, in which popular bloggers discuss pressing issues live.

Here is one of the latest videos of Nikolai Sobolev on the author’s channel SOBOLEV:

There are ambivalent attitudes towards the person of Nikolai Sobolev. Some consider him talented and interesting, others condemn him for PR on sensitive topics and narcissism. In any case, the blogger has long become one of the most successful people country and the idol of millions.

Participant's name: Nikolay Yurievich Sobolev

Age (birthday): 18.06.1993

City: St. Petersburg

Education: St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Faculty of Economics and Management

Job: blogger

Family: not married

Height and weight: 1.83 m

Directionality of channels: Rakamakafo - social experiments, SOBOLEV - discussion of current Internet news, Ready Steady Go - about cars

Channel created: 03/08/2014/10/16/2015/05/17/2016

Number of subscribers: more than 3 million on the Rakamakafo channel, and more than 3.5 million on the personal channel, more than 375 thousand on the Ready Steady Go channel

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Nikolai Sobolev was born in St. Petersburg and always grew up as a very active boy. At school, the young man played in an amateur theater. The young man was always distinguished from his peers by his active life position and love of public speaking.

Sobolev also has singing, cabaret performances and bodybuilding to his credit! At one stage of his life, the young man even weighed 120 kilograms. After graduating from school, Nikolai entered the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, who graduated with a master's degree.

The craving for video blogging has haunted Sobolev for a long time, which is why he registered his first channel already in 2010. True, he was not popular and therefore in 2014 the young man easily decided to join his friend Guram and create a whole prank show.

By this they meant the creation of a channel on which various pranks would be posted that show the true face of ordinary people. The project was called "Rakamakafo".

The creators of the channel admit that through their actions they urge ordinary people not to be cruel and indifferent. Through the videos, the guys show the problems that exist in modern Russian society.

Interesting fact- the very first video, in which pranksters approach passers-by with indecent proposals, took 15 days to film! And this happened because Nikolai and Guram were wildly shy.

During the first year of the existence of the “Rakamakafo” project, it collected a million subscribers, which allowed its creators to become laureates of the “TOP 50” of the most famous people of St. Petersburg in 2015.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the blogger’s charitable activities. Despite the fact that the main mission of his project is the idea of ​​stirring up society, Nikolai is ready not only to do this in words, but also in deeds.

In May 2016, the guys organized a charity fundraiser for orphanages. Over the course of several months, thanks to Nikolai and Guram’s video, about 2 million rubles were collected. An interesting fact: the pranksters personally thanked the people who transferred more than 1,000 rubles and recorded separate signals.

Nikolai’s active position regularly brings him to various festivals, including Vidfest. And at the St. Petersburg VK Fest festival in 2016, the young man even gave a master class on successfully promoting a personal brand in modern social networks.

Nikolay is also the host of the channel LIFE YOUTUBE, constantly illuminates the Internet community last news from the world of Youtube. At the same time, Nikolai himself is a participant in several conflicts on YouTube, the most famous with, thanks to Dima Kolya’s video, he received the nickname #kolyaheter.

In 2016, together with Alexander Murataev and Ilya Strekalovsky, he created a channel Ready Steady Go, where various shows about cars and everything connected with them are released.

In August 2016, Nikolai Sobolev’s book “YouTube: The Path to Success” was published., which describes the basics of video blogging, answers to the most popular questions from novice bloggers and the history of the creation of projects by Nikolai and his friends.

Nikolai dated Polina Chistyakova for a long time; their photos together can often be seen on his Instagram. In 2019, it became known that the guys decided to break up.

Nikolai Sobolev took part in the Channel 1 program “Let Them Talk,” where there was a discussion of rape. In turn, the blogger defended Sergei Semenov (the guy accused of rape) and spoke out against Diana Shurygina.

Photo by Nikolay

Kolya constantly pleases fans with new photos on Instagram; the guy demonstrates his personal life and footage from the filming of various projects.

Nikolay Sobolev is a famous Russian video blogger, performer of his own songs, and pranker. He is very recognizable on the Internet and gets a lot of views every day on his YouTube channel. The video blogger was born in 1993 in St. Petersburg. He gained great popularity thanks to the project - Rakamakafo.

Today he is promoting his channel SOBOLEV, which analyzes the most extensive topics and the latest events of the Runet.

Girlfriend of Nikolai Sobolev

Nikolai Sobolev does not hide his personal life, he is dating Polina Chistyakova, beautiful girl from St. Petersburg, who is a model. Polina is 3 years younger than her boyfriend; many Internet users believe that Nikolai Sobolev’s new girlfriend is very similar to his former lover Yana Khanikerian.

The video blogger first met Polina while filming one of the stories for the Rakamakafo channel. The girl herself approached Kolya and asked to take a photo with him, and then their casual communication grew into a strong love relationship.

While on vacation in the USA, Sobolev invited Polina to become his beloved wife, and told reporters that he had already achieved a lot in life and wanted to start his own family.

For his future wife, Kolya bought a white gold ring with diamond inserts, but the couple is postponing the planned celebration for now.

Now Polina Chistyakova and Nikolai Sobolev regularly delight their subscribers with new photos on Instagram. We wish the couple great love and understanding!