Malfunctions of whirlpool washing machines. Repair of the Whirlpool washing machine (Whirlpool) Electrical circuit of the Whirlpool washing machine 231

Today in almost every apartment building can be found washing machine Whirlpool brand, and more than one. Both assemblies are common in our country: Slovakia and Italy. The latter are bought less frequently and are more expensive, but machines assembled in Slovakia can be found in all household appliance stores.

Perhaps exactly European standards assemblies helped Whirlpool machines establish themselves as machines of high quality and enviable durability. That is why repairs are rarely required, but if breakdowns do occur, repairs are often required washing machines Whirlpool (Whirlpool) can be done with your own hands.

Typical Whirlpool machine failures

If you list everything thoroughly possible breakdowns SMA, we will be forced to write a whole manual in 10 volumes. Therefore, we will focus only on malfunctions that are typical for this brand.

The most common failures:

  • After washing, the water remains in the tank.
  • Washing modes freeze, do not start at all, or programs run incorrectly.
  • All washing modes are carried out in cold water.
  • The SMA leaks in the manhole area.

Important! These seemingly harmless faults may hide serious damage. They need to be eliminated immediately so as not to completely break the SM.

The most vulnerable parts of Whirlpool machines

Based on the problems described above, we can identify the most vulnerable areas of Whirlpool washing machines. Many modern models have a self-diagnosis system that, using a fault code, will tell you which part has failed.

But what to do if the machine does not turn on at all, and there is nothing that could help you find out the cause of the breakdown? Listen to the advice of experienced repairmen, they are sure that the most vulnerable parts in a Whirlpool machine are:

  1. Thermoelectric heater – heating element.
  2. The engine and its moving elements.
  3. Hatch cuff, pipes.
  4. Controller (control module).

Attention! Whirlpool machines, like any other machines, suffer from blockages. Both filters and hoses become clogged. If you carry out cleaning in a timely manner (3-4 times a year), you can avoid breakdowns of the water drain and fill system.

You are probably familiar with the situation when you loaded the laundry into the tank, selected a convenient washing mode, went about your business in the kitchen, then came to get the laundry, and there was a disaster. The machine is malfunctioning: it is full of water and foam, the wash has not finished, the laundry is wet.

You restart the program, but everything is in a circle - the washing program is not executed because the water remains in the drum. This problem is caused by one of three factors:

  • Debris has accumulated in the water drain pipe or drain filter.
  • A clogged drain hose or a blockage in the sewer system.
  • Failure of the electric drain pump (pump).

However, before you devote time to finding the causes of the failure, prepare your SMA for this:

  1. Turn off the power.
  2. Manually drain any water remaining in the drum. This can be done quickly using the emergency drain hose - it is usually located near the water drain filter.
  3. Place a container or place a rag on the floor and waste water will flow out there.
  • Place a cloth or container under the hatch behind which the filter is located.
  • Unscrew the plug counterclockwise.
  • Clean and rinse the unit under the tap.
  • Put everything back in place.
  • Twist the drain hose, clean and rinse it, and install it in place.

It doesn't hurt to check the drain for blockages.

To carry out all the steps, you do not need to know how to disassemble a Whirlpool washing machine - this is an easy job that any user can do.

If your actions did not help get rid of the problem, the drainage system is clean, there is no blockage in the sewer, and the washing machine still does not drain water from the tank, it will still have to be disassembled. The real cause of the breakdown may be hidden in the pump and drain pipe.

Important! Almost all Whirlpool models are designed in such a way that the pump and pipe can only be reached from the bottom. You'll have to turn the car on its side.

How to find, check and clean the pump and pipe:

This breakdown is typical for machines with any type of loading. The design of the top-loading Whirlpool washing machine is somewhat different from that of conventional washing machines, but the problem with it must be solved according to the same scheme.

Often, after starting the washing machine, the control panel begins to behave inappropriately: the display blinks, and all the LEDs blink along with it. The program you have chosen may also not work.

If this is your case, then immediately turn off the SM and wait 60 seconds. Then turn it on and, if the problem persists, you should call a technician, since the control module is damaged, and repairing it yourself is almost impossible. You will need not only a diagram of the control module of the Whirlpool washing machine, but also experience in such repairs.

If the washing machine does not want to heat the water and does not wash clothes well, then you can determine the breakdown without the help of special devices and carry out independent repairs.

The most likely reason for this behavior is a breakdown of the thermistor (temperature sensor) , but the heating element could also fail. Be that as it may, it is worth checking both elements together. Next, follow this simple procedure:

With such a problem, the breakdown will most likely be confirmed, so you will have to replace the sensor (which is easier) or the heating element.

Important! If you do not have a tester at hand, immediately remove the heating element from the tank by unscrewing the fasteners. You will quickly determine the malfunction if the heating element is covered with a thick layer of scale, or dark spots appear on it. If there is just a little scale, then the heating element may not have burned out, but if the water stone is 1 cm thick or more, the breakdown is obvious.

You can easily change the heating element with your own hands as follows:

  1. The contacts and wires have already been removed, so next remove the plastic shield.
  2. Unscrew the fastener - it is located in the center of the shank.
  3. By carefully pulling the contacts, shaking the heater in different directions, remove the heating element. The rubber gasket will be an obstacle, so be patient - there is nothing you can do about it.
  4. Having taken out the heating element, remove the gasket.
  • There is probably debris and scale in the hole where the heating element was, so carry out a general cleaning; Only after this can you install the gasket.
  • Install a new heating element, tighten the fastener.
  • Replace the plastic shield.
  • Connect the contacts to the heater and sensor.
  • Restore the location of the bracket, and finally mount the machine panel back.

When water leaks from under the door of the Whirlpool washing machine during the washing or rinsing mode, it begins imperceptibly - first a couple of drops, then a thin trickle, and sooner or later a flood begins.

You don't need a diagram of the Whirlpool washing machine to find the cuff that is causing the breakdown. It can be seen with the naked eye - this is a large rubber gasket in your SM. It is located along the entire inner perimeter of the hatch, and its main task is to keep water out.

The most vulnerable place of the seal is at the bottom, because dirty water often remains there. If you don't clean it up periodically, the cuff may burst. It is enough to slightly touch the worn out seal for it to break - then a leak cannot be avoided.

Important! You cannot use the machine with a torn cuff - it will not be able to hold water. If a breakthrough is detected, the cuff must be changed URGENTLY.

If you are used to carrying out repairs at home, then dismantle the old one and install a new cuff.

Removing the old cuff:

Note to users: Buy cuffs from authorized dealers. The original part will fit into the hatch groove exactly down to the millimeter and will protect the tank from leaks.

Installation of a new cuff:

  1. Unpack the part and insert it into the groove.

Important! Do not use anything sharp, so as not to tear the seal - do everything ONLY with your hands.

  1. Once the elastic is in place, quickly place the clamp on and tighten it.
  2. Check whether the sunroof closes and opens normally.
  3. Run the wash in test mode.
  4. If it’s dry under the machine, congratulations, you did a great job!

If water flows in the machine vertical type, then the reason may not be in the hatch at all - it is located on top of it. Most likely, you will need to disassemble your Whirlpool top-loading washing machine to determine the cause of the leak.

There are a number of other reasons why the washer may leak:

  • The pump is leaking.
  • Depressurization of the tank - crack, hole, corrosion.
  • The drainage or water intake pipes are damaged.
  • Depressurization of the water inlet pipe connection.
  • Depressurization of the pipes connecting the inlet valve and the powder cuvette.
  • Seal wear.
  • There is a blockage in the dispenser hopper.
  • Worn tank drain pipe.

Most of these breakdowns are simple, and you can repair the leak yourself. The most important thing in this case is to correctly diagnose the problem. Fault codes will help you with this.

The following error codes may appear on the display: F01 or FH, F02 or FA, F03 or FP, F14, FDL, FDU.

If you still have questions about repairing breakdowns of Whirlpool washing machines, read our other materials, in which we analyze each individual fault in detail.

In this article, we examined only typical breakdowns that can be repaired without the help of a repairman. And if you are interested in how to change the bearing on a Whirlpool washing machine, watch this additional special video:

Good day, dear visitors.
Today is a note, or rather an essay about... repairing a washing machine!
I’ll immediately make a reservation that in electrical engineering I’m a complete zero, so I ask seasoned radio electronics engineers to forgive me for possible inaccuracies/words/terms. Also, some photos were taken from Google, since I already managed to sow my own.
So, here she is, the heroine of the story -Whirlpool awe 2221.

Symptoms: does not react at all to external stimuli. It doesn’t matter whether the plug is in the socket or not, as long as you stand there, the light won’t blink.
External inspection/sniffing/checking the socket did not yield anything.
Then there are few options - take it apart and see what's inside in terms of electronics.
The control board (I apologize for this term, I just don’t know what it’s called in science) is located under the panel with the “twist”. Carefully unclip the panel, turn it over and see the wires going to this very board, which is hidden under a plastic casing.

We carefully remove it, disconnect it, remove it, take a photo (just in case, so we can put everything back together later) and we get the following:

There are no suspicious swellings/blackenings/melts/cracks....
There are only 2 options left: Google it and drag it to a friend who, modestly calling himself an amateur, has helped me out more than once in similar cases. By the way, this guy is for me the final authority in matters of circuits/transistors/tinning/other obscene words from this opera. And during the renovation process I was once again convinced of this.
And it happened like this. Having received the board from me, he twirled it in his hands, took out a multimeter (victor vc9808+), figured it out, googled it and said: here is the stabilizer on the board (an eight-legged chip in the upper left corner of the board), and here is the datasheet for it. It definitely doesn't work. And one transistor is definitely broken (in the photo the large orange “barrel” has already been replaced). But here is a link to a whole repair kit from friendly Europeans. It seems like the rest of the elements are alive. “Well, why are you standing there, blow on the radio components,” he said. I'm a bullet back and forth. I give him a new stabilizer (LNK304PN), and he called his tester and said: “it doesn’t work either.” oh?! Well, it's new, just from the store! “Well, there are 2 options,” he said. Either I don’t understand anything or the store is defective. Turn! I noticed long ago that he, to put it mildly, has a good understanding of electrical engineering, but the version with the marriage, I admit, upset me. But, fortunately for me, there is another radio parts store in our city and I had no choice but to visit there. There I bought exactly the same eight-legged microcircuit and a block under it (visible in the photo) and returned to the guru. The algorithm is the same - tester, squeak, verdict - good! We solder, replace, check. To check, he soldered 2 wires, which he plugged into a socket.The LEDs lit up, hinting at a successful outcome!
In the evening everything was put back together and the machine was started for testing. Everything went as before. It’s been 2 weeks already, pah-pah, everything is fine.
price of components ~ 50 rubles;
work - cake;

If you know how to read schematics and solder, then this is for you. Purchasing analogues for all components from the repair kit will not be very expensive.
If not, then either look for a person with a soldering iron or a service. But the price tag there, I think, is substantial.
This interesting incident happened to me and I decided that suddenly it would be useful to someone!
Thank you for your attention!
P.S. After our contact, the owner of the first store admitted that the batch was defective and would be replaced. Pfft, I was shocked again by the guru.

Twice in a month we encountered Whirlpool top-loading washing machines with the same symptom - it won’t turn on. After the repair, I found quite a lot of references on the English-language Internet about such a breakdown, and on one forum there was even a photo of a kit for repairing such machines, indicating the value of all the parts. The details are all quite available in Russia. In both cases there was one characteristic feature– burnt out resistor R20. This, of course, is not a cause, but a consequence, and if it is replaced with a new one, it will also fail. The reason in both cases was the failure of the PWM controller. It is responsible for the voltage of the processor, and since no voltage is supplied to the processor, the machine does not turn on. It turned out that it was enough to replace the resistor and PWM controller in order for both washing machines to work. It seems that this and similar models have this weakness and due to power surges, such breakdowns will happen to them more than once.

Here is a list of all the parts responsible for power supply to the processor with their ratings:
– U002 – LNK304PN
– R020 – 22 Ohm wire resistor / 3W (stronger than the original 2W) + 33Ohm for L1799, L2158, L2524. I also have 27 Ohm resistor, if you need it for any other board. Just notify
me by email if you need it.
– L003 – 0.47mH choke (470μH) /0.5A (better than the original, which has only 0.3A)
– C022, C023 – 2 x capacitor 4.7μF / 400V 105 ° (low ESR, to last 5000 hours instead of 2000 as in the original)
– D029, D030 – 2 x 1N4007 diode
– D006 – 200 V zener diode (3EZ200), DZ006 in L1799, L2158, L2524
– RV07 – varistor fi 10mm (originally only 7mm)
The PWM controller may differ, but the remaining parts are 99% likely to fit.

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Whirlpool washing machine repair

Washing machine "Whirlpool" - in demand on the market Appliances daily use. An expensive, but reliable and easy-to-use product can serve for many years without complaints. However, there are situations when even washing machines from brands that have been tested over the years fail. In such situations, it is necessary to act quickly, and the best way is to call a specialist at home.

Any Whirlpool unit will seem familiar to a technician with extensive experience, which is why there is such a high chance of returning the equipment to its original - ideal - condition.

If you need urgent repairs to your Whirlpool washing machine, a private specialist is always ready to help. Qualified master:

  • ready to arrive at the first call;
  • open any day of the week throughout the year;
  • polite and competent;
  • adheres to a flexible pricing policy;
  • maintains contact with regular clients.

Whirlpool washing machine repairs come with a guarantee. You can see how the master works. This is another advantage of a private specialist, as opposed to services. Large organizations often resort to the help of intermediaries; in addition, transporting a bulky washing machine is an additional expense, so it is more profitable to set it up on site.

When repairing a Whirlpool washing machine, a private technician is extremely careful. He always has with him the equipment necessary to diagnose and troubleshoot problems. A guarantee is given for the work performed.

Whirlpool washing machine breakdowns

Whirlpool washing machine breakdowns can occur unexpectedly.

  1. An unsecured machine drum during transportation will lead to problems that only a specialist can determine.
  2. A voltage surge in the electrical network will easily damage the control board, which will lead to a breakdown of the Whirlpool washing machine.
  3. A short circuit will cause plugs to fly out and mild electric shocks when touching the machine.

Free diagnostics, which can be performed at home, will save the situation and make it possible to identify breakdowns of the Whirlpool washing machine.

Whirlpool washing machine error codes

Whirlpool machines, both top-loading and horizontal-loading, can break. The cause of the failure will be indicated by codes on the display. Possible problems:

  • Failure heating element, which may have been caused by power surges and too hard water. You can determine more precisely by looking at the error codes of the Whirlpool washing machine.
  • The hoses or filters are clogged, making it impossible to drain the water.

Whirlpool washing machine error codes will show the cause of the electronics failure, but leave it up to the technician to decide what to do about it.

FH(water does not enter the tank, or its quantity is less than the set level).1. There is low pressure in the water supply - take measures to normalize the water pressure.
(F01)2. The taps of the water supply or the SMA filling device are not fully open - open the taps.
3. The mesh of the water inlet valve is clogged - clean the mesh filter of the electrovalve of the washing machine.
4. Check the position of the drain hose - eliminate the siphon effect.
5. There are problems with the water level sensor - clean the hydraulic system of the sensor or replace the pressure switch of the washing machine.
6. There are no reliable contacts at the terminals of the fill electrovalve, or pressure switch, or water pump - service the contacts.
7. If there are problems on the controller board, check the circuit, contacts of this device, and replace defective parts if necessary.
F.A. 1. The water inlet solenoid valve is blocked - service the valve or replace the solenoid valve of the Whirlpool washing machine.
(F02)2. Leaks have appeared in the SMA hydraulic system (tank breakdown, depressurization of tubes and pipes) - it is necessary to eliminate the leaks and, if necessary, replace defective parts.
3. A defect has appeared on the electronic controller board - correct the defect or replace the electronic controller of the washing machine.
FP(water does not drain from the tank).1. There is a breakdown of the sump pump - seal its contacts, clean the filter. If it is impossible to repair, replace the water pump of the Whirlpool washing machine.
(F03)2. There is a blockage in the drain hose or another element of the drain path - clean the hose and pipelines from contamination.
3. The electronic controller has failed - replace the burnt out parts on its board or replace the controller completely.
F04(the water temperature does not reach the required values ​​within the allotted time).1. There is a malfunction in the temperature sensor control circuit - you need to check the circuit, eliminate the break or replace faulty parts.
2. The temperature sensor has failed (short circuit or break) - replace the temperature sensor.
3. The heating element is out of order - clean the heating element from scale or replace it completely Washing heating element Whirlpool machines (Whirlpool).
F05Malfunction in the water heating system (NTC sensor does not work).1. Check the electrical circuit of the sensor, seal the contacts, replace defective wires. If the NTC sensor itself is faulty, replace the sensor.
F06There is no signal from the tachogenerator (the electric motor does not rotate or does not reach the required speed).1. There is a malfunction in the tachogenerator assembly (the spring washer has come off) - restore the position of the spring washer of the tachogenerator coil of the Whirlpool washing machine.
2. There is no connection between the TAKHO-ED unit and the electric motor control board (motor control panel) - eliminate circuit defects.
F07There is a problem with the motor control circuit.1. There is a malfunction on the electric motor control board - replace the burnt-out triac (thyristor) of the control board.
2. The electronic controller has failed - repair the controller or completely replace the electronic controller of the Whirlpool washing machine.
F08 1. The heating element has burned out or there is a break in the wiring - replace the heating element, tighten the contacts, restore the integrity of the wiring.
2. There is a problem with the protective pressure switch - replace the pressure switch.
3. The electronic controller has failed - replace the burnt out parts on its board or replace the Whirlpool washing machine controller.
4. There is a defect in the temperature sensor circuit - seal the contacts or replace the thermistor.
F09Malfunction of the filling system (the permissible water level in the tank has exceeded).1. The water level sensor has failed - repair the hydraulic system of the sensor or replace the pressure switch of the Whirlpool washing machine.
2. There is a breakdown in the water inlet solenoid valve (valve blockage) - replace the solenoid valve.
3. The electronic controller is not working correctly - replace the burnt out parts on the controller board or completely replace the electronic controller of the washing machine.
F10Motor malfunction (engine does not work).1. There is a defect in the thermal sensor on the motor module - replace the thermal sensor, if it is impossible to repair - completely replace the engine control unit or replace the engine itself.
2. The control triac on the control board has become unusable - replace the faulty parts of the Whirlpool washing machine board.
F11Communication fault.1. There is a low voltage in the apartment’s electrical network - take measures to restore normal network parameters.
F12(the water in the tank does not heat up).1. The water heating relay on the controller board is stuck - replace the heating relay.
2. The electric heating element has failed (mass breakdown) - replace the heating element of the Whirlpool washing machine.
3. There is a malfunction in the protective pressure switch - replace the pressure switch.
4. There is a break in the controller-heater circuit section - eliminate defects in the wires, seal the clamps.
5. The temperature sensor is broken - replace the thermistor on the control board.
F13(water does not enter the tank, or the time allotted for filling exceeds normal values).1. There is low pressure in the apartment’s water supply - take measures to restore normal parameters.
2. The dispenser is clogged. detergents– clean the channels of the tray for loading washing powder.
3. There is a blockage in the filler solenoid valve - clean the filler screen.
F14Control system failure (EEPROM outputs incorrect data).1. There is a malfunction on the control board, a microprocessor error - it is necessary to reflash the electronic controller (EEPROM) or replace the entire control unit of the Whirlpool washing machine.
F15Washing machine motor malfunction (general error).1. There is a malfunction of the triac on the electronic controller board - replace the triac or reverse relay on the board.
2. There is a malfunction of the electric motor - replace the brushes or service the ED contact block, or replace the electric motor completely.
3. There is a problem with the tachogenerator itself - repair the mechanical part (replace the spring washer). If the TAKHO fails completely, replace the tachogenerator of the Whirlpool washing machine.
4. There is a break in the wires going from the electronic controller to the ED - replace the problem areas of the wiring.
5. The electronic controller has failed - repair the board or completely replace the washing machine controller
F16(control failure or control command failure).1. There are malfunctions in the control circuits - the contacts are serviced, the defective sections of the wires are replaced.
2. The control unit has malfunctioned - it is necessary to replace the faulty parts on the main board or replace the Whirlpool washing machine module.
FodMalfunction of the SMA due to the use of the wrong type of detergent (the device is blocked).1. Increased foaming occurs - it is necessary to change the type of detergent for the machine. Restart the device.
F19Failure in the power system of the washing machine (SMA does not start. If the machine washes, it stops working).1. There is an increase or decrease in voltage in the apartment’s electrical network - measures must be taken to normalize the network parameters.
F20Control board malfunction (failure to execute control command).1. Restart the program. If this action does not produce any results, repair the main board or replace the entire control unit.
F21Control board malfunction (control failure).1. There are faults in the circuit in the area between the control panel and the control board - tighten the wire clamps, seal the contacts, restore the defective sections of the wiring. If these actions do not give a positive result, replace the control module of the Whirlpool washing machine.
F22Malfunction of the water heating system (the heating element does not heat the water). Water does not flow through the detergent dispenser; it is most likely clogged or clogged.1. There is a malfunction of the heating element - seal the terminals or completely replace the heating element of the Whirlpool washing machine.
2. There is a break in the controller-heater circuit section - eliminate defects in the wires, seal the clamps.
3. Low voltage has appeared in the apartment’s electrical network - turn off the AMS, eliminate the faults in the supply network.
F23Failure in the operation of the filling system (filling is stopped, signals “tank full” and “tank empty” are received simultaneously).
F24Malfunction of the water level control system in the tank (the overflow signal does not disappear within 60 s).1. The water level sensor has failed - replace the pressure switch of the Whirlpool washing machine.
F26Motor malfunction (motor has stopped rotating).1. The triac for controlling the operation of the electric motor on the control module board has failed - replace the triac, if necessary, solder the contact tracks of the board.
F27Motor malfunction (motor only rotates in one direction).1. The EM reverse relay on the control module board has burned out - replace the reverse relay.
F28Motor malfunction (motor rotates slowly or does not start after the next cycle).1. The relay for switching the stator windings has failed - replace the relay.
F31Update not happening software SMA via the Internet.1. Contact your ISP or Internet Service Provider (Whirlpool Service Center).
FDLMalfunction of the SMA blocker.1. There are malfunctions in the blocker contacts - tighten and clean the contacts. Often it is enough just to try to close the door more tightly. In case of complete failure, replace the UBL of the Whirlpool washing machine (Whirlpool).
FDUThe hatch door is not tightly closed.1. Close the hatch door more tightly.
2. If the UBL malfunctions, repair or replace it.

Causes of breakdown of the Whirlpool washing machine (Whirlpool)

Some causes of breakdown of a Whirlpool washing machine can be identified on your own, while others require professional diagnostics.

  1. A delay in water supply may be caused by:
  • lack of water in the system;
  • clogged water supply hose;
  • breakdown of the electric pump.

The first two reasons for the breakdown of the Whirlpool washing machine can be identified independently. However, there is no need to take risks and interfere with the electronic “stuffing”; it is better to call a specialist.

  1. Often the reasons for the breakdown of a Whirlpool washing machine lie in a faulty control board, and they can only be solved by replacing the part.

Whirlpool washing machine repair cost

Job titleCost of work (excluding cost of spare parts) in rubles
Front loading washing machinesTop loading washing machines
Visit of the masterfor freefor free
Diagnosticsfree in case of repairfree in case of repair
Removing blockages from the drain pumpfrom 600from 600
Cleaning the filterfrom 400from 400
Removing blockages in pipesfrom 600from 600
Cleaning the drainage systemfrom 800from 800
Replacing UBLfrom 700from 700
Shock absorber installationfrom 750from 750
Replacing the aquastopfrom 400from 400
Loading hatch installationfrom 600-
Tank installationfrom 1500from 1500
Replacing the temperature sensorfrom 600from 600
Hatch hingesfrom 700from 700
Removing foreign objects from the tank (without disassembling the tank)from 1200from 1200
Removing foreign objects from the tank (with tank disassembly)from 1500from 1500
Replacing the inlet hosefrom 400from 400
Replacing control knobsfrom 300from 300
Replacing the pressure switchfrom 500from 500
Replacing the drain hosefrom 700from 700
Belt replacementfrom 800from 800
Installing the Top Counterweightfrom 600from 600
Replacing the fill valvefrom 700from 700
Replacing the drain pumpfrom 600from 600
Replacing the heating elementfrom 500from 500
Replacing the electric motorfrom 700from 700
Replacing the timerfrom 700from 700
Electric module repair30% of the cost of a new one30% of the cost of a new one
Replacing the display unitfrom 600from 600
Replacing the hatch cufffrom 700from 700
Replacing the drying heating elementfrom 800from 800
Replacing the drying fan motorfrom 500from 500
Replacing the temperature control sensorfrom 400from 400
Replacing the lower front counterweightfrom 700from 700
Replacing bearingsfrom 3000from 3000
Replacing the electrical modulefrom 800from 800
Engine repairfrom 1200from 1200
Repair without using spare partsfrom 500from 500
Removing the washing machine from hard-to-reach places200 200
Installation/Connection of the washing machinefrom 1500from 1500
Installation and dismantling of built-in equipment500-1500
Working in hard-to-reach places+50% to cost
Disposalfrom 500 rubles
False departure of the master500-1000
Delivery of spare parts within the city200 rubles
By region200+30 rub/km.
Lower, frontal counterweight1100-1800
Unlocking and opening the hatch400
Advanced diagnostics and advice on purchasing a new washing machine500
Professional assistance by telephone500
Defects of Miele brands; Asko; AEG, Eurosoba, Kuppersbush, etc.1000
On-site inspection and diagnostics (if repairs are refused)300-600

Models of Whirlpool washing machines (Whirlpool) No technician can tell the exact cost of repairing a Whirlpool washing machine without inspecting it. Correspondence calculation cannot be accurate, but an experienced specialist is able to navigate the description of the problem. The total cost of repairing a Whirlpool washing machine is calculated based on the cause and complexity of the breakdown, as well as the price of spare parts.

All produced models of Whirlpool washing machines (“Whirlpool”) are designed to simplify, facilitate and automate the work process as much as possible. The programs are selected to ensure the safety of items made from different materials during washing.

Any model of Whirlpool washing machines assumes:

  • saving water and detergents;
  • minimal energy consumption;
  • washable with cold water;
  • quick wash lasting 15 and 30 minutes;
  • program for washing denim fabrics.

Whirlpool washing machine models have an antibacterial coating and functions for correcting imbalances in the drum.

Table of Whirlpool washing machine models that are repaired by private owners:

Whirlpool WTL 55712Whirlpool AWE 9026P
Whirlpool WTLS 60812 ZENWhirlpool AWO/D 6204/D
Whirlpool AWE 6100Whirlpool AWOE 81200
Whirlpool AWE 6212Whirlpool AWE 9626
Whirlpool AWE 6415/1Whirlpool AWE 9226P
Whirlpool AWE 6516Whirlpool AWO/C 71003 P
Whirlpool AWS 61211Whirlpool AWO/C 61403 P
Whirlpool AWO/C 0614Whirlpool AWO/C 61203
Whirlpool AWE 60710Whirlpool AWO/C 7340
Whirlpool AWOE 9140Whirlpool AWO/C 61203 P
Whirlpool WTLS 70712Whirlpool AWE 6522
Whirlpool AWTL 1271Whirlpool AWM 8100
Whirlpool AWE 2221Whirlpool AWE 9629
Whirlpool AWSE 7120Whirlpool AWOE 7100Whirlpool AWE 7729
Whirlpool AWE 7527/2Whirlpool AWO/C 81200Whirlpool AWO/C 8141
Whirlpool AWE 6514Whirlpool AWSS 64522Whirlpool AWE 90365 P
Whirlpool WTLS 60700Whirlpool AWOE 8560Whirlpool AWE 80360 P
Whirlpool AWS 61012Whirlpool AWSX 63213Whirlpool AWE 99612 ZEN
Whirlpool WTLS 60912 ZENWhirlpool AWS 51011Whirlpool AWE 2320
Whirlpool AWE 2214/1Whirlpool AWE 7620Whirlpool AWE 90360P
Whirlpool WTLS 1262Whirlpool AWE 6314/1Whirlpool WTLS 66812
Whirlpool WTLS 1262Whirlpool AWM 1000Whirlpool AWOE 8102
Whirlpool AWE 7527Whirlpool AWE 7515Whirlpool AMW 9100 GH
Whirlpool AWSE 7100Whirlpool AWG 350Whirlpool AWE 55611
Whirlpool AWE 6416/1Whirlpool AWG 358Whirlpool AWS 51012
Whirlpool AWS 61212Whirlpool AWG 650Whirlpool WTLS 60710

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