I found this: How to make a pipe (pipe) with your own hands. Wind instrument from cocktail tubes How to make a pipe from your hands

Make your own pipe(jcomments on)

AND instruments: a vice, a plane, a hacksaw for metal (or wood with a fine tooth), a sharp knife (best retractable with break-off blades), needle files, an emery wheel (it is convenient to use the attachment on an electric drill in the form of a circle with replaceable sheets of sandpaper), an electric drill and a long a wood drill with a diameter equal to the inner diameter of the pipe, glue (any kind that glues wood, Moment, for example), wood stain or varnish (you can use natural wax)

M material: In principle, a straight trunk or branch of any tree, without knots, is suitable, but it is best to use hazel, it is both smooth and easy to process. A freshly cut tree should be allowed to dry for about half a year - a year. Therefore, it makes sense to stockpile material for future use. I wouldn’t recommend making it from raw wood, it’s harder to process, and it might crack later when it dries. You can also use purchased wood - a block of suitable size. But coniferous wood (and this is what is mostly sold) has clearly defined annual layers and therefore, during processing, it is easy to chip or scuff. And it’s too soft, you’ll have to make the walls of the pipe thicker.

So. Let's look at manufacturing using the example of a small pipe. We make a wooden tube. We take wood that is obviously larger in length and diameter than the expected dimensions of the pipe. For example, if you need a pipe with an internal diameter of 14 mm and a length of 30 cm. then take a piece of wood with a diameter of 35-40mm. This is needed for this reason: no matter how straight you place the drill, it will still go slightly crooked. If you don't have drilling machine(and you don’t have one, like me :))), you won’t be able to drill perfectly vertically. And so you have room for maneuver. This means we clamp the workpiece vertically in a vice, place the drill as evenly as possible and drill. You can make short tubes about 15 centimeters long without any problems, but the longer you plan the tool, the thicker the workpiece you need to take. If the drill is very bent and comes out from the side of the workpiece, it’s not a problem, just saw off the lower unsuccessful part, and use the upper one for a shorter pipe.

Let's lower it and drill it, everything is fine. Now saw off the drilled piece to the length of the pipe (this tool has a length of 160mm). And, holding it in a vice, begin to process it with a plane until the wall thickness is 2-3mm. Final finishing is carried out on a grinding wheel. So you have a wooden tube. There should be no large burrs inside it. If they are present, you need to either use a large round file or use the same drill to remove them. Since condensation will settle in the instrument when playing, it is necessary to protect it from moisture from the inside. To do this, plug one end of the tube (you can use your finger) and pour a little stain or varnish inside through the funnel. We plug the other end of the tube and shake it vigorously so that the stain evenly covers the inner surface of the tube. Drain off the remaining stain and leave it to dry for an hour.

After it dries, we make a whistle. Let’s mark the workpiece: you can use the given dimensions, or you can use your own, it doesn’t matter, the whistle will still work. First the center line is applied, then everything else.

Using a sharp knife, first cut the line marked in the photo with the dimensions in red 1.5-2 mm deep and then diagonally cut off this entire semicircular wedge. This is in order to remove excess wood and then there will be less work with a file. We re-mark the rectangular hole and cut it out with the same knife. Next, take a flat file and carefully begin to form the wedge of the whistle. You can finally finish and smooth it with a piece of sandpaper - zero grade, but that will happen later, when the whistle is finished.

Now, with the same flat needle file, you need to sharpen a rectangular whistle slot inside the tube, 0.5-0.8 mm deep. Closer to the entrance it should expand slightly.

Then you need to make a so-called insert. We take a piece of wood and first use a knife and then use sandpaper to adjust it to the inner diameter of the pipe. It should be difficult to insert, but just don’t overdo it, otherwise you’ll split the tube. It should be the length from the red line to the entrance to the pipe, do not saw it off from the base yet, it will be more convenient to glue it in, there will be something to hold onto and you can rotate it inside until the glue has dried in order to select the best sound. Now the insert needs to be slightly ground off on one side, the one that will be adjacent to the internal slot of the whistle. Closer to the wedge just a little bit, closer to the entrance to the pipe it’s larger, about 1mm. with more.

Now insert it into the pipe and blow into the slot. Adjust the sound by moving the insert, or changing the size of the wedge. The thickness of the gap at the entrance should be about 1.5 mm. If you like everything, take out the insert and cover the internal slot of the whistle and the part of the insert adjacent to it with stain. After the stain has dried, glue the insert in place and adjust until the glue is dry. After the glue has completely dried, saw off this protruding part of the insert along with part of the tube diagonally, plan this part of the pipe with a knife so that it would be convenient to hold it in your lips, and clean it with sandpaper.

After this, you need to make holes in the pipe, clamping which will change the height of the air column inside and, thereby, the pitch of the sound. The holes should be cut with a knife, not drilled. When drilling, burrs are formed inside the tube, but when cutting, this can be avoided. Here are the sizes of the holes and the distance between them on my pipe. It was not configured in any way, they were cut out as it seemed necessary to me (well, I have no ear for music, no! :)). If you are a musician, then it will not be difficult for you to tune your pipe by changing the size of the holes. You need to start cutting from the lowest hole (the one farthest from the whistle).

Shown here are the dimensions of a larger pipe copied from a tuned instrument.

After everything is cut and configured, you can decorate the instrument with carvings, put your mark on it, give it a name and generally decorate it in some way. Once everything is done, the pipe must be protected from external precipitation, moisture, etc. To do this, it is covered with several layers of stain, varnish or, best option, natural wax. To make a wax coating, you need to heat the pipe evenly over an electric stove and walk a piece of wax over it, it will melt and be absorbed into the wood. Remove excess wax with a cloth. After cooling, polish.

For storage, it’s a good idea to make a leather or linen case with drawstrings and decorate it. And dust does not get in and there is less chance of damaging the instrument.

The flute, in our case the flute, is an ancient wind musical instrument. The appearance of the prototype flute dates back almost 35 thousand years ago, making it one of the oldest instruments. And the flute we are familiar with became known in Egypt five thousand years ago, and is still the main instrument in the Middle East. Folk or folk rock cannot do without it. Those who are familiar with fantasy worlds know that the pipe is one of the favorite instruments of the elves. But in our reality, playing the flute will brighten up winter evenings. And you can make this wonderful tool in less than an hour.

For production we will need:
Wooden tube (reed, bamboo, reed, etc.)
A piece of wood or cork
Drills for 2; 4.2 and 6 mm and something you can drill with (screwdriver, drill, engraver)
Needle file
Hacksaw blade for metal

Flute barrel

The first step is to select the body of the pipe. Any hollow tube will do, be it reed, reed or plumbing PVC pipe. I found a great bamboo tube.
It is not completely round, the internal diameters are 23 and 25 mm. I sawed off 400 mm, this is how long the flute will be. Although I needed to saw off 300 mm, as usual I mixed everything up.

At one end we make two holes close together, the boundaries of which should be located at a distance of 40 mm from the edge. I first marked the holes with a 2mm drill and then drilled them out with a 4.2mm drill. Next, use a file to make a rectangular hole, with a length of 5 mm and a width of 7 mm. And we grind one side of the window at an angle of 30-45 degrees, all with the same file. This is the whistle hole. The sharpness and smoothness of the bevel will determine the sound quality.

Next, we make six game valve holes (the markings were made earlier). The first hole will be 60 mm from the bottom end of the flute, the rest in 20 mm increments. Again we make holes with a 2 mm drill and drill out with a 6 mm drill. In general, these drills were right for me. The setting principle is this: the larger the hole, the higher the sound, so you can start drilling from 4 mm. The main thing is not to overdo it, because it won’t be possible to reduce the hole. Drilling should begin from the bottom hole. Using a tuner, we will tune the pipe in natural major. We drill the bottom one and blow it, tune it using the tuner, then drill the second one. The second hole is rebuilt when the first one is open, and so on. You should get the following series of notes: A sharp, A, G, F, D sharp, D, C.
We sand all the holes with sandpaper, but very fine, so as not to damage the natural color of the bamboo.


Now, from the end where the hole for the whistle was made, you need to make a bevel. From the edge downwards we retreat 4-5 mm, and to the left 40 mm. We make the bevel with a hacksaw blade for metal.

Now we make a sleeve from a piece of wood or cork. First I gave the piece of wood a round shape, then I made the same bevel as on the flute itself. I found the wood to be soft, so I did everything with a knife. You need to make a flat edge on top, 1 mm away from the edge, as in a regular whistle. You can’t make a bevel that is too large, there simply won’t be a whistle. We insert the sleeve into the “body”.

I made the bushing too small. It should fit tightly into the flute and sit securely there. I had to glue all the gaps with hot glue. I coated the sleeve itself with PVA glue before inserting it into the flute.

This completes the making of the flute. You can already get the first sounds. Again, this is ideal for learning. Since a good pipe costs quite a bit, it should not be confused with a recorder. But our homemade flute has an acceptable sound, and the manufacturing process took half an hour. The instrument can be decorated to your taste, but for me bamboo looks good anyway.

Music is an integral part of people's lives. For a long time in Rus', ordinary people accompanied any work with singing. It helped me cope with physical labor, lifted my spirits, and distracted me from the difficulties of life at that time.

Ordinary people did not have many opportunities for playing music - only their own voice and simple wooden instruments made with their own hands.

One of these musical assistants was the pipe. Actually, this common name a whole group of folk wind instruments. Among the Slavic peoples, this is what they call flutes - thin tubes with holes.

Traditionally, the flute or nozzle (as it is also called) is considered an instrument of shepherds, for whom it helped pass the time. The sounds of the pipe are very soft and pleasant. In addition, it made it easier to do the work - the animals also responded to the music.

Today we will learn how to make a pipe - a type of flute.

So. Although making a pipe is not very difficult, folk craftsmen who can make the instrument produce truly magical sounds are always valued.

What does the instrument consist of?

As already mentioned, the flute consists of a tube with playing holes and a whistle (this is a mouthpiece).

The shape of the tubes can be different, as well as the material from which it is made (pine, hazel, ash, maple).

For the soft core of the instrument, you can use bird cherry, willow or elderberry.

Depending on desire and imagination craftsmen is changing appearance tool. The master can also change the number of holes, which affect the sound of notes. The more sounds, the richer and more colorful the melody will be.

It is interesting to note that there are double flutes that share a common mouthpiece.

Currently, nozzles are made of wood and plastic. How to make a pipe at home? Let's look at several ways in which you can create a musical instrument. But first, let's prepare everything you need.

Materials for production

What do we need? This:

Hand drill;

Iron rod;


Fire source;



Wood burner;

With a fine notch).

And now the most important thing is the base from which the tube will be made. We will analyze two types of material.


Let's take a stem (it grows along river banks and in swamps) and, finally, find out how to make a pipe from reeds.

  1. Cut it to the required length: it can be changed according to your wishes.
  2. Clean the inside with sandpaper.
  3. Measure a couple of centimeters from the edge and cut a rectangle on top (this is the whistle hole).
  4. Form the angle of the whistle hole (45 degrees) using a needle file.
  5. Then we take a piece of wood and adjust it to the diameter of the tube.
  6. Once the size is selected, you need to coat the tree with glue and insert it into the reed stem.
  7. Burn holes, focusing on the sound device. Remember, the wider the hole, the higher the note.
  8. The last thing you need to do is burn a hole next to the whistle, on the bottom surface.

To tune the instrument, you can use a special device - a tuner; it will help you adjust the pitch of each note.


To understand how to make a bamboo pipe, you need to evaluate how good this material is. It is pleasant and dense to the touch.

Unlike reeds, bamboo is not so easy to obtain because it grows in Africa and East Asia. But you can grow it at home, although, strictly speaking, it will not be the same plant. In nature, bamboo is a grass that grows to extremely large sizes (up to 35 meters). At home, you can grow a variety of dracaena, which is also suitable if its height allows you to make a tube of the required length.

If you do not have such a plant, you can look for an old one, which in this case can find a second life in the form of a musical instrument.

The bamboo stem is as hollow inside as the reed, but it already has partitions inside. Thanks to this, there is no need to insert into the cavity.

The diameter of the workpiece should be 2-3 cm.

  1. Cut the tube to the required length. At the same time, make sure that at one of the ends there remains the same partition that will serve as a mouthpiece.
  2. Mark all necessary holes with a marker. For comparison, in the previous version we burned them right away.
  3. The remaining partitions need to be eliminated. To do this, let's heat an iron rod (that's what fire is for) gas burner or a fire. It is necessary to burn the plant carefully so as not to get burned.
  4. Drill holes using a hand drill, making sure the drill is also hot.

So we learned how to make a pipe at home. When you complete all these steps, you will have a quality musical instrument in your hands. What it will be made of is up to you to decide.

Bamboo, like reeds, is an environmentally friendly and easy-to-use material that is not subject to particular contamination. easy to clean.

The Art of Tool Making

The description of the work proves that making a pipe is not such an impossible task. But how can you make a flute not just a beautiful thing, but a full-fledged instrument on which you can perform beautiful music?

The main thing is that you need to carefully approach the creation of the playing holes and whistle - they are responsible for the purity of the sound. At the same time, the pipe should not be heavy, but light, just like musical sounds, which are to be extracted from it.

An elegant DIY tool

We hope this article helped you understand how to make a pipe from various materials.

Now you yourself can find what to make this wonderful tool from: the main thing is that the object is hollow and strong enough.

With a little patience and effort, you will have a great tool in your hands. And, most importantly, the question of how to make a flute with your own hands will no longer arise. Now you can try to play it and imagine yourself in the role of a carefree shepherd on endless fields.

I have already written several times that I really appreciate the rare master classes on our site. Therefore, I am pleased to present to you Dmitry Dubrovsky’s story about how to make a musical instrument Flute of Pan (Kugikly) with your own hands. Now, of course, is no longer the time to collect reeds in our latitudes, but it may come in handy next year, keep it in your bookmarks.

DIY children's flute made of reed

“Reed is amazing natural material. Just a treasure trove for all sorts of things. Since ancient times, many peoples on Earth have used it in agriculture and art. The hollow structure of the stem itself suggests the making of a wind instrument. One of the simplest tools - kugikly. Similar wind instrument different peoples They have their own names: nay, scuduchay, samponyo, syrinx, etc. The tool is also known as pan pipe or flute(in honor of the ancient Greek goat-footed god). It's not difficult to make it yourself. Essentially this is a set of tubes of different sizes.

This pipe will definitely please your child. It’s better if you make kugikly together with him. From a pedagogical point of view. Especially at the first stage.

And the first stage is collecting material. Take one day off to go for a walk fresh air. Reed grows along the banks of rivers and ponds. You should take a knife, gloves and rubber boots with you. Reeds must be collected in the fall, in October. At this time it is already fully matured.

So, you are in a reed thicket. It is necessary to choose even stems of approximately the same diameter.

You need to “mow” a lot, since during the cleaning process some will inevitably go to waste. In order not to take home excess organic waste, it is recommended to clear the stem of leaves on the spot.

After cleaning, it is much easier to identify crooked stems. It is also advisable to cut them off. Take the remaining armful of quality raw materials home.

The reed must be allowed to dry. Find at home convenient place, where your “prey” can lie quietly for a couple of days (sometimes a week). You should not put it on the radiator or dry it with a hairdryer.

Well, the reed is dry. As you can see, the reed consists of tubes connected to each other by “knees”. Identify five such tubes. They need to match in diameter and length. Now let's separate the reeds. If you cannot masterfully work with a knife, then it is recommended to take a jigsaw. Do the subsequent manipulations yourself, without the participation of the child.

Carefully cut exactly in the middle of the elbow. The resulting tubes are protected on both sides by membranes. You need to pierce them. A knife or a large nail will do.

Then we clean the core of the tube from the pulp. You will need a flat, round stick of slightly smaller diameter.

Or a round file. You need to be extremely careful with the needle file, do not overdo it. The inner walls should be smooth. Blow it out.

The first tube is the longest. Using it we measure the length of the other four. Then we cut each one smaller than the first one. The width of your thumb will serve as a measurement.

This is a folk instrument, and precision is not required. We clean the ends with sandpaper (low grit) to remove any unevenness. You can check the sound. Pinch one end of the tube with your finger and blow on the other. But you need to blow not like into a balloon or an ordinary pipe, but casually. We make a “Mona Lisa” half-smile, lean the free edge of the pipe vertically against the lower lip and blow.

The final stage. All tubes must be connected “in a row”. The classic folk method is quite labor-intensive. You need to tie all the tubes in pairs, and then together with a thread. Secure it all with the same reeds split in half. There is an alternative option - cold welding.

Any hardware or auto parts store has it. It's quite inexpensive. It consists of two components that need to be mixed, kneading in your hands like plasticine. But it is not necessary to mix all the contents of the package. Leave half, it will come in handy.

We fasten the parts of our pipe of Pan. In a couple of hours everything will set tightly. Therefore, you should put the future musical instrument in a place where it will not be disturbed. Now you need to plug the bottom holes. Suitable as an alternative. Or the remaining cold welding. Roll a sausage equal to the inner diameter of the pipes, cut into equal parts. The plugs are ready. The kugikles are ready. Let's play and enjoy.

Now give it to the child and let him try to play. And nothing that doesn’t work out right away.
And one last piece of advice. When playing the kugikle, they play (blow) with the diaphragm: the tone of the sound depends on the force with which the air is blown.”

Many thanks to Dmitry for this master class on making a Pan flute with your own hands. You can listen to how it should sound in this video by the author:

In Voronezh there is the “Museum of Forgotten Music” by Sergei Plotnikov, listen to the kugikly:

More interesting:

Discussion: 12 comments

  1. Thank you, Dmitry, for an interesting MK! Your story is interesting not only as a very useful MK, but also as an interesting, even with a bit of humor, presentation of the material. *BRAVO* *BRAVO* *BRAVO*


Hi all! And hello, Autumn!!! I won’t pull the cat by the tail, I’ll get straight to the point. As they say, “time for business is time for master classes.” That's why…

Friends, I want to make one small but very important announcement. (Mmmm...No. As it turned out, it’s not small at all, so I posted it as a separate file that you can download. To read the downloaded file, you will need Adobe program Reader.)

If you don't have it installed, be sure to do so. The program is necessary, the program is useful, and every day its presence among Internet users is more and more justified. In addition, very often files, patterns, templates, etc. In my master classes I provide it in pdf format. You can download the program for free from the official Adobe website).

And after you read my message to you, I will be happy to announce our new, fun, noisy master class dedicated to the brightest and unforgettable parties of this and all subsequent years. Today we will make a paper toy! And I think you have already guessed which one it is.

That's right. Well, what modern party would be complete without bright, noisy and cheerful whistles, squeakers, or as they are also called - pipers! Children especially love them, but not only them. So, paper whistles. To be honest, no matter how hard I tried, I could not come up with a more serious (so to speak, scientific) name for them. They all sound somehow ridiculous and funny, and do not at all suit this absolutely not serious holiday attribute. Either way - a whistle! Capacious and understandable, because it is immediately associated with childhood, fun and laughter.

But it turns out that this toy has a scientific, official, so to speak, name - beep tongue. Did you know about this? Personally, I don't. But let's not rant and waste any more time. Let's get creative.

How to make a whistle out of paper

To make this toy we will need:

  • magazine sheets with a suitable color design, or ordinary office paper in A-4 format with a bright print printed on it, or colored foil paper.
  • ruler, pencil, scissors
  • double-sided narrow tape (or PVA glue - depending on the material you choose - paper or foil)
  • regular narrow tape
  • plastic cocktail straws or long marker caps
  • beautiful narrow ribbon for finishing
  • and, of course, several loud beepers (I’ll tell you where you can get the beepers separately)

We cut the paper into strips 6 cm wide and 21 cm long. This is exactly equal to the width of the sheet. We bend them, retreating 1.5 cm from one edge and 2 cm from the other. For easier bending, you can perform creasing, which I have talked about more than once in previous master classes on postcards or boxes.

Then turn the workpiece over with the folds down and run your finger along both sides of the folds several times. Next, we choose what we will glue the sides of the workpiece with. If it is paper, then PVA is quite suitable, if it is a magazine page or foil, then we use double-sided tape.

On the wrong side of the narrow fold, directly along the edge, glue a strip of narrow double-sided tape (I have about 5 mm). We place the folds on top of each other and glue them, after first removing the protective film from the tape.

We smooth the joint with our fingers so that everything adheres well. Again, if you are gluing on PVA, then carefully, without allowing the edge of the paper to stretch, gently blot the joint with a cotton pad or paper napkin.

Glue the inner upper sections, bend the top at a distance of approximately 0.7 cm and glue it on top of the part. Smooth it with your fingers.

Now we roll the whole thing into a tube, wrap it with an elastic band and leave it like that until the morning. In this respect it is very good master class, since in most cases the time allotted for creativity is already quite dark, and there is no need to sit here too much. I rolled up some tubes and went to bed. Just like in a fairy tale about someone: “Don’t worry and go to bed!” Stuck - not stuck, straight - crooked... we'll find out everything tomorrow!

The next morning, we unroll our tubes, remove the elastic bands and make sure that they are twisted very well. And then we have two options - make the paper tongue quiet or make it loud, ringing and cheerful!

This is where the time has come to decide what we will choose for further work. If we need a quiet, calm whistle, then we simply cut the cocktail tube into 3 equal parts (one tube, thus, is enough for you to make three paper toys), insert it into our twisted blank (we have one end left unsealed there), as if we wrap it (the tube) with the free ends of the paper blank and fasten it all with a strip of tape.

We cover the top of the tape with a beautiful bright bow and voila - we have one paper whistle ready! True, in this case you can’t just call it a whistle. This is most likely what we got - a cracker... or a cruncher. Which, in fact, is not bad either. But especially for those who want real fun - listen carefully further.

The first thing you need to do is get a squeaker, or rather several squeakers. This task, although it seems simple at first glance, in reality can result in great difficulties, difficulties, misunderstanding on the part of others and even disappointment.

But don't worry - perhaps by applying some of these tips, you will be able to complete the process of creating squeakers. Just shhh. Not a word about me.

Squeakers can be quietly borrowed from relatives or small children you just know. You can, of course, try to explain your situation and negotiate for a long, long time... but, most likely, in the end you will lose a lot of time, and you will never receive a beeper.

You can also try to make a mutually beneficial exchange - you give your child a bright new toy to develop his respiratory system (well, that is, our whistle), and in return he will give you a couple of small, nondescript squeakers. Well... or not a couple... It’s up to you to decide. For example, we have this set of rubber ducks.

A whole brood. And all with beepers. I know for sure that there are still the same dolphins and frogs. These are the most simple toys for swimming. They don't cost that much, and they are always sold in whole families.

After the issue with the tweeters has been resolved, it is necessary to prepare, or rather modify, the caps for the felt-tip pens. They come in different lengths and diameters, so look at your situation. I had to cut mine exactly 1cm to remove what looked like an air filter. The tweeter fit into the resulting hole as if it were original.

OK. We insert the cap into the paper “sleeve” of the tongue with the squeaker facing out, wrap it around with a strip of tape, and decorate it with a bow. Ready!

The toys are ready! And surprisingly they turned out pretty cute, right? So maybe we really shouldn’t give them to children, but take them to the nearest adult party? The question is rhetorical and I am sure that each of you will find your own answer to it.

And all I have to do is do my makeup and hair, put on something appropriate for the occasion... Look again in the mirror and once again be completely convinced that today I am more than anyone else ready for the upcoming fun! And this time it will be really bright and memorable! For everyone!

On this I take my leave, I wish you more new ones original ideas and have a lot of fun. See you soon. She ran. Bye.

P.S. Oops, I almost forgot the whistle.

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I wish you creative success and a great mood!
