Wall-mounted fan coil units ch power calculation. Calculation of air conditioning system for office premises based on chiller-fan coil units

Initial data:

Office premises (7 rooms) with a total area of ​​150 m2, room height h = 3 m, “Armstrong” false ceiling - only in the corridor. The premises have the possibility of natural ventilation (by opening and closing windows (see the layout of the premises in Fig. 1).

The façade of the building faces the main street, and installation of external units of split systems on the façade is not permitted.

To create comfortable conditions in offices, in this case, the most optimal air conditioning solution is a chiller-fan coil system. (refrigerator) is installed on the roof of the building, fan coil units (closers) are installed under the ceiling of each room.

To ensure the system hot water(45-40°C) not only in summer, but also in the transition period, when the heating system is not yet functioning, we will choose a chiller with a “heat pump” type WRAN from CLIVET. This “hot-cold” operating mode is possible through the use of a reversible refrigeration circuit ( heat pump) with high energy efficiency.

The outer casing of the chiller is made of Peraluman alloy, suitable for outdoor use. The WRAN unit is equipped with a microprocessor control system that allows you to configure, regulate and optimize all functions. Remote controller remote control, connected to a microprocessor, allows you to make all settings and control the functioning of the chiller from a distance.

The indoor units (fan coil units) and the outdoor unit (chiller) are connected to each other by steel water and gas pipelines, which must be insulated to avoid condensation on the walls of the pipes when the supply parameters are circulated through them. = 7°C, trev. = 12°C (when the system is operating in cooling mode). Each fan coil unit has a collection pan from which a drainage pipeline is discharged. All drainage pipelines are connected by a common collector and connected to existing system sewerage. All communications are laid along the corridor in the false ceiling area. To lay a drainage pipeline, it is necessary to provide a slope of 10 mm per 1 m of length.

Initial dataCalculated data
Room no.Room volume, V, m3Quantity people in the room, pers.Quantity office equipment, pcs.Total no. heat gain, kWModel of the selected equipment and its characteristics
1 35 1 1 1.45
2 88 3 2 3.53
3 88 3 2 3.53 FC50 cold - 3.64 kWheat - 4.27 kW
4 92 3 2 3.65 FC50 cold - 3.64 kWheat - 4.27 kW
5 71 3 2 3.12 FC50 cold - 3.64 kWheat - 4.27 kW
6 27 1 1 1.20 FC20 cold - 1.5 kWheat - 1.81 kW
7 52 1 1 1.95 FC30 cold - 2.02 kWheat - 2.40
Total cooling capacity of all fan coil units:19.6 kW

To ensure the circulation of coolant in the system, a pumping station is installed.

CLIVET pumping stations include automation and all necessary technological piping. They are ready for use immediately after connecting them to the electrical and hydraulic systems.

To determine the standard sizes of the equipment included in the air conditioning system, appropriate calculations should be made.

Calculation of excess heat and selection of equipment

The calculation of the heat load of fan coil units is based on the data obtained on the presence of people, office equipment and other sources of heat generation in each room.

Plot numberQ1, kWQ2, kcal/hG1, kg/hG2, l/sØ, mmR, mm in. Art.I, mR x I, mm h. Art.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 19.6 16897 3379 0.94 32 77 5 385
2 18.09 15595 3119 0.87 32 73 3 219
3 14.43 12457 2491 0.69 32 47.5 6 285
4 10.81 93119 1864 0.52 32 29 7 203
5 7.17 6181 1236 0.34 25 56 5 280
6 3.53 3043 609 0.17 20 63 7 455
7 2.02 1741 348 0.1 15 100 4 400
Last fan coil900
8 2.02 1741 348 0.1 15 100 4 400
9 3.53 3043 609 0.17 20 65 7 455
10 7.17 6181 1236 0.34 25 56 3 280
11 10.81 9319 1864 0.52 32 29 7 203
12 14.45 12457 2491 0.69 32 47.5 6 283
13 18.09 15595 3119 0.87 32 73 3 219
14 19.6 16897 3379 0.94 32 77 5 385
Chiller WRAN2800
Amount, mm in. Art.8154

We determine the total amount of excess heat for each room and select fan coil models from the DELONGHI catalog based on cooling capacity. Data for calculation and selection of fan coil units are given in table. 2.

Based on the total cooling capacity of all fan coil units (19.6 kW), we select a chiller from the CLIVET catalog (with the nearest higher cooling capacity) - WRAN 91 (cold = 20.6 kW, heat = 23.1 kW).

Choosing a chiller with a “heat pump” allows you to use the air conditioning system in heating mode during the transition period of the year when the heating system is not yet turned on.

Based on the calculation of excess heat, the following was determined: The heat load of the entire system is 19.6 kW. The coolant is water with parameters 7-12°C. Steel pipes, water and gas pipes.

Chiller WRAN 91 with a cooling capacity of 20.6 kW without built-in pumping circuit. Fan coil units - according to table 1.

Hydraulic calculation of the system

The purpose of the hydraulic calculation is to determine the diameters of the pipelines of each section of the system and select a pumping station for stable operation of the water circuit.

If a chiller with a built-in pumping station (hydraulic circuit) is used, it is necessary to determine whether its pressure is sufficient for normal operation of the system.

If a chiller is used without a built-in pumping station (hydraulic circuit), then the required pumping station is selected based on the hydraulic calculation data.

In accordance with the floor plans, an axonometric diagram of the “chiller-fan coil” system is drawn up, section numbers are designated and their lengths are determined (Fig. 2).

The pressure loss calculation must be made for the most distant fan coil unit. In this case, it is an FC 30 fan coil. Pressure losses are the sum of losses along the length and losses due to local resistance. Length losses are determined in accordance with the calculation tables water pipes. Losses due to local resistance can be taken equal to 30% of the value of losses along the length.

Let's consider the hydraulic calculation method using the example of section No. 1 (see Fig. 2).

Section No. 1 is the section between the chiller and the first fan coil along the water flow. Its load is the total system load:

Q1 = 19.7 kW or

Q2 = 19.7: 1.16 · 1000 = 16,982 kcal/h.

The water temperature difference according to the catalog at the inlet and outlet of the fan coil is Dt = 5°C (from the catalogue). Thus, it is possible to calculate the water consumption in section No. 1:

where Q2 - , kcal/h; C is the heat capacity of water equal to 1 kcal/kg °C.

G1= 16896/1·5=3376 kg/h (0.939 l/s).

Using the water supply system calculation table, for example from the Designer's Handbook, we select a pipeline diameter of 32 mm, based on the condition that the water speed does not exceed 1 m/s.

We determine the specific pressure loss along the length R (see, for example, the “Designer’s Handbook”). It is 77 mm of water. st./m.

a) Knowing R and the length of the section, you can calculate the resistance of the section R_I, equal to 385 mm water column.

c) The hydraulic resistance of the fan coil, equal to 900 mm water column, is determined from catalogues.

d) Knowing the water flow (total) and the selected brand of chiller (), the resistance of the heat exchanger in the chiller itself can be determined using a diagram from the CLIVET catalog.

In this example, the hydraulic resistance of the heat exchanger is 28 kPa or 2800 mm water column.

e) After adding up the resistances of all sections, we obtain the total pressure loss in the system; we add 30% - a reserve for local resistance - and we get the required pressure that the pumping station should develop Drn≥106 kPa.

DP = R1 + 30% (R1) = 8154 + 0.3 · 8154 =10600 mm water. wt = 106 kPa

Using the diagram from the CLIVET catalog, we determine the brand of pumping station M2, which develops a network pressure of 135 kPa, that is, more than 106 kPa.

Fan coil is a heat exchange equipment that is included in common system The chiller-fan coil unit is the final element of the entire circuit that serves to cool/heat air in enclosed spaces.

Fan coil selection

Depending on many factors, the fan coil unit is calculated and selected. These factors include:
  • number of people in the room;
  • purpose of the premises;
  • area and orientation to cardinal directions window openings and walls of the room;
  • geographical location of the room with temperature and humidity characteristics of the outside air;
  • material and quality of external walls and ceilings;
  • the number and power of lighting fixtures or other devices that are located in the room and can generate heat;
  • the presence of a room ventilation system.

Methods for calculating fan coil

There are three ways to calculate a fan coil unit to create the required temperature background in the room. They can be called differently.


This is the most accurate and longest calculation process. Such calculations are made when carrying out scientific developments or research into heat exchange processes of cooling/heating indoor air using air conditioning systems. The same method is applicable for fan coils. All the factors listed above and several other less significant ones are taken into account in order to provide for all the nuances when operating the fan coil unit to the maximum extent possible. In this case, exact reference values ​​of thermal conductivity coefficients, heat transfer coefficients of fencing materials, and heat transfer coefficients from walls to the internal and external environment are used. When making calculations, the i-d diagram of humid air must be used. With this calculation, without special preparation, you can spend the whole day selecting fan coil units for a room of 20-30 square meters. m.


This calculation is made by technical specialists, leading managers of companies that sell fan coil units and chiller-fan coil air conditioning systems. The calculation is not as accurate as in the previous case, but it is performed much faster and based on the average values ​​of all reference quantities that may be involved in the calculation. However, with such a calculation it is necessary to calculate the productivity taking into account air humidity. Therefore, there are three definitions of productivity:

  • sensible productivity, which takes into account sensible heat, i.e. all heat inflows without taking into account air humidity;
  • latent productivity, which takes into account latent heat, i.e. all heat inflows taking into account air humidity.
  • full performance, which takes into account sensible and latent heat, i.e. all heat inflows taking into account air humidity.

Latent heat is calculated using using i-d charts or special tables.

In regions with low air humidity, you can add 20% to the calculated sensible heat and get the full heat. Thus, 20% should be allocated to latent heat. In regions with high humidity, it is necessary to separately calculate latent heat. Otherwise, you can make a selection with an error of up to 50-60%.

Approximate (urgent, estimated)

This calculation is made by managers who sell fan coils and chiller-fan coil air conditioning systems, but do not have selection skills. It is made based on the area of ​​the room. For every 10 sq.m, a fan coil with a cooling capacity of 1000 W is selected. with ceiling heights up to 2.70 - 3 m.

Latent heat is almost never taken into account in such cases. And in regions with a humidity of 40%, latent heat is approximately 30% of sensible heat, and with a humidity of 80-90% - up to 50% of sensible heat. Such calculations can affect the operation of the entire chiller-fan coil system or lead to its breakdown, therefore such calculations and selection of fan coil units must be trusted by trusted and qualified specialists.

What is the chiller-fan coil system used for and where is it used?

The modern chiller-fan coil system occupies a special place among the wide variety of equipment for air conditioning. The main purpose of the system is to create an optimal indoor microclimate and year-round, uninterrupted maintenance of the specified temperature indicators.

The operation of a chiller-fan coil system can provide simultaneous and independent stabilization of the temperature regime in several rooms of one building, even of a large area or number of floors.

That is why it is advisable to install a chiller-fan coil air conditioning system at the following facilities:

  • production sites and warehouses;
  • multi-storey administrative buildings, business centers, offices;
  • hotel and shopping and entertainment complexes, concert halls;
  • large stores, super- and hypermarkets;
  • objects of social purpose with big amount premises (clinics, medical complexes).

Chiller-fan coil system

Chiller-fan coil system: operating principle and features

The operating diagram of the chiller-fan coil system is capable of providing air conditioning for all year round. One of the features is that it is not limited by temperature, unlike systems running on freon. The latter are characterized by operation only in the off-season - when the temperature drops to 0°C, freon systems become insufficiently effective, and at -10°C they simply cannot function safely and require shutdown.

The second feature of the chiller-fan coil system is the operating principle: air flow conditioning occurs thanks to a non-standard refrigerant.Instead of standard refrigerant, water or antifreeze is used as a coolant.

And most importantly, thanks to the chiller fan coil split system, you can simultaneously organize different temperature modes in each of the rooms of the same building. And you can achieve increased operating efficiency by integrating it with a central air conditioner. Thus, each user will be able to independently regulate the comfortable room temperature, regardless of others.

To understand the principle of operation, you need to understand what the components of the system are. The chiller is an external cooling unit that is installed in technical floors, basements (high power models) or on the roofs of a building. Fan coil units are indoor units installed directly inside the building.

The operating principle is quite elementary. After the chiller has cooled the water/antifreeze liquid to the required temperature, it is supplied using pumps through thermally insulated pipelines to another element of the air conditioning system - the fan coil. They are mounted indoors and act as a closer air conditioner.At its core, a fan coil is similar to the standard indoor unit of any split system, only it operates on liquid, which is heated by the thermal energy of air masses taken from the room and then returned back to the cooler.

How the chiller-fan coil system works

The main components of the chiller-fan coil system, which make zonal ventilation and air conditioning possible, include the following elements:

  • a refrigeration unit, also known as a chiller, which provides cooling or heating of liquid in the chiller-fan coil system;
  • fan coil (closer air conditioner), which is a local heat exchanger through which a flow of cooled or heated air passes;
  • main wiring of device connections;
  • a pumping station that transfers coolant through the main line;
  • expansion and storage tanks;
  • Control block;
  • actually, non-freezing liquid or water.

Chiller-fan coil elements

Let's take a closer look at the design of the main elements of the system - the chiller and fan coil.

The chiller is a powerful refrigeration device that contains a compressor, an evaporator and a condenser. Unlike a standard air conditioner, an evaporative heat exchanger does not release the accumulated cold into the atmosphere, but directly into the liquid. After cooling, it flows through the pipes to the fan coils.

Chillers come in two types:

  • absorption;
  • vapor compression.

Absorption chiller Compression chiller

The former have a fairly high cost, large dimensions and a fairly narrow specialization.

The most popular today are vapor compression models, which are divided into 3 types:

  • outdoor installation with air cooling;

The heat exchanger-condenser is cooled by axial fans

  • indoor air-cooled installation;

Air is taken in for cooling and hot air is discharged through air ducts. The movement is facilitated by a centrifugal fan.

  • reversible.

They work in two directions: for heating and cooling air and can be installed in air conditioning systems without additional water heating equipment.

The air conditioner-closer (fan coil) is a very efficient heat exchanger, which is simultaneously connected to the cold and hot pipelines. To enhance heat exchange, use a fan installed immediately behind the heat exchanger. The peculiarity of such devices is to create air flows of the required temperature without the influx of air masses from the outside. This is what allows you to achieve maximum effective use thermal energy produced by the chiller.

The fan coil consists of the following elements:

  • heat exchanger-radiator, where the coolant flows;
  • fan with motor that regulates cooling performance;
  • condensate tray;
  • quick-release filter;
  • electric heater;
  • Control block.

Fan coil selection

Fan coil units come in several types and each modification has its own specifics. When calculating the chiller-fan coil system and selecting fan coil equipment, consider first of all the area of ​​the room, thermal power, required performance and air jet length.

According to installation method, air conditioners are divided into:

  • wall;
  • floor;
  • ceiling fan coil units;
  • universal (wall-ceiling).

Indoor units can be:


Their purpose is to uniformly distribute, heat or cool air flows in rooms where suspended ceiling units are provided, where the equipment is built. This installation allows you to hide constituent elements structures and minimize noise. Air flow distribution is possible in 2 or 4 directions.


Channel type models are built directly into the ventilation duct. The air mass is taken in through separate air ducts, and its output is through air ducts located behind the suspended ceiling units. Models of such air conditioners show excellent performance and are used, for the most part, for premises with large areas, sales areas, warehouse areas, etc.

Duct fan coils

Advantages of the chiller-fan coil air conditioning system

The modern chiller-fan coil system has proven itself to be excellent and is becoming one of the most popular solutions when organizing effective ventilation and air conditioning of buildings and premises.It is not surprising, because the advantages of the system compared to other options are very convincing and here are some of them:

Unlimited piping length, determined solely by chiller capacity

By installing a high-power pumping station, it is possible to install chillers and fan coil units at a sufficiently large distance from each other (the length of the line can reach several hundred meters), without loss of efficiency and service performance.

Minimum space for installation of units

Even for a large building, one efficient chiller will be enough, which will in no way affect the aesthetics appearance building and will eliminate the need to install a large number of external units.

Budget cost of wiring

In the chiller-fan coil system, no copper connections(as is the case with freon systems), which are quite expensive, and standard water pipes and shut-off valves.

Safety in everyday use

A big plus for safety is that all volatile gases are inside the chiller, and it, in turn, is most often located outdoors or in the basement. The risk of leakage is minimal, which allows us to talk about almost complete safety of people.

Excellent adaptability

Each user of the room can set individual temperature settings and adjust them at their own discretion. In addition, installation of the units can be done without stopping the entire system, unlike standard freon systems.

The modern climate control equipment market today is overflowing with a huge number of offers, however, it is not recommended to select equipment for the chiller-fan coil system and install it yourself. Only professional specialists with practical knowledge and experience in this field will help organize efficient and safe operation of the equipment.

Comparative analysis of the pros and cons of the chiller-fan coil system and the VRF air conditioning system.

Before carrying out the analysis, it is necessary to define what a multizone VRF system is. In essence, this is a large multi-split air conditioning system, with many indoor units connected to the outdoor unit. Thanks to this, you can simultaneously configure and support different temperature regime in different rooms.At first glance, it may seem that they have minor differences from each other, but each of them has its own design features, disadvantages and advantages, by comparing which you can choose best option to solve exactly your problems.

The key difference between a chiller-fan coil system and a VRF air conditioning system

Basic design feature, which distinguishes these two systems, is that in the chiller-fan coil system, ice water (or non-freezing aqueous solutions, such as ethylene glycol), while only freon circulates in the VRF air conditioning system.

Power comparison

The record power of the most productive chiller is 20 megawatts. In practice, models of much lower power are used (up to 1.4 megawatts). If there is a need for a more powerful and productive unit, the system is combined from several refrigeration units.

VRF air conditioning systems have a maximum possible power of 140 kilowatts. Basically, the system is assembled from outdoor units with a capacity of 12 to 28 kilowatts. To increase productivity, VRFs are also assembled from multiple units.

Comparison by route length

The undoubted advantage is that the route in the chiller-fan coil system has an unlimited length. The issue of extending it without loss of performance is solved by purchasing and installing water pumps of higher power.

The weak point of the VRF system is the inability to extend the route from the outdoor to the indoor unit more than 150 m. The total length of pipelines is a maximum of 300 m. In addition, you need to take into account the difference in height difference between the indoor and outdoor units - it should not exceed 50 m .

It is with this factor that the need to evenly space and distribute the external blocks of the VRF system throughout the roof is associated. Today there are advanced modifications with a cooling tower and water cooling, which can be used even in very large buildings. But at the same time, they lose their advantage in the form of efficiency and ease of maintenance.

Comparison of cooling capacity in supply systems

The big advantage of the chiller-fan coil system over VRF is the ability to use just one chiller unit as a source of cooling for all types of consumers: from low-power fan coils in small rooms to water coolers for supply air ventilation units used in huge retail areas.

VRF systems, for the most part, cannot be connected to coolers in supply-type installations, therefore, in order to cool the air masses in supply-type ventilation systems, you will need to use additional equipment. devices (the same chillers, compressor units with freon, etc.).

Comparison by ability to work in the cold season

The operation of many buildings, offices, shopping and entertainment centers requires high-quality air conditioning to cool the premises even in winter. This is due to the significant release of heat in modern buildings from intense lighting, constant operation of equipment (commercial, industrial, office), etc. Chiller-fan coil systems cope excellently with this task even in severe frosts, thanks to the ethylene glycol (or other non-freezing liquid) circulating inside the system.

Modern VRF systems, as a result of improvements and design modifications, are also able to function even at low temperatures.

Comparison by energy consumption

Chiller-fan coil systems are quite energy-intensive: for 1 kW of cold you need to spend 0.5 kW of electricity.

VRF air conditioning systems are much more economically advantageous: 1 kW of cold requires only 350 W

Comparison of required area for installation and placement and availability of technical premises

To organize and install a chiller-fan coil system, you need big square and the availability of additional technical premises for placement pumping stations, tanks, intermediate heat exchangers, etc.

They are not required for multi-zone VRF systems.

Comparison by operating features

On this point, the VRF system definitely wins. It does not require maintenance personnel, and the operating mode is determined individually.

To maintain a chiller-fan coil system, the presence of qualified personnel is required who will regularly monitor the condition and correct operation of the equipment, control the tight seal of the elements, the operation of pumps, chiller, glycol circuits, etc.

Comparison by cost

The price of chiller-fan coil systems is lower than that of equipment for VRF systems. However, if you consider the number additional elements in the first case, the cost will be approximately at the same level.

After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each system, we can conclude that systems with a chiller have a wider scope of application, moreover, they can cool the air in the air supply units without the use of additional devices.However, if there is a limitation on energy consumption, or there is no opportunity to maintain your own service department, it is better to give preference to multi-zone VRF air conditioning systems. They cope well with their tasks, are more profitable in terms of energy costs and have a simpler and more efficient control system.

In order to independently calculate the necessary parameters of the cooling power of the chiller-fan coil system and select the optimal fan coil, you need to sum up all heat inputs into the room, take into account many factors and circumstances, such as:

  • How many people will be in the room on average;
  • What is the room functionally intended for?
  • Parameters of windows and walls (sizes of window openings, orientation to cardinal directions);
  • Climatic characteristics region where the building is located, outdoor temperature and humidity values, solar radiation etc.;
  • Design, thickness, thermal conductivity of external enclosing structures;
  • The total approximate amount of heat that can potentially be emitted by devices and equipment located in the room or planned to be placed in the room (all computers, lighting fixtures, etc. must also be taken into account);
  • Presence and parameters of the ventilation system;
  • Coolant temperature graph (with a graph of +10, +15 0 C, the cooling capacity of the fan cooler is lower than at +7, +12 0 C).

Fan coil calculation methods


This calculation principle gives the most accurate results, but at the same time it takes the most time and effort. As a rule, this method is used more in research rather than practical purposes: to study the processes of heat exchange, heating and cooling of indoor air under different conditions using ventilation, air conditioning and heating systems. It is also applicable for calculating the main indicators of the chiller-fan coil system. All the factors described above in the article are taken into account, and some more nuances, less significant factors, are added to them. The calculation is made using exact reference values ​​of thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficients, with an i-d diagram, etc. Since this method takes quite a lot of time, especially without experience and special training, it is used only in cases where it is really justified.


This calculation is less accurate than the previous one, but is much faster. For it, the average values ​​of the quantities involved in the calculation are taken. This calculation method is usually used by company technical specialists when selling and installing fan coil units. It is possible to determine performance by three types:

  • Explicit performance (all heat gains without taking into account air humidity);
  • Hidden (all sources of heat influx, taking into account air humidity);
  • Full (both explicit and hidden performance are taken into account).

To determine latent heat, i-d diagrams or corresponding tables are used. At low air humidity values, it is permissible to determine the total heat simply by increasing the calculated sensible heat by 20%. Where humidity is high, latent heat calculations must be carried out separately - otherwise the calculation error can reach 50-60%.


This calculation is based on the area of ​​the room. The required power value is taken as 1 kW of cold per 10 m 2 of room. Latent heat is usually not taken into account. However, at an air humidity of 40%, latent heat can account for more than 30% in addition to sensible heat. Therefore, such a calculation will not give reliable results and in worst cases may even lead to a malfunction of the chiller-fan coil system. However, this method is, in principle, acceptable for calculating the system, for example, for residential premises. In office and residential premises with windows facing south or east, or with a large number of equipment that produces heat, it is better to increase the calculated cooling capacity, calculated in this way, by 25-50%, that is, take the specific heat generation equal to 125-150 W/m2 .

Preferably having done everything necessary calculations according to the cooling capacity of the system, add an additional 10-15% reserve.

Moreover, when choosing a fan coil unit by power, be sure to pay attention to the units of measurement in which the manufacturer indicates the cooling power - it can be indicated in the usual W or BTU/h.

If carrying out calculations causes you difficulty, or you are unsure of the correctness of the calculations, contact qualified specialists. In this case, a mistake can cost large financial losses in the future.