Names of flowering shrubs in alphabetical order. Wild shrubs: types and names

In the head of almost any owner of a country garden, the thought flashes about what part of the land needs to be allocated for planting vegetables, some for fruit trees, a third for flowers and flower beds, and a fourth you want to devote to relaxation. In any case, I want all these so-called zones to look good and beautiful. Let's talk about garden shrubs in this article. Be aware that garden shrubs can be an excellent decorative element in a dacha. Take a look at their photos, of which there will be plenty in this article.

What types of shrubs are there?

First, let's look at the types of these crops. Garden shrubs occupy a large place in botany, which includes a wide variety of plant species. The main difference from trees is the absence of a so-called main trunk. The bush has several of them and are located close to each other.

At the same time, these plants are divided into three categories:

Blooming. The property follows from the name - they can bloom. This is the main distinguishing feature. This group includes the following representatives: rose hips, barberry, hydrangea and others.

Decorative deciduous. Here are collected varieties that have charming and interesting foliage. It can either fall off in some plants or remain green forever and delight the owner. One of the most popular and widespread species is boxwood. It can be found both at home and in the country.

Fruit. Everything is the same as in the first case - the property follows from the name itself. Such bushes bear fruit. The most famous are, of course, raspberries, gooseberries, and strawberries.

It should be noted that this division is conditional and not absolute. After all, there are many examples when a flowering shrub can bear fruit. For example, dogwood or the same barberry. By the way, the latter can be safely classified as both deciduous and flowering shrubs.

In addition, groups are distinguished by the time of flower appearance or by the sun. That is, there are sun-loving plants - mainly fruit plants, for example currants. Shade-tolerant - deutzia, weigela, for example. Shade-loving plants - honeysuckle, euonymus and other plants.

Shrubs for the garden

So, we have dealt with the categories of garden shrubs, and you may have decided what kind of plants you would like to purchase and plant. But in order to make an informed choice, you need to know the name of garden shrubs.

Let's assume that you want to decorate your lovely summer cottage beautifully and aesthetically. Then, of course, you will need representatives of ornamental shrubs. The variety of shades they may have, shapes, sizes and other wonderful properties will help you to create an original hedge with your own hands, which can delicately separate you from the bustle of the city and lift your spirits. Also, shrubs will perfectly decorate the entrance and decorative elements on your site.

Remember to educate yourself thoroughly about the properties of garden plants. For example, for a hedge, you should take into account how long the flowering period lasts, what shapes and sizes the leaves have, their color, how to care for shrubs, how much time they need to devote to them, what diseases they can get and how to treat them if infected, and much more. much more.

Here are some tips:

  • Hydrangea bushes are a perfect complement to bright green lawns.
  • One of the most popular among gardeners is the rose bush. Park roses are better suited. They are frost-resistant and undemanding. Unfortunately, flowering occurs only once a season.
  • If you want your garden to smell with charming aromas, then purchase shrubs such as mock orange and forsythia.
  • Lilac or viburnum will look like a chic decorative element.
  • Nowadays, peonies and rhododendrons, which have a tree-like form, are becoming increasingly famous.
  • Use plants that bloom at different times in your garden. For example, spirea and cinquefoil are suitable for the summer season, and heather for autumn, causing admiration with its charming mother-of-pearl.

Decorative deciduous.

Their main feature is that they can decorate the garden from early spring to cold autumn.

Many garden shrubs have leaves of different colors. For example, bright yellow, purple, violet, there are some representatives with spots.

Aralia and thorny bush, with their charming forms and similarity to many tropical plants, can transport you mentally to the tropical forests. Fieldfare also has a pleasant color palette. Very young leaves have a soft pink tint, which later turns into a bright green color. Closer to autumn, the leaves turn yellow, acquiring a golden color.

Advice: If you are not very happy with the monotony of a wall or a high fence, then this situation can be easily corrected with the help of white turf bushes of the Elegantissima species.

How to plant some types of shrubs together

The compatibility of garden trees and shrubs must also be correct. You should pay close attention to this section. Each plant has its own individual qualities and properties, so not everyone can get along with each other. So, consider some nuances and rules:

  • A walnut is capable of making the atmosphere around itself healthy, but only for itself - the effect on other shrubs is negative.
  • Hazel doesn't like neighbors either.
  • It is not recommended to plant roses, viburnum, jasmine, lilac and many other shrubs next to apple and pear trees.
  • Raspberries, other apple trees, cherries, cherries and plums get along well with the apple tree.
  • Cherries normally live next to plums. Cherries just hate plums.
  • It is necessary to keep a fairly decent distance between raspberries and red currants.
  • Birch takes a lot of water from the ground, so many plants cannot get along well with it.
  • Unpretentious and shade-tolerant plants are great friends with maple and spruce. These can be flowers - various ferns, astilbes, and so on - or cereals.
  • It is recommended to plant begonias, rhododendrons, callas and others next to coniferous trees.
  • Roses cannot tolerate anyone or anything calmly. All of them must be planted separately from everyone else.
  • Cereal plants get along well with gypsophila or lavender.

So, we have examined most of the important points that can help you correctly and wisely place the selected plants on your site.


This article presents you with perennial garden shrubs that bloom all summer. Here is their photo and name. Representatives of this group can be found in almost any area. It could be raspberries, currants, gooseberries and so on. By the way, from different varieties of currants you can make an excellent multi-colored composition that will not leave any person indifferent.

But the queen of this type of shrub is the golden currant. Its berries shimmer with a golden hue. One of the main remarkable properties of this variety is its resistance to various pests. Her berries are very tasty, as are, in fact, juices, compotes, and jam.

You can make beautiful hedges from varietal raspberries and gooseberries. These two species are the most common among gardeners. Nowadays you rarely see hawthorn, serviceberry, chokeberry and many other equally rare shrubs. It is worth noting that fruit plants require more care and attention than ornamental plants.


In this article we examined many important points and nuances about garden shrubs. We also looked at the categories and types, and learned how different types of shrubs contact each other or trees. At this stage, do not stop, expand your knowledge, develop your skills. We wish you good luck in this field!

Ornamental shrubs are an ideal option for those who want to improve their summer cottage. The abundance of varieties and varieties of such plants will delight the most discerning gardeners.

In this article we will try to answer the question of which ornamental shrubs are suitable for a summer residence, and what care they require.

Bush ornamental plants come in short, medium and tall varieties. Depending on the size, the tasks they perform change:

  • Low-growing - a universal decoration for flower beds, ridges, alpine slides;
  • Medium-sized - help define the boundaries of each aesthetic zone in the country, can be used as a hedge;
  • Tall ones help to hide the unsightly sides of country buildings.

In addition, all plants of this type are divided into fruiting and flowering.

With proper care, ornamental shrubs will delight gardeners with ripe fruits and berries, or beautiful flowers throughout the entire summer season.

Variety of ornamental shrubs

Ornamental shrubs for the garden have different characteristics; when choosing a specific plant, you need to understand what task it should perform in a specific summer cottage and what conditions will be created for it.

Species characteristics

  • Frost resistance: very frost-resistant, moderately frost-resistant and frost-resistant ornamental shrubs.
  • Illumination: light-loving, shade-tolerant.
  • According to fruitfulness: flowering, decorative-deciduous, fruit-bearing.

Based on the characteristics of bush plants, it is worth moving on to a full description of the most popular specimens, their photos and methods of care.

Fruit bushes

In addition to a purely aesthetic function, with proper care, such plants provide gardeners with fruits and berries.

Felt cherry - got its name for its unusual covering of leaves and shoots with a light fluff. It has high productivity, small dimensions, and does not require complex care.

These ornamental shrubs are planted in highly organic soil. Requires space and high light.

Viburnum is unpretentious in care and placement in the garden. Flowers that bloom in late spring have a pleasant, honey-like aroma.

Rosehip - has medicinal properties. Often, for its beauty, it is called a wild rose. Does not require special attention when caring. Can grow on both shady and sunny sides.

Gooseberry - grows easily, forming a hedge. Does not tolerate high humidity, plenty of shade and severe frosts. It bears fruit for about half a century, the fruits have high vitamin properties.

Shrubs that tolerate frost easily

Suitable for fairly cold climates, with lots of winds and frosts.

Shrub cinquefoil - able to tolerate significant frosts. It blooms with bright yellow flowers from mid to late summer and bears fruit in early fall. Suitable for making tea.

Weigels are a frost-resistant variety that can tolerate large temperature changes. Not selective in matters of soil and light. Flowering occurs from late spring to early summer, already from the second year after planting.

Snowberry is a shrub bearing fruit with inedible berries. Easily tolerates low temperatures. The name and photo of the frost-resistant garden ornamental shrub are reminiscent of the winter cold. White flowers bloom at the very beginning of summer and delight owners all season long.

Coniferous shrubs

Coniferous ornamental shrubs are an excellent option for any landscape design.

Juniper is unpretentious to planting, care, and ambient temperature. It goes well with many plants on the alpine hill.

Thanks to its variety, juniper can be used in any landscape composition.

Mountain pine Pomimlo is a rather selective shrub. Requires plenty of light and soil rich in minerals. Due to its small dimensions, it is widely used in design projects.

Cypress bushes are a generally unpretentious shrub that grows well in both shade and lightly shaded sun. There are varieties that grow well only in warm climates, or, conversely, can easily tolerate frosty weather.

Cryptomeria - loves plenty of sun. Divided into several subtypes depending on size.

Yew - despite its slow growth rate, is one of the favorite shrubs of landscape designers.

Due to its high species diversity, it can perform various functions, from purely decorative to forming a green fence.

Shrubs with evergreen foliage

This type of plant will delight gardeners with lush, green foliage from early spring until late autumn.

  • Common heather - blooms in the second half of summer, the rest of the time it pleases with decorative foliage.
  • Derain is an unpretentious, evergreen bush. Tolerates temperature changes, transplanting into new soil, shade, and humidity well.
  • Holly is a poisonous shrub that delights with its glossy, dense leaves.

Rules for planting ornamental shrubs

Having decided on a specific variety of shrub, you should know a few rules that will help the plant bloom abundantly and grow well.

  • When planning to plant a bush at the beginning of summer, you should significantly fertilize the future location for the plant in the fall.
  • While still in the store or at the market, carefully select a bush with a minimum amount of dried wood and remove the dried roots.
  • When planning planting, give the plant a 2-3 hour bath for better moisture absorption.
  • It is possible to use organic additives and root growth accelerators.
  • Give the shrub enough space to grow.
  • Familiarize yourself with the pruning requirements for each specific shrub.

By following these simple rules, looking at photos and names of ornamental shrubs, you can choose the plant that is best suited for specific conditions and a specific summer cottage.

Photos of ornamental shrubs

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Here is a catalog of deciduous shrubs that can be used for landscaping the garden area and creating a beautiful landscape design.

All deciduous shrubs for the garden in the catalog are accompanied by colorful photos and classified by their names.

You can choose the decorative crop that suits you and read its brief description.

Deciduous shrubs are presented in cultivation in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Look at all the decorative deciduous shrubs on this page; among them there will certainly be an option for your garden. The names of deciduous shrubs are suggested, followed by a brief description of the plant. There is also a wide variety of photographs of deciduous shrubs in various stages of their development.


Most maples are trees. Japanese maples are slow-growing shrubs 1-2 m high with attractive leaves that turn color in autumn. Requires protection from the morning sun and cold winds. Among the varieties of the Fan Maple (A. palmatum) ‘Dissectum’ (green leaves turning orange).


  • Flowering time: August - September
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

A large shrub that produces a lot of growth. Each leaf, 1 m long, is divided into separate leaflets. Choose a protected location. The gardens grow high aralia (A. elata), which grows up to 3 m and has large inflorescences of tiny flowers. Aralia 'Aureovariegata' has cream-colored leaves in spring.


  • Location: best sunny

All species have leaves that are tapered at the end, usually pubescent below, and inflorescences of tiny flowers. David's buddleia (B. davidii) blooms in August to mid-September; Annual pruning is important. Buddleia globosa (B.globosa) with orange spherical inflorescences, and Buddleia alternate-leaved (B. alternifolia) with arched stems.


  • Flowering time: September - October
  • , woody cuttings in autumn

A rounded border shrub that grows in all types of soils, including chalk. The main species is C. clandonensis, 1 m high. It has gray-green leaves and lavender flowers in terminal inflorescences 10 cm long. The ‘Kew Blue’ variety has dark blue flowers.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: dividing the bush in autumn

Stems may be damaged by frost, but heavy pruning in the spring will provide new stems that will bear clusters of phlox-like blue flowers in both summer and fall. The hardiest species is Ceratostigma Wilmott (C. willmottianum) - height 1 m. Other species are Ceratostigma Griffith (C. griffithii) and dwarf Ceratostigma plumbaginoides (C. plumbaginoides).


  • Flowering time: March - May
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

It grows well in sun or shade in all types of soil and produces large golden fruits after the bright spring flowers. Chaenomeles beautiful (Ch. speciosa) - height 2-3 m. It is grown as a wall plant. Chaenomeles superba (Ch. superba), 1 m high and having a dense, rounded bush, is grown in borders.


  • Flowering time: December - March
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

The flowers on bare stems are not particularly attractive, but they do appear very early and have a spicy aroma. Chimonanthus early (C. praecox), with a height of 2 m, is a garden species with pendulous yellow flowers with a purple center and waxy petals. The 'Luteus' variety is more showy than the species.


  • Flowering time: March - April
  • Location: Lightly shady is best
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

Blooms before the leaves appear. It is not as popular as hazel - it is not very hardy and frost can damage the flowers. K. spicata (C. spicata) 2 m has yellow flowers with purple anthers. Corylopsis bare (C. glabrescens), 3.5 m high, is a wide-spreading, profusely flowering shrub.


  • Flowering time: April - June
  • Location: must be sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

The flexible stems have tiny leaves and are covered with butterfly flowers - it will grow in poor soil. Broom broom (C.scoparius) is 1.5 m high and its varieties and hybrids are widespread. Creeping C. decumbens is a groundcover variety. A giant 5 m high - Moroccan broom (C.battandieri).


  • Flowering time: depends on the species
  • Reproduction: woody cuttings in autumn

Flowers cover the entire bush. Late frosts may damage the flower buds, but it is easy to grow. Deutzia rosea (D. rosea), 1 m high, blooms in May with pink flowers on arched branches. Deutzia rough (D. scabra) and its double form ‘Plena’, 2 m high, bloom in May-June.


  • Flowering time: May
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: by rooted offspring in autumn

A shrub attractive in late spring when white flowers appear in small clusters. Flowering lasts only 7-10 days. Exochorda Giralda (E.giraldii), 3 m high, has the largest flowers; Exochorda racemosa is taller, but the flowers are smaller, and a favorite variety is Exochorda grandiflora (E. macrantha) ‘The Bride’.


  • Flowering time: October - December
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Deciduous euonymus species are tall shrubs with colorful fall foliage and fruit.

The most common is the European Euonymus (E. europaeus), 4 m high, with red fruits and orange seeds. The winged euonymus (E alatus), 1.5 m tall, features winged branches and red autumn foliage.


  • Flowering time: March - April
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: woody cuttings in autumn

The flowers are wide-open small bells. There are varieties for covering walls and bare ground and for growing as a tapeworm. Intermediate forsythia (F. intermedia), 3 m high, is a common upright bush. The 'Lynwood' variety has wider petals. Suspension forsythia (F. suspensa) is used to create screens.


  • Flowering time: July - October
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Colorful flowers hang like bells from the branches. The stems may freeze, but the varieties grow new shoots in the spring. The hardiest of them are the Magellanic varieties (F magellanica) - ‘Gracilis’ has especially graceful flowers. There are also many hybrids such as 'Mrs. Popple' and 'Tom Thumb'.without foliage.


  • Flowering time: April - May
  • Location: Lightly shady is best
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

Fluffy brush inflorescences appear in the spring before the leaves bloom, but they are most decorative in the fall, when the foliage turns bright yellow, orange or red. Fothergilla gardenii (F. gardenii) is 1 m high and has small flowers. The taller Fothergilla major (F. major) variety ‘Monticola’ turns red in autumn.


  • Flowering time: depends on the species
  • Location: must be sunny
  • Reproduction: sowing seeds in spring

Gorse has flexible, strong stems with small leaves and clover-shaped flowers. They all bloom profusely if planted in a sunny place and not fertilized. Lydian gorse (G. lydia), 60 cm high, blooms in May-June on arched stems; On the thorny branches of the Spanish Gorse (G. hispanica), 30 cm high, flowers appear in June-July.

witch hazelHAMAMELIS

  • Flowering time: December - February
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

Spider-like flowers appear on bare stems, followed by hazel-like leaves. Fall foliage is turning into attractive hues. The common species of Hamamelis soft (H. mollis), 3 m high, blooms with large fragrant flowers. Variety ‘Pallida’ is yellow, ‘Brevipetala’ is bronze-yellow.

Deciduous shrubs

Deciduous shrubs are distinguished by the fact that they shed all their foliage.


  • Location: must be sunny
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

At the end of summer, the branches are covered with saucer-shaped flowers. This plant will not grow just anywhere - it requires full sun, good drainage and protection from cold winds. Syrian hibiscus (H. syriacus) with a height of 2.5 m has many varieties. The ‘Bluebird’ variety has purple flowers with a dark eye; ‘Woodbridge’ has pink ones.


  • Flowering time: July - September
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Large-leaved Hydrangea variety (H. microphylla) ‘Hamburg’, 1.5 m high, is a typical variety with rounded inflorescences; ‘Blue Wave’ is a popular variety with flat buds. Petiole hydrangea (H. petiolaris) is a vigorous, self-clinging vine with white flowers.


  • Flowering time: April - May
  • Location: sunny or shady
  • Reproduction: woody cuttings in autumn

This shrub will grow almost anywhere, but requires annual pruning. appear in spring, and sometimes in summer and autumn. Japanese Keria (K. japonica), 2 m tall, grown in gardens, has yellow flowers on arched stems. For the sake of double flowers, the variety ‘Pleniflora’ is grown.


  • Flowering time: May - June
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

Tree peonies are less popular than herbaceous peonies. They have large round or spherical flowers with thin petals. The stems of terry varieties need garter. Peony Delavay (P. delavayi) with red single flowers; double flowers in varieties of Tree Peony (P.suffruticosa).


  • Flowering time: August - October
  • Location: must be sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Tiny blue flowers appear in long clusters above erect stems and gray leaves. The leaves are deeply lobed and have a sage scent. Perovskia swan leaf (P. atriplicifolia), 1 m high, has inflorescences 25 cm long. Heavy pruning is necessary, so little can be seen in spring.


  • Flowering time: June - July
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Popular shrub. Typically 2 m tall, but there are taller and dwarf varieties. The flowers have a scent similar to orange blossoms. Among the tall varieties is terry white ‘Virginal’. Mock orange (Ph.coronarius) ‘Aureus’ is medium in height and has yellow foliage, while ‘Sybille’ is a dwarf plant with a height of 1m.


  • Flowering time: May - September
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

This shrub is in bloom from late spring to early autumn. Cinquefoil (P fruticosa) and its varieties of various colors are grown in the gardens. Popular varieties - ‘Elizabeth’ 1 m high with yellow flowers; ‘Abbotswood’ 75 cm high - with white and ‘Red Ace’ 60 cm high with red.


  • Flowering time: depends on the species
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

Hedging varieties include the 1m tall cystena plum (P cistena) with pink flowers, and the 2m tall cherry plum (P cerasifera) 'Nigra', also pink. Shrub for single planting - three-lobed plum (P triloba) 2 m high with double pink flowers in spring.


  • Flowering time: May - June
  • Location: partial shade is best
  • Reproduction: acquiring new plants

The average height is 1.5-2.5 m and higher and blooms later than Japanese azaleas. There are many types, including Ghent, Knap Hill, Exbury and Mollis hybrids. Before the leaves fall, they take on rich fall colors. Popular varieties are ‘Cecile’ and ‘Persil’.

It is unlikely that now there is a summer cottage where there is not a single bush. They are a universal garden decoration; they can form separate compositions, be a hedge or a border framing paths and flower beds. Before purchasing ornamental plants for your site, you need to familiarize yourself with the names of the shrubs, choose the most interesting specimens, taking into account the purpose and timing of planting each of them.

Beautiful flowering plants

Presence of beautiful flowering shrubs transforms any garden area. Names of cultivated shrubs with beautiful flowers that will improve any garden area:

  1. Lilac. This shrub has become widespread for its unusually beautiful flowering and pleasant aroma. A favorite crop for breeders, who have bred a huge number of varieties. A very unpretentious, winter-hardy crop, it grows even in the northern regions.
  2. Rhododendron. An unusually beautiful shrub that blooms for a long time. Rhododendron requires organically rich soil to grow properly. It can freeze in cold winters, so it is suitable for growing only in the southern regions.
  3. Jasmine (mock orange). Ornamental plant with white fragrant flowers collected in brushes. Mock orange is demanding of light; flowering stops in shade. It loves moisture; when the soil dries out, the leaves begin to wither sharply, but after watering they quickly recover.
  4. Spirea. Ornamental plant with clusters of lilac and white flowers. A wide variety of varieties - from tall to dwarf specimens. It grows strongly and is formed into low, lush bushes by periodic pruning. Different types of spirea have different flowering periods; you can choose varieties for planting so that they bloom from spring to late autumn.
  5. Buddleya. The height of the bush can reach 3 meters. Elongated inflorescences resemble lilacs. The pleasant aroma of buddleia attracts many butterflies to the dacha. Inflorescences form on almost every shoot; the entire bush resembles a lilac cloud. It is easily propagated by seeds, grows quickly, and already in the second year the bush appears in all its glory. In cold winters, covering with spruce branches and insulating the roots (hilling) is required.
  6. Shrub rose. The hardiest variety in the Rosaceae family. Beautiful flowers with an exquisite aroma have made this shrub very popular among gardeners. The only drawback is that bush roses bloom only briefly once a season.
  7. Hydrangea. A distinctive feature of hydrangea is its ability to change color during the flowering period. The snow-white flowers first turn pink and then dark burgundy.

Evergreen species

Evergreens are an excellent option for decorating a garden plot and creating a cozy atmosphere at any time of the year. The most common types of evergreen shrub plants:

  1. Barberry. An unpretentious evergreen forest shrub is popular among gardeners. It can grow in any soil, in shade and in windy areas. The branches are spiny, and the purple-red fruits of the barberry are edible. Thunberg barberry with unusually beautiful leaves (yellowish, bright red and purple-brown) has become widespread in gardening. It is used in the garden for zoning the territory and as a living fence.
  2. Heather. A small shrub with beautiful purple flowers. An unpretentious plant that can grow normally in poor soils. It grows strongly, so heather should be planted over a large area. In hot weather it needs watering.
  3. Boxwood. Popular among landscape designers for its special decorativeness and pliability in pruning. Picturesque hedges and borders are easily formed from boxwood.

Wild and fruit trees

Both flowering and fruiting shrubs are found in the wild. Many forest plants are known to everyone; they have long been settled in summer cottages: barberry, viburnum, lilac, cotoneaster, euonymus, honeysuckle, raspberry, rose hip, magnolia.

List of popular types and brief description:

  1. Quince. An unpretentious shrub with thorny branches and very bright red flowers. The fruits have a pleasant aroma and contain a large amount of vitamins.
  2. Aronia chokeberry. A tall tree with white-cream flowers, aroma reminiscent of almonds. In autumn, when chokeberry leaves turn orange, clusters of black berries appear. Prefers to grow in sunny areas.
  3. Hawthorn. A thorny tree that grows up to 8 meters. It blooms at the end of May, the fruits appear in the fall, collected in clusters of 10-25 pieces. Hawthorn is propagated by seeds and grafting. The seeds take a very long time to germinate; grafted hawthorn grows faster and begins to bear fruit in the third year. The fruits have long been used in folk medicine and for making medicines.
  4. Honeysuckle. Large beautiful flowers, edible purple berries. Looks very nice in the garden. Honey plant.
  5. Kalina. A tall shrub with white, fragrant flowers and bitter fruits. Very healthy fruits become edible after frost. The shrub is unpretentious to the soil, winter-hardy, and shade-tolerant.
  6. Buckthorn. Elongated elliptical leaves, greenish-white flowers that are not immediately visible among the leaves. Buckthorn berries are poisonous; the bark of the tree is used for medicinal purposes.
  7. Rose hip. A low, thorny shrub with single pink flowers. Sweet and sour berries, which ripen in August, are significantly superior in vitamin content to the fruits of many other plants.

Shrubs for the Moscow region

Separately, it is worth highlighting the beautiful frost-resistant shrubs for the Moscow region and central Russia. The weather in the Moscow region is characterized by frequent vagaries.

In winter there can be severe frosts down to -30°C, and in summer the temperature rises to +35°C. Not all plants will withstand such conditions.

Shrubs that are not afraid of cold winters:

  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • heather;
  • Japanese quince;
  • hazel;
  • viburnum;
  • honeysuckle;
  • Holly mahonia.

The main thing in caring for frost-resistant shrubs is to carry out sanitary pruning annually, not to allow water to stagnate at the roots, and in the fall to add mulch to the tree trunk circles, which will protect the roots from freezing.

In order for a personal plot to please its owners for many years, it is necessary not only to correctly place shrubs on the territory, but also to learn how to combine them with other elements of garden design: architectural buildings, ponds, and other groups of plants.

Deciduous evergreen crops always create a good microclimate, improve the environment, and are always planted in places where people live. Deciduous trees have a large number of decorative characteristics. You can find crops with a large and beautifully colored crown, attractive inflorescences and unusual fruits. Large deciduous trees are best planted in a park or square, and slow-growing dwarf trees are best planted in summer cottages. It is important to know what types of deciduous trees there are and their names.

Features of cultivation

Deciduous wood is easy and simple to process, so it is also often used in the woodworking industry and construction. Some useful components of such plants are widely used in medicine. Many of them provide a person with a large number of fruits and berries, while others attractively decorate summer cottages and free space, creating unusual compositions.

List of common plants

Trees are divided into two main groups: soft-leaved and hard-leaved. The first group includes the following names of deciduous trees: birch, poplar, alder, linden. The names of trees in the city are ash, oak and maple. In the conditions of our country, birch, poplar, ash, maple, bird cherry, linden, cherry and apple trees adapt best.

Evergreen acacia

Acacia can be classified as an evergreen crop. There are 400 different species in the genus of this plant. The culture has a negative attitude towards low temperatures, therefore it grows only in subtropical and tropical climates. Acacias can be of tall and short type. Some crops reach a height of 25 m.