Pumping station for a private house: how to choose. Pumping station for a summer residence: rating of affordable and effective equipment Water pumping station for a home

The water supply to homes is directly dependent not only on the presence of a water source on the site, but also on the type of equipment capable of supplying liquid under a certain pressure to the required level, performing filtration and filling the entire system. Purchasing a pumping station for a suburban or residential property will help solve this problem.

Most people, when faced with the problem of providing clean water for their home for the first time, ask the following question:
What is pumping equipment? How convenient is this station, what differences does it have from a regular stationary one? And how to choose a pumping station?

Experts give the following definition: a pumping station is a device that creates and maintains constant pressure in the water supply system using automatic control, without human involvement.

Main part of the equipment- This is a pump, but special devices are required for its normal operation. All water pressure sensors will monitor its level, and special ones automatically control the entire system, regulating the water supply at low or high pressure. The design of the pump is not particularly important.

The lack of centralized water supply is the main reason for purchasing pumping equipment.

As a rule, choosing a suitable device is a very responsible process, which is why many experts advise taking into account certain indicators and technical features of all pumping stations.

The main factor in choosing a device
– this is their productivity, because water will need to be raised in a certain amount to a certain level and provided to all residents of the house.

The properties of the water source are also of great importance: characterized by a certain depth, water level condition, pipe size and type of filtration system.

The main part of the pumping equipment is designed to supply water from a depth of 9 meters.

All pumping stations for the home are conventionally divided into the following devices:

  1. self-priming type;
  2. centrifugal type of action;
  3. vortex self-priming pumps.

The equipment has a monoblock or console design. In a monoblock station, the hydraulics are located on the shaft where the electric motor is. There is a classification of devices according to lifting types.

The source of water is not only a well, but also the main water supply system running next to the house or a special reservoir. Among equipment consumers, the most famous are self-priming pumps.

Main technical indicators

The ability of equipment to operate is determined by its properties and special parameters. For houses where several people live, it is enough to install a medium-power station with a hydraulic accumulator volume of 20 liters. The unit of measurement for pump performance is usually considered to be cubic meters.

For domestic needs, pumping stations usually have a capacity of 4 cubic meters and water pressure up to 55 m.

To increase the service life of the equipment, it is necessary to take into account the build quality and building materials from which all parts of the unit and auxiliary elements are made.

Manufacturers use plastic to produce components, but it will not last long. Metal parts and cast iron elements significantly extend the service life of the station and also reduce the noise level during operation.


Pumping stations with automatic operation are produced on the basis of self-priming centrifugal systems. Due to the built-in ejector, this device supplies water with a certain pressure of 50 m at a depth of the source itself of 10 m. And at the same time, the equipment is not particularly sensitive to the presence of air in the pipelines.

Mechanism and design of pumps

The design and installation of a pumping station is not a complicated scheme. The main equipment is a pump, an additional device is a membrane tank, which acts as a special limiter for the number of starts, and also controls a pressure sensor and a pressure gauge.

As a rule, electrical equipment (power cable, connectors, terminals, storage tank and hydraulic accumulator) is supplied with the station.

A water tank is a bulky structure in which the volume and pressure of water is constantly monitored by a float sensor.

The pump relay turns on automatic pumping of water when the set liquid level decreases.

This device has a number of characteristic features:

  1. low pressure;
  2. the inherent difficulties of the installation process;
  3. big sizes;
  4. an elevated terrain will be required, the level of which would be higher than the level of the floors of the house;
  5. If the float sensor fails, the house may flood.

A more ideal option is to connect a pumping station, where there is a hydraulic accumulator and pressure sensors.

At the same time, the consumer is expected to provide certain guarantees of safe use: the upper limit of air pressure will be controlled by a special relay, which will be influenced by water pressure. When the indicators approach normal, the pump will turn off until a special signal is received from the pressure limit sensor. If the water flow rate is low, the pumping station will not be connected, and water will begin to flow into the system from a special reservoir.

Modern automatic water supply pumping stations respond to the turning on of taps and begin pumping water when this signal is received. If the tap is closed, the system turns off automatically. This is how the whole house works properly in an economical mode.

Manufacturers and types of pumps

Types of equipment are distributed according to the type of main pump. Models may have an ejector. Installation and assembly of the ejector allows the mechanism to lift water from a certain source as a result of the resulting vacuum.

These pumps are very effective when pumping water from deep mines; they have an increased level of performance and a low noise level. As a rule, pumps with an ejector are used for watering summer cottages and vegetable gardens. Such units are most often installed in basements, storage rooms, or outside a frame house.

Selecting a pump model

Another type of pump is a mechanism with a remote ejector.
This equipment lifts water from a depth of 34 meters. And when an ejector with two pipelines is lowered into a deep well, one of the pipes will supply water down and create a suction jet. When using a pump of this type, it is necessary to take into account the sensitivity of the mechanism to sand particles and air, as well as the low level of performance. The pumping station is located in the house, at a distance of 35 meters from the direct water source.

The operation of a pumping station without an ejector follows a different principle: Water suction in this device occurs due to the multi-stage design of the hydraulic component. During operation, the station is almost silent, electricity consumption is low with a high level of efficiency.

Stations with multi-stage vortex pumps can be seen quite often. Such equipment does not differ in increased productivity, but it creates a high water pressure in the home pipeline. Pumps are used in a circuit to increase pressure in the water supply system.

The dimensions of these stations are not large, they do not produce much noise, and are not sensitive to the presence of air in the system. But the presence of sand particles in the mechanism can cause very serious problems. Modern models of centrifugal pumps are equipped with special cooling electric motors and protection of the device from dry running.

Installation rules and important points

The reliability of water supply for the entire house depends on the type of pumping station chosen, the quality of installation and compliance with the conditions of use. The performance of the well is also of great importance, as is the device of a check valve with a special filtration system that prevents water from draining back into the water reservoir if the pump is turned off. This allows you to save energy, since this equipment will not idle when starting again, gradually pumping up water.

Please note that if foreign bodies or debris gets into the intake pipe, it will not be considered a warranty case. If thin sheet steel was used as the material for the housing of the pumping station, then during operation of the pump, due to pressure fluctuations, a resonance may occur, which will increase the noise. This will not be considered a problem, but it will not please the residents of the house. Pumps in cast iron casings create much less noise.

Even the most professional craftsman who assembles the perfect pump at home will simply not be able to test it properly. This process can only be carried out at factory stands, where conditions of use will be simulated as close as possible to real conditions. By purchasing a water supply pumping station for a home from the manufacturer, the buyer receives an excellent opportunity for warranty repairs, and in some cases even replacement.

Protection against various breakdowns during the summer operation of the station will be provided by an installed special sensor that monitors the drop in water level, or in another way hydraulic controller.

The results of this testing of mechanisms, as well as the number of failed and various breakdowns, will not be advertised by any manufacturer. Therefore, when choosing a station, do not rely blindly on advertising brochures.

Connecting the pumping station following the technical instructions will not be difficult for a person. Although in most cases you will still need the help of a professional, because you not only need to know how to fasten all the components and elements, but also be able to calculate the volume of water consumed.

Example of an installed pump

The connection diagram and adjustment of the station is not complicated, just follow the instructions!

Mistakes can be made in selecting mechanisms that do not have the appropriate power and performance. Calculating water consumption is a difficult task, since you need to know and be able to compare the properties of the water source, the number of intended users, and the characteristics of the pumping station, which will ensure high-quality and reliable water supply.

Errors during station installation

Experts have established a list of mistakes that are most often made when installing pumping stations for a private home:

If the pumping station is installed correctly and all conditions of use are observed, the equipment will be able to operate without breakdowns or various malfunctions for 5 years.

Providing a private home or country house with water is one of the most important components of comfortable living outside the city. In the absence of a centralized water supply, there is little. For the uninterrupted operation of the water supply system, it is necessary to have a water pumping station in it, which will ensure the supply of water to each of the water intake points. Choosing a suitable unit for your home plumbing is not difficult. It is important to take into account all comments and reviews regarding each of the water stations for your home or garden.

Design and principle of operation of the pumping station

The main task of the pumping station is to provide residential buildings and adjacent land with water from artificial or natural sources. It is these units that help fill additional tanks intended for watering the garden or garden plants, as well as provide water to traditional water collection points:

  • geyser;
  • etc.

Design of a pumping station for a private house

As a rule, a pumping station is a combination of several separate mechanisms combined into one powerful device for pumping water. Each of the elements of the device has a very important task:

  1. Pump. The workhorse of the station. It pumps water directly from the source to the reservoir.
  2. Hydraulic accumulator. Presented in the form of a hydropneumatic tank with a volume of 18 to 100 liters.
  3. Pressure switch. It is used to control the station.
  4. Check valve. Prevents liquid from flowing back to the source.
  5. Pressure gauge. Allows you to monitor pressure readings in the system.
  6. Connecting hoses and pipes.

Advice. A filtration system installed in front of the pumping station will not only provide users with purified water, but will also extend the life of the water supply system by removing hardness salts, organic compounds and suspended substances from the liquid.

What to consider when choosing a water pumping station

The first thing you need to pay attention to when purchasing a station is the power of the pump. The water pressure in the system and its flow rate depend on this indicator. The water supply parameter should be close to the maximum volume of consumption at all water points. As a rule, this indicator is averaged rather roughly and all models are adapted to a nominal flow rate of 1.5-9 m3/h.

Water pumping station

The pressure indicator is also entered into the station characteristics table separately. In the passport it is indicated as the distance over which the pump supplies water. But in fact, this parameter means the pressure that the station is capable of creating. So, the indicated pressure of 40 m shows that the pump will create a pressure of 4 atmospheres under ideal conditions. Since during operation there are some pressure losses on the pipeline layout, as well as water rising to a certain height, this figure will be significantly lower.

Important! A powerful device does not always justify the investment in it. As a rule, the productivity of such a system will exceed the filling of the well. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the well. The shorter the distance to the source of water intake and the higher the level of occurrence of the water resource, the less power the purchased device should have.

Also, when choosing a water pumping station, it is necessary to take into account the autonomy of the unit. This will be needed by users living in areas with power supply problems. To ensure uninterrupted operation of the pump, you can additionally install a generator or solar battery on the site.

Types of pumps

Water stations differ from each other in the types of pumping units. This is the main part of the system that does all the main work. That is why the emphasis must be placed on choosing a pump for the water supply station of a private house.

Also, surface pumps differ in the type of ejector device. Designs are available with built-in and remote devices.

  • Models with built-in ejector Use when water depth is no more than 7 meters. Such pumps can lift water with a high concentration of mineral salts, gases and particles up to 2 mm in size. Capable of creating high pressure. Water is collected using a reinforced hose, the end of which is immersed in the source. As a rule, this type of pump is equipped with a coarse filter, which prevents sand and other large contaminants from entering the housing.

Centrifugal surface pump with built-in ejector

  • Pumps with remote ejector capable of pumping water from a depth of up to 40 m. In this case, the diameter of the well should not be less than 100 mm. A prerequisite for installing such a device is the additional installation of a filtration system. Such models are installed when the water source is located at a distance from the pumping station.

Self-priming pump with remote ejector

The durability, noiselessness and stability of the plumbing system depend on the material from which the product body is made:

  • stainless steel - increases the cost of the product, improves the aesthetic appearance of the station, does not affect the quality of the pumped liquid, but does not have sound insulation;
  • cast iron – a prerequisite is the application of an anti-corrosion layer, it pleases with a good level of sound insulation;
  • plastic is practically silent, the possibility of corrosion and the presence of rust in water is excluded.

Hydropneumatic tank

Equipping water pumping stations with an accumulation tank will make the system autonomous in the event of a sharp drop in the water level at the source. This is achieved by accumulating the nominal amount of water resource specified in the documents accompanying the product. In addition, it acts as a pressure regulator in the water supply system.

Hydraulic accumulators

The volume of the expansion tank directly depends on resource consumption. Consequently, the greater the number of simultaneously active water points, the larger the required tank volume. The most common station models are equipped with hydropneumatic tanks up to 50 liters. Maximum volume – 100 l.

Advice. If only 1 person lives in a house or country house, then a tank with a volume of 18-21 liters will be sufficient.

Electronic control – additional protection of the pumping station

To increase the service life of the water station, it is equipped with an electronic control unit. The main functions that lie on it are protective.

The disadvantage of pumping stations equipped with electronic control is their increased cost. This is what turns off many buyers.

Rules for installing a water pumping station for a private house

The main thing when installing a pumping station on a site is choosing a location for its placement. Here you need to take into account all the basic requirements:

  • the distance to the source of water intake must correspond to the characteristics specified in the passport;
  • the device must be installed in a heated room if operation is planned in winter;
  • to avoid the appearance of condensation caused by the difference in ambient temperatures and the pumped liquid, it is imperative to select a well-ventilated room;
  • Providing soundproofing of the walls of the room will help maintain the level of comfort in the house.

Water pump installation diagram

To dampen pump vibration, the station is installed on shock-absorbing rubberized pads or a mat. It is also important to take care of the grounding of the installation operating from the mains. This will ensure the safety of the system’s interaction with household members.

If the station pipes are not sealed, the pressure is lost. Therefore, in case of any deviations in the operation of the system, it is imperative to inspect all connections in the device.

Timely maintenance of the system will help prolong the operation of the water pumping station. Regular inspection for damage or blockages will save you from additional costs for repairs and the purchase of new equipment.

Pumping station for a private house: video

Pumping station: photo

The presence of a well or a well on a personal plot is not yet a sufficient condition for meeting domestic and economic needs for water. In order to deliver water from the source to places of consumption, additional equipment is required. Such equipment is a pumping station or pump.

When choosing between them and determining which is better, it is necessary to make an accurate individual calculation, which will take into account such parameters as the depth of the aquifer level, the distance to the points of use, and the amount of water consumed.

1 Station assignment

Pumping stations for a dacha or home differ from a conventional pump in that they are guaranteed to ensure the constant availability of a water resource in a given volume. For example, a borehole submersible pump supplies water only when it is running. When there is a power outage or temporary depletion of the source, the supply of water is interrupted.

Pumping stations are more preferable because they have a hydraulic accumulator (storage tank) with a certain supply of water, which is used when the water pumping unit is idle. This system guarantees the availability of water in your own water supply under any circumstances.

Water supply stations have surface-type pumps, so they can be placed in any convenient place, and not in a well or well. In most cases, such equipment is located directly in the house, which eliminates the influence of third-party factors on its operation. Installing equipment in the house allows you to control its operation well and, if necessary, carry out preventive and repair work without problems.

When studying the question of which pumping station to choose, you should know that they are designed to create a stable pressure of 1.5 atmospheres in the water supply system and can supply water from wells of any diameter. The total distance to the source should not exceed 8 meters, and the supply of water from deeper and more distant levels (up to 30 meters) can only be ensured if there is an ejector.

Before buying water supply equipment, you should find out what parameters and how to choose a pumping station for a private house, cottage, summer house or for an apartment in a building without a centralized water supply.

2 Selection options

When figuring out how to choose a pumping station for your home, the following characteristics of the equipment are taken into account:

  • power;
  • performance;
  • volume of hydraulic accumulator (storage tank);
  • pressure height.

In order to correctly select which station from the existing offer is most suitable for certain operating conditions, you should pay attention to the following:

The question of how to choose a pumping station for a summer house or home should take into account such a fundamental characteristic as power. For domestic use, manufacturers produce equipment with a power of 0.6 to 1.5 kW and it should be selected taking into account the following:

  • resource (level replenishment volume) of the source;
  • distance to source;
  • number of consumption points;

Performance is directly related to power, but the choice of pumping station for a home may be limited by the capabilities of the source itself, since the use of too powerful equipment can lead to its drying out.

2.1 General characteristics

For most users, the minimum information on how to choose a pumping station for a stable supply of water to a home or country house is as follows:

  • productivity 3-6 cubic meters. per hour for the home and 0.6-1 cubic meters for the dacha;
  • the storage tank capacity from 25 to 100 liters is determined by the actual needs during equipment shutdown;
  • hydraulic accumulator made of steel, cast iron or plastic;
  • The presence of protection against dry running and overheating significantly increases the reliability of the equipment and its longevity in operation.

For continuous operation, an automatic pumping station is preferable, which turns on when the storage tank is empty and turns off when it is full. In the dacha version, manual control is sufficient, since the need for water supply appears seasonally.

2.2 Popular models

The best pumping stations can be easily determined by the number of sales. Products that are of poor quality or do not satisfy needs are not purchased. In addition, there are reviews from users who are happy to share their experience of operating specific equipment in certain conditions.

Based on sales data and studying consumer reviews, you can determine the most popular models.

  • Marina APM 100/25 - Italian pumping equipment with a power of 1.1 kW for supplying water from deep wells (up to 25 m). The body is made of cast iron, which eliminates the need for additional protection. Has a capacity of 2.4 cubic meters. m per hour, which is quite enough to provide water to a country house;
  • Gardena 4000/5 Classic (1772) is an economical household pumping station of low power - 0.85 kW. A capacity of 3.5 cubic meters allows you to provide drinking water to owners of country houses and summer cottages;
  • Grundfos JP 2 PT is an Italian automatic station that operates autonomously to provide water to small houses and summer cottages. With a power of 0.72 kW, it has a productivity of 3 cubic meters. m per hour. The maximum depth of water intake is 8 meters;
  • Jumbo 50/28 Ch-24 and Jumbo 70/50 N-50 N are models that are rightfully considered the best and most adapted to various operating conditions, since they have a built-in ejector. They supply water to individual buildings automatically. The productivity of the first is 50 l per minute, the second is 70 l;
  • AL-KO HWA 1300 F is a powerful (1.3 kW) device for pumping water from a depth of up to 50 m. Equipped with an automatic water supply relay. Allows you to maintain the pressure required for normal use (min. 1.5 atmospheres) in the water supply system. Can be used for irrigation;
  • Karcher BP 4 Home & Garden is high-quality German equipment, which, with a relatively low power (0.95 kW), has high productivity - 3.8 cubic meters. m per hour. Automatically supplies water from a depth of up to 8 meters;
  • AQUAROBOT M is a low-budget station for low seasonal water consumption in summer cottages and garden plots. Device power - 0.245 kW;
  • Vortex ACB-800/24 ​​- with a power of 0.8 kW, it allows you to pump water from a depth of up to 9 meters. Productivity - 6 liters per minute. A special feature is stable operation at high ambient temperatures - up to 50 0 C. Light weight and large storage tank allow use in small areas (0.6-1 hectares) and in small one-story buildings;

  • BELAMOS XK 08ALL is an inexpensive Belarusian product that is designed to work autonomously to provide water from a well, well or main water supply system. With a power of 0.8 kW, the productivity is 6 liters per minute;
  • Wilo Jet HWJ 203 is an independent open type water supply device. Installed to maintain a given pressure in water supply systems and normal water supply. A power of 0.75 kW allows you to automatically pump water from a depth of up to 42 m and a capacity of 50 liters per minute. It is declared as a device that operates reliably in difficult operating conditions.

Drilling a well or building a well necessarily ends with the installation of a water supply system. After all, the water supply to the house was the ultimate goal of the work carried out. Having invested a considerable amount in infrastructure development, the owners, at the final stage of installing the water supply network, are faced with the need to select pumping equipment.

And if several decades ago the best solution was to purchase a pump and additional equipment for this unit, today zealous owners have the opportunity to install a compact and reliable pumping station.

What it is

It is a fully equipped and adjusted system for coordinated operation, consisting of a pump and a water storage tank or accumulator. For such a technical “symbiosis”, surface-type pumps mounted directly on the hydraulic accumulator are more often used.

This is an excellent engineering solution for servicing narrow wells, for which it is difficult to select a separate pump.

The station ensures smooth pumping of the water supply system and the pump is not in danger of receiving a water hammer, which often disables this equipment. The system is superior in all technical indicators to a separately installed pump, as it allows for an uninterrupted supply of water to taps and household appliances. If the pump works alone, it takes some time to pump water.

Also, a supply failure can occur due to voltage fluctuations in the electrical network. It is in such situations that a station with sufficient water reserve helps out the owners.

How to choose

It should be noted that conventional pumping stations operate with a total pipeline length of no more than eight meters. However, now reinforced ejector-type stations are being produced, allowing water intake from a depth of 30 meters. That is, the equipment serves only shallow wells and medium-depth wells (not artesian sources).

When purchasing, you should pay attention to technical characteristics that are very important for further operation, such as:

  • fence height (the parameter determines the depth of the well or well);
  • volume of the reserve tank (hydraulic accumulator);
  • power (from 600 W to 1.5 kW);
  • and productivity (amount of water pumped out).

Other additional information is also important. The buyer should find out:

  • what material is the station made of?
  • by what manufacturer it was produced;
  • to what maximum level can the water column be raised?
  • is there protection against overheating in case of dry running (the function is responsible for turning off the pump in the absence of water);
  • how the control is carried out (manual, automatic or remote mode).

The power of the station plays a decisive role in making the right choice. It is calculated taking into account the length of the pipes, productivity of the source (its flow rate) and the number of water intake points. For example, one tap is installed in the kitchen or household appliances and a shower are also connected in the bathroom.

The performance of the equipment should be slightly lower than that indicated in the passport attached to the well or well. This indicator can be clarified only during the construction of these structures by professionals on a turnkey basis. It is also necessary to read the instructions, in which manufacturers indicate all the requirements for using the station in everyday life. It is believed that a pump capacity of thirty to sixty liters per hour is sufficient to supply water to a private home.

– an important point in the selection of pumping equipment.

The volume of the reserve tank is determined according to the needs of a particular family. It is necessary to calculate how much water is needed for minimum needs in the event of power outages or problems with pumping from the well.

Cast iron is considered the most expensive and durable material.

Plastic tanks have a short service life and low cost. Hydraulic accumulators made of steel are affordable and have sufficient reliability.

As for the presence of dry-running protection, this option makes the stations significantly more expensive. However, preventing the problem in the form of a circuit breaker will help avoid problems with the pump in the future. It's better not to save money on this.

Automatic control is a necessary option for water pipes used year-round. For seasonal water intake, you can use a station with manual or remote control, which will suit summer residents quite well.

Among the manufacturers, the most reliable suppliers of pumping stations to the domestic market are:

  • German companies Metabo and Gardena,
  • Italian Pedrollo and Ergus.
  • Domestic Gilex units have a more affordable price; they are virtually insensitive to voltage drops in electrical networks and are resistant to severe water pollution.


All station models from any manufacturer are designed according to the same principle. Therefore, the choice comes down to selecting a unit based on the pump (its power and performance), as well as the capacity of the reserve tank or accumulator.

A typical design consists of:

  • from the pump itself;
  • a tank for accumulating a reserve supply of water or a hydraulic accumulator;
  • control unit (automatic or manual).

After turning on, the pump fills the container with water and turns off. After the liquid level drops, the control unit turns on the pump and the cycle repeats.

Pump types

A more important stage in choosing a station will be to determine the power of the pump and its type (that is, design features).

According to the type of design, the unit can be:

1. With a remote or built-in ejector, which is responsible for power. Pumps of this type are more expensive and are able to ensure uninterrupted pumping of water from a depth of 30-45 meters. They work on the principle of vacuum pumping. Quite effective and reliable to use.

But units with a built-in ejector generate additional noise. For this reason, the practice of placing an ejector station outside a residential building is widely used. For example, in a basement or a caisson specially equipped for this.

Devices equipped with a remote ejector operate silently due to the installation of the ejector in the shaft of a well or borehole.

Devices equipped with a remote ejector have one serious drawback - fear of silt and sand.

2. Without ejector. Units of this type are designed to work with pipelines whose length does not exceed eight to ten meters. They are characterized by low cost and low energy consumption. They work almost silently.

Types of containers

These pumping station units also differ in design and can be based on the principle of operation:

  • Reserve tanks of impressive size, equipped with mechanical overfill protection in the form of a float. Such a container must be placed in the attic to ensure sufficient pressure in the plumbing system in the event of a power outage. Experts attribute the main disadvantage of this type of unit to the risk of flooding of living quarters located below, since the float cannot be called a very reliable fuse against overflow.
  • Hydraulic accumulators are small sealed containers, the water level in which is controlled by automatic control sensors. This device is small in size and reliable in use. It can be installed both in the house and in a coffered chamber directly next to a well or well.

Sealed containers are made of metal or cast iron that can withstand pressure. Tanks are most often made of plastic to ensure light weight of the equipment.

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