“I don’t know how to get off the ground. How to get things off the ground You can get things off the ground

Move from a dead point What. Razg. Express To give something a go, to promote it. About something stagnant, requiring development, solutions. In the end, I would like to especially say... that, unfortunately, neither the boss... nor the secretary... showed interest, did not try to move the problem forward(V. Petrov. Tool... to the load).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Move from a dead point” is in other dictionaries:

    Shift / move from a dead point- Book 1. Give something l. mobility, overcome stagnation in something. 2. Start doing what l. suspended case. BMS 1998, 572; FM 2002, 147, 527; Mokienko 2003, 123 ...

    move- well, no; St. 1. who what. Moving, moving, moving, moving. S. armchair. C. boat into the water. S. books aside. S. a hat on the back of the head, on the ear, askew, to one side. C. glasses on the nose. S. from the place, from the dead center of someone, what l. (also: give a go... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    move- well, no; St. see also move, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift 1) a) who what Moving, moving, page ... Dictionary of many expressions

    DOT- Pain point. Book 1. An urgent question, a pressing problem. F 2, 207. 2. About which letter. a pressing but unresolved problem. NHS 80; Mokienko 2003, 123. Hot spot. 1. Publ. About the place where what happens. emergency events... ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

    Chervochkin, Yuri Mikhailovich- Yuri Chervochkin Date of birth: December 31, 1984 (1984 12 31) Place of birth: Serpukhov, Moscow region, RSFSR, USSR Date of death: December 10, 2007 ... Wikipedia

    dead- adj., used very often Morphology: dead, dead, dead and dead, dead; dead; deader 1. The one who has died is called dead. When he was found, he was already dead. | Dead naked people lay on zinc tables. alive 2. noun The dead are called... ... Dictionary Dmitrieva

    Ignition system- The ignition system is a set of all instruments and devices that provide the appearance of an electric spark that ignites the air-fuel mixture in the cylinders of an internal combustion engine at the right moment. This system is part of the general... ... Wikipedia

Ecology of consciousness: They tell you with a smile: “Well, do at least something. It's not difficult. Get started. Then you’ll improve.” And you have no time to laugh, because this is exactly what poses the main problem

They tell you with a smile: “Well, do at least something. It's not difficult. Get started. Then you’ll improve.” And you have no time to laugh, because this is precisely what poses the most important problem. You are looking for a way out by walking in circles in the room. Although the search itself is absurd, since there are no doors in the room. The room is your picture of the world. Einstein said that a problem cannot be solved at the level of consciousness at which it was created. This means that making circles inside a concrete cube, in which, in principle, there are no options, is pointless.

What to do?

Tell me, how could I write so that this text would resonate so much with your experiences? It's simple. I went through this myself, I felt it and suffered from the powerlessness to even raise a finger when it came to real actions, and not behavior on autopilot.

I found a way out, which means you can too. In order to find a way out and get the stone off the ground, you need to stop blaming yourself so harshly for lack of action. This is the first. Just relax for a few days without feeling guilty. It is not simple. But this is already an achievement.

Shake up your picture of the world

The key is to shake up your worldview by mixing it with other worldviews that are meaningful to you. Simply put, start communicating with people. In fact, it doesn’t even matter what and it doesn’t matter what. So, drop by drop, new colors and new objects will begin to penetrate into your empty concrete room. Don't focus on actions. Don’t try to squeeze out of yourself something that hasn’t worked out for so long.

Seize the chance

Why was it so difficult for you to act? Because in essence, the first step is the logical beginning of a long journey, a whole model. And that’s why the brain is so afraid of responsibility if it makes a mistake. Then you will understand for sure that the very concept of an error is absurd. Mistakes can never happen. Because any mistake simply changes the route. This means that any action is correct, unless, of course, it is consistent with your moral values.

Coming up with an action and doing it is active behavior. Seizing a chance is passive and therefore easier

What does it mean to seize a chance? The more and more often you interact with different people, the more options for tasks or projects in which you could, in principle, be useful will turn up. Jump into any one. Just offer your help and the flow will definitely pick you up. It's very similar to a ski lift, where you grab the cable with your hand and start to quickly climb up the mountain.

Rusty flywheel

The longer you have been in a state of dead center, the more difficult it is for you to act. So don't compare yourself to galloping entrepreneurs who pull off super-combinations with a snap of their fingers. How after an injury a person learns to walk in small steps, stretching each joint. So you should move with small victories.

We went outside - victory. Meeting a new person is a big victory. We talked for more than a minute - great. Any business resembles a flywheel, which is very difficult to spin, but if you spin it, then its inertia force carries you further.

Your flywheel is also rusty, its mechanisms are tightly fused to each other. Therefore, even a millimeter of movement, even a small plate of rust that has peeled off as a result of action, in its strength and significance will later be comparable to million-dollar transactions.

Rejoice at any change in your picture of the world. Through any movement the light of hope can and will definitely appear. I understand that some people read this article with a smile. Like, well, you’re completely addressing the helpless. I would advise you to be patient with this text and with the people who are rooted to a dead point. Help them get moving, offer them something to do. Don't ignore. The irony of this brain trap is that absolutely anyone at absolutely any level of development can fall into it, just as I once fell into it. published

Home magic: getting things moving from a dead point Often there are delays and procrastination in our affairs: either the husband won’t put up a shelf, then the boss promised a bonus but doesn’t give it, then the loved one won’t say the cherished words, or something else has frozen and doesn’t move. It seems that everything is fine, and nothing interferes, but there is still no movement. We can talk for a long time about the reasons that cause such situations. These are our own fears, which prevent us from getting what we want, and the resistance of the environment - for the people around us, for some reason of their own, it is not beneficial for what we are waiting for to happen to us, and our own inflated importance and too emotional expectation, and inconsistency of our actions with world trends...

In addition, we are prevented from realizing our desires by a lack of resources, strength, and insufficient perseverance. And there are many more reasons, the understanding of which, without a doubt, pleases vanity - that’s how I understand everything well - but does not bring joy. Rejoicing and satisfaction comes from getting what you want. And the rune of progress and acceleration of any business Evaz can help with this.

The rune symbolizes a horse or animal on which a person can travel. Evaz portends change or exchange. In disputes, with its help, it is really the strongest who wins, and not the one in power. Traditionally, this is the Rune of impulse, higher love, harmony, interaction, focusing on what connects and does not separate people. It is also the Rune of good fortune and luck. Evaz gives you the strength that will lead you to what is important, ensure progress “according to the will of the elements” - through water, air, and a general impulse. This process is not long-term - you will be “led”, and then you will have to act on your own.

An effective method for speeding up any task is to draw the Evaz rune on the water, whispering what exactly needs to be speeded up - and throw the water out onto the street. However, it is often not recommended to use this method, because progress in this case is carried out by mobilizing all the internal forces and resources of the body’s subtle energy, without taking into account existing limitations and causes severe fatigue.

The Evaz rune drawn in water allows you not only to get any business off the ground, but also to change the behavior that challenges or displeases you, both your own and that of another person. IN the latter case You need to give him this water to drink (mentally draw a rune on the drink when he drinks it) or sprinkle it.

The Evaz rune drawn in the air helps you plan any business taking into account existing internal resources and reserves and get the desired results without excesses and fatigue. To simplify, Evaz controls energy exchange, allows you to accept independent decisions: to take or not to take energy, to pass it through oneself or not. The author of the article recommends that his readers use this property of the Evaz rune when planning big things: repairs, moves, starting a business or a new project at work, etc.

The Evaz rune drawn on the ground (any solid object or ordinary table salt) leads to the appearance of an important person who will influence your life and bring necessary events and resources into it.

Drawn in fire (candles, matches, lighters, bonfires, fireplaces and gas-burners in home stoves) exhibits weaknesses, which leads to unpleasant consequences if they are not seen and realized in time. This may seem like a completely useless property for good man, who is not going to create trouble for the people around him. However, it is not. In the mind, the Evaz rune activates the harmony of the conflicting sides of the “I”, and drawing it in fire is an excellent tool for psychocorrection, which allows you, without psychologists and lengthy soul-searching, to see your weaknesses in the issue that interests you, and to adjust your behavior accordingly.

In addition, the Evaz rune is a bridge between various layers of consciousness and subconscious, a connection between worlds and subtle bodies. It allows you to carry out shamanic journeys and establish contacts with invisible energies and worlds. It is unlikely that many of us are going to become shamans, however, such a property of the Evaz rune can serve a common person well. One aspect of it is important for us - the rune allows you to establish a connection with your family, with your roots, simply feel such a connection and receive support. This is especially important in our country and in modern conditions, when normal memory and knowledge of ancestors are lost, and at best we know who we were and what the names of our grandparents were - no further. And a person cut off from his roots is weak and ineffective. In order to restore this loss, the author offers the following meditation using the Evaz rune, which should be drawn on yourself before starting the “journey”.

Meditation “Connecting with your Ancestors”

Close your eyes. Imagine a door, opening which you will find yourself in nature. In the distance you can see the Forest through which you walk to your Family Tree. You have reached the Glade with the Tree and ask to be let through to it. The Door opens in the Tree and you find yourself inside the Trunk. It is empty, like a mine shaft, inside there is a spiral staircase leading both up and down. You are standing on a small platform. You go down the stairs. Go through many platforms and doors, looking for a door with the inscription “My Family”. Carefully open it, you will find yourself in the ancestral world - usually in the forest, but there may be other natural images.

Look for a path under your feet and go to the House: a family estate surrounded by a fence. In the center of the courtyard is a large common House. Approach the Gate. If they are closed, knock, tell them who has arrived and ask to be let into the Family Courtyard. Stand at the border of the Gate and greet your ancestors. The Relatives come out of the House and surround you in a semicircle. There are usually a lot of them. When your relatives fill the space of the Court in front of you, say hello to everyone. Tell all the Relatives: “Accept me, help me, teach me!” Three relatives (men and women) will come out of the Family and stand side by side. Ask for constant help, declare your trust in Rod and the need for Rod for you. Ask three relatives to take you to your place at Rod’s Table. The rest of the relatives will disperse, and you will be led to the House, where in the middle there is a huge Table. You will be shown your Place. Sit at the Table, Ancestral Food will appear in front of you. You eat the food (you need to eat it all), leave food from yourself, food from “our world” on the table. Ask to show the place of Stay in the Family - you will be taken to your Svetlitsa, Cage or Room. Get settled there, lie down in a place to sleep, sit on a chair, look out the windows, wipe off the dust, etc... Ask to be taken to your place of Service to the Family - to the Ancestral Work. It is, as a rule, simple - washing the dishes, revenge in the yard...

Only after this can you ask the Three Relatives for what you want, ask for advice, and so on. Thank your relatives and leave the House, the Yard and go to the Door to the Family. Go out into the Trunk and go up, past the “My World” door, higher and higher. Find the door marked "Rod". Open the door. You will find yourself on a heavenly plain, with the City of the Gods ahead. Go to him. We went inside the City, look for the Divine Garden of the Family, where the patron of the Family lives under the blooming Tree of Knowledge of the Family. Come up, say hello, ask for protection and patronage. You will be given the Fruit of Knowledge. Eat it completely. Exit the same way: through the City, into the Tree, down to the “My World” door, across the Border, through the Forest and into the Door...

Go to Rod at least once a week, be sure to go through all the stages described above. Communicate with the Three Kinsmen, explore the Ancestral House and the Ancestral Forest. On the new moon, go to the City of the Gods of the Family and receive the new Fruit of the Knowledge of the Family, and you will be surprised how your life will change - it will become brighter, easier and richer.


EVAZ – personifies the energy of labor and perseverance, the energy of endurance and perseverance. Agree, perseverance and perseverance are the qualities that we so often lack to get the desired result, to achieve the goal in our life. Evaz symbolizes hard work (not physical work, the work of your soul), but it guarantees a good result. This is a strong, motivating rune of change and movement, a rune of progress, moving a business or some process from a dead point. The rune of magic, victory over death, transition between worlds, it helps to maintain composure in turbulent life situations. It will give you the ability to communicate at various levels of existence, not only with people, but also with animals, plants, minerals and other forces of nature.

It will provide an equal partnership for a man and a woman, without loss of individuality; it will be a caring, close, harmonious connection, an equal exchange of energy. Unites complementary opposites, ensures the continuation of life. For greater clarity, such a relationship can be imagined as a pair of horses (stallion and mare) walking in one team.

If something in your life has entered a phase of stagnation: an important matter is not progressing, you are stuck in some unpleasant situation, it has dragged on, developed into some kind of chronic disease, ask for help from the Evaz rune. It will help you develop a new approach to life, to work, to people. It will ensure gradual changes for the better, recovery, improve the situation, support in the formation of a business, the development of an idea. Perhaps it will prompt you to change your place of residence.

But any change is possible only when the person himself changes. You yourself must undergo change: your lifestyle, your relationships with people, your attitude and understanding of the world - this is your work, this is your work. Only in this case will your internal transformation occur, which will help you:

1. communicate more effectively with people,

2.establish more harmonious relationships with your partner,

3. find more fruitful ways to achieve your plans,

4.maintain balance in any situation.

So, let’s get acquainted with the EVAZ rune:

Its color is White,

Element – ​​Earth,

Deity – Freyr, Freya.

Frey is the god of fertility and summer.

Frey is subject to sunlight, he sends rich harvests to people. He is as kind as his father Njord. He does not like wars and quarrels and patronizes peace on earth, both between individuals and between entire nations. Frey is the patron of prosperity, material and physical well-being, peace and eros. He controls natural processes on earth and in the air.

Frey's twin sister is Freya.

Freya is the goddess of magic, eros and physical well-being. Freya controls the forces of natural cycles.

Do you feel like you're stuck in one place? Based personal experience, I can confidently say that there is nothing good in such a situation. You feel isolated from the outside world, and your soul is full of fears, not to mention a complete lack of understanding of the future path of life.

To help you get out of this trap, I have developed detailed plan action that you can start using right now. Let's get started!

Step 1: Realize that you are not alone in this world

The first step to help you move forward is to understand that you are not alone in this world. Divine power surrounds you and you can become a part of it. Regardless of whether you are aware of this great power or not, it is your loneliness that is the root of all fears and simply deprives you of the strength and desire to act.

It seems to you that only you are to blame for the current situation, so you and only you have to deal with all this. It turns out that you are left alone with your own personality overflowing with problems, which pulls you deeper and deeper. This situation prevents you from seeing and realizing the available means and real ways to solve problems.

Imagine that you closed your eyes and placed your palms on them. Naturally, you will not be able to see a positive outcome and a wide range of your possibilities. Remember that even in such situations, your higher self and divine guides never leave you. They are always trying to clarify your vision and remove the palms that prevent you from seeing the true path.

So, the first step to help you move forward is to have self-compassion and realize that you are not alone. Reconnect with God. Open your soul and be willing to accept the fact that there is an incredibly simple way to solve your problem.

Step 2: Return to your dreams and desires

The moment when you realize that you are stuck in one place is usually associated with your internal readiness to move to a new stage of life. The crux of the problem is that we have never been there. A huge unexplored territory appears before us, which our mind automatically perceives as too dangerous and fraught with uncertainty. We begin to doubt our abilities and chances of success. We tell ourselves that we will not be able to cope with new responsibilities and question even the smallest aspects of this new reality.

You may not know it, but your dreams and desires, which are the source of powerful internal confrontation, have already existed within you for a long time. That's right, your intangible renewed personality already lives inside you and all you have to do is find and receive it.

How can you achieve this? Use this energy to reset your mental attitude and move into a new reality. Become it in your reality, thoughts and perceptions. Go back to your dreams and think about the things you need to become a perfect person. Make a list that includes everything that brings you joy, as well as moments for which you are grateful. Include in this list those key stages that have already been completed and those goals that you want to achieve as you grow as a person. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of this magical place inside yourself, where your dreams reign and where you can realize them. The horizon of new possibilities will shake you to the core.

By doing this, you will allow your higher self to take the lead and create this reality. At the same time, you push your ego into the background, eliminating feelings of loneliness and fear. It is necessary to remember that you are deprived of the opportunity to see your future in those moments when it seems to you that you are stuck in one place. That is why you need to begin active communication with divine power as quickly as possible. Allow yourself to realize and accept your new potential. Think about those things and events that truly fill you with joy and bring you a sense of self-respect. Allow Divine power to guide you.

Step 3: Take Action

When you feel stuck, your dreams and desires seem incredibly distant and unattainable due to your circumstances. It will seem to you that there is a huge gap between the present and the desired future, which will deprive you of the strength and desire to act. You will think that you cannot find a way to bridge this gap.

I want you to give yourself permission to take small steps towards your dreams. Start by making a list of small changes you can implement today. Do not reproach yourself with the meagerness and insignificance of such steps. Most likely, you will not be able to understand their importance in bridging the gap on the path to your dreams.

Divine power does not use traditional approaches. Realize that the capabilities of your mind are simply incomparable to what the universe has to offer you. What you may perceive as a solid plan is often copying someone else's successes or remembering your own past achievements.

However, Divine power uses an exclusively creative approach. You can see and realize a sea of ​​new opportunities and wonderful events that will amaze you to the core. You will see results you never dreamed of. Get ready to face the magic by starting to take tiny steps towards your dream. I always tell people that they should follow what really makes them happy and is important today, because this is the only way they can move towards their dreams.

It may be that from your current perspective, these baby steps are not much different from what you are already doing. Believe me, once you start moving in this direction, over time, new perspectives and a completely different way of looking at things will open up for you. Very soon you will be able to look at yourself in a new way.

I really hope you take my advice and use these three steps in your life. I am confident that you will be able to achieve success and get things moving. I believe in you. Your dreams are given to you precisely because you have everything you need to realize them!

Myra Kelly is a world-renowned past life expert and bestselling author of Beyond Past Lives. past life"), as well as the acclaimed CD recordings "Healing Through Past Life Regression and Beyond" She conducts seminars individual sessions and meetings around the world, telling how you can heal, and what opportunities open up through immersion in past lives. Stories from Mira's workshops are included in Wishes Fulfilled by Dyer Wayne and Miracles Happen by Brian L. Weiss; they are also featured on Oprah.com. Find out more about Mira and how to contact her at www.mirakelley.com . Download your free meditation gift at www.mirakelley.com/gift .

Photo: happysweating/instagram.com

Each of us has experienced the feeling that life has “stalled.” Some people experience this state periodically, while others remain in it constantly. This is an unpleasant feeling of powerlessness, doom, fatigue that occurs whenever you want to change something in your life, but circumstances prevent this. You hit your forehead against the wall, but you can’t move an inch. You dig yourself out of the swamp, and it savorily sucks you back in. Are you stuck...

At such moments, you really want to give up, resign yourself and pretend that everything is going as it should...

But you can't give up. Eat effective ways regain control of the situation and move forward.

Decide on the area

First of all, determine the point where you are and where you want to go. Do you feel stagnant and lacking perspective in your work? Do you have problems in your social life or relationships with colleagues? Maybe yours family relationships Have you exhausted yourself and need updating? Decide what problem is causing you negative feelings and think about how you can solve it. Don’t jump at changes in all areas at once, focus on the main thing. This will help bring much more clarity to the situation.

Find a tug

Sometimes circumstances arise that it is simply impossible to get out of life’s impasse on your own. Experienced motorists know that if you are really seriously stuck, you need to stop pressing the gas (you will only dig deeper) and go for a tow. In our situation, such a tug could be best friend, family, teacher, therapist or even professional coach. Put aside excessive pride and don't be shy to ask for help. You need to go forward, right?

Keep a diary

Try keeping a journal to document the details of your life's journey. Write down why you feel stagnant in life, what opportunities are available to you to move forward, what you tried and what results you got, new ideas you can try, and so on. Ask yourself questions so tough that no one else would dare, and answer them honestly. You might be surprised how much this can help you.

Practice meditation

Practice meditation for at least 10 minutes a day. Very often this is in a good way find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation, when all attempts have been tried, and the brain is spinning in circles, going through obviously failed options. During the process of meditation, our consciousness relaxes, but the brain continues to work on the problem sitting in the subcortex, so that as a result you can get a sudden insight about the issue that is tormenting you.

Find out how others got out of a similar situation

Google is available to everyone and completely free. Almost certainly, one of the billions of people on earth has already found themselves in your situation, solved it and shared their experience online. Of course, there may not be 100% identical cases, but you will certainly find some similar situations. Perhaps this is what will give you new ideas and strategies for overcoming the crisis.

Master brainstorming

Brainstorming is a great way to get on a good path. Just take a piece of paper and write down all the ideas that come to your mind to solve your problem. No thinking, evaluation or discussion - a maximum of ideas, even the most crazy ones, per unit of time. Then you will be able to calmly weigh all the pros and cons and, in a heap of outright slag, you will find the diamond that you have been missing.

Change your environment

If you want to start running, but your friends drag you out for a beer every evening, then you will have to overcome not only your internal resistance, but also theirs. If you want to devote your life to music, then being surrounded by musicians will make it much easier. Try to surround yourself with people who, if they don’t help you, at least won’t interfere.

Try something new

Albert Einstein said that “insanity is doing the same thing every time and expecting a new result.” So why don’t you, if you want to break out of the quagmire of stagnation in life, try to do something new? New recipes, music, routes, hobbies, goals. This is the only way to break out of the vicious circle of routine, when it seems that everything has already been tested, gone through, felt and nothing will happen in life.