We not only write, but also speak correctly: how to correctly put emphasis in words. How to speak correctly: useful tips How to say what correctly

I assume that readers will agree with me that correct, beautiful speech is one of the most important components of the image of a successful business person.

Within the framework of the topic of the formation of literate speech, I propose to turn to the section of linguistics that studies the features of Russian word stress. Incorrect placement of stress in words significantly reduces the culture of speech and, as a result, does not always have a positive effect on the image and, possibly, the business reputation of the speaker.

Sometimes one gets the impression that textbooks and dictionaries of the Russian language exist on their own, and native speakers, that is, you and me, gentlemen, exist on their own! Therefore, let’s get down to business, recall individual rules in memory and analyze the most common mistakes.

In all the examples below, the stressed vowel sound is indicated by a capital letter.

Often in words that are problematic, from the point of view of placing verbal stress, the stress falls on the vowel sound of the syllable, which is stressed in the desired word.

For example, the adjective “Augustovsky” is a derivative of the word “August”, in this case the stress remains fixed.

Likewise: Belief, sign (omen), provision, simultaneous, teenage, etc.

In foreign words, verbal stress is more often retained on the syllable that is stressed in this word in the original language.

For example: bArmen [me] (English), genesis [ne] (Greek), marketing (English), meager (Latin), phenomenon (Greek), etc.

In compound words ending in [vod], the verbal stress falls on the last syllable.

For example: water pipeline, gas pipeline, garbage pipeline, oil pipeline, pipeline, etc.

Masculine nouns in the nominative plural usually end in [ы] or [и], while the ending is unstressed.

For example: ACCOUNTANTS [h], contracts, inspectors, months, sectors, etc.

But masculine nouns in the nominative plural, which are exception words, end in [A] or [Z], with the emphasis falling on the ending.

For example: promissory note, director, professor, watchman, stamp [te], etc.

In some cases, the determination of the ending option and, accordingly, the placement of stress in masculine nouns in the nominative plural depends on the meaning of the word.

For example:

Conductors (transport workers) // conductors (machine parts)
- camps (locations) // camps (socio-political)
- images (icons) // Images (artistic)
- passes (documents) // passes (oversights, absences)
- teachers (teachers) // teachers (thought leaders)

It is necessary to distinguish between words that are identical (or similar) in spelling, but have different meanings.

For example:

Augustovsky (adjective) // AugustOvsky (proper noun)
- book (reserve) // book (cover with armor)
- cooking (art of cooking) // cooking (shop)
- workshop (skillful) // master's (belonging to a master)
- on Wednesdays (days of the week) // on Wednesdays (habitats)

In a number of words that have the same spelling but different meanings, the stress position does not change.

For example:

Pamper (undead) // Pamper (play naughty)
- conspiracy (political) // conspiracy (healing)
- quarter (city) // quarter (reporting)
- partEr [te] (in the theater, in the park) // partEr [te] (wrestling pose)
- funds (cash) // funds (production)

When placing verbal stress in derived words, it is necessary to correctly determine whether the word belongs to one or another part of speech. Common mistakes arise due to incorrect definition of the adjective and participle.

For example:

(left - adjective, right - participle)
- gifted watch // watch given by father
- busy person // busy training athlete and busy visitor chair
- informed employee // employee notified by the secretary
- developed industry // developed company activities and developed rope
- a well-built person // a suit neatly folded in the closet

The vowel sound [Ё] is always stressed.
For example: loaded, bewitched, newborn, repeated, simplified, etc.

You just need to remember some words!

For example: scam, croutons (crouton - a toasted slice of bread), bile, loan (but loan agreement), catalogue, chum salmon (fish), anticipate, beets, cottage cheese, sorrel, etc.

Let's pay attention to the words:
equipped, exalted, premium, costumed, low-cut

Let's reverse Special attention:
- You call, call, call
- He (she, it) calls, calls, calls
- We'll call them, we'll call them, we'll call them
- You call, call, call
- They call, call, call

I dare to hope that the excursion into the norms of verbal stress was not too preachy, but was in demand for many.

Of course, increasing your personal level speech culture- this is painstaking daily work: constant self-control, analysis and correction of one’s own speech, systematic and competent work with the vocabulary base, etc.

Below I offer interested readers a workshop - a dictionary of common business words in phrases. I recommend reading this microdictionary out loud 4 to 5 times in a row. So let's get started!

Accentological workshop

avIzo(not inclined): aviso about the crediting of funds, an aviso about the write-off of funds, an aviso about the balance of funds

ACCESSORY: accessory agreement, accessory theory, accessory agreement, accessory methods

analogue: reverse analogue, full analogue, regulated analogue, Russian analogue, functional analogue, analogue tasks, foreign (imported) analogues, analogue database, analogue groups, analogue category

outplacement: forced outplacement, qualified outplacement, paid outplacement, positive outplacement

scam: unprecedented scam (brilliant, executed, classic, large-scale, widespread, obvious), scam of the century (millennium), political scam (network, television), Internet scam, business scam, housing scam (apartment, construction, financial), anti- scam

stock exchange: exchange bank (committee, council), exchange boom (crash), exchange bulletin, exchange broker (visitor), exchange tax, over-the-counter turnover

accountants, [h]: leading (main) accountants, beginner accountants (professional), accountants (enterprises, incoming, private), vacancies for accountants, institute (courses) of accountants, community of accountants, services of accountants, accountants-cashiers

gross: gross domestic product(output, income), gross revenue (profit, production, rent, cost), gross investment (costs, receipts), gross accumulation (national saving, sampling), gross samples

billI: treasury bills, foreign exchange bills, bills of exchange (simple), bills drawn (repaid)

guru(not inclined): “business guru”, supreme guru, yoga guru, traditionalist guru, visiting “guru”, true guru “market guru”, “wedding guru”, “sex guru”, modern guru, “shopping guru” guru"

DebitOrskaya: accounts receivable

deflexion: group deflection, protective deflection, untimely deflection

gentleman: English gentleman, education of gentlemen, gentleman show, true (real) gentleman, true gentleman-landowner, ersatz gentleman, gentlemen of fortune

directorA: directorA of companies (organizations, enterprises, institutions, firms, branches), general directorA (commercial, financial), executive directorA, independent directorA, club (council) of directors

dispenser: venereal dispenser (narcological, psychoneurological, tuberculosis) dispensary registration, dispensary care, dispensary observation; polyclinic dispensaries, inpatient departments of dispensaries

dispatcher, dispatcher: emergency dispatcher, designated dispatcher, Russian dispatchers, association (bureau) of dispatchers

doorway: countless doorways, doorway generator, ideal doorway (poor, effective), new doorway (previous), doorway concept, doorway face, doorway creation

heretic: heretic-neophyte, condemned heretics, teaching of heretics

loan: government loan, cash loan, loan issued (received, repaid), loan agreement (subject), loan size (amount), interest-free loans, targeted loans

engineering: Genetic Engineering, gnomish (goblin) engineering, knowledge engineering, software engineering, systems engineering, social engineering

ENGINEERS: leading engineers (chief, cadastral, space, senior), business engineers, mechanical engineers, design engineers, cost estimating engineers, civil engineers, club (association, partnership) of engineers

inspectors: traffic inspectors, HR inspectors, credit inspectors, tax inspectors

INSTRUCTORS: qualified (private) instructors, driving instructors, business instructors, league (list) of instructors

claim: document of claim, limitation period, statement of claim (proceedings, petition), cases of claim (demands, formulas)

catalog: catalog of companies (organizations, enterprises, institutions, firms), catalog of products (goods, services, programs), catalog of manufacturers (suppliers, clients), catalog of prices, catalog of resources

quarter: reporting quarter, city quarter

catering: catering industry, catering technologies

bill of lading: on-board bill of lading, share bill of lading, insured bill of lading, registered bill of lading, local bill of lading, order bill of lading, through bill of lading, feeder bill of lading, clean bill of lading

marketing: marketing of personnel (services), viral marketing, marketing communications (techniques, solutions), marketing audit, marketing controlling, seminar (training) on ​​marketing, TRIZ in marketing

masterful(belonging to the master): master's area, master's book, master's decision (master's decision), master's tools

workshop(skillful, perfect): masterful blow, masterful game, masterful execution, masterful training

management, [mene] [me]: innovative management (information financial, environmental), quality management (organization, personnel), risk management

thinking: critical thinking, primitive thinking, positive thinking, thinking technique, vertical (lateral) thinking, practical (theoretical) thinking, verbal-logical thinking (visual-figurative, visual-effective), non-verbal thinking, psychology of thinking, creative thinking

rationing, normalized: rationing of capital (labor), hygienic (ecological) rationing, normalized working day, irregular working day

security: ensuring security (activities), information support (software), securing claims (loans, obligations), social security (pension)

conditioning: instrumental conditioning, classical conditioning, reverse conditioning, operant conditioning, sensory conditioning, latent conditioning

simultaneous: simultaneous arrival (leaving), simultaneous play (work), simultaneous action, simultaneous events

wholesale: WHOLESALE PURCHASE (store, warehouse, market), wholesale purchase (sale), wholesale supplies
inform, informed: inform clients (employees, partners, participants), informed client, informed employee, informed partnership, informed participants

review: revocation of the statement of claim, revocation of the deputy

Review: Feedback on the statement of claim, Feedback on the appeal

ofOpik: edited ofOpik, omitted ofOpik, deleted ofOpik
shares: introductory (investment) shares, partnership on shares, share contribution

teenage: adolescence(period), teenage office, teenage club, teenage crisis, teenage maximalism, teenage training, teenage chat, teenage pregnancy, teenage crime, teenage environment, teenage thinking, teenage families

bonus, bonus: employee bonuses, bonused employee, deprived employee

force: force to act, force to inaction, force to fulfill obligations

accept: to admit someone to yourself - I (you, he) received the delegation, it received the guests, the Legislative Assembly (it) received the ambassador, we (you, they) received the visitors; anything - a law has been adopted, an amendment has been adopted, a decision has been made;

dispersion, concentration: dispersal of forces, concentration of attention

facilities: cash, means of production

reflection: action without reflection and reflection without action, instinct of reflection, retrospective reflection, reflection in the organization, constructive (productive) reflection, cultural reflection (scientific, pedagogical, psychological), reflection of one’s own behavior (development), reflection of creative thinking, ability to reflect

royalties(not inclined): royalty overdue, royalty unpaid

net: in (via) the Internet, in (via) a local network, in (via) a mobile operator’s network, in (via) a network of enterprises, in (via) a network of creative teachers, in (via) a retail network (pharmacies, shops, restaurants )

SYNERGY, [NE]: theology of synergy, intrapersonal synergy, high synergy, Law (concept) of synergy, locomotor synergy, spell synergy, talent synergy, interpersonal synergy, group synergy effect

convening: convening a conference (meeting), convening deputies (participants, members)

STATUTE: Statute of the International Court of Justice (Orders), university statute, statutory capital (order), statutory duty, statutory law, statutory relations

insurer: professional insurer, insurers of Russia, association (club, union) of insurers

transfer: transfer sheet (market), transfer game (company, press, system), transfer agreement, transfer passengers

transfer: blank transfer, transfer agent, transfer power of attorney, transfer pricing, transfer payments

COACHES: internal trainers (corporate, independent, certified), co-trainers, trainers association (Internet community, classification, clubs)

paid: invoice paid, paid in cash, paid in full, tax paid (fine), debt paid (payment), rent paid, interest paid

statutory: authorized capital, statutory requirement, statutory provisions

phenomenon: Tunguska phenomenon, phenomenon of alternative vision, Bering phenomenon, phenomenon of being and being phenomena, phenomenon of deindividuation, phenomenon of love, phenomenon of Mowgli, phenomenon of mood, phenomenon of memory, phenomenon of development, phenomenon of the Soviet system, phenomenon of man, phenomenon of electronic voice

flank: flank attack, flank attack, flank players

frontman: permanent frontman (best, beginner, professional), frontman of a group (team), frontman-standist

moveSolicitation, moveSolicitation: petition to declare (withdraw, file), petition in court, petition for release (for pardon), petition for calling a witness (for clarification of requirements), petition for reward (for bonuses, for conferring a title), petition for promotion (about removal from office), apply for consent

exalted: exalted person, exalted public, exalted people, exalted society

expat: boss-expAt; introduction (attraction, training) of expats; classification of expats: expat-mega-specialist-very-expensive (expat-knowledgeable, expat-representative), expat-traveling-challenge-taking (expat-realizing, expat-migrating), expat-experienced-rooted, expat-no-good-for-himself. seer

expert: certified expert, expert network (system), expert consulting (solution), expert assessments, expert consulting

  • Russian verbal stress (Compiled by: Ageenko F.L., Zarva M.V.; editor Studiner M.A.);
  • Dictionary of accents for radio and television workers (Compiled by: Ageenko F.L., Zarva M.V.; editor Rosenthal D.E.);
  • Dictionary of accents for radio and television workers (Compiled by: Vvedenskaya L.A.);
  • Dictionary of accents - online (Zarva M.V., 2000);
  • Russian word stress - online (Dictionaries and encyclopedias on Academician).
For active business people who consciously and purposefully form a personal and corporate image, courses on effective communications in public speaking will also be useful. business communication, speech culture. So, see you at the trainings and seminars!

Unfortunately, not everyone has the gift of eloquence, but this does not mean that this skill cannot be developed in oneself. We all know that you can listen to a person who can speak beautifully for hours! And yet, it should be taken into account that there are a considerable number of different nuances that are important to take into account when developing the skill of rich conversational speech.

1. The art of speaking culturally, brightly and convincingly

Such words seriously pollute our speech, but not everyone understands this. Some people even deliberately insert various slang expressions into conversations, believing that they add color to the dialogue, but in reality it often sounds inappropriate, and sometimes even repulsive.

3. Learn to express your thoughts correctly

To learn how to express your thoughts beautifully, it will not hurt to acquire the ability to listen carefully to those speakers whose speech you like. Also, don’t forget about such a useful skill as reading. Choose books that will help you tune your brain in the right direction. In addition, these can be varied teaching aids, as well as scientific articles.

Reading out loud can also be no less effective, because this is how you will learn to practice diction. Opt for the classic ones works of art famous writers - as a rule, they are distinguished by the richness of their speech.

4. Developing beautiful speech

Most of us speak quite normally in normal situations, however, when some kind of stressful situation arises, many lose confidence, as if “losing the gift of speech.” When you develop competent and beautiful speech, you will stop getting lost in any situations. How to do it?

You probably know that there are people who are able to talk interestingly about any, even the most unremarkable, subject. An example is Anton Chekhov and his story “The Ashtray”. Alas, nature has not endowed everyone with the talents of a famous writer, but almost all of us can still learn to express thoughts beautifully.

If your line of work involves writing texts, public speaking, and the like, then a rich vocabulary will form on its own over time. It is more difficult for people who do not work in the humanitarian field - they have to put in a little more effort. Listening to the radio, reading books, watching good films and documentaries can help. It is important to pay attention not only to what information is conveyed to you, but also to how exactly the phrases are constructed.

Read a short story and try to retell it. Record your retelling on a voice recorder, listen to it and determine whether your speech sounds beautiful or whether there are some shortcomings. Such training out loud is very important, because it will gradually form melodic speech and enrich you with a stock of new interesting expressions.

A game like this is also useful for developing beautiful speech. Pay attention to some ordinary object - a notepad, a frying pan, a table, etc. For a minute or two, try to write a story about this subject in literary language, without obvious hesitations.

5. Learning to control your speech

The ability to keep your speech under control will make any person stand out from the crowd. It is not surprising that people with such talent at one time turned out to be leaders of nations, whom thousands of people were ready to follow, listening to every word of their leader. Most likely, training will take you some time, but it’s worth it - this is the only way you will not only have full control of your own speech apparatus, but will intuitively learn to feel how best to address a particular person, what words are best to choose, and so on. You will also be able not to get lost even in the most unexpected situations, maintaining composure.

Lessons on correct speech - rhetoric exercises

It is important to breathe correctly when speaking

Surely, while listening to the smooth speech of an announcer or some charismatic presenter, you caught yourself thinking that you yourself would like to be able to speak like that. Of course, this can be achieved if you develop your speaking technique. However, first of all, for this you should learn to breathe correctly - deeply, calmly and imperceptibly.

Please note that speech breathing is different from normal breathing. This is a controlled process. As you know, diaphragmatic-costal breathing is considered the most convenient for speech. In this case, inhalation and exhalation are performed using the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. The most capacious part of the lungs (lower) comes into activity. In this case, the shoulders and upper chest remain virtually motionless.

You can learn to control your breathing on your own. Place your palm between your stomach and chest - on the diaphragm area. When you inhale, the abdominal wall will rise slightly and the lower part of the chest will expand. Exhalation will be accompanied by contraction of the abdominal and chest muscles. When speaking, the inhalation should be light and short, but the exhalation should be smooth and long (the ratio is approximately one to ten).

When the process of speech occurs, the importance of exhalation increases to a large extent. Before speaking, you should take a quick and deep breath, which is taken both through your nose and mouth. Meanwhile, during speech exhalation, only the mouth is involved.

Correct speech breathing can be called the basis for a beautiful sounding voice. If you breathe incorrectly, this will lead to instability of your voice.

Speak confidently, clearly and clearly

When speaking, try to avoid muttering - speak clearly, distinctly and confidently. Practice reading books out loud - do it slowly and with expression, sometimes speed it up, but continue to speak with expression. Gradually, you will develop the skill of speaking this way in everyday life.

You need to constantly train your gestures and facial expressions

Gesticulation and facial expressions can be called non-verbal means speech, which should also be trained. Try speaking in front of a camera or mirror to see if you are gesturing too much and “out of line.” At times, this can greatly distract the interlocutor from the topic of conversation. It is also important to observe your facial expressions - both an indifferent facial expression and excessive expression of emotions are unacceptable. In the second case, it may simply look ugly.

Your gestures and facial expressions should look harmonious, smooth and natural, and only sometimes emphasize the meaning of what was said. It is important that the listener still focuses on the meaning of the text, but not on your face or hands.

Is it possible to deliver your speech yourself?

Of course, you can start staging your own speech yourself - it will definitely bear fruit. What tips can you use in this situation?

The ability to express one's thoughts correctly is not innate. We acquire this skill - some manage to do it earlier, others later. If you want to correctly express your thoughts in a conversation with your interlocutor, then keeping a diary or simply writing short stories would be a good practice. Once you start spending some time formulating your thought and transferring it onto paper, over time you will transfer this skill into everyday life - the necessary phrases will quickly form into more correct sentences. Also for this skill it would also be good to listen to audio books or read literature.

Read books to increase your vocabulary

Of course, reading fiction will help you improve the quality of your speech. Give preference to Russian classics. If you devote some time every day to reading classical literature, then gradually you will form the habit of speaking in a similar way.

Attend Russian language courses and lessons

Some believe that learning the Russian language occurs only at school, and if you have not acquired the necessary skills there, then in adulthood you will have to take up self-study. In fact, this is not true at all! When you go to the Internet, you will find that there are now many trainings and courses on the Russian language for adults. Such classes are held in almost every city. You can also study online. Having studied information on this issue on the Internet, you will find that if you wish, you can discover great prospects for learning the Russian language.

The stress in the Russian language, unlike, for example, French or Polish, is free. It can fall on any part of a word: be at its beginning, stem or ending. Therefore, difficulties with its correct placement may be experienced not only by those for whom Russian is a foreign language, but also by native speakers.

In contact with

Difficulties and annoying mistakes

Almost every person experienced uncertainty about how to correctly place emphasis on a particular word. IN - words with movable stress. This means that its arrangement can change when the word form changes.

Therefore, people often doubt how to pronounce correctly: from airport or airportA, catalog or catalogue, Cakes or Cakes, cork or clog - that is, put the emphasis on the second or third syllable. In words poured and included at the end or at the base? The list of doubts goes on.

A textbook example of an ingrained error among the masses is phrase you are right A you, which they persistently say you are right, or Ringing instead of It's calling. In official speech, reports, etc. often instead agreement you can hear the agreement. You can make a list of office and stationery"words that are pronounced incorrectly by fully literate people, and in their own language at that native language. Errors are repeated, reinforced and become typical.

Correct speech says a lot about degree of education of a person, professionalism, intelligence and personal qualities. How to avoid annoying mistakes?

What to do?

How to place it correctly stress in borrowed words x in languages ​​with static stress is easy to remember, since there is a single rule of orthoepy. For example, in French, which has become firmly established in our everyday life: blinds, chassis, coupe, – the stress always falls on the last syllable.

In the Russian language there is a single rule that how to put stress on “difficult” words correctly, absent. Of course, how to check the correct accent using spelling dictionary, everyone knows. Both electronic and paper versions can be used for reference. But not everyone knows that there are other methods. With their help you can not only check word stress, but also to fix it in memory correct pronunciation.

You can check the correct stress using a spelling dictionary.

Memory varies

Experts highlight different types memory. Each of them plays its role in the formation of human literacy:

  1. Visual memory will help preserve the visual image. Correct accent, highlighted with a bright marker, will be remembered for sure. The list can be hung both at home and in the office.
  2. Always putting the right emphasis in “difficult” cases will help auditory memory. To do this, you need to say the words out loud several times or even sing them. The arrangement will “settle” in memory. It’s no coincidence that the lines of hits are so easy to remember.
  3. Speech motor memory with the help of the physical organs of speech will help to remember , how the correct accent is placed in a certain case. The word must be clearly pronounced out loud several times. Muscle memory will retain the pattern of the movement made.

Attention! All methods of memorization are based on certain types of human memory. Usually each person has a predominant separate species memory. Therefore, it is important to know which memory is most developed in you.

Methods of memorization

Always in sight

It's easier to remember words with correct accent, which are accompanied by funny pictures. They can be printed or drawn and kept in a visible place.

Words with the correct stress of frequently used words business You can include it in this list and hang it in your home or office:

  • rolled ABOUT G;
  • turn on AND T;
  • dev E lopment;
  • provide E reading;
  • quart A l;
  • move A sacrament;
  • prin I V;
  • on Wednesdays A m;
  • money A mi;
  • Great Danes ABOUT R.

Before a speech or report, the owner of the list just needs to skim the list with his eyes, and the word will include the stress on the last syllable and will be remembered.

Correct stress in words.

Attention! Competent public speech with thoughtful logic of construction, correct pronunciation and intonation will make the desired impression on listeners.

Funny rhymes

Arrangement syllable stress very important for the formation of poetic rhyme. Therefore, rhyme can be used to determine, in case of doubt, stress, which is the norm. In most cases, rhyming verses will help determine the stress in words.

funny memory poemsgood way remember how to correctly pronounce words that cause difficulties. For example:

  • My blouse is off A, It turned out that it was not the same.
  • I will go to Courchevel to eat sorrel there E l.
  • I got drunk in a hurry A sat down and doused it with water A sir!
  • The one who loves t ABOUT mouths, won't wear shorts!
  • If you have money A We're going to Miami!
  • I took into account our agreement and drew up a document ABOUT R!
  • Today the little one came I r, and yesterday the table came I R.
  • Oh! Just look: there’s graff on my wall AND you!
  • My ears are ringing or someone is ringing me AND T?
  • He was tired and sat down on a stump, tightened his belt E no.

As can be seen from the funny rhymes, determining the normative stress in “insidious” words is not at all difficult. Similar poems for memory training can be found on the Internet, in specialized literature, or you can come up with it yourself. This the easy way Memorization is often used by graduates when taking Russian language tests.

Funny jokes like emoticons

Scenes to remember

Get rid of doubts about correct accents Writing short stories will help. For example, to remember that in the word removed A the correct stress is placed on the last syllable, we come up with a plot: the thing is fast removedA, because not TA. The consonance of the main (in which the problematic stress) and the auxiliary word helps to remember the stressed syllable. In addition, the imagery and plot sequence is also included in the work of memory.

Another option is to present a story-picture. For example: “We draw THAT I sew THAT flu." Thus, it is easy to remember that the stressed syllable in the word “t” U fly" - " THAT».

Emphasis on words. Which is correct?

We learn to put stress in a word. Literacy training


Sometimes even educated people encounter stress problems: they make mistakes or are not entirely sure about the correct choice of their option. Simple and affordable methods will help you get rid of these doubts forever.

Roman Shirokiy

Reading time: 8 minutes


Speech is part of a person’s image. According to statistics, speech accounts for 25% of the impression of a person. The interlocutor pays more attention to literacy and beauty of speech, diction and voice. Let's talk about how to learn to speak beautifully and competently in Russian and English.

Even if you only have to communicate with family members and neighbors, good speech will be useful in life. When communicating with you, people will listen to your opinion and consider you an excellent conversationalist.

A competent conversation will help in your career, increase the level of importance in the eyes of colleagues and ensure respect. Correct, beautiful and competent speech will be helpful for speaking at meetings, conferences and other events.

A person who holds a leadership position or is applying for one must have competent speech skills. The manager is the face of the company, and only with the help of competent speech can he conclude contracts, find partners and lead the team. Poor vocabulary causes a lot of trouble at the wrong time.

Step-by-step action plan

Let's consider a time-tested algorithm, using which you will quickly master the art of competent speech at home. Having reached certain heights, share your knowledge and experience with loved ones. Such skills will not hurt.

Video tips

Using this algorithm, learn to speak beautifully and competently in Russian or English at home. As a result, your interlocutors will consider you an educated and intelligent person. By speaking correctly and beautifully, you will achieve success in life.

Learning to speak Russian competently and correctly

Russian language is difficult. It is not surprising that it is not easy for even a native speaker to master correct and beautiful speech. Fortunately, there are no unattainable goals, it’s enough to set a goal.

Video instructions

If you don’t like studying on your own, sign up for collective public speaking courses. By studying in a group, you will quickly polish your speech, which will become a source of pride.

We speak English correctly

The English language pushes the boundaries of the picture of the world, but the school teaching method does not give the desired result. It is intimidating with its level of complexity and does not provide the knowledge necessary for conversation with a foreigner.

Learning to speak English correctly is easier than learning to spell. The main thing is to remember the pronunciation of words and learn to form sentences.

Skills for learning English

First of all, I will highlight the main character traits that will be needed to successfully achieve the goal. Then we’ll look at effective techniques and ways to master English speech.

  • Regularity . Only a serious approach will bring results. Study regularly to expand your vocabulary and combinations without forgetting the material you have learned.
  • Honesty. Not every person boasts a penchant for independent learning. If you doubt that you will be able to organize training yourself, use the services of a tutor. With its help, you will quickly master English at home.
  • Perseverance . A character trait necessary to achieve a goal. Learning to speak English is not easy. You will have to learn the words, remember the translation, and use them correctly in sentences. What can we say about pronunciation? Audiobooks and the Internet will help with this.
  • Motivation. Remember, even a person without positive characteristics can achieve success. Desire is enough to overshadow negative qualities, since a thirsty person will easily overcome an obstacle for the sake of a goal. Even laziness won't hurt.
  • Self-control . To make training effective, control yourself and objectively evaluate the results. Only you can determine when to repeat material and when to move on.

Where to start studying

In none of the above points did I ever mention the need to have certain talents in relation to this language. This proves that, if desired, everyone can master English speech.

Why do you need to speak correctly and competently?

If you learn to convey your thoughts competently, correctly and beautifully, you will always be heard, regardless of the volume of your voice. This truth was proven by the ancient Greek sophists, who were engaged in teaching.

Speech courses offer a range of training topics in this area. Classes conducted by masters of public speaking help students who want to achieve a big goal in life learn the wisdom of correct speech delivery.

To summarize the article, I note that the art of eloquence brings unimaginable benefits. Language is beautiful and rich, so support its beauty with literate speech, regardless of where we are, in public transport, in a museum or on the street.

Compare with this option:

The other day I couldn't speak because nothing came to mind.

Last week, while talking to a potential client, I couldn't say a word because my mind was blank.

Which example do you think is better and more likely to grab people's attention? Of course, the last one.

If in 1987, US President Ronald Reagan, in his speech Speech by R. Reagan in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin about the Berlin Wall said something like:

This wall is something um... that shouldn't be there, so anyway, let's get it out of the way quickly.

Such a message would simply be lost in the information flow. Instead, a laconic and succinct challenge was thrown:

Tear down this wall!

Surely you have noticed (if not in yourself, then in someone around you) speech defects of a rhythmic nature. When words are pronounced abruptly, with too many pauses, or vice versa, a person jabbers so that the listener does not have time to understand his thoughts.

To experience the difference in perception, try saying the phrase below. Pronounce each syllable clearly and take short pauses between words. Listen to the sound of your speech:

Today I will go to the gym. Perhaps with a friend.

You will end up with what is called “stepped” speech, in which too much emphasis is placed on individual syllables, and this is a mistake.

Now try mixing each word with the next one so that it looks like one whole passage. Read through without hesitation, but without too much haste:

Today I-went-to-the-gym-with-a-friend.

This option may seem a little careless. In fact, speech with such smooth transitions becomes easier to understand by ear.

As for the pace being too fast, there is a risk of not only being misunderstood, but also of blurting out something unnecessary (for example, in a fit of emotion). Again, recording on a voice recorder will help you track your speech speed.

Try to breathe deeply before each sentence and think that you are being listened to with great interest and that you are in no hurry.

3. Inability to use body language

Many people know the difference between closed and open, but continue to use closed gestures when, on the contrary, they should open.

Movements and facial expressions are characterized as open if they express a friendly attitude and readiness to interact: when the palms are not hidden, the gaze is directed into the eyes of the interlocutor, the feet are turned in his direction, and the like. Closed gestures include crossed arms or legs, glances to the side or at the phone, clenched fists - anything that shows tension or even aggression.

We all have natural tendencies to behave in one way or another depending on the situation. If you disagree with someone, your body automatically reacts: you constrict your pupils, turn your head away, cross your arms. Conversely, when you are understood, listened to and supported, you unconsciously open up.

However, it is not always worth giving non-verbal signals to your interlocutor; often the situation requires the opposite. Try to control your body movements and facial expressions when speaking. Pay attention to the position of your hands and which facial muscles are tense. With practice, you can manage this.

4. Habit of arguing

Expressing disagreement in itself is not a bad thing. As they say, truth is born in dispute. This is how creative ideas appear, an incentive to learn and improve something. All this can be useful and necessary for social interaction, even if you are against many people.

Disagreement can be considered a mistake only when nothing depends or changes on the agreement or disagreement of the interlocutors. That is, if it is an empty dispute that does not bring any results other than irritating opponents. The point of such discussions is not to learn anything new. When you argue that someone is wrong, you are engaging them in a verbal battle for status. And that is why most debaters remain unconvinced - to maintain dignity.

The next time you hear a point of view that is ridiculous or incorrect in your opinion, first find out why the person thinks so, rather than rushing to refute him.

If, even after listening to the arguments, you do not agree with someone’s opinion, do not enter into a useless argument. Instead, move the conversation to another topic where you can come to an understanding. Is there no such area? Then just avoid communicating with this person.

5. Lack of topics to talk about

In an unfamiliar company or in a conversation with people new to you, words can very quickly dry up due to the difficulties in choosing a common topic. Probably, each of us at least once in our lives had to pull out some phrases from ourselves, trying to fill awkward pauses. In order not to find yourself in uncomfortable situations, you can come up with a list of routine topics in advance and use them on occasion.

Imagine the circumstances when you want to start a conversation with an unfamiliar or unfamiliar interlocutor: near the cooler at work, when meeting in a cafe, at a bus stop.

Prepare 10 topics that are suitable for conversation with any person in any situation.

It's easier than it seems. For example, you can always ask about life or work (of course, unobtrusively and delicately), discuss last news(but it is advisable to avoid politics), ask for advice on some issue. A win-win, although not very interesting, option is talking about the weather.

6. Illiterate speech

We should not forget that a conversation with a literate, educated person is perceived better than with someone who is confused about cases and vocabulary. Improve your speech culture, read more, use dictionaries. But at the same time, it is important to remember a sense of proportion: do not turn into a boring smartass and do not burden your interlocutor with phrases and terms that are too complex for him.

These are the most common mistakes in colloquial speech. Do you have any of them? Maybe you know a good way to get rid of them? Share your experience in the comments.